CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27f.-i8go -. a$$k: '$$&& "JVti SK' $8 &w' ititw GOLD COIN HEATERS For Hard Coal Oil, For Soft Coal. Most Powerful Heaters Made! Most Economical on Fuel! FRANK E.LAHR, 030 P STREET. NORTH SIDE P. O SQUARE. Smoking Jackets, Fancy Vests, Full Dress Suits, ' Full Dress Vests, Fine Furnishings, Christy's London Hats, AT lAf.rltOl? O.SIL iicrfrl Hosiery, Hosiery, Hosiery, h Great Line Low Prices! Underwear, Underwear, U nderwear, All Kinds All Weights! 1 And a Line of STAMPED LINENS remarkably pretty and exceedingly low In nice. Call and see them. FOREMAN & CROWE, 114 South Twelfth Street, A Fine Crayon LIFE SIZE i" Fv E3 E3 AT SHERWIN'S 1124 0 ST. Every .customer gets a head and shoulder Crayon Picture Free from any and all cost. This work is made direct from any photo you may want copied. Call anck look into this mitter. o, m r Kvr V 1 " -"VC "VjriS I lUtv (icr of .HixtVrn Winm 1 'itbllMtiud Saturday. Aililiwt nil eommiiiiiontliiiin illrcoltn thu onion WlCMNlCl, PNIN'rlNO CO., rtitn.iHiiKim. Courier llullillm:, lift! N Hlreet. Tki.kimionkAVI I j. W'knmki., .In., Editor mid Holo l'i(iirIt'tor. W. .MnilTON HMITII, Aiwoclnto Eilltor. I Hunioiill'rioNi One Year hy Mull or Carried UW, Hlx Miiiitlin.ll IMjTIirco MmitliH, MH; I Olio month MLVntH Inrnrnlily In Advance, AnvmiTiKKMicNTii: llntpx fiirnUliiilon iippllcullnn 1 itt tliooflleo. Hprclnl rnti'MinTliimContrnciii. (iNTniliimciNn: Hliortjilcy Icelclie. poeim nml 1 Morlt'imnllcltcil, lVrMiimlnnil Hocliil note arc Mpeclrilly ilenlnihlt'. I'iiihtinoi W11 tiink n Nclnlty of I'Iiih I'rliilliiK In nil It liriinolu'4. Hoolcty work n Mtlilty. Kutcrctt ntlho I'oilolllro of Mucoid Nch., iin nccoiiiI ilium mutter. POPULATION OP LINCOLN, 65,000. he Atlantic For 80l "I" contain The Mouse of Martha, Frank R. Stockton's Serial. Contributions troiu Dr. Holmes. Mr. Lowell, and Mr. Whittier. Homo heretofore iiniulilnieil Letters by Charles and Mary Lamb. Mr. IVrclvnl Lowell will wrlteii nnrrutlvo of IiIh lulvtMituron under tlio tltlo of' Nolo : an Unexplored Cor ner of Japan. 'M10 Capture ir Laulhounrwlll lo treolnl In A Series of Papers by Francis Parkman. Tlieio will alio lo Hhort Hturlu tiiul Sltelehrn hy Rudyard Kipling, Henry Jniiiex, Hiirnh Orno .tewelt. Octavo Thnnct. nml others, llnteoliiileal pit- pern on Question In Modern Science will bo eontrlliuleil hy ProfcMitor nnhorn, of I'rliieeton, nml otluin; loplen In Uulv.-ntlty, Secondary, unit I'rlmiiry I-Miiciitlou will bo n feature, Mr. Itlelinnt WiiInoii (illitur. Dr. I'urmi u M.Melil', (Indium . Toiiimoii, nml other I ho umoiiK llio contributor of Poetry. The Atlantic for 1891. TKHM8:-$tJM a irur In niliiiiir. Itatiwe Hre; J.5 wnt (i ntimlxr. H'lMi iir 10 Uft-tUe portrait 11 iAtwtU, mill iilmi yirtniit of llnwthorur, Kmeinoii. LongrUntr. Ilrmnt, Whittier. or lltitme, it w; melt cnMIHmml potfmft $.). Tltt Xovtinlitr nml Ih-cemtxr niimtxr Mitt five tuiuw itubtci Itxr iciimc mifiKcWpMiiiM , itvi art rteelvttt txfure DtttmUv SiHh. J Will ffnltM 1111I Mnntu tire at lir i Mi nf the utiuttr. mid ttrtffyt remittance amufti Itt matte by numHililrht, or rt)ltt mi Ittttn, tn I Ioughtox; Mifflin & Co. . I'tfftV !teett IIoslou, fti)s. -THE- Library of American Literature Id Bitten Elegant, Lrg OcUto Volumei, wlihovnrO.iXX) pii(?en, humlHomcly llliutrnteil with !00 mil piiRO portrultK. Tlio crciiiu of WW.OOi) workH copyrighted by Amorlcnu wrl Iitm. I'.U7 imthorH miotcil. Ovor'JUTl xelectlons eoverlnu overy lirnnch orilleruuiro from luff to IMK). ehronoloKlcally iirrnnised. Compiled unilvilltcit by Kitiniliiit Clrtienee hteiliuun noil Kllen Sliirkuy lliitelihiaou, and publl.hea by 0IIA8. U WUHSTlUt . A CO., Now York. 1 1I0 not sou how any koIiooI tn America 1 ran 8puro hum worn ironi iir reiereneolliirary , furtpiicliorii nml pnplln. Dr. V. T. llnrrl-'. J Vntltil Statt OimmtuUmtrn tUhituUtm, With , li on I lie heir, onu limy Miy to uiiylxxly: "Nuinoyour miMid, unit I will iillry lln up- IH'iuo lor j nii,"-n. 1.. 