CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1S01 LOCAL AND I'KKSONAI, Tin Installation of ollbois of Kniiagut lNwt, of tli llniiiil Army ltcpnbllo, nlo of this olllcors of tint I'ltiiiigut Hellef Dorp nt post headquarters 011 Satin iluy ntlit proved to bo ono of tliu most enjoyable events over known noro In (Irnnd Army droit. After tho usual formalities of such a meeting 1'iMt Department Commander T. C. ISoimell Installed tliu follow liitf ii olllcers for the year for Kiirragut Hwt No, 'St. C'oiiimuii dor, Mint llowo; H. V. C, J. K. Itlng; T V C, A. (I. Hpolhnnn; Surgeon Dr. J. II. Hag gard; Q. SI., 1 SLNoothorn; Chaplin, II. Aliistcrmnii; Ailjiitmit, A. M. Tiimlilo; Hor gennt Major, William (Illllsplo; Ollloorof Day, J. H. Ilarwick, Olllccr of (Itiiinl, D. K. Httmor, Knrrngut Wnnions' Hellef Corps ln xtilhsl tint following ollleors their l'rosldent, lloloconJ. Frankfurter; Senior Vleo-l'rosl-lfiil, Sarah A (Inlley, Junior Vice-President, Mary K. Htonor; Secretary, llnotnh Davis: Treasurer, Isabella Holslmw; Chaplain, Kllnihvth Valentino; Conductor, Hlrdio Craw ford; Assistant Conductor, l.itey Davis; Guard llosslo Crawford; Assistant (liianl, Jennie T. Vougbt. This wilt follow til hy the presentation of a handsome gold hiuded onuu to Captain I'nyiiu, tliu retiring st eoniinnii dor. After an Inleroitlng literary program 11 general social tlmo was enjoyed. Whenever the Daughters of lteheUnh meet there is invnrllily asocial session at the close of thooxoiclsos. The usual order of things wan carried out Tuesday evening after the public installation of olllcers at Odd Follows' hall. Tho cei cmntilv were presldisl over by Mrs. Joseph llolshuwiin I the following ladies were duly Installed in tho olllcos to which they had Ist'ii elected: N (1., Mrs. .1 II. Kradenborg; V. (1., Sirs. Win. U'liuno; Fi nancial Secretary, Sirs. T. K. I .ash; accord ing Secretary, .Miss Annlo Melcherd; Wtiideii Mrs. O. 1'. Plages; Conductor, Miss Mimilu Kinery; Chaplain, Mrs. Jim. Ilcutou. At tliu conclusion formality was thrown aside and a perlisl of social couveise Lincoln City Lislgo No,!l77, 1. O. II. II. had n public Installation of olllcers In the, A. O. U. V. hall tlio llrst evening of the week, anil nfter tho formal ceremony enjoyed a splen did Immpiet and a dance. The lodge was called to order by (liand Lodge Master Willlo Meyer, who, assisted by .Max Kolm nud liOUis Kseliky, grand lodgu olllceis, in stalled tliu following olllcers: 1'resident, Isaac Kilenii; Vlco-l'rusiilunt, A. Illoch; Secretary, Jacob Oppuuhciiuer; Financial Secretary, Lrnst llocht; Tieasiirer, Charles I'oskl; Trustees, K. Mot, and Louis Ksonsky. Addresses were then imulo by Grand 1 .oil go Olllcer Willie Muyer, 1'ivsldunt Isaac Friend mid Mr. M. Ackcrumu. Tliu bampiet and daucu followed. Tho societies at the Cottier university gave a pleasant leception in tho chapel Wednes day evening, tho occasion being in honor of a number of new students who have recently unified tlio university. Impromptu vtcic made hy 1'iesideut Dungiin, Misses Al lodia I'm ker, Dillon, Alice Uiidil, Atwater, Mr. mid Mis. Frank Harrows, Messrs. Will Osehgor, (leoigo Ilarmeu, W. II. Shepherd nud others. It was a pleasant alfalr and much enjoy ts I by all. As soon as the new Hock Island road starts in operation tliu following tlmu table will bu Used and TllK CoUHIKli with its usual enter-' prise is the llrst to publish it: Trains going west leave Chiengojit 10:(M p. in., Omaha lill a. m, Lincoln -l:.'IO p. in.; arrive at Denver 7:(H) a. in. Trains going east leavo Denver at !I;IK) p. in., Lincoln 1:!