CAPITAL CITY COUKIISK, SA.PUDAY, JANUARY 17, 1H01 lltMtil'aBAr 11 ji n r II I linn lijr lit l n c 11 1 1 a r mrll mill II wmiilrr- fill cure nnntliprnii fhltinrn of llin poIc, mill U lit Uy tliit moll I o p 11 1 k r IiIiiimI iii rlflrr nml Ui'IikIIu'ii ln, mnill c Imp. II cute urtnf 11 1 11 1 unit r ll n II 111 , ityniiiiili, lipnilitrtin, klilnry ""' llviT rum- lMiutmimiiin,ii""'"i' i "" llcto.r. fUnipMlII, wlilrli U licctilUr In lllf. Hr-xl'n HrWtlll l'l r .IruiSltl.M. Il totfi. ltiTHly O.I.IIotMl A l" ,liwrll,M. 100 Dosos Ono Dollar - . . . . . ., ,,.. ...... .. ..... Smoking Jackets, Fancy Vests, Full Dress Suits, Full Dress Yests, Fine Furnishings, Christy's London Hats, AT A Fine Crayon LIFE SIZE FREE AT Sherwins 1124 0 ST. Every customer gets a head and shoulder Crayon Picture Free from any and all cost. This work is made direct from any photo you may want copied. Call and look into this matter. A 15 Ctnt Stave FOR 10 CENTS -AT SAM WESTERFIELD'S, 1UJRR lll.OCK. Hi ' uri. cowpowo extiuct v mm ILi........lni iMiiiMliniit i AptmpniMOT inronnMion nao.;w &trcto lb lwt,Hiuwliig How tuAV r ' 'J.jk.M ...V ktS-'.W ... ....ifeAi-jitB.' j. i . , JTfJ I VmW Iijici'ii ,1i)iru 'Yhica l-ul)llMhocl Sfiturclny. Address nil oiiniinuiiioiillntw direct to thf- onion WlCNMlCL 1 'WINTINO CO , IMtlll.lAIIKIIS. Courier llnllillim, li:M N hi root. TKI.KI'IIIINK 'Jill L. Wkhmki., Jii Editor mid Solo Ptnprlotor. W. .1. Hvhnk.h, AiwH'lnln Killlnr. MUiisi'iill'i'loNi Ono Your by Mall or Curried lilKlj Hit Moulin, llM Throe Months, Nio.j . Ono 11 mill Al Cents Inv.iralil) In Advance. Aiivmithkiiicnts: Union fiinilshcil mi Application nt llio olllon. Holl rales on Tlnm t'oiilrnoli.. imTHinnioNsiHIiorl spicy nkolclion, hmiih nml Hlorliw willcllotl. Personal and HhIiI notes nro oHvliilly desirable, I'mtrmii: Wo niako a selalty of Kino Print lti Hi nil Iih branches. Hnolelv work n si Inlty. Kntoroilntllio I'o-totuYo of I.lnooln, us second ohms iniittor. Ncl. POPULATION OP LINCOLN, 65,000. IN TIIK 1.IIHIAHY. TWO HINNi:itH, There nn n mini, It win snldono llino, Who wont iiMruy In liU youthful prime, fun tho hruln keen cool mid tint honrt koop unlet Wlion tlio IiIixmI Ink rlvor IIiuI'h riimiltiK riot? Ami llin boy will Im hoys, tlioolil folks nny, Ami Iho man's Ihn better who's IiiiiI hi ilny. ThoNliinor rornriuoil,uuil Iho preacher tolil Oi llio proulcul noli wlin oiimo back to Iho fold, Ami Iho Christian pooplo throw upon thoiloor Willi 11 Hiirinorwoloonio than ovor lioforo. W011III1 nml honor was bis lo ooiniiniml. Ami 11 spotless woman kiivh him hor hiiml. Anil llinttnrlil strewed tholr pathway with llowon ii.lilonni, Cry lug "Und liloii Imly nml (loil IiIon. vrooui." Thorn wim it liiiihlon wont iiRlray, III llio koIiIoii iliiwn ofllfo'H yoiliiK ilnyi Hliu hiiilmori! piiHnlouiiml honrt thnii homl, Ami nlio follnwoil hllmlly whorofomllovo loil, Ami lovn lltiohookoil Im ii tliuiKornii rfillilc, To witmlor ut will liy n fulr Klrl'H hIiIo. rim wouiiin ropniitotl nml liirnoil from mIii, lint noilonropoiioil lo lot hor in; Tho pronohor prayed Unit nlio iiiIkIiI ho rnrk'lvon, Hut lolil hor to linili for moroy In liouvoii; roi'lhhlN Iho liiworourtli, wu know, TI111I tlio wouiiin U Nonriioil, whllo Iho iiimi limy k. A hriivoiuiiu woildoil hor nftor nil, Hut Iho world Mini, rniwuliiKi "Wo Hliull not cull." Wn WhttXn irilrnr. Mr. .1 til (tt it lliiwtliormi hits In luind u 1 1 Ik loiy of Oi'okoii, to ho piihlMnsI noxtiilltiiuiu, llllll II NOllOOlhook, to llpp '111' llllDIlt