Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 13, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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V, m u
In Conjunction with the Erie System i
operates l-'nst Ncstll'iilcd TrnliiN tu
tu ecu Chicago "ii'1 '"' tlitiitlc HriitHHiril
You mu) truM-l In the most Klcwtnt iiml
Complete I'llllliliiti Vestlbllled TruliiH omt
constructed and sum ll.Wto lllltllllll unit Ni
agara Fulls, I'J.IM t Now York, fix, to Al
tinny iiml Tro, nml $.H to lloston und Now
i:niMiusri llli'i".
N(l lX Dl OltlTH till' llllUllltllKI'S (if II S)H
toll! of tli'l'ilrfli KlrMt mill Hcoond-clnss Dny
Chicago 10 N' York.
It ts tlio only Htm nporittlngPiilhnnn Curs
to llosti n mnl New Englund via Altuiny.
i:iitlro.Trilns lire lighted by gas, liiulril by
Htou'ii. l'lilliniin Pining Curs run through In
eltlivr direction.
YJiiimi Cliulr nml bleeping Curs to Cnlimi
J ().,unil Asliluiul, Ky. Dully.
Kxtru Cliurgo Tor I'nstTlinoiinil UiiHiir
' Aocniuinoiliitloiis Airortlotl by tlii'so
t'l.tu't.Moim TrulliK.
for ilrUUhil fiiuniiiitfmi, tickets nml reser
vations In Pullman curs apply to your inonl
ticket agent or to uny iiucnl ofull fniiuccllug
Hues or railway, or toCincAiio cm Ticki-.t
OFKIi'KH, 107 Ci. mii; Ht., unil Dearborn mil
lion, or (idilict,
Urn. Agt., for RccelM'r. Ucii. Puss. Ant
Santa Fe Route !
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R
The Popular Route to the Pacific
Through Pullman and Tourist
Ik-twecn Kansas Citv ami SAN DIEGO,
CISCO. Slant Mia- Kalis to
Double D.illv Train Service Hot ween
Kansas Cit ami Pl'EHLO, COLOR ADO
The Direct Texas Route
Solid Trains lletween Kansas City ami
Galveston. The Short Lint lletween
Kansas City anil Gainesville, Ft. 1
Worth, Dallas, Austin, I'einple,
Sun Antonio, Houston, anil
all Principal Points
in Texas.
The Onlv Line Running Through the
Only Direct Line to the Texas
Pan-Handle. For Maps and
Time Tallies and Informa
tion Keg.-iiding Rates
ami Routes Call on
or Address
S. M. OSGOOD, Gen'l Ag'i
E. L. PALMER. Traveling Aj-cnl,
1308 Farnam St.,
I Milwaukee,
Owns mitneJi-m(.M r.r,m mill's of thoroiinhly lu Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowu,
MlRsmirl,. Minnesota and Dakota.
It In thn Host Direct Itnuto botvvi..n all tlio
Principal PoInU In the Northwest, 8outlivveHt
and Knr west
For niups, time luhles, rules of iminniiko nut
freight, etc., apply to nearest station agent ul
Clllt'AtlO, Mll.U'At'KKK A HI'. l'Al'I, llAII.
way, or to any ltiillrtmil Agent any w hero In
the world.
Oeiietal M'g'l. Uen'l Pass. AT'Ut Agt.
sh'. Ucn' Mgr. Assl. o. , ,v T. Agt.
Mllvvaullue, Wisconsin.
Atchlkou, Leavenworth, M Joseph, Kam-iu
City, St. Louis ami all Points South,
Last and West.
The iliuvt line to Ft. Scott Parsons
Wichita. Hutchinson nml all mlnclnal
points in Kansas.
The only mail to the Hot Springs
of Arkansas. Pullman Sleepeis and lice '
ReellnhiK Chair Cars on all trains I
City Ticket Agt
(Jen'l An;nl
Cor. O ami uth Street.
MiilMnir sticks mill 0iirn tlliissf Sn
I'opillur with lllil tlcilcnil I'ulillc I'll ii t
Klltfllsli mill Aincrli'iiii Mil fllilnm Hunt
llllcli Them t'p, ul Least lYliipoiui Hi.