(0 p. in., Omaha 4 ::(." p. in. ; arrive at hicngo7:t'ia.lii. Tho young ladles of the Kverettu Hand will give a novel entertainment in the parlors of the First I'lesbyteriaii church Wednesday evening. Attend and encourage them in their noble work. An iuteieatiug program will bu rendered anil n pleasant evening is as sured everyone. Tliu approaching marriage, of Mr. Uuorgu O Cailuian and Miss Mary C. llauer, at Jef ferson City, Mo., on tliu -1st is announced. Mr. Cadmaii has passed tliu greater nation of his lifu in Lincoln, and his host of friends wish hmi joy in the approaching partner ship. Tliu Tuesday Kvonlng club was entertaineil by Miss Maud Stobbs tills week, at the resi deuce of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ittickstair. A very enjoyable literary programme was givun and tliu presence of a number of guests added to tliu pleasure of the evening. 11. F. l'ylu and J. V. I'utinan left Sunday for Jacksonville, Florida. They expect to fctop enroutu at wirious points and will not return for a month or more and then we may expect to hear of alligator stories and other wonderful things. Mr. It W. Tiaylor, of Petersburg, Va., who has been visiting relatives in this city left Monday lor Ills home. IIu expressed himself as highly pleased with the hearty hospitality of tliu HHplu in tho west. Mr. I. D. Iseiuan, latu with L. Wossel & Co. of Nebraska City, will make his future homo in Lincoln and devote Ills time to tho Kaglo ilrace company on the road. His ter jitury will Ik tlm statu of Colorado. Hon. T. L. Lyon, of South Haven, Mich., ii repiesentativuof tho department of agri- cultiue of tliu government has been at tho Windsor this week. He will make u report on tliu horticulture of tliu state. C. C. Chi lstlu and O. H. Dailies, of tliu Christie Lilluop Commission company of Kansas City, are at tliu Windsor hotel. Mr. Christie is making arrangements to open a brunch store in this city. Mr. Will Dor'y, formerly a student at tliu Btutu university, but now a young business man at lieatriee, was in the capital city Monday remembering old acipialiitances. Miss Lottie Watts, assisted by Mi-s Emma Hedges of Lincoln, and Miss Kls'u Palmer of Hastings, gnvu a delightful high I've party on Friday uvunlng. Qmuhu J&rcrlsioi; C. 1. Stuwait, formerly conuecttsl with the Klecttlc Light Manufacturing company, left for Hatou, Nuw Mexico, Tuesday night, where hu will make his future home. Sin, Dr. (1. W. IIoulz returned to her borne in Lincoln tliu (list of tliu week, after a pleasant visit of several weeks among old friends and relatives In Illinois. Huv. Horaeu Wllllston, Mr. J. Steiner.Wll litilii Clark, Mis. Hebecca Clark, Mr. and Mrs. David Allen comprised a paity that left for tliu south on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Mai k II. Tilton, who havo been enjoying their honeymoon with rela tives In Oslikosh, Wis., returned to Lincoln on Wednesday. Miss Ilrowuio liauiu, a former Liucoluito, but now ot Omaha, is spending tliu winter witli Mrs, !:. K. Kdwaids at Santa Anna, California, Tho friends of Mrs. C. I Flick, tornierly of this city, will regiet to hear of her death at Adrian, Mich., where shu has lately made her home. A jolly party consisting of Messrs. Harry Lansing, Jlert Davis, (leorgo WaMi and M. Ollbeit lelt Wednesday for St. Paul. Mr. Chailes D. Dariiiigiaudiiud Miss Lou wj H. Worth, both of this city, were married by Huv. F H Stein, at tliu St. Paul M K. chinch on Tlunsday atteinoon. A largo iiiiihIh-i-of filonds and lelatlves wlluc(sl tliu happy event Discerning readeis, and TllK Cot'lUV.H Mattel Itself that it lias no others, may notice a change In tin) w rltlng of thlscoltunn. Tho gentleman huiotoforo In charge of It wleldisl a fnellu pen fiom which Mowed tho thoughts of a bright nud active tuliiil, and if the present writer siiciwds in maintaining thostanilnid of exeellenis'alieiidy eslabllshisl, as ho will honestly endeavor to, tho leaders of TllK Coi'lttKIl will bo nusuurably com-H-nsatsl. While Mr. J. S. Harwich and his daughter, Miss ItoWts, were returning from the Modem WiKslinenVbanipietnlKiut 2 n. in., Wednesday they drove Into an excava tion and nairowly escaHsl being killed. Hoth wero thrown violently to tho ground nml badly, but not seriously brulsisl, The buggy waspaitlally wreckisl. Charles