(C? rtA .... . ' s4. rri? - --Avrrvr .,. ,, ;. 5-l-v O'0'0-ot)-ou;v ird'S ; J . .. (' . J( S- O'O-O'O'O-O.U'M'tJ' -i (f SVPoftllAR PAPER' oPAWPP.IW -TIA-MIS ' Vol. O No 7 Lincoln, Nicmuaska, Satuhi'jay, Jandakv lm, leJUl. P'lylOIC llVIC OlCNTS m- -v - O'X ,i ' - V W" ..,Sftriii4fMw-. ' 3i)& &ni v.i.. ' v -, .,v ' "jRAi.i.vyi; w .iy.' (,7y t J' Ti? ri?W , mmmmmesm mm&&& xmxr a . xmy fmmK . wmmrj y v-- &5oz?m& '&i. i MrH"WLh.-iiipnTTT-rjivi rj i.hm .vi . i -v. . i i i r rr r j --jr- "" -v"kt- .annif . Bppsgg gg?vrt c-.x. - r- "Tjlj fcjp- ... . v --.., . ,:wlji, u VPW) Why nru peoplu no absurdly siicistltlnus ItlsOIlt opilM A fl'll'llll WIIS exhibiting 11 very handsome stone of Unit sort. "I wouldn't wear oim of them If It wore to Ik) given to mo. It Is sure to bring lintl luck." And tliu poor follow put on n lugubrious look that denoted hi' was In earnest, and hu shook Ills bend In 11 manner that plainly wild he know of 11 great many Hoplo who hnd lind tulsfoi tunes tlmt were traceable directly to tho wearing of an opul, Thii iridlseont stone Ih 11 trcutitlful Ki'iu, mid tho coplu of an tiquity prized it very highly, ltoinun ilumos considered their opuls lit among their pinuil ost possessions, mid 11 ltoinun senator niiined Nonius had onu of these stones that was var imikly valued at from a half million ilollais to a million and a quarter. When Cleopatra pledged Mark Antony In a draught of vine gar in which 11 iieiirl of great value hail been dissolved ho tiled to buy tho opal of Nonius to present It to the Egyptian beauty but fail ed to got it. Among tho Auntrlan luierlal Jewels is an opal for which :((X),(HHJ has lieen rufiiMil. This beautiful Rem leinalned in fa vor up tliiuiiKli tho mlddlu at;is. What, then, has made It tho symbol of ill luck? It has lieun attributed to the Huslans. who re paid It as tho embodiment of thu "evil eje" mid all manner of misfortune. They no w fnrnsto think that bad luck will follow any trmiMictioii btfRUii on 11 day on which they have, wen nn opal. Walter Scott probably Is responsible, for much of thu antipathy tow ards this stone. In onu of his novels lie as . cribes all manner of bad luck to thu opal. Hut 11 jeweler gives a more, piosaic explaua tloii of Komu of thu unpopularity of tho opal. It Is 11 well known fact tlmt opals are lost oftener than most any other Mone used in rings or pins, and frequently In a mysterious and unaccountable manner. Tho opal lias thopocullailty ofenlaiglni; slightly when heated. Thu warmth fiom n h.tm)Ii'h hand will nmko It uull slightly, and of courco the betting lsenlnreed. Home tliuu when tho opal Is taken olf thu baud It becomes cool and re turns to lt original size, when It may diop out of thu setting. Another thing against opals Is tho fact that they are easily bioken and consequently are not a desuablo in vestment. Hut what is Mipcrstition but a remnant of barbarism and 1111 evidence of Ignorance? nii'iyeta great many otherwise intelligent )M.splo seem to pride themselves on a liellef in silly superstitions. They try to catch 11 llrht glimpse of tho new moon over the well, I decline, I do not recall whether It Is tho right or tho left shoulder that Is supposed to bring good luck. And they do or retrain from doing a great many other equally child ish things because they nro siiier8tltlouK. It Is not to Imj wondered at that in tho in fancy of tho raco man thought tho elo nientsof nature were good and evil spirits contending for tho miiHtery. He regarded tho sun as a spirit of weal and woi1iIhmI It us the god of good. Night brought the dread of death and to his simple mind it was tho tplrltof ovll having its Inning In tho game. Hut why MioumI tho poplo of todny, who have the light of reason and science, put themselves on a piano ith tho savages of burbaric times and tho heathen c,.