Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 17, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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65,000. ' JHmnHHK
Saturday Evening, Jan, 3, '111
Fur Beaver Hats
1. 1). Corcl nt CoM lo Clone Out!
1140 0 Ht.-Opm llouM Corner.
The Cotmiicu will not ln rcnixmnlhln for
any ileMn made by nny ono In lta name, mi
Ma n writ ten order nivouiHiiilcn tin, name,
llctwccu tlii theulin mill mh'IiiI tint 1 ft tho
Inpiiio tlmeof Lincoln's society nnpti Iiiih
Issmi piclly Well tllkl'll lll III,, present WCOK.
Allhnugli tin, inception of tlit loynl Legion
win the only t rally In llllant event, there have
lieon it iiiinilnr of minor lutpenliigH which
have furnished their ipiotii of lunuseincnt
Among theno were (In, various mK'liil sessions
Of HW'II'I noi-li'tltn, which whllnlliey ilonol
tlnrln are eminently cnjnynlili,.
Not only Hit, dunlin hut tin, political crisis
hnn fumlnlitxl excitement- mill imiti'ili'l for
discussion. Altogether tlu four bundled
linvohnd Mitllelent lit imikK tln'lr tlmo.
Corner I Oth and P 8treta.
Dry Goods,
Thti Courier" For Sale In Omaha.
Copies ny lo found at Keith's news stand,
910 Bouth Fifteenth street, lloyd's oorn houw,
block. .
Winter Clearing Sale!
For Pattern Hats,
Fine nml Medium Clans Millinery, nl
Half ami Less than llnlf l'rlce,
call at
HerpoMeimer & Co.'s.
The Courier Can tin Kound At
Windsor Hotel News Htand.
Capital Hotel Now Maud.
Kxposltlon Dining Hnll News Htniul.
The Gotham NewsHtiwd, HHHouth lltli Ht.
Ilert llultuer. Ill North llih Mrcot.
rietoher A Co., U'JO O Htivet.
Little Hport Cliar Htore, 113 North 13th Ht.
Woatornold's Barber Shop, llurr HIock.
w-An oxtra nupply of papers In nl way loft
at tho Uothain, In eano other Newsdealers
supplies run short.
W. R. Dennis & Co ,
1137 O Street.
Local and Personal.
Whltebreast Coal and Lime Company
Take TurkUli at 1010 O street
Brown' for oyster In all style.
Call up the I. D. T. Co., Phone 100.
Faoe llleach nt Exposition building.
Ruth M. Wood, M. D 12)0 V street.
Hair dressing Ht Exposition building.
Telephone at tho Couhur office In 353,
O. II. Collins, Dentist, 1035 O street.
Lincoln Ice Co., IWO O St. Telephone UA.
Mineral water used tor bathing, 1010 O tt
Order Canon City Coal from Hetu &
Indies' Hair Driving at Mlsa Johnston',
1110 O street.
Canon City Coal at the Whltebreast
Coal and Ume Co.
Improvedshower for Turkish Intha nt 1011
O street, basement Union block.
All the latent sheet music, now stock, nt
Crancer's Art Munlo store, 813 south Eleventh
E. H. Qutbrie is headquarters for line car
riage in nil styles, Crtll nt his repository,
1540 O street.
Nothing Is ulour for holiday presents than
a pretty album, and at Isle's pharmacy,
1133 O street, an excellent line of them Is to
be found.
For a Inmo back, n pain in the side or
chest, or for tooth-ache or ear-ache prompt
relief may be had by uslug Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. It Is reliable, ror sale by A.U
Electrio Light, White Wiugs nud Mlnno
aota High Patent, three of tho best brands of
four over offered in Lincoln are now sold ex
clusively at Uritton's new grocery, 1410 O
street. Call and see some and get price, or
telephone 780 for a trial sack. The "High
Patent" is the finest flour In the market and
a trial will so convince every lover of good
The l.oyul Legion held lln minimi ut tlu
Lincoln hotel on Tlmiwliiy evening, nml It
pioxtil one of the grandest nirnlinof I ho kind
ever known in this pint of tin, Mate,
It wnn tlio Hint Hum Hid Lincoln hotel linil
Ikvii foriuiklly opetusl to Hi pulillc, nml n
nolo splendid nsseinlilagi, could not Imve
lnen nelisdisl to pnitlclpnto In thu grand
linu wanning.
