Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 29, 1890, Page 5, Image 5
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, NOVICMHER 29, iSgo wo H?" r We are Making In the following Dress Goods, Linens, Kid Wc call your attention to our superb line of Ladies' Furnishings. Ladies will find our stock fresh and new. You willjnot have to buy old shop worn goods. 1109 0 ST. Send a Copy OF Todays To Your Distant Friends. The Paper itself, together with its account of the Charity Ball will rcllect credit on your home city. Britton's New Grocery 1410 O STREET. Having just opened our store, the largest in the new Alex ander block, wc extend you an invitation to call and inspect our line of goods. Our aim will be to carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, including the very best of everything, making a specialty of Teas, Codecs, Spices, Flour and Potatoes, in which we will offer the best at such prices as will make it an inducement for you to buy. All goods promptly delivered. Tuhici'HONi; 780. We Solicit a Call! 1410 O Street. msJ32HmJWI UffttftNfeRlCffltR TTini9a rsV- 1204 and 1206 0' Special Prices Departments: Gloves, Cloaks , Etc. Courier JT ilEB; Street, Burr Block. rilK TIUK1.KR. ITIUNIC I Mould iMtliorlNi it frtvilc tlmn iiuy tiling ! iuriitliiK Vtmilor IiIU'h iiiok. Thorn In moid money mill loviliiml oik In It tliiin In nnyllilug I know of. Tlio Kmltlou of a ficnk In iimii'Ii moru ) iiiuiHrntlvii tlmn Hint of n I'ultnmn enr conductor, ntiil tliu riutliw niu not ho onerous Thou' li ovii morn money In It tliiin In keeping it ili'UK Blunt In h irolilliltlon town. Then t lioi o Ih rmnlili'i nlilo honor nttneluMl to tlin ixwltlon. You know tlmt yon am not nit othor mon nro. From your jiliUforin In tlm iihiwhi you inn look down upon tint niultitudti with cold illt tliiin. Yotifit'l Hint ) mi nn iibovu tlm coin mon hold. A llrnt elnm frciik colnm money, nml with ntiioliitely no oxertlon. l.uclii .nnitu, tlie Moxlcim midget, who wis oxhlhltoil In I.ln coin hint winter mid who ImnMlneiMllivl, never nmilo Ii-rh thnti f.VX) or wk mill her Ineome UHtmlly iniiKvil from hoi)to fJ.WN) jht mk, The iIor fared loy, .lo-.Io. Mn tint imblln Kiitro lliou him for f.MH) jier week When ho Hindu hlKilehut ho cimily Rot 7K). Kven lliu inlwrnlili! little dnrkoy known ns tlm "turtle Iniy" not f75 for six ilnj'n tlino. You'vo wen tho ehiKtli iiklll llliin, tlm fellow whose llctdily covering In Miveml kUrn toolnrijo for him lin goti from 160 to f3M. "Wlmt-lA-ltit" drnw iibout f SIX), ChiuiK. tlm Chiucxn Klnnt, will not iHirnilt hlniBolf to ho looked nt for li"sn Until IIIKOn week, nml Mr. nnd Mrn. Ilntvx, nlmi Ki'iiitN, together cnin WOO. Tho hitter Hum In nlxo rwelviil hy tlm fount nnd Count ex Mnijrl (formerly MrH. Tom Tliuinli), nnd Huron l.lttlelliiuer. llecnuxoJoxephliioMyr tin Corbjn hnx four Ickh, hIih drnwM tM). I)Ih of gli'N without any Mirplnn llmlii labor forty timex its limit its Josephine, nnd receive. Hi nnd $1 ii week. Knr twenty nilnuti'H' work n dny, tho "Modern Ileiculex" Is nlveli fa) weekly, mid no on itcf ftiynihiii, Kon tlm iiienniwtfienk wldom nets lexx than fIV) ht week You cm n gel nil tlm college grndu ntoH you wnnt for fioni fit) to $i. Of what ninull account Ixouo iimn'x lifol Living hu llllxii iiiiitlcuhir iilnco, iuiiIIiIm ex istence dcviiih to n certain extent ehW'iitlnl In thiiKenuial xcliemi) of tlm great worldof liusl iivcx. Hut w Itli IiIh uxpli Imr hreath, hix place in taken liy