Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 29, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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Strictly Pure and the
Largest and Finest Line
In the City, at
1307 O STREET.
3P Wc make ft specialty of entering lee
Crcntn nml Fruit Ices for Halls, Parties,
Weddings, etc., nml can serve tlictn In the
brick or by the quart on short notice at
reasonable prices. Fancy Cakes of all
kinds made to order. Telephone orders
receive prompt attention. Call up 501.
The Bond!
European or American Plan !
Finkst Suites in the City
This beautiful new house is now under
new management. All the latest conven
iences, iticli as bath rooms on every floor,
passenger elevator and superb service.
Table Unsurpassed !
Street Cars to all l)cot8 pass the door
Cor. 12th and Q Sts.
Madame A. Ruppert
World Renowned
Complexion Remedies
For Removal of all Skin Blemishes.
Sold by
Mrs. E. C. Rewick, Agent
1411 G Street, Or,
Foreman & Crowe,
114 South 12th St.
tmto Batloiital
Lincoln, : Nebraska.
Capital, - $250,000
Officers mnl Directors:
Joint II. WrlKlit, l'res. T. K. Sanders, V.-P-
J. II. McClay, Cashier.
A 8 ltiiymoml, II I I.nti. Thos Cochran K
It Wiser, Chas West, V L Sheldon.
General Hanking Business Transacted.
Accounts Solicited,
Dr. Alma J. Coe,
Office, 1704 M Street; LINCOLN, NEB,
Clironlu ami neute diseases of women unit
children. Will ho at Opells Hotel Wedncs
day and Thursday of eneh week. Will treat
dllllciiU and complicated eases sent to the
Ollice Hours: 8 to 12 a. m.,2 to 7 p. in.
Trance Medium,
And Clairvoyant,
Can be Consulted in all Affairs of Life.
HI South Twelfth Ht ltoom 1, ZchruiiK
It Is ustoulshtiiK with what siieeess Mrs. Dr.
Eddy Is meetliiK. Her rooms nro always
crowded. A ureal many business people are
testing her ability as u InishieHS adviser and
own themselves both uiyKtllted and satisfied
with the results. Call 011 tills wonderltll me
dium and bo eimvlneed. Ity her advice she
guarantees ucccs In business ami all nirairs
fllfe. Send Htanii for Illustrated circular.
Icrome, tlm r.nulUtt I'tittwrlKht itml
Humorist An Apostle nf llmlilliliini, n
Newspaper Woman nml it Modern Mniilit
Crlsto Ii. Washburn's I'lim.
.teroine K. Jerome Un native Londoner,
no yearn old mid quite 11 new and dar..llutf
light In Hstht literature, and IiIn specialty
' to say t liiiiK which almost every ouu lie-
Ji:it()Mi: K. JKIIOMK.
IIovoh and every ouu else In afraid to Hny.
Tills extract from a preface to mm of his
recent wurkH Is droll, but far more, trim
than droll.
Other works inny excel this In depth of thought
find knowledge, ot human nature, other Umus
limy rival it In originality midsize; hut for he,s
lens mid liiciirnlili) veracity nnthhiK jet discov
ered can surpass It,
That is true of all his works, but they
are tin humorous n.s they lire truthful, mid
perfectly free- from vulgarity. Ho Is it ren
ular HimiHlier of the old copybook maxims
of Hoody-good sentiment; ho knows by ex
perience that poverty Is not favorable to
Krnco or held in honor; that people do
Juilgu by nppearanceH, and in the very unt
il re of things cannot juilj;u by nn. tiling
else; that eontentmeut Is it vice about as
often ah it is n virtue, and that people
ought not to lie content wit h any coudit Ion
that Is capable of improvement. He says
all this, nml says It well, and so the icadc
feels all the time us If ho had met a dear
friend who Is able, to exprusH tint reader's
private thounlits and show their renson
ablenesfl. When ho was 18 yearn old ho decided to
liccoinu an actor, but after two years' trial
turned to lx a school teacher; while in that,
line ho learned shorthand, ami soon lie
ciuno a reporter, then it journalist and
dually an author. All these experieucen
tcapiH'ar in Ids works with eliarminK fresh
ncss. Ills first drama, entitled "II trbara,"
was a (treat Htiecess, and he hits produced
several mot o. His hook about life 011 tlm
stage and Ids account of it trip up the
Thames "Three Men in a llont" are bis
lMst known and their Hate Is enormous.
