Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 22, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Evening, Noy, 2290
Corner 10th unci P Street.
Plush Coats
"Thr Oiitirlrr"' I'tir Nwlr li Oniiiliii.
Copies may lw found nt Keith's newsstand,
810 South Fifteenth struct, ltoyd'oora house
Grand Opening To-Day
Fine Millinery
Herpolsheimer & .Co.'s
Eiposltloa D.psrtraent Btorei.
Tlie Courier Unit lin Pniinil At
Windsor Hotel Now Hlmul.
Capital Hotol Nows Hlmul.
Kxposltlon Dining Hull Now Hlnml.
Tho (lollmm Nows Htnnd, US Boutlt lltli Ht.
ltort Uiimier, 111 North llttt 8 1 root.
Kit. Young, HNO () Htrect.
Klototwr A Co., USO O Htrcot.
Little HportChinrHtoro, 113 North 12th Ht.
JWostornoUl's Harbor Hliop, llurr MlooK.
HfAn extra supply of pnpor la always loft
at tho (lollmm, In coso ollior Nowsdenlors
supplies run short.
1137 O STREET.
l.cil nnil remittal.
Whitebroast Coal iiiul Lima Company.
Take Turkish nt 1010 O street.
BrownV fop oysters In oil styles.
Call up the Ij. D. T, Co., 1'honolOO.
Ruth M. wood, M, D 1230 1 street.
Telephone at tho Courier otllco U 353,
O. II. CoMbs, Dentist, 1W5 O street,
Mrs. W. E. Gosper, fine millinery, 11H O
Hutchlna & Hyatt sell coal. Telephone 205.
Lincoln Ieo Co., 1010 O St. Telephone, 11 ti.
Order Canon City Coal from Belts ft
Canon City Coal at tho Whitebroast
Coal and Lime Co.
Ladles should never buy a cloak until they
havo called nt tho liniar.
Only plaro in Lincoln that uw mineral
water in taths Is nt 1010 O street.
Improvedshower for Turkish baths nt 1011
J street, basement Union block.
Special salo on Ten Gowns Tuesduy and
Wednesday nt J. H. Mauritius & Co.
Miss C. J. Gullmetto, modiste, second floor'
Exposition building. Tnko elevntor.
The largest and finest stock of millinery in
tho city seen atMrs. Gpsper's,U140st,
J, 11. liarnaby, the tailor, may bo found at
rooms 13 ami 13, Newman block, 1025 O st.
Jupltor Conl isn winner and Belt & "Weav
er, sole agents hnve plenty of it. Try n ton.
Poehter furnishes the finest quality of ice
crenm nud fauoy cakes for parties nud wed
dings. All tho latest kheet music, new stock, nt
Croncer's Art Manic store, 213 south Eleventh
E. R, Guthrie Is headquarters for fine enr
r laces In all styles. Call at his repository,
1540 O street.
Ladles will find a complete line of lino shoes
and all the latest stylos at the proper prices nt
Bherwin'a Boston Shoo Store.
Poehler is now serving rich juloy oysters
nud lunches at his parlors iu tho McBride
block, corner Twelfth and 1' street.
For a lomo back, a pain iu tho side or
chest, or for tooth-ache or car-ache prompt
relief may bo hud by using Chamberlain's
fain Balm. It U reliable, I'or sale by A.U
The Rambler bicycle U coming more in
popular favor dally as tho machine comes
Into general use. It Is undoubtedly the best
adapted for speed, comfort and safety, of
any of the machines. Call am see it at E.
