Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 03, 1891, Image 1

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"a- poPdJ ur paper oFaxppern -times "
Vofc. Q No 4
Lincoln, N'ichwasica, Saturday, Januauy a, IQOI.
Pwiois Fivit Oicnts
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or hIi limy not, but In either ciwo ibo will 1m
tho rlglit sort of 11 wife. Iot youiij; InilleH
eultlvate mill yniiUK moll Reek thew) tbliiKH
nnil iltvoico court will Imvo nothing to do.
Iloiiin will Ihj mro mid KiitUfyinK mnl hunmn
imI look n tyM) nnil Illustration of a union of
a koiiI to tho Ijoril,"
Tho tawdry fashion of rIvIiir a woman her
husband's tltlo Iiim uprenil from WiwIiliiRton
to Tombstone, nyn tho "0cn Court." It
has changed our prldu Into vanity and shriv
eled up courtesy whllo trying to expand it.
Tho iiaiiern nro to blanio for some of tills, Ih-
causo tlio brllx) of a chicken tiono and a glass
of wlno will turn "our seelal reporter" Into
a Jenkins In yellow plush livery, nnil with
a footman's rupture ho will tell us that "Mrs.
Commissioner Ulggs guvo a brilliant recep
tion last evening, lit which wo notlco Mrs.
General Diggs mid the charming Mr. Alder
man Figgis accompanied by her beautiful
daugliter, Mrs. Bemitor Jlggs, who kept up a
llvoly'convcrsatlon with Mrs. Iteprewiitntlvo
Itlggs," and so down to tho Inittom of tho
stairs. Tho people who pay theso llatterles
aro snobs, and so nre tho jwoplo who accept
them. Trades, as well as ollleos, nro titles
now. 1 onco had tho honor of nn Introduo
Hon to n lady who piomenadeil through
"society" as Mrs. Conductor Chillies! her hus
band was a conductor on a railroad, A few
days ago a newspaper, tolling nliout tho burn
ing of a building In Chicago, said that "Klu
vator Operator Glbbs'Mlrst noticed thennoko.
There was tho stately tltlo given to tho boy
who ran tho "lift." More extravagant than
oven that was the grim and gloomy tltlo giv
en to "Death Watch Osborno," n man wIiomj
duty It was to sit up with a convict benUmced
to bo hanged. In conferring this title wo
touched bottom, and this justifies tho hojio
that a reaction will set in toward n simplicity
of manners and address worthy of n kcnslblo
"Almost all young people," saysallrock.
lyn pastor "expect at somo time to marry."
It Is not absolutely necessary that they
should marry, but, a& a matter of fact, they
almost all do. It is Important, then, that
they should consider such a subject as this.
Tho trouble nowadays with marnago Is that
it is too often based on more sentiment. If
It wore made, as It ought to be, a subjoct of
reflection, and proper wisdom were exorcised,
tho number of ill-assorted marriages would
bo greatly reduced and wedlock would be
come what God meant it to bo the spring of
perpetual comfort and joy. If young ladles
valuo their present and eternal Interests as
they ought, thoy will strlvsto be, when mar
riage comes, the right sort of wives. If
young men would save themselves from llfn's
worst burdens and troubles, they will bo
careful to select the right sort of wives.
"It is to bo feared that a great many eo
ple regird as the right sort of a wife u woman
who possesses beauty or accomplishments or
money. Now, those things aiowell enough
as far as thoy go. But If they form tho only
quollflcatlons, there will likely bo dlap
polntment and dissatisfaction befor many
yeurs have passed away. Ileauty Is apt to
fodo and accomplishments to lie forgotten,
life hook has love written on every page;
who luakeH a homo for n limn, a homo In a
liouroand In a heart, a homo that lie Is sure
of, a homo that Is full of love piesldcd over
by 0110 u hoso price Is above rubles, Hho Is
the model wife.