A. Lawrence, wife and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James 11. Libby of Cheyenne, Wyo., who were called heio to attend tliu fu neral of their relative, Mrs. A. W. Footo, at '-'1(17 South Thirteenth street, will return homo Saturday. Aaron lluekstair's pleasing counteiianco is onco more visible ill society circles after an absence of several mouths, during which tlmu ho has been enjoying a tour wf tho southern states. Owing to tho death ol Mks "Tote," McMur try the Pleasant Hour club postponed Its lu- tended iliiucu last ovctilhg, Noxt Tuesday will probably 1st tho time at which the party will behold. Mrs. John I). Crotsey, of Cheyenne, Wyo., Is visiting Mrs. D. S. Ilraco, Twenty -second ami Washington stiocts. Mrs. Crotsey was formerly Miss louiso Ivinibsley, of this city. Mrs. (leorgo C.Meyer of Polo, III., but formerly of lieatriee, and Miss Addio Covet t of Crete, aio visiting Mis. (ieorgu II. Clink, Mrs. Rudolph Hehhieiider will enteitaiu tho High Five club next Tuesday evening at her hospitable home, I P) H street. Charles Dickinson, of the Willoughby iner calitilu agency, who has lieen coutllied by an attack of iuMueiia, is lecovering. Miss Annie Fiinku of Lincoln, mid Miss Miller of Chicago, ore the guests of Mis. F.d ward liauiu. Oimiiii Krivlxior. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Keefer will entertain the Delta Llteiary circle Saturday evening at their lesidence, 710 J. Mr. Fred Hout roisirts a splendid time during his t1 tee weeks vacation In Califor nia, the American Italy. Mr. T. J. Curtlss and Ids daughter, Miss Hattlo M. CurtNs havo been in Chicago during the past week. Major C. II. Ililford came in Friday from Hill City and is very ill at his home, !. South Twelfth street. Mis. A. A. Heutley has gone to Coloiado Springs to visit with friends and relati ves at that Mipuhir resort. Fred Sinyser, iifto.' a throo weeks' visit to his former homo hi .Moorehead, returned to Lincoln Tlim'sday. Mrs. Kato Hiirkcoiu, of Carlisle, IViin,, l the guest of Mrs. Nuwberry, her mother, at South Lincoln. Miss Jaetiuetto Wilson has boon enjoying tliu pleasures of social lifu in Chicago the present week. C. S. Ilranch, of tliu MliiueaMilis .Inunml, is tho guest of his lirotliur-ln-law.JW. (), I'oib 8. Julius Adler, of Seward, has been visiting friends and relatives in Lincoln the past w eek. Messrs, II. l'yle and J. Putnam purchased tickets for Jacksonville, Fin., on Monday last. Miss Helta (lillUn.of Valparaiso, is tlio guest of Mrs. W. C Austin, of West Lincoln. .Mrs. Colonel J. J. Kelloy litis returned from her visit with friends in California. Messis. II. W. Orr anil C. M. Wliedou left Monday for a trip toOalveston, Texas. Mrs. I), (I. Courtiiay and her daughter are visiting relatives In Cincinnati, O. Mr. Kugeiie Mack left the of the week for St. Paul to visit with friends. Mr. T. J. Ynts left over tho Union Pncitlo for Suittlu, on Wednesday. Mr. James M. True left tliu llrst of tliu week for Montgomury, Ala. Hon. John L. Doty has been in Krie, Kas., tliu past few days. Mr. Thomas Cochrane has been to Chicago this week, Mr. Jack Hummel Is enjoying a trip to tliu Pacillc. Mr. W. 11, Scovillo has gone to Salt bike City. Mr. Kugu iu Wilcox is in llinghauiton.N.Y Mr. P. M. Sheldon is in Dyursburg, Tenn. Mr. Oscar S. Cuinmings is iu Salt Like. Mrs. P. Ilurnettu is iu Helena. Modern Wooiliiirii's Contention. Tliu llrst state convention of the Modern Woodmen was held at Temple hall Tuesday afternoon and evening, Tho day session was devoted to business and tho evening to pleas ure. A grand literary social and ball wero given at Temple hall at night. About 'MO couples wero in attendance and a very enjoy able uvcniug was spent. The following In the programme: Overture Towur of Loudon Iseumaiin Philharmonic Orchestra. Welcome Address Mr. A. II. Talbot Selection lien Ilur's Chnrlot Knee Pror L. L.Crosthwalt llanjo Duct, l'lnno Accompaniment DrJH Katoiiaud A it Ho sack