Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 17, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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    rarao rrr-
"T" "HSE'J""" '
- nhnmiwi
Mrs. Graham's
Flower Cream.
Ik i,otnconielle hut permanently beuntl
nes. Ucreiitoit it soil, velvet) itliln, mill by
dally use itrniliiiilly makes the complexion
several shades whiter. II Is n ciinslitul pro
twlloii front the cited or sun and w nil niul
nnvmill KM II llliril llllll frcCkll'S. Illlll hllltlk-
fioniln will never cumo while )ou lino It. It
ctcniiHittlit riifo htr heller Hum snap nml wntcr
noursltcs nitd Imlltl iit tli skin iliucs nml
tlm prevent Hie roriuiilhni uf wrinkle. II
He Itin freshness, clenriicss nml smoothness
of akin Hint ynil liiul when it IIUI11 Kir!. I 'very
lady, young or old ought louse It, n II give
a linm joiilhful appearance In miy lady, nml
Hint iioriniini'iilly. II eonstan no atild, pow
der or ulUnll. and I it harmless n dew nml im
nnurlnlilnir In llm "III" " daw I" to Hio lloivnr.
I'rlre Bt.oo, nl Druggist nml nt Mr. M-T.
laltcron' establishment. 'HI Month lllh Nt.
Lincoln, Neb., where she treitl Indices fur nil
tlomlUr lo fitco or llgure. Lntllc lit it ill
taiicn treated by letter Send stump for Iiit
Utlo iHiok "How lo ho llcrttillrul."
If you Deposit your Savings
Lincoln avingsBank
Safe Deposit Co.
H. K.cor. Mill nml PHI.
At tho Unto of
5-l;ive per Ct. per Anmim-5
Have WHO a week uml It ri'iouulM with
Intertwl In llvii yenr to
lunik open nt tis) it. in. to :i:!M . m. nml
Hnturdity evening, !. lo 8 . in.
Safes to Rent in Burgtar nml Fire
Proof Vaults.
Strictly Pure and the
Largest and Finest Line
In the City, at
1307 O STREET.
ISfWc make a specialty of entering lec
Cream and Fruit Ices for Hulls, Parties,
Wedding, etc., nml can serve tlicm In the
brick or by the (mart on short notice at
reasonable prices, Fancy Cakes of all
kinds made to order. Telephone orders
receive prompt attention. Call up 501.
Dr. Alma J. Coe,
Oflot, 1704 X Strut.
' Chronic 11 ml unite dlcncs of women uml
children. Will he nt Opelt Hotel Wetlncs
day nml TliiirHilny of each week. Will treat
tltrncult nml eomplleateil eases sent lo tho
Office Hours: 8 to 12 a. m ,3 to 7 p. m.
The Bond
European or American Plan !
Finest Suites in the City
This beautiful new house in now mule
new management. All the latest conven
iences, uch as bath rooms on every lloor,
passenger elevator nml superb service.
Tabe Unsurpassed I
Street Cars to all Depots pass the door
Cor. 12th and Q Sts,?
.1 i
Mil. AND Mite. OOWSCn.
Iir Mil liowsmi
I ex pert ed 11 new diess tnroine up one
evening In llnui for 11 jmrly lo which wo
r,.vl lieeii liivlteil. Al (I o'clock Mr. How Her
began In grow uneiisy nml ilterleil:
"Why on earth didn't nu have II lieni
'.Ills morning?"
"It VVIIStl'l llllllll."
"Then .miii should have given your order
further iilieml, Mrs. Hawser, joii me it
very soft mink."
"Hut the dress will tie hero by 7."
"Del jotl tun farms to it cent! Never
know ntijlhiug of jiiiiih lo romo up with
in twcnlj -four hours of llm lime promlseil,
Tills Is 11 nice Mule of alTalrs, I must say I"
"Tlmilrcs will come."
"Not until to nun row, ami no might 111
well miike up our nilnils 10 stay at home."
It uas lliere ill half-past (I11111I lie got out
of ll hj saving Ihnl ll w iih a mistake for
which the dressmaker woulil proliahly
commit suicide. A week later Im onlereil
a new unit, stipulating that I hey were I o
ho scut up nt noon 0:1 11 certain ilay. Wo
were to no ton party Hint night, uml at
breakfast I queried:
"Do joii feel certain of your new suit?"