His plays halt) also proved iuiteprolltable,
"The Maistcr of Woodbnrrow" alone iv
lliK hhn ' profit of fl'.'.OOOj so he has been
translated rather rapidly fiom poverty to
Aro you occult? Do you thrill with tlm
wave-Impulses of thu world-soul? Do you
long for the light of the esoteric? If you
do you will read with pleasure the experi
ence of Huron Hntdcu-Hickcy. And here
it is brlelly:
Huron Harden Illckey Is a Ficnchmun
and it loyalist, and he was a Catholic. Ho
is now much talked of in certain circles 11s
being the last noted couvcrtto Huddhism
or Hoodhlsmspell it ius you please, for It's
nil the same in Hindoostatiee. The main
reason why the world Is Interested in him
and Mine. Hlavutsky and Col. Olcott and
Edwin Arnold and so many more arises
out of the curious fact that thu HuddhlstH
claim to bo converting more pmpht from
among Chrii.tlans limn thu missionaries
are gaining irom the HuddhistH.
The western people who turn HuddhlstH
do not of course take up with all the non
sense believed by the ignorant classes In
China, Japau and India; they simply take
the philosophy of (iiiutamit and it sort of
higher course which they call "Esoteric
Huddhism." As there may be a few read
ers not familiar with Greek it is well to
add that "esoteric" literally means "far
ther In," the general phrase indicating n
secret or superior knowledge of Huddlilsui,
Huron Harden Welti' recently gave his
experience to a New York reporter thus:
"I lost faith in Christianity mil liccanie
an agnostic, but was not satisfied with it.
I went to India for some mouths, studied
Sanscrit, and thus liegan to see the moral
benuty of the teachings of Huddha, or
more propel ly Gautama. Here was 11 man
who Hied (KX) years before Christ, and yet
formulated the very highest code of mor
als. Mm.y people must have a visible,
tangible religion, and ho many ho called
Buddhists merely worship Gautama's
image. Hut about true Huddhism there is
inthln m.tstical, nothing is to bu re
el veil on Inlth, and thu Inquirer is warned
" 1
I it the starl to believo nothing except an
, '-eason compel belief.
I "Tim life of Christ parallels that of Gau
tama because HuddliM missionaries taught
It) Palestine. The Jewish sect of t ho Esse-
' nes combined Judaism and liuddhlsin.
J John thu llnptlst was an Esseue, and .lusua
Imbibed some of thu doctrines." This and
I much more thu baron said. II y the way.
he Is Irish instead of French, his family
Is'lnu from one of the old ellcs who lied
Ui France. Ih watt burn In KM, educated
in the college of tlm.lcMlIK has been sol
dier, editor and author, and 1m for the pies
cut an ootcrlf lluihlhlst
The most versiiille mid perlinps the most
conspicuous journalist In Paris at piesent
Is a ivouutu. Amu socialistic philosopher her
slgnntuie Is .Incipillltic, and as a mjstle so
cialist It is lleuee, while as a rcxnltitlotmry
socialist she signs her true uniuc, Mute.
Seierlne Shu wrote an article against
Uonlauglstn a few days ago, which when
published In Oil Hlas promptly brought it
challenge, and one of her fellow editor
volunteered to light It for hel.
Like most famous French women she In
extremely fond of pets, and has a queer
sort of library In which four dogs are her
only companions. She makes a certain
round In the poor quartern every day, aid
lug the most distressed and pointing out
methods of Improvement to the other.
She Is a radical socialist, hut does not be
lieve In Inciting the poorer people to rash
deeds. Altogether she seems to have h
great deal more practical setise than t lie or
dinary Fiench socialist of till male sex.