- lenlght ed clime! Imi't it a. confession or ignoi mice, an tiilmlMioii of mnutnl weakliest I Wouldn't It bo better to cenceol that fault as we try to cover up other Uufects, lather than uct as though we weicpioudvf it'! Surely tho 1'leasant Hour club lias Kept tho spirit of frleiMiiliip alive, mot only for a longer term of J eis tliiuiiiuost clubsofits sort, but. In truer form uml kind. 'Iiik Cuuhikh'h columns have Ustilld fiuijuently to the handsome ittvptJons with which it compliments newly innnied uuunbeis, and last week liroiiitht the evltk-uco of. n Milder but no less comuieuilable ivgiud for onu who bad been one of Its number. Preparations liad been made for a diindng variy, and it was looked forward to with plenMirnble an ticlwtions becauso a long iibstimtitce from that girycty, but w hen the newn i Mlsn Mc Murtry's death caino it. wuh promptly post poned on short notice. Buiely ikJjjI) wuich .cultivates iiinong Its inemU'iH a fouling that shall Iwakiu to earnest friendship iUlier it linn casual acquaintance is peifouuing a tnlssiou higher than that of mctelyv)viditig a jneans of amusement. Hpeaklngof bright girls reminds 11m of one wlw visited in Omaha some timo ago. HJiu wiisu Ik'Ho in her own city, a U-utity and a young lady of 111010 than ordinary accom plishments. Shu was introduced to Omalut society uuiler tho luipplist auspices, and won 11 lwst of udmlieis. Among thfso was Mimj Hiirkulow perhaps jou know him. He was telliiig once about a man not quite familiar with the forms of ultra-fashionable life who received an invitation with the loiter II S. V. 1'. in one corner. As it happened ho had to send regrets, and In tho corner l his emd hu wrote "I), H. 0. C." Mosu explained tli.it thou initials mount "Damn mm ryc.in't come." Kmnu weeks later, after tho young lady had returned homo, Mr. Iliiikalow t-eul hern "bid" to some nll'iilr in Oinnhii that was to bu iaitlculnrly swell. Tho fair belle stcpxi! Into the teleguiph olllcu and wiitsl buck; "I), H. V. C." simply that ami nothing 111010. Well, tliat was enough to tickle must ii'iy man, mid Moso Haikalowhad to show It all over town. In fancy I see miiiiu good mother in Isinel look up from her knitting with dlMippiovnl iH'iiming from both eyes. Hut whole's tint harm) Kveu tho word "damn" is not profan ity mid us for 11 little initial letter wilttcn down on piper, carried by eleclilciiy and ic wrltten wny, w hero's tho harm? Isn't this uureaboiiiiblo ri'piet.sion of tho bubbling spirit of youth one gioul chumi of tho odiiais liess of the ruhtinlnt in many homes tlmt makes many of its victims go to ejcticiucs When they get a little frecdoml Tuko iMiiis- tor' tons, for ixiimpto. Wu have miiiio In" liiucolu and well, on second thought, let u not lie t(H) personal. V Apropos young men, wild and otherwise, what kind does the aveiago girl ndmlrof Judged by her actions, her standard Is not very encouraging to young fellows wlios-) merit runs to quality in brains rut her than quantity In pants. Hut theixi are other gli Is whoaro alxivti tho average and CotlltlKli readers shall have tho licncllt of the opinion of onu who no doubt voices the sentiment of an 111 my of fair and sensible damsels. "Kvery young man I know is either a end or 11 fool," she said, "lie either wants to talk base ball and slugging matches, or cWn Uois principally concerned about his clothus and in trouble for fear ho won't havu the lat est thing in collars or tho newest pattern in tiousers. I think they havu brains and In telligence hidden somowheto about their pel sons, or elso they couldn't succeed in IiusIuosm as they do, but they don't seem to think It necessary to lot the girls know they have any. Now, 1 don't know among all tho young men of my acquaintances one who is as nice as my father. He is always polite, and ho Is as courteous to his daughter iih ho Is to any one w horn he meets in so-loty . 