The miirfiiiilccut foyer, tin, elegant parlors
mid the gilt Icimg dining hull mo lulmlrulily
adapted for mhIiiI exeulH nml Mil u lolin
uclilliK void.
An In Uiioimi tho Loynl lKlou In ii hoc I ill
urK'inl"itluu t-ohllucd lo KcliHi'ini'li lm
Iiiimi Imi'II commUnloiUHl otllcern In tin, nliny.
Tin, nennlnu hint evening thoiefolo cnllcil
together tho ereiiiu of Iho mk-IiiI eiiclcnof
I'l .....I I.,,. ..... l .1.1 r...iii M in til mill
I .1111 iri 1-F ... .nil. iii.i.i ' ." ." .!'
' .1 . I ... .. I I... 1 , I, .. ..-
wni'il III IIIH inner imiir ui" imikiii nut "i
nouuiled tin, K'lll'iut iIIKi'Ih fell Into lim with
their hnuiloouie wlm nml clmrinlnji
ilnnnlileiH. Tin iIihiim of tin, dltiliiK hull
weie ihiowu oHn nml it ilurllu; mmiiii, pie
neuletl llnelf Tin, pnlnliill hull nn lit with
tin, refulgence of it lunellisl electlli' HkIiIh,
mid tin, Miioiv wlille witlln Klltoiitsl llku
llimlile. Tliien Iiiiik tnlilen liulelt ultlinller
nml iTjnliil ullecteil nml miiltlpliisl t In,
electrio Join. Smlliix wun Kiucelully eiitwiueil
ulHilIt the I'liiniilelieiN wlille on eeiy nl le
tropicul pluntn nml II. mem of uvery hue
timinformi'd tho pluce into ii kuiiIcii. Over
l.'0 KiiiilMniit down to tin, tables nml enjoyed
thoelcKinitnpifiitl. At 1 1 sSHl tho commitniler
cnllcil the guy eompiiuy to older nml it fount
of oratory mid munlo followed.
Lieut. (leoigo E I'liti'liett rend u piier on
"TlioCitptureof Ft, Flnlicr." (leneiiil .lolin
11, Denuln pnseul,l n must IlltelentlliK nil
iliens on Hie life of tlenetnl Alfred II, Terry.
Major JoM'pli II. I'uililiH'k renpoiideil to "The
Ditwn of Pence," nud Hon. (I. M. Ijuulieilnou
Niidn kIowIuk triliuieto tlm "Loyul U'lon,"
.lutlguThumtuii iniiilnu few iuiirouiitu le
mnrkn, after which Ooveiuor lloyd nitiu,
forward In resMintn to nuineroiisciillH unil
dcllveied u most elinpient uddlX'ss. Other
tinted pemoiMKOt followisl w Ith npprnprliitu
nnsiclien. Among the memliern and guenln
from uliriMul were noticed Colonel Miku
Sheridiiu, brother or "Phil," Major I.uil
dlugtou, Major Clmknoii, Major Paddnck,
Colonel Mores, Captain Wallace, Captain
HwoIk, Judge Dundy, Judge Thornton, (len
eiiil Picdoiick,Cnptntn Fumy, Major Hunter,
Captain Mauclienter, Lieutenant Prltchett,
(leneral Denuln, Captain llroatch, Hrinl
Hlmight r, Captain Coburu, W. U. Kelley,
Captain IJuinn, Captain liower, Colonel
Htroug and Captain Her, nil of Oiualm; Cap
tain John U Cai-nou of llrowunville, Colonel
Hoover of lllue Hill, ex-Oovernor David
llutler of Pawnee City, Captain Jackson of
lllair, (leneral Dihvorlh of llnntiugn, Past
Commnuder Uaptaiu Humphrey of 1'awneu
City, Colonel Wllnon of Nebrnnkn City, Cap
tain Morrlwm of Nebrank-t City, Chinch
Howe of Auburn, Judge Morris of Crete,
Colonel H. W, Furnas of llrowunville, Cii
taln Palmer or Platniuoiith, Captain Jenneii
of (leueva, and ninny othem. A number of
the hvuatorn, leiMewntntiveHundntaliiollkers
were pnsH'iit alno.
