Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 06, 1890, Image 2

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    7 J- "
1023 O Street.
Our special Clonk sale has been such an
eminent stirccss.nndour ignrmcut nro sclh
lnj m rapidly, Hint wc earnestly urjjc
Indies to call ou u nt once If 1 1 117 wont to
pro lit by our bargain prlccK,
Wc Imvo been tpicstloncd reprntvclly
why wc cni sell clonks mj much cheaper
than nny of our competitors? Why our
Knrmculn nrc o fnr superior In quality,
elegance nuil llnlsh?
Hectiute tir (. advantagri thill etru
the largest thy gooth house atnnot hhiil of.
Our ten yenrs' experience 11 1 cloak mnn
ufncturltiK In New York, and our Intlnmtc
acquaintance with every detail of the
manufacturing oflhcsc garments and the
people cnojed In It, give us oppoitunlty
to procure gooiU at 26 to 30 per cent
below the regular cot price. Thitiswhy
we enn sell onr jaunty all mwl beaver lleefer
nratly tt limned ut $J.JJ. It it Ihei tfiti e that
we mil offer our fit ions a stjlith tilt tiW
cheviot veil jacket, hntm! unit trimmed with
iitk at X6.JJ.
This is why we can null Newmarket of
finest Imported Worumbo beaver, richly
trimmed and embroidered at $11, $14,
and $10, worth from $3 to $2750.
This i' why ue can surfiise yon with a
fullt long flmh chill, tent seal 01 minimis,
all silk lined tit $ I J.JO, with anyzvheie ehe
Our experience an practical cloak manu
facturers gives the umuunl elegance and
finish to even our cheapest garments.
Wc oiler n complete line of cape nnd
mufti inch ns;
Ptrsian l.umb, Astrackan, Gray I'eisian,
Mink, 1 1 IWtrri, Marten, llutuan Sable,
Thybel Augoia, lanrr, Itmr, and Monkey,
ranging in price from $0 to $35 for cape,
nnd from 50c to $10.50 for muffs.
Wc keep only the genuine article nnd
give a written guarantee with every cape
and muff.
Una been the actuation of tills city. 1
Is, If not the largest, certainly the niont
complete for quality and style. Wc do
not All up our store with trash and rocky
goods. "
We se'.l only reliable uoods of reputed
inahufactuic, but nt such reduced figures
that they nrc wli bin the reach of every
body's purse.
We mil your attention to the combination
drels tSittems dhlayet! in our wiudotvs
They ate till wool, ami silk tiim wings, laug.
ingjiom $ 35 to$4,worthfrom Of Jo to
We offer this week i lot of .tidies' heavy
ribbed vests, ecru and gray, at 39c. A lot
of natural wool ribbed vests and fants tit
byi, worth $1,33,
Just received n lot of knit goods, the
prices of which will surprise you.
Our department for linen and silk hand
kerchiefs, ruchlngs, collars nnd cuffs and
general notions Is now more complete
than ever, nnd contains some of the daint
iest nnd choicest goods.
Our efforts to establish In Lincoln n
fashionable store for the exclusive sale of
ladies', children's and infants' outfits has
already been greeted witli flattering suc
cess, nnd we hope that Lincoln ladies will
sec that it Is to their Interest to nld us by
supporting such nn establishment.
The Bazar,
1023 o St.
4 ' Newman's Old Stand.
I. N. linker hns gono to Denver.
Miss Mitud Hlobbs wns In Omnlin Moudny.
V. K. Hnidy vlslled Milfoid Wednesday-
II. White- loft Wednesday for Khnlrn,N,Y.
William Mlddlcton hns none to Mlnnenp
Isnno Holm mid son loft Motulny fur Chi
OeorguH. Hprnguu has gono to Hoknti
1-ul Is,
L. M. Hnvyir htm ted for Itutlntid, Vt.,
G'udoiTnylor of Oinnhn, wan In tlm city
(Ids week.
(li'orgn A. HylM)ldt wns In l'luttHiiioiitli,
this w Mk.
1'iof. K, W. HiiiikIiiiiiiu tins returned frniu
Mtn. Ivnto L.Wcrtr. 1 ('turned from (Ivnovn,
Neb., Tucsdny.
