CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY D12CI5MCKR 27, 1890. TiiK WATKIISOI'AIKKOM. SUBJECT OF SUNDAY'S SEMMON UY REV. T. DE WITT TALMAQC. Il TclU i.f elite. 'Mini Wcr Tnhrii by t . Itiahiiit tliwlnr tlotl'n (itililnurx When llic Cllllilmi (if f.rilM i:nlrrnl llin Holy Ijttul. Uiumiki.Y.v, DccUI. I)r.TaliniiK iircnoh sl tlio fiillnwliiK Kcriiidii II1I11 imiriiliiK In (lio Academy of MuMoln (IiIm illy, ami iiKnliiln tliiMivi'iiliiKntTlin Christian Her nlil wrvlru In Now York. UN liixt was liwli. .xl, n, "Anil when nil theso kltiK wiiro tnt't Itut her they niniti unit pitched together nt. tlm witter nfMt'roiii to lluht itKnlust Israel." V nro cneaiiicd to-nlxlit In i'altstlno liy tlitt waters of Mertnii. After n Idii umrch wo have, foniul our tents pitched, our lire kindled, mid thniijth fur away from elvlllr.atlon u variety of food that would not eoiiiromlHo a Urst elms Ameri can hotel, for tho tnostof ntircaravau start nn liour and a half earlier In tliu morn liiK. Vi detain only two mules, earryliiK o mueli of our Iiiiuk'ik ns we might acci dentally need and n tent for tho noonday luncheon, Tho malaria around this Ijaku Mertnu aro ho polxouoiiH that at any other ncasou of tho year encampment, hero Is per IIoiik, hut Mil winter nluht the air Is toulo and healthful. In thin nelKhliorliood Joshua fuiiKht hi hint ureal Imt I to. Tho nation had handed -I lionise! ves together to cnthli this Joshua, hutalotiK thu luniks of theso waters Joshua left their carcasses, Indeed It Ih time that weiiuirenilnutely ex amine tills Joshua of whom u havo In theMi discourse caught only a inouieutnry Kllmps", althouKh hu crossed and rccrtwied Palestine, and next to Jesus Ih tho most stirring and nihility character whoso foot ocr touched tlio Holy laud. JOSHUA IIKAIIVTO TAKK MUSKS1 1M.ACK. Muxes wan dead. A heautlful tradition ay tho Lord kissed him, and In that act drew forth tho soul of tho dyliiK lawKlvor. Ho had licen hurled, only onu I'enioiinttliu funeral, tho samo One who kissed him, HutGod never takes a man uwavfrom anv place of usefulness hilt ho lias somo onu ready. Tho Ixird doeH not co looking around amid a Kreat variety of candldateH to (hid hoiiio nno especially lilted for tho vacant position, lie makes a man for that placo. Moses hint passed olf tho Mane, and Joshua, tho hero, puts his foot on thu plat form of history no Nolldly that all tho iiku echo with tho tread, llu was a niiiKiilllcent lighter, hut ho alwajH fought on tint rlht nhlo, and ho novcr fought unless (jod told him to light. Ho got hiii military equip inent from nod, whogavo hi in tho promlso nt tho start, "Tliero shall not any man ho nblo to stand heforo theo alt thu days of thy life." God fullllled this promise, al tliotiKh Jonhun's llrst battlo was with tho ( nprlt)K freshet, and tho next wlthastouo wall, and tho next leading on a regiment of whipped cowards, and tho next battlo nKnlnst darkness, wheeling tho sun and tho moon Into his battalion, and tho last against tho king of turiors, death llvo great victories. For tho most part, when thu general of an army starts out In a conflict ho would llko to luivti it small baUlo lit order that ho may get his courago up and rally his troops and get them drilled for greater conlllots; but this llrst undertaking of Joshua was gieater than tho luvollng of Kort l'ul.tskl, or tho thundurlug down of Gibraltar, or tho overthrow of tho Hostile, It was tho crossing of tho Jordan at tho time of tho spring freshet, Tho snows of Mount taunnon hud Just been melting, and they poured down Into tho valley, and tho wholo valley was a raging torrent. So tho CaiiaanltesHtandon uno lmiik,aud they look acrosn and seo Joshua and tho Israel lts, and they laugh ami say, "Aha! altal they cannot disturb us in tlinu-uutll tho freshets fall; It Is impossible for thum to reach us," Hut after a while they look across tho watur and they seo a movement In thu army of Joshua. Theysay: "What's tho inaUjr nowf Why, tliero must bo a jmnlo among these troops, and they are going to liy, or perhaps they aro going to try to iniirch across tho river Jordan. Joshua Is a lunatic." Hut Joshua, tho chieftain, looks at his army and cries, "Forward, innrcht" and they start for tho bank of tho Jordan, TIIK