CAPITAL CT'T C(HTK11CR, SATURDAY JANUARY 17, iKot ZLvdZISS Alice Isaacs! OMAHA, LATE WITH STERN BROS, NEW YORK LATEST NOVELTIES IN Millinery A Very Lowest Ft ices. 1 1 11 the Store of lie) man A Ilelclics, 1518-20 Earaam Street OMAHA. NOW IN NEW QUARTERS ! Lincoln Trunk Factory 0 st- 1133 st- Wlicrc wo will be yhid to see all old friends and customers mid as many now ones as can get into the store. C. 7X. WIR1CK, SUCCESSOR TO WIRICK & HOPPER. WESTERFIELDS Palace Bath Shaving PARLORS. Ladies - and - Children's - Hair - Gutting ASI'i ASTY. COR 11 & O STS NEW IJURR IJL'K Leading PHOTOGRAPHER! Flno Hast Cabinets 1 per ilu.en. Hnccliil rates to students. Call anil see our work. Studio, 1214 O Street. Open from 10 a. m. to -I . m. Huiuliiys. J. S. EATON, Physician and Surgeon Ollice: 239 South Eleventh St McMurtry Hlock. Ollice Phone 561. Residence I'hoiie 562. lIncoln, neb. & )x0JLtn4-4 uj. Sfta'alist. l'ructlee l.linltecl to Diseases oftho Nervous System, Heart and Blood UHKKUKNUKd: Hon. Win. Ia'cko, Attorney Oonenil. Hon. T. Ii. Norvat, Associate .lust tee. Jones' National Hunk, Howard. CltlzeiiH' National Hank, UI)sm?s. Okkick: laao (street, LINCOLN, NKH. I.iidli'a Use lr. I. Diic'n IVrlodlcHl rills from Paris, Kriince. Tlmt positively re Hove suppressions, monthly derangements and IrroKiilnrltlcH caused liy cold, weakness, lioek, iinemln. or general nervous delilllty. The largo proportion of ills to which Indies mid misses aro liable Ik the direct result of a disordered or Irregular menslriuitloii. Hup prefslons continued result tu blood poisoning mid quick consumption. f'J package or.'l for 15. Kent direct 011 receipt of price. Hold in Lincoln by II. I'. Slierwiu, druggUt 0 tree LINCOLN AMI INSTITUTE UK rrSMAMillll, Rlmrlliiiiiil, nml tho IhhI mid lurtnwt Cnllrgulii Ihu West. Ixn Miuleiits III ntteiuluiiee liu( J ear. HtiiltnU ireumi ,or Im.lncii III frnin .Itti'J uiiinth. KxktIi'ktiI fueiilty I'lrsonul Instruction. Mpfttitlfiil llluntnitisl cstiiliigue, iiiIIpk" Jouriinln, mid inwlmt'iui i f Hiiiiiiitis)ili, tent free by udilri snlng LILMIIKIDUE & ItOO.SK, I.lueoln, Neb. Tickets ON SALE 4Q0tfa&t Si TO .LL Principal Points EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH - AT 1044 O STREET. E. B. SLOSSON, City PnssungcrAgent TOUCH USKl) KOU BAIT. EXPEHIENCES OF A TOURIST ALONG THE INDIAN niVEn, FLORIDA. A Vlf.ll In 11 rini'iliiln rimiliilliili Kill lowed liy 11 Miiiiiillulit lluullng I'.nciir dim How to Ciiti'li IuI1iIm Wiih-k AkIiim nllli l.ltrlit. (Cup) rlitht by Ainrrlciui Press Assis-lntliiti ) MAOI.NI' several acres of Unlit gray fsaud as level as it olltior, n 11 il y 0 11 have 11 I- lorliln iljpl noupplo Held. l'TIidiikxIiicI limit no easily pictured. 'I'lio plant li like a cabbage In I hut It grows directly on tliti ground. Tin1 radical or root leaven spread out oer tho noil or reach upward at varl mm angles. They are pale, Mulsh green In color, and thick, narrow, lance shaped and still' Kadi leaf terminates In n point, from which extendi u spine as long, as sharp and as inlle.xlhlu as a darning nee dle. In the center of the plant, on u short, thick, upright stein, Is t ho fruit. This ap pears ahout eighteen months after the. grove has heeu set out. The 1 m 1 1 1 k plants are put In rows with aisles helueen. They icquirc little or no cultivation, except to keep out the weeds until the leaves cover the ground. A grove suit, dons thick leather gloes, and with u pair of shean or a long, sharp knife pro cecils to business. The needles on the cuds of the IcaM'.s launot lie defied otherwise. Each is a dagger. To cat 11 perfectly rlpu pineapple Just from the parent stalk is to enjoy a new ex perience. The fruit i so delicate