Tin" English swidls who frequent lln
'KWlfli sllllll) llllltlllf u Mllll" till longer
curry enno. mill tln llritlsh fotunlo of high
Ickivo can now ls singled mil ul tlu thou
re Im-ciiuso she sports n itmn nlo In ilun
of ii lorgnette An edict has been issued
by high ouste Loudon against tliu iihii of
4. 'iry-j
uulklliK Kllckn or opera kIhssi-m, and tho
ririrls of tlm niMiidiitc uri iilu-uily to lieoli
hcrveil nt the fiisliloiialilc and nyinpiit hello
wntcrM of Atui'rica
What Is (he iviiniiii for thn Imivi'iiII
An nearly us can iKiiiscerfnlueil u "IiIiiwhI
eil YiinUen niauufiicturi'i'" is leiputisilihi.
Ills uuetitM at the English ciipitul sent him
Hiuuples of the otylei In emies .Mid Nirir
liettes alTei ted liy the iirlstoerue, mid lie
promptly flooded I lie Brit Mi inarUel with
cheap mid Kutid) imltiilious, which iH-came
popular at once umoiii; the comuuitiiilly.
iiil so ii chanced that my Lord Tom
noddy encountered Ins own Milet on the
street sporting a llashy seinhlauce of his
costly stick, and m Lady 'I'ea.le delected
her maid scriitiuliiiK iier from the pit
with the aid of u llt 'double mauuif.iiu'
peeper," as ;lil leriiiK and "illsiauuay" in
the one she herself curried.
Naturally this sort of tiling was not to
be iMirne, and so, as a recent writer has- it,
the loudoii swell "cursed his stick anil
cast It out," and the hlh bred society
woman In a milder but eitially emphatic
way ot rid of her opera n'ass. Of coursi
thn "impoilmit ueus" lost no time in Inn
eliiiK to America, and hud its expected ef
feet upon AliKlomanlacH tills side of the
bitC pond.
1 wonder if the gorilla has heard the in
telliKClice anil feels b'ldlv over It'
A Htriiiiuii query f Not at all, for the
Korilla was the llrst animal to carry a cane,
and the club he luuxeil iiroumi with him
thriiiiuh African forests mid across trop
ical swamps was as Ingeniously hideous in
appearance as somu nf the modern designs
jtibt illscuiduil. CiLMierally it was a branch
torn from a. .tree or a plant of stilt IIIst
wrenched from the earth. It wiwn't
carved, but it hail a bin knob of root or
Joint al its end, and served excellently well
for purposes of defense, support or attack.
After lines of evolution no more can be
urned in defense of the iualnlly designed
ami superbly mounted stick which will
now join In retirement the society leader's
thrice worn tl misers.
Yet this decree, of fashion iniiy be ox
peeted to have no eflcct outside certain
limited circles. The stair must necessarily
always lie, the Iff litre of old aye or decrepi
tilde, and it hat and will retain an honor
able place in history despite the grotesque
eMiKgerations so often perpetrated on Its
unoleniliiiK head.
Primitive man used a cane. Perhaps lie
Ktit the idea from his predecessor on this
earth the Korilla; possibly he evolved from
his own slow workitiK hrain the proposl
lion tli, it a slullalah was a handy thiiiK
with which to correct a scolding wife or
slay a wild Isiar. At any rate, he adopted
and Improved on the original stiKKcstinu
of his sii.uau piedetesstir and made iltht
subjet t of the llrst conundrum known to
literature "What animal," asked the
fsphl u , "vvulks upon four Icks in the morn
iiiK, two at noon anil tin ee m the cvcnmv"
The liildle was piopoutideil to (Kdiplls, the
crafty (iieciau lie had to KUess It or die,
nml he lephed () sphinx, the answer
is, man As mi infant he cravls, in tint
prime of life he Uses his feet, and when old
he aids them with a st.ilf sk mu an
''tin iiiimis is Moiii:i:s cam iikaiis.
