Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 06, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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. flrKW SWjSSslsS) ill 71
ttf vi V
AU-LftlissssW? 3i .StoWr-'
Dk.VT7TttA.J ,"v . rj5V".J
vSk l
For Hard Coal
For Soft Coal.
Most Powerful Heaters Made I
Most Economical on Fuel I
Smoking Jackets,
Fancy Vests,
Full Dress Suits,
Fnil Dress Vests,
Fine Furnishings,
Christy's London Hats,
rWl Hosiery,
GVcat Iinc Low Prices!
. .Underwear,
U nderwear,
All Kinds All Weights 1
1 -"Aud n J.lnc of
remarkably pretty and exceedingly low In
price. Call and sec them.
114 South Twelfth Street,
A Fine Crayon
1124 0 ST.
Every customer gets a head
and shoulder Crayon Picture
Free from any and all cost.
This work is made direct from
any photo you may want
copied. Call and look into
his matter.
V" ' U I j. V J lil T. '-
-. UV - t Uf
1 vttiic??ZirVf?&
UmnXrl nK' wMm. J v ,SJLiE;l4 D
d Mnittiir Viicr 11 .Vixferii IVinr
1 'ubllnlxocl SritiinWiy.
Address nil coinuiuiucntlnnii direct tn the onion
Courier building, HIM N Hlrcel.'Iionk '2M
(1. H'ichhk!,, J11., ICdltnruudHolo I'mpilotor.
V MohtokHuitii, ANKiiiln lilllnr.
HlMiM'iuiTioN! Ono Year by Mull or Carried
HW; H Mouths, II OOjThroo Month, Mo.f
Olio month U0 Cent lururulily In Ailvnmv.
AllVKIITIRKMRNTH' Halt's furnished Oil flpplloittloll
nttlioofltce, Hcclnl rates on ThntiCntiiiaoik,
(AiNTitllitrnoNsiHIiort spicy nVit'lit'n, mhhiim nml
I stories solicited. I 'rnv.iml slid (social mil)- pre
I ess.'lnlly desirable.
I'MN-nini Wn innko n specialty of KIihi l'rlntliift
In nil It branches. Hocletv work n spctlslly,
ICntcred nltlin I'ihIoIIIco of Lincoln Nub.,
nit second n 1 11 in matter.
Tlio CnuiiiKii will not bt ivfiponsllilo for
Any debt nmdo by nny ono In Its iinmo, tin
hh n written order iiciMiiiiiniilw tlio miiio,
tin: oiimvr.MAN ciuitii:n.
Kolluwlng the umiiiI iiiHto'ii llm Couiiiku
w ill Ikkiiq 11 special holiday edlton nUmt l)o
i'oiiiIht lfl.
The ClirlHtiiuiH uumberof tlio CoUltiKU him
ulwnynbcoii picparcd with Hitt cmo mid I(h
publlcntlnii Iiiih iinnu'illy luvolvixl 11 cousid
einblo iMitlny of money ;lmt wo hnvo enehyenr
been clK'oiliiiRiil lii(iiireliiltiviil'topl'odlicou
holiday piibllentlon u licet ln c nil it upon too
city nnd Htnto, by Lincoln ndwrtlrn'ra mid tlio
iiidlnn public tliioiiKliout Lincoln, Oiiuilm
mid tlio utivte, nt liirne. Wo hnvo never ta
ilored In vain.
ThlHyem wo will surpitM nil provloim ef
foitH. Tlm Coi'itlKii iHouJoyliiKn pntioniiKo
midsiipKiit much InrKor than ever I hi fore,
nnd wo propono to Iksuu to our Ki-cntly widoii
ed elrclo of lesulai' iiMidei-N nnd to jiooplo of
.No'juitk'i, the lliient lltuinry piibllcatliiu that
the Htnto Iiiih yet pioducod. It will bomtiit
U) III every Minm of tlio wonl.
Fifteen thoilHitnd copies or tlio ChrNtiunH
Couiiiku will bopiiutctl, It will bo In miiKiv
r.lno form, vucIomv! In i colored llthoRiuplud
eovorof iK'iiutlful dckiKii. Tlio lllustintlouH
pivMinil sH'clally for this IhMiie, will bo ory
profuvi mid of the llnent quullty, while tlio
lltvruiy IcatuicH will lo of u very IiIkIi onlr.