that It ts sent to market when hut h.ilf ilpe. Ileiicolts lovers in northern cities never taste the mature product The country along Indian river la fast becoming a great pineapple patch. Thu prolltsnn the fruit have sometimes reach cd as high as $t,(KHI per acie Indeed, Indian river is 11 region of nevei eliding Interest. The scenery is more like thu tropics than elsewhere in the state, while it is intensely and characteristically I'loridlau. Iteautlful orange groves, thn Immeusu live oaks, iiowheru else, so large AMONG Till: I'lNKAI'PI.KS. nnd spreading, clothed with waving moss, thu plumellke palmetto, the clustering mangrove, thu endless varieties of climb ing, creeping vines, all aru thure. The banks for miles are Imnlercd with cab bage palmettos, live oaks, oleanders (which there attain thu sl.u and height of fine trees and bloom throughout the winter), thu Spanish bayonet, a sort of porcupine in thu vegetable world, and thu magnolia, 11 queen of the forest, whoso beauty Is a constant delight. Ihiuanas seem to grow without thought from uny one. They appear to bu simply a portion of thu luxuriant lifu of thu cli mate and soil gone to waste, a sort of over flow of nature's vitality taking to itself shape and form. Hut ouu cannot bo wholly absorbed in the products of the soil, forthulnhahltauts of thu river will claim attention. Near what is called thu Narrows ouu sails over a river bottom which Is a great oyster bed. As I remarked thu Immense sl.u of thu shells at ouu point a native standing near drawled forth: "Thur huv bin shells picked up here abouts, they tell me, that a human's foot could stun' into." And indeed I could well bellevu It, pro vided thu "human's" foot was small enough. Thu river swarms with thu finest of (Ish, among which the slim, silvery mullets, from nine inches to two feet in length, aru the favorites. They often run In shoals a mile or more in extent, and from one eighth to ouu-fourth of a mile in width. As they advance, with u noise not utillUo that of 11 distant train of ears or a rising wind in 11 forest, their course Is clearly in r .?: F20S & OATIIKIUNU OltASOKS. (iicntcd by the sudden leaping tothesur face of individuals from thu school. At frequent Intervals, hcru, yonder, anywhere, there darts up to the air a gleaming, glit tering body, making 11 vault of from one to three feet. Whether this is nla fulness an the part of the joyous, white sided mill j lets, or a sudden elVort for more elbow room, or simply u "way" they have, I am not siilliclc nt naturalist to decide I As I watched them one da) a lady in a I group near liy icmarked that it was van ity ami a desire to bu noticed that caused them to leap. I A (')iilciil looking man near her leplled "that it must hethe female mullet that does the leaping," Another niiilu member of thu p.u-tV n Kirted, with n how to thu lad), "It cettalli y must he so if grace and beauty are to be 1 'ckoued as feminine." t'hu mullet leserves It.s real parade for nih it and moonlight. Ouu glorious even Ing 1 wu persuaded by an old expert to try u sail I went to thu wharf where thu JSsvflwl Aruuiuih-wi-Bn IE t. t. ',. HI t wwmm - im ssajMr,, n 1 1 EIIT3ffl.iKi n K ' y" 'i -X.?K will bear for fight or ten jciirx without re TtNJfc''MJ'w 'iXVf'iWVJr setting. Kroin 8,(KX to I'.'