Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 27, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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33 a. ir i-c .
Lincoln, : Nkiiuaska.
Ojfi'ccn iiiut Dirfttors:
Jolin II. W'rlislil, l're. T. K. Sunders, V.l'-
J. II. McOluy, Cashier.
A H ltiivmoiiil, II 1' Lull. Thin Cochran K
H Mirer, Chns West, I' liHIicliloii.
General ll;inh.lnj,' HikIiicm Transacted.
Accounts Solicited.
In Conjunction with the Erie System
operates K h t Vosllbulod TraliiH be
tween CIiIchko anil tliu Atlnntle Hcaboanl.
You may travel In the most Klcxiuil ami
Complete l'ulliiiiin Vestlbulcd Train ever
constructed anil nave 11.60 to llntl'iilo ami Nl
nRora Fillip, fa 00 to New York, 2.:i to Al
bany nml Troy, nml 13.00 to lloiton ami Now
KiiKlaml CltleH.
No rival lino oirern tho advantages of a sys
tern of through I'lrst anil Hccouil.class Day
ConcheH anil I'UIXMAN Dl.N'INO OAH.H
Chicago to Now York.
It Is tlio only line operating rnllinan Cars
to Iloston ami New KukIiiuiI via Albany.
Kntlro Trains tiro Uuhlcd by pis, lunteil by
Rteain. riillmaii Dining Cur run through In
either direction.
Tollman Chair and Sleeping Cars to Cnluni
biu,0.,aml AHhland, hy. Dally,
No Kxtra Clmriio for Fast Time ami Unsur
passed Accommodations Afforded by thuMi
Luxurious TraliiH.
For iletnllcil iiiftmnatbm, tickets and reser
vations In I'lillinan ears apply to your local
ticket agent or to any iikciiI of all eonnootliu:
II lira or mil wii, or toUlUCAOoOl'-Y Tickkt
Ofpickh, 17 Ci.aiik Ht., anil Dearborn Hta
tlon, or uildifM,
(Jen. Ant., for Hccolvor. aeii.I'ass. Ant
Santa Fe Route !
Atcliison, Topeka & Santa FeR. R
The Populai Route to the Pacific
Through Pullman and Tourist
Hetu eon Kansas City ami SAN HII-XiO,
CISCO. Short Line Kates to
Double Dally Train Service lletvvcen
Kansas City ami t'URIJLO, COLOR ADO
The Direct Texas Route
Solid Trains Iletween Kansas City and
Galveston. The Short Line Hetwcen
Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft.
Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple,
San Antonio, Houston, and
all Principal Polnlc
in T exas.
The Onlv Line Running Through the
Only Direct Line to the Texas
Pan-Handle. For Maps and
Time Tables and Informa
tion Regauling Rates
anJ Routes Call on
or Address
S. M. OSGOOD, Gun'l Ag't
E. L. PALMIJR. Traveling Agent,
1308 Farnam St.,
O 2ML -&. I-X J , 3ST IE IB .
Atchlson, Leavenworth, St. Joseph, Kansas
City, St. Louis anil all Points South,
Fast and West.
The direct line to Ft. Scott, Patsons
Wichita, Hutchinson and all piiuclpal
points In Kansas.
The only road to the Great Hot Springs
of Arkansas. Pullman Sleepers and Free
Reclining Chair Cars on all trains.
(ien'l Ag:nt
City Ticket Agt.
O and nth Street.
taii: or tiir Kinr iiixwimiion tip tub
ICopyrlglit liy American l'l-eis Arim'I.iIIoii.
II KAVY nnow
hail fallen in (ho
, nlnht.sothnt upon
theiutirulnixnf the
'AMIi of Deeeinher,
lllll1.'. I ho hriiad
eoimuoii of (lull
ford town In tliti
Con nei'tleut eol
010, was hidden
by It, nml iih far 111
L the e)e eoilld nee
At he thick blanket
had Ik on unbrok
en except liy In-ei
and houses. Ah
iter Ailing, 11 stern
IMM1I of nuthorily, stood at tho window of
Ills kitrheu on that uiornliut, hmhlnu
thiiiUKh the little pane of wrinkled kI'!h,
that he mllit discover whether tin- storm
was oer.