!lll!'r thai was tooeasy." Hut tin-Sphinx
'"'llncii, i,n, u,.nl out of tho I'liuuuiJruiu
;lni'Ksi.irK(Mall,,lji y
lhesceptlr,,ai llf Xt'hilleslscelebruteil
iy Homer, ui p,m,.uh is always to bo
Ideutilled in Euyp,,,,,, hieloghphics by the
laol that ho spun,, ht,.k ti,.. r,.s f
and iuiln.iloil rani
me .-so,,.,, ,,.,.,1111 im.iury were in hlv made
, mill Intel P.iiu
whilst) lilies ill I Ills rospoi't seem flesh to
rl sJfJi If I T ?,
fill Mf "
lttJ iTflv - N
1 .---" sp
A r.l
day i el brati s, In In ' "ll"p of Ihe l'ek,"
Nil I'liiine .if ii'iilsT sniilT t I'l'tli nun,
Ami tin-Hi iiimlilei hi u elim leil i line
These ver-i enme p,rlt near Mlllim the
ruse of a cert ilu New orker liaiued li.a
tus win b'is I hKl silclii In sto.'k, and neier
curries Hie s,iiih one twice ill the same
year. I'.nrli Is duly tli keledn twvlxeuiolilh
lu aih mice w lib the dale w hen II Is to do
duty I'lith r ' ho circumstances Mr l.a.a
riM Ii mi milhotliy, ami he teeeutl) kum
out inles as fo'low s' "You must poke your
cane In front of on In the enrlv inornln.
In the afternoon oii must Imve a nrlp on
It li i' the middle and neier allow the
ferule in touch the sidewalk In the
I'M'lilnu. when the stills me out, you
must kccppissiim It fiom liaiid lo hand,
mid oc vision, ill) li.'iil a tnttoo with lion
the uroiiiul Tin to Is not u man lu it thou
kiiiiiI who knows how to carry a cane."
What will a c,cul temiin of this sort do in
view of the iivont London oiderf Think
of ten hundred sticks, used lo urtislle
manipulation, icllied In a lumber room'
Al least the "Luiunm swell" and his
American Imitator may uet consolation
f i Kill kuowim; that in the Mlddl Aes
canes' wen- ic bailees of fools mid Jesters,
anil that in ub.imlnuluit them they have
cut oir the modern humniist from nun
sol i ice of ulbe and Income
As for the opera uhiss, It will also survive
the shock of hmiKlily disapproval, nml b"
iiKalti iccelveil to favor Mine Disdain
mid .Miss Curiosity will h irdly be content
with kiiIii, unaided bv the opliiian's ail,
at sluKe or umlieiice, mid lu the end may
coiidesceuil to share with M.irv .lane thn
iHincllts mnl scrutiny of the IniKuette
Fiii:ii l' Damon
Tlie lliislness I'ps nml linn us n( u ('Hi
cliinall .VtMllniiallc.
The career of Mr. HriKK Swift, who died
recently at his suburban home near ('In
ciuuuti, is a stiikliiK Illustration of the
possibilities of success anil failure in
Vmeiicau life, anil especially western life,
diirlim this century lie Iickiiu without
n cent mid worked some years of liov
hoid for no ouipeiisutioii but his board
and clot IiIuk, then rose by deurees to wealth
unil iullueiice, and uariowly escaped com
plete shipwreck at the last.
Ills Mrst woik lu the city was as "Inker"
on t hot nil his lust husl
ness position wasns piesident of the Fidcll
tybauk, which was completely wrecked by
Irilsled ollleials. lie was in no way lu
volvcil in their criminality. Twlcn In Ids
early business career ho lost enormous
sums (for that time), yet he built up a
Krcai fortune, and for many years hud
i-uuLmI unions; Clnciuuiiti's millionaires.
He was born .Mutch 1. lull, In the county
In which he died, and neatly all Ins active
life was spent in or near C'luciiiiiati.
At l by ac of Hi l,o h-lt his l ilher's farm
and beKiin work lu a print iii olllce. purl
of his duties beiiiK to curry The Semi
weekly and Weekly Oa.etle to patrons on
what was called Hie "bottom roiilti." Af
ter The (iu.ette Is'i'iiuntu dully ho went to
work ut tint case, but still earned no tunic
than his bonrd After inasteiliiK his tradt
he went to Now Orleans, mid soon uttiilued
such prollciency that ho earned fit) pet
week HaviiiK saved a small capital he
returned to Cincinnati mid embarked in
business Ho was a trailer In tho south,
manager of a Hour mill and pork packer,
unil his-upH'mul downs In business worn ro
mark ible, but ho worked ahead and llnally
tlio firm of Swift, Evans &, Co. became a
noted one in I lit then west lie was mar
rlcd lu IKK!, unil leaves twoilaiiKhters.
Itiui In Old I'asliliini'il stile.