.OOO plants thrive , WLvftVLAf) v,US I on one acre. The limit of the fruit ma . A''litVAjjtISfL ' tu.ei Hi .lune. Plucking It li not a do fi&1fMMf 1 light, for w hen the owner desires to gather iSC vCTEj his atitilcs he clothes himself In a leather fcyrffc3iSjL--f VV2 v5i' 1$ gSjL lw 4Ssft , - VfiPW wsi Imvii hi) "fat pine'' torch hlaed In I he how- As I arranged my seat and in) self the "nip'ti" carefully placed a thin Isiard on each side of the light "What aie)otl doing?" I asked. "I'lvln' to keep the ll-h from pilttlli' out the toich," he rcplhsl. "Fixing for what Mind what llsh?" I per sisted "Wli), the niullcts. The) Ml hegln to Jump In hem pretty soon, ami If we don't have these guards the) 'II Mop the hlae. I' Is light enough wit hoitteu a torch, hut I want some llsh for the hotel break fast," A fresh hreee soon earned 111 Into mid stream, and shoitly afterwanl splashes were heard, now on our right, again on our left I was watching some cloud ef feels lluilwcrn Indescribably locly when there came a Hash, the sound of 11 fall, and 11 glistening body diopped near my feet, A struggling lls'i over a foot long lay In the bottom of the boat, lie fore I had time for exclamatory remiuks another voluiita rily sprang in to keep it company. In a few minutes a third took passage w It li 111, followed In ipilck succession liy more Some In their eagerness actually vaulted almost across the boat They wcio slmpl) attracted h) the light, which, guarded on the sides by the captain's hoards, shone out clear and bright both foie and aft The) leaped about us, approaching nearer and nearer until 11 siilllelent number for any hotel Ineakfast were seemed I ,.V ..;1r-!iVXA Zl'H 'SV- wc W 5E ( -TWIilsa (-tlLV 7U AM& - livjfiX I lift' .ItM'IICtt NAIIItOU.s, INDIAN IIIM.II The captain produced a corn sack, plated them In It, and put out the toich, leaving us 110 light hut that of the moon, as It phi) ed in wondrous loveliness over the water. I settled down to enjoy It, when -presto! what new change Is this? Is the captain a magician? Aru wo Moating 011 a sea of sliver? Am tliosu llsh metallic? Surely never was u moon that Illumined like this before. "What Is It?" I eagerly a,ked. "They say It Is fiw fore us," was thu dif- llcult teply. And so it was. Wo weiu sailing on a phosphoresieiit sea, through which dashed I Incxci') iliieetlou phosphorescent sh. 1 Standing In the liow I watched a fairy 1 like scene lleneath me, through thu I water, darted what seemed to my eelted I fancy millions of Hsli, each apparently a 1 piece of burnished silver. I could ills I tlugulsh the juwllsh, thu saw llsh and I (pianlilles of mullet and other common I varieties all nhla.e with light, and every scale on their bodies charly ilcllucd. They I looked like meteors as they cut their way I through the water. The boat's prow threw back nuta curling spray, but a gleaming mass of light Thu waves did not break Into shining drops from white crests, but rosu and fell In polished rolls like molten metal. I'nrtliur out, where thu stream move:! more gently, thu top of each tiny ripplu became a Hashing Hue, ami crossing each other these Hues lay on the water like fiosted luce of an ever varying pattern. In slioit, Indian river, the paradlseof thu fisherman and the hunter, with its oranges, its pineapples, its thiivlug towiisaud open ing Industries, deserves not a letter, nor a chapter, hut a hook, In two volumes, hound with the skins of Its own alllgatois the dethroned kings that are still heirs of the realm. II. K. iMiitAM. HE WAS A GALLANT SOLDIER. Ills Niiine Wus C'lipl. (icurge II. Will luce, mill lie I'ell NVur I'lne Ithlgf. dipt. Ci'eorgu I). Wallace, who was killed recently in a battle with the Sioux Indi ans near Pino Uldge agency, was 4'i years old at the time of his death. Ills boyhood was spent In South Carolina. At the ago of 'JO he lecelved an appointment to the West Point .Military academy, and his rec ord of promotion was as follows: Second lieutenant, Seventh cavalry, .tune II, HTi; first lieutenant, June li.'