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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1891)
m M11;Sr3 WiMiiaif 'T"1 W '1 -V."! J-. WiSlVj "A- RbPdllR PAPER oP A9PUKN -TIAAMS Vol. O No O Lincoln, Nkukaska, Satukoay, Janmakv 17 IHlM. Pnioic Kivic Cicnth t t hMkMM Among tlm recent visitors in Lincoln was u young huly wlm hud nu unusual accom plishment. Uonernlly whistling I not nil ac complishment, 1hcuuo it is n crude Imitation of music, but tills young Inily hud nu nptl tiido for puckering liti' lips, nml she onltt viitttl tlmt aptness until it became nu upt. Sho discovered her nblllty ttiitu by ucoldeiit, but dim renders her sybillnnt tmififc with 11 llulsh nml softness inuko it very pleas ing. It is pnrtliMiliirly effective lu such pieces ns "Tim Mocking Hlrd," whore n hit of inliiilcry is Ksihlo. Not only can this young lady add a delightful feature to nil uvonimr's entertainment, but think of tint satisfaction there must Imi lu hearing nu ac complishment tlmt Is uiiIiiil. No other or hon in tho city ooiild upprouoli lior in her specialty, nml oho kIiIiu's in her nrt like n bright llxiil star. At)roK)S tbo subject, it litis often Int'li n wonder to mo tlmt slrlt lo not nsplro to u v eltles in tho wny of accomplishments. Mis. Shaw has made u handsome tiling out of her whistling, besides lieiiiK lotted by tlm society of two continent". Tlm average i;Irl -un pouti'l n plmio. but It wMom i cnclii'Mt lie mer it of mi upt. It enables bur to piny ooeusion ully for pnrlor dancing, 'i1 that's about u!l there l.s in it lu most cum-si. Piano pounding Is too coinmon and too distressing. Occa sionally ii girl breaks the bonds of conven tionality and takes up tbo violin or miliar or mandolin. Hut bow nuny of them achieve any excellence on those iiistrumuiitHf A few, but very few. V Tho writer knows u society belle who has tbo rare accomplishment of bolus "bio U ex ecuto u clog dance m.d do It well. Now I can mmj, lu Imagination, a great many debcatu noses go up. At the llrst blush the hypocrit ical will of course intention tlio maidt'iily pro priety of such a proceeding. That's lieouuso they have been educated lu nnriow lines and because thoy have not m-oii bow modostly tho young lady executed her little act. A baud on either side daintily lifted her skirts an inch or two, and the siwctutors saw nothing but tho bliiitlling feet, or at most nothing but mi nnklo encased In a leather shoe. Anyono sitting at tho Hide of a bull room uuring a round dutico cannot help seulng oxkjsuius ii hundred times more immodest. Of course the young lady never duncod cxce)t tieforo very small and nelect coniaiiies, uud then only In nu obliging spirit to add variety to tliuviiliii'H round. Limited in Its use as this iMirtlcular accompllshnieiit was, ho not only gave novolty and pleasure to others, but sho had the iersonul gratillcatlon of do ing something that no one else lu her M-t could npproiich. Another young lady, an American ipjeen with a buideiisonie round of great duties.had learned to play, not only tho piano, but tho guitar, banjo, mandolin and for aught I know other instruments. She had that divlnest of all arts, tho ability to sing boiiutltully, and slmnlaicd her own accompaniments. She had not taken up tho stringed instruments with n M't, perfunctory purpose, but Iiociium hho loved mimic and liked variety. Now there Is something stlir and formal in going to n piano, adjusting a i.tool and spreading a slieot of music, and that premonitory pause befoie striking the keys is really oppressive to a syniputhetle nntiiro. It impresses one with n sense of great obligation conferred by the jierforiuer, und then tho pause which bil lows tho last note is osltlvoly awkward to mi honest soul, for generally there is Hi tie complh.ientury that can be suld truthfully, nml anything but flattery would bo grossly improper. Somehow or other we invest tho playing of n piano with tho dignity of mi af fair of state. How different in the case of tho young lady mentioned. If u familiar bit of music is spoken of und there is any iutlmn tlon of a deslro to hear It, how delightfully informal to pick up n stringed instrument, slug tho nir and thrum tho stringed uccoiuhiii iniellt. It is mi Inconsequential Incident for which (lattery Is not uxiectl. It stimulates that and suggests other music. Tho singer passes from one niece to another, lightly mid gaily, each evoking associations mid remi niscences, uud tho