PAUTIXO OK J01IHAX. One mllo ahead go two priest carrying ft glittering box four feet long and two feet wide. It is the ark of tho covenant. Aud thoy como down, and no sooner do they Just touch tho rim of tho water with their feet than by an Almighty Hat Jor dan parts. Tho army of Joshua marches right on without getting their feet wet over tho Iwttotn of tho river, a path of chalk and broken shells and pebbles, until thoy get to the other bank. Then they lay hold of tho oleanders and tamarisks and willows and pull themselves up a bank thirty or forty feet high, aud, having gained tho other bank, they clap their shields and their cymbals aud sing thu praises of tho God of Joshua. Hut no sooner have they reached thu bank than the waters begin to dash and roar, and with a terrlllo rush they break looso from ttiolr straugo anchorage. Out yonder they luvo stopped, thirty miles of distance they halted. On till: side tho waters roll on lowurd tho salt sea. Hut as thu land of thu Lord God is taken awny from the thus uplifted waters waters perhaps uplifted half a mllo aa tho Almighty hand is taken away thoso witters rush down, and some of tho unbe lieving Israelites say: "Alas, alas, what a intsfortuiiul Why could not thoso waters huvo staid parted? Hecauso perhaps we may want to go back. O Lord, wo aro engaged In a risky business. Thoso Ca naunltes may eat tut up. How if we want to go backf Would It not havo been it moro complete inlraclo if tho Lord had parted thu waters to let us como through nud kept them parted to let us go hack If we aro defeated?" My friends, God makes no provision for a Christian's retreat. Hu clears tho path all tho way to Canaan. To go back is to die. Tho sumo gatekeepers that swing back tho amethystine and crystalline gitta of tho Jordan to let Israel pass through now swing shut the amethystine nml crystalline gato , -.THIS IS SO I'LACK TO Mul But tills Is no place for tho host to stop. Joshua gives thu command, "Forward, march!" In tho distance there is a long grove of trees, and at thu end of the grove Is a city. It Is a city of arbors, a city with walls seeming to reach to tho heaven, to buttress tho very sky. It Is tho great mo tropolis that commands thu mountain pass. It is Jericho. Tho city was afterward cap tured by I'oinpey, aud 1c wiim afterward captured by Herod thu Great, and it was afterward captured by tho Mohammedans; but tills campaign the Lord plans. Tliero shall bu 110 swords, no shields, no battering ram. Tliero shall bo only one weaKiu of war, und that a rail's horn. Tho horn of the slain ram was sometimes taken, and holes weru punctured lu it, mid then the musician vould put tho Instrument to his - llps.'and ho would run hi fingers over Mils rtido musical Instrument and make a great deal of sweet harmony for the people That was the only kind of weapon. Heven irlct wero to lakn these rude rustic mil Hlcnl Instruments, and they were to go around the city every day fur six days oiKii a day for six tlaje and then on thu seventh iluy they were to go around blow lug theso rutlo musical Instruments seven times, and then at the close of thcMWcnth blowing of tho rams' horns on the netculli day t ho peroral Ion of I ho whole scene was to lm a shout at which those great walls should tumble from capslono to base. iitni.Ni) tiik rrrv'u ai.ia Tho sown priests with the rude musical Instruments pass all around the city walls on tho llrst day, aud a failure. Not so much as 11 piece of plaster broke loose from tho wall; not mi much ami loosened rock, not. so much as a piece of mortar lost from Its place. "There," say the unbelieving Israelites, "didn't I tell you nor Why, tlio.