1 don't see. young men with tho grace ol manner that my fath er has. It is fashionable to bo blaso and In ililferent and rude, and all young moil will lie In the fashion. Thoyaio not helpful and concerned tor your comfort. Not that ono wants a man Ixithcringhcr all thu time tosisj if hu doesn't want, this and if hu can't give her tlmt that's; stupid and fus'y. Hut there is u way or taking cam of a body without any fuss, a real honest anticipation ot one's wants, all so quietly done that you don't know It's being done just tho way my fath er does things. I can't describe It, but it's nice, just 114 all indescribably good things are, and you know It after you havo oneo boon treated in such considerate fashion. Sol don't like thu young man of today." Another society liolle in discussing tills matter said, with some warmth: "How can wu girls help ounclvcsl M.iny of the most dosh able young men put In their evening-, at the club or heaven knows w hero, and leave thu Held to tho sottglily kind of fellows or thu pushy ones who want to got Into society and nro received lieciiuso they will miiku themselves useful as partners. And then thu critical men surer at us about our choice, when there Is no choice about it. Tho truth Is men aro getting too indolent for society. They pssumo to lit boiel and havo no thought for our ploasuio. So, you see, I think selfishness Is at tho bottom of it all. If It pleases mo, 1 will: If It doesn't well lot It go." Now, young man, you havu u chance to see jourself as others see you. On another pago of today's paper w ill Is found n largo advertisement announcing a clubbing arrangement that has just bern en tered into between Tiik CoimtEli and tho CosmoK)litau Magaxlnu of Now York Few olTeis as lllwral havo over been made lieforu by any nuwspaer. Thu Cosmopolitan Is to duy consfdeicd ono of Ameiicii's pleading magazines and ranks equal to Harp r's, Scilbner's, and tho ottor great monthlies. Its success in the past two years has been phenomenal, and Its constant advancement has been the wonder of its conteuiM)raries and tho rending public. Kaeh uumlier con tains a complete illustrated novel by a re nowned author mid its size has lecently been increased so that in one yoar 1,!V! pages uml more than l,o)0 Illustrations are given thu reader, or enough reading matter to make live volumiiB of ill 1 pages each. All subscri- tions to mis commnaiiou are strictly cash in advance, nun may is) laiiuu advantage or by either now or old subscribe! s. Evidently Lincoln has a great caul erase on at piosent, likewise on playing with Hurl iugton route cards, .loiner, thu ir repressible city pastenger agent has pushed the sale of these celebrated pastelKKti ds to such an extent that since October first there have been over three thousand packages ills isjsed of. Yet the season is only half over. Tills again attests thu popularity of the Hurl iugton and shows that even while playing at games thu people like to udmliu the pretty trade murk of a great coiporiition. These cards are sold at ton cents per package anil are equal to thu grades sold at fifty and seventy live cents. Hefore summer time .Icmcr ex pe4s to sell at least tints' thousand mo:e packs. . Monday night at the Hroadway Theatre, New York, Mr Lawrence ll.iirett presented "Oaiielon.'' The big playhouse held a large and decidedly representative audience, gutheied to In rtho tragedian who has done more for tho American stune than any other actor. Mr. llanett received a most enthusiastic greeting and during the per formance was called before the curtain again and again. Hu mado it success of very largo proK)rtioiis and a triumph that will not soon be forgotten by those who saw the first pie seiitutiou in tho metroM)lls of Mr. Young's pictuicsquu and poetlo tragedy. Mr. llur rett's piiMluctlou of this piny is worthy of gicat prai-o and nothing to excell it in com plt'tenofs of scener , costumes and accessoi les has over before been seen on the Now Yin k stage. Ho ulves an excetdingly powerlul iliqHM'snuutiou ol the title part, "llauelou'' will uiidoubltdly diaw laige audiences Mur ing its run. Hovel ul yeais no Clianiltei