result Is a most charming The Amerlcun girl metis a redeemer. Cus tom hns doomed her to learn to play tho pl nno. Few ot them have tho talent to learn to do it well, mid none of them seem to have tlmo to learn anything else. She needs a I o former to lead her out of the slavish liondugu of custom. Isn't it about time the dallies ijuit filling their columns with grossly M'lisational ac counts of tho M)lltlcal squabble at tho statu house) Uist week a Lincoln man received a telegram from n relative in Indiana asking if be were in tho riot at the cupitol and inquir ing bow many people had been killed. This friend may have been unduly timid, but tho lurid accounts of a "terrible fray," of "mili tia marching the corridors," of i "free light," of "anaichy," of a "revolution" and like startling events have given tho people of tho east n very wiong impression 01 rteninsKii mid Its people. While tho proceedings at the capltol last week aro not to bo commended, yet It is too bad that people ut a distance should bo given tho luipiession that thu Ne braska legislature is composed of n lot of bor der rulllans who settle their differences by lUt lights and have to bo cowed into ipnet by n company of militia. It Is evident from n lierusul of tho"seaio heads" in eastern pnpeis that somo (leoplu have that Idea, it all conies from thoM'UBixtlonallsiiiof tlio daily paors, which are cver satlslled with mi) thing lev, than ii blood curdling Item If thoy can color it to. Tho publishers of magazines, us well as tlm managers of daily papers, tiro constantly seeking novelties for their publications, and tho Cosmopolitan offers one that ccilaiuly is unique ns well as pleasingly interesting. The editor accepted a story, "Doii Oracias," 'vitb but two characters and its scenes laid In New York. Instead of getting up fanciful Illus trations, pii'tuies iiiaile from inmgluiit inn and InckliK lu strength, character and accessor ies, the publishers had two well known nc- tots pose for them, Tlm gentleman was K. II. Kotheru and the lady was Miss Virginia . The ftory relates tho lovo of a struggling young artist and u rich young heiress. Some of tho set ties are laid lu the hero's studio, which tills the pictures with ef fective airesorles. Sumo Intelligent person posed the actors in attitudes to lit tho story, and photographs were taken of them. The illustrations wire made directly fiom tho photos in tho Imlf-touo process, which copies every light mid shadow with tho llilelity of photography. Tim render has In these pic tures tho portraits of two actors, whoso faces and attitude glo expression to tho Illustra tion and whoso costumes lire adapted to the varying situations witli tlm nice discrimina tion of trained artists, ltccitululy is n unique departure. tlon nml thioughotit the house the best service Is timliitiilnisl, The rooms are nil largo wllh high ceilings and the best of enti latlou. lu the intunila Mine Host Slllowny iimy nlwais Is- found with mm ever watchful eye, looking after the comfoit of the guests lu eveiy det'iil, uud It Is veiy strange when mi) thing goes by unnoticed that demauils u remedy. Sllloway is one of thosn quiet un pretentious soit of men that ttcats every one pleasantly and cordially; free from Hint stiff business like manner that chamcterles the average hotel keoer This has made hosts of friends for hltii and has In ought the ery best class of trade to his h.uise, which un doubtedly ranks llrst among Omaha hotels. Llucolultes have not Ish'Ii slow lu recog nizing these merits and scaicely aday passes without Uniting several Lincoln slgnalinc on the register. It Is on tho llaiuey street electric motor line which runs from the union doHt, passing the door ery few minutes, Tlm Muriay has established n reputation mid patronage that few hotels have attained in tills country and Mr. Slllowiiy Is to be i on gratlilate I on his success. .. ....". . .. . .. ' "....". II urn M'ieimiiii popuuiriiy 01 iienuiiiui r.vnn- For once at least Nebraska has been the center of the earth and the most favored spot on tho teriestial globe. Lust week there were snow and storms north, east, south and west of us. Tho cable brought news ot severe weather nil over Kurope, and even in Ninth Afi lea the swatthy Auibs shivered lu a snow storm, while Nebrnskaiis basked in bright mid balmy went her. Can anyone name a Motion with n better iil.tlie-year-iouuil cli mute than smiling Nebraska! Speaking of siioa-, Hob lltirdette, who