Paris has a new sensation In the persons
of M. and Mine. Mlchaell da Fresue, who
have the lluest turnout In the Hols de
Hotilogue, wear line diamonds, have the
lluest place at the (iraud Opera, and live
In the best of style, but do not condescend
to nssoclato with others, and are there fort)
hated and suspected. I In In sxkcu of as 11
second Mouto Crlsto, and It Is alleged,
among other things, that he gained his
wealth by murdering an Englishman In
Mexico, by heading a robber baud, by
"cleaning out a luuk," by burning ships
to recover the insurance, etc.
In fact he has had a very romantic
though not it criminal career. Ho is a
nephew of the famous Mine. Hecamler, and
in IBIS went as an attache of the minister
to Constantinople, where ho remained and
attained to very high honors and wealth,
lmlng been secretary to twograutl vlzlem.
Heturniug recently to Paris lie took olVeuse
at society, and it Is said that no French
man above the rank of servant has ever
entered his doors. It is not the thing to
do in Paris, and he Is hated accordingly.
Mrs. Olive Washburn is founding a colo
ny near Kan Jose, Oil., which is to be un
der the exclilslvedirectiou of tlm "spirits,"
and communistic of course. In business
matters the "spirits" generally run that
way. She Is better fixed for the Hcheme,
however, than communists generally are,
for she has plenty of money and I.TUdacres
of the lluest laud In California, well irri
gated and favorably located. Sim is hav
ing dwellings built for her colony, and
will of cou r-e have no dllllculty in lind
ing plenty of volunteers to occupy them.
A New Lender of the A I iiienliin.
The long continued persecutions of the
Armenian Christians has at last borne
fruit In a movement that may lead ton
formidable uprising against oppression by
the millions of this ancient race now under
the dominion of the sultan. Outside of
Russia, where nameless horrors are re
ported of the czar's despotic representa
tives, there is probably no spot on the
earth so sadly marked with man's inhu
manity to man as the little region lying
within the Turkish 'limit that is peopled
by Armenians. The Armenian Christians
nro an independent church heretical both
to Humanists and to Greeks. They claim
to live In the original Eden, that ouu of the
seventy founded their church, and that the
Armenian faith Is the unadulterated olf
Hpring of tlm early church ot Christ.
The patriarch of Constantinople is the
civil ruler nf thu Turkish Armenians and
ranks witli the paslias of thu empire. He
aiso directs all of the Armenian churches
in Turkey. The present patriarch, Khoren
Aschikiau, has recently declared himself
more Armenian than Turk in sympathy,
although his position Is due to tlm suf
frngesof the Turkish nobility. When his
people, goaded by cruelties, arose in relsdl
Ion the patriarch took Hides with them
and went personally to the palace of the
sultan to demand that the )ierscf utiims
complained of should cease, otherwise hu
proposed to resign his ollice and close all
the Armenian churches in Turkey. When
matters reach that extreme in Armenia it
Is believed 1 hat thu mass of the population
will' openly revolt from Turkish rule, and
the end cannot lie foreseen.
DeereiiMcd In ropiiliitliiii.
Vermont and Nevada have lost Kipula
tlon hIiico 1RHO the only states that have
done ho the llrwt 81 and the second 17,lKfi).
ThtiH M-t In Juxtupositlou thu tun facts are
no ama.lug that comment is Miperlluous.
Nevada has never had ha, the population
of an average congressional dMrict and
now has less than a fourth, its population
Tim Mirprislng statement is made in
some iiiarterft tluit thu recent excitement
among various Indian tribe about "a new
Messiah" is due to thu teachings cf uti
eastern lady. Her language was mlsluter
pieted, nml the Indians got the idea that a
"big Inluti" wiii to firUu and drlvu out
hu .l.le.,.
Weather I'lolmhllltlrs for Niueinher mid
Indications point to cold, frosty weather.
