Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 20, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Evening, DcdO, 'DO
Fur Beaver Hats
1. D. Comet nt Cost to Clone Oull
114S 0 Bt.-Oforu Honi Corner.
The Cowmen will not lo restwnslblo for
any delta niiulo by nny ono In It uniuo, tin
mi n written order nceoinpnnlea tho nhiiu,
Corner I Oth and P Streets.
Plush Coats
and -
II, 11. NIHHI.r.Y CO.
"Tho Courier" 1'or Swlo In Oinitlm.
Copies may lw found nt Keith's newsstand,
310 South Fifteenth street, Boyd' oporn house
Winter Clearing Sale !
For Pattern Hats,
Fine ami Medium Class Millinery, nt
Unit and Lcsh than Unit Price,
call nt
Herpolsheiier & Co. '8.
The Courier Ciui bo Found At
Windsor Hotel Now Htnnd.
Capital Hotel New Hlaml.
iJ.U.iii,,,, nii.lmr Hull Nowi Htnnd.
Tho not ha n New Btnnd, 118 Houtli Htti BW
Itert Huinier. Ill North lltli Btroot.
Kd. Young, X O Htrcot.
Fletcher A Co., 1190 O Htrcot.
Ltttlo Sport Cigar Htoro, 113 North 12th 81.
WcstorfleUVs Barber Shop, llurr WlocK.
CF-An oxtra supply of papers I always left
at the OMham, In cao other howsdenlor
supplies rlnslir,
JPrices. s"
O Street,
W. R. Dennis & Go.
lcal nnd l'ersonal.
Whltebroost Coal and Lime Company.
Take Turldsli at, 1010 O streetl
Brown's for oyster in all styles.
Call up the L. D. T. Co., Phone 100.
Face Uleach nt Exposition building.
Ruth M. Wood, M. D 1830 P street.
Hair dressing at Exposition building.
Telephone at the Cowuir office U 253,
G. II. Collins, Dentist, 1035 O street.
Lincoln Ico Co., 1CH0 O St. Telephone 118.
Mineral water used tor bathing, 1010 O st
Order Canon City Coal from HetU &
Mr. Graham' Ooudolr at Exposition
Canon City Coul at the Whitebreast
Coal and Lime Co.
Iroprovedshower for Turkish liathi nt 1011
O street, basement Union block.
J. D. Damaby, the tailor, may be found at
rooms 19 and 13, Newman block,1035 O st.
All tho latest sheet muslo, now stock, nt
Crancer's Art Uuslo store, 913 south Eleventh,
rtree. m
E. R. Guthrie Is headquarters for fine car
riage! In all style. Call at his repository,
1M0 O street.
Ladle will find a complete line of line shoe
and all the latest stylos at Uie proper prices at
Sherwln'a Boston Shoe Store.
The Whitebreast Coal and Lime company
I again at tho front supplying the finest
grades of coal at the lowes price.
For a lame back, a pain In the tldo or
ehost, or for tooth-acho or ear-ache prompt
relief may be hud by using Chamberlain's
Pain lialin. it I reliable. For sale by A.u
Practical gifts at economical pcices to suit
the pocket of the rich and poor alike, Hep
poUhelmer & Co. have for all the most com
plete assortments In the west at a great saving.
Monday evening at Temple hull Mr. nnd
Mrs. Max Kolm who hut n fw weeks since
tomuved lo Lincoln fiom Nehtnskn City,
norn W'lidorvd n very pleasant mid cordial to
ccptlou by Mr. L. Weasel, Jr., their nephew,
IhernWoro Upwards of olio bundled people
picsctit by invitation, and tho occasion was
olio of unrivalled billllnuco mid success.
Guest were presented lo Mr and Mrs, Kolm
In tho large reception room, panning thence
directly Into tho danuliiK hall, In tlm early
part of tho evening delightful oporutlo selec
tions were mulct ed by tho Mimical Union
orchc-itrn, under tho liicompniablo leadership
of Harry Irvine. Hhortly after nlno o'clock
tho ginud nmix'li was niiuoiittml, which
quickly formed, wns led hy Mr WowmjI and
Miss Paulino Goldsmith, After tho prome
nade tho company won rim nod In two town
running tho full length of the hull mid the
hurt, mounting tho platform, stated In n few
nptly chosen woids, that tho reception, -
boknowii to tho guest piesout, wns a eclehra
Hon of tho eighteenth anniversary of tho
wedding of his undo nnd aunt, when ho
thcroUon presented thorn with u very hand
Miiiio tllver water service, nipioirlatuly In
scribed. Tho latter as well as tho guests wore
grtatly surprised hy this Incident, wholly uu
looked for, which made Itthotiioroenjoyahh).