., IHTtl; captain, Sept. SI, 1SS5. Wallace took part in thu frontier cam paigns of 1870, ami 011 thu day when Cus ter fell was only twenty miles from thu scene of thu bat tle, lielug then in charge of the wag on train. It was liy meritorious ncrvico as an Indi an lighter through nine successive yuars that lie gained a captain cy. Then ho was detailed to thu school of Instruc tion at Leaven worth, and from theruwent to the , ,,, ..,, .,, Ml lofrilleprac- tAPT D. WAM.ACI.. tlcu at .lell'ersou barracks, St. Iouls. A year ago he rejoined his command, and thu other day miirche I out to meet death at the hands of a savage foe. He com ciauded Troop L, of the Seventh cavalry, and was much loved by his soldiers. It is I said that during former winter campaigns he went for nights at a time without sleep that his tiled sentinels might rest, ami often on the march he took the coat from his hack to shelter thu shivering shoulders of a sick or wounded private. Andrew ,liiekon's Krnim, Thu errors of Andrew Jackson are now universally acknowledged, since Ameri cans have grown wise enough to see that greatness is not in ssarily fault less Omit ting minor in itters,tliu pas-ages in his lifu which all Am .cans now rev-ret are three: Ills marriage, his duels and other personal encounters, and his so called appointment and removal policy. Partisan inaluo once painted ids acts us lleiiillsh, his eulogists made them Innocent or pralsworthy. At prcHuut thu plain truth Is enough Kiloeiilliiii Among III 11 Mormons. Thu census bureau announces that thu "first complete statement of seho ds con trolled b a religious body" has been re ceived from thu secretary of the general hoard ol education of thu Church of .leslis CI list of Latter Day Saints. The llgures slio'V that in Arl.ona, Idaho and I'tah the Mormons employ ninety-six te i"'ieis, who have charge of 6,(ArJ pupils id both kcxes XK1 1 I . ( Published through The Aiiicriatn 'irxx Atsnriittfan, hg jwriuim'on Xrrnitcnilh St., A'rtn Vork. P. PLANQUETTR. Allfonllo mar i. " i"1 O 1J. ; m to H ( & q ' .1- )i ' 8 t m .1 ifc . (&; - . I i k 3 C q 1 rLLr m n t Fandango. r 0 - tt '! Tr"uTfe-rrn" I- Win tt i - r? W (i Awlttntt. $tmpicilvl m rVK2- - !" I id ilJjrrdn-lUJail ml-Tj f rJrr-7'TJ: crmc. illm. WJ ttiilriiihiio n c- z-00- cJ-r- '--L-sj 5f--CJ 55gGxi:fiainSOrEl )p ikii Irn'o I f 0 5j;,yp-f' --zrrzm-i 'ce-f t. " 1 ' r. . 1 , til. (N 5131 mzMM4, 72$- --, rtal S - -1 t - - t - r r l5' ,"H "' r fi 12 m j0- OilfP --0: lkt. X ts- 3 1 FINEST , ftmm $ T&JtrHL x - jRsi'Xt: Wsizz, 1 -&. jmrb a s rn hul.l-?. 'j.. i W4f-mu a' m? - .- tr- 1 tt 'iw -wm hi p 11 m- jrr k i. r . "I TTPlf-w? a! 1 1 j yt zCMfL ff-T-T H tr -LS KH n- M St., botwoon llth ind 12th. Phono 432. -A., a-. BILLMETBE &: f-f-RlfKlUi(fK7?HKIIfA iingiWfopiiMPw Telephone 176 Moving Household oods and Pianos a Specialty, SELECTIONS FROM THE SUCCESSFUL OPERA, PAUL JONES." Arr. for Plnno by PAOLO F. CAMPIGLIO. PAIRS OF STATE." AA 1 to 0 t f u Ji -!: - 0 . 1 m to to . ill - 1 a to - rrn f. -f f f nil.; ' r m mm jj -J is -i sd s5sJ -i'5 .J -l:---Hk :&ttf-firiUti- 0 00 00 00 m , rSSi. -8 r- t -, t - l- 1. r? iSf. 3rFi 0 Z0 TI-IB LEE SHORE." 0 Li m 1 m r i m m i i .- 1 r- ,- .L m ; ' J :1 im - I B--r r:.r- - - liumium. i r tiinrf.ilu II ruiili) 1 7 , -r J. 1 1 -J -H-Ht- - 1 - - ' - - ? --& : ii--rf i 1 -- 1- T3SI rftr: v. X m 5f x W . :- -r- 1 -r.-i ! -!- Copyright, IHUO, by U, Lclilt A Co. PALAGE f STABLES. LIVERY IN THE Stylish Turnouts of Ail Kinds. of M. LciiU ( Co., IS Jiast 'fcjr -pn sznizrii I -- -1-1 m 12 ipnij Lf ill r PnEEpi 1 m to -- to rr 0rr9l -ZJT- 0 1ZZ-1Z- ed-sl- :-r- : : r.-. - 3 wmm&m I i r n f f f 1 I I ' ( -S 0r.. 8- r D35: 1 fat. rU. -evnrz 1. : WEST 4' CO. OFFICE '1024 0 Street. ir-nrfm fge&p&mzm Mm. IM.