Mm. L. (I. M. Ilnldwiu started Tiicwlny for
Itochfstcr, N. Y.
Mr. ami Mr. C'lmrtu IoIiiimui Imvo gonn
to 1'ortliiiiil, Uui,
Wllllani MmigiT loft for (InlvimUiu, Toxin,
Tucwlny owning.
Krmik O'Neill of Onmliii, vih n Lincoln
vUitor last Huiulny.
Mm. l'liriuohit Hmltli Is reported nH greatly
Improvtsl In lioolth.
Mlsfidrniii (Irllllth will give n riH-eptlon
Wtiliiemlny uvelilug.
Mm. I.M. Ilitytiinndnnd Mnt, A. H. Hay
luoudnro ItiC'liU'iigo.
Mr. mid Mrn. H. J. Tuttlu nro visiting
frlviids in Topokn, Kmiinim.
Mro. A. (. HiinicH returned Tuendny from
Hnpld City, Koiith Dakota.
I j. K. DoikiMkoii mid daughter, MIm May,
went to Denver Wediuwdiiy.
(loo. N, KortiKiunn of Ouinhn, was In the
city Tiiiwdny nnd Wvdiirwlny.
Mm. A. H. UolTioth roturuwl Inst week
from an extended eimturn trip.
W. A. Worth nnd J. 0. McNeill, Mm ted
Wislnewlny for (Inlvetiton, Texas.
Ia'uvo your orderH now for extrn eoplen of
TiiK CouniKU'a ClirUtiuns nuiulwr.
Mr. mid Mm. J, L. Wlesnmithnvo returned
from n uionth's sojourn In Florida,
Dnvo Howe, manager of tlio Lincoln base
Ixill club, has been In Clilcngo this week.
Walter A. Ixeso left thin week for I'arkent-
biiigb, W. Vn., where bo will pend tlio lioll
dnyit. Minn Hurtle Cook of lllnir, who visited in
tliitelty liwt week, returned to her homo
How II. H. Wnunnmkor of Knnt Lincoln,
ontiTtiilned Mr, H. P. Anton of Qenovn, Neb,,
tills week.
It. C. Allder nnd wife, 1100 MIm Knto Up
ton, left for their future home, Nellgh, Neb.,
The Indies of the Vino xtrt-et Congregation
al church gave n very eujoynblo Hoclal Tlmm
dny evening.
Henry Newman, who hnH liceu vIxltliiK In
Lincoln nnd Uiunlin recently, left for Now
York Batunlny.
MIm Klllo Ihwo entertained MIhkom Lylo
Hoover, Julia Dow nnd Minnie Miller of Te
eiiuiseh, Moudny,
Mr. mid Mr. II. 11. NUduy renclnd thU
city Monday after u most enjoyable tour
throughout the west,
K. II, Hloson, city ticket agent of tlio
Union I'nellle, In el. Joying a two weeks' vn
cation nt lliirlliigton, In.
Mrs. It, It. Cowdery returned Wednosilny
from Kntilkner, H. I)., where sho lias lat'ii
visiting forxovoritl woekv.
O. C. St. John departed Humlay evening
for Now York. Heforo his return ho will
visit Florida mid tlio Hotith.
MlssCliiln OolillHTgof Chicago, who tins
been tlio gucHt of her Muter Mrs. David WIm,
left Moudny for her homo.
Tlio Lincoln C. L H. C. met Tucwlny oven
ingnt tlio residence of Mr. nnd Mm. J. II.
Corriek, JWO South Thirteenth street,
Oliver II. Qnllup mid Minx Annie Martin
weio united in niarrlngo Monday evening by
Justice Drown, nt tlio Inttcnt resilience.
Mr. nnd Mrs. D. L. llrnco nro entertaining
Mrs. Lees Williams of Clieyeuno, Wyo., who
will remain In this city until nfter the boll
Dick Ilerlln, or Oiunbn, Frank C. Mining,
J. H. Lemlst and C. K. Magoon occupied nil
Joliilng sents nt 'A Urnss Monkey" Wtslnos
day night.