Piano, MrO F Keefer Quartette "InHllent Mend" Mots is Kemp, Harmcr, Jones and Churchill Spanish .Serenade Itamlul Plillhnrinnnlo Orchestra Kelcctlnn-"Mr. Man (Jets Left" Prof L LCrosthwalt llanjo Duet Selected .... Dr .1 H Katou and A It Ilossaek (Javotte "A Uiver's Dreaiu" Casoy 1'lillharinonle Orchestra At tho concliisolu of the literary pro. gramme a grand bauipiet wasgiveii, billowed by d'incing. I havo a cousin w ho is n printer, says ex Mayor J. II. Loughraii of Ninth Dos Moines, Iowa Souio years ago ho was employed in this city where they weie piloting ciiculms for Chamberlain. IIu had a deep seated cold and terilble cough, and while setting up copy hu made up his inlud to buy a bottle, It cured him and that was the llrst I ever knew of Chamber! ilu's Cough Heuiedy I have been stiougly iu its favor ever siuco, My own experience and that of my family con vinces me that this remedy is the best ill the world. That may lu strong language, but that is what I think. For sale liy A. Siuider, Druggist Ladies' Hair Dressing at Miss Johnston's' 1110 0 street. HOW SIIK KCUI'SKI) AM, IHpeelal Colt in i:lt Correspondence. 'Her gown was puio and simple, and shu was passing fair, Shu stood among tho loses, a lose was Iu her hair, And when Sir Ludersaw her, as she lodo by the wall, IIu thought her of all Mowers, the fairest Mower of all. Viim Wliliistono's llnlliids. Nkw Yiiik, Jan. II, ISM .Among the wisest of wise virgins Is shu who has had foro-, t hough t enough to lesorvo her piettlest toilettes till tho lust of tho season. For when all her dear Intimates havo ixhaustsl their rcsouiccs Iu the way of ball, t crept Ion and dinner gowns, mid are now going about Iu worn nud partly soiled costumes, to appear inn gown that Is absolutely fiesli and of tliu latest stylo Is to produce somewhat of a sensation. One ptotty young New Vol ker who was clever enough to eompiehend tills fact, and to desliu to play tho role of a newly oH'iied niso among a cluster of overblown half faded Mow el s, will complacently array helself ill a IIKDKKItN KVKNIMI (HlW.t which is almost (Irecian iu its simplicity. It is of coral pink cloth, with a pleatisl slllo panel of ci eHtilu chine. A narrow seaif is about the hips and knotted on tho left side w itli the ends falling almost to the feet. This is a inoliotonu costume as even the gloves, slioos and fail are of the same tint. A new caprice Is the iimi of the theatre jacket, after tho fashion set hy young Mrs. Stanley. This fad is liccoiiiiug mid appio pi late. Tho design heru given Is from ono of tho Red fern models, though It Is hardly necessary to state tho fact. The iiiatei ial of this Jacket is a turipilso bhioarmure, coinlilnisl with shell pink sntlu liiocaded in silver. Tliu full vest and Jabot are of pink monocline do solo. Speakers, singers and actors usu Ayer's Cherry Pectoral; also, Ayer's Alliiauac. Hyacinths, both cut and potted, and roses can bo found constantly on sale at the Homo for the Friendless, The telephone number is Across the Deep Itloe Sicii. AKK you going abroad noxt sum uicrf It so, kind ly penult us to &M''",iH- r suggest that early application is uh- Hisolutely necessary ' in order to sisjiiiu desiiable accom modations for sail ings in June, July or August I make a ssc i alt y of ocuit ii steamship ticket and am eiiabhsl to oiler suH-rior in duceiuiiiits to intending tourists, M) olllco is supplied witli tickets to all partsof tliu world, and itineraries will b mpihsl cuveriug tilp-of one, twooi tllleo iiionths, i r longer if dodrol and eiiibraeiug all siints of in terest on the tool l-t globe. lam pieparedlofuinisheaiefulotliualesas to the cot of thcsH trips, and will t'iko phuis me in lepl.Niug to all inquiries cncemlng thisclassof Havel. A. C. .IKMKU, City Pass, Agent, Lincoln, Neb. fit ML Wi 1 flMi I mm i 31 i -.,-fflCHLliirS I w-r yMEBtm, V&MmJBi . 