Tho oldest paper mill in thti United
States is at lloslyn, L. I., and it Is run by
Meyer Valentine, who claims to be the old
est paper maker in the United States. Ap
m 7 .p .
: 'Pr X '--Y;i?. -
x.1 nniiiik r 1 - 1
a 1
14 v--,'- Ei iipr 3 -.
tajr' s-
c-w-r.' .? f
".is- r--- r. - 4
propriately em 'igh, the mill is still run in
the oldest fashion. The machinery Is cum
brous, the motive Miwer Is running water,
mid on 1 lear dus one miiv set) the wet nu.
per spreatl upon the ki'usn to dry The
mill is imiy ears old, uml the present owner,
who is Til, inherited it fium his futhor, who
was running ii during the Revolution,
when (ieorge Washington visited Uoslyu
'I ln t.lrls- lib, Mj! The till Is.
While in Haltimoie the other day n
daughter of Sir .lumes Kilson, the English
steel king, submitted to n interview She
suld "Amerieun men uro pietty much the
smile as Luglishmc!: They dress just
about the same, don't you know, unil are
polile mid chivalrous, but the girls -oh,
my! the Kills tluy'io ilitleieiit Yes, I la
ladles me dillerelit over here -lliut is, thej
tllcss ilillerentlv. )ou know Their gow us
are uioie pronounced mole striking I
think I saw a typical American girl In
Hirmiughuui. She was pretty, not thin
nor stout, fairly lull, mnl dies-ed well, u
trilln htrlking, us I've said That's ulsiut
her, isn't it? Wo weul through nil the
fashloiiablo shops in New York uml saw
lots of pielty things, but, in) ' they cost so
lunch so very much morn than al home,
you know "
.Millions of bushels of cotton seed have
Ihs'U thiovv n away in the various stutes of
the south Hut now it is utllied m the
manufacture of oleaginous products, and
promises to bo tlio chief source of many
Kinds of oils
(ten Heujaiuin Y. Put lor takes grout
pride in his large collect Ion of curios, many
of which Imve associations with the Into
civil war The) mo mosil) urriiugcd In
glass iai,cs in hi, luige billiard hall
Vbe llifrlluu mnl SHU t'lilliilsbi'il fiitt'cr
nl IIiiiii llbiril
Thp tareerof llcnrx Vlllalil. vv I name
was pinuiiiii ullv iiiiulloiiiil in "mii. 1 1 Ion
Willi Ilu, I t
r , llnantlul lliiirj.
aW has U'cii as te
M Al iiiuikuble as any
fe W r7J"!',K,1"'::!.1
ii irime oillllico
romuueer Since
he llrst aliauilouetl
his nalhe (ieiiua
u for meileu ho
has "none up like
ii nickel" severul
times, mnl lu no
Instance him ho
con.- down like
tho p rovei bi ul
si Ii L fur bo bus
show ti reciipciatho powers ami new oner
Klcs after em h disaster
When be left a newspaper icporler's
desk for Wall slieet he was worth mil over
film, bill he developed nu cvtriinriliiiury
oupudtv for liisplritiK tho coiilldonco of
shrewd business men, as witness the fa
moils "blind pool " lulo this blind pool a
uunilsT of capitalists put vast sums of
! money 'I'liev illdu't know the use to
whnh the en, v-as to be put, II. v only
knew that "Ylllartl had it seheine," ami
they Irilsled him The ultimate icsull
was tho capture of tho Nottheru Paclllo
A "boom" followed lu tho stocks of that
corporal Ion, and thou a crash Thoorn
porlcr liuv Iuk made millions mid t ben lost
them relumed to liermiiny Mo came
back a couple of years iik and revalued
his stuuiliiiK and foiluue. How I lie recent
sensational developments In Northern
Pacillc allalrs will uirecl him lulus to
Ihsi'cu llul lu any event Wall sheet will
'iluuvs retnemher him as an auihicloiis
mid often st iipemloiisly successful operator.
.'lurk TiiiiIii's Niuuillle yiinlnl.
They sometimes elect pie lo purlin
in f ti t In Ni w .caland who areas Intellect
iinllv dense iis ii pics.. nlatlves occasionally
chosen o deliberative bodies lu other coun
tries Tin Initial KoM't'iimeut Is anxious
to aii'llniall.e the chamois, and asked par
liauienl to vote lj,M for thai purpose.