had an experience with It jii his lecturing tour last week, hit off tlm perversity of Inanimate things very pretty when he said, looking out of a window ut the falling Hakes; "Tliatis the kind of stuff that blows off from u man's farm, where It Is wanted, and drltts twenty feet into a railroad, where it isn't wanted. I susK-ct, on sooond thought, that tho perver sity of nature is not as prevalent us we like to assume. Our human impatience exagger ates the things that cro-s its desires, but, at uuy rate, there Is a great deal of relief at lay lug Urn blame on Inanimate tilings. They can't talk back or give us tlio lie. 1'iof, Mohler, the Invincible, tho peerless iusti uctcr of that great art of in ts, dancing, writes Tin: ('011111:11 that his success this season in St. louis is by far greater than ever before and exceed in every lespecl his fouileso anticipations. I he profivssor Is a gallant mid thoioilghly experienced toucher of terpslchore and what he does not know about that very elegant accomplishment Is certainly not worth knowing. HI new academy is llllcd every night with mi assem bly of Mime sort and it lias liecoiuu the load lug resort for balls, parties and wedding nt tho Missouri metropolis. Many Llucoltiites are counting tho weeks until the time for his arrival Is due, and the piospoets are that his lbtll class will even bo larger than any previous year. It is one of the privileges of man to lecture woman on her follies, mid I am not one to let so great a satisfaction slip by unimproved, Of course all American girls are pretty, but thoro seems to m nil impression that tbosway of beauty end with their growMi. A writer wlio has investigated tho matter Ibid that tunny of tho most noted beauties in tho his tory of tho world were middle-aged women. Here aro some of thoso who we re at their Tojtii'.i, Omaha's new aspirant for Join mil istic honors in the society Held, seems to be coming right to tho front under its newmaii agemeut. It Is a much prettier pnper than It ever was before Frank Orff took tlm helm, and if the wolf can bo kept from tho door long enough, the prewut management will so'u give Omaha n piper that tlm town may be proud of. All humor of the scalp, tetter sores, and dandruff cured, and falling hair checked; heuco baldness prevented by using Hall's Vegetable .Sicilian Hair Kenower. TOTE M'MURTRY IS DEAD. It is rarely that thu death of n poison causes tho pi ofouuil sorrow in all elides as Clara Moirls plujisl "Odette" at the Fuuko opera house Thursday eveuieg to one of the most fashionable audience that has assem bled at that pt to of umusomout for mouth I'lnrn Mori I need have no fearof the critic. She don not act 11 pail She live it, ami for thetluiiisho I not herself hut is transformed luloanotlier Imllvlihi illty Kvnry movement, tone, look I crowded w Ith moaning. Her elocution I (ho mirror of nature and the an dltor I smiled by the emotions dopl'teil as though thoy wore real mid nut mimic It scoihod a pity tlmt she should coullue herself to tin French style id ilrmun in which the heroine Is an unfaithful wife who suffers tho consispiences of unehastity. Under the spoil of Mich a dlMMiatle genius as Cliira Mol lis the eh'irnetcr of tlio impure woman Is condoned, the sin excused nml a Hood of sym pathy creutisl for the lleklo wife who Is i tiled by lust Instead of love. "A little nonsense now uud thou Is relished by the bcit of men." I'luit is tlm lersou why a largo and appre ciative nuilloiicd ussenibltsl in I'uuke's opera house Monday evening to burnt tin Ir buttons listening to "McCarthy's Mislmps " Tlm play was alsio tho average of its class. It had tho slender thread of a plot l mining Ihr.iugh it, mid tbls gave some relief to the IIimhI of drollery that chaiactt'i izisl tho comedy. Mr. II111 ney Ferguson as Dennis .McCarthy was Irresistible lu his Irish make-up uud dialect, although what ho said was not lu the main very funny, lu this resis-ot the uclor ros, above tlm plliy wright and made a great deal out ol 11 little. Llz.zie Daly ns .lei mium I'riiu ioso made a great bit, particularly iu her itaiielng, which while It satlslled tlm galleiy was not. suggestive. Tim dancing of bum Vlulo Daly, achlldof six years, waspiobably tlm greatest leaturo of the evening. For de cency's sake the four ballet dances might have Iks'ii iliH'iiseil with, but tlm sensual spirit which under tho assumption of mi (ll. tihtlc taste demands tlm nude lu art also clamors