"Do I feel certain I hat I live?" lie replied,
with 11 grand vncof lilshanil.
"Hut ll may not coimi up."
"Anil I he nun may bust It btleraml llm
pieces tumble to cat III Tim clock will mil
have struck IJ before that suit Is lieic."
Hut vv hen ho caimi up lo illmier I had lo
Inform I1I111 (hat no suit hail arrived.
"Oh, well, the parcel hoy Is taking it
slow," lie answered. "It will ho hero lie
foro I go,"
Hut It wasn't, Ho walled ten minutes
over time, and then went to the telephone,
and called the tailor up and said:
"I Niippose that suit has Marled on Km
way up."
I could not, of course, hear llm reply.
"Why, that milt I ordered 11 week ago,"
(Tailor's reply unheard.)
"You haven'tl TIiiiI'm a pretty Ideal Do
)oii mean to tell me that mill Isn't Mu
lshed ?"
(Tallor'a reply unheard.
"Well, you see that you dol If II'hoiki
minute after (I I'll leavu the Million your
"How about my dressmaker?" I linked an
he hung up thu trumpet.
"IIowiiImiiii mithlngl Dressmakers de
liberately perjure themselves, while this
was a mere overnight. It'll Im up at ll."
"And If not?"
"Didn't I miy It would he up at Or Mako
all your amusements to koIo that pin ly."
When ho eaint) up at (laud failed lo 11 ml
tho milt ho turned live Minnies whiter. (Jo
Iiik to the phone he jelled to tho tailor:
"Where In Halifax Is that suit of miner"
(Tallor'a leply 1111 heard.
"No, It Iiimii'II What do you mean by
Hitch conductr"
(TallorV reply unheard.)
"Yc.n, If ll comes at sharp 7, hut not a
mlutito later! You folks down there must
have all been on a drunk this week!"
"MtennihiKiil 7?" I asked.
"Certainly. I illiln't expert It before, but
wanted to hurry Vm up a little."
"Well, I hope it will come."
"Hope! Il will conic, an I that's all thcio
Ih about It."
Hut 7 o'clock came without thu suit. It
didn't come at half-past, nor at 8, ami Mr.
Downer called up the central ami was told
that the tailor shop was shul up. Mo
danced up and down, rapped on the hox,
kicked the cat ttud told baby to shut, up,
and dually lie fell Into a chair and looked
at me In a cold, Icy way
"Well, liowalMutdrcsinakcrsf" 1 asked.
"Notn word, Mrs. IIownui not a wortll
I nee how It Isl"
"How what Ix!1"
".Morn of your roveiiKoful workl You
wanted to get uvea with mo and you luivu
done It."
"Hut what did I dor"
"Never you mind! Ul your own con-
hclenco answerl I'm koIiikiIowii town. and
If I shouldn't return to the house you can
communlcato with any htwjeryou sisi lit."
Hut he was home and In bed' by 11, and
Kind to drop the subject. Detroit Krisj
lllil Not Trouble Hint.
When Sain .lones was preachliiK In a
western town sonic t lino ngo he was an
noyisl by iiyoutm inan who wiim whisper
Iiik lo his ulrl. Fiiiully tho preacher could
stand the Interruption no Ioiikit, ho ho
looked straight nt the youiiKiiiiiu auilHald:
"I will pause until the youtiK man in tho
baek of the room Ket throiiKh tulkiiux."
Tho silence was Intense, and ovury eyo
wiw on the youtiK man, who was Ht til
whlsperhiK to his Kill. Hu had been mi
busy that hu had not caught the preach
er's censure. Mr. .lones repeated tho re
mark, and this time the young man heard
hhu. Not an Instant did ho hesitate, but
ho Immediately tried to square himself.
Whllo every 0110 was watching him ho
looked squarely nt tho preacher and Haiti:
"(io right ahead, Mr. Jones, you aro not
bothering me." Yankee Hlade.
A Neapolitan ucntleumu happened to
show a iH'autlful watch to it Frenchmau.