1 lemeiiH (.ikiik j irmii ) Tim bent iiKKreitnto oxprerHlon of what lliu American mind luoi prmliieed In the luolinn ilred nml olixhly yearn of Iin uetlvlty John Clark Iteilpiilh I havu the. set complete, and there Ih not money cnonuh In Nebrimkn to Imv It of 1110 If I could not t?et iiuotber Mot, mid I umn poor man. J It Mcrwlu, Mtinao tut; KilUnrAmtilrim Jtiimial of HtUtenUim, St. l.tmU, I reoommend It to tlio peonlo oi Nu hrimkii iu tlio luot eompleln nml valuable compendium of mitloual lltvrnturo that wim ur pumisiidi. iniiKuiii'i iiuniry iseiuiipieiu 1 without It. O. II. Oere, State Jnunuil, Liinuln, Neli. It M tholxxt mid moKt complete, liter ' ary romplhitlou evoi Nmitil In this country. I It t very carefully till Icil nml It U coinpre- lieimtvu and thorouRh. W, Morton Hmlth, Ciipltdl Cttfi Courier -It Is not only IndUpon I Hlblo to pooplo of literary taxto unit iinpilre. mcut, liut ItuironUan luvnlualilo family lit. I entry rcnort, where the children of tlio conn. try can urow Into I lie spirit anil cenliix of our iniillomil literature. Albert Watklns, Ktb. Boldon tbo tntalment plan. Tho entire set tlellvoretl on rec litorilmt payment and bulanco divided Into monthly payments. Korit set of thisitreut work, or lor a perma nent situation, write at oneu to X, i:. MIAOU Ntittti Aveut, aii Vino t.. Lincoln. Nh . I SOCl'KTY HAS A W KW T'A I) UPPER TENDOM ADOPTS THE "SPELL ING DOWN" AMUSEMENT. Ami lifts us .tlurli full Out of It its Do lliu Itojs nml Olrls Who right for (IrlhiiKritpblo llooors In lln, "l.lltlo Iteil .Mrhool linn...." CopyrlKlil by AlniTienii l'n'ss As-ix-littlon. r IT worn not no Irlton cotuiatlsou I would liken fash ion to iincrcentria roiiiettliatrettiriiH on It m orbit In n cert nl n Inpsi) of yenm, or ton tido iucMstirclc" like that of tho Medl tcrrnticnn, which iiovcrthcli'sMliitho courfo of 1 1 tn o rcachcH tho IiIkIi CMtrockHlt washed n htinilrcd ynnrH uuo. This hIiiiIIo in trllo when npplicil to tho fnslilons of dress, hut It Is lent ho when turned upon thooof inanucr, at It may ho with t'lpinl truth. liislnnci'M n ro continually crop plow up to mIiow that what wn used to ImiKh nt our Kratulparout for dolui wo now do ourselves with it comical uvminp tlouof orlKltiullty. Onu may read theso thliiKt at one runs, mid without tnultiplyliiK Instances wo can refer to tho latest development of this ro vlval of uutliiiu customs, tho spellliiLt Kchnol. "Tho spelllnn mIiooII" noiuo one e.xclalnm with an Incredulous IiuikIi; Imt wuunswer him with 0110 of nood naliired Hitpcrlorlty, for It Is evident hy this that hu lives out of tho world. In n certain ftriivu clrelo of Nuw Vork society, onu neither youiiK nor old, neither foy nor fast, a Kreat deal of Kenuliui ntniisuiuent is helm culled this wlntei hy leasing new lfo to an old custom. Tho fad, if it must have a modern and slangy denomination, was started hy a I lost on mly who Is passing tho winter here, uud with so llttitiK mi In itiate and with so many prominent people ilerivlhK pleasuro from It thu fashion will doubtless become. Keneral. ".IuiIkIiiu hy recent experience," ro innrked CornelluH Van Cott, postmaster of the city of New York, "spelling needed this lltllp Imilly. Whatever tlio causu tuny 1h whether tlio Introduction of nowly coined words, or tho prevalence of foreign words in our literature, or tho Invention of spelling by sound thu fact remains that tho