When the bill was up fur discus, Ion u
luemlH'r named Kerrileiualidcil furl her In
formal Inn.
"I should like." ho said, "to hear from
the Koveriimeul exactly what these sham
mies' arc I mu (old that they mo a cross
between a iIk mid u sheep, and that limy
bleed scab ' "Thelo Is a Imok nlsiut I hem
In the library," politely replied a member
oil the oilier side of tho house, "I'll ko anil
fetch It forjou." Mr Kerr, touched by
this act of courtesy, Kraelously received
thu volume and Ismail inidlnu in a pomp
HUH volte the passiiKe pointed out to him
it failious iussuko from one of I ho works of
the einlneiit lialurallst, Samuel Clemens,
Is'ller known lo many of his leadeis us
Murk Twain. As the readiliK proceeiled
the house tpilcklv reali.ed Hie Joke Not
so Mr Kerr. When he camo to I lie stale
incut that the "chamois is no IiIkkit than
a mustard seed," lie stopped himself, and
KlarliiK mi tho house, now roaring with
lailKhtor. Ilerccly asked- "What do we
want with animals like I lint in New Zeu
hind? Why, they would ln worse than
Jliuirii Tlielr l.aili or 1'nreslglil.
The. Isdlesof Sun 1'ranclsco wlll.t rent Ihn
next Impecunious ami ln;iollle i:ngllsh
man fi koiuI family who visits tho Golden
(late with more consideration than they
did youiiK Mr. lcluh some years ao Hu
Was introduced to society by llusll lleath
oto, who married a rich California Irl
lie was said to hoof an old )loiici"-ter-!ilt'(!
family, but ho failed to make any Krcnt
Impulsion I'ltiully tho climax of his so
'lul droits was leached when he went lo
ill'.. p our the soup ul it dinner j;lon by
.Mrs. Senator Fair. Then society droppisl '
him, and ho never' emerged again except
alio day when he paid an afternoon cull on
a young lady who had been kind to him
mid asked her to buy his big Danish pup,
as master and iIok wore both hungry.
U'lgh drifted to southern Callfonili ami
took U) cuttle herding. That was tho lust
heard of hi mil the news camo that his j
elder brother had succeeded to tho title1
unil estates only lo lw killed a few months
after by a full from a horse In a fox hunt.
Liivjerscunie searching for the wandering
heir, whom they run to earth on a cut le
ranch In Sonuru Now liu Is a Imron, and
Is soon U wed with a Now York heiress
One of Wjiiiitlng's Senator.
A question arose stunii time ago, when
Wyoming was elevated to statehood, us to
whether the territory's promotion legls.
lateil out of olllce
Delegate .loseph
M Carey This
q Host ion Is lint
bothering Mr. fit
rey any more, for
the legislature of
the new common
won It h hits Just
chosen him one of
her United Stales
Tht1 mu 11 011
whom tins honor
husU't'll coliferieil ll"N J M I M,l
is what is known in pohii ul tlnlesus a
"stulwnrt Republican " lie is a native of
DelawDie, and was born in 1M:,
After stuihiiig luw in New Yiuk unil
Pennsylvania ho was uilmitted to the
Philuilelphia b.triulMlT Two yoais later
he became u resident of WyomiiiK, and has
since held tl Dices of United Stall's ut-
toriif), just ice of tin' supreme court, mu) or
of Cheyenne (three terms), mid delegate to
congress (also three terms).
'I bo Win Ill's I air W111111 11 Mummers,
It Is said that when they com..' together
tho women malingers of the World's fair
will leiiiaiu in session more than
llvod'iys, for Seerelur) Wiuiloin bus tight
ened the screws mi the disbursements for
pielillllliur) ep'lises, mid even al the
iioniiual liguro of per diem uml railioud
fures, which is nil that they uro nllowod,
tlielr llrl meeting will Involve an expendi
ture of something in tho nclghliorhood nf
fl-VO). ll is safe to assume, however, that
this miioiini will Ih well invosted, for oncti
knowing what they have lo tlo and tho
length of time lu which to tlo It, tho pre
vious reputation of one uml ull of them is
a Kuumntee that they will gel to work
with a will mid a wuy that will spur their
male colleagues of the local and national
directories to oven moie energetic i-lforl
than has hitherto Urn manifested.