Tho January number of the Cosmopolitan
will contain tho ilrst of two parts of tho now
novel by Mrs. Van Henssnlaer Crugor, whoso
"Diplomat's Diary" aml"A Huccessful Man,"
tho hitler Ilrst published In the Comoolltitu,
excited so much comment both in this coun
try mid In KuroK). Bho is undoubtedly the
most Interesting ersonallty who has ap
pealed In tho literary Hold slnco tho entree of
Amello Illvos; but unllko Mls Hives, who
was brought upnmld tho country surround
ings of a Virginia homo, and who was a girl
In her teens when she began to wruo, Airs.
Crugor has been for years a leader of Now
York society, and hns sm-nt a couple of win
ters at some of tho most famous courts of
Kuropo, and whllo yet a very young woman
has enjoyed tho richest experlcncea of life.
The Now York World, publishing a three
column nrtlce, gives tho following Interest
ing factsregurdlng horllfo: 'Million Gordon,"
whom all now know Is Mrs. Van llenssalaer
Cruger, has long been a leader In fashionable
society, and has been as much noted for her
cleverness and brilliant repartee, for her var
ed rending, for wide knowledge of men,
women and things, ns for her elegance In all
the details of fashiuliahlo life. Those who
know her iersonally nro not surprised nt tho
really excellent qualities of her literary
work, but thoso who know of her only as a
woman of fashion nro surprised at her jmw
ers in this Hold. Mrs. Cruger's mother, Mrs.
Htorrow, was Miss Purls, tho favorite nieco
of Washington Irving, who gave her away
when she was married at Hunnysldo, and
elnsiied a diamond on her neck which has de
scended to Mrs. Cruger. Tho Wentworths
were her ancestors, and her uncle,, Charles
Htorrow, who graduated at Harvard tho head
nf n rlnss lii which wore i.owen aim oiuer ins-
tlnguished men, Is still living in lioston. Her
iriLnt-LTiindfathor was n British olllcer, and
is still remembered in Boston as a handsome
old gentleman with brilliant eyes mid much
of tho vivacity of tho French In his manner.
He was very elegant and accomplished. Ho
frequently contiibutwl to tho periodicals,
having n natural gift for writing. Her fath
er. Thomas Wentworth Stovrow, lived in
Franco nearly ull his life, and sho Vas born
in Paris.
There Js at least a prospect of government
encouragement of musle. I see that a bill
has liecn Introduced Into tho house for tho
Incorporation ot tho National Conservatory
of Music of America, with Jcannette M.
Thurber, Chauncoy M, De)w and Abram 8.
llowitt as Incoriiorators. No subsidy will bo
asked from congress, reliance being placed
uiion voluntary subscriptions. A musical
university is to lie established in Washington,
with branches In various lurgocltlesthrough
out tho Union. Tho present conservatory
In New York Is to lie one of tho number.
Tho nominal endorsement of tho gov
ernment of an educational system or
Institution, Is not without value, but
Tho Lincoln Furniture Company hns sold
IN stock and huluos to A. Ii. Uuilo it Co,
and on next Tuesday Ihonewllrm will throw
os;il Its doors to the publlo at tho old stand,
I l'i 0 street. Al. Guile Is well and favorably
known to all purchasers of furniture mid it
Is very doubtful If thorn Is a hotter jiostcd
man in tho furniture, business in Lincoln than
ho is. For ten years ho has been constantly
in that Hue and his many friends will bo glad
to know of hi entering the Hold "on his own
hook" mid wish him success.
HI KLfc3w8WKoj
Ay it's Cherry Pectoral for toughs and
colds. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Almanac.
Tho representatives of the National I.lfo In
surance Company of Vermont, surpiltcd Mr.
Charles U Mesluer, tho general agent or tho
company yesterday, by pro'eiitiug him u set
of resolutions handsomely framed, cxpror.Klug
their thanks for the assistance rendered them
by hlni du 'lug the past year mid their ap
preciation of him both as u malinger mid a
gentleman. To say that there Is srfect har
mony ill the Nntlonol Life otllco hero Is put
ting it very mildly. Every one of the men con
nected with tho otllco is fully alive to the com
pany's best iutorestsnud as a result of cm nest
systematic effort n very large business hns
lieeii secured. Tiik CouniKii heaitlly con
gratulates ImiII) the company and its repre
sentatives upon its record In Southern Ne
braska for IH'JOiittd predicts for them greater
results for ISM.