Mrs. Mnrgaret Bhnw of Knnsn City, was
tlioRiiest tills wtekof Mrs. It, D. Stenrns.
HI10 wns nccoiiimnliHl by her two llttlo
Miss Woaver'ii rccoptloii In honor of her
guosta Mlw Corn Weaver of Onmlin, mid
MUs Marie Onlo of Chicago, will occur Tues
day evening,
lllfthop Illnnciim Is entertaining the Right
Hoverend Illchop J. J. Kenre, rector of tlio
Catholic University of Atnoricn, nt Wash.
Ington, D. C.
Mrs. K. K. Oonlon, who hns Ih-cu visiting
In this city for tlio past two month, returned
10 ueiiver lueMiny neconiiMinled liv lier fath
er, J. H. Howe.
Mr, J, E. Hill received n telegnim Tuess
uny announcing tlio dentil of her fnther,
John It. Htownrt nt Lo Angeles, Cal., Mon-
uny niteriioon.
Hoverly Morrison, tlio yoiinc son of John
O, Morrison, was fatally injured by a street
car Huiulny, Ho died shortly nfter midnight
Hundny oveulng.
Those drendlul young men who room in tlio
Itarr-I.nmni.ter block Imvo Liwn nt it ngnln.
This tlmo tliey purlolnetl n banquet. They
ure still nt Inrgo, however,
A number of Lincoln people contemplate
attending tlio lmll given by tlio Omaha
guards In the inetroiiolls Tuesday evening.
There will probably bo qulto n pnrty from
this city.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Max Kohuof Nebraska City,
hnve permanently located In this city, hnv
lug rented 0110 of the handsome now Lyman
houses on II street. They will lie tendered a
reception nt Ttmple hull by their nephew,Mr.
Lou Wttfeel, jr., Moudny, December 15.
Frank C. Zehrung returned Saturday, ac
companied by his mother, from a trip to Chi
cago nnd n visit nt different points iu Iowa,
When in tlio Windy City Frnnk "did" the
theatres nnd ho thinks "A Straight Tip" by
Towers 0110 of tlio funniest farces he over
MInj Mnudo Williams, who as Fait It Gntce
In "A HniM Monkey," inndo such n marked
Impression nt tlio Funko Weilnetdny oveiilng
by her very vuM-rtor vocnl iicoonipllsliinentH
and graceful net lug found n frieml iu this
city in tlio person of II. J. Hnll, who is inti
mately ncqunlnted with tlio young lndy'H
family In lloslou.
H. W. Ilurnhiiui, A. C. leuier nrd other
lwnl cnpltnllHtM have Inlereited themoelvcs
In n now down draught Atovo, tlio timnufnct
urn of which hns nlrendy commenced in this
city, Tlio now Move consumes both stuokp
nnd gns, nnd Is snld to tnko less tlian hnlf the
ninouut of conl irpilred by ordinary sloven.
All who have seen It pronounce it 11 lilg
A most successful fnlr wns given by tlio
Indies nt tlio Holy Trinity church this wrok
under tho iisiiiu of tlio "Festival of Dnys" at
Teniplo hnll. The hnll wns very prettily nr
rdiiRiMl nnd presented n most nttrnqtivo np
ienrniico. There were tnsty IkhiIIis, pre
sided over by Indies, nt which nil kinds of
fancy articles were sold, and tho lestaurant
did n very sntlsfnctoi-y lnnliu. Tho festl
vnl closed Inst evening.
Complnlnts occnsloanlly reach this ofllco
regai ding Irregular delivery of TiirCouu
IKIU Such complnlnts nro carefully looked
up nnd examined, but In ninny enses subscrib
ers thnt do not get the pnier on time, never
roporttho fact to tho olllco nnd consequently
wo hnvo 110 menus of knowing the fault and
cannot mako n change. It Is our iiurpoxo to
ImvoTilK Couuikii nt your door on Satur
day nnd It it loaches you later or Irregularly
wo will thank you to stop in nnd Inform us
or send notice of snuiooii 11 xmtnl card.
U'natlier 1'riilnililtltlrs Cor November unit
Indications (tolnt to cold, frosty wenther.