till) HIIUII) tlnio; liut,oxooptliNioKiiliiriii!WHpiNr work, that Is all. Ilo It taking a yoni olV, as It w 01 o. Col. J0I111 llay'ri nolo DOLMipiitloii this win ter w III Im tlio oilltlui ami preparing for tlio prt'Ksof tlio Coniplotn Woiksnt Lincoln. Ilo lias iwolvotl nmny proposals to wiito porsuii al iirtlclos alioiit Llnoolii, hut tiovor Ititomls lo wrlto nnytlilnn iiiuro on that Htibjeot. Mr. N Utility will wrllu a fnw nioro nrtlolos for VVic Cf 11 turn, Imtlhoartlclo In tlio Novomliur iiiiiiiIh-i' is tlio lant that Col. Hay will write. Col. T. V, HIkkIiihoii'h iiiiiIii work this win or will Ihi tl.o Military ami Naval History of MiiMiachuiit'ttH, whloli has Ihoii olilolally on trustisl to him hy tlm Ntato. Ho Is also prc iMiriui; a lifo of his ancestor, Frauds HIkkIii wm, llrxt iiiiuiHtor of tlio MiisMiicliiisotts Hay Colony ami author of Now KiikIiiiiiI's I'lnntu tlon. Tills is for Dmhl, Meail & Co.'k dories of Makers of Amorica. Col, HIkhIiwoii hits also inomlmil for January it locturn lioforo thoNiiiotoonlli Contury Cluliof Now Yurie on Americanism In I.ltoratiiro; or, Tlio Now Woihl nml Tlm Now Hook; ami ho Is to tmtko tlio chief ailiress nt tlio conU'iinliil ivlclirn tlon of tlio Mnssncliusotts Historical Society, in tlio miiiio mouth, llesldes this, ho has a certain amount of regular work to ilo for 77if A'dfifiii ami iiriicr'n lluziti: Col. Hlir- Klnsou is lu much hotter henltli this winter tliuii Inst. .Several your iipi CliamWlaln & Co., of Dos Moines, Iowa, coimiioiiceil tho inanufiic turoof a ttniKlmyriip, liellovltiK It to ho th" most prompt ami reliable pi-oparatlon yet pi'txliuiil for coiikIim, tttlils nml croup; that tho public npproclato trim merit, nml in tiiiio it was cortniii to become popular. Their most Kaiiguliio topi's have Ueu moro than renlixeil. Over threo hiiinlnxl thousniiil Uittlesnf Chumlieilniu'M Cough Ueimtly nro now solii each year, nn.t it is rocoguircil as "the lKst made,'' where ovor know n. It will euro n severe cold in lens tlnio than any other treatment. For into by A. Shinier, Druggist. SOUTH LINCOLN. 11. Murphy left for Oinnliii Thursday. Mrs. KvaTnlt, of Kansas, Is tho guest of Mm. T. W. Talt. Miss Hnttlo Curtis and father left Tuesday for Chicago nml will return Saturday. Mrs. Funko, of Spirit Luke, lown, is visit ing her sister, Mm. Pearson, IIH C btreot. Mr. Jones, of Kansas City, was the guest Tuesdny of Mm. W, Gallup, Mil Hose street. Mrs. Mngglo Dornn, w ho tuts been visiting her mother and friends ut Hedfonl, lown, re turned Thunslay. Miss I. Halo nrrtved Tuesday from Wy moro nml Is visiting tier mother, Mrs, Ked Hold, for it few day. J. II. llurks, of Heat rice, was tlm guet of his brother, J, M, Hurks, while attending the convention of Modem Woodmen. Mr. Harvey Olenn, of Hlggsville, III,, who tint boon visiting tier parents, Mr. mid Mrs. S. Small, returned home Ihuixhty after a' three weeks' visit, I Oeorgo Mooro, of HrowiilUld, n delegate of tho Modern Woodmen, and al) n nephew of i Mr. (iJillup, was thilr guest while attending the state convention. Tin) Young I-adlen' MUaionnry society of lie Plymouth Congregational church will live mi entertainment at their church next Wednesday evening. The program will con !st of music, singing unit recitations. A 4111011 admission fee will Ihi charged. Come one, como all, and enjoy it treat. i Aunt Samantha. I I jidles will 11 nd a complete line of lino ihoes md nil the latest styles nt tho proper prices nt Slwrwln' Ilonton Shoe Store. ,nv .' Ll'Alt J. .; V-. FAMOUS UBATII VALLKY. A