-' ministers arc fools. The Idea of go lug around the city with those musical In strumeuti", and e.cctlng lu that nay to destroy It1 Joshua has been spoiled; ho thinks iH'caiise no lias overthrown mid de stroyed the spring freshet he can over throw tho stono wall. Why, It Is not phil osophic. Don't you neo tliero Ih no relation betueen the blowing of these musical In struments and the knocking down of the wall It Isn't philosophy." And I sup. pose there wore many wiseacres who stood with their brows knitted and with the forefinger of tho right hand to thu fore linger of tho left hand arguing it all out and showing Unit It wits not possible that such a catiso could produce such an cITect. And I suppose that night lu the encamp incut tliero was plenty of philosophy and cmleatiire, mid If Joshua had Is'cn uoiui uated for any high military position hu would not havo got many votes. Joshua's stock was down. Tho second day the priests hlowhg the musical In strumeiits go around the city, and it fall lire. Third day, mid a fall'ire; fourth tiny, mid a failure; fifth day, and a failure; sixth day, audit failure. The seventh day comes, the climacteric tlay. Joshua is up early In tho morning ami examines thu troops, walks all around about, looks at tho city wall. Tho prlc.stu start to make the cliciilt of thu city. Thuy go all around once, all around twice, three times, four limes, live limes, six tltnM, seven limes, aim a mil lire. Tliero Is only one more thing to tin, mid that Is to utter a great shout I see the Israelltlsh army straightening themselves up, lllllng their lungs fur a vociferation such iih was never heard heforo mid never heard after. Joshua feels that the hour has come, mid ho cries to his host. "Shout, for the Iird hath given you theclty'" All tho people begin to cry, "Down, Jericho! down, Jericho!" And the long line of solid masonry In-glns to uulver, and to move, and to rock. Stand front under! She falls! Crashl go the walls, tho toni pics, the towers, the palaces, the air black ened with tho dust! Tho huzza of thu vic torious Israelites anil thu groan of the coiKiueretl Caiiaanltes commingle, mid Joshua Mantling there in the debris of the wall hears a voice saying, "There shall not any man hu ablu to stand before thee all the days of thy life." OSI.V HAWAII'S IIIIUIIK M'AIIKP. Only one house spared. Who lives there? Some great king? Xo. Somo woman dis tinguished for great kindly deeds!" Xo. Shu hail been conspicuous for her crimes. It Is thu house, of Hahnb. Why was her house spared? Hecauso shu hail been it great sinner? Xo, but because shu repent ed, demonstrating ioall tlioages that there Is mercy ft.r tho chief of sinners. Tho red cord of tllvlno injunction reaching from her window to thu ground, so that when the people saw that red cord they kntiw it was the tllvlno Indication they should not disturb the premises, making us think of tho tllvinu cortl of it Saviour's deliverance, tho red cortl of it Saviour's kindness, the red cord of a Saviour's mercy, tho reil cord of our rescue. Murcy for tho chief of sin ners. Hut your trust lu that God, anil no thimagu shall befall you. When our world shall lo moro terribly surrounded than was Jericho, even by tho trumpets of tho Judgment day, and the hills mid the moun tains, thu metal bones and ribs of nature shall break, they who have had Itahab's faith shall have Knhab's deliverance. When. ritpt lu (Ire, the realms of ether kIow, Anil Heaven's Inst tluuiilcr shakes thu earth below; Thou, iiiiiliHinayed, shall o'er thu ruins smile, Ami Uijlit lliy torch nt Nature's funeral pile. Hut Joshua's troops may not halt here. Tho command is, "Forward, inarchl" Tliero Is tho city of Al; It must betaken. How shall It lie taken? A scouting party comes buck and says, "Joshua, wo can tin that without you; it Is going to bo a very easy job; you Just stay hero while wo go mill capture it." They march with a small regiment In front of tho city. The men of Al look at them mid givo one yell, and thu Israelites run like reindeer. Tho northern troops at Hull Hun did not muku such rapid time ns theso Israelites with the Caiiaanltes after them. They novcr cut such a sorry llgure as when they were on thu retreat. Anybody that goes out lu the battles of God with only half a force, In Mead of your taking the men of Al, the men of Ai will taku you. Ixiok at the church of God on tho retreat. Thu Hor neslaii cannitinls lite up Miinson, the iiiIsMunary. "Fall backl" said it great many Christian people. "Fall back, O church of Godl Horneo will never be taken. Don't you seo thu Horneslan can nibals have eaten up Miinson, thu mission ary?" Tynilull delivers his lecture at the Untverslly of Glasgow, and a great many good people say: "Fall back, O church of God! Don't yousee that Christian philoso phy Is going to Ikj overcome