another and the inmi wIiokuIIIo wnxtlccuiud ho iuiK)rtaut, paxMxuwny nnd Ix hiirdly missed. In thlx, tlmii;uof couipmiiex, associations, commtmitlex, mid republic, tlm Individual ix of little consequence. Houieiy Is Indltreieut whether ho llvexor die. Ten days ago when Wall stlcct wiiHsliiiklliK on itx foiiiidatloiiKii nieiuhurof tlm Now Yoik slock exchaiiKo died U lilkv inen wnio xlioutlliK themhelvex hoarxo on tlm tloor of tlm ox change, Jamex Ktiutheix, mill of tlm oldct htokerx in tho city, tottcicd to the Moor and Kaxpcd out lux life. For a moment thocrlexmid discordant yclh of that vixt multitude, of ea ger, excited men weto huxlicd; for a moment xlimcHuud hoiuix went foruotteii in tlm pies- eiico of death. Hut oul for a moment. Tho corpxo wax Ikuiio away and in a fow inluutcx tho jjivnt context wux leMimed. A filund, one of their own numlier, a leading dealer on the exchange hud just died where they xtood; hut huxiucKX could not lie Interrupted, and tho buying and soiling went on nx befoie. Tlm candle burned out virtually unheeded. Tho dead past wux allowed to bury Itx ilcud, while tlm present busied Itself with itx own aiTalrx. V III looking tin ough mi interesting collection of ihyniiR ntiil legends the other day entitled "Old Huperstlllons" I cauionciosxtho follow ing Jingo's. It ix a singular Inct that for agex each day hnx had a xeuiul sentimental slgnllleance; hut nx will Imj seen hy the fol lowing tlm nttilhutex of the different dnyx have not ulwujx been the miiiiu; Mnrry Monday, for wealth, Muny Tuesday, lor health, Marry Wednesday, tho hext day of nil. Murry Thursday, for cioxxex, Murry Friday, for loswx, Murry Satin dny, no luck at nil. Horn on a Mondiiy, Fair of fnco; Horn on u Tuexdny, Full of (Sod's grace; Horn on a Wednesday, Merry nnd glad; Horn on n Thursday, Hour nnd sad; Horn on n Fildny, Godly given; Horn on a Haturduy, Work for a living; Horn on a Huuday, Never xlinll wnnt; Ho thoru'x thu week And thu end on't. I'icpuratioux for tlm Chiistinax Couhikii mi) being puxheil forwaicl very lapldly, ami from what hnx already been done, I have no hesitation in saying that it will greatly sur pass any publication ever issued in thlx city, Kiigeuu Field will contribute mi Interesting article and many other well known w liters will propnro special articles. Tho list of cou tributers will nlso Include a number of prominent I.lucolnltex. Tho illus rntiuux will ho costly mid profuse. Thunkrgiving day ix pre-eminently an American Institution, and nx such it has ever appealed and must always apMnl most strongly to tlm American heart- Thoro aro n ro many tlmex in tlm year when wo weaken under the passing trials of life, and despond ency drives joy iroin tlm heuit; tunes when forgetting thu pleasure mid blessings of thu past, wu abandon ourselves in utter dis couragement at the trilling ills of tlm present, times w lieu w u feci no thankfulness for our ullottmculof earthly pleasuie, ami have no hymn of pral-o for the Giver of nil good anil ku feit gifts. Hut on the general Thanks giving Day even the Moiest of thu children of until llnd something for which to lender tlmukxtotlm Father of all. Sometimes thu day lludsus in thu midst of sulTeilng and soi iow, hut I ilo not think thero has ever been a tluio when tho most uufortunato human U'lngcould not llnd, if hu scinched his inmost soul, soiiiu lea son for thankful ness, and see some ray of 1iojm in tho hoiiou of thu future. GowM.'r'x poam containing thu