LAND OF DESOLATION WHERE FURN-OELIKE HEAT PREVAILS. Nrllhrr Mini Nor lleiisl Ahln In Willi hinil (III' Am fill Tciiiioriiliiro A I'm iniM'il (lim-rimioiit r.ilnnil Inn Tim I.ckciicI of llin I'rliii'i'"' (.'iirao, (Vipj right liy American Press AMoolatkin.) There In ono plneo Inside tlm limtiMlnrioM of t In Putted State, whloli Mm iniHt In tropid explorer lint never Investigated, nml rotiirnril to loll tin story of IiIn Joiirnoy, Tim Valley of Dontli Into wliloli roilo llin Six lliiiulroil wiii mil hii fnlul iih urn n few liiimlrotl siptaro miles In southern Cull- KSTIIANCi: TO DKATII VAI.I.KV. forula, tioar tho Arizona line. Imagluo it narrow strlpof arid plain, shut In Wtwecn two liilglity liioltlilaln walls, tho peaks Mt retching up Into a burning sky " Wlii'il," Htilil ono of tlio most experienced of travelers lo Ihn writer, "I Mood at tlm cntraiico to tho wclnl plnco thero wassoimi thing unearthly In tho view. A gray Im.o, lioiimleil by tlio fatal mirage, hung ovor tlio Hiirfaco. Tlm level of tho lialn, 175 foot below tlilowator, was n blackish gray, with scarcely n pieco of vegetation torist tho oyo. "Long before n white man ovor looked upon (hi) npot It. wim called Death vnlloy hy tho natives on account of tlio direful In llilelico It exerted upon iiiauaml la'ast. The ground between the bony ridges tlmtrlso on either hIiIo Is iiii alkali pasto into whicli tho borne hIiiVch to his knees. Hair ami hlili) aro oaten away by thu Htrong nub Htiiuco, ami unless ono can llml the paths which cross tlio plain, death will como bo foro half tho distance has been passed," Thero is something uncanny about tho whole appearance of things In tlio valley thu absence of vogetiition, tho long, level reaches of white wind, looking In thu twi light liken lake, ami tho quiet, which in unspeakable. Hut greatest ami uiof.t fear ful of nil is tho heat. Ah Into a natural furnace thu Milt's rays nro poured, without n cloud to mitlgatu tlm intensity. When I'rofesMor (iilbort, thu famous geologist, succeeded lu crossing u narrow arm of tho valley utmost twenty yearn ago, escaping only wltli his life, tlio thermometers in his Haddlo bags run up to IM) dog-cos and thou burst. Tlio Ilrst whlto man who ever visited Death valley was Capt. tleiiilire, a Cali fornia Forty-niner. cross ll in INK), ami was uiisucce.ssiui in more than skirting tho edge. Ilo took hack talcs of the terrible place, ami iminciliately a number of miners, excited liy thu addi tions to his recital inaili! by tlio Indians, ilcternilneil to explore tlio region lu hopes of llmllug gold. Fitting themselves out with plenty of tools, iiud carrying enough water to last ordinarily for threo day.s, they started, a company of four. Slipping rapidly down from tlm shelf of rock that surrounds the plain, tliuy found themselves lu iv journey of two miles 5,000 feet below tho starting point. Their aim was a precipitous bin IT on tho opposite hIiIo, taking in what appeared to bo an oasis with trees growing thereon midway across tho vnlloy. Uut their water mipply di minished rapidly. Thu air, much drier than even that of Sahara, anil thu great heat put their bodies through u kind of an evaporating process. So fast did this uVnp oration go ou that a gallon of water only lusted us a pint lu an ordinary atmosphere. Kveii with their abundant, supply, before they hail lieon out a day their blood grow thick nml fever stared them in tho face. Near whom they camped tlm Ilrst night they found the dried, up form of an Indian, nml hcslilu