lain & Co., ot Dos Moines, Iowa, commenced the mauutne tin oof a cough syiup, Is'llnviug it to lie tho most prompt and tellable piopiiratiou yet pi isluced tor coughs, colds mill umup; tlmt tho public appreciate ti lie inerli, and III timo It wasccitiiiu to bet'ome ipul.u. Their most sanguine I'opos havu been moio than realized. Over tlllen hundred thousand bottles ol Chauibei lulu's I 'ough Iteiucdy me now solil encli Jem, and s locoined as "the best mililo," whole evoi UnoiMI, It will cine a severe cold ill l ss li.no tliuu any other tieatuieiit. For s.ilu li A. Shinier, Druggist. HKAUTIKrii COSTIDIKS. I Special t'oti in Kit I'm respoudenre. Toll me where Is fancy In till ' I follow the ill mil and the sound of the life, Tho' bullets around may lie llylnx, I'm the soul of the tegliueut while I lune life, And Its giiMitcHt misfoituiio when dying ' The Song of C'lgaietto. Nkw YtiHK, .Inn. 21, 1KII -Tlianvi'iiliirf wrali Is cMtaluly thu pel feet loo of luxury, beauty audcouifoit, for it not only rrotects the toilette beneath mid rhloKIs the weal or from the wintry cold, but it also sets oft" her charms of fe.ituio and complexion, as the ojh-ni cloak of n period Iosh luxurious could not do. The one Illustrated today, lins Justs been deslgutst by Hedferu for n New York U'lle to wear during the rlixlug weeks of thu season. pHtt'wSsi It Is of old gold colored silk. Tin back tits to the llgure in dolman shape, but the fronts hang loot and are Isirdoied with whltu ostrich ffiithcis, biul It Is lliusl with snow white monition. There nru but fvw among us who do not long sometimes to got away from the realities and conventionalities of evory-day life, to iisoimo strange raiment and a personality quite unlike o.io's own, in short, to go back to the childish umiiM-inent of 'malting be'levu', and for ever so llttln a while to play at being somebody else. Thu dlirerelit masqueiaihs anil fancy dicss balls give thu members of society a chance to gratif tliis longing, and to show how much of the actor there is In them. These costume balls also give permission to a woman to re veal charms which thu lobulation toilette conceals, alidtotiy the iffect of a little make-up. So the invitations to a fancy ball nru always hailed with delight, and no end of thought Is given to thu t boosing of a suitable charade . As the season for such enter tainments is now at hand, Kcdfcru sends us a pretty thing for a joung girl's dress. Itlsthouver popular viwiiidicio, and ho has aria) oil hoi in a skii t of seal let military cloth, with a border of dirk blue, out lliusl with goM fancy In aid. The vest is of daik cloth buttoned with gilt buttons, The coat is of cieiiiu white cloth, tilmmcdwith gold braid. Tho cocked out is of velvet and gold braid, and tho leggings inu white cloth with gold buttons Fowiielotsot the present age has brought so much pleasure to lliomuiuls of hearts us loseiih Muiphv and his iiiinie Is a household i word in many pints country. Them are thos who nover sco thu Imldo of it thcatm except on tho occasion of Joseph .Murphy's appearance mid the delight they expeilotico Is satisfaction enough for weeks Mr. Mui phy'it "Kerry (low" mot with Its old-time siicivss at thu Fiiiiku hist oenlug. Tim smithy scene and tliu Incident of tho dotes Clouted the usual Interest and elicited Un customary Inn st of applause. A Mugiiin it U'eililliiK. A notable wedding took place In Washing ton last week The contracting pintles wore Miss Florence Audemolil of Washington ami thu (,'ouut DuVoiiiio. Tlio ecieiuonj occuir edltjSt, Matthew's Hoiiun I'athollc cliuicli. The Hilar of the miigulllceut chinch a us brilliantly lighted when the wedding patty w alto I up the aisle anil took the seats te sorVi'd for theui near the comuiiiiiloii rail. The i-ci oniony was po formed liy Archbishop Coirjgan of Now York, who Is tho godfather oftlubiido The distinguished iiiolatuiiUo nlllcliite I at thu nuptial uiusi, which precisl ed