Ono of the liveliest departments In the ex
position is that occupied by Briscoe, tho sluw
man. There Is nosiisplclou of dull times there,
Business Is booming mid goods are going with
a rush. If you hupiMm to Is) in nets! of any
thing in the way of foot wear shoes, boots,
slippers, etc., you might do well to drop In
ami see somo of Briscoe's offerings. HIsshc
laity is a shoo combining eleganco of stylo
with great durability, and he guarantees n
jwrfect lit In every Instance. Whatever you
want, and no matter how fastidious you miiy
be.'you can bo suited at Briscoe's. Try and
Tho rush of tho holiday season Is now over,
but tmsliiess continues very brisk with many
of the leading stores. Louio Meyer & Co's.
Tenth street store, after a phenominnlly
large holiday trade, Is still beset by eager
buyers of holiday bargains and novelties. At
this store can lie had anything in the way of
general merchandise, including dry goods,
notions, grocoties, etc., eta Each depart
ment is kept thoroughly stocked up and each
embrace ull of the lotest novelties in that line.
The) goods offered for sale by Loulo Meyer &
Co. are selected ill New York City and the
lust by Mr. Meyer personally, and can always
be depended iimii to bo new mid thoroughly
lellublo. The firm hasachioved a wide reputa
tion for selling the best goods nt the lowest
llgures and purchasers are aware that this
reputation is built on a solid foundation.
How It Itesiiltril.
Tho management of the second annual
Chin Ity Bull regrets the delay of thirty days
in making the following report, but Ii was
Ticket sales JTiVI .V)
Door receipts HO 00
Meals itiOO
Tho only novelty in New York Is ho pro
duction of Hardon's "Cleopatra" by Funny
Davenport at tho Fifth Avenue Theatre mi
Tuesday evening. Like Miss Mather's at
tempt rf "Joan of Arc," much labor and
money )ins boon expended In scenery, cos
tumosnud practice, todupllcato the original
Parisian exhibition. The outcome was a
set ies of views well worth looking at, and de
serving of unreserved admiration us mi ex
position of model it completeness and sumpt
ousness In ilrnmatlo Illustration. Miss Daveu
pott's performance demonstrated that she.
candy, mid took u piece out of her cheek,
Thodo was Instantly killed.
The last year of "Tho Old Homestead" Is
iimiouucisl, mid It will probably bo followed
at the Academy of Musle, Now York, next
year by the great spectacular play "The
Koiidan," now so succu-sful In Boston. Don
mini Thonqison longs to take the road again,
and ho will take "The Old Homestead" over
the country next season.
Clara Morris under the able management
of 1'Mwlu II. Price Is having ono of the most
profitable tours over made by a female star.
Her business on the Pacific coast was phe
nomenal, and she Is Hllltig engagements In
the best theatres lu the country. Miss Mor
ris will probably present (-Union's "Odette,"
In Now York City lieforo the close of the
present season,
11. H. Taylor has Just closed a live year's
contract with Joseph Ha worth by which that
An I'.xelleiit IIikIiiom Opportunity,
My time being almost entirely taken up
with Tiik CoimiKH, 1 have decided to dis
pose of my printing and stationary business,
or would sell half Interest to the party who
would manage flint department. 'Business
will stand closo Investigation. Cull or ad
dress L. Wessoll,Ji'.,C()l!lilKUonice, Lincoln,
Ayer's Hnrsumrlllu stops the nauseous ills
charges of catarrh, and cures the complaint.
Ladies' Hair Dressing at
1110 O street,
Mist Johnston's'
Beatrier Why is it, dear, that so solid a man as old I'nrvenuc should propose to
-marry me?