When n jmrty Is given by a minister nt hln
home, (Hipular pnsljudlce Immediately nur
lulnen n ntslatu gnthei lug at which the long
vinngisl guests wear an expre-slon an though
they had constantly in mind "memento
moil" bo mludtul of dentil. Any jktsou
cherlnhlug such an idea would have hnd such
n delusion quickly dlselled had ho chanced
to have been at the moriy gathering at HeV.
E. 11, Chimin's residence at llil'J H street
Thurwlny eveiilug. It wan n jMirty given to
thu mouthers of tho Unlvcr&nlUt Hundiiy
school who had taken part In tho rwent cau
tnU, nud nfter the evening of pleasure at
Mr. Clmpln'n homo each gmwt felt amply
npnld for the hours spout in drilling and
premrlug for tho musical event that ncored
nunli a grtMit Buccenn. Mr. nud Mm. Chaplu
proved iitiMt charming enteitalnern and left
nothing undone for tho entertainment of tho
guenU. Ono ef the most enjoyable features
of tho evening was tho music, Inrth instru
mental and vocal, but the performer are
too inodeHt to bo willing to hnvo n special
mention made of them. An Interesting fea
ture of tho evening's entertainment were
tho refreshment, which evidenced Mix
Chupln's skill in the culinary nrt. Tho fol
lowing young ladies nud gentlemen were
present: Misses Maud HeXton, Edna Eaton,
McFaddeu, H took ton, Florence Htockton,
Oatchell, Halls, Oiey, llerkoy, Fossler, Lyons,
Dr. and Mrs. Eatou; Miwsrs. Stockton,
Oatchell, (Houghton, Hrown, Helvey, Mo
Cai gar, Troyer, Fatirot, Snwyer, Crnbtree,
Tlielilillliilltly llghtisl IniniiMif Mm. Chun.
Itiiinininiil, Hevcutivnth nud J nlteeln, wan
tin, nceiu, of ,t pliiiisant ctrd pmty on Tliuin
. day ineiilnx The pii lorn of lier liotnt, ate
I itdiullalily uiliiileil for niich gaiuc, anil the
the large iinieiublagi, wnsconifoi lalily M'alnl.
lllgh live wan llu, fitvoi lln pisHmc nml the
ptesetict, of a uuiiiIhii' of skilled pliiyeln made
I the gaim, Intensely luteiesHiig lly her laie
tnct Mrs llaiiiiuoiul iniiili, her guests fisl
i thoroughly at home, nud iiuild a lion of quiet
wllait'l niH'lal I'onxeiM, tin, evening sllinsl
too ipiickly nwny. The following weie tho
Mr, and Mm, Aiidrun, Mr nud Mrs. Iluck
ntnir, Mr mid Mm. C. C. Ilmr, M-.iiud Mm.
I.. C llurr, Mr. ami Mm. F W. Ilnldwlii,
Mr ami Mm, (leo, llrown, Mr. nud Mm. Cir
ley, Mr, and Mm, (leo Cook, Mr. and Mm.
limit, Mr. and Mm, F. L, Sheldon, ur. mid
Mm. MeFarliiuil, Mr and Mm. Foster, Mr.
and Mm. Nlssley, Dr. and Mm. (lilllu, Mr.
and Mm. J. It. Wiiglit, Mr. and Mm. Doo
littln, Mr ami Mm, Ytttos, Mr. and Mm. ('.
l.lppiticoll, Mr, and Mm, Miiurllius, Mr and
Mm. Huyiler, Mr mid Mm. K K llaileii,
Mr. nud Mm, llailny, Mr. and Mm, Zicmcr,
Mr. ami Mm. Hairy l.lppliicott, Mr. mid .Mm,
It. A Forty, Mr. nml Mm. Phelps Paine, Mr.
mid Mm. Poiufiet, .Mr and Aim. Kliker, Mr.
and Mm. J. Ilemy Smith, Mr. nml Mm. It.
II Oakley, Mr. and Mm. J. A. Mnmhall, Mr.
and Mm. J. W. Wl.iger, Mi. mid Mm. E. P.
HnluicH, Mr. and .Mrs, M. Turner.
Itoynl piles wen, won by Mr. (leo, llrown
and Mm, M, Turner. Ilooby, by Phelps
Paine and Mm. J. Henry Smith.