71 .3 "nlMfH Lvii' -7M .ttBf iM'w AT THf; LEOISLATUHE. n ,wsr hm NriiA "Count that iln lost whose slow deseeuilluu sun Views rutin Ihy hand no worth) action done' In olKhtcou hundred mid clwhl.v -one My wrllliig poetry llrsl boKiin; From then until the piesenl time I'll, imiiii ii lllll.. tli, ... Hill lie or before has II been my pleasuiu To write up Nehiaska's Leglnlatuie. And as a lesiill lioln houesl lahor I'll tell what I heiinl In the Senate Chamber. Alter answering to mil '-all one by one And rending some hills as they've always done; They settled down to business, mul Ihen Talking commenced aiming the men,. And Senator Kiev ens, of Lincoln county, (I really IhliiU hu deserves a homily) tillered a icsnlullon which I am sure Was meant to help the siifterlugpoor. Hut ho railed In bring Iu bis woidsjusl right, Which brought on a small-sired wordy Unlit. Then Swlter, of Douglas cnuuly, arose And his winds weie stronger than black smith's Mows, lie cerlalnl.v don't need on opera glass To see things I hat never come In pass; lllll he gained his point tor which beset out, Sol think ho knew what he wasahoiil. And Senator Mourn, of Lancaster, too, Thought bu would dhow what beeould do. Ills wonls were few, but to the point, Which shows that bis nerves aie nut out of Joint, Mo they tallied hack and forth till all were llieu (Truly their oratory eiiuld bo aduilied); And when the) got lluough they weie only able To lay tliu resolution Upon the table They called to my niluil a poem I'd lend, III which WlllCatlelon's "Old Heltler" said: "And shu while I was rbellered dry anil warm Was somewhei elu Hie clutches or this storm." And while they aigiied the question pro and con ThesutlerliiK In Nebraska still goes mi. I think (he icnators all mean well, llul what thev will do Is haul to tell Ami when the) arrive at some dellulle plan, I will certainly Inform on If I can. Now In case my readeis shall teel perplexed, We'll call this continued In our next. Look out for Aunt Samanlba next week, And he ea re nil or what and how jou speak. Lincoln, .lanuarj loth, Istll. Olio-third oir on cloa'is at the llaar next wis'k. Now's jour time ladies. II. P. Sherwiu, 1 1'-' I (I stieet, has a present for every onu of his customeis that cannot fall to Ih apprcclabsl, Hu w ill give to every customer a line eravou picture made from any photo that is ilcsiicd and It will not cost you a cent. Call in at his drug and shim store and sisi how It Is done II" I Ostiis't. Tho Kniuhlcr bley do Is coming uioro Iu popular favor dally as the machine conies into general use. It Is unilouhlislly thu best adapted for shssI, comfoit and safety, of any of the machines Call and wo It at K. It. Out in les, l.Ml) Ostler I. Chi'iip i:ciirnliin Itales. Kxctirslnu tickets are now on sale via the II. iV M. to all important points In die south, Including Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, (Icor gia, the Carolinasnud Plniida. The II. iV M. Is thu only lino running thiough sleepers between Lincoln mid Kan sas City making close connections for south ern KlilltS. It Is the shin t line and makes tho fastest time. A 1 1 in 1 will convince you of tho fact. Knipnre at union depot or city olllee, cor ner O and Tenth streets, for fuither parlleu Inis. A. C. .IKVIKll, City Pass, and Ticket Agent. 'I'he neatest article In the line of calendais that has come to the notice of Tin: CofillKIl yet is an Ivory caul pi luted iu gold that Is being distributed by the Farmers & Mer chants Insurance company of this cliy. J, II. Itarnaby, the taller, may 1st found at rooms l'J mid l.'l, Newman block, I Oil () si. School of piaclical llnipilstry, French and Out man. Winter tenn ohiis January 5 For pnrtlculais adilicss, Anna Monaiion, Windsor Hotel. The Ilaju's ipmrter oil" sale continues next week. Wolfenlmrger .t McDonald, attorneys and ouuselois, riMims 1) and H!l Ilurr block, eluvator on O street. Doctors HaHoy & (loislell, olllco KII7 L street. Telephone, 1)17. Lincoln ami Kiiiishn City Through I'nll inaii Sleepers The surpi islng