That hrmcvur, will make no dlllYrchco to
thiiiewhn travel on tlm steam heated dec
ide lighted limited vestlbuled ttnlus which
ate inn only by the Chicago, Milwaukee .V
Ht. Paul Hallway between Omaha and Chi
eago This elegant train leaves Omahit at
11:10 p. 111., arilvlug In Chicago at H.iitl a in.,
In time to make all canton couuis'tlnus. For
further Information apply to your nearest
ticket agent.
F. A. Nahii, General Agent,
loOt Piiruam utrcct, Omaha.
W.H. llowKl.l., Traveling Freight and I'iw
wnger ngeut, 1-1 HI.
"Is this the best)" Is a question often
nuked when medicine Is wanted. The follow
In", are a few of tlm incdlcluiw of know 11 re
liability sold by A. L. Winder, ill ugglst of
Ills plnen. They have many oilier excellent
medicines, but these me w 01 thy of special
for Its cure of severe colds, and an 11 preven.
tatlto for eioup. Price M cents per Isittle.
Ciiamiikiii.ain'h Pain Hai.m, a genet al
family liniment mid ciqieclally valuable for
rheumatism. Price Ml cents it Isittle,
DlAllltllllKA llKMKDY, tlm most reliable
'(now 11 medicine tor bowel complaint. It Is
cspeelMly prl.ed by persons milijts.t to colic.
It has cured many cases of chronic dlnrilmcn
Price li and Ml eenU sr 1 Kittle.
Ht. Patuick'h I'ii.I.h, for disorders of tlm
liver and bowels. A vigorous but gentle
physic that cleanses and renovates the whole
system. Pi leu 'Si cents Hr box.
The Lincoln Hteani biiindry having re
cently changed hands and uudergoue many
Improvements Is now I letter than ever pre
pared to exiMjute work In the very best man
ner, promptly and at popular prices. Mr.
A. V. Day the new proprietor has adopted 11
new mnl linpioved pioccss for washing and
handling garments, by which no blencli'ng
or Injurious materials are used; tlm lluest
fabrics such as silks, laces, llouuces, llaimely
or cotton gixuli nre lauudriist In llrst class
luauner, without tlm leastdamage. One tria
will convince thu umst skeptical that tlm I, In
coin Hteain Laundry does the lluest work In
the city All good called for and delivered,
Telephone (!'..
Ladles will llud Miss Johnston 1111 accomp
lished artiste In liaircuttlug, bang trimming,
hair ill eKsliig, ute. Call and see her, 111 10
II, P Hherwln, 1 112 1 O stieet, has a present
for every one of his custoinois that cannot
fail to ls appns;laUsl. He will give to every
customer a line craven picture made from
any photo that Isdesuisl and it will not cost
you a cent. Call In at his drug and slum
store and see how It Is done 1121 O stieet.
The best !ii cent Cashmere Hose In tlm city
fori lilies, misses and cliiliheli at J. II.
Mauritius & CoV.
Miss C.J. Gulhuette, modiste, second Moor'
Exposition building. Take elevator.
Ladles Cork Sole Turned Nlioes.
are as easy to the feel as any hand turned.
Are warm, dry and computable. Try a
xilr. To be found only at
Wkiihtkk t ItnoKUH,
. 1eiidlllg Hhoo Dealers
Hoiithern Tours,
The Union I'liciHc system has In connection
with Its all the year round toiuist rates to
Ogdeu, Halt l.nke and 1'acille coast points,
placislou sale winter excursion tickets allow
rates to all Koiitheru niMirts in North and
H.iilth Carolina, Alabama, (leorgla, lmls
lana, Florida, Texas, Mexico and to Havana
Cuba. For ra in and pai Menhirs apply to
KM I O stieet, or Union l)eKit.
K. II. Hi.oshon.
City Ticket Agent.
lliirlliiKtuii lloiite I'lii lug thirds.
I now have a large stock of Ihesn playing
cards, which are Mild at the low rate of ten
cents a pack (not one-ipiurter the price usu
ally paid for such curds), ('all in and get a
ilfi7j,n miniit tlinv fir,, IiimI. tin, thlnir fur vour
"- ,---, ''j j....- - - 0 ,,
euchre, whist and high live parties this win
ter. A. O. XiKMKit, V. V. ft T. A.