for tlm high kicker on the stage, and to gainsay this feature is to leave spice out of the pudding, therefore the ballet dancer has come to st-uy. The remainder of tho sup siit was good and the legislator worn out witli extiU'iiK'iit, tlm professional man wuiry fiom in'iital till, and tho husluesi miujuiled from roijlluumcht, all enjoyisl an evening of fun .'rjcl recreation mid look up their usual work with greater rest next morning. gellne. It may 1st doubted whether liny other extiiiiagnura has bud so long mid successful it inn. Unlike most iitliucllous, too, It bus not been cheapened, bill, on the contrary, the hi fm miince last night was distinctly better than the one of u ear ago, "The Mi'iliss Lilian Walters assumed tlm ll tie role. "Mis tloialdlne Mi'('mm,who Inst iipKmcd lu this city as "Myia," In Dlxey's "Seven Agcs,"sconsl 11 mot licit success us '(labilol," mid win thlly tills the role so charmingly por t in) ed by tlm tunny talented uud shapely ar tists iu tho past. The famous pint of tho "Irfino Fislioiuiiiu ' was pluytsl by that old favotilo, .lames S. Mnllll, who was especially engaged. Mr. Malllt bus assumed this character for sixteen Ji'iim, and despite the fact that he I threescore and thou he is still one of the best pnutomlmlsts III America. Mi. Itiehaid Hallow supplants Mr.Foites ciiii us "Catherine," nu I ho is mi Impiove incut. He 1 far more icllmsl lu hlsmothiHls, and is more womanish, If ho will not take of fense ut the pi also. The perfoi iniineo wont along witli the usual dash uud vim." most fascinating period at or near tho age of 'J1'1 tUn "r Miss Sophia McMurtry on Tue- forty: Helen of Troy, Aspasiu or Miletus, '. "-" h i.. .... n..u ...... Clooputru mid Madam Kecnnnler. Vlnoii, ' l,1,t "",": "ml,,,,n i"K1l ,'',S,)',K "do tho cult-brutal wit mid beauty, wH seventy- womanhood she must mvo been iMwes.sed of two when a notable fell iu love with her, mid ; 'isuul qualities, both of mind mid brain, to Catherine II of Hussia was fascinating tho '"'J'0 "" li I'Jh1 "f adiuirere that she lay of her death, at tho ago of sixty-soven. ,l111- M,,!M1 Mi'Murtry was familiarly known Of course we do not know the whoU Mcret of 'w "lotu ''V ,",,t ""', h-r relatives, but also the wiusoiiieness of Hicm celobratisl women. ' h' Uvr Wendf, and tlio familiar upHlliilioii but it is quite certain tliej' did not rouge and paint. It I also quite certain they did not cease their efforts to make themselves fascin ating. They plitsl tho art mid graces which made t lie 111 uttractlve iu their youth, and probably added tlm charm which "experience I nlarmlng, took her to Colorado to mo If th and Increased intelligeiK my bring. Here, ; "'' r tlmt ultltudo would not bring her bac gitls, is 11 K)lnter or two for you. Many tradition and other things suem to have U-eu shattered In the Into silitical bluss tor. Lincoln is tho political center of the state, and tlm political axis can up through tho loboy of the Capital hotel for some years past, largely due, probably, to the influence of Hon. K. P. Hoggen, a former secretary of state nml a genial as well as u successful poli tician. The political world In Nebraska hits had an explosion mid, like the modern circus, Is revolving about tliroo centers. When the state alliance met in Lincoln u month ago tho Llndell made u bid for the patiounge of the granger legislators. It not only offered u ssciul low rate but promised the free uso of two largo rooms for meetings, ard that is where the independents aro holding their sos cret caucuses, (loveruor-eloct Hoyd, Church Howe, ex Seakur Watson nml other old time politicians hiivo taken up their headquarters at tho new Lincoln, uud that is the reuilez vous of the oldstime wire-pullers. Hut th associations of tho old Capital hold somo of its patrons, and if anyone wants to make tlm rounds of all camps ho uiiut not omit that uld stamping ground. There is something new in score cards for high live, raz.le duzilc, euchre and whist. They aro gotten up on a white card itlMjut t! 1-V!xl) inches with descriptive hands mid the scores aro indicated by punches. A full lino of them may bo seen at Tiik Couhikh olllco, where they are bold at 11 f teen cents per dozen. As an ornament instead of using ribbon iu the corner, small cord and tasnels sumo us used on ball programs may bo attached at an extra cost of one penny each. Thoso that have ii-od these cards speak highly of them and claim them superior to any here tofore