It. it largo (old nugget. Wlhl with liopo they toiled on, Intending to push up to ono of tho gorges that reached into tho valley from tho west, ut thu head of which tiny," hoped to llml n spring. Hut they did not know which to seek, ami after tolling to the head of one, ami llmllug nothing hut barn and parched rocks, one of tlio party went mail with heat, and 'they were foicisl to abandon hliu. Ik'foro night two moro laid down to die, itml thu solitary survivor was clambering tlio nicks with foverish haste, endeavoring to escape from tho alkali sink lu which his friends had perished., They did not need burial. Their bodies shriveled up to mum myllke forms, nml may lie where they foil through all eternity, staring up at tho brazen sky. The iu,lur at last reached civilization a mere skeleton of his former Keif. In 187.1 it party of emigrants was crossing the plains ou the way to southern Call- LOOKINO ACROSS TIIK VAI.I.KV. fornlii. Arrived nt tlio mountain range they saw threo great chains stretched out boforutheni, the Inyoand the Argus menu tulns forming the most westerly one, tho Pitramliit Isdng next, to tho eat, and tho Armagoza the third, still farther east and nearest them. F-ast of t lie Armagoza range is tlio Armagoza desert, and to t lie west Death valley. They struggled across the former stretcli of sand mid cactus, ami the horsi's were nearly worn out whuu iliey pulled into tho awful region of tho I titer. They bad not gone far when J he animals grow too weak to pull tlio wagons. With a heroism worthy of the occasion, thu un married men put the women ami their husbundson tho best horses ami sent them over the back trail, believing that they would Is- able to reach the lust itream that hud Ik'cii passed. In a few moments a cloud of dust hid their friends from tlio eyes of the solf-Bac-rlllclng band. Tho families succeeded in getting to water, nml llnally, having wait ed three dot's for tho half dozen uoblu men behind to overtake them, pushed on to California. A year afterward two of then l::''''s5'-- "s"" bravo fellows hi pranil unison down In health, mid told iiow after u desperate ef fort they alone of tlm sit had i inched tlm mountains mid been saved liy a passing shower Death valley Itself tioter sees n shower. Tho rainfall Is dissipated by tlm hot air, ami etc the tremendous storms In Armogn.ii vri ey, which send at llines ,i rlter it iiiilo lu tilth around tho out of tho range and t hence northward, never mnlxlcli tlio dry earth. The Hood Is dried Up itml lost before it has penetrated many rods Inlo tho ovenlike section. At tho south end of tho valley are soliiit Jeep pools, fed by wonderful underground springs. They never ovorllow, nor Is lb known that their level ever changes. Si lent, dark mid lonely, theynio llkii grat brown ejes looking up from thegbally w hili! stretch of horror, lu them are found llsh unknown elsewhere in the world, and w lilcli hato no cys. Surrounding tho val ley nro other remarkable natural features. Sixty miles southeast Is the Devil's Play giouml, a dreadful wastu across which a furnace like wind constantly blows. Tlio black lava ami hot sand of tho plain radi ate the beat of tlio sun, so that looking down from some eminent o tho whole land scape Is tremulous to t ho eje, and seems Instinct witli lifo. Near this is Dead moun tain, where tlio tompcrntuio Is I It) dogs lu tho simile tho year round, On the east .ddu tlio precipitous rocks are much broken up, ami tho sun shining on the white points ami angles makes tho