NoexpoiiM) rtlll lHiMmed Inmiy depnitiuent,
nnd tho holldn) number will. bo ono of tlio
ImmlsumcHt, most iittrnetlvo mid eujoynblo
pabllcntiotiH ever Issued Inthowoit. It will
iiiillcnto I1111 MtiikiiiK innnner what Lincoln
enterpilio can do.
Tht Hit of coiitrihutoiH eiubinceH many
well known pooplo of national mid locul lepu
tatlou, mid tho nrtlelcB will couth wldo
rmiKii of Inti 1 estlng subJoctK As mi Indica
tion of wlmt may lio pxkh'(cI, wo limy inen
tlou n IiIkIiI) enteitiilului; article written for
tho Couiiiku by Kukcuu Field, tho noted
JournnlUt nnd author of CIiIciiko; an Inter
esting puiKT, lluully illustrated, by llonerul
Vlfipmlu on bin life mid oxporlouccH at tho
consular post In South America from which
lie has just returned; mi exhaustive trcutlto
on "Tho Likeness of Clulst" by tin eminent
art writer, boiiii; 11 thnroiiKh Inquiry niul ro
kumeh Into tlm subjoct of tho authenticity
nnd vorlsiinllliudoof tho "iccelved llkeucss'i
of Joins Christ a subject Interest hi); to tlio
entiii) Cliiistlmi world accompanied by
foul tt on ilhistintioiiti, Otliorattlclet in uep
nrntlousnio u study of "VeteriiLniH"vloiod
iiupnitlall), thoiiKli from an eastern stand
point, a coinpielieiixUo lovlew of thosm'lnl
life of Lincoln for tho past twenty yearn by
tho ussoclato editor, mid many others by
prominent proftloual people, tho ubovo bo
Iuk meioly a siiKKcstion of what may bo
looked for.
In view of tho heavy demand nmdo upon
ouriipneii by tho literary and nrt fenturw,
oueiulvertUiiiKcoliuni's aiv iioci.sarlly llm
KinI, mid meiehaiitN mid otheiNdesii Iuk space
in tlm j;reiit sp"clal edition should bo piompt
In slKiiifyllig their intentions.
Saturday, Deo. 0 "Arizona Joo" at
Monday, Dec. 8 Ihuxiuet of tho Mystic
Hhrhio at Temple hull. Ktrulty'a "Around
tho World In Klghty Day8"nt tho Funke.
Tuesday, Dec, 0 Lotus club at Temple
hall, dancing. JINm Weaver' reception for
Miss Cora Weaver of Omaliii, mid Miss
Marie Galo of Chicago. "Around the orld
In Klghty Dy" nt the Funke.
Wednwduy, Deo. 10-Oernmn Festlvnl at
Temple hall. Miss Uilftlth'n ixceptlon.
Allele l'ttyn nt the Funke. Mm. W. W.
Holmes' high flvo party.
Thursday, Dec. 11 Clmnuka enteitalu
mentnnd dmieo at Templo hall. "FutricV
Well" nt tho Funke.
Friday, Dec. 12. Louis James nt the
Saturday, Dec, 13. 1-ouln James nt the
Monday, Dee. in. Reception by Mr. Iu
Weasel, Jr., for Mr. and Mrs. Max Kolm nt
Temple hall.
Tuesday, Dec. 10 WeddliiK of Miss Tlllle
11. l'obnne nnd Mr. Willnrtt It. Mill at the
residence of Mr. and Mm. K. II. Dohanaii.
Meeting of Tuesday Evening Club at the resi
dence of Miss Cora Hardy,
Thursday, Deo 18 Yardmattcr's annual
bull nt 'temple hall. ... v
Miss Johnston l doing nearly all the work
In the city in the Hue of ladles' hair dressing,
liampoolng, etc. Her patroimgo has stead
ily Increased from the first day she opened In
Lincoln until now that lady numbers among
her customers nearly all the leading ladles of
the city. Her parlors are centrally located,
1114 O street, and appointment may be made
by telephone, 023.