Julalit don't know, love, except that the natural affinity of a self-made man is
a t"or-madc girl.
nnd money to either tako wings or bring
with It a spoiled and selfish nature, lteal
wifehood must found Itself in deeper mid
moro internal qualities. Tho marriage re
lation, to bo the source nnd support of life's
best blessings, must cull Into activity tho
nobler powers and feelings of tho mind and
"To bo more specific, tho right sort of a
wlfo will know something of tho duties of
tho homo over which she is to preside. Bho
will have tact to maiiage Its ulTiiirs so that it
will bo tho 8weolest pluco in the world for her
husband and children, Hho will bo a woman
of Intelligence, who will bo able to under
stand and sympathlzo with her husband In
his business or studies. Bho w 111 bo of mi
unliable disposition, Bho will bring to her
husband an undivided heart u heart II I led
with uuselflsli alfectloii, Abovu ull, sho will
be a Christian, who crowus her faithfulness
to tho man of her choice with faithfulness to
God. A woman who posses these qualities
may huvo beauty, accompllshinentsorweulth,
otherwi-e the plan does not npHnr to bo
ot much slgnlllcunce. Tho names of the cor
porators lire a guarautco of tho merit of the
Hero Is another view of the model wife: A
model wlfo is the Woman who looks after his
household, and makes her hospitality a de
light to lilin and not a burden: who hns
learned that a soft answer will turn away
wrath: who keeps her sweetest smiles nnd
most loving words for her husband; who is
bis confidant lu sorrow or in Joy, and who
does not feel tho necesi.lty of explaining her
private affairs to the neighborhood; who re
spects the rights of husband nnd children,
and in return has due regard paid to her;
who know that the strongest argument Is her
womanliness, and iiosliu cull Ivates it; who is
sympathetic In joy or lu gilef, and who finds
work for hands to do; who Is not made bitter
by trouble, but who strengthens nn 1 sweetens
under it; who tries to conceal tho faults of
her husband, rather than blazon them forth
to un disinterest publlo; the woman whoso
k Ml
'm JUL r jm. aWw
r i m VsvvEnHHlnswwErtfnflK
M SCSmXtihr. TsXH c t Al ,V
MB ..MBLtlMftHgi5C7W?.f-YW' lVTyW'Al J V-U IX-oA
i. r
IHpenlul C'ouiil Kit Correspondence,
Nkw Yoiik, Jan. I, IMU. Midwinter in
Now York, and tho fashionable season lu full
swing. Hoclety's ibvotcos nro quite over
whelmed with engagements now, for lu n few
weeks Lent will come to put a temporary
end lo their gnyetles, and therefore It Is
necessary to crowd us much pleasure as pos
sible Into the brief pi csout. And what with
tho morning walk or rldo, for health's sake
thoshopplug tour on the Avenue or Broad
way, tlio ladles luncheon, followed by tho
afternoon lot-option or (en, ami then tho
round of evening dissipations, the debutantes
lire not only Inquiring their bloom, but nro
llnding out that oven tho most complete and
lsmutifiil wanlroUw got together lieforo
Thanksgiving, will ere the Now Year is fully
under way, liegln to show decided marks of
wear mid tear. And this necessitates fresh
additions oveiy few weeks, which is good for
trade, and stimulates the modiste mid tailors
to renewed effort after the novel and distin
gue, efforts wl irli mo so far successful that
often these demi salsou achievements surpass
thoso put forth originally.
This Is tho case wi'h the accompanying
sketches, taken from u couple of tho latest
Hod fern models.
''rtiicA Otjjcer (lo raw recruit) Do mc the favor to dismount and see what a gawk
i are on liorscbackt
Gross receipts fStW 00
Cptalii Crawford, labor f 0 00
K!ectrlcal words MOO
(lloies for liollce, ostage, etc .1 00
Culciiuu IlKht elTeets r US
ScufToMIng, signs and work 121m
Printing tli kcU 100
Decorations, use of plants and (ilring of
help MM
LDT Messenger service, wagon 1 00
I, Franklin's sen Ices 1,'n
Musle, piano and Warner's services MOT)
Thomas Ilrown, caterer 13)00
HF esterflelil, (oloretl lilliids 3 Oil
Telephone to Oninhi ai
II It NlwtleyA Co.camasK si 00
JJ.T.I7 )
Net receipts.., flOfTiT)
Thoy wish also tisav that disbursements
weio made with great care and nearly every
cent went to tho lahoiing classes, tlio fi'i.U.')
for calcium light elfects being tlio only ex
pense outside of the city. A loss of tM win
encountered in tho item of lunch, but a lim
ited number of tho guests partaking of it.