younger generation Is uIwiivh spelled down hy tho elder, and thu elder cannot inako as good u record as It did years ngo." A "IN A CKIITAI.V UIIAVi: rllMM.K." Mr. Van Cott is an enthusiast in this new-old fashion, uud hu is said to Ihi n champion speller. At it "bee" held recent ly ho spelled down 11 party of forty on u remarkably slmplo vord, "dagger," every Ixaly clso pinning their faith to two n's. Hut thuhlmplo wonts weru ever thuhauu of tho Infancy of tho spelling school. It was "rhomlKild," "phthisic," "phnrmaco po'ln," "caoutchouc" and others even in ro dllllcult and unusual that everybody learned to spell anil could not lm caught on. It was on such words as "lily," "pony," "poison," and "poniard" that tho lino of spellers Used to go down like a house, of cards. This is general of nil spellers today as It was many years since, and In thu latest revival of thu fashion In 1875. In that year there was n perfect crasto for It in tho west. Schools, churches, societies uud prlvatu houses were nil the scenes of this rivalry of owcls and conso nants. Thu young nun, then, who re fused to spell on any ground whatuver was, If not ostracised, at least subjected to it severe letting alono. Tlioru wore a few cases of stubborn objection to revealing weakness in that liuu among the young men, hut novcr among tho maidens. Thoy were always ready to spell thu dear crea tures aru generally ready for every form of inlli) dissipation and they never seemed to mind whether thoy spelled well or bad ly. It was sport all tho same. Not that I wish to say that tho girls of thatgeneratlon nowourgentlo young matrons-spelled very badly. On thocontrury, they were famous for prollclcncy. Yet It sometimes occurred, in a moment of nb sent tnlniledncss, let tnu say, that "oho" niNsed a word and "hu" tipullcd it correct- Till! AlOTIIKOSIS OK TIIK SCHOOL. Iy. Truu love carried out thu adagu then in every sense. How could ho explain and how could shondni't her grievance! Oh, It was all tint, to that detestable spelling school, mid tho poor Inanimate thing re ceived it Htilllclent amount of abuse from lover and sweetheart. Yet, after all that may bo said of Its suc cessful revival In '7.1 and lt curtain popu larity In tl, thu apotheosis of tho spelling fcchool occurred In ourginndfathefs' day In tho day of stngo couches and pillions. J10 day of high boots anil multicnped coats, In thu day of poko bonnets and puco colons! silks. Dr. ICgghston has written of tho custom In his excellent "HUtory of tho Colonies," but he might hava told a still more mil l- i is f M Til y&si V W I -rc,u; rnhlonniliiinuMnKMorj- anil who no fit tea j tin ho to tell It of thi' Hprciul of the crn.o In the log cabin epoch of the history of Indiana. Then In n back county of that remote reserve, tho girls, healthy and rosy cheeked, rode "double back" for miles to tho Friday night spelling school. It was usually hold In the poor building full of chinks, through which thu hitter wind whistled, that served as a school house on weekdays and meeting house on 8umla)s. Around n great stove, glowing red, they formed in a circle, every girl and every "fellow" with mittens on, and lliu girls with shawls and even comforters around them, and in thu face of physical dllllcullles for It wits hot in front and very cold behind theso ploueet, theso citizens In einbryc, pursued their con no Into tho dictionary it nnfully nml "maid fully" The result has bec:i In many Individ uals the inheritance iu' thu ability to keep wot.lsln nit ml. clothed In thocompletu ar mor of Webster. Now you know who) to replj when next that lsiastful Individual who has corrected it word for you says with false candor, "I don't know how It