The most Intel estlng dale in u young man's
life Is (In, titlli, when lie I niches the milestone
nun king his twenty Mist. year. A iiim exist
cure Is suddenly opetusl to him, lie In no
longer mi Infant, lml n full Hedged iiiiiu. Ho
U In demauil, not only In the mmlN of com
merce, but ho becomes the life of (he social
dicli's in which In, moves. Everywlieio new
avenues spline; omii to him ami In, nntuially
feels Hie elation of the young bird Hint for
tin, llrnt time tries its wings. On Tliiimiliiy
Mr, .tunics J. Condon readied (his eventful
iN'ilml in Ills life and his fond mother, .Mrs.
M. Ilyrou, duly celeliiated tin, event by in
viting inn munbeiof tho young mini's f i ic tuts
to lejolco with her, The parly wan given at
tin, cosy homo on Twelfth mid Washington
htieets. It piovul an enjoyable iitralr In
every particular. Cauls mid social games
were imliilgisl in until a late hour, Mr, Con
don was Hie recipient of many beautiful ami
costly presents, among which may Im, men
tioned mi elegant watch case, u volume of
Mooie'n Melinllen Is'itlltifully bound in mil-ro'-co,
a handsome clirnr case, a pockcthook,
and other useful at tides'. There were pies
eiit Memlames E. Huglies and J. Dniiiighlic,
Misses llirdle Huglies, Nellie O'ltiordnu, May
Haherlan, Not a Itnhnli, Itev. I). Fltgeuild,
I lev I, L. Loiiglirau, Messrs. Joint P. Sutton,
I'M wind Hughes, t'has. Medline, I. Meagher,
P. W.Tarpy, Jinnes Fariell, E. It. llutler,
Malachl (liace, .Iniues A. Mulligan, John Mc
Dermotl, P, M. Hajdeii, Dr D. 1). U'Ooriiiau,
James A. O'Slien, John Doinihoo, It, Cun
ningham, Peter Lutgio, El, Haberliin.
With the Issue of Tiik CouiitKii a change
Is made in tin, islltorial depnt incut, Mr. W.
Morton Smith vacating theotllce ol assiK'iato
islitor which has been tilled by Mr. W. J.
lly rues, who will have complete matiagmucnt
of the Hoclcty, ilrmnatlo and local news
columns. Mr. Ilyi lies in thoroughly schoolisl
In Hits line of wot k. A prominent and vers
ablo writer on H)pular topics has been en
gaged to conduct the special depattments
heietoforo known as "Tho Trlller" and fitill
another writer will shine in a geueial line of
work, which In to include special articles, thu
liter.try department, etc.
Mr. and Mm, K. K llaydeu entertained n
pleasant party of friends nt cards Wednes
day evening. High live was the order nud
tills charming pastime coupled with excel
lent refreshments itiado the evening both
pleasant and iiiteiesting. The were
won by Harry Prccmnu and Mm. PiickstatT.
Those present were Mr. and Mm. HuckntalT
Mlns Olive Ijiitta, Maud liurr, Martha Funke,
Maude Stobbn, Margart ltalrd. Minn Mable
Eeniier of lltirlliigtou, lowu and Mess is Ht.
John, TikIiI, Zelirung, Kreeiuan, itivw,
Wnlte, Will Clinko and Aaron HuckstnlT.
Prof, it. L, Doilge, an expert teacher of
iikhIciii lmigtiagen, is organlJug (lei man
claiws Inthe Y. M C. A. lecture hull. He
promises "n practical know ledge of (lermatt
ill live weeks," and nubmlU testimonials of
great weight In support of this extraordinary
claim. Well known business men and society
Indies of Omaha and Ht. Joseph who have
taken the course all unite in endorsing Prof,
Design an being thoroughly competent to do
all ho claims. Classes nro now being organ
ized at 4:!K) nud 8 p. m. daily.
On our Music page Unlay will is, found two
selections froin'Tnul Jouen" the Intent comic
ern success which hnn made such a pro-
noiinced hit In New York. Take It to the
piano and play it. You will enjoy its tune
ful mehnly lly the way, have you noticed
the itumlier of pretty coniHsltlons Hint we
have lately pres.Mited In t'.iat dep irtmeut.
On the 'J7th and iWth of this month the
llaydeu Art club will give an nrt exhibit nt
tin state university chapel. Tho entertain
ment, which in a free one, will consist of a
number of storioptlcan.viows photographed
from tho Niiutiugs of llnphael nml tho wot ks
of the sculptors contemvorary with him.