used. Next time you euteitain at curds, call in uud try thosu goods. They ueo cheap, very pretty and original iu ilu.ign. There is it something about the Murray hotel ill Omaha that always makes one feel welcome and Ills stay pleasant, and I have often wondered what it was. You often stop at hotels mid some that aro just as Hue, but you don't seem to appreciate your surround ing hourly us well' There seems to Im mi easy cordiallity extended to every ouu mid miikes you fid comfortable and at home from tlm Hist. In most hotels when you enter, it stiff gaw ky clei k.liau ,s you a eii, awaits your scrawl on tho register and assigns ou to a room. After tlmt, unless you remain several days, you ueier hear it word or see a smile. There is little comfort in such treatment, hut at the Murray it is vastly iu difference The clerks always greet ) on with a pleasant smile, (not one ot those marked two tor live), iu tho dining room you receive prompt, polite and courteous utteu was oiio more of endearment than n nick name. She was o brilliant star in Lincoln social circles and au acknowledged lender. Hho bus U'ou iu fulling health for two years, mid her parents fearing that her condition was the k to her normal condition. Her bight face .,.,., vl(m t , lir1(J was greuly missed In the social elides b lhlllliy. but tho wo.d fall s which she moved while here, but wonl ,,er , ,, tuw ur leaciusi nor menus irom iimo 10 iimo 01 an improvement iu her health uud all hoHl to welcome buck the glad hearted girl again. On Wednesday morning J. II. .VoMurtry, tho father, received u telegram from his wife lu Colorado that "Toto" wus seriously ill. Till evidently was sent to prepare the f ither for the grout blow, ns Inside ot an hour after wards be received another telegram liearing the sad words, "Toto ts do-id." Tho grief stricken father chartered a spe cial coach nml accompiinio I by a munlicr of Lincoln friends and sympathizer left on tho noon train for Denver. He returned yes terday with thu remains, Tlm funeral will occur tomorrow at tho resilience of Mr. Mc Murtry, coiner of Twelfth and J streets. Tho pull bearers will probably lie chosen from tho circle of young friends who so greatly ad mired tho amiable traits of character of tho deceased. Miss Sophia McMurtry was the pi idoof her pui'oi.ts, and her sudden quietus leaves n gloom !n the family circle tlmt nothing can dispel. She was Hourly twenty jours old, and sixteen years of her life hiivo been ssuit m Lincoln. Her parent had spared no ex pens?! m giving her n liberal education and she hud develoM'il into it rellnod, intelligent, noble young woman. Her sorrowing parents have done all for their idol that love could dictate or moans could command iu their en deavors to drive out thu disease that tlually fastened iim)u her, but to no purxMi, except to prolong her stay on earth witli them a fuw more mouths. Miss rtybilJoliustouo, the versatile young ueli ess and author upjioared Isdm-on Lincoln nudlencj Tuesday evening as "Izu" lu tlm Clemen run Case. Whatever the moral merits of tlio play may Im, tho acting was excellent. Tho portrayal of tho character of Iza asbtie develops from mi artless iiiuid Into a designing siren requires uncommon talent, but Miss Johnstone fully lit ted the purl. Her beauty of face ami form allied with a imisica) voice adapt her admirably for tho lole, but buck of nil there Is an intelligent liraiu that hiiscnvliilly studio I tho lines uud imbued them wltu tho seiisutiveuos of thought, a well as fts'liug uud pusiion. ling shows cm cfiil so naturally fiom lilts and her gestures are so free and nu ll ummeltsl that thu spectator Is tempted to buliuvr-it is impit'utlou Instead of hard work. Tho nupport of the star was excellent mid much above tho average. Oustnvus Levick, as Pielro Cloiueuceuu, was a triHucold as n husband, but lu the fourth act his burst of Othello like Jdilousy was thrilling and he received n double encore. The rendition of tho purl Couulcs D.imbrouuwskii, mi avari cious woman by Miss.lomiio Koiffuith added not u little to tho play. Charles Koalas Constantino lilt, was also admirably adapted to his pal t mid was called Itoforo tho curtain. There was a remarkably largo iiltcuiluuco of gentlemen and a very small number of ladies present. It is probable, that it fore knowledge of the statue scene hud something to do with this, Iu that scene Izit poses as u model for the husband in list and upismrs in pink tights