tliucemiuoiiy. Iluwns assfstod b seteral llstlliguishol pilosis or Washington. Tint fotn young lailiut wtio iictisl as hildcsiinlds aro finiu l'lilhidolpliin, and am cousins t f thu brldr. They mo Miss Audoiiroid and Miss Helen Audoiiroid, Miss I'lokot nid Misstlul hip. The eight groiimoiien Included the two younger brothoi s or tho groom, who came spcclilly fiom I'laucu to attend tlio wisldlng, C'tiuiit Fiiiiic-iis DoYomio mid fount Autoiuu DrVoiino, Mr. Hirclay of tliu lliltlsh l.oga tlOiij.Maiquls lmpci lain of ih,, Italian, fouu rilluli hovin, or thu Fiouch; fount llathaiiia of tliu Aulilaii;Mr. Vuu Numiii or the Her man' and Chillies Mcfiiiiloy. Sooielnry Hliillie, us the head or the diplomatic coi ps, gUve thu In Ido away. Tim eldest brother of COtllit Do Vuiiiio acted as best man, wliilitho othrr served as usher. AT THE LEGISLATURE. IV AIM'S tMANIIIA 'Kliliwleiliio witlioul wlsilom lor toguldo her, Is l(ko a lioiiilstnmg liorse Hint tlirows lis ' rider." Uurh-Klslatuio without a Icailci iHlPtuiisausiiKouiluiler without it leeder. The crank of the mill imosslowly aroiiml At luuelosuofiliiv Iheni Is not lilug ground. Ami, our hiw-uiulter's tongues wag one by one Hut luo close orday lluds iiollilug done Nclj-nslia's Kovirniirs uumlier four Tho legislators could aslt no more. A in? If they can not make use or lt To Ul up the KUplug and empty void, Nor 'won't iiiuke use or (lovernor Tlui) or llee.iilse ho proted lilmseira good stayer Aiiu.will not have laws iiiadohy the "Powers" A m, hii only stand .Mujurs a row ihort liours--WhVfJjlhey wiintj cunaay onijlmw I'm Jure I for one would like lo know. I ueU'rtHjruru laall mr lire Haw i.o much discord and so much strife. In J Kilting them I desire to be gracioiiri llufl net it suwiiio,- thiug nioru fiilliiuloiis. On Wednesdiiy tliey meet at ten In the morn- lug Willi thu lirlghtest of sullies, their faces adorn ing Now, hiijh I to lii)seir, thoie'll Is- something done I'll hate something lo write iiIniiiI sunt a run. The answered to roll cull one h) ouu. Audi when the business hud Is-guii ' I'w'Jw only lit o inlii ules, oriuiilH mure, Wbi)li three or roiir speakers had Hie llcsir. Alir' each or llieni seemed touiiul his way. Hut they evidently hadn't count then; lo day. Tlielr stsm stopied talking by calling a tote Which I ma lory happy lo note TheV all were lei v willing uml able To tiirry this pint the "Ketch-all" table, tits 'ol to 1st a Imlill, you see' Wh'lia hill l-oiiiim up wheru they cull'taiis Thejrfoieiwiiiu hoik and thoy'ie only able TuUy lloier iipuii tint table.) Thuf isc.st thhu I h'uul that lUy WliijWllell thu chaplain was asked In pray. If vuTiiset of men needed prayer I think you'll Had ilicm right uplhrro. Iliiltieforo I lea mi tins subject quite I'dykuto sis'iikorsuaielliliig I hoard last night. 'Twhslutho governor's message which I heurd v n-iul (Tb'j young iiiuu I pn-Miuin lias u level head) lIUtbeilidu'tsliowltlastiilKhtat all W,u he said ".luierlng women" gave him a , call Toli(troilucea "women sullruKo bill" WlCeh hu could pussir huliiul the will, (If ;ie bud known Aunt Nauiniitliii was there I ttlnk he'd have treated the women mole squnrc.) I du i't deny they gate him it cull lluty'they" don't beiiiug to our cliwi at all, Thttwomeii who present it "siitrraxu bill" Anj stronger or mind and stronger or will Tlnj-j tho mail who read those words lust ulglit An cast ukjn our women a slight. I'd lko to give a suiull piece or udviio HofuvsiK-ukiug of vvoinau isiuder twice Auiloftlie rollovving tilings Is-waro: "Of whiiuiyuu sjs'iik, to whomyiai sis-ak And how, and wlieu and where." Lincoln, Neb., .lainmry , Isiil. How Hi llreak tip it Novero Cold. AV.t... II.., I !,.,. ....'