Over seventy couples enjoyed a dnuco given
nt Temple hall Wednesday night by the An
cient Order of Hibcrniaus. Hepreneututlvea
from tho sixteen divisions of thu state were
present, and also n uumtier of the state otll
cern. Themusio was furnished by the Musical
Union and n delightful time was en joy, si by
Now in Progress,
1-40FF 25 Per Cent 25 140FF
Cash Discount Sale !
33i-3 or 1-3 off our Cloaks,
Nothing Reserved. Everything Goes.
Having heard that a good many Lincoln people
have been deceived in previous Discount Sales we
hereby earnesty solicit everyone of our patrons to
call on us and be convinced that we sell goods as
This is our Annual Clearing Sale
And we propose to clean out everything before the
Spring Stock arrives.
1023 O Street
between ioth and nth Streets.
The elegant homo of Mr, nud Mm. H. C.
Outcalt was the scene of pleasant social
gaiety on Wednesday evening. It was n
dancing imrty given to a select coterie of
friends and was one of tho most pleasant
gatherings over held by the club. Mr. ami
Mm. Outcalt are born entertainers and thut
evening they were at their bent. Thulr homo
is admirably adapted for social gatherings
and everything was done forthocomtort mid
entertainment of those who were fortunate
enough to lie a member of the nrty.
Dancing was of course the main feature of
tho evening and was entered Into with great
rest by all present. The ntfair wns informal
and for that reason all tho more enjoyable.
Tho following is tho list of guests: Mr. mid
Mrs. A. H. llaymomt, Mr. ami Mrs. C. 11.
Geer, Mr. and Mm. It. O. Phillips, Mr. and
Mm. Joseph Iloehmer, Mr. and Mrs. C. P.
Holme, Mr. nud Mrs. II. E, 1iwls, Mr.
Allien, Mrs. Hurd, Mlns Sarah Harris, Mr.
and ttrs, N. 8. Harwood, Mr. Fauem, Miss
Ada Atkinson, Mr. nud Mm Nlssley, Mr. and
Mm. Towuley, Mr. and Mm. C. N. Little,
Miss Corn hardy, Miss Nellie llrunson and
Mins Cora Outoalt, At the proper hour tho
dancer slightly Jaded were refreshed with n
dainty lunch.
The cosy home of Mm. Ed. Yatos was the
sctue of a pleasant little card party on
Wednesday ovonlng. All tho persons pienent
were of congenial nature nud therowiu pi (dr
ably more real pleasure enacted than then,
would have been had tho party been of a
more pretentious nature. Those taking a
hand in the games were as follows: iho
Misses Lee, Carmody, Hteen and Tlerney;
The Mes.r. Hob Muir, Walter Leone, Ernest
I Yates, , Hose, and John Dorgan.
Tho "NamelwiH" high live club meets at tho
residence of Mr. and Mm. W E Klrkor, fllHl
Bouth Seventeenth street Monday evening
and all memltem are earnestly requested to
be present at 7:110 sharp.
Mr. Julius Adler. of Heward, wan in the
city the early part of the week visiting his
many fi lends. On Wednesday he
Additional Society on 5th Page.
Many Clergymen,
Bingeri, actors, ami public speakers use
Ayer's Cherry 1'ectnral. It Is the favnrlto
remedy for hoarseness mid all affections of
the vocal organs, throat, anil lungs. As an
anodyne and expecloiuiit, the effects of
this preparation are promptly realized.
"Ayer's Cherry 1'ectoial has done 1110 greut
good. It Is a splendid lemeily for all dis
eases of the throat ami lungs, ami 1 hnvo
nnichilensiirc In testlf)lng to Its merits,"
(lte.) C N. Nichols, No. Tlshiiry, Muss.
"In my profession of an auctioneer, any
affection of t'.m voice 01 is a serious
matter, hut, .it each attack, I have been re
lieved by a few doses of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. Tills remedy, with ordinary care,
has worked such a innclrnl effect Hint I have
suffered veiy little Inconvenience, I have
nlso used It In my family, with very excel
lent lesults, In coughs, colds, &e." Win. H.
Qnartly, Miidutiin, So. Australia.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
1'iiKi'AhRii nr
DR. J. O. AYER & CO,, Lowell, Mais.
Held by all Drug-gin., prica $1 5 six tottlm .
Engraved Calling Cards,
Fine Writing Paper,
Wessel Printing Co.