Is, but I can sim-II It comes naturally." You may tell him to give nil the credit of It to his mother, or you may relate tliunneeiloto ill Its two hundredth edition of (leu. .lock son, who, as liu corrected it misspelled word In an important statu document to which his secretary had timidly called his atten tion, growled out, "I'll llx It your way this time, hut I wouldn't glvo a cent for a man who can't spell a word but one way," What memories are associated with those old time spelling schools! The excitement Till: nilPAY NIOIIT SI'i:i.l.lNO M IKKIU which ran high as one after another went down 011 11 knotty word, until only two, perhaps, weroleftof n long lino of spell ers; tlio feast of apples and nuts after tho Ik'o was over the nuts cracked on a lint Iron between tho knees of tho boys thu big, choice goodies being slyly reserved for some favoritu maid I This humble amuse ment supplied tho place of, theatre, opertt and ball to these simple folk. Then thu ridu home in thu frosty moonlight, tho merry laughter of the crowds of young people, or the soft iovo words of somo couple, lagging far In tho rear, who wero "keeping company." Theso inv memories which last through lilo with many who wero nctors in that rustle drama. A man of wealth and posi tion in New York, who is particularly II blcto lapses of memory in regard to tho spelling of words, recently told mo that was one word over which he never hesitated tho word "separate.' lie never wrote it without recalling tlio time when, forty years ago, in it western country school house, ho had "downed" the best man in tlio spelling school on that word, and, Hushed ami triumphant, linil on tho lioiueward ride received it kNs from tlio beauty of tho county, tho girl he afterward married. Fkancis M. I.ivimistiin-. A I'reoi'll llreill'li of I'lumUn Clue. At Inst thu hard commercial spirit of thu Nineteenth century seems to have spread to thu sentimental laud of France. For the llrst time in thu history of tlio country . French deceiver has l;eii sued in a French court for breach of promise of mm riaite, and had a verdict for damages of Sl.OUO returned against him. It Is Interest ing, however, to nolo tho sharp lino of de miirkatlou drawn hy tho bench between the material anil tho merely romantic as pects of tlio case. That pecuniary compen sation could mnko amends for tho trilling with tho plaintiffs directions doos notseiyn to havu occurred to thu tribunal. Hut In asmuch as tho plaintiff's family had pro vided a trousseau, which, through thu fnlthlessncssof tho bridegroom, is loft upon their hands, they are to Imj Imlcmidllcil by the gentleman who loved and rod o away. It Is a decision full of interest, and shows that tho French nation, however senti mentally it may talk, Is at bottom tpiltc as practical as other nations. A Villililbln I111II1111 Curiosity, A totem pole, recintly received In Amer i a from thu Queen Charlotte Islands, Is lid by West Shore to bo tho largest ever jet procured of tho Indians, it being forty feet in length by live feet in diameter. The 1 irvlngon it is grotesque and strange In lliu extretnu nndof a l.unl rarely met with. .Mr. Hart, who was for nearly thirty-four years with tho Indians, says that never be fore could a similar totem polo he procured by white men, although efforts were made to do so. This 0110 was left at a deserted vlllnL;obyonoof tho Skldogato tribe, and fell into the hands of Hart's agent. It w.