mountain look from a distance as If wholocouvoiitlousof ghosts were thero assembled, The Indians bo lien! on lids account that the place is the abode of their dead warriors. Hence its name, and tho mystical titles which are connected witli it. Hut Deatli valley Is not to remain a terra Incognita. Tho Unltisl States government has planned an exploration which will, if such a thing Is possible, lay bare its secrets. Two parties will go Into tlio valley from opposite sides, and the department, of agrl culture will have tlio fruits of the expedi tion arranged at Washington and shown as a warning and a study. F.spccial atten tion will Ihj given the animal life of thu valley's environs, ami if any living thing exists in tho place itself specimens will bo obtained. Kxperts will collect plants, woods, rocks, soil, ami indeed everything possible. The explorers will carry an abundance of supplies, mid will not vent ure into the valley until they have accu rately located springs and streams, so that they can reach them in case of necessity. Perhaps among the wonders of the strange region none is more noteworthy than' tlio legend of the ruins of a pueblo or castle, said liy the Indians to exist in Death valley, mid which may have been tho four miners' oasis. Long ago, so tlio tale runs, Death valley was a fertile king dom presided over liy a Itcntitlful ami fair haired iiteeu. Shu commanded her sub jects to build her a mansion, and for years , itt ts ok tiih rt;i:nt.o. the) toiled, dragging stones ami wood across t lie level space between the mount ains and tho chosen site. As the palace iioared completion tier majesty grow Im patient, and at last pressed cum the prin cess, her tlmmhter, into thu sorvlie of the builders. Then, becniiM- the woikmeii scorned slow, she strode among tiiem nml lashed their naked backs witli a heavy whip. The laborers dared not complain, but when she struck her daughter, the slender girl, roused to wrath, cursed tier mother ami the valley, Immediately dying as a re sult of tho severe tasks she had boon made to perform and tlio abuse heaped upon her. The sun never ceased thenceforth to pour Its fiercest rays upon tlio kingdom, and it was made a desert, and thu queen ami her subjects died of thirst and heat. Thu pueblo, pinched and baked, stands half completed, and in thu almost constant iiiirago which lloats over the valley Its dim outlines, white ami ghastly, are reported to bo often visible. ClI.UM.K.H MoitCAU llAUUKIt. END OF A USEFUL LIFE. The Career of Dr. John Ilitvls, Wliu I'.x plrvil Suddenly the Other Day. Dr. John Davis, who died very suddenly mho evening not long ago at his home In Cincinnati, had attained prominence not only as a physician but also in public af fairs. He was it native of Ohio, and had reached his seven tieth year when death's summons came. His wife, whom he married In 18ll, survives hliu. Dr. Davis at tallied promt uenco outside his profession s o m u yours ngo as presi dent of the Law mid Order league, which made a per sistent and par tially successful crusade against ,, J0N- AVI8 the gamblers and Sunday Honor sellers of Cincinnati. Pre f vious to that,' however, his earnest and ef fective work lu charitable enterprises mid ' social reforms had won him an enviable name all over Ohio, and Governor Hayes I niado iiini a meiiib'r of tho statu board ot charities. The doctor mid exProsiiloiit I Hayes were intimate personal friends, while the same strong attachment existed be I tweeu Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Hayes. Dr. Davis