Although it few' IbihcH llllttered In the
nlr, jet they bewail to KlMon its tho rays of
thoHitii that were hrcaUtiK throiiuh the
clouds fell upon them, and when Aimer
perceived that the day would soon he line
ho culled, saying, "Sutuucll Samuel! Hear
A sinewy youn man, of rosy cheeks, and
eyes that were bright loeauo of health
and oxctciso, put 11 Iiiiko ti'K upon the lire
place, ami huvii brushed the snow f nun
hl.s arms, went t-o Ahu.'rthat he mlht re
ceive his master's, eoiniuaiiils.
'The mauls' rate will eomo by noon, I
think, for the storm Is over. Samuel, y in
must break a way through the snow upon
the highway at once. Take the stub
horned oxen, for the steers are not yet
heavy oiioiikIi for such a snow us this.
HailiK received this eoiuinaud, Samuel
put 011 a fur cap and mulller, ami with
heavy mittens 011 his hands went away.
"Surely the inuKLstrutc will not eomo
today," mild a gentle woman, with soft
spoken voice "It is fifteen miles to New
Haven when tho roads an kooiI, hut with
this snow on them it will hens good as
twice us far."
"Will not come, mother, did you sayf
llefure the sun was up the imiKistrutc was
on his way, I trow."
Am he spoke, Aimer, spying somcthlllK
that Kiive hlui Inteiest, looked intently
aeross the common. At last lie mid.
"Come here, mother, and tell me If that Is
not the maid Dorothy that I see ) outlet' in
the doorway of (iovcrunr Leete's store."
The wife went to the window, and the
slu'lit that she saw caused her to be silent,
loaning to see more. . Aeross the common,
'J00 yards away, stood the store where the
governor of the colony, Mr. Leete, had his
business. The wind had drawn the snow
against one Hide of It so high that, with the
overhanging fringe from the roof, there
was formed a hank of white, broken in two
places by the faint outlim of the win
dows. From the door, 011 another side,
there was thrust a heavily hooded head
that seemed to he slyly looking each way
its if fearful of discovery. At one moment
this head was thrust out, and then for an
instant was withdrawn U) bengaiu put out
a little farther.
At last the door was opened wide and
there stepped out Into the drift the llgitie
of a woman. She was well '.napped and
she walked with ease.
;That is Dorothy," "aid Mother Ailing.
"It is a strange poriurmunco" said Ali
ner. "Why docs she come so shly fiom
the governor's store at this early hour
when the tneii havo not jctull gone out to
break the roadsf"
"She has a bundle under her cloak. I
knew that Dorothy was a maid disponed to
be fond of frivolous things, but I did not
think that she was sly," said the mother.
"To he sly means deceit; that Is sonic
tiling that must Ik1 punished. Ah, there
Is Samuel with the oeu. lie breaks tho
path well Hut now he sees Dorothy, and
will, I trow, stop and speak to her, for I
have mother, that he likes that
maul too well.
"He dees, hnttutl."
o lo'.u n he Is my apprentice ul tho
fori . ami .1111 II t.e shall woo no maiil. least
' of ml thU rnh. . 1 V I greatly fear, with
her s.' u
relax n ,:j at
i'i;. lie even penult
I ted her to ,car u t.roocli upon tho Lord's
I day. Wo must (lis iplino tho iiiald today.
1 nil.. I will summon her before the magis
trate. I lie not; I will. See, Samuel Is
speaking with her."
The girl had gone through the snow in
til she was inv.rtho meeting house, so' 1 -sixty
yards awny from tho More, and there
the young man, Samuel, met her. He had
M-en 1k r as she came from tho store, and
although her head was well hooded, yet
tins .011ng man knew her nuwcll im If ho
haw her ejes, that always: greeted hl'ii, and
her litis, that always bestowed upon him a
smile. lie turned the oxen, and with much
goading forced them to break 11 path from
thogovernor'n house, where the girl lived,
to tho place whore ho met her. Then he
said to her:
"Why, .Muster Samuel?"
"Why? You know well why. You
know what is to li. ppen the day I am my
master, and so sweet do nu appear tills
morning, m Dorothy, that I ish it was
today, for I have your promise to wed me
on that day. N'ow tell me, how is it that
you are out so earlj, and what is under
your cloak'"
"I will answer neit her of your questions,
Master Samuel. Are jou not content to
have 1110 hue" Come, lint me 011 the
sledge, for I must lie back to Mr. Leete's
at once "
The young man put Ids strong arms
gently about her and lifted her to the
sledge, where she stamped the snow from
In r feet, ami then, with an arm thrown
around a stake, she held seeurelyon, while
.samuel stinted the oxen away. Then lie
tame and walkid by her side.