A magnlllceiit hasketof Mowers was ulsopro
Nentcd by tho ladles, Boon tho tuneful ulr
"Ever mid Kvor Mine," filled tho llotir with
ineiry dancers, inarklng thocomineiiceineiit
of n highly entertaining piogiaimue. Bolee
ttonsfrom "ThoOondolleis," "Paul Jones,"
mid other Kpuhir opeins were given during
tho evening. Delicious reftoshmcntH woie
served In tho mite-room by Brown, Tho in
ception ns n rmo coiuplliueiit to Mr. and
Ml 8. Kolm who begin their residence in I. lu
ce In very auspiciously nt 1111 II sheet in tho
I.yuinu stono terrace. 'Those picscut weruj
Mimhm. mid Mesdmnes H. Bohwnb, I. Hi ticks,
1). Wise, A. Kntroiistolii,sr,,Hnm Wossel, II.
Cloldsmlth, J., 1. Friend, H. Pol
wosky, Kd lllgnell, II. V. Ilrown, M. Acker
man, IiuulsMiiyer, Wllllo Meyer, I.oulo Mey
er, blmoii Mayer, A. O. Kleiner, H. Hertcliler,
M. A. Nowiunrk, J. J. McCullough, H. Kellg
solin, It. Hat rand Charles Wost;MIci Paul
Ino Cloldsmltli, Annlo llnrr, llettlo llnrr,
Burnli Bchwnb, Ida Filend, Helen nnd Ernes
tluo Friend of Atchison, Horn Fiank, Nettle
and llertha Hellgsohn, Monnlo un.l Lizzie llu
ford, Knto Hteln of St. Joseph, and Maudo
Hiullhi Messrs. M. Htrnuss of lie Moines,
Mayor(lraham,A. Ksonsky, L. Ksonsky.Hol
OpK!ulielmer, M. Wolfo of Hlldreth, Neb.,
Joo Opponholmer, U. Hirsh, llctilwii Gold
smith, Jako CpiHJidiehnor, M. Oponhelinor,
Ed Wesel of Omaha, Julius Wesjol of Ne
braska City, Edgar Wituel, Clint les Mayer,
Henry Mayer, U. I). Mullen, FrnnkMullon of
N,ow York, Ed Low man, W. Mm ton Bmlth,
l'nul llonwlt, Charlos Ouiitilsun, Alfred KIs
ner, Ham ltich, 1M Friend, Julius Hmlth of
Now Yotk, Mark llufonl nnd Oscar Calla
han, Mr. Mark H. Tiltou nnd Miss Inez Don in
worn united In nmrriago Wednesday evening
nt 7 o'clock nt tho residence of tho bride's
parents, Hov. W.O. Miller officiating. Tho
wedding wns n very ipilet ono only lelntlvi-s
being pi osout. Mr. nnd Mrs. Tllton left for
tho east In thoovenlng. After Fehrurury 111
they will Ih nt homo at (Ut South Fourteenth
sttoot, Tlio groom Is president and manager
of tho Wisconsin Furniture Company, en
joys nn enviable, reputation as n business
man, nnd soclnlly, Is very generally esteemed,
whllo tho bride's many graceful accomplish
itionta hnvo won for her a pinmlueut Mio.'n
position. Tho young eoplo w ore very adroit,
as but fow people had nn Inkling of tho np
pronchlug nuptials.
Tho Catholic Young Men's Lyceum club
elected IU officers nt an onthusiastlo meeting
held In Lyceum hall, Tliutxlny evening. They
nro as follows: James J. Condon, president;
Hov. Denis Fitrgornld, secretary, and K.
Hutler, trvisunr. This Is tho orgatilmtlou
under'whoso ntisplcea IU. Hov. Illshop Keaue
of Washington, D. C, lectured two weeks
ago to our cl' liens. A well regulattsl club
room, library nnd literary culture will bo
tho principal feature of tho organization.
Thursday evening a pleasant surprise wns
Inaugurated on Miss Goldsmith of Eighteenth
street by n company of over forty friend'.
High llvo nnd a toothsomo repast was duly
Olltoved. tho whole nfTnnllnir n mmt ilalli.tit.
ful entertnlninent. A Itoaullful otiera class
was prevented tho surprised
rlswlhosteMnndothorll,"utl10 "oveltles nt l'yios I',
presents quite vmunbio nnd handsome were
left as tokens of tlio affair, which marked an
anniversary birthday of tho lady.