That however, will make 110 dllfereneo to
those who travel on tho steam-heated electric-lighted
limited vostlhulcd trains' winch
nro run only by tho Chicago, Milwaukee fc
St. 1'nul Ilnllwny Imtwoen Omaha nnd Clil
cngo. Tills elegant train leaves Oinnhn nt
(lit!) p. m., arriving hi Clilcngo nt Uillu n. 111.,
In time to mnko nil enstcin connections. For
further Information apply to your nearest
ticket agent.
F. A, Nahh, (leneral Agent,
I.Mll Fnrnnm street, Omahn.
W.H. How'Ki.b, Trnvollng Frelglit nnd l'ns-
neuger ngetit. I-1-U1.
"Is this tho liest?" Is 11 quest Inn often
nsked when medlclno Is wnnted. Tho'follow
lug nro n fow of tho mcdlolno-i of known ro
llnblllty sold by A. L. Blinder, druggist of
his plneo. Thoy hnvo ninny other excellent
medicines, but tlicso nro worthy of sieclnl
for Its euro of severe colds, mid ns 11 preven
tative for croup, l'rlce W) cents jier tiottlo.
Ciiamiikiu.ain'h I'ai.v, n genoiat
family liniment mid cseclnlly valuablo for
rheumatism, l'rlce BO cents H'r liottlo.
DlAlllllloKA ltKMKDV, tho most reliable
'ciiown iiumIIcIiio for bowel complaints. It Is
especlnlly prized by persons subject to colic.
It hns cured tunny enses of chronic diarrhoea
Prlco li' nnd BO cents Hr liottle.
St. 1'atiuck'h Vium, for dlsoidurM of the
liver mid bowels. A vigorous but gentle
physic that cleanses nnd leuovutes tho whole
system, rrloo ii." conta jwr box.
Lincoln Heine & KnnsusClty. Through
Sleepers nnd Parlor Cnrs.
Tho day of transfer, changes and delays
between Lincoln, St. Joe nnd Kansas City Is
over, tlio II. K AI. Having placed iu service a
lino of combination sleepers mid parloi chair
cnrs that lor convenience, e)cganco;ind com
fort mirpnsx anything heretofoiorun lietween
these iHilnts. The present scheduly is ns fol
lows: Ia-uvo Lincoln, 8:!i() p. m. dally, nrrive
In St, J(H). 1:7 a. in., Kuusis City 7:50 11. 111.;
returning, leno Kansas City U:IS p. in. dally,
St. Joe 11:45 p. in., nrrive nt Lincoln 7:00
p. 111.
TlKNotrntiis run vh Ueatiice, Wyuiore unit
Tuhlo Hock mid mnko close connections ut
terminal points. Thovervico is teally tvxcel
lent nud wo can recommend it w llh much
coulldence. Fin ther Information can bo ob
tnlned nt union iIcih)'. or city olllco comer O
mid Tenth streets.
A. C Zikmkii,
City l'nssenger mid Ticket Agent.
Doctors Ilniioy & Ooodoll, olllco 1I7 L
street. Telephone, 017.
K. It. Outhrio hni addoil n saddle manu
factory deMirtliient to his carriage establish
ment and Is now preiHtird eo supiilv nny and
nil kinds of harness or saddlery goods, just us
you want lt,on Klimt notice mid on'lnoxt ica-
sonatile teiins. You know tho nuiuUir, 1M0
u street.
Itrown's now hrnnch restnurnnt. HI8 O
Ktreet, is doing a Inrgo business, mid jKirsons
in 1110 east part 01 the city ure(olecongiatu
Intod on having so nlco nnd convenient a
place to dine nt.
fl. A. It. Hooks Very Clirnn.
Tlio Weasel Printing Co. hns 8trtTnl copies
of Col. Hobert H. Henl's well known history
of the Ornnd Army of tho Republic in flnu
bindings which it will sell nt :i.00 per vol
umn. Original iirlce, sold onlv 011 sulixcrln
tluu, nt fB.OO, Tlici-e books nro fully illus
trated nud complete In every detail. Call
and fee them.
Some very nlco mid new things in hnlr
ornaments nro now being shoWn nt Miss
Johnston's, 1114 O street. Some elegant nov
elties for evening wear. Call mid see them.