Tho latter admired ll ho much that tho
Neapolitan politely olTercd it to him. The
Frenchman, to his great surprise, accepted
It, whereupon tho donor remarked:
"How now, sir, where are your miinnornf
What I ho politely ollered to you. von
should liavu as politely refused!" lmdon
llltiillies ,VIH.
This Inscription was found upon a tablet
in n country cemetery;
"Here lies the Ixxlyof , who formally
yean conducted a highly respectable gen
eral business In an adjoining village,
which Is now continued by his widow. N.
U. No trust given." LondunTit-dlU.
nlt I'ltiprr.
"Talk ahoui tlu liiucMof things," ox
claimed Diiuilej, pointing to a HiH-eding
vehicle. "TheruV an illustration of It.
Dr. Uincci.tho surgeon, out sleighing in
11 cutter." Huston Courier.
A Crl.U.
She Pleato hold tny
He-Ceitalnly, Shall I put it around
you fli-btr lilfn.
lit hlcnll) Not HU Mplicrr.
Proletorof 11 Dry (JooiIm Sloro (ton
clerk ydio has Just lost a wile) What wax
llm matter with that ladyr
"Oh we didn't hnvo what hIiii wanted."
"flldn'l have what, aim wanteiD" re
peated the proprietor In auia.ementi "any
body could have sold to her what hIio
wanted The thing Is to sell her what Mho
don't waul." Philadelphia Kccord.
HoIiik U'oll.
Advet Using Poet There, Hell, I've not
out three Hues of my poem already.
Illsdood Wife And I've got. out threu
lines of my wash. Harper'
IllnVri'ticii In TiiIi..
A very amusing Mory was told about
Chancellor Hlsiuaruk by Earl ltitssell. The
Incident occurred at Versailles during the
war of 1870, lird Hussell was to hae an
audience, and ho was walling for Count
von Arnlm to leave lllsinarck'M Htudy.
Presently Von Arnlm came out, fanning
himself furiously with his handkerchief.
"I really cannot understand," lie said,
"how Hlsinarck can llvo in miicIi an atmos
phero; he Im continually smoking, and the
strongest cigars, too. I had lo ask him to
omii tho window, for I could not stand It."
Then he took leave of lird lliisscll and
went his way. As soon as Ijonl ltllsscll
entered the nsmi lllsiuarck said to him:
"What strange tastes some peophi have!
There Is Von Arnlm, now, who Ims Just
gone out of t he room; It is a fad of his to
scent himself up to an uulmarahle degree,
and today I he perfume was so Intense that
I had to open the window." St. Iymls Re
public, Only One Tiling l.iirkltiif.
Friend (JoKson, how Is your airship
getting along?
Inventor -It Is complete, with the ex
ception of one little detail I have not jet
perfected. I shall take that up next.
"What Is It?"
"A mere trlllo that 1 can think out at
any lime. The principal feat.tro of my in
vention is a safely net Hint will travel
along under the airship to prevent fatal
accidents. It will make mivlgatlui; the
air absolutely free from danger. In the
making of that net I have revolutloui.ed
the entire business,"
"Hut how Is the net Itself to Im kept
from falling to the ground when nnjtliliiK
happens to your airship?"
"That is tlie III tie detail I haven't, worked
out jet." Chicago Times.
Sixty Mm Iks nt Once.
Hero Is a good story of Justin .McCarthy.
It refers to ihediy when The Galaxy was
itllvo. .Sheldon & V 1. wero thu publishers
of thu maga.iiie. McCarthy had submit
ted i story. Ono day ho said to Mr. Shel
don: "I have comu to see If you will take that
story I offered to The Ualaxy."
"Yds," cordially responded Mr. Sheldon,
"and sixty more like It."
Time passed, ami ono day McCarthy
walked Into The (iiihtxy olllce with an im
posing pile of manuscript under his unit.
"What Is that?" asked Mr. Sheldon.
McCarthy laid tho bundle of maiiiiscript
upon thu publisher's desk ami replied,
"Hero aro tlie sixty stories you ordered on
tliu occasion of my last visit."
Ho got a check covering tho whole sixty.
New York Times.
OIih)Iiii; Orilt'in.
Jennies The doctor can't Imi bore, sir, e
says, for 'arf an hour, sir.