"Wh) did )ou peek mi curiously from
the door a moment ago" he asked.
She knew that lie was half jesting, half
(iii-ious She would not answer him, hut
she said "Oil, .Samuel, you made mo for
get ui purpose I wish you a merry
Christ mas, sir."
lie looked at her perplexed, wondering
what she meant, for ho had neier heard
thee words before, and he knew that no
one in tho town had ever icpc.itcd them.
"What do jou mean by that? What
thing Is this j 011 wish mo 11 merry Christ
inas What Is tliatf"
"It is Christinas day, Samuel," said she
"1 do not comprehend. It Is Wednes
day." "Tills day It was that Christ was horn,
and in tho couulttcs across the sea it is tho
hahll of tlie people to bring it to mind by
saing as they meet, '1 wish you a ui"rry
Christ inns.'"
"Dorothy, ou perplex me. Who told
jou thlsr"
"Ah! a heavenly mtmled man did tell
tuo nh, what havn I saldl Pay no heed to
my chattering, Samuel."
She put her hand pleadingly upon his.
" . !
HeHTcetel that b! was ci- til ubl
tul, ami thi'iv was self vepi.ueh in her
tones as she wild, "I ''atiltot tell you now; I
will soinoduj, Samuel."
lie made no answer, for he was per
pleted. Thev had now eoute abreast tin
gate of the goxeiuiir's house lie lifted
her from the sledge and let her Kent lyilovv 11
upon tho door step.
An hour after Samuel relumed to Ii'h
hmiie, having broken his share of piths
He put 011 his leather apron, rolled his
sleexe over his mlght arm and blew n fliti
nl the forge, and a moment later t lie music
of. the iiiii II levealeil hU energy.
' J' sfA'
v, ,,. :w fepT -eyVA
I . ,' Y S!M' fcK
..!r 'nrr WiJyW'-'' rJ.Siii iibSa
fl.witir.i. anii tioiuiTitr.
Deacon Aimer went to him at once and
reproved him "You spoke too long with
tho maid, Smiuel. I hade )ou go and
break pal lis, not to chatter with a Iriio
loits ;.'nuii' w.nuitti."
"Tl'e pat hs 11 re hnikeu."
"What dl I v in gad wlththe maid alioull
Tell in". Di I she tell you why (die went
out hit it he snow so curly r"
"She did not. I naked her, hut she
would not tell."
"Oh, there Is some mystery. The in'ild
"Na.i.i stir, Dorothy Is not ihviiitil
.ih i on her II' s "
"f will neeuso her fceforo tliu niaglstrale,
and when tho governor returns homo I
will uarra'o this t liiug she Iiim done."
"Thei-o U 110 evil, I am sine; hut there Is
nonio mystery. Toll me, master, what doo
It mean when any person nays, 'I wish jou
a merry Cliristinas' She said a heavenly
minded man had tul', her that."
"Oh, she said that! What heavenly
minded inaur Shots deceiving jou, Sam
uel, and we will know the truth of it. Pay
no juts! to her winds "
Then Abner went nu'n. .'ind with inlghlj
strides crosMtl tliu coiuiuou, and having
entered the house of (ii.veruor l.eelu de
mauihil that l)oroth be suuimoueil.
At this moment there entered t he room
a sweet faced maid leading a child with
whom she was making aierry, hut when,
looking up, she met the awful glaiieo with
which Deacon Abner received Iter she fal
t'.-red and stood waiting to hear lilm speak.
a iiit.WK Pi:i'i:xhi:.
"Lie not to me," said ho, "for It will lie
even worm for you."
"I speak tho truth always or I speak not
at all," she said gently.
"Then 1111 will not ih-ny that you were
at the strre this morning)'"
"N . I will not. deny that."
"What had you under your cloak?"
"I cannot say."
"You will say. Why were ; oil there!"
"I cannot tell."
"You eahl these words to Samuel, 'I wish
you a nit rry Christmas.' "
"Yes I aaid those words."
"Well, who bade you a mcrrr ('lirlstmiie
this day"
"I cannot tell you."
"Did you not tell Samuel It was a heaven
ly man?''
"Aye. That is tho truth. I did not mean
to say so much, hut I lie not."
"Who" This word was uttered in thun
der tone.
"1 must not my." She itpoke gently, hut
her tones wero llri'i, and when he saw that
sho would not r ply he went away, and at
noon tho magistrate had come
They cimo for Dorothy, and led her tc
tho building whence site eame so cautious
ly In tho morning. Hero was the ollice as
well as tho store cj Governor Leete, and
here the magistrate held court. There were
two or three who had been convicted of
nlleiiM", . ml among theso condemned Ab
ner placed the sweet faced maid.