R. Guthrie's, 1640 O street.
Ladle desiring to make an appropriate and
thoroughly appreciative present to their beat
gentleman friend canuot give them anything
ulcer than a watch cluttu mode of hair comb
lug! Take the combings to Miss Johnston,
1114 O street, and have a chain, In any stylo
made for a Christmas present
Chnlrmnii M. I. Allium, nf Dm ,I..viil.,.
committee, In pushing ulicnd actively in thn
preparation mr mo Charity Ilnll, to Iw given
in iiioMniocnpnoi llinnksglvllig lllglit, Nov
27, nml ho promise one of thn most beautiful
displays over seen In this city. Tho delnlls
for tho ball liavo now nil boon nud
tho iimnngonient Is confident thntsofur ns
conveiilonelos nro concerned, tho woik has
never bivn notrly so well done. There will
tnt litit uiia iiiitrnueo to tho building in tho
enst wing. Hero patrolmen will bo stationed
to Impart ncctwwry liiforniatlon, A i'nnniy
will Ini stretched from tho door to tho car-rlngo-wny,
nnd tho passage will ho covered
with cnrK't. Footmen w III Imi Iu rivtdlne to
nsulst guest in nllghtliig. Tho check room
will ndjoln tho ilanclng hall, mid here colored
maids will ho In waiting, Ladles' mid gen
tlemtm's wrap will ho chocked together, and
thorn will Imnochnrgo for tho sorvlcv,
Thodoor will bo oMned nt 8 p. in, nud tho
ginnd innrch will cointneuoo promptly nt ('.
No mm hut dnncors will Iw allowed on tho
!l0OI'. Them Will I Ml tin lirnirrnii.,a Tin.
dances will bonmiounced by banner. Muslo
win no iiirmsnea ny n select orchestra of
twelve ploces. Brown, tho caterer, will nerve
reircslillivllts in llio senate olinmbcr nt n.n.
sounhlo pi Ices.
It liHrlmM, generally tinilorstood by this
tlino Hint no Invitations to tho Charity Ilnll
Imvo been Issued. All rotiectnbl(j croii
nro urged to buy tickets, which can U ob
tained of nuy of tho mcmliur of liny of tho
committees or nt llilirman & lllchter's store,
of Mr, A. O, Kleiner at thu Burlington city
ticket i fllce, nud nt Tiik CotmiKit olllro;
price $.1.00 for goiillemnu nud lady: addition
al lady
Tho management urge n prompt pnrchnso
of tickets Iu order that nn estimate of tho
probable ntteiidnnco may be mndn. A mini
ler of linportnnt featuiw not heroin men
tioned depend on tho number of tickets sold,
mid It Is ileslrnhhi tlint Intending purclmserH
should net promptly.
TitK 'CouiUKU next wek will contnln mi
flnlmrnto reKirt of tho bnll with descriptions
of tho toilettes, etc. U-avo your orders for
extra copies.
Mr. mid Mrs. Thnmnall llnnl.m nvnnx....
Joyablo high llvo patty Tuesilay
livening, Those present weros Messrs.
nnd Mesdnmes Joseph Hwnn, W. N.
Hewnnl, L. O. Burr, Cook, Oakley, C. O.
Burr, J. II. Wright, Doollttlo.Rnrtlett, 11. It.
Cowdery, Biickstatr, K. I. Holmes, Alexun.
der, II. M. Cnsolieor, M. I)., E. Blgnnll, Wnr
ren. lllggs, M.E. Wheeler, I). Wise, J. E.