Irascible Old (ieutlemiiu (sntto voce)
Jennies Yes, sir. Dod gust his blanket y
blank blank
Irascible Old Ciuutlcman (In a violent
rage) What do you mean, you rascal,
speaking in that way about my old friend
before my very face?
Jennies You ordered 1110 to curso 'im,
Mr, didn't you? Toronto (Jrlp.
"How is it, .Muller, that hereof Into you
take such fearfully big steps going to bind
nessf It wasn't always so."
"No, but j on see slucu my family Im
canto so largo It's necessary to economize
in all directions. Thu longer the step of
course thu nioru I save in shoo leathor."
Fllegcudo Hlattor.
The Must Crriluluii. Man Alive.
Drown Tell me, do you think that Hobbs
uver says what Isn't exactly true?
Foggs Well, I should not Uku to charge
Hobbs with untruthfulness, but if hu him
self lielluves ono hundredth part of the
stories ho tells, hu must he tho most credu
lous man alive. doston Transcript.
In the Miitrlmoiilnl Olllce.
"Well, hero is a photograph of tho lady
whom I have described to you."
"Hut, my dear sir, ncr-ordlugto tills pbt
uro tho lady is much older thau you gate
mo any reason to Imlluve."
"Oh, I assure you that is a very old pho
tograph." Fllegendu Hlattor.
Ills KeiiHiin,
At tho Theatre "Hut, Mr. Finkelsteln,
why applaud thu play so vigorously when
it is so execrably bad?"
"That makes 110 difference to me, my
dear fellow. I lent tho author 100 marks
this morning." Fllegendo Matter.
Cauie uml KrlVrt.
Clara The engagement Imtween Hattle
and Tom Is broken.
Harry So? I thought It was Tom who
was broke! Howuvor, I suppose it amounts
to tho snmu thing. Huston Transcript.
All KxpUliKMl.
Hatleu I understand that you hnvo
htopM'd lioiirdliig and gone to housekeep
ing. Wheru are you now?
Flatten Wo are living with a sorvant
girl. Puck;
An Open Question,
Watts-IIow is old man Ollflllanr Is he
out of danger yet?
Dr. nowless I don't know. IIo died
this morning. Indianapolis Journal,
. hvZ?M r
A IViv Personal nml Local Items Iternrilrit
Insl lor run, lllMSo. -Three months ago, when
n )oung man who had stuck type for
thirty-live cents per I.0.M ems on a Cluvo
laud paper, ami had knocked oir because
ho couldn't, agreo with tho editorial policy
of the paper, came out hero to establish a
plant and grow wool on his back, wo sat
down and talked to him like a brother.
There's 110th'. ig mean about us. Wo don't
want the earth, Wo have a great weekly
newspaper, a butcher shop, grocery, sad
dlery, shoe shop, millinery store and sig
nal service bureau all under ono roof, and
wo don't cam how many other cnturprlscs
nro rstahllsho 1 in this wild west.
This young man planned lo start a
weekly over al Pedro Valley, ami wo
warned him to pitch Into the of Rus
sia ami go light on tho boys al home.
That's the safe policy while learning to
shoot, tight ami left handed. Ho didn't
seem to take kindly to our advice, ami our
last words, as wo lent him sixteen lettew
out of a font of Job type, were lo prepare
for the up hills and down-hills of tho here
after. The sequel proves t hat wo wero cor
rect. He Issued one edition, Jabbed his
home suhserllNTs, and now he sleeps in lot
No. 17, section Ul, of Tower's subdivision
of the ,(MKI acre tract. Ho died a victim to
the climate, assisted by willing hands.
TOOK A WALK. Any particular lack of
interest on our editorial pa ye this week
must he laid lo a little Incident which oc
curred Tuesday forenoon. A cross eyed
pressman, who was working his way Jrom
San Francisco to Host 011 to see his mother
die, had put In a couple of weeks with us
as literary jdltor. IIo scorned a prudent,
level headed fellow, and wo passed In his
copy without reading It. What did lie do
hut ring in a little item to tho effect that
four aces always Is-ata royal Hush, no mat
ter what old liar held to the contrary. Col.
Johnson, who Is Arl.nhn authority on
poker, came around to have a look at our
man and ask where and how we had capt
ured him, and hu had scarcely stepped In
side thoolllce when the pressman lost his
nerve and began lo shoot.