Tho following young people of Uotlmny
Heights are spending tho holidays abroad;
Miss May Drummond, at Arapahoe; Miss
Atwnter, nt Weeping Wntcr; Miss Dillon, nt
McCook; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barrow, ut
Burlington, Iowa. The new band will give
its first concert Christmas night at the Christ
mas tree,
A subscription part) will bo given nt Tem
ple hall Tuesday ovenlng, December iW. It
Is expected that In the neighborhood of thirty
couples will bo present. It will Include a
large number of the younger members of tho
Pleasant Hour club,
Strafford It, Hewitt, son of Rev. John
Hewitt, entertained a number of his young
friends at the family residence, 1999 J street,
last evening, tho occasion being tlio thirteenth
anniversary of his bli th.
Mr. Whitney Jones and Miss Esther nrown
were married Thursday, Rev. I W. Terry
officiating. The bridal couple left Imme
diately after the cormotiy for the east.
Tho White Rose club met Tuesday evening
nt the rerldenco ot Miss Amber Harnnby,
Miss Ella Jackson will cntertnln tho club at
tho next meeting.
Bam 8. Campbell, brother of the clerk of
the supreme court, has removed from Omaha
to this city to enter tho employ of the electric
lamp factory.
Are you going to make New Years' calls I
If so onlor your cards of Tiik Couiukh. And
do so at once. Fine lino just In, but the best
will go first.
Topic, Omaha, says that a number of
leading ladles are having elaborate gowns
made for the Inaugural ball to bo held In this
city. Who knows anything about tho Inau
gural ball!
Mrs. Donald Lathrop Lovo has gone tq
Iowa to spend the holidays with her parents,
ex-Gov. and Mrs. Larrabee,
Mrs. George Clark entertained pleasantly
a ve.y congenial party last evening lu honor
of Miss Covert ot Crete
A Christmas cantata will bo given In tho
opera house Tuesday evening by the pupil
from Elliott school.
M's mil Mm A D. Klt'hm hvegonto
Chicago, wbcro they will remain until after
the holidays.
Mrs. U. M. Shlpmaii of Mlstourl Vnlley,
Iowa, Is visiting her sou tho general ngentTof
the Elkhorn.
Orion W. Flfcr. who ha lieen attending
the seminary at Evaustou, III., Is homo for
the holidays.
Mrs. E. E. Brown, Mrs. C. Thompson aud
Mrs. J. I). Knight worn Omaha UsltDrs yes
teiilay. Tiik Ciiiiiktmah CouittKit will Im ImikmI In
n few days, It will but It will sjs'ak for
Miss Virgin I'ritchlleldorKvatisvillo, Intl.,
Is visiting Mrs. Goo. F. Thelis, 151 1 A stteet,
Mis. W M. Woodward entertained tho J
street card club Tuesday evening,
Mr. nnd Mis. J. M, Munlock will spend
tho holiday sat Wnliiut, III.
Miss I.oiiIho Merrill Is ireovcrlug front n
n sovero Illness,
Dr. W. H. Lattn visited Arapahoo this
Horn to Mr. nod Mis. C. U. Davis, n son.
Ayer's Hnrsauirllhi In aces up tho system;
purlllos nnd luvlllorntrs. Invnlldstieed It.
For some months there has Inm-ii cousliler
ahlotalk In rnllroad circles of n now train
on tho llurlliigtoii & Missouri between Lin
coln mid Oiunhn. This tnlk has llnnllyio
solved Into fact, and on Monday tho "Lincoln
mid Omaha Limited" will ttinko its first run.
This new trnlu will ruiidally, except Sunday,
nnd will be, without exception, tho llmst
train In this pat t of tho country. It will
leno Lliicolunt 10:15 a. m., unlvlng In Oma
ha at 11 ;!K), making the run in soventy-llvo
tiilnutes, nnd making only ono stop nt Ash
land Itoturnlng It will leave Omaha at A r.
m reaching Lincoln nt 0:!t). On tho return
tilp stow will lie made nt tho three prlnclil
stations. Nownnd magnificent parlor coaches
havo been otdcred and when these aro ro
celvetl, which Will lw In a few days, tho
equipment of thetialn will lie unsurpnKNed.
Ncno but drawing room conches will boused.
Tlio oxtru charge will bo twenty-live cents
each way. Temporarily chair cars will bo
Corrlne Next Week.
"Carmen," as ilono by tho Klmbull 0eia
Comlnuonnd lluiles(niurompnuy, is no way
similar to tho production of "Carmen Up to
Date," now lielng prfKcntcd by tlio Loudon
Gnlety comimny at their theatre on the othar
side. It Is mi entirely original construction
conceived by Mm. Jennie Kimball, who, feel
ing that O rlutio had never had a good o
portunlty to display her ability, and recog
nizing lit her teuiMrament and npienrnnco
tho advantages o. which she would Ira kw-sesti-d
In assumlog tho rolo of Cm men, deter
mined to oluborntoly pioduco n ImrlcMiuo of
tho opera. Tho production was so successful
that It Wamo tpilto tho craze In Now York.