.. i.l.. lr.... ,r. i , .. ... . ,!, t ,iy, .ififni,, .ifriiiixniiiiiii. When vo Hud a medicine wo know to (ioswss genuine inelit, wo consider it u dutv iiin we take pleasuro in telling the public wli(;t It Is. Such a medicine nu foipnl CliainU'rlain's Lough reiuedi. Hy thu tiso of tjils syrup wo have relieved, in a few hours, suveiu colds, and in tliu course of two or Uil't'o ililis, entliely bioken them up us hits sevji al of our friends to whom wehuvoiis omjiended it. It is all it is i (-presented to ho by thu inanufiicturers. Ir you hate a couih and want to stop it, Chamberlain's CoiighSyiup will do thu wink. For sale by A. blinder, Druggist. Ciina l'liliitiug and Firing, also Portraits i'aijitisl on China. Samples at dancer's Art Stoi 0,212 South Klotcuth. Silnilli, Itiiimi l 'I'l,.. II...,. I l-l-lt 17-11 I.'... Kditii HfhsKi.i.. Tlio west show window of Maxwell, Shiupo A: ljoss Co, present a neat and novel exhibit of kjmjoI cotton. It is a building constructed entl'-ely ot spools showing the vaiious colors of ttroads, nspiiring in all otor Stttl dozen. It W nil llttlstic niiH'oof work and iilti-noi il... aitd.itioii or tl.opusM'rb. Mi. J. W. Norton, ina(agoi of the dry gissls depaitmeiit ills plajwllilk handlwoik to excellent advantage' Most of the week the opent house has m inaliicd closeil ami no actor or actress lias bioken tho stillness hy fuming or fretting his III hit hour. Still this after all has proven it blessing for, thank lienveiil Hut lovers or tliu play house have had a brief lepllo Horn the liislilonle isiitrayal of thu llcklu wir.t who despite her Inish miiI'h love proves unfaithful to him and In lugs on a Hair or calamities which instead or punishing tliu sinner trans, foi ins hi'i'through tliu skill of tint starnet loss Into a hoi Ohio In the eyes or the audience. ''I 'hat u been enough or such pin) s of hitoiiuil Hut believer In woman's lldellly nat Uially Hies or the pot polual piesoulation of tint exceptionally bad reunite whllotho count less thousands or punt tyHsof woiiiuiiIiihhI ale foi ceil to Into the back ground as though they did not really exist. Ami yet no sooner Istiieiita luior lull In such plays than llieie comes what apaisto be a case ol the lull Ig uiug shameless woman in mil life' Hnl if tho Impute chniiictor almost con stantly Hirtiiiyd mi Hie stage should bu astonishingly corioliorat'd hy thu Lucre! la Horgla In leal life It does not slgniry that al w onion in o bud. It lather proves tint con limy. For ir ihey went all demons In fair inruithoicpoitsnl (,olr crimes II igli the press and pint ray al of (heir lloiidisliuess on Hie stage would present i ivelty and at had mi attention. The fact thai lomiile du pinvlty is the exception lather than theiule accounts for the fact that it creates a sensa tion whether in iltuiiintic or leal life. Tint average woman Is a pine, loving de voted being with lolly ideas and in. iulluenco liidlatlng Horn her that elevates and ennob les nil thisso who i-ouie m inntnct wllli her. Hliiikospeam was the giuatost ilellneator of liuuiiiii acts and motives Hint over lived and yd you would hsik In vain thiougli his plays for the type of a w ire that is now filling such a pioinluout place on the boards. Shake speare delineated women as hu found them. Lady Macbeth was unset upiilously ambitious hut she was loyal to her hu-bind. Ophelia llttoied Impuiuseuti ih only when she wan mentally deranged, but in her sane mouuiiits she was a beautiful tyjst of pin ftv. Now for a change let us have on the stage a delineation of thu average woman as thu master playwright and tliu lemaliider of Humanity mm Her a pure Ihi njr. Thy iH-autlful ami talented young actress, Miss Sybil Johnstone, continues to create a furoru wherever she n,ipeais in the now fa mous statue scene. Iteccntly she played in tliu great heer manufacturing town known iisMllwaukiu, Tho result was an outburst of virtuous indignation on ihe part or tliu pi ess against thu young actress for daring to glvusucli nil interpretation to the statue scene. Tills called fortli tliu following re- skiiisu fr. in tlio New Yoi k Ti nth: "Tho 'flonieiiceuii Case' sti ink Mllwaukie. Miss Johtistomi and tliu loL-ular cast wmo jtlieie. One