What was thu colonel's gain was our
loss. We had a linger split by a bullet, tho
devil got a rako across thu skull, and tho
foreman now carries his arm in a sling.
The colonel, It Is needless to say, was un
touched. Whenouryoungmiingot through
shooting at everybody except thu man ho
wanted lo hit wo assisted to take him out,
head him for the cactus plantation and
start him off. He won't see his niotherdiu
not If ho keeps on in that direction. Ten
derfoots sailing In this direction should
bear in mind that our customs, ways and
habits are somewhat different from thoso
of Huston and New York, and on arriving
In this locality theyshould expect to bo ad
vised and posted by who can ex
hllit nine graves in their private burying
grounds. Detroit Free Press.
In Its Concentrated form.
"Doctor," said thu tired looking caller,
"I believe a trial of Dr. Koch's lymph
would do me good."
"Your hum's, sir," replied the phjslelan,
"are perfectly sound. You need no con
sumption cure."
"Hut I have a tired feeling all thu time."
"A kind of ludlsKHltlon to taku any
active e.xeicisL'?"
"I any other kind of exercise?"
"Or lo do mi) thing llko work?"
"What you need, sir, Is tho lymph of In
ilustvy." "I belluve you urw rluht, doctor," s 1I1I
the caller, rising languidly. "I'll llvo on
honey for the next thirty days ami sen how
it goes." Chicago Tribune.
.School MUtukra.
"Fallacious" means "likely to full," as
"Ho rode a fallacious horse." A ulrl In
the course of an essay on thu use of pict
ures In schools, said, "Sight Is a gift of
nature, for without sight pictures would
Im of very little use." in thu curtlllcatu
examination a second year student wrote,
"Constantinople was formerly not belong
ing to England, and was a dull place, as
tho Turks generally aro, but slnco it has
belonged to us It has brightened up, and is
now thu key to the Mack Sea." Another
student said glaciers movu "down slopes,
along valleys, over hills, just as streams
do." Ijomlou Journal of Education.
Tltn Itiiot of the IMI.
Hu While thechoir was trylugto master
the new. Te Deum thu other night at tho
church rehearsal thu organ suddenly
8topieil, and wo found thu boy who had
been blowing It Cat on his hack, uncon
scious. She What did you do send for a doc
tor? He No. Wo stopped singing. Life.
Kind In HU Htiiir.
Poet You weru so good as to accept my
poem and to print it. Hut I was sorry to
see that you put my name to It. Why was
Editor Why, you see, I did not wnut to
bring any of the tit a IT under suspicion,
Fllegeiule Mat tie.
Ncrilrj Hint Up.
Nellie You'ru n I ultl sort of a fellow,
aro you not, William,'
William Not particularly, I guess.
Nelllu Jonnlo said sou wero afraid to
Mms n girl. Boston Iluald.
Astronomical Hem.
Friend Do you klcw that according to
the latest dlscovorii: thu llxed stars movof
Actor Move, do they? Well, I'm not
surprised. 1 tlutl ll cheaper myself to move
than to pay runt hero in Nuw York. Toxaa
A Mclitniitre.
"I nuvah ininco pie," said Clmpplu.
"Why not?" asked Hicks.
"It makes inn ilweam of my ancestahs,
and, between us they weru all twade.s
mou." Life.
Home IHn'ereiice,
Shu Why don't you get married? Can't
you afford it?
He Yes, I can afford to marry, but I
can't stand Hie expense of an engagement. I
-Muiaw'h Weokh. I
Itentl' Itonril nml Lodging.
Many years ago, Imforo Mr. Oplo P. Head
had earned fame as thu editor of Thu Ark
ansaw Traveler and as thu author of suv
eral successful novels, ho ami another im
pecunious printer were engaged in tho
publication of a weakly weekly at a little
town In Arkansas. Thev maiiai-eil to llvo
through IhoMiimmcr by sleeping In their
olllce and bj snapping early subscriptions
and elaborate pull's for farm produce and
patent medicines. Hut when w Inter came
and they could not afford the extravagance
of an all night lire, the question of lodg
ings became a seriously Important one.