Wedding enko Iwxes, nil stybs, Wessel
Printing Co.
Southern. Tours.
Tlio Union Pad lie system has Iu connection
with Its nil the year round tourist rates to
Ogden, Salt Lake nnd l'acille count points,
placed 011 salo winter excursion tickets at low
rates to all Southern resorts in North mid
South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Louis
lana, Florida, Toxns, Mexico mid to llnvnun
Cuba. For rn 03 nnd particulars npply to
1014 O stieet, or Union Doot.
K. It. Bi.oshon,
City Ticket Agent.
lliirllngton Iloute l'litylng Curds.
I now have n largo stock of these playing
cards, which are bold nt tho low rnto of ten
cents a pack (not one-quarter the price usu
ally paid fot such oirds), Cnll In mid get u
dozon jweks, they nro Just the thing for your
euchro, whist and high tlvo pnrtios this win
ter. A. O. Zikmku, 0. Pi fi T. A.
Aprouilnent physlcinn nnd old nrmy sur
giou hi eastern Iown, wns cnllel away fram
I101110 for a few days; during Ills absence one
of the children contracted a seveio cold nnd
his wlfo bought a bottlo of Ulmmberlnlir
Oough Ilomisly for It. They were so much
pleased with the remedy that they nfterwnrds
uwsl several Isittles nt various times. Ho
said, from Ids ex)erieuco with It, ho regards
It nt tho most lelinblo pieHirntlon hi use for
colds and that Itcmiio the nearest being n
iecllla of nny misllclno ho had eve- seen.
For mlo by A. L Blinder.
Only place iu Lincoln thnt uses mineral
water iu Imths Is at 1010 O stnvt.
R Low Itiillrond Itntrs Tor Hie llotlilujx.
The Mlotnl Pii'lflc ltnllwny greets nil Ha
fl lei ds with 11 wish for the Merry Clulstinna
ninl tho Hnppy New Year, nnd tnkes plens
uio Iu otrering greatly n si need round tiip
rates to enable tliem to visit their f rli.inly nt
uny K)lnt 011 this road, and over 'JOO miles
dlstmicn, Tickets nroon snlo DecemlHir Sltli,
.plli and iiist nuil Jniiunr 1st. good to re
turn until January 101 Ii. For tickets mid nil
fill ther Information, apply to jour locnl
ticket 11 gent.
The Lincoln Btentu Intmdry hnviuir re
cently changed hands nnd undergone many
impiovomciits is now better than ever pro
pai cd to execute work hi tho very liest man
ner, promptly mid nt jmpulnr prices. Mr.
a. uny tlio new proprietor Ims adopted 11
now nnd Improved process for washing nud
hmidllng gat incuts, by which no blencli'inr
or injurious materials nro used; tho lluest
fabrics such as silks, laces, lloinicos, Hnunels
or cotton goods nro Inmidrled Iu first class
manner, without tho least damage. One trin
will convince tho ui'mt skentlcal that the Liu
coin Steam Laundry does tho finest work in
tho city All goods culled for nnd delivered.
Telephone IW.
II. P. Bherwln, Mill O street, hns n present
for overy 0110 of his customeis thnt cannot
fall to In) appreciated, ilo will give to every
customer n lino crnvon (ilctuio made from
nny photo thnt Is denned nnd it will not cost
you n cent. Cnll In nt his drug nnd shoo
store and see how It is done 11124 O street.
For lnqiorteil mid Domestic Wines nud
I.lquom for family trade, call on Iiuls A.
Ksclisky, 1.13 North Tenth street.
Htltton's new grocery, 1110 O street.
Everything fresh. Canned goods of nil
kinds. Host brands of Hour M hint ot high
(intent. Uoots ilellveitd. Neatest grocery
III tho city, (llvo him n call. HlOOstieeU
Miss C. J. Olillmetto, lnixllste, second Door
ICxiosltiou building. Tnko elevator.
Ladles Cork Hole Turned Shoes.
nro ns ensy to tho foot ns any timid turned.
iio wnrm, dry nud coiuuutuhle. Tiy a
pair. To bo touud only nt
YYKllHTEll & HOdKllS,
Lending Shoo Dealers
An elegant Keiumquo proof etching, nlco
ly framed, only fO at Cinucer's, I'J South
Kloventh strott.