by worldly philosophy? Fallback!" Geology plunges Its crowbar into the mountains, mid there are a great many people who say: "Sclen tlllo Investigation Is going to overthrow the Mosaic account of tho creation. Fall back!" Friends of tho church Imvo nuvcr hail any right to fall back. Joshua m ciiAuiiiNKii. Joshua falls on his facu lu chagrin. It is thu only tlmu you over seo thu back of his bend. Ho falls on his face anil begins to whine, and ho says; "Oh, Lord God, where fore hast thou at all brought this peoplu over Jordan to deliver us Into the hand of the Amorltes to destroy us? Would to God we had Ix-'ou content mid dwelt on the other side of Jordan! For tho Caniutniti-i nud all tho Inhabitants of thu laud shall hear of It, and shall environ us round ami cut off our nuino from thu earth." I am very glad Joshua saltl that, lief ore I It seemed as if ho wero it Mipernutural! oeing, ami tlicreroro could not bo mi ex umplu to us; but I find he Is it man, ho Is only it man, Just as sometimes you llud a man under severe opposition, or inn bud Mate of physical health, or worn out with overwork lying down and sighing about everything being defeated. I am encour aged when I hear this cry of Joshua as ho lies lu the dust. God conies and rouses him. How docs ho roiiso him? liy complimentary apos trophe? Xo. He says: "Get theo up. Whereforo llest thou upon thy face?" Joshua rises, and I warrant you with it mortified look, but his oltl courage comes back. The fart was that was not Ids bat tle. If ho hud Immui In it ho would havo gonuonto tlctory. Ho gathers his troops around him and says, "Now, let us go up aud ui pi u re tho city of Ai; let us go up right away." They march on. IIu puts the majority of tho troops Is'lilnd n ledgo of rocks lu the night, and then he sends comparatively small regiments up In front of the city. Tho men of A I como out with it shout. Tho small regiments of Israelites lu stratagem fall hack and fall back, and when all tho men of Al havo left tho city mid aro lu pur null of these scattered, or seemingly scat tered, regiments Joshua stands on a rock I see his locks Hying in the wind as ho points his spear towartl thu doomed city, nud that Is the signal. Thu men rush out from Is'lilnd tho .ocks and take thu city, mid it Is put to the torch, mid then theso Israelites lu theclty march down, and the flying regiments of Israelites return, and between theso two waves of Israelltlsh prowess tho men of Al are destroyed, and tho Israelites gain the victory. And whllo I seo tho curling smoko of that destroyed city on the sky, and while I hear the huzza of tho Israelites, mid the groan of tho Ca iiaanltes, .loshita hears something louder than it all, ringing ami echoing through his soul, "There shall nut any man Imj able . to stand before thee all tho days of thy life." on to Tin: citv of oiiicov. Hut thin Is no nlacu for tho host of Joshua to stop. "Forward, inarch!" cries Joshua to tho troops. Tliero Is the city of Glbeon. It has put Itself under tho pro tection of Joshua. They sent word, "Tliero are live kings after us; thoy are going to destroy uu; solid troops quick; sond us help right nwny." Joshua has a threo days' inarch at moro than double quick. On the morning of tho third day he Is licforo tho enemy. Tliero uro two long Hues of battle. Tli battle opens with great slaugh ter, but tli'i Canaanllcs soon discover some thing. Theysay: "That Is Joshua. That Is tlio man who conquered thu spring freshet and knocked down thu stono wall anil tlestroyod tho city of Al. There Is no uso lighting." Ami they sound a retreat, anil as they begin to retreat Joshua and his host spring upon them like it panther, pursuing them overt lie rosks; and Caiiaanltes with sprained ankles ami gash etl forehea Is retreat, the catapults of the sky pour .1 volley of hailstones Into tho valley, and all tho artillery of thu heavens with bullets of Iron pound the Canaanltea against th. ledges ol Hethhoron. "Ohl" siys Joshua, "this Is surely a vic tory." "Hut do you not n-e the sun is go ing down? Those Amorltes are going to get ..rfuy fiftcr all, and I lien they will come up some other time aud bother us, and perhaps destroy us." Sec, the sun Is going iiovii. tju, itir a longer tiny man has ever