For a lime It looked as If the paper would
have to Im discontinued, while the editors
1 tramped to a more congenial clime. Hut
I at last the genius of Head camu to thu res
I cue.
There was a freight train going down
the road, passing through that town at
0.07 p. in., and there was it passenger train
going up thu road, passing at 8:ir a. m. In
those days, long before Senator Cullom
conceived the Idea of tho Interstate com
merce law, with Its elatiMi cutting off frco
transportation, editors could get railroad
passes to their hearts' cnnUiut. So Mr.
Head and his partner, equipped with an
nual passes, good between ail stations,
slept In thu warm cahoosuof thu freight
train until they met thu passenger train,
and then camu hack homo. This they (lid
every night during thu entlru winter,
"anil," says .Mr. Head slgnillcantly, "tlio
trainmen often had moro In their dinner
palls than they could eat." Aualostan
I.11111I1 mid Hie llurulur.
Ijiuuh was awakened carl) one Christ
mas morning by n noise In his kitchen, and
on going down to that apartment found a
burglar doing his spoons up in a bundle.
"Why d-do you s-s-st-teal?" ho asked.
"Hecatiso I am Htarvlng." returned tho
housebreaker sullenly.
"Aruy-you ru-rually ver-very h-h-hling-huni'-gug-gery-liungry?"
asked Iwimb.
"Very," replied thu burglar, turning
"Pup-pup-poorfuf-fuf-fellowl" said tho
essayist, "h-heru's a 1-1-leg of I-L-Liiml
for y-youl"
And so saying, with it dexterous move
ment of his right leg ho ejected thu ma
rainier Into Hie street, and locking the
door securely went back to Ih.i1. Tho burg-
larcontessisiatturwanl that he didn't see
the joko for six weeks. Har-Hir'a Maga
zine. A Wiirni rinule.
Good old Uncle Henry and 4-year-old
Tom, Ids nephew, weru in conference.
Asked how he put In his Hutu thu small
boy began with breakfast, hurried over
play time to dinner, then through moro
play to supper, and then paused In doubt.
"Well, Tom, what comes after supper?"
asked his uncle.
Thu Isiys big eyes looked ilxedly Into
space, but Ids lips never moved.
"Surely something comes after supper?"
the elder repeated.
"V-e-e-s," said Tom with a reluctant
"Well, what Is It?"
"I get whipped mostly." Pittsburg Dh.
A Stutter of Common Decency.
. W,
sv s:-n-ftr--tw mx ,,,, i-
"Thcre. 1111 l-ihm! mm, tli..rAu,i t.liiAl
of victuals, but I should think a great, big,
strong fellow like you would be ashamed
to beg!"
"So I am ashamed, but what am I to dor
I must either lieg or work!" Life.
"Dr. Smith, who has just left our city,
told me that I was really seriously 111."
New Doctor Oh, my dear sir, you must
not plaeu any rellanco on anything that
that man says. I assure you ho is not to be
"Hut it was hu who recommended you to
me." Fllegendu Matter.
(letting It Straight.
Cultured Harberfturulng from suffering
patron In. chair) Say, boy, whero's that
other razor?
Hoy I seen a razor
Cultured Harbor Don't say "I soon."
Say I saw
Patron With a razor Street & Smith's
Good News.
A Mutter or No Wonder.
"Miss Chantllly has a great habit of
dropping her voice during conversation,"
sulci one member of tho choir to another.
"Yes; but any onu who has heard her
voico can't wonder that shu feels llko drop
ping it." Washington Post.
What It Is Coming To.
Daughter Good night, mamma.
Mother Why, my dear, are you going to
retire? Havu you fed your bacilli?
Daughter Yes, mamma.
Mother Oh, very well, then. Good night.
Uoston Transcript.
Striking C'liitructerlstlrs.
"Of cnursu we aru proud of our city,"
said thu Chicago man.
"Our chief pridu Is In our citizens," salt!
tho man from doston, and thu discussion
was dropped. Indianapolis Journal.
HU Ileal r.mltlon.
"Aro you the waiter?" asked nn impa
tient, hungry looking guest as an evident
ly broken spirited man passed him.
"Oh, no; I'm only thu proprietor."
Philadelphia Times.
A .Sort Heart.