(1. A. 11. Hooks Very Cheap.
The Wi-sm'I Printing Co. has several eoplen
of Col. Hols-rt U. lleal's well known history
of the Orauil Army of the He public in line
bindings which it will sell at :).00 pervert
mini. Original price, wild only on suls-crlp-tlon,
at 5.00. Theke IsMiks me fully Illus
trated mid complete In every detail. Call
and M'o them.
The Success ul" "The Oiitiir mnl Its
I'laiis 1HIM.
Thk Ckntuuv Is so wellknowu
thaltotelloflts pint success seems almost an
old story. ThcN. V. Trlaine has said that It
and Its companion, .St. NtehnUl fur 1'nuiiy
I'tilkt, Issued by the siiine house, "are lead Ity
every ouu person In thirty of the country's
population," and larise editions of Isith are
sent tivyond the sens It Is an Intcrcstlne fact
that a few yeuiHiiKO It was round that seven
thousands copies of The Ctnturu went to ticot
hilid, quite it resK-clahle edition III Itself.
The ilestlon In KukIiiiiiI Is no lunger "W ho
reads an American hook?" hut "Who does not
see the American imiKiiy.lnes?"
A few years iiko The Ventuni ahout douhlisl
Its circulation with the famous War Papers,
hy General (Irani and others, adding many
more readers laler with tlm Lincoln Illstmy
and Kennau's ihrllllng articlesiiu thu Hllter
Inn Kxllu Hy stem. One great mature of IHlll Is
to he
"I UK llOI.ll llt'.NTKHH OK CAM KOUI A,"
descrllilng that reiuarkahle movement to the
uold llvlds In 'I!, In a scries of richly Illustra
ted articles trrilltn tiyiuivtvtm, Ineludlmr the
narrative of men who went to California hv
tlie dlll'erent routes, accounts of the mild dis
coveries, life In the mines, the work of the
vhdlaiicc commit lees ihy the chairman of the
comuilttecsj etc.. etc. (leueral Fremont's
last wrltliiK was done forthls series. In Nov
einher appi-ars the opeiilnu article, "The Klrsl
Knilurnut Train to California." croMdnj; thu
ltocklCM In sll, hy (leneral llhlwell, a jilon
eer of pioneers. TIiousiiuiIh of American fam
ilies who had some relative or friend iiuiouk
"the ArKoniiutsof 'ID" will ha Interested In
these piiierh.
the narriitlNO of an American's iniNels
throiiKh thai unknown land Tlhet (liirTKl
miles over ground iiumt I h' fore trod hv a
while many; the experiences of cseiiplni; war
Prisoners; American Newspapers dchcrlhcd
hy well-known Journalists; accounts of the
Krcat Indian FUhters, Custer and others; per
sonal anecdotes of Lincoln, hy his prlwito sec
retaries; "The Knlth HiMtor," a novrl hy 1M.
ward KKKlestnu, with it wonderiully rich pro
Kraiumeiif novelettes ami stories by most of
the lending writers, etc., etc.
It Is also anuounceil that The CtnUtry
has purchased the rltiht lo print, lie fore Its
appearance In France or any other country,
extracts from adxiinee sheets ul the famous
Talleyrand .Memoirs, which IniNe heen secret.
ly preservisl for half it centur) to he llrst
kImiii to the world thruiis'li the panes of an
American niiiniiliie. All Kuroe Is eiiiterly
iiw'iillliu; Die piilillcalloii of this personal his
tory of I alleyrand greatest of Intriguers and
The NowiiiIm'I' Ctntuni healns the Milume,
and new sulnx-rlhers shouhi comniouee Willi
that Issue The subscription price (ll.H0) may
be icmltted illrectl) lo the publishers. The
Century Co., .ii Kat I7ih wi New York, m
Inulct cniih-M may be purchased of any news,
dealer. I be publishers oiler to send it free
sample cop a recent back number-to any
onedeslrlm: II.