Klectrlc Light, White Wings mid Minne
sota High Patent, three of tho licit brands of
flour over offered In Lincoln mo now sold ex
cluslvely nt HilttonV new grocery, 1410 O
street. Cull mid seo some mid get pi ices, or
telephone 780 for n trin! sack. The "High
Patent" is the finest Hour In the mnrket mid
a trial will so convince every lover of good
The Success of "The Centur mid Its
l'liilis for 18111.
TllK Ckntuhy MaoazinkIsho wellkuonn
thnt totoll of Its wet sneceso seouij almost 1111
old story. TI10N. V. Trlmtie hns sold that ft
nud Its companion. St. Mclwlds for l'muiu
t'olht, issuetl by tho suine house, "ure read by
overy one person Iu tlilrtv of tlio country's
ioiiiiatiou," mm inrgo editions or ooin arc
sent beyond tho seas It Nun luterestliiK Tact
that u lewryemsugo It was round that seven
thousands copies of The Centimi went to (Scot
land, unite 11 respectable edition Iu Itself.
The question In KiiKlmid Is no longer "Who
reads an American book?" but "Who docs not
see the American uiagalnes?"
A few ears ago Xie Oiiltin about doubled
Its circulation with the ruinous War Papers,
by (lenerul (Iriiut and others, mid I lit: many
inon'reailerH later with tho Lincoln History
nud Koniimi's thrilling nillcleson tho Hllier
Ian i:xllo Mystcin. Ono great featuie of 1MII Is
to ho
describing Hint remarkable iiioctiicnt to the
gold Ileitis Iu MH, In a koi ies or richly Illustra
ted articles u-rtfnru fitsiurlrois, Inclndiiiir the
iiiirratlveortuen who went to California by
thodlllerent routes, accounts of tho cold dis
coveries, life In the mines, tho work or tho
vigilance committees (by ihochalrninn or tho
committees) etc.. etc. (Icnernl Freinonl's
last writing wasdonx for this scries, In Nov
ember appears the oenlng article, "Tho First
Kmigrnut Train to I'allfornla." crossing hu
Itoekles In 1HII, by (leneral llldwell, 11 pion
eer of pioneers. Thousands or American fam
ilies who had some relative or rileud among
"tlio Argonauts or '19" will Ik Interested in
these iniers.
MANY O I'll Kit (lOOIl TlllNdS AUK Co MI. NO,
tho narralUo or an American's travels
through thai unknown land Tibet (for7ll
miles oer ground never before tnxl bv a
while man); the experiences of escaping War
Prisoners; American Newspapers described
by well-known Journalists; accounts or tho
great Indian Fighters, Custer mid others; per
sonal anecdotes of Lincoln, by Ills private sec
retaries; "I ho Fultli Doctor," a novel by Kd.
ward Kgeleston. with u wondonullv rich nro-
Kraiutuoof novelettes and stories by most or
iiiojtHuiug wriiers.cic, eic.
It is also announced that Tilt Century
has purchased the right to print, before Its
appearance In Franco or nny other country,
extracts from advance sheets 01 the famous
Talleyrand Memoirs, which hao been secret
ly preserved for hair a century to ho llrst
given to tho world through the pages or an
American iiingii.lni). All Kuropo Is eiuorly
awaiting tlio publication or this personal his
tory or lalleynind greatest or lutrlgucrsuud
Tho Novi mbor CVnttin begins the volume,
and now subscribers should coinmonco with
that Issue Tho subscription price ($1.00) may
lio remitted directly to tho publishers, Tho
Century Co., .) Kast 17th Ht., New York, or
Ingles copies may Ik- purchased of any news
dealer. Tho publishers otter to send a free
samnlocopyu recent back number to any
ono desiring It.
eLis e0xK
Mrs. Graham's
Flower Cream.