"My husband is very fond of animals,"
said Mrs. Furhcr. "East night In hlsHleep
he turned over and saiil, 'Take out some
thing for tho kitty, "doston Commercial
"Please give me a penny, sir. Me father'
"What's ho sick of, little boy?"
"Work, sir," replied tho truthful beggar.
I'robulily Hud One on Cull.
"Wo are so busy," said a clerk In 'an ox
press ollice, "that wo cannot guarantee
"Can you express a desiru?" said a glr
in tlie crowd, Philadelphia Record.
With Hitceitlbln ArlUt,
Mr. Winthrop Tell mo, Jack, does it
taku long to paint the portrait of a lady?
Jack Well, If she's pretty It takes a
long, lung time. dostouluu.
m Atlantic
. For 89 will contain
Tho House of Martha,
Frank 11 Stockton's Serial.
Contributions fiom
Dr. Holmes. Mr. Lowell,
and Mr. Whittior.
Some heretofore uiipuhllshed
Letters by Charles and
Mary Lamb.
Mr. I'eielvnl tiwcii will wrltoa narrative ol
his adventures under thu Utlo of
Noto : an Unexplored Cor
ner of Japan .
The Capture of I.sulsbourgwlll ho treated In
A Series of Papers by
Francis Parkman.
There will also Im Hhort Stories ami .Sketches
liuclynrd Kipling,
Henry .lames, Harali Orno Jowott, Octavo
'1 linnet, and others. Untecliulcal pa
pers on (incstloiiH in
Modern Science
will lie contributed by Professor Ogborn, or
l'rlnee on, and others; topics In University.
Secondary, and Primary Education will ho a
It III VI it
Mr!rr,it.,iC!mJll WiitHoii (lllder, Dr. Parsons
Mrs Melds, Urnliiim It. Touison, nml others
will hu among tho contributors or Poetry.
The Atlantic for 1891.
TK:.VS:-W.W( vrtir di iiiliimrt. Puttnm htcc:
n nl t numJr. ini'i nru Ufc-oUe ixnnilt
iif lAiivtll, nml aim jmrtntUi uf llnuthurnt,
hmam, iMnutWw, llnmnt, WMHltr, or
lllmei, $.. m;aieli aiUlltUmnl n trail $i.u.
Thr tlll Milt. it twf l1.4ml,J .....,.. . m
.... ,,.... , .,,,,. . i.,. , MKfMucr aew lire
to new fiibfciilttn irhwe ulrrlitttmH fur ik!)l
WiulnX NiJf ,il ir,.,it. ... .. n. ..1..,. .. ,.-
Mi)(rr.(iu,lf1i!r,)re lemtttauct thuuM lie mmW
III mimtroiikr, drut, or rtuMtitil letter, to
Houghton, Mifflin & Co.
. I'mk Slice! loton, Mais.
Library of American Literature
In Eleven Elegant, Large Octavo Volumes,
wjlb overn.tmo panes, handsomely Illustrated
Willi 1C0 mil pace iMirtralts. The cream or
flUWWO works copyrlchled by American wil
ters. I1U7 authors quoted. Over 3171 selections
covering every brunch ol' literature from llrflT
to INK), chronologlenlly arranged. Compiled
and edited by
Kiliiiitnil Clim-ure .stcdiiiun nml Klleii
Murkily lliilclilnnun,
and published by CIIAS. I.. WK1WTKU
i A CO., New York.
1 do not see how any school In America
can spare this work from lis rurercnoo library
liir teacher nml pupils. Dr. W. T. Harris.
UiiltfiKShilr t''ii Kilncallim. Willi
wr.iu.riiub.i,nillll.l.lll IF, J..IIIKHIU.I 1111
ll im Hi., ..... ... i i
"Niiiiio your mood, iiiiiI I will siillsry Its up.
petite for .von." s. I.. Clemens (Jarfc Twain)
The best aggregate expression of what the
American mind has produced Inthe twohun
IfeiliiJHl eighty veitrs or Its activity -John
(.lark ltcdpnth I have the set complete, nml
there Is not money enough In Nebraska to
buy It or mo ir I could not get another set,
iiud I am a poor num. J II .Merwiu,.Vimiu
INI) h'llKorl.nirlrmi Juuriml of KilucntUm, Ht.