"A Merry Christinas '" Is tho chciy
girding mining from every pane of tho Ideal
monthly, Di'miirmt' Monthly Mttuttiu the
December iiiiiu'ier of which 11 genuine IioII
1 lit y number In Just nt I111111I. "Lighting the
N'uy for 11 Hiintii Clans" Ih thu very iiiiro
prlnta intrul iclory wntorM'olor, tbn rich
humor of which will I hi highly nppieclatcd
by the little ones mid "children of larger
giowlli" 11 w II; mid tlm pngn engraving
that follows, "Kuplincl Painting llm Vltgln
nml ''hllil," Is from 11 nottsl pulitt liiir. nml
will lioippr elated for IIm historic value iin
well us Its beauty. Heddcs (hew, there mo
nt lenst two IhiiiiIiciI 11111I llfly other hand
some Illustrations, fur
fit 111 1 1 miigurliio Ih not
thlH lepiewnliitlvo
e for tlm iUiinllty
h lutes.
nml giMMl quality of Iin pl( lutes.
,, . . . . ,. , ... , .
It In mi iiiulun niulltiK " 1Hrnry cIHm
nt Mit. Aimlln It Ken t hnnler I'"'' i-
ed he,) onil meiisuie, that a stoiy, which she
wiote. should Iiiimi been taken by other writ
els Hsu llcfise for willing nlic nt uiiiestraln
el nml Inilii'ilit passion. Mis, Chmili'i's
ees liae bien wlilelv iiiieiiiiUliii'o slin w rot 11
"llm (Jtikk nml the Dead," nnd, while theiol ""'"ci no is, in iiih privata lire, 11 man or lr
wiih In bet mind no suggestion or sensualism, rcprouehablo honor. Ho hnd gone to Frohs
slioiinw percelus thnt others found in th. dj.rf, hU Hint polltlcnl net, to recall to the
stcry Mich Miggesllons, nnd inrii mid women kli'Btliiit ho wiih tho heir to his rights. Hut
with facile pens have felt that tlmy ueiu I"'1' vt'ry Hteponly proved tlm Irnpnsslblllty
Justllled In following whero Amelia ItlvcH led
tho wny, Itlsicpoitrd thnt this young wo -
innii Is sometimes almost ovetcomo with
mortification, nnd that it Is this revulsion
which bus caused her to forego all further
llteiary eiroit. Hhe will probably direct her
talent so thnt hereafter Its exeiciso will ap
pear through tlio miillnui of the pencil nnd
brush mtherthiiu tho pen.
Ralph W Hrecketirlilge, of Onialia, in n
recent Issue of the AVonmAd .(iie.niiriinf
published hi this city, makes the following
reference to tlio Into Judge James W. Huv
ngo, Omaha's eminent jui 1st: "No mnu who
hm lived In Nebraska has contributed so
much to HternluroiiH ho. Ills lltornty stylo
wns pure nnd classic; his diction clear and
sparkling; his arguments nud statements of
facts always interesting, nml his learning,
especially in tho domain of history, pro
found. Ills impcrH contributed to tho Ne
braska II Istoi leal Society Justly give him
high rank among historical wi Iters; nud had
lilt years been prolonged, bis hoilth permit
ting, ho might have been expected to produce
some work on a largo scale, worthy of class
lllentlon with tho writings of Abbott, Han-
croft, l'i oseott, and Motley. To know-Judge
Hnvngti wns to love him, nud hlsileath brings
prorouuil sorrow to uritiy 11 breast.
"His lire wiiA gentle: anil tho elements
Ho mixed In him, that Nature might stand up
Aim say to all the world, 77ifs iras a rami '"
Tho ChrlstinnH edition of tho Ciiiiiii;i(iif(iii
JWiitiiif is one hundred thousand conies.
Tho order, as 01 Iginnlly given to the printers,
wns 85,1X10 copies, but while 011 the press It
wns thought advisable to to Increase tho num
ber to KXI.OOI). It contains 11 feature never
Isifoin attempted by any magazine, consist
ing of i!S! cartoons from the brush of Dan
Ibntd, the now famous artist, who did such
woudeiful illustrations In Mail; Twain's
book, "The Yankee nt Iho Court or ICIng
Aithur." Tho cm toons nro placed at tlm
iKittomof each page of tho lungurhm, nud
take for their subject, "Christmas during tlm
Eighteenth Ceutuilesof Iho Christian Era,"
with variations, showing tho way It. which
womodcru Christians carry out Mime of tho
chler texts or tho Chllstlmi (lospol. An ex
cellent lllustiated 111 tlelo Is one on teapot, by
Eliza Huhnmah Scldmoie. Literary llostou
1st rented witli numerous portialts, mid mi
mtlclo which comes with tho nlnetlttli
bh thilay of Von Moltke, sketches tho life of
tho gioit FieM-Mnrrhal In an interesting
way, mid Is by (leural James (limit Wilson.