This, of fours'), tho management could net
foresee nnd tho loss was something that
could not bo avoided.
Ahny & Blgelow very generously provided
the electrical elfecfs nt the exact cost to them
for labor In preparation, and everything was
worked to the best xssihlo udviiulnge and
for tho full benefit of the charitable fund.
Tlio ball was superior in every resjiect to
that of last ear, and it is the Intention to
make that of IMU still better, scleral feat
ures of lemaikablu beauty having ulieaily
been arranged for thathuvouoverasyet been
witnessed in this country.
One hundred dollars has been given the
Tnhithu home for orphans, while fJOO.PO
goes to tlio Lincoln aid mid relief society to
be distributed as needed by Elder How,.
Chairman Fiiiauco Committee.
Lire Is Misery.
To thousands of people who have the taint
of scrofula in their blood. The agonies caus
ed by the dreadful running sores and other
manifestations of this disease are iHiyoud de
scription. Thcro is no other remedy equal to
Hood's Karsaarillii for scrofula, saltiheiiui
and every foim of blood disease. It is rea
sonably sine to henelll ull who give It a fall
trial, Be sun to get Hood's.
School of practical lluqulstry, French and
(lurmaii. Winter teim opens Jnminry5
For particulars address, Anna Monaoon,
Windsor Hotel.
hardly moro than Miss Mather, iossossed
Beruhnrdt's power to becomo mi engrossing
heroine of mi essentially uudruiniitio play.
Placed In a succession of episodes, which
were not hi steady progression of a continu
ous or ubvorhlug story, sho did not succeed
In deeply Impressing the uudleiicu by the
force ot her personality. Bho Isabcuutlfut
woman, and she was Indeed regal in her
Egyptian rollings, but this enchantress of the
Nile was rinowy rather than sinuous, more
commanding than seductive, and with ng
greissivciicsH in her enticements, Instead of
lotting her charm do its own work. Of course,
there was no outright failure in any single
thing that she did. She was too competent
nn actress to moot with imy. such disaster ns
that. Therefore, while her effort were re
garded wllli respect and esteem, she had no
electi leal effect upon the assemblage. Her
sorcery was too much llko common-place
iuv)-mukliig, and had too little intellect or
ioiuiif)t'o to past for that which enabled Cleo
patui to befool Antony. Bodous buciisAcit
ed that hejiever liorrowed from BhaKesieure
in wrltiug"Cloopatra." This is easy to be
lieve. It is sutllciciit lo rate his play as a
melodruip, along with his "I.u Tosca,"
"Fedora,''uud especially "Theodora," which
It much fese.'iibloi lu manner. The only
thing whl- Ji aroused genuine enthusiasm, In
deed, wiiii a simoon, which tho dramatist has
cleverly associated with some religious rites,
and which was mechanically wrought out
with thunder and lightning, with trees swav
ng in the wind, nnd the dust of tho desert
slowly obscuring tho frightened and pros
nnd prostrated worshippers. This was an
iinuiiswerablo urgument for the entertaining
value of good stagq realism. The supporting
Icoiiqiany whs only fair, with tho Kssiblo ex
ception of Melbourne McDowell, who played
Antony with manllnosri and some crude
Cleveland's minstrels nt tho o'Mini house to
night. Tho London Gaiety Girls nre booked for
Monday night at the Fuuke.
Tho now farcical opera "Hhlp Ahoy," is
Mild to bo strongly suggestive of "Pinafore."
Its success in New York has not been re
markable. Btuart Hobson hns rented tho Union Kqunro
Theatre, New Yoik, for throe months next
season when Thomas Q, Beabiooko will
make his debut us n star in a new comedy by
Bill Nye and Mr. Itobsou.
Mary Anderson refused to sou Henry E.