lieou fecii in this climate1 What is thu matter wkh Joshua? Has he fallen lu 1111 apoplectic lit? Xo. He Is in prayer. Look out when it good man mal-es the Lord his ally. Joshua raises his face, radiant with prayer, mid looks at the descending sun over Gideon i, 1 at thu faint crescent of the moon, for you know tho queen of thu night sometimes will linger mound tho palaces of thu tlay. Pointing one hand at the descending sun mid thu other at the faint crescent tif the moon, In tho namu of that God who shaped tho worlds nml moves tho wtuldii, ho cries, "Sun, stand thou still upon Glbeon; and thou moon, in tho valley of A jitlou." They halted. Whether It wits by refraction of tho sun's rays or by tho stopping of tho whole plan etary system I do not know and do not care. I leave it to tho Christ ..m scientists and thu (nlldel scientists to settle that question, whllo I tell you I have seen thu sainti thing. "What!" say you, "not thu sun Minuting still?" Yes. Tho samu inlr aclo Is performed nowadays. Thu wicked do not live out half their tiny, ami thu sun sets at noon. Hut let it man Mart out ii battlo for God mid truth and against sin, antl thu day of his usefulucsi Is prolonged and prolonged and prolonged. iiiKiit woiik iii:maini:d John Siimmerflehl was a consumptive Methodist. Ho looked fearfully white, I am told, ns he stood In old Sands Stieet church lu Brooklyn preaching Christ, ami when he stood 011 thounnivcrsary platform lu Xew York pleading for thu Hlblu until unusual mid unknown glories rolled forth from that lxiok. When he was dying his pillow was brushed with the wings of tho angel fiom tho skies, thu messenger that God sent down. Did John Summerlolil's sun set? Did John Siimmerlleld'stlay cud? Oh, no, He lives 011 lu his burning utter ances in behalf of the Christian church. Hubert McCheyno was a consumptive Presbyterian. It was said when he preached hu coughed so it seemed us if he would never preach again. His namu Is fragrant In all Christendom, that name mightier today than was over his living presence. He lived to preach tho gospel In Alierdeen, Edinburgh ami Dundee, but he went away very early. Ho preached himself Into tho grave. Has Holwrt McCheyne's sun set? Is Etols-rt McChuyne's day ended? Oh, uol Ills dying delirium was filled with prayer, and when ho lifted his hand to pronounce the benediction upon his family, and tho benediction upon his coun try, he seemed to say: "I cannot tlio now; I want to llvo on and 011. I want to start an Inlliienco for tho church that will never cease. I am only 30 years of age. Sun of my Christian ministry, Maud still over Scotland." And It stjod still. - HOW A CIIIIISTIAN CAN 1UK. A long tlmu ngo tliero was it Christian woman very consecrated, and shu had a drunken husband, and so on camu thu night of domestic trouble. Shu lost hur children, and tliero camo thu night of Ihi reavuinent. Shu was very 111, and thuru camu thu uluht of sickness, ller soul de parted, and there came thu night of death. Hut all thesu nights of trouble aud dark ness nud sorrow aud sickness weru illu mined by thu grace of tho Gospel, ami peo plu camu many miles to seo how cheerfully a Christian could bo sick and how cheerful ly 11 Christian could die. The moon that il lumined that night of troublo was it rellec tlon from tho Sun of righteousness. In tho last hour of that night that night of darkness and sickness ami misfortune, ns sho lifted Iter hand toward heaven, thoso who stood nearest her pillow could hear thu whisper for bIio wanted to llvo on lu tho generations that wore to follow, conse crated to God; shu wanted to havo an In fluence long ufter sho had entered upon her eternal ruwurd, ami whllu tier hand was lifted nml hur lips wero moving, thoso who stood nearest her pillow could hear her uy, "Thou moon, stand still in thu valley of AJalon." Hut JtMhuit wits not quite through. There was tlmu for llvo funerals ls'foni tho Mill of that prolonged tlay set. Who will preach their funeral sermon? Massilloii preached tho funeral sermon over Iouls XVI. Who will preach tho funeral ser mon of those llvo dead kings king of Jerusalem, king of Hebron, king of Jar mutli, king of Lnchlsh, king of Kglou? Let It bu by Joshua. What Is his text? 