Incieaso in business has com polled the II, & M. to withdraw their line of combination parlor mid slis-piug cars and substitute regular Pullman sleepers of u iiiimIoi ii and pleasing design that aro sure to bo appreclatisl by the travelling public. ThiH) cars leavo Lincoln daily at 8:110 p.m. run via lieatriee ami Table Hock mid leach St. JiMiat fi:J7 a. in., Kansas City 7:W)a. in.; retm nliur, leave Kansas City 11:15 p. iu. dally, St. Joe 1 1 : tr p. m,, arrive at Lincoln 7:M) a. in., making com connections at termi nal points, licrlhs and tickets may I hi secured at union ttqsit or city olllco, corner O and Tenth stris'hs. A. ('. ZlKMKIl, City Passenger and TickelAgent. Only place in Lincoln that uses mineral vaU'r iu Ixiths is at 11)11) O stris-t. MIksC. J. Ollillllettu, lllisllste, sis'oud ll(s)r' Kxpositiou building. Take elevator. Thu Lincoln Kteam liundry having re cently chaugisl hands ami undergone many Improvements is now Is-ttor than over pre pans I to execute work iu the very Iswl man ner, promptly and at isipular prices. Mr. A. W. Day thu nuw proprietor has lulopbsl a new and impiovisl pns.'ess for washing and handling garments, by which no bleach'ug or injurious materials am us.l; the finest fabrics Mich as silks, laces, Mouiicih, flannels or cotton gissls aru lauiidrusl in llrst class manner, without thu least damage. Onu tria w ill convince thu nost skeptical that the Liu coin Steam laundry ilis-.s the finest work in the city All gixsls en 1 Its I for and diiliverisl. Telephone (ii Jupitor Coal is a winner and Hetts& Weav er, sole agents have plenty of it. Try a ton, Thu Whiteln east Coal and Llmu company is again at the front supplying thu finest glades of all kinds of coal Mrs (irahaiu's Houdoir at Imposition building. An r.xccllunt lliislni'ss Opportunity, My time Isiiug almost entirely taken up with TllK Coi'lttKIl, 1 have decidisl to ills pixso of my printing and stationary business, or would sell half Interest to the party who would maiiag.i that depaitiueiit. Ililsiness will stand cIomi Investigation. Call or ad ilicss L, Wes.soll,Jr.,C()i'iiiKli ollL-e, Liueolii, Britton's New Grocery I4IO 0 STREET. I laving just opened our store, the largest in the new Alex ander block, we extend you an invitation to call and inspect our line of goods. Our aim will be to carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, including the very best of everything, making a specialty of Teas, Codecs, Spices, Flour and Potatoes, in which we will offer the best at such prices as will make it an inducement for you to buy. All goods promptly delivered. Tki.kimionk 7S0. We Solicit a Call! F.XTENVON -TAHLL uRIOGf. Is the use of large uppioprl.itlons for bridge building when we are ready to tiuike contracts either with the state or federal nuthotltles for iuy number of our cele brated Intension Tallies? We can finnlsli I hem for net to uothliiK and we wont have to employ costly en gineering talent. Ilihlge hutlilcis can't bej-ln to coinpele with us. These tables arc tuiistei pieces of skilled mechanism, and yet they cost no more than $10.00. You cannot do better than to let us bridge your dining room with one of them. It inaken no difference how short or bow lone; your (lining- room miii be, our table will fit It exactly. Call and see them. AUG. TH. GRUETTER 8c CO. iiih-'so n stki;i:t. China -THE STOCK OF- Queensware, Silverware, Etc. Which is Now Opened at 143 Soutl- lStln St., is composed of first class goods in every respect. It is all arranged and ready for the Sacrifice Sale The stock comprises everything usuall) found in a first class glass, china and queensware store, including a large stock of Roger's Best Silverware. These goods must be moved and prices will be made to close them out. THIS IS NO FAIKE, but a bona tide sacrifice sale and if you will call price will surely convince you of this fact- Talbot H. Geiclcl 1. 13 South Twelfth St. 1410 O Street. -s' ',r'' ih01 W-f. I90 Sale!