only this mid nothing more, 'tho tableau I stiieibly artUtic and the sen sational I cut in es aro forgotten for the moment in the U'aiity of the breathing statue. This scene 1 tlm one on which the critics clash, bill which will continue to draw cionds and exclto iidmiratloii and couilem nation. If Your House Is on I'lro You put water on tlm burning tliulicrs, not on tlm smoke. And If you have catai'ih you should attack tho disease iu thu blood, not in your nose. Hemuve tho impure cause, uud tho local effect subsides. To do this, take Hood's Harsupurillu, thu great blood purllicr, which indlcully and permanently cures catarrh. It also strengthens tlm nerves. Ho sure to gut only Hood's Sursuparillii. Safety .lliirhlne I'lirSule, I have u new safety, latest Niteut that t will sell cheap for cash, .Machine cost i'X and I will sell it for W. Cull on Kdgar Wessel at CouitlKIl olllco. K. H, (luthrio ha added it saddle mium factory department to his carriage establish ment and Is now prepared eo supply any mid all kinds of harness or saddlery goods, an on want It, on short notice and on most rea sonable terms, You know tho number, 1M0 Ostns't. You can iiiaku a dollar go further at ller polshelmer it Co's. for holiday gouts than anywhere in tho west. Mr. Charles Kent, who pluytsl the part of Constantino Hit, mi cxperieueisl man of tlm world, so cleverly iu tho Clouiuuceau Case Tuesday evening, is not u sti auger to I.I:; coin by any menus, mid no doubt remembers vivnllv his oxpei ieucu as u citizen of tlm Cap ital City. Ho was a meiulier of u company that went to pieces here some II vo or six yemsago, mid liu was luftstrcudtsl witliouta cunt, ll was impossible to get back o New York without money und ho Had to remain iu Lincoln. Accuiilmgly ho hustled in oiiud tor a job, and lound ouu with I'M Church as it painter. Ho showed skill with thu biiisli, but Mr. Chuich discovurud suiwrlor hlstii oulc talent iu Kent, mid tvhoii later Thomas Keene p!u)cd in this city Church secured tor thu sty'iuiiled m tor a leading msiiiou with tlm company, 'lhu splendid poitrayal of tlm chin uctcr of Constantino Hit, by Kent Tues day evening could not liuvij help but caused a seiiso ot sulUfuctluu to tho kind lieui led tiieud who helped tho actor back to his legit imate sphere. KVANIIKUNK. theatre-goers will Ihi ploiiMsl to know tlmt on next Thuisduy evening Hint's Kvungcliim will be presented with its usual splendid set tings. Those who have not seen tuis play should not miss tho opKiituiiity, mid tliose who havu will appreciate thu truilif illness of tho following notice from thu Alhmi) 'Nearly !t,OMO Ksiplo gathered last evening lu Jacob's oeia house to listen to the H)lont attraction, Kvaugeline. .11)1. MIMII'IIV. On Friday evening Joe Murphy, who I a shining star iu tlm tliiimiuuutof rellucd com edy, will uppoiir ut Fuuko's, Mr. Mmphy undoubtedly stands ut the head of Amel lea's list td iciiowutsl Irish coinnliaus. His fa moils success of ICoiry tlow uud otlior plays tspiully us morltoilous have iimdo for him 11 reputation (hut few have utlaiuisl. Ho Is an old favorite iu Lincoln, uud the uudlclicout Fuuko's Friday evening will umloubttslly 1st lurge mid fashionable. Seals go on sale Thursday morning, TIIKATIIICAt. TALK. Stuart Itohsnu gave hlsilatiuhter tlll,(NKIas ii Christmas present, Ho can afford it, JcffciHiu, Ivlaw mid F.rlaugor's two "Comi ty Fi.l " companies will show a piolllof over I),IKK this season. A now Juliet, unit one that thu world is likely to hour more of hereafter, Is Miss dale of Iwiwieuce Iturrett's company. Stuart Itohsnu drew upwaiilsnf 11,000 lu ouu week during Ills leeiiit engagement In Chicago, at the Chicago opera house. Itnbeit Mmitoll is making u successful tour of tho largo towns in New Kugluud, where he is presenting "Monbais" to excellent busi ness, Lawrence Harrett's sumptuous production of "(lanelon'' Is drawing oviu flowing mull. onces at tlm big itroituway theatre, flew York. "Silpurba" I tho most successful sHutaclo over prixluced by thu HiiulAiis, mid thus fur this seson has sho, in a lingo prollt on every week. Sol Smith Itussoll's present lour hi tho west is the most piolltuhlo that he hasiiverknowii. "A Poor lU'latlou" is tliawiug crowded houses everywhere, .Mr, KuknoII stands to make ;o,ooi) this season ami Is likely to buy more corner lots lu Minneapolis. At last it has bts'ii ilellultoly settled that Patti will go to Kusslu thl winter and give twelve farewell