words, Thu hud limy have a hitter taste Hut xwistt will hu thu Mower, has littid many a weaiy soul from thu slough of dcipond.nnd as hope displaces ho lisvsiiusx, tlm spiiit of thankfulness riciix. Yes; we all havo many things to lie thankful for, and ale iuilebtixl to I'urituu New Eng land for the beautiful custom that has set apaitouuday in cich year for thu expression of our reasons for thanksgiving, At Chilst inus theiu is an all Hrvailiug air of charity of pcacoaud goixl will toward men. At - Now Year we look to the future nnd make a flesh Mint In tlm battle of life Oil Thni l"lvlugduy w prcparoouixelvc for the in oner iHilovnienl of tbiMt fi.IHfil.i l,- .--.,...,-.. . .... ....... ............ .v iixiKiug imeKwuni, iiuuuig somen and joy in tlm cotitoiiinlntlon of the ineieli. n liitvn t'ltjuyiil. Tlmt clmtlly which wu fool nl i.uiisiiu'iKiuio is a niiu-sisier to tlm jo) at Thnukxglvlug, nnd I mil sine that those who gladdintsl tlm homes of Kldcr llowo's waids anil waifs hy gifts from their well-llllcd Inr tiers hut nddisl to their own happiness on thu dny foi'thaukiiglvlug, lstHi. There Is n poxslhlllty Hint "tlm KxixmltiW iiiny hedupllcatisl In Omiiha .1. llrandels propiletorof "tho Fair" in tlm metropolis wnx In tho city a few dnx ago and 1 hoar that he was much Impiesseil hy our xtoie, Unsaid that It greatly exceeded hlsexxo tatloimmul hinted at tho deliahility of hav lug a similar entci prise in Omaha. Hlllous complaints, constipation mid nau sea, aie lellevisl uudcuicd hy takluir Aer's Fills. Wo havo got 'em In all kinds, tlnost brands limit mid all at your own prion. Hhoes to suit everybody, nt tlm Wreck sale, llllll () street. Growlnic diiimtiintly, Oimof tlm inott nourishing Institutions in this city Is tho general merchandise, xtuioof Irfiulo Meyer it Counwinv. Tho business at this populnr stimi Is growing rapidly, piov lug that tlm public appieclatex honest treat-' iiipiii l -on l .Meyer ,V Comimny ileal In hou it goods mid tlmy make It a Klnt to make pnrcliaseix understand pwlsely what they mo buying, Thelrlliirsonibmoo tlry gtxxls, notions groceries, eto, mid tlm Ixtstgtxsls m these various lines ale sold by them for tlm lowest prices. Hat Is fact Ion Ix giiamuteisl. Homo taking novelties hi dry goods now on exhibition. Call nml si si them. ThosntWct. Driving Gloves at .1. II. Mauri tius & C'o's. are all tlm lago. Klectrlo Light, While Wings and Minne sota High Patent, three of tho best hianils of Hour over olTensI In Lincoln mo now sold ex clusively ut Million's now grocery, Mill O street. Call and see some and get pi Ices, or tclcpl u 781) for a ti ial sack. Tho "High I'litelil" Is tlm lluest Hour in tho niaiketaud a ti ial will mi convince every lover of good bread. Flvo-tlollai and six-dollar Wicckxalu fur 1:1.00. shoes at tho Fins fm iilshings for gentlemen, including tlm latest in collais, dless shllls, thx, etc., at tho Huston Clothing House, mi'.l () street. You ought to see the new lino of puir scarfs Just leeched. Theymn nil tho stylo this w inter. Call mid see them. It Is estimated that W. J. .Scan Ian has re ceived f 7(1,000 In loyalties on Ids songs dur ing tho pnxt eight years The Majority Of so-called cough-cures do little morn tlmn Impair (he digestive functions nnd cicnto Mlo. Avcr'x Choiiy l'ceturnl, on llm con trary, while It cures tlm cough, does not In terfere with Urn functions of either stomach or liver. No other medicine Is so .safe ami enicaclous In diseases of the throat and