'What shall bo thu epitaph put 011 thu door of the tomb? "Tliero shall not mix man bu able to stand before theo all tho days of thy life." Hut before you fasten up tho door I want five mine kings beheaded and thrust In King Alcoliol, King Fraud, King Lust, King Supfstltlon, King Infidelity. Lot them Is) beheaded mid hurl them lu. Then fasten up the door forever. What shall thu Inscription mid what shall the epitaph lw? for all Christian philanthropists of all ages aro going to como mid look at It. What shall the Inscription be? "There shall not any man Ihi ablu to stand before theo all the days of thy life." TI.MK POIl JOSIItrA TO (10 IIOMII. Hut It Is time for Joshua to go homo, lio Is lit) years old. Washington went down thu Potomac, and at Mount Ver non closed his days. Wellington tlhsl peacefully at Apsley Houho. Xow, when) shall Joshua rest Why, he Is to have his greatest battle now. After a hun dred and ten years hu has to meet a king who has more subjects than all the present population of the earth, Ids throne a pyramid of skulls, his parterre tho grave yattls and the cemeteries of thu world, his chariot the world's henrso thu King of Terrors. Hut If this h Joshua's greatest battle, It Is going to be Joshua's greatest victory. Hu gathers his friends around lilin and gives Ids valedictory, and It Is LfuJI ofaQiiiliilsceiicu. Young men tell wiiiK, iney are going to do; old metrtell what they have done. And as you have heard a grandfather or great-grandfather. sealed by thu evening lire, tell of Mon mouth or Yorkttiwn, ami then lift tho crutch or stalT as though It wero 11 musket, to fight and show how tho oltl battles wero won, so Joshua gathers Ids friends around his dying couch, iiuu he tells them the story of what ho has beuu through, ami as ho lies there, his white locks snowing down on his wrinkled forehead, I wonder If Gott has kept his promise all tlio way through. As ho Ilea there bo tells thu story one, two or threo times-yon havo heard old people tell a story two or three times over and ho answers: "I go the way of nil the cart It ami not 0110 wortl of the promise, has failed, not onu word thereof has failed; all has comu to pass, not 0110 word thereof has fulled." And then he turns to his family ns it dying parent will and says: "Choose now whom you will serve, the God of Is rael, or thu God of the Amorltes. As for 1110 and my house we will servo tho Lord." A dying parent cannot be reckless or thoughtless lu regarl to his children. Consent to part with them forever at thu tloor of thu tomb wo cannot. By tho cradle. In which their Infancy was rocked, by the Ihi-kiiii on which they llrst lay, by tho blood of the covenant, by the God of Joshua It shall not be. Wo will not part, wo cannot part. Je hovah Jheh, wo take theo at thy promise. "I will be a God to theo and thy seetl after thee." Dead, thu old chieftain must bu laid out. Handle him very gently; that sacred body Isovcrit hundred and ten years of ngo. Lay him out, stretch out those feet that walked dry shod tho parted Jordan. Close those lips which helped blow tho blast at which tho walls of Jericho fell. Fold tho arm that lifted the spear towartl tho doomed city of Al. Fold It right over tho heart that exulted when tho llvo kings fell. Hut where shall wo get tho burnished granlto for tho headstone and thu foot stone? I bethink myself now. I Imagine that for thu head It shall bu the sun that stood still upon Glbeon, ami for tho foot thu moon that stood still in thu valley of AJalou. The California Horse. In reading the accounts of early days In California 1 11111 struck with thu ondiirunco of hardship, expo? -re, and wounds by thu uatlvesaiid thuadventurers, the raucheros, horsemen, herdsmen the ilcsceiuhiutH of soldiers mill the Indians, their Insensibility to fatigue, mid their ug.llty and stiength. This is ascribed to tliu climate, mid what Istruoof mail Is true of the native horse ills only rival lu strength, endurance, speetl and Intelligence Is the Arabian. It was long supposed that this was racial, and that but for the sinallness of the size of the native horse trussing with It would Improve tliu breed of thu eastern and Ken tucky racers. Hut there was reluctance to cross tho finely proportioned eastern horse with his diminutive western brother. The importation mid breeding of thor oughbreds 011 this coast has led to thu dis covery that the desirnblu qualities of the California hoisu weru not racial butclimat lc. The eastern horse has been found to im prove in size, compactness of muscle, in strength of limb, in wind, with 11 marked incrai.