is'ifoi'iiuiucts, for whlult she is to recoil o (S0,000 Twenty years ago this winter I'uttl, in the prime of youth, beauty and genius took St. Petersburg captive, mid received tlm ciested decoration of tho Order of Mci it from tho P,uicmi'sowii hand. In addition to her taloiilasau actress, Miss Johnstone is u writer of no menu ability. Her most successful woik is "And Satan Laughed." Shu I at present devoting hoi spare moments to tlm composition of a new work, Miss Johnstone takes great interest iu her literary lalxus mid is now mure anx ious to seek fiimu through authorship than us mi IICllOsS, Clara M in Is hit made so much of n suc cess in "Odette" that Manager Kdwin II. Pi leu has decided to continue It during the remainder of thu season. Mis Morris Is the only actres with tlm exception of Sarah Hoi nhardt that has grasMjit Surdou's Idea of tlm title pari iu this play. She is presenting it in every city visited and to phenomenal business everywhere. ItolH'i't Mmitell s llamlel Is lu homo re spects a novelty. It has not the severely classiial jKirtiuyul of Mr. I toot I:, nor tho heavy ineltMtimnutlc rendering of Wilson I tu i ret t mid others, but is a happy medium bet men the two. Mr. Mantell bus In-stowcd carotid study on the pill t. Ho bus ts-eu liltt conscientious iu his research, for lh"lo are many little points, too often considered trif ling, that ho bus selcd upon and made clear, but not unduly prominent, If Mr. Lawrence Harrett accepted all of the social attentions which are proffered him when heapH'iiis iu Now Yoik ho won't have even tho time, much less tlm inclination, to act at all. Probably no man on thu Amerl cun stage has a netter. a more enviable. soolul sisltioii than Mr. Ituirett. Ho has j never made capital out of it for advertising ' pin ioses and yet many of tho most brilliant and distinguished men uud women ot thu day me proud to call him friend. Many of tlm vast audience could not help noticing during some of tho most pathetic M'ones In "Odette" at Fuuko's Thursday evening that Miss Morris was coiiqsdlisl to sK-ak out in nluiii words to tho oi chest iu, re questing Iheiu to play softer music. Another time the usktsl them to "piano and again the ng mi on u moils capacity of lifting power bus I n iiddisl. Their houses at Seventh mid J sheets have also liven extended und lin pi tiled and alloget her tlmi'oiupauy bus nearly twice as much l iilug capacity us It has ever hud Is-fore. Thl ccilaiuly Hsaks well for so young an eiitei prise, but the members of It ate among our most iulliioutlul business men uud noted for their push In tlio commer cial Hold. As to the shipping Initio of tho Lincoln Ice company, It In undoubtedly tlm largest iiuywhore In the west. They hiivn alrealy booked eiteii-lvo niilers for packing houses and tloalois lu the south and east, mid aside fiom this, enough liiquliles Imvo nlreiuly Ih'oii it'coiit'tl to Indicate an unusually largo ileiimnd for their product, This Ice is of n very MiH'rlor quality, inul wllh each season lis reputation spreads, adding largely In cieasoti business, Their slot ago capacity In ei'oi moils, hdng over llfty thousand tons, which Is much larger than that of miy dealer weslof the Mississippi liver not excepting Omaha, Kansas City uud otlior largo cities. As In past seasons, (ho Ice of this company Is being cut fiom Oak creek, which furnishes us clour mid pure water us flows anywhere. Speaking on till subject, the other tiny vice President lliitchlus of the company said "Lincoln Is puillciilutly fortunate in having a goisl supply id wuter fiom which to cut Ice No other point lu the state has as lino a body of water us Oak creek mid while some places cliilm larger sti cuius uud porhus more of thciu,yot tlm supply either exhausts Itsidf too quickly or is not nearly as pure, ami I hu latter is the case most everywhere iu tlm west." This certainly sMiiks well for Nebraska's capital city. Their truckage piosTty which has also bis'ii extondtsl wlllaccommislatu ten cars at a time, making it convenient for them In ship piouiptly llfty or more cms ht day mid with their loading facilities large or small oldois can mi shipped at a moments notice. Tho company's city olllco is at HMO (J street and tlm telephone is number 1IH. Sol Smith HtissoH's play, "A Poor Iteln tlou," has been sevoiiil times iinmmnctsl ami commeiidisl fiom tho pulpit. The lust In stance of this kind was in Memphis, Teuii., where tlm llv. Dr. Hurford, a wtdl