Tlie magistrate listened to thuaccusat ions
thai Aimer made, that she was deceitful
and had spoken lies, and when that was
finished tlie magistrate said to her: "You
have heaiil these accusations Do joudeiiy
"In that I have said or ihine evil know
ingly I do: otherwise it liar, been as lie has
"Dili ou sa a heaxenly minded man
had said to ou, 'I wish you a merry
C'liritmasv' "
"1 said that. It is true; and hesuid, 'He
juice, for If wo rejoice in tliu death of
Christ for us wo may rejoice in I is birth.'"
Hut slu'i refused to toll who tin man was
or why alio had sljly gone to the store that
morning. Tlie magistrate therefore, look
lug sternly at her, said:
'There is 110 doubt about it. You aro
'pillty of a lie and deceit. You will ho
taken lunce, and you will lirst receive ten
lashes, .mil after that will he put into the
pillory for one hour, that jour punishment
may u vn oi hers and convince jourself "
The girl seined not to hear these words
She put out her hand as if for support, and
when 4111110 one grasped It she loemcd not
to know It. It was Samuel who had taken
her It iinl, ami he stood by iter sidn. Hi'
face was w Idle He had come into the
room in time to hear the sentence
"I.ct me take her place. If punishment
Is needed I will h.ire in hick to tliu lash,
and sit in the st ii-ks f r her." he said
"Ait, M.1111U0I;" tints Dorothy spoke.
"You caii'iol take her place," said tho
"Then, let me say here Is-foro you all
that this nu id shall not Iki whipped and
pilloried. 1 ,vill kill tho man who lifts his
hand ngiiititt her," nml the young innn
threw his art 1 around the gill and held her
Inn llrm embrace. "Dujoitwlsh to kill her?
For If she Is iv hipped It will kill her, ami If
her me."
Now the magistrate anil deputies wero
nmaed, for ' ey had never liefoio seen so
strange a sight as tliK so I hey consulted
with each other what they should iln, am!
they tl.M'd upon a punishment for tho
young man. Hut when the) looked up to
pronounce sentence on him they saw an
other sight which amaed them even
nunc; for there stood lieforo them n man
of strange appearance Ills heard was im
white as the snow nml long, like that of 11
piophct. His hair fell upon Ids shoulders.
Ills dress win concealed by 11 long cloak,
and he had placed one hand upon the head
of the maid, while the other was uplifted
with admonitory gesture.
When ho spoke his volte was soft, hut
like one who has authority, and his manner
was solemn, and nut like the manner of
any mail whom they had ever hi en
"1'hls child has done 110 evil," he liegan.
"If theie he c II done I did It, for I taught 1
her this morning that for all w ho line our
Lord this Is tho tiny that coiumemorales .
hlshlith To that blessed count fj whom
God telgns I soon, I trust, shall go, for I
have hep! tho faith against such aihersa
rlcs as you haieneicr met I warn jou, I
oh, jou proud magistrate, lift no trm of
...i..u..i.i..,t lnbl ll.l. ..I.ll.l. T..M nu
iii iii-.ii 1111 11, i.ftiiiuni. 11,11 mil,, 1,1, i.r.
truly as (Soil reads all heaits ho reads In
hers as sinless a t ceo id as mortals can ever
make The Judgment of (Sod he upon jou
If jou penult wrong to Ik) done llilsehihl."
lie spoke as one Inspired, ami as ho
stood with one hand uplift is! ho seemed
like a prophet among them.
"Who are you?" the magistrate asked
with hesitating voice.
"God's servant, and I say that, this maid
shall he blessed and her children shall ilse
and call her blessed, because she has this
dar served him."
When the magistrate and tho deputies
heard these words they spoke with one
until her for some moments, and when they
lifted their ejes again tho old man hail
gone as silently and mysteriously as ho
For an hour tho magistrate and tho
deputies consulted together. Then the con
stable was couimamlcil to take tho girl ami
ex. cute the sentence, hut as he approached
her Samuel put her behind him and faced
the otllcer. His look was terrible, and the
constable knew the stleiigth of his arm, ho
they stood silently facing one another.
Suddenly a noise like the coining of horses
was heard. The door opened and there
euteieil some of tho king's ollleers, and
with them the governor of the colony. Mr.