Ellnbeth Illslaiid has ono of her charming
111 tides.
Tho December number of the ,lfiimiic of
liiirrfenn lllnlitry proents n rich nnd 'iirUd
table of contents, Tho opening paper Is 11
ginphle historical sketch or the 1 he mill fall
and chai'iicteristlcs of "'I ho Ancient Tow 11 of
Foit Kenton, In Montana," with pietuiesipio
accounts handsomely Illustrated of early
navigation of tho upper Missouri Ulei Tho
second contribution. "David llmtley mid tho
American l otolites," by Joseph Hartley,
otNow Yoik, touches upon 11 theme of In
tense Interest nml consequence to nil Ameri
cans. Following these nttr.ictho illustrntd
mtlcloH, wo have "'I ho Institution of '1 hunks,
giving Day, lftSI." by J n cob Hauls l'atton,
A. M "Ui Salle's Homestead at Lachlue,"
by John Frase, of Montieal;"A Typical OM
time Minister, the Iteerend HenJ 1111I11 Tn
pun," a delightful sketch by Hon. I). F. Lniu
son; "Hllinpss of Enily MiJugaii Life In and
About Kalaliiazoo," by Mmy V, Oiblm; 'Our
Old Webster's .Sibling H(Mik,"by Hev A.M.
Cotton; "Some Llteraiy .Statesmen," which
In lugs into view striking facts In 1 elation to
eminent writeis In the councils of tho nation,
by Milton T. Adklus; mid of shorter m tides,
"l'lesldentOinllehrs Silent Journey," Mrs.
Elizabeth 11. Cm lis Sin rounded by HulfalMs,
or Camp Life In Kansas Twenty Years Ago;
A Cluster of Christmas Poems Tor tho House
hold; ami Mimoexcoptlonally valuable hither
to unpublished letters.
The table of contents of the Decemlier
.drrnii, will delight all intelligent icadeis.
It is et long, thought-provoking nml enter
talnlng. Indeed of Into each Ismio or tho
tivnii has seemed to surpass its picdccessor,
and tho December mimlier is 110 exception.
Tlio frontispiece is a remarkably lino portrait
of Count ToUtol mndo from 11 photograph
taken fiom a life size painting or tho Count.
Tho opening paper Is on "Tho Christian Doc
trine or Nou-reslstuiico," nnd embodies the
views of Count Tolstoi and He v. Ailln Hal
lou as set forth in an extensive corresiond
ence carried on during this year by these two
great modern apostles of the doctrine or non
resistmice. Rev. Mlnot J, Savnge coutrll
utesu delightful aper entitled "Then mid
Now," l'ror. N, S Binder apearh In n strong
jiaper on "The Nature or tho Negro." This
Is ono of tho most valuable essays on the race
problem which bus yet appeared, in that it
gives us on Insight into the nature and possi
bilities of the negro and the Afro-Ainerlcan.
l'rofcstor Shaler Is followed by a brond-splr-ited
and able pniier by the Rev. Lyman Ab
bot, the well-known pastor of 1'lymoulh
church, 011 "What is Christianity I" A. C.
Wheeler, better known In tho dramatic
world us Nym Crinkle, writes in a brilliant
critical paer, of the late Dion Houcicault,
Helen H. Gardener apearslnaplendld con
tribution entitled "Thrown In with the City's
Dead." Presldont E. II. Andrews, of Urown
university, writes ably on "Patriotism and
the Publlo Schools." Professor Wilbur L.
Cross, Ph. D contributes an Intensely Inter
esting sketch of Ibsen's great xem entitled
"Hrnnd." Clms. Ollfllu Allen, one or the
ablest civil service workers in the land, ap
pear In a thoughtful paper 011 "Electoral
Reform Legislation." Hamilton Unrlund
contribute n story of remarkable merit en
titled "A Private Kotuin." Among the other
contributors are Gen. Marcus J. Wright,
Maliel Haydeu, T. T, Tertuue, and Victor
In these days, when the Held of literature
Is strewn with the wrecksjof imitations of the
woiki of popular authors, and King Solo,
mon's Mines lias a hot or would-be and tiro-
HOIIIO flllllHM'IH, Itls lefieslllllgtllCOIIIOIK 111"
Mich A tor 111 "A I'nr Cottntroo," tlm first
iil t of which Ih published Hi Oitiujfoi De
cember. The nut hor hns boldly Miuekbnck
lido the antediluvian period of tlm mighty
Hiiuilnns, mid wen veil 11 record 11s tin Ming us
It I novel. U'liut tlm novelist Iiiih iIimid with
thu text Oiithifi Iiiih distanced III tlm splendor
r It ongi livings nud Illustrations.