Something was noted in a picture stole
the other da) which Is worth) of imitation
for an lnepeiise Christ mas gift It wns
a fca if made of cotton wadding, to hang
over a picture on an easel. The ends were
cut in narrow strips several inches deen. i
lo toscmhlo fiinge, ulsive which were it
nninlKrof iliscsninl ciesceul shiiptsl llg
ures i'oiiv in luoue and t upper gilding.
MM Mill
Fall and Winter
Carpels and Draperies,
1112 0 St Tolophono 219.
,;. JMCYg " js
If you Buy your Stoves of KHUSE A WHITE, 1210 0 Street,
I.7- AC.'Sl .It.XW i-un
Red Cross Stoves and Ranges
l;ull Stock of Builder's Hardware.
General Job Tin Work promptly attended to ami at
Reasonable Prices.
The Choicest line of Perfumes. D. M. Ferry's Finest
Flower ant1 Garden. Seeds.
127 SolilIi Eleventh street.
I MffWl t- " ?" W " .
' gT J VI
' V'V' ' "fHs. -'-' f
ijf-'LmiiMmMTCTimfa. ..v
1 vaT'HWPMWTf,Tv - vs,,"g'r
Notary Public and Real Estate
Alt I" NT
North German-Lloul Steamship Co.,
llambur,' American Packet Co., and Baltic Lines.
Also Railio.ul gtnt (or the niftcunt Companies l'.ist and West.
Southnmpton. Havre, Hamburg, StePcn, Loudon, I'urU, Norwav. Plyuiuutli, Hreniet,,
Sweden, ami any point In I'uiopc
Post Onhis .mil l'l'iclgji Exchange
llavlmr luriio ruellltii's eust with the hlwecot
iiiired to uiiiki ull kliiits of Loans on First Ileal
Warrants, also In Mule, Count) and i it) iVitllU
iioin i io .1 )curs, in ine iiiwi'mi inicresi. i aim
market price Cull uml koo moor I oriessmil
Dr.H.S.Aley, Specialist
spt'i lul alliiitltiu p, i, ,.,., r ,,.,, ,),,,,
nv uiMiiiM o I'h'i I lieu, v
All Uiiu-iuallKtimil luninrof the woiubri' veil without
till' Use (if the lllilfe
Alltiperatliinn mr Injuries from ehllillilitb skillfull! is.r.
IIUilaiilil,lil of the viiiuib cured III most , i villi t.
tin Use of lusliiiiiieuts
I pllepsi.NI mis' liiince, Hehilleii, Neuriilglu, llvslerlu,
illlbieiu (onus of purnlysla, Hefoiinlllis, ami M oilier
tonus ul NeiMiiis'l iiiiihle sueeenslullv Irealeil
l ouiuiltiitliiu ul olll r b. until t ini.
Humus m iii iioti:i, nn:,i i.imih.n, ni:h.
Hours Ii iii ,'i,; iii n CUT THIS OUT
UtiilMinl l)r, to, lA'AVi,
The German National Bank,
i.ixcoi.x, xi:n.
i Capital Paid up, $100,000,60
Surplus . . . 25,000.00
TiuiinucIh 11 general Imiililiig liiisllicn
Issues letters or itrtillt.ilnnvilriifls on nil pfirt
of the world, I'orilmi eollicllons a specialty .
)it unit Dim foil II. HCIIAIII'.HU, President,
t (' MUNSON, Vice President.
.lOHKPII HOKUM Kit, Cashier.
6. J. WILCOX, AsslslHiit Cashlnr.
WAi;ri:ii.i.iiAiiniH. j. a. iiijim:i.hon
p?i , Nebraska's Leading Hotel.
for. 11th mid Harney Hts ,
AM Moileru Improvements and
III Conveiilmicos.
B. 8ILL0WAY, Pro'rietor.
IRA lllOB Y, Principal OUrk.
Dealer in City and Farm Property
I OK Till:
Issued to ail piominent xilnt n Europe.
Hunks mnl Mivliu;s limiHutlonii, 1 uiiViVro.
Kstuto Mori kiiiics, tit) or l'arni Property",
iieui in em'iiooi ihuiiis, riiiic,i oiiuiv nnu-uiiy
- rl Claims, unit will ulwiivs puy tho blclifst
with me.
North Tenth Street.