-s brought down Intact. Its ago Is con sidered by experts to hu close upon NX) yiars. Tho wood forming It is cedar, w Ideh, when above ground, is p-actlcally non-decaying, mid although ithcrhenten and st 11 nod the t.lic rtnl preserves Its form ami ilesigu .t ' Peculiar To Itself In many Important partlculari, Hood' Sarmpurllla la illlTerunt from and iiipurlor to any other medicine. l'cciillar la combination, proportion and prep aration of Ingredients, Hood' MartaparllU pot. ciiei tlio full curullvo value nt tlio Ueit known reiuoilloi of tho vegetable kingdom. 1'cculUr In In medicinal merit, Hood' S.inapa rllla acromptUlio cure hitherto unknown. I'ecullar In itrength and economy llood'a Par. aparilla It tho only meillrluo of which can truly lo laid, " 100 dntet ono dollar." Mrdlrluea hi larger and (mailer lwttlut reipilro larger dnaea.nud do not producom good rcaulU n llood'i S.irtapaillla, I'ecullar In Itt " good iiamo tit homo " there li moroof llood't Hartaparlllaaoldln Unveil, wliero It It made, than nf all other blood purltleu. I'ecullar In lit plic leiml record nf tales abroad, no other preparation has ever attained uch popularity In u abort a time. Do not lo In duced to Uku any other preparation. Ho iuio to get Hood's Sarsaparilla Boldliyalldruggliu, PItU forf.V rrupnredouly by C, I. IIOO A. ft)., Ai.olliomrlot.I.owell.Mttai. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar XMAS y Lace Fichues, Silk Mufflers, Silk Opera Shawls, Silk Fine Table Linens, Fine Towels, Plush Setts. Toys in Great Variety. He sin e and see what we are offering for Christmas Presents. WJllJfaa&,&6o. 1109 This is the Season of the year when COAL is KING when Competition is Close and Everybody has the best. Then is the time to go direct to I Ieadquarters. You need a supply for the Winter and as now is the time to buy, why not call ou BETTS St WBHVEBR and see their line and get prices. There you can get .he pure article direct from America's greatest mines noted for their purity and excellent quality. Call up Phone 440. 1204 and 1206 0' Uttfetowtil ANTHRACITE HLACK DIAMOND DOMESTIC PERFECTION OHIO JACKSON OLD KENTUCKY NEW KENTUCKY TRENTON PEERLESS VULCAN WALNUT Hlock and Nut IOWA Hlock and Nut MISSOURI Hlock and Nut KANSAS Hlock and Nut TEETH i EXTRACTED - D mifrttAN&R DRH. K. KERMKN SURGEON DENTIST, Who has the Exclusive Use of Steauna's Anesthetic No Chloroform ! No lither ! No Gas 1 A Full Set of Teeth on Rubber for $5.00. All Fillings at the Lowest Rates. DR II K K FR M A N Rooms 94- 95. 9C Burr Block, il. 11. IV. lYllWfU, LINCOLN, NEB WjA Delivering g Lrt IB) jITKS m.. it4 Vam' V 'vl ' 3D. At 111 1111V T". y iK. n'j from potolllce, etc s si Open Day and Nlpcnt I C0MPANYl Telephone 190. Ollice, S. W. cor. toth and O. 88. I ADIES IJJ What to I'alut. m f'V i frmm Unit It will iimkt) it HplemUil chrUtiauti l'riHint lorvdUHLrorolil. ii.l ...... It Vint ti'lll I m loiitfltiiiitil p IIIKI f v It a tin niiiiFiMiiiiiiiinni THIS GOTHAM, News Emporium, M. M. LYON, Proprietor. Ilaemcnt Itoom, IIUI N Struct. LINCOLN, NK1I. GIFTS Lace Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, A Silk Dress Pattern, 0 ST. Office, 118 south nth st. ICHTER Street, Burr Block COAL -: COAL I will Sell One Ton Pennsylvania - Anthracite At the Yard for $9.60. M . i . Trester. WITHOUT PAIN - 3T - SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR Notes, Letters, Invitations 7i OI.V UWKK YOU VI' hour 111 lilt.lf . Mm inrli Irulnu in.t v.uir Now Is the Unit' to paint a Christum I'reacut for your frli'iiils. Mine. K Vougini' I'Mpilsllu lino of flower Stiiilles aio now kIiowii at hiiNiunent, IIUI N Mtioi.t Tllitv nri' lllrit till' tllllll tn Lrlvn vmi l.l.,,.u Mlllon M. Lynn U la cliiirge, iiuil will Inko pieiiKiire 111 HtiowitiK ami neipiiiK you to ieiioi. tiou't wait for t'lirUliniiH lo ilotlilH, lull hi'uln now, You will Mini hy iixamlulni; "At'onnei'tleut Yniikeoln King Arthur's Court," hy Mark Twain Call i I 1 I I I