Canon V. W Knrrus, writing In tlm De
cember Forum, wiysi From enily years I
was fond of MH'try, mid I own mi Immense
ilebt to thu pools, not only Wuuo I Imvu
found In them tlio greatest mid Ix-nt of mm nl
trnchciR, whorovenleil to niu, or conllniicil
In uie, tlio purest tiutliH on which It Ih piwhI
1110 to nvo, hut nlHo Iivciiuho tbey hnvo
illu- ninny 11 ilntk hour, nnd ndded fresh
MinllRht to ni'iny n brlKhtono, b noblo Icm
'soiiHKOtto nntuinl iiiiihIc In noblo wnnk
Thpy hnvo helncd 1110 to linnic tlm nlcturo
I Kn'lcry of ImnKlnntlon with lovely mid de-
R,tru iicbiip., nml to Into rnfiiRo from nny
,on.i which niMit In-nt upon mo from wltli-
out In Hint Hood of uiiipioiiclmblo suushlno
which they liml klmlkil for mu wltlilu,
Tlio Count of I'nrU In 11, very liitolllKunt
iimii; ho In very lenincd; ho In brnvoihoUpn-
'" resusciiaiiiiR tlio Uointo Ho ChnmlKinl. I
1 h) not nccuso tho Count of I'nrls, as Is too
lluhtly done, of linvlntr boimht. bin rovnl
claims of .M. lloulmiKer. Hols too much a
Frenehmnii to tflko pint In ncou;i iVffif, t4xi
lionornlilu to put up with nucIi mi nlly, mid
Um shrewd to hnvo bolloved thnt M. lloulmi
Ker liml n' crown to sell. Ho simply put
money in n "deul" for vote illrected by the
HKViiey of IlouliiiiKiir. Ho furnished tho 111IN
lions mid HoulniiKor tho Miularlty Ho hnd
stlpulatoil that Iin would Ihi kIvcii for his
monoy tho Rtenter pnrtln tho pnxluctH, thnt
is 10 nny, n conservative mnjorlty Tho fnll
1110 that win suirerisl mid Iho famous mrnl
lei ninrcli (llmlnlshed Ids clmncct so much that
tli'iicpiiblloliaitioir noloiiKor nny enemies
before It, or, If It Iiiih nny, tlmy nro reimbIN
eim uiivmleH. Thr Fut 11111.
Tho Rerun of serofuln are ditroyed by
Aer8nisapiirilln. Sold by all diiiKglsts.
(luoils Itneoiniiieiiilml by I'ror. IT1111.
At the rviiuait of I'rof. l'fau nnd also to
accommodate tho ladles who attend hN
cooking school, wo havo purchased n froth
stock of tho follow lug nitlclon;
AunourVKxtractof Heef, Cooper's Isln.
Kliiss, liny Ihwvus, O. 1". Cream of Tartar,
I'uro HakliiK Hodn, Almond Pnsto, Flavor
ing extracts, etc. .
Abo tho lluest Hue of holiday Roods in tho
city. Call and see us.
II. F. 1'yi.k & Co.,
llLMO street.
C W. Ilurkltt, the 01 list, has just finished
n nuiubor of hmidsoinely executed crnyon
w)ltialtH of piomliiiiit cllleiu of Lincoln,
intended forChrlstnuiH pieseuts. Ho Inform
ml Tiik Couiiiku that tlieio is yet tlino to
execute 11 few inoie portrnltH hefoio the holi
days A crayon portrait Is one of tlio best
Christmas glttH that can bo made and Mr
llurkitt's woik will glvo complete satisfact
ion. Call at his studio and examine tho
For the erentost mlety of Holiday 1'ies
elits call at HcrpoMichuci- & Co's.