known Kplscopallau clergyman, who welcomes every aid to culture whilst, influeuco hu lielleves to Imi for tho good, ssiko of tho play from tho desk as turn which lie could commend to his hearers as pure lu tone anil teaching a villous ble iiioi al lesson, The hlood-clouuslug qualities of Ayer's Hursuparlllii render it Invaluable iu skin disorders. Tho Hnznr's quarter off sale which com menced Monday has been a big snoot ss and during tho entire week tho store bus been crowded wllh bargain seekers. Lincoln latlksN lire not slow t appreciate such bargains as has Ik'oii offered mid therefore many a lino' garment will grace the handsome llgure cf our fair ones that hud this sale not been held would not have been secured. Manager llonw it Is a shrewd business man mid when he wauls to close out a stock of goods ho knows Just how to tin It. Kurly spring's Importations will kimmi be iu and thoro must Ihi room luiido for It, and consequently tlm sale will continue next week, See their advertisement on page eight today. Fuw shoo dealers have acquired thu reputa tion that llrlscoe, tho shtsi liuiii enjoys. Ills method of doing business has always Is-eu strictly legitimate, fair mid frto from snap bargain offoiiugs, et It Is owing to this fact that when 111 isctsi says iinytlilng about his ftsitwear that people recognize It as Un real tint Ii, He is now offering his wlntrr stts'k of gissls at prices that cannot help pleading, All goods are strictly llrst cIiish. A Mrfect lit is guaranteed unit satisfactory wear i assured all. You always know what you are getting when you buy shoes of Hris- CIH). The Terrlhli. Imlliiii War. Now iu progress excites universal atten tion, and a history of tl'e thrilling events counecttsl with it will be eagerly sought al ter The enterprising publishers, H. B. Scran ton A: Co., Hiirtforil, Conn., have in prepar ation and will Issue as soon as Misslhlo after the decisive Imttlc, it work of ulsiiit MO pages, by W. I'letcher Johnson, author of "Johns town Flotsl," giving ii Kiuphlc sketch of Hit ting Hull, thu Mcdlduu .Man, mid thu leading chiefs, anil a complete richly Illustrated his tory of the w hole terrific struggle. Agents should write at one to th publish ers, w ho give Ills-nil terms and pay freight. Haul times ulwu) bring prices down, and consequently Hum WesteiHold has reduced tlm piicoof a llrst class shave fiom 1ft to 10 cents. The siinie K)llte attention mid service tspiiil to that given heretofore will Ik- ren dered, all for ten cents, Iu fact, you save one-third and gut just as good a shave as formoily. How to llrillk IT ft u Sctfri- (,'iiltl, h'nnit I lif l'in;iiii'(l City, Mtmt., Mmlinmiim. When vo Hud a medicine we know to mim'm genuiuo merit, we consider it a duty and we take pUvisuro III telling thu public what it is. Such n medicine we found Chumls-i'lulu's Cough remitly. Hy thu usu of this syrup wo have reliovtsl, iu a few hours. M-voie colds, and in the eourso of two stage luiumger Irom the w lng almost yelltsl , r ,ut, (lJH) ,,llUlt.y broken them up as has Miner iiuisio, imi iu iiuie ,,i ii"ii. M yeial ot our frioutls to whom we have ns- oillinellded it. Ills ail it is lepreMlited to Ihi by the uimiufactiirers. If )ou have u cough ami want to sttip it, Chaiubcrlaiu's Counh Siup will tlo thu woik. For sale by A. Slimier, Druggist. for This is not only trying on so renowned an artist us Miss Morris, hut iiinix the U-auty of the play and is not the llrst time that this hu hlipK'uisl, but It occuis quite frequelltl . The Ice lluriest. The season of ice gathering Is at hand and tlm harvest although thus lar has Im-cii but meagre, is uewi thole.-..-, under way. The Lincoln tee coniuili, which but a few years ago was iinknoiwi and iiol. i i existence, will 1 a last year, Ik the mo-t extensive puckers tills winter. 1 heir ice houses at West Liu coin, which were dostio)cd by lire, huo not only Im-cii relaibt, but uilditloual stonigo house have been erected, milking in all eight houses coiupuiid with but live us d hu 'No stronger testimony could lie given to winter. Anew mlout elevator accomplish- China Painting and Firing, al-o Portraits Palnttsl on China. Samples at Cruucci's Art Store, til 'J South Kieu-uth. Studio ltooiii 41, Tlio ltond. 1-17 It. KlIITH Husski.u brown's new brunch restaurant, 1 US () street, is iloing a luigo busliut, ami pel-sous in the vast wirt of the city iiretols-congratu-lattsl on having so nice and convenient n place to time at.