lungs. "Four carsngo I look nsoveit) cold, which was Inl lowed hy n tcrrlhlo rough. I was very sick, nnd confined to my bed about four months. I cinplnvcil a physician most of thu time, who finally said I was In consimi thin, nml Hint hu could not help mo. One of my neighbors nilviscd mn to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I did so. anil, before I had finished Inking tho first bottle wnn utile in nit up nil thu time, nnd to go out lly tlm time I had finished thu bottle ' was well, ami havo remained soevershico,"-!.. I lllxhy, llartonsvllle, Vt. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I'llKI'AIIKII II V DR. J. O. AYBR & CO., Lowell, Mas.. Boldbynll l)ruui(l.t. l'rlcufl; .li bottles, J. edgn musee Week commencing Monday, Deo. 1st, M IDGET MAGGIE And her MOIti; 1NUTE OFFSPRING ! A little lady Ui years old, ft! Inches high and weighs hut l'i pounds Hhu Is a mother and will exhibit her cute little baby at ouch per formance No such an attraction slncu .urate the .Mexican Midget Big Stage Shows, nml souvenirs for the Ladles, Friday, Dec. 10c Admits to All I 10c yotyfJ .i '"$ Mrs. Graham's CUCUMBER and ELDEE Flower Cream. Is not (t Kinnellc but Mniiauently beaiitl llts. ltireiues a suit, velvet) skin, and by dally u.e i.'iaduiilli make- the complexion several similes whiter. It Is a constant pro ti etloii from the t Diets of sun ami wind and prevents sou bum and Heckles, unit black heads will uovi r conic uhlli you Use It It cleanses the Cue far heller than son pa ml water nourshesaud builds up the skin tissues ami thus prevents the roriuatlon of wrinkles It gives till fleshuesM, clearness and smoothness ofsldn Hull yiui had when a little girl. Lveiy lady , young or old ought to use It, us It tflvx n more youthful iippearauce to any lady, ami that permanenllv. It cnuslaus noauld, h,w dor or alkali, and Is as harmless us dew and as nourishing lo the sklu as dew Is to the (lower, al llruuglsts mid at Mrs. M 1. Patterson's establishment. I HI south tit It st, Lincoln, Neb., where she Heats Indices for all bleuilshes lo face or figure. Ladles at a (lis taucu triateil hy letter Send stamp for her little book "How lo hu lleaililful." l''f f'1 SLAUGHTER SALE ON Cloth Newmarkets PUIS WEEK AT u. 1 1 and m.j 3 O Street, 500 Newmarkets to be closed out at about Half Price. All sizes from 32.10 46. Attend this sale and save money. Largest and Finest Herman Bros. UAVU TI11C MOST ATTKACTIVK I. INK OF KOU IVIBN FOR BOYS. OVERCOATS Ever Shown All we ask is .i call and we feel confident that we can please yon, both in style, quality and price. We buy direct from the manufacturer for our wholesale trade and ten retail stores consequently get lower prices than other houses that buy for but one store. See our New Fall Stock ot Suits, Underwear, Hats, Gloves and Neckwear. HERMAN BROS. 1017 O Street. TEETH EXTRACTED - DR. H. K. KER7VTMN SURGEON DENTIST, Who has the Exclusive Use of Steauna's Anesthetic No Chloroform ! No lither ! No Gas I A Ml Set of Teeth on Rubber for $5.00. All Fillings at the Lowest Rates. DR. H. K. KE M f l IHITi tT J) t?l J1 1 I" ftUrl Stock in Lincoln -. FOR YOUTHS FOR Children in Lincoln. WITHOUT PAIN DTT - Rooms 94, 95, 96, Burr Block, LINCOLN, NEB . Stoves Furnaces. Hardware Best Stock in the State. Courteous attention given callers. Wc liao a coinpi'tont force of riMtlcrx who will ilo all Units of job work in a sulUf.ietorv manner. We Invite You to Call! ; ' HALL & DUNHAM 112 6 O St. Si-i"