Is not 11 cosmetic hut ermunontly henutl
(Us. It creates 11 soft, velvety sklu, nuil by
dully use irruilually makes tho complexion
several similes whiter. It Is n coustuut pro
tection from tho ellects of sun unit wlml nud
prevents sun bum and freckles, anil tilaoR
heiuls will never come while von use It. It
cleanse tho face fur belter than soap nnilwuter
iiourshesanu niiiius iiptuu skin iiksucs unci
thus pruvents tlio forinntlon of wrinkles. It
kIch the freshness, elenruess unit smoothness
of sklu t tin t you hint when it little Ktrl, P.very
huly, youiiK oroliloiiitht touso It, us It kIvcs
11 more youthful appearance to any laity, anil
that permanently. It eonstans iioauhl, hiv
tier or alkull, nud Is as harmless as dew ami as
nourlshlmt to the skin as iluw Is to the (lower,
1'rleti, ut Dnmitlsts uud ut Mrs. M. T.
Patterson's establishment, lltl South lltli st .
Lincoln, Neb., where she tieals Indices for nil
blemishes to face or IlKure. (.miles nt u ills
tuiiee tiiHted by letter Heud stamp for her
Utile book "How 10 lie llenutlful."
ft ''rT'ix
f jix 7
New Goods and
New Styles
For Fall.
Don't be Tardy
The Best
Will be Picked
WALNUT IllockondNut
IOWA Illock and Nut
KANSAS Illock nnd Nut
Our selection of Holiday goods
and our Prices of the same beat
anything offered in this market.
Call and investigate.
1 : 18-20 N Street
Olir Qf1frtirHi of T-Tr1L1otr irr-r1t? IV
. .. i v,..v..v wwv.o 1
II ou arc playing cards, the next tiling to hating plenty of trumps is to know how
to piny them. A single mistake may loose you the game. It is the same with other
things in life. There is no necccssity for making a mistake if you arc looking for
furn'ture. Wc make our purchases in such large ciiantitiu6 that we nrc in n position
to rctnll our large supply ol nil kinds of Furniture at only n shade above wnolcsnle
prices. If you really want to play a winning card, cnll nnd make selections from our
liolidnv season stock.
This is the Season of the year when
when Competition is Close and Everybody has the
best. Then is the time to go direct to Headquarters.
You need a supply for the Winter and as now is the
time to buy, why not call on
and see their line and get prices. There you can get
ihe pure article direct from America's greatest mines
noted for their purity and excellent quality.
Call up Phone 440.
Fall and Winter
Carpets and Draperies,
1112 0 St Telephone 219.
Chrlstiiiiis to do
iiii-iiniiru in nun,,
Fall Overcoats
and Suits !
Lots of them, Beautiful Patterns and
Elegantly Made.
First coiners will pick the ripest plums
remember that, $12 to $25; hardly a
clear way to tell you, but those are about
the extremes.
m A T
You can pleasantly answer that favor
ite: "Where did you get that Hat?"
When you've bought ours and saved an
extra dollar.
A. Hurlbut & Co.
Cor. 10th and P Sts., Lincoln.
I will Sell One Ton
Pennsylvania - Anthracite
At the Yard for $9.60.
M. L. Trester.
Office 1045 O Street.
this, hut heijln now. Yon will llud by o.xunilulhK
iiiu Mini iil'iiuiiu villi ii, nuii-ui. ifiin I
V I nirfl Now l tho tlmo to paint n Christum Present for
I A 1 1 1 H X yimr friends. Mine. i:. Vnuinis' e.xipilslto line of
fllllJU r'lowor Ktuilios mo now shown ut basement, not N
I ulr.Mit Tln.v urn lllyt tin lliluir ti trlv.t .,n
I i What to l'nliit. Milton M. I.yon Is hi clinrne, ami will take
MJ nlcasnre Iu shOMlni! anil helnlnif von to soleul. Ilnn'l wnlt for
".n imneeiieiii liiiiKceui iviiik Ariiuir s Loun, uy .Miirn j wuiu
thnt It will iiiuko u splendid Clirlstuius Present for youiiK or old Call
and seo It, You will hu convinced.
THE? GOTHAM, Nows ISmporlum,
M. M. I.YON, Proprietor.
Ilasemciit Itooui, 1101 N Ktieet. MN'COIiN, NK1I.
.jsL .is.