.oaf. I recommend It to thu people ol Ne
hriisknnH the most complete nml valuable
compendium or national literature Hint wits
ever published. No select library Is complete
without It. L. 11. Gere, Slate Jimnml, Uiitoln,
Atl. it Is thelx-st nml most complete liter
ary compilation eei Issued In this country.
It Is very cnrcrully edited nml It is compre
hensive ami thorough. W. Morton Hmlth,
Liipftal Citu Courier - it Is not only Imllspon
slblo to people of literary taste and acquire
ment, hut II amird-nu liivnliinblo fumlly lit
erary resort, where the children or tho coun
try can grow Into thu spirit and genius or our
national lllernttire. Albert Wutklns, Ntb.
Mult Demi x tit.
Sold on tho Installment Plan. The entire
set delivered on recript or llrst pnyment nml
bnliiueu divided Into monthly payments.
For it set or this grcn i work, or lor a perma
nent situation, write at once to
N. K. I.KACH State Agent,
ana VlneSt., Lincoln, Neb.
Notice to Hcr.'iiilniit.
John Creighton llalllngtr will tnko notice
Ihnl on tliuSrd day oriiecember, IMS), John II.
Cunningham and Chits A. Haiiuii, plaintiff
herein, tiled their petition In thu District
Court or Lancaster county, istate or Nebraska,
against said defendant. The object and pmyor
ol which nro to forclose a ceilitln inirtgngu
V1xSV,",t'(l by John .. Ilallluger I Kiiiuia K.
Ilalllugerto the plalntlir upon tlie following
described premises, to-w It : Lot ll, lllock o, !r
Second Last Park Addition tothe City or Lin
coln, Lancaster county, State or Nebraska, to
secure the payment or n certain promissory
noto, dated thu 10th day or March, 181.0, for tho
suiuofjiwi, duo and payable In monthly In
stallments irnin the ISth dnyot May, HUU,$IS.
payable euch month Willi interest ou thu en
tire amount remaining from time to tlmu un
paid nt the riitoofri percent, per annum, rrom
the loth day ot March, IKIO, pu.vablu monthly.
i'lnlutllls pray Tor it decree that defendants
be required to pay same or that the premises
may he si. Id to satlsly the amount found due.
You are required lo mistier said petition on
or before the rail day of Jauiiao, Ih'JI.
Dated December -1. Ism).
Ally, hir I'lnlutllls.
Notl I'd I i I, i AMI).
Theodore K. Hauler. DeeeiiKeij, j
III County Court. I.aneiistur county, Nun.
'I be State orNt'brn.kii lo thehelrs uml next
or kin or the said Theodora s. (lautrr, deceits
edi Taku notice,-That -ip n tiling om writ
tun liiMtrtiu em piirpoiting to he thu lust will
ami testament ol Theodore S. (lantoi for pro
bale an I allowance, It is ordered that said
matter he set ror hearing the Jitli day or De
cember. A I). isao, hefjro said County Court,
at tint horn or'.' o'clock p. m.. at which tlmo
my person Intert-Rted may appear ami eon
ten the snme; and notice or this pioceedlng
s ordered publlsheil three weeks successively
In the Cai'Itai. Ciiv ( iii'kiku. it weekly
newspaper, published In Ibis Mate.
In testimony wheicor, I havu hereunto set
my baud ami the seal or the I'numy Court at
Lincoln till llth day or December, A.D., INK).
W. K. KrK.WAitr,
at-I'.'-'-U County Judge.
I.egul Notice,
Notice Is hereby given, Hint by virtue or
llceiiMi to me granted, by the district court or
Lancaster county, Nebraska, I will sell (or
cash, at public auction, at the east front door
ot the Court House In tho City or Lincoln, on
luesditv, tho limb day or Jimuaiy. IS'JI, he
tweeii tho hours of one and two o'clock p, in.
ol saiil day, Iho rollovvliiK real property, or
the estate of .loin .McAllister, Ueci ned, to
wit! Lot ll.orblock 17 and the west L or lot
V"ili.,,u' ,"."!' hairoriol 1U. or block 5 1 all lii
tho City of Lincoln, Nebraska,
. . , , . . Johns. GitKiioitv,
Administrator, oitnto nMoliu McAllister.