Abbey when ho called on her at Turubridgo
Wells, lately, Bho says sho will never ap
pear on tho stage again, and wishes nothing
to do with theatrical eople,
Emll Huberkorn, Margaret Mather's hus
band, Is loading tlio orchestra nt tho l)u
quesue Theatre, nt Pittsburg. He bus noth
ing to say about the reorted divorce, hut us
Mrs, Mather is to npcur nt the theatre in
Junuury, thoy will piohably meet,
Nellie Cummhigs was severely bitten by a
bulldog III Philadelphia last week, Bho had
a narrow esciiH, as the dog juuqicd for her
throat when sho was giving him upicco of
favorite young actor Is to stur under his
management beginning with next season lu a
now romantic play by an American author.
Mr. Mnworth will also 1k seen lu n tepertory
of tho legitimate Including "Hamlet" and
"Othello." Ho will bo supported by a strong
coiiiNiny which Is now being secured by Mr.
Btiuirt Jtob3on's humor is never divorced
from any of his actions oven in tho making
of wedding gifts- Whon the engagement of
Ijuwrenco Barrett's daughter, E llth, witli
Mr. Williams, was -tending, Mr. Hobson
promised u wedding gift ot five thousand
dollars, mid paid one dollar down as an
earnest of his intention. On tho day of tho
wedding Mr. Ilolwou sent bis check for four
thousand nine hundred and uluety-iiliie dot
About tho "Cleopatra" production, Mr
William Winter writes as follows in the
Now York Tribune: "Miss Davenport makes
a good, wholesome, domestic Bostonlati or
Philadelphia Cleopatra, who would really do
not one of the naughty deeds ot tho entranc
ing Egyptian, but rather would have married
Antony nnd settled him us Chief-Justice of
Alexandria. Mr. Melbourne McDowell, n
heavy man, with vast Jaws dud a tiger-like
countenance, presented Antony, and created
frequent disturbances."
Tho military drill in "Monto Cristo Jr.'
was the finest exhibition of this kind seen in
Lincoln since Primrose & West's minstrels
were hero.
Holaud Heed, as Ciijitnin Aimer Tarbox
"as mild a mannered mini as ever scuttled a
ship," scored a distinct triumph in "IxmhI Me
Your Wife" ut Fuuko's Monday evening. This
Is an extremely funny far; ti'iody. The
fun is utterly ridiculous; but It Is uor. boister
ous. Hood's reputation u'J a comedlmu was
long since established. Id "Lend Me "V't.ur
Wife" he sustains that reputation. jiisI is wu
in a character that enable him to e.Vliibil )i
art in u now direction. Hv wiWMipjsjrtod by
a very competent coniiuiny and the pluy was
given u very even presentation. The nud
leucewas mi unusually large one, uud ut
times wits very enthusiastic.
Presto! Chuiigel Gray and faded beards
made, to assume their original color byap-j
plying Buckingham's Dye for tlio Whiskers,
it never fails to satisfy.
Brown's new brano Ii restaurant, 1 US O I
street, is doing u largo business, and persons
ill tho east part of the city nro tots-congratulated
on having so nice and convenient a
place to dine at. I
II. P. Bherwln, U'-M O street, has a present
for every one of his customers that cannot
fail to lie appreciated. Ho will give to every
customer a Hue crayon picture made from
liny photo that is desired and it will not cost
you a cent. Cull in ut his drug and shoo
store and see how It Is done. UlM O street.
All tho latest sheet music, new stock, at
Orunccr's Art Music store, '.'1 J south Eleventh
T' Wm
. BM
First acapu rather longer tlnn thoso worn
lu tha full, and in a combination of three
kinds of fur. The yoke which is very kiciiI
im lu shiqe, Is of Astriichnu Ixirdered by a
roll of Persian lamb, while tho lower part is
fo ls'tln. It will bo observtsl that this is
not ono of the clo-e-flttlng pointed fronts
which bind tho arms and give their wenrers
much the npsaraiice of a trusid fowl. A
seal cap with lamb's head iiccompaiiies tills
J. B.
Unrnaby, the taller, may lie found at
Vi and 111, Newman block, IthJS O .st.
Our second illustration plenties a hug
handsome carriage wrap, in Newmaiket
shape with a douple cap'. The material is
water groc ii cloth, ti id lite odd scarf down
tlio front is of darker gusm plush, i"er
with nil Intilca ai ilesl;n lu silver biaid. Tho
fur baud are of materia otter.
ri. 'wrs.fjj'