Pi retlcul gifts nt economical pclies to suit
the pockets of the rich nml nxir alike, Her
pnlhelincr& Co. hnvo for nil tho most oom
ph to nssoitincuts in tho west at agio it suv
! All tho latest sheet music, now stock, at
Urnncor s Art Musle store, 212 south Eleventh
H. F. Pj lo i: Co, have decided to close out
their hook depiu tmeiit, nml will discontinue
thnt portion of the business. They have a
big lllioembiaclng tho works of the most
popular authors, all of which will bo sold
"way below regular prices. For holidaj
pieseuts nothing ulcer can bo found.
For a cut, biulso, but 11 or scald, there Is
nothing eipml to Chambi Iain's Pain Halm.
It heals tho purls moiu quickly than any oili
er application, and unless tho lujuiy Is wry
so ei e, 110 scar is left. For sale by A. L,
Ijulles desiring to miikoanuppropiiate nml
thoroughly appreciative iiiesviiltu their Inist
gentleuuin 0 lend cannot give them anything
ulcer than nwatchchiiiii made of hair comb
lug. Take tho combings to Miss Johnston,
HI IO street, and haxc a chain, In nny style
made for a ChrUtmus picscnt.
Nollre to Defendant.
John Crelghlon UullliiKer will take not lee
that on the.'lrd day orDueeinher, IMm, John II.
Cunningham and C'Iiiih A. lluunii, plalutllts
herein, tiled their petition In tlm District
Court of I Jiuciister county.Mtato or Nebraska,
umiliiMl said defendant, '1 he object nud iraj or
ofwhleh are 10 rmeloso a eoiliiln mortgage
executed by John . Ilnlllnger mid Emma E
llalllnger t4 the plalullll upon the following
described premises, lo-w II 1 Lot 0, llloik I), of
Hei ouil East Park Addition to the I'll v of
coin, Lancaster county, Htuto of Neluaska, to
secure the payment of a certain promissory
note, dated the lUtliday of Jlnreli, h'M, for Iho
sum of JUHl, duo and pajablo In inontlily In
stallments iroin the loth day ot Ma, lsim, l,'i.
jmyntiloeuoli mouth with Interest on tho en
tire amount remaining from time to time un
paid at tho rate ofti percent, per annum, from
Hut 10th day or March, 1KU0, paj able monthly.
Plalntllls pray for 11 decree that deleuilauts
bo required to pay sumo or that tho premise
may bo sold to satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before thcAlhdny of January, ISUI
Dated Decombor 3, 1K90.
Atty. fur PluiuttlU.
A. S. Hadger or Chicago, formerly or this
city, was in Lincoln Thursday on his way to
California, where, rumor has it, he will soon
lie married.
Is a conitlrutlonal nnd not a local disease,
and therefore it cannot be cured by local
applications. It requires a constitutional
remedy like Hood's Sarsaparllla, which,
working through the Mood, eradicates the
Impurity which causes and promotes the
disease, and effects a permanent cure.
Thousands of people testify to the success
ot Hood's Barsaparllla as a remedy for
catarrh when other preparations had failed.
N. B. Be sure to get only
BoldbralldrtiEirUU.fll ilxforfi. l'ropred only
by 0, 1. HOOD A CO., Apother irlci, Lowell, Nui,
IOO Dosos One D
Opportunity Never Better.
Prices Never Lower.
Values Never Greater
Prices Lowered Greatly to Close Stock. Heavy
Reduction in
Men's Overcoats, Boy's Overcoats.
Men's Suits, Boy's Suits,
Children's Suits, Furnishings,
Winter Caps, Trunks and Valises,
Heavy Reduction in Everything
Corner 0 and
Lincoln Safe
Absolute Protection for Your Valuables !
Hom's of all Sizes in milt Rented b the Month or Year nt Reasonable Untes.
S. E Cor. 1 1th and P Sts
Silverware, Etc.
Which is Now
1-43 Soutln IStt St.,
is composed of first class goods in every respect. It is all
arranged and ready for the
Sacrifice Sale
The stock comprises everything usually found in a first
class glass, china and queensware store, including a' large
stock of
Roger's Best Silverware.
These goods must be moved and prices will be made to
close them out.
but a bona tide sacrifice sale and if you will call prices
will surely convince you of this fact-
Talbot I?. Geidd,
143 South Twelfth St.
Tenth Sts
Deposit Vaults !
Opened at
' TH!
Tt &!ji:l-&J'tfiHM.J,' -Wt.M.uiAAs. .iJtfcti,y .Ji