This brilliant little artist will appear with
the sixty artists of tho Kimball owm com
lnuo nnd burlesque company In her gient suc
cess, Cm men, nt Funko's oiorn house next
Thursday, Frli'ny nnd Satuiday.
(Irantl inatlneMS will be given Tliursdny
(Christmas), nnd Saturday afternoons.
llald heads nro too many w lieu they may
be covered with n luxui laut gtowth of hair
by using tlio best of nil lestorcrs, Hall's Hair
Henew er.
llrlciH, tho shoo man, In the ExKs!tion,
has Ir-cii having a great run In those elegnut
ladles' divss slipH'rs mentiouetl in last week's
Couiukiu There Is still a complete nuoit
nieiit left mid should youdesiiu soiurthing
nlco for u Christmas present, they me exact
ly what jou want, l'nity slippers for both
ladies nnd gentlemen. Just tako a look nt
them. Then llrlscoe, the shoo man, has n
lai ger stock than ever of ladles' mid men's
lino shoes, The-o nro of standard innko, styl
ish and durable, nnd guaranteed to fit tho
finest foot wear In the city, lleforo buying
clsow hero call on Hi Iscoe.
Tur A Christmas Present.
To M'lf, wife, ilaugliter, son, friend, pastor,
school or Hotary, nothing better can bo
found than
111 eleven elegant, large octavo volumes with"
over 0000 pages, hands )inely Illustrated with
100 full page pji traits. Sold ou monthly
Installments. Addles N. I'J. Loach, stat
agent, 'J32-J Vino Street, Lincoln or Room 0,
Ledwith block.
Toilet masks and Cosmetic Gloves at Expo
sition building.
Flush goods In hji fume cases,
"oi dressing cases, n nice line
1193 O street.
Goods llecomtn ended by l'rof. l'fim.
At the roquost of Prof. Pfati and also to
accommodate tho ladles who attend his
cooking school, wo have purchased a froth
stock of tho following articles:
Armour's Extract of Beef, Coojier's Isin
glass, Bay Leaves, C. P. Cream of Tartar,
Pure Baking 8 dn, Almond Paste, Flavor
ing extracts, etc.
Alro the finest lino of holiday goods in tho
city. Call aud see us.
B. F. Pylk & Co.,
1193 O street.
For the greatest variety of Holiday Pres
ents coll at Herpolshelmer & Co'.
Elegant line of Silk Umbrellas for
Ladles and Gent nt Kicr's, the Hatter.
Chamberlain's Eyo nnd Skin Ointment.
For tetter, salt-rheum, seaM-hend, eezctna,
aud chronfo sore eyes. rrice2o cents er
Fine lino of Extracts, all odors, splendid
thing for holiday picsents.ln bulk, fancy bot
tles or perfumery case, at ryles' l'lmrmacy
1193 0 street.
Nothing Is nicer for holiday presents thnn
a pretty album, and nt Pyle's pharmacy,
1193 O street, an excellent line of them is
be found.
Nothing Else
equals Ayer's Tills for stimulating a tori'M
ller, strengthening digestion, ami regu
lating the action of the bowels. They con
tain no calomel, nor any other Injurious
drug, but are composed of the nctle princi
ples of tlio best vegetable cathartics.
" I was n sufferer for ears fromd)spepsla
and liver troubles, and found rocmiuiicnt
relief until I commenced taking Acer's 1'llU.
They havo effected a complete cure.''
Ueorge Mooiiey, Walla Walla, W. T.
"Whenever 1 am troubled with constipa
tion, or suffer from loss of appetite, A er's
rills set me right again." A. J, Klier, Jr.,
Hock House, Ya.
"For tho euro of headache, Ajer's Ca
thartic I'llls are tho most effective medicine I
c er used." It. K. James, Dorchester, Mass.
"Two boxes of Ayer's Pills cured me of
severe headache, from w hlch I w as longa suf.
fcrer." Keyes, Iluhhardston.Conn.
Ayer's Pills,
rnKPAiuii nv
.PR, J. O. AYER & CO., Lowell, Ma.
Sold by all Dealers lu Medicines.
Low- Price s,
1006 O Street,
Next Door to Ziemer's Ticket Office
Engraved Calling Cards,
Fine Writing Paper,
Wessel Printing Co.
Useful, Durable and Beautiful
Rockers, Fancy Chairs, Folding Beds,
Desks, Etc.
At Hardy & Pitcher's.
'fit ii
. -Ai" '
a- KT $
OR rc eox OR