often entertained Mr. ami Mrs. Hayes at his hospitable home, lleforo his depart ure for Washington to be Inaugurated In td77 President Hayes made a speech from tlio veranda of Dr. Davis' residence. A Minnesota Jury Kxperliiit-nt. An experiment in jurisprudence is being made in .Minnesota which will lie closely watched ami the results carefully noted. Hy an amendment to the constitution five- sixths of a jury are authorized to render it verdict in all civil cases, and judged liy the laws of common souse this is an eminently just and sensible, conclusion, Tlio decision of ten men out of twelve Is more apt to be honest mid reasonable than tho enforced agreement vt lilcli tho twelve have reached after being imprisoned behind guarded doors for hours in order to drive or starve them Into unanimity. .Murl.cil Deoreu.a of Intimity. Insanity shows a decrease In New York mate according to the latest st.ittitlcs. A forthcoming olllclnl report will show fiiM cases of lunacy In 1890 as against AW in 16S1). About one-half the atllicted are from New York c'ty ami Hrooklyu. iW.t HI ZtTP f':dJt7 1 y y toMng,&fa, 1109 0 We are offering some TABLE LINENS, Napkins and T wels. Our Special Cloak and Dress Goods Sale Will be continued This is the Season of the year when COAL is KING when Competition is Close and Everybody has the best. Then is the time to go direct to Headquarters. You need a supply for the Winter and as now is the time to buy, why not call on BETTS St WEHVER and see their line and get prices. There you can get .he pure article direct from America's greatest mines noted for their purity and excellent quality. Call up Phone 440. v GO PllJffvAri6RlCHTER GifMii Phi iif2lHIv V nn IHtoBHHiBHflHSX'"N m 1 ncoui-3EHH&)i Qp.pfo&Pj. -HeB" 1204 and 1206 0' Street. Burr Block. ANTHRACITE lihACK DIAMOND DOMESTIC PERFECTION OHIO JACKSON UL.D KENTUCKY NEW KENTUCKY TRENTON PEERLESS VULCAN WALNUT Hlock and Nut IOWA Hlock and Nut MISSOURI Hlock nml Nut KANSAS Hlock and Nut TEETH i EXTRACTED DR-H, K. KERMHN SURGEON DENTIST, Who has the Exclusive Use of Steauna's Anesthetic No Chloroform ! No lither ! No (.as 1 A Full Set of Teeth on Rubber for $5.00. All Fillings at the Lowest Kates. DR. H. K. KERMAN, Hooms fti&g6, """ """ . Xdistrict . Delivering I Jttt' (L, , t i I ' 'en- IPO, hL COMPANiYX .: I ADIES s py n I X ST. Special Bargains in another week. Office, 1 18 south 1 lth st. Hsnaqfcjiff yf COAL -:- COAL 1 will Sell One Ton Pennsylvania Anthracite At the Yard for $9.60. M. L.. Trester, WITHOUT i PAIN -EY- LINCOLN, NEB SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR Notes, Letters, Invitations PARCELS, ETC. ll'i OLV WAKE VOU Ul At at any hour to make thu early trains et your mull from poitolllce, etc. Open Day and NiRht t Telephone Kjo. Otlice, S. W. cor. loth and O. Now Is tho lime to palm a ChrMinus Present for our Irlcmls, .Mine. I. oiikiis e.iinniiu mm oi Inwur Studios llio now miowo uu oiiseiiieni, inn n I i What to Piili.t. Mllloii M. l.on is In charge, ami will tnlio 1J pleasure hi showing and helping you to sell el. Don't wall for m " rlirlsiiiuiH to ilo this, hut beijlii now. ou will iiud hy oxiiinlnlng "Ai'onnectlciit Ymikedlu Ivlm, Arihiu'sl ourl," by Mark Twain Hint It will million splendid I'hrUtinns Present Tor young or old. Call ami see It. You will he convinced. THE GOTHAM, Newts Emporium, ,M. M. LYON, Proprietor. Ilaseinunt ltoom, 1101 N Ktrcot. LINCOLN, NEll. ..I. ...., I'tu.v nr. Hint llio IlllIU In I!1VU MllllllPlLH 4 1