"In his majesty's name, If you know
wlieie M ward Whalleyauil William G0IT0,
two of the Judges who caused Charles the
First to he beheaded, He concealed I charge
you to deliver them!" said an olllcer.
"The regicides!" said the magistrate,
speaking In broken tones.
"Aje, the leglcldes. Wo have heard they
aie concealed here."
"Had one a venerable heanl?"
"Aje. William Guile."
" "1'was he, Croiuw ell's general," said the
magistrate, as though speaking tohluisclf.
"Twns lie," said the deputies solemnly.
Then Aimer said to tho olllcer, "One of
Ihciu was here an hour ago."
Hut is hero no longer," said Governor
Leete, speaking for (lie first time. "These
men .one to me many days ago and asked
for shelter As I had not then teceived the
king's comiualiil to deliver them I permit
ted them to lie In tlie lellar h this
room. For though I am loyal to the king
1 and 111 people honor Cromwell and Ids
lieutenants My maid Dorothy has for
many ilajs taken them food, ami sin and
alone knew of their pic-ouco. I charged
her to tell no iiiii 11. Hut when the king
commands I obey, and I have brought tho
ollleers here Yet I am glad to s.ty that
within tlie hour, being warned of your
coining, hut not by im, thev have escaped.
You will see their Kaeksiu thnsnow, and
they are now rapidly sailing in a vessel on
the I,oug Island sound. What do you
bote, Dorothy?"
"They have sentenced mo to the lash,
master, because I kept my proinlso to you,
and 'twas this heavenly minded man who
gleet ed me this morning with theso words,
'I wish you a merry Chi 1st mas.' "
"To the l.ish?"
"Yes, master."
"Anil were about to administer it?"
"Util for Samuel they would already
have whipped mo."
"God ho praised that this maid would
have sulTered tho lash rather than betray
eltlurher wind or those persecuted and
righteous men, G0IT0 and Whalloy. She
shall henceforth ho not my maid hut my
daughter," said the governor, embracing
tlie girl. Then turning to tho magistrate
ho said: "I will remit lul" sentence, am!
because it is indeed tho Christmas day I
will remit the sentences of all these prison
ers. Let my house ho opened this day.
a all come and make merry. It shall ho
made a ineiry Christmas for all, as I used
to know it when 1 was a child In
land." And it was as the governor had ordered
on that dav and after. And then through
Dorothy Deal's siirTcriug and peril there
began in that colony tho habit, iw in other
lauds, of merry making ami good cheer
upon Christmas day.
The prophecy of tlie regicide GolTo wan
fullllled The children of Samuel and Dor
othy honinc men of authority, and they
did call her blessed. K. ,1 F.lilVAUPtJ.
Nnllc Pliilinle or Will.
NOTICK 1'IIOUA'lt: OK Wll.l., J
Theodore S. (,. inter. Deceased. 1
III fount 1 'on it. l.iiiK'iisler county. Neli.
'I lie Mate of .Nclinn-kn to the heirs and next
of l I it or the said Theodore s. (Junior, deceas
ed: 'lake notice, That up hi llllm; or 11 writ
ten liixtru 11 enl piirportllik to '"' the last vi III
and leslaiiieat ol Theodore s (junto r fur pro
bate mil allowance. It Is order) ! that said
mutter tie set for hearing the '."illi iln.v of He
eemlier. A I). Ismi, lief ire said County Court,
at tliu bom ol J o'clock p. in., at which time
any person Interested may appear and eon
IcM Hie Mtnic; and notice ,r tills pioeeedlm;
isorilcnit published tliree weeks successively
In the ( vi'lrvt. Ciiv CoruiKii. a weekly
newspaper, published In this .Mate.
In Icxttinony wlii'ieof, I have hereunto net
my band and the seal of the County 1 otirt at
Lincoln this Iltli day of December, A.D., IMU.
W. K. Sikvi Aitr,
:it 1 !---.. County. I initio.
Notice In I li'ft- mill ill.
.I0I111 Crclulilon llalllnger will take notice
that on tlicMrd day or December, s!l, John II.