of the iapurs calhsl thu ploco "a .prostitution of tho Huge," yet the entire tils lingo turns out to sou Cuiullloor Finn Fiou, and Mathilda 1 1 ci oil's consumptive lioioiues am iiomt too delicately enaetwl, either, "(live n dog a hud name," ete. Tho mistake made by "realistic" miniugei is in the pro ducing ir tiiiuslntcd vvoiks. Could anything 1st dirtier than I'ha.iber yet the world pays tone lleinhiu dt In it, 1 always make it a point to see Juilli in tills t-oimtry. In France I M'ldoin go. The contented, virtuous air of Hie good American housewifu as she listens to thu smuttiest songs on earth is worth go ing many inlh-s to sis'. Our smart set eituer box thcmsclvtM in or stop away as a rule they stop away." "Kvangellne" held sway Thursday night In the presence of a very largo audience at the Fillike oiM-ra house. Miss Lillian Wli.,r I was the Kvangelliie, Miss (leraldinu McCaiiu was me pretty lailille who was smitten with Kvangellne, and James H. Malllt.the oi iginal, was tint Ime Fisheiman. This sprightly ex triitiiganza that brought Kdwuid Kterett Hlce, its conusvscr, from the routine of a clerk's desl; bi tho feverisliness of a maii agu 's life, lias )j, n fn-ipient visitor In re cent soa-ous, ami thus always rum id a wel come from delighted audiences. From Hice's pen nothing h u. eter since quito equaled tills luoriyniicieUa. Theiomniuy now piiwntlng it Is controlled by Churli a. I. Itlch of liostou, who has placid cawiblo people In tho chief roles mid Mirrotinded them with handsome ladies, In chorus, elegant costumes and a gissi display or scenery. Miss t lei aldlne Mefunii was beautiful as tlahilel, her trim figure, easy, oir liand manner and swist ringing voice winning instant, coinineiidatlon from her auditors. Miss Lillian Walters, as Kvan geliue, sang tint numbers allotted her with skill and explosion. MI'KKK IIANKI.V. Manager Mclloyiiolds auniiunccs tlio ens gngeinent foi Momlay and Tuesday oteniiigs next at Ids theatre of Mr. MeKeo Hiiiikiu and an excellent coiiiiny in an elabointti pio ductum of his latest and pi nimbly most suc cessful ooiuody drnina culhsl "Hut I'liiuick." Kvery attention will Ut paid to the smaller details and tliepioductioii giv u thoi-ame complete maimer as duiiiig tlio gieat inu of oiiuhuudiisl nlglitsat the HiJ'ii Tlieutie, Now York City. The play Is one of tliovi quaint New Kng land comedies that des-nd to a great extent oil their Hat III nines for success. In "Tliu Canuck" most ol the diameters uru taken fi urn life mid the principal scene.! Illo those fiom Hut lite or an out Flench tall iidlaii gainer named Joan It.iptistc Cadwiux. Mr. Rankin's poitiuyal ol tins palt is an ex cellent one as a Miitiou ot his early lilo was passisi in in.it iiistiicl aiiilheiicqiiiiiHl almost -rltvt coiitiolot tho illalt cl. Most ot the iiieiubeis ot the original cast will be heaiil hem and a luoduclloti of much stioiigtli Is promlsisl. "MIIK.NANIMIAII." It Is not ill all surpilslng that Hrotimn llnwiiid's "Slieiiniidoah." which niiis'in-s for the second limit In (Ids city, next Fildny nnil Saluiday nights, wiih a Satuidny matluen, January ,'l(l mid ill, has achieved and is achieving louiinkiiblo success. Tint storvls so simple, so natural, and, morn than all, strikes so close to the hea it, that tho piny could hardly full or being liiteiestlug even in ine nanus oi a loss skllimi playvvilght than Mr Unwind, with ndmlriihlo construction added tint losiill is mist delightful, The stirring IiicIiIoiiIm of Hut scones laid in the Shenandoah Valley are made uncommonly eausiieitiiii nothing liner has liism soon on the local stage for it long Hunt than the irruml climax at the close of the thlid m t, when the dlslieart si ami I el i eating union hoops ate iniusisi wiiii new inu us Hhoililau, on Ids foaming black dial ger, dashes by them, all Hie way from Winchester to save the day, Tlio.'sklll of the playwright is remaikahly well shown In the melhiwl of approaching the