, jri vlfi2iV ill
If you Buy your Stoves o, KRUSE & WHITE, 1210 0 Street,
Ati tXC'MAS717i AdhW''S FOR
Red Cross Stoves and Ranges
ueANAiVhui riin.M.
Full Stock of Builder's Hardware.
Cicncral Job Tin Work promptly, attended to and at
Reasonable Prices.
1 " k .IjIHIh IBB 9V
r-p VAK flnt "i
The Choicest line of Perfumes. D. M. FerryV Finest
Flower ant1 Garden Seeds.
127 South Eleventh Street.
:6. T"-'' 7 il'''-iinwirg'r-S-:aj
V." .,
-&m -' V iT,'5RS
.iHHIA. - r. c .
PSfrT.-.BJIrSlfcs-' U.. ."V 1
sFHltllilnfiL -
& WKmftWMummuMMmtoZLt
1H1 llilnSSiluWH
iWf1lf IHIII'UiJHl 1 1
Notary Public and Real Estate Dealer in City and Farm Property
North (jerman-Lloyd Steamship Co.,
Hamburg-American Packet Co., and Baltic Lines.
AJmi Railroad Acnt (or the Different Companies Ivaht and Went.
Southampton. Havre, Hamburg, Stct'cn, London, Paris, Norway, IMmotith, llremct.,
Sweden, and any point in Kuropo.
I'ost Orders and Foreign Exchange
market price. Cull mid see me or CorrcsHind
L. MEYER, 108
llavlnir htrKe facilities east with Iho liliiRest Hanks and Havings InslMutlons, 1 am pro
iiared to make all kinds of Loans on First Ileal Kktate MortKiiKcs, (Ity or Kami Property,
Irom I to () ears, nt the low est Interest. 1 also ileal InKchool bonds, Slate, County and City
Warrants, also In Stale. Couiitv and City Certllled Clulms, and Will iilwiiis imv thu blirlKut
Ensign's Bus, Carriage and
si a. iitiT. at.
Hacks, Coupes, Landaus and Carriages
Wuhavu a Hack In walliui;iit our olllceat all hours, day or nUht, ami calls ellhor
hy Telepliono or In person are Immeillately answered SHclal arrauKeiuvats for suburbun
trips, also for shopping, visits to state Prison, Insane As)iim, etc.
Dr.H.S.Aley, Specialist
Nie.lnlnlleiitlon imld lo Iho treatment of lliex.i dlMennes
h) inransornleeirleity.
All uou'iuallgiiiiuitumorsortlm womb removed without
the Use of thu Muire
All operations (or Injuries from childbirth skillfully tier,
formed, ' '
lilplaeeinint of Die W0111I1 cured In most eases wltliout
Dm ueof Inslruuieuls.
!.:,,,,,,!'V,HI' VI,M' lan',,,Helallea. Neuralgia, llyslerln,
dlllereuj forms or paralysis, Uerormllles, and all olhiir
lormsof Nervous 'lioiililn siieeessfiillv treated.
Consultation at ollice or hy mall fl.txi,
itiMims in-iii iiori:i, iii:ai Lincoln, num.
Ilours-u to u, 1) lo n, 7 lo H. CUT THIS OUT
lislnMifheil Dec. in, fA'S6.
The German National Bank,
, I.A'COI.tV, A' lill.
Capital Paid up, $100,000,00
) Surplus . . . 25,000.00
Transmits a gmieriil hanking husllieia
Issue letters orercillt.ilrawdraftson allpnrt
of the world. I'orelmi eollertlous a sHululty.
Officers iiiiil Directors.
IlKHMAN II. HOUAIIKltd, President.
CO. MUNHON, Vice President.
O, J. WILCOX, Assistant Cashier.
! '
Nebraska' Leading Hotel.
Cor. 13th and Harney Hts ,
All Modern Improvements and
B. BILL0WAY, Pro-rlttor.
issued to nil prominent points n Kuropc.
with me.
North Tenth Street.
Baggage Lines