Cuniitutiliaiu and ( lias. v. Iliiumi, pluluttlN
herein, tiled their petition III tliu District
Court of 1 .minister county. Ktutc of Nebraska,
nu'iilnst said defendant. 'I he object and prayer
of which are to fore lose 11 eertatu uurti;iit.'o
executed li John .. Iliilllnvcr and I'.iiiniu K
Uiilllnu'ei' to the pliilutlll upon tliu lollow lug
described pifiulscH, to-vi i : Lot li. Illock 0, or
Hecond Cast I'ark Addition to the City of Lin
coln l.uncHster county, state ol Nebraska, to
secure the payment or n certain promissory
uole, dated the Kit I) day or March, lsim. for the
sum ut (iiiii, due and pajalile In inontlil In
stulltneiils iroiu the tntli day ol May, 1MH, Y
payable ouch mouth with Interest on the en
tire amount remaining from time to time un
paid at the ruleofs per cent. wraiuiliui, from
ihe loth day ol March, Isuii, pavnhlo monthly.
l'lidntltts pray for a decree that defendants
he rispilred io pay siiniu or that the premises
ma lie si. Id losatlsly the amount round due.
You are reiptlred to answer said s'tltloli on
or Is fore the .'illidiiv of January, IStll
Dated December :t, Isao.
J Mi. It. Cunninoii u.
Atty. for l'lalntllU.
Fall and Winter
Carpets and Draperies,
1112 0 St Tolophono 219.
Picture Framing !
S. EL. MOORR, 1114 O St.
If you Buy your Stoves of KRUSK & WHITE, 1210 0 Street,
Attn uwi.usivn m;i:xts fon
Red Cross Stovesand Ranges
(iirAltAXWn TIIF.SI.
Full Stock of Builder's Hardware.
General Job Tin Work promptly attended to and at
Reasonable Prices.
F. ititMi .,( A-r. io, iSS6.
German National Bank,
UA'COL.V, A'il.
Capital Paid up, $100,000.00
Surplus . . . 25,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business
Issues hitters ofcrcilll, tint vvilraffNon all pnrls
of the world. I'orcltui collections a specialty.
Often 1 nml Diirrtors.
IIKKMaN II. HCHAIIKIUl, I'r.slilent.
C. C. MIINHON, Vice President.
JOHKI'll IIOKII. M KU, Cashier.
O..I. WILCOX, Assistant Cashier
K. A. IIOMH. M Ull. II. .1. llltOTIIKUTON
The Choicest line of Perfumes. D. M. Ferry V Finesr
Flower and Garden Seeds.
127 South Eleventh Street.
Notary Public and Real Estate Dealer in City and Farm Property
JwiiSff' "i" tx Btt Mpc'MiCv3siLry
Noith (Jerman-Llod Steamship Co.,
I Iamburg-AmeiKan Paiket Co., and Baltic Lines.
Also Railroad Anent for tin D Iff emit Companies Knst and Went.
outhninptun. Havre, I lambnrc;, Stct'cn, London, I'jiIs, Norvvav, 1'lv mouth, llrcmei.,
Sweden, and any point In Kurope.
1'osl Orders anil Foreign Kchaugc Issued to ail prominent points n Ktuope.
HavliiK larKo rucllltles east with the blugctt Hanks and Havings limlHutlons, 1 am jire
piired to make all kluiU of Loans on I'Mrst Ileal Kktato Morluaces, City or 1'iirm l'roiwriv.
horn I to fi years, at the lowest Interest. 1 also ih-til In bk'hoot llniids, State, Count v anil Cli'v
Warrants, also In State, County and Cll CertlnVdC liilins, and will ulvvavs pay the bights'
market price. Cull and too mo or C urrcsixmd with me.
L. MKYKR, 10S North Tenth Street.
Most Popular
Exposition Dining Hall,
S. J. OIJKI.L, Mn.ukk.
-o ti'9, ii2i and 1123 N Street. o
Meals 25 els. $4.50 per Week.
Dr.H. S. Aley, Specialist
special nttonllon paid to Iho treatment of these diseases
by menus oreleelrleitj.
All uou-imillKiiitut tumors of lint womb removed without
the Use of the knlre.
WlopciutloiiNfor Injuries rioui childbirth slcllimily isir
formed ' '
lilsplueemuui or the womb cured In most eases without
Ihe use or Instruments.
lIpllep.j.Ht. Villi' Dunce, rtehilleii.NeuriilKla, Hysteria,
dlllereni forniN or imrnlyslM, Dcmitnlllin, nml n other
forms of Neivoiis'l toiilile siicces.lullv treated.
Comuiltiillon at ollice or by mull $1 on.
Newnmu llloi'k, ( HI., hot. Will ami Hlh, Lincoln, Neb,
llotirs-lMol'.'.uiou.rtoH. CUT THIS OUT
HlC! mHHI Bl'
Resort in the City.