lloutx, Mrs. Hmil, Misses Ellison and Caso
lKer of Fort Wnyno, Mlf Dewoy of Chicago,
Miss Belter of Chicago, MIssFurst nud Mis
Altkeil. Messrs. C. II. lllchtor. Frml llnntr
Knit 0. Howe, Helwig, Million, V. C.Bholes,
i. ! iiiompmu, M. l, Altkcn. Tho roynl
pi Ins wnsnwnnlisl to Mr. nnd Mm. Wise,
while tho booby fell to thu lot of Mr. nud
Mrs. O. M. Bartlott. Mrs. Benton nlso eu
tortnlucd n lunnber of her lady fi lends nt n
high five pnrty Wednesday nfternoon, ut
which tho following wero present: Mostiaiue,
11. E. Moore, II. 11. Ilitrlok, Kolley, J. 1'.
Mnule, Geo. Clnik, Little, Xlemor, Boehmer,
W. B. Ogden, O. M. Mhompson, A. O. Beo
son, Goo, Bossclmnu, I'lUnam, It, A. l'erry,
Iau, Btnriis, IiuholT, Knight, Cnl Thomp
son, Mellck, Joseph Swnn, Bell, Mills, Wor
rell, MoArthur, W. H. Gnrber, W. B. Gnt
ber, W. B. Hnrgrenves, Kelfcr, Altken,
woodward, Abbott, Hnrrls, Brown, Henkle,
Andrus, Mnson Gregg, EsjKiyj Mliwes Baun
dors, Maud Btubbs, Bolter, Clara CarmiKly,
nnd tho Misses Ellison of Fort Wnyno, Imi.
The prices were won by .Miss SnunderH nnd
Miss Ellison.
An elegant reception woj glvim by Mrs.
Geo. Wtyg, Tuesday it(tiirnoon from !l toll, In
lienor of her slsforsln-lnw', tho Misses Wing
of Providence, B. I. Thu appointments wero
lcrfoct nnd tho occasion was ono of rnro en
joyment. There wero pretty Horn! decora
tlonsconslstlngof roses nnd chrysanthemums.
Following U n list of those present: Mk
tlnnies Ada Atkinson, S II. Buruham, E. N.
Buckingham, J. F. Barrett, C, E. Bessey, I.
M. llnymond, A. B. llnyuioiul, Dr. Norton,
I. B. P. Weeks, P. N. Little, C. II. Ohro, II.
E. Lewis, F. W. Lowls, Aitlmr I-owls, L. O.
Blchnrtls, H, Bchwnh, Dr.Mltchell, Dr.I.loyd,
P. V. M. Raymond, N. 8. Harwood, 8. F.
Hnrrls, J. II. Harley, R. O. Phillips, J. It.
Webster, Von Der Winter, Conlten, Hnwloy,
Bowen, Hodgeman, A. G Warner, L, A.
Bherman, Prof. Edgrou, R. C. Outcault,
Bruncr, Dr. Manning, Woals, C. II. ImholT,
J. J. ImliofT, Dr. Rlghtor, Jos Uwlimer.l'rof.
Ixsos, A. Watklns, J, A. BucksUiir, Bailey,
Dr. Bailey, Nesblt Cheney, II. West, Misses
8. W. Moore, Barnh Harris, Perry, Bailey,
Klugsley, Clark. Mesdnnios J. G. Dawes, H.
8. Perry of Croto; W. Q.JJoll, Burllngame,
Athern, B. F. Burr, D. L. Brnco, H.D. Young,
J. D. Calhoun, Prof. Klugsley. Mrs. H. E.
Lowls and Mrs. D. h. Braco asiisUxl In re
ceiving, Tho teachers In tho public schools have or
ganlred a branch of The Nebraska Rending
Circle. The first meeting was held Monday
evening at tho residence of Mrs. Ahoy P
Tlirnny. Professor li. Ii II. Austin of the
high school, was elected president, and Miss
Alice M. Russell, principal of the Bancroft
school, secretary. An enterUlnlng talk on
Hawthorne and Emerson was given by Pro
fessor Austin, and Mrs. Tucker read tin in
terestlug selection. Tho next meeting of tho
circle will bo held a week from Monday at
tho residence of Mrs, E. II. Bowen. Follow
ing are the members: E. W. Edwards. Mo-
dorn Smith, Ellen Ellison, L, L. i , Austin
U it. Thomas, Marie McKIuuon, Frances
Duiieomlie, Nettle Taylor, Mary L. Jones,
Nelly Eddy, Alice Orr, W. B. arltren, Iiura
Haggard, Buslo Hoagland, Miss Burke, Ellen
Rollins, Lulu Sumner, Nellie Feltou, