Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 13, 1890, Page 4, Image 3

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For Hard Coal
For Soft Coal.
Most Powerful Heaters Made!
Most Kconomieal on Fuel!
Smoking Jackets,
Fancy Vests,
Full Dress Suits,
Full Dress Vests,
Fine Furnishings,
Christy's London Hats
Great Line Low Prices!
All Kinds All Weights!
And a I.lne of
remarkably pretty and exceedingly low In
price. Cnll and see them.
114 Mouth Twelfth Street,
A Fine Crayon
WTJ T? D AIM 1 ) C
LJf.Tj. JH, JLV VV 1 IN J5
1124 0 ST.
. LW
' vaguo.
- ' Professor Morso mmlo tho experiments
1 nnil calculations demonstrating Hint the
Everv customer ets m licnrl t',tttrio IK'wur could lo carriisl from New
i cr cuhconici Lts .1 ncaci fomuUllllll to roim, nll(l urKt., Mr. Fluid
nrul shoulder Pravnn Pirtnro I t0 "'"-'ad. Tho original company con
ana suouicicr crayon 1 ictuiciBlbtwof ,)IV,,, t)lt.y kh.i, Marshnii o.
Free from nnv im nil nnet Kolx'rt. Moses Taylor. Peter Cot)wr mid
Tree irom any and all COSt. J Chandler White, but the last named dying
This work is mnde dirorr frrm ,w0" "ru'r w'l" n- t took ll,s l,1,,co
X lllS WOrK IS maUC direct Iron) . Mr Fl.-ltl has retired altogether from
any photo you may want
copied. Call and look into
his matter.
-'h11!' : Ot
. -
I f tiiilfm- hiiiti' if Minimi 'ISiiir
1 "t il IIm1io I Suttinlny.
Address nil cniiiiiuitiicitMiiti illrm't In (lir ofllcii
Wicmmici I 'hin'I'ino On,
Courier llullillliit. II !U N HI reel.
I. U'i'.hhki., .Hi., Fdltor and Hole 1'inpi tutor.
W. Mdiitiin Smith, Associate Iviltnr.
MtiscilllTION! nun Year hy Mall or Curried
IJIH; Hlx Moulin, II ml; Time Mont Im, We.;
Olio iniinlli VillViils Invnriilily In Aibnucc
AtivmiTlDKMKNTit: Utiles hiniisliciliin nppllf (Moll
l llieiiMce. Heelsl riilcmiirriltinCiiiitiiu'U
roNTiiinnioN: Hliott spicy hIo-IcIm. nniiis mnl
lories millcllfil. Personal ntnl Hoelnl iimIim. rc
I CHMs'laHy ilculrnlilc.
I'kimtixii: Wn moke n fliilty nf Kino t'rliilltiir
lllllll lUllllllU'lllK HlH'll'h WlllU tlHM litll .
Knteredottho IWiiltlro of Unculc Nrli.,
in second ulima liuitler.
Pour l'liinmm llmllieis Meet lit llui Km.
tlllli' l.ii) liiK (tin Culilr.
Cyrus Wrot Field, llnniiclcr mill philan
thropist, millionaire, nillnmil operator ami
author, If ono may mi phruso It, of tho
Atlmitlo ciiltlo, rili'lirnti".l lilt golden wed
ding tlm other day, ami Ills mansion In
Urnnicrcy park, Now York city, was tlio
scene of a gathering us riiiiarkalili as over
took plain In America. Four noted broth
its wow there -)ald Dudley Field tlm
grout lawyer ami author of tlm Field code;
Henry Marlyn Field, editor ami owner of
Tlm lOvaiiKfll.Mt, noteil traveler ami rellg
Ioiih writer; Stephen .lohnsou Klelil, jus
tlco of tlm United States supremo court,
ami the famous Cyrus himself. It Isa fam
ily of Immortals. No other country In tlio
world prohalily can show four such broth
ers. Tlio family is of Umi old Puritan stock,
ami tlio father, David Dudley Field, was
horn at Knst Oullford, Conn., May '.'(I, 1781.
In his time Im was a minister of unto ami
author of several works of interest. Ills
oldest son, named for tlio father, was bom
at Uaililam. Conn . Feb l;l, sir,. Stephen
.lohlisoll nt the mi 1 no place Nut I. IBM).
I'ynis West at Sum Ubrlilue, Mais , Nov
:U), 18U), and Henry Martyti, the only ono
wlio adopted his father's callliiK. nt thu
saiuo place April lit, ISiJ. In Infancy and
early chihlhood Cyrus was ho feublu that
110 one expected that Im would livuto ma
turity, yet bis fraimi Is erect ami bin
health firm at 71, ami ho will doubtlesH
bavu thu most permanent fame of thu
four, for tlio Atlantic cable Is his monu
ment. Ho Ih'kuii his business llfo at tlio hk of
15, IdrluK himself to n New York merchant
for fc! per week to sweep out tho store, put
up and taku down tho heavy shutters then
used and "othnr liht ilutles " Yet at U3
ho was rich cnonj-li to retire temporarily
from business and travel In South Amor
icu. On bin return from tills trip ho bo
caino Katislled of tlm practicability of an
Athntic cable, and after a brief Interval
In biihlnesi ho devoted twelve toilsomu
years to tho project, Tho world knows
the history. Kvcn In tho heat and fury of
the civil war ho tolled on, sometimes its
completely uhsorlicd in his great work ns
Archlnusles w'ls In his study whllo tho
barbarians were taking tho city
When but two days past his twenty-first
birthday Mr. Field married Miss Mary
llryau Stone, of Ouilford, Conn., a comely
lady of such very retiring habits that few
Now Yorkers know her by sIkIiU Sho la
well known, however, to regular attend
ants at Dr Parkhurst's church, lu which
sho and Cyrus may bo seen every Sunday
regardless of tho weather. All tho Fields
am orthodox, and nono more so than tho
old financier They are tho parents of
seven children, of whom six aro living.
After laying tho Atlantic cable Mr. Field
returned to business with renewed energy,
and was atono tlmo worth probably 3,000,
000, but a few years ago there was a "drop
lu stocks," which reduced his pile a fuw
millions. It is scarcely necessary to eay
that Jay Gould quit a fuw millions ahead.
The history of tho Atlantic cable is wt
Interesting as any romance, and tho more
Mr. Field's course in connection with it Is
t Hulled the more admirable It appears.
John Ilright, in one of his most eloquent
addresses, said of hint that, liko Cyrus of
old, ho freed thu inciseugurs of ieaco from
their bonds, gave lighttiiug wings to inter-
national speech, and moored tho New World
beatde the Old. Tho Idea of eourso was not
original with Mr Fluid. Frederick N.
CSIsborne, a telegraph operator, is bomo
times credited with originating the
tclicme, but his plan now seems very
business ami spends his summers at his
country horn, near Dohbs Ferry, on tho
Hudson. Doth tu country and city ho is a
great walker and only uses spectacles for
very lino print, though naturally near
sighted. Such Is thu septuagenarian who
wm an invalid In boyhood.
.; " '
cvut;s w kii i.n
llrurll mill llm I'll I ! HIiiIk IIIik Unci-
hiK I" l!nrh OIIht.
'I'Iki United Stale, of llnill ,md tho
tJlllli'tl States of America haw liccll ox
changing unusual compliments, waiving
A K, J&W
' i.vr-
V.' iW "t
the rigid et hiiette that rule ii naval cir
cles and tal.liu' dinnryptlna toes
press mutual good will President Hard
son exceeded t ho usual courtesies by direct
ing Hear Admiral Walker to procred to
Ulo Janeiro and salute tlm new republic.
Tho admiral reached them last Juno with
his squadron of uvoliitlou, and when ho
entered tlm port tho llrazlllan forts hoisted
tho American Hag ntnl saluted before tho
squadron had tlmo tn llrst piy Its respects
to tho port arcordlng to tho usual rulo. It
Is the universal custom for thu port to
await tho satuto of tho incoming vessel be
fore firing a gun or hoisting a Hag. Tho
llra.lllaiis also II red lifted! guns Instead
of tho thirteen usually accorded to n rear
As soon as possible thu now republic
lltted out Us great llagshlp, tho Aiiihhi-
uan, ami seni 11 with tlio corvette (luaniv
boia to New York, Admiral da Sllvelrn
Mug in command and charged with tho
duty of presenting to President Harrison a
medal of gold and palladium, engraved to
express tlm amity between tlm two repub
lics Tlm Hiaillaii ships reached their
destination after a stormy passage, and
were given a glorious welcoinu by tho
American squadron mid by the forts in tho
harbor Tlm presentation of the medal at
Washington was attended with a hearty
exchange of compliments and courtesies.
A Niivxlly In l.l;litliiiii.s.
"Iliinnaford electric ami automatic
lighthouse" Is the full title of an Inten
Hon which comes from New Zealand, and
Is among the llrst fruits of Knglish civil!
.at Ion and science lu that far ou" Austral
aslan laud. Consul Connolly at Auckland
has sent to tlm statu department at Wash
Itlgtn'l 11 sketch unit lrlpton of It, with
thiteuthuslastlelmlorsementof many prac
tical engineers and electricians who havo
examined it Mr. Haiiuaford claims that
his machinery will semi forth electric
Hashes plainly discernible for thirty miles. ,
Tho cupola revolves and tho lamp with
it, but tlio arc within does not nnd is
always broadside to ono desired direc
tion, tho lens pulley at lu back fating
tho land, so that Hashes can be sent iu
that direction at will. Tho Hash signals
aro arranged for tlio letters of tho nlplm-
bet, so that any desired message can bo
sent, which Is of great importance in caso
of shipwreck or war. Tim arc Is automatlo
and does Its own lighting or extinguish-1
nient to tho minute. Hut tlio great novel
ty and most valuable feature is tlio wind-'
mill attachment which generates tho dec-
trlclty nnd tho storage of thu latter to such
ample amount that it would not run short '
of 15,000 camllo power oven in a six months'
The Wunderful Snow IMiint.
Tho snow plant which grows in tho sier
ras nt nu altitude, of 8,000 feet abovo
sen luvel grows under deep banks of snow
nnd flowers ns soon as tho snow melts.
Tlio (lower stems consist of partly crystal
llzed sugar, and are said to taste when cook
ed sweeter but not unlike asparagus. The
(lower resembles the hyacinth, but is far
more beautiful This woudortul plant was
discovered by tho late Gen, Fremont In ISta,
An KpUcopul Church on Wlieela.
Illshop Walker, of North Dakota, has for
his present hobby a enr which tho Pull
man company has mndo for him and
which ho facetiously dubs "The Itovlng
Catholic Cathedral." The enr Is so con
structed that It adonis seats for eighty
or mare people, nnd contains n font,
an altar, n lectern and h cabinet organ
nnd whatever may be necessary for cr
forming tlio rites and ceremonies of
the Protestant Episcopal church It will '
bo the homo of tho bishop as ho travels
about his Notice will ho sent
many days In advance to the people of a '
certain town announcing the date of the
bishop's visit there. On the appointed day
the enr will arrive mid be sidetracked. At
the appointed hour tho people, will assem
ble in thu peripatetic cathedral and enjoy
a service that otherwise their community
might uever hava
i ThmJL .1
i ijjffi
g&f .V,
- Jill '-
lln Man nliliuiMi to Mrnl, lint mill mu.
titliuil Hie ITnnnr or lilt Itlt t IiIim.
"Pause'" sternly ciimmauded the foot
,ftd, pointing a loaded itrolu-rnt tin head
jf thu belated pedestrian. "Suspend prog
ress Immediately, or with the Index mem
her of tlm digital extremities of 111) dextet
manipulatory organ I communicate motion
to the small metallic lever on tlm nether
tide of this weapon and release I he median
Ism It holds in check, theieby permitting
I lie icsliltant concussion to explode tho
detonating fulmluatecontaliied lut he rear
ward portion of the cartridge, vaporlji the
combined product of nitrate of potash, snl
phuraud pulverized carbon with Milch it
Is in Immediate contact, and impart a slid
den propelling Impulse to the elongated
leaden project lie, to secure the propulsion
of which with adequate velocity this me
chanlcal de Ice orlginallj was brought into
tlm sphere qf action."
"What do you wantV gasped the nstou
isneu victim.
"The Immediate transfer and surrender
of whatever auriferous or argentiferous
disks coined for purposes of exchange, or
printed notes exchangeable for such disks,
of which jou may by any fortuitous con
I rateiiutioii of clrcu instances lie the pos
sessor, together with such other articles of
In'r'ti'V viue.crcapn'iteofl'cinghjpnthe
eiited for tho necessary means of subsist
elice, as may tuite found a temporary lodg
uieiit in your garments. Nothing of a nu
trltlous. or alimentary natiirr has passed
I m lips for twenty four hours," he added,
with a smothered sob. "Tlm exigencies of
my lluauehil situation leave 1110 no other
resource than to take tlieso imperative
measures. Kxtrude tho Impedimenta or
the crepitation will eventuate at once."
"Nit something to eat you wantf"
"That Is tlm siimmum Jionuin of my am
bit Ion -tho no plus ultra of my hopes."
From a basket 011 his arm the belated
traveler took out n cylindrical package.
He gave It to tho footpad, who held It up
where tlm dickering rays of a dim street
I.iinp fell upon It, gavo ono glance at the
pi luted label, shrieked deliriously, and
fiilntul for Joy
It was 11 can of baked beans Chicago
Tlie New MliiPtn- to llmll.
II1111. Kduln (luril Cniiger, iccently up
pointed I'nlted States minister to Hra.ll,
Is 11 mail in the prime of life, and possesses
considerable knowledge of public iillalrs.
lie was iMirn in
Klinx count) ,111s..
In I MM. anil served
through the war
witli credit. Ho
went to Iowa ill
INW, mid there en
gaged in the dual
calling of lawyer
and farmer until
the llepubliciilis
elected him stated'
treasurer, an of
lice which Im held
for two 'erins.
Then the voters of
the Seventh congressional district sent
I liiin to Washington as a representative
, He was twice re-elected. and held his seat
as a member until the adjournment soum
I days ago While lu congress be wasehair
man of the coinage committee, and a
i member of Hie banking and currency and
I the agiieiiltural committees. His party
1 friends sav that "he Is well lliteil -m-t-i-
on Hie steps to Ik- taken toward a Pan
American currency, and to lie of material
service to farmers and other producers In
uuiiiiiiiKUpirnile wltb ISrazII."
CliiiiiilirrUin's I'.yr nmt MKII) Ointment.
For tetlei , salt-i Ileum, sca'il-licnil, eeemii,
and chronic sore ejes. I 'rice "" iv-nts per
I Fine line of Kxtiaets, all ixlors, splendlil
J thing for holiday piesents, In bulk, fancy bot-
t In or perfumery ciim at l'yles' I'liarnuicy
Nothing is nicer for holiday presents than
it pretty allium, and at l'yle's pharmuey,
1 l'-'Jl O sti itt, nu excellent Hue of them is to
bu found.
Sou tli Dakota Nntnriilili.
South Dakota Is gently agitated over
tho question of a new senator, as tho Dem
ocrats and Farmers' Alliance men hold a
majority in thu legislature Just elected, and
appear to Is) unanimous In the determina
tion that tho 1 1 res
ent senator, Moo
dy, shall not bo re
elected. Twoqucs
tions confront
them: Shall tho
senator bo n
straight out Dem
ocrat or an Alli
ance man, a n d
should thu ques
tion of locality bu
If thu latter.
then the senator HtANClS H. CLAltKE.
must como from tho Hlack Hills end of tho
new stuto (as Senator Frank Pettlgrew
lives at Sioux Falls), and Hon. Francis II.
Clarke, of Itapld City, Is the Hills candi
date. Mr. Clarke was candidate for con
gressontlio recent Democratic stuto ticket,
and made an active canvass and "splendid
run" till taken sick, going ahead of his
ticket In every part of the state. Hoisix
lawjer, and a very successful "o Unfor
tunately ho was stricken with typhoid fo
vor in the very height of tho canvass, and
Is not yet entirely recovered
Another candidate Is Judgn Hartlctt
Tripp, w ho was Indorsed for Xi.t position
by the Democratic state cotucnMon He
Is supposed to bo stronger muting ii- Alli
ance men than aby other Dmuo-nii, hut
the embattled farmers may conclude to
hao one of their own nieii for senator,
and stick to it till one of the other p. u ties
Is a constitutional nnil not a local disease,
and therefore it cannot bo cured by local
applications, It requires n constitutional
remedy like Hood's Barsaparltln, which,
working through the blood, eradicates the
Impurity which causes and promotes the
disease, ami effects n permanent cure.
Thousands of people testify to tho success
of Hood's Baraaparltla as a remedy for
catarrh when other preparations had failed.
H, II. Be sure to get only
Bold bjralldtugKliti, fit itiforyj. 'rrdonlf
tij C. I. IIOni)t CO., Apotliertrlei, Lowell, Mm.
IOO DoBoa Ono D
--. - ! rOMlH I "
i WvK I
Opportunity Never Better.
Prices Never Lower.
Values Never Greater
I Ol'K (iUK AT
Prices Lou t-icd (tientlv to Uosr Stock. Heavy
Reduction in
. '
Men's Overcoats,
Men's Suits,
Children's Suits,
Winter Caps, Trunks and Valises,
Heavy Reduction in Everything
Corner 0
Lincoln Safe
Absolute Protection
Ilovcs of all Sles in Vault Rented b
S. E. Cor. 1
" Ill
I ' I hJ I T 1 r
lif ,.hiM ?' i1
i k. "kw A W&imtiittTE Fs'h I F.yir '' TT""Tr 1 -'"
L is wl1FJ"' )fm"-Tn'i'"i- KJM xf' mMh
1 lMl J fa4- 35WI I' llllll -fn.3 iMt--
.'' mXb&ll1 I I ' JPpRffl III
rovont ! mm- -'ItJUlJjllIIXl' I TJgyfjff?1?3 I iff '''
Silverware, Etc.
Which is Now
143 Sou tin 12 tli St..
is composed of first class goods in every respect. It
arranged and ready for the
Sacrifice Sale
The stock comprises everything usuall) found in tf'
class glass, china and queensware store, including a large
stock of
Roger's Best Silverware.
I I mci rrrkrwlc miit- K -, -...,.,!
...w.,w www.-,, i;l IIUMUI ill 111 pilCeS Will I't- IIIJIUC IU
close them out.
but a bona fide sacrifice sale and if yo" wW call prices
will surely convince you of this fact-
TeilboL K- Geiclcl
1 43 South Twelfth St.
Boy's Overcoats
Boy's ouits,
and Tenth Sts.
Deposit Vaults !
jjEgmBjfl' -''VSX''
for Your Valuables !
the Month or Year at Reasonable Rales.
Ithand -P Sts.
Opened at
.. -1 ti 1. . ...-.-I., a...
WfcM1lw 1 l