-e in power of endurance. Thu trav eler here notices the fine horses aud their excellent condition, and the power ami eu dura lie- of those that havo considerable age The records lii'itle 011 eastern race coiiiscs by horses from California breed lug larius huvjiilrcudy attracted attention It Is also remarked that the eastern horse is usually improved greatly by a sojourn of a season or two on this coast, and thu plan of bringing eastern racu horses here for the winter is already adopted. Charles Dudley Wnrnr r In Harper's. The Mimlli'Ht Chin ell. There has recently been quite, a discus sion in the vaiious religious papers con cerning thu locution of the smallest church lu thu world. Thu French papers, aided by the valuable researches of Pro fessor Lcsqtiutuux, havo been gutting the best of the argument until recently, when soiuu onu discovered it 5J0-y ear-old nr tlciu by Moncure D. Conway in Harper's for March, lb0, wheru that ablu writer gives u description of two miniature, places of religious worship. Thu llrst is at Hon church. Conway gives the following con cerning It: It cannot Ihi 10 yards long, ami Is only !l or -J wide; It has seven pews nml four galleries, and might hold twenty persons. Theru Is still regular preachlug here, tho Utrga part of the congregation Isjlng seated outside. Further 011 In tho samu articlu hu says, lu describing thu vlllagu of St. Lawrence, on thu Islu of Wight: Tho vlllagu Is nota bio for Its queer llttlti church, tho smallest in thu world. It is 1 feet long ami It feet widu, iiutl about as high as a tall man. Its walls aru Saxon, anil very old. Thu location of su eral other small mid iiulqiio churches has been made public since this discussion beg-in. Among others, J10 church In the stump of it glgautlo red wood tree lu some county in Oregon, au.l thu famous "Hell chapel," of Moscow, whero services are regularly held In it large IhiII, which has a piece out of the side, the opening being used as a tloor. St. Ixiuls Republic. Very licuiittful mosalu patterns are wrought lu stained tvoods for thu tops of occasional tables ami for chess boards, in which extremely beautiful patterns aru produced. Different strips of variously colored woods, when glued together side by side, are afterward cut according 10 thu exigencies of various patterns for marque try Inlays und borders for juwclry boxes, music boxes, writing cases, toilet cases, decorative panels, etc. Decoratur and Furnisher. Britton's New Grocery 141 0 0 STREET. Having just opened our store, the largest in the new Alex ander block, we extend you an invitation to call and inspect our line of goods. Our aim will be to carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, including the very best of everything, making a specialty of Teas, CoiTces, Spices, Flour and Potatoes, in which we will offer the best at such prices as will make it an inducement for you to buy. All goods promptly delivered. Tklijimionk 780. We Solicit a Call! 1410 O Street. ChristmasPresents for Gentlemen BUY SOMETHING USEFUL As well as Ornamental ! Herman Bros. 1017 O Street, Offer a line of goods that for presentation to gentlemen has no equal. See their Seal Skin Caps Plush Caps Seal Skin Gloves Fur Coats Smoking Jackets Fine Neckwear, all kinds. Silk Handkerchiefs Mufflers . And Dozens of Other Suitable Articles. China -THE STOCK OF Queens ware, Silverware, Etc. Which is Now 143 Soutl- 12 tin St., is composed of first class goods in every respect, It is all arranged and ready for the Sacrifice Sale The stock comprises everything usually found in a first class glass, china and queensware store, including a large stock of Roger's Best Silverware. These goods must be moved and prices will be made to close them out. THIS IS NO FAKE, but a bona tide sacrifice sale and if you will call prices will surely convince you of this fact- Talbot JR. CrgiclcL 143 South Twelfth St. Sale! Opened at 1 I