climax. When Ihe Mist cannon was fired In Hut distance lolling or Hut opening of a battle the iutoicst i terod in that. The troops woiitiiotlu sight, bill as they came Into view slowly reuniting, hauling back their ai tilery,; with now and thou a soldier falling by tint wayside, tint Intel est bocamii more in tense. Then when all hope seemed to be abandoned Hie ciy of "Sheridan" sent a thrill thiougli every dealt. The union soldleis leaped forward, nil thought ,,r letieat van ishes in mi Instant, anil lliecuitnlii falls amid Ihucheois of the men as they press to thu front. Whilit this Is of I'ouise thu stmiigint climax In the play, there nut other scenes which are by no means weak, the signalling finin Tieo Top mountain, for Instance, ami IhnpiopoMilnr marriage by a unit hem ofll cer to a southern girl which Is Interrupted by the first shot du Foil Sumter. Aiidsor.mt might go on !oliit!ngoulfliu'gooi! things, for they nru many. Themis really no "suit" part In "Shenan doah," ami the burden of responsibility for a successrul iHTformanco resta on many should eis, the company. TIIKATIIK'AI, TALK. Hernhiirilt will arrivedurlng the first week in February. I'oiirl KytlngiilmsMruieilii dlvorci. from Dr. Joseph W. Yard. At Hut llaldwlii Tlieatm .Miss Minna Hale will make lier debut In New York as Juliet in "Komooaiid Juliet." AdebildM Misire was most cordially leceiv el In thu Im-hI social elides during her recent engageiHeut inSaii Francisco. Thu Ilaulons exH-ct Ut make Ko.tKX) this season with "Hi.perlMt" which is drawinc very large audiences every whure. The I'arlsiau gowns worn by Cora Tanner In "The Hofugeo's Daughter" are said to be exquisite, and were obtained by lu)r from Woi til when in 1'ai is last summer. Tho receipts of tile first fifty lierforiiiaiiurs of Stuart Kobson's new comedy "Is Marriage a Failure r" oxceslisl by W,:!0.7fi the ro celpts of the first llfty iierformnneea of "Tlio Henrietta." W. J. Hcaulaii is having a wonderful suo cessful msasoii. The piollts of his present tour are certain to Is. the largest he lias over known. Scanlan's first engagement in New York tills season will lie played at ihe Four teenth Street Theatre where he will lie seen in a handsome pnsluctioii of "My les Arooti.1 Hose Coghlau bus made a hit in "Ijuly Hurler" and Inu added one mom to hor long list of lilstoilc triumphs. Her brother's new play, written esHciully for her, is iicfiiliarly suited to thu chaiiideis in which she txcels. Fascinating as she is In tlio roles of Peg WolY iugton and luly (lay Spanker, she is equally so in tint designing, unscrupulous meicenary adveiituiiss, Ijnly Hurler. It is said that IMwin Harrlgiin employes two ticket sM'Culutoisalhls new theatie pay ing them a salary or twenty-live dollars each a week. It Is iiiik)smIic to i.uiv huso seats at tint box olllceat any Pino In tint day or night, lint is'ileetly easy at all times to buy the Is-st in the Iioiikii nf III,, M, mi, V i. i S"-" " ...(lii.j is, sss-uliilois iii the lobby and on tint sidewalk. t. nn s-i nn mauce theie aie many vacant seats in tho lower putt or the Iioum but iioi.u oil sale at tile box olllee. Mine. Misljcska bad I is'ontly completed ar laugemeiitslor an eiigagoniont at the Iiiist ialTlieiitio In Wn.xiw, but as tho Itussiaii Auitnissudor lefiiMsl to Mn In r piisiut she ..us L-umpeiieii to lelinquisli It It was sup isisisl her apisaiiiuce Uloie h,r own people in Win saw, whole she is a favunte, would cieateUsi much pa liolio eiitliiisla.iu. Mine. Misljeska has ilt-dliicd otlVlsot eugageuielts at the Hesideiiz'lheatio in llei hu, us well as some very utlaiitiiKcouspiossah u)ru j,,. don season 111 tin. spillig, tutlioliKh she may stsibly accept the latter. It is said that tlio demand lor hor photogiapli in Hie Kuglisli inetropohs is fully equal to that ot any of tint I..ImI. If It... tf I I... .... . .1.... .i i I ". Hi,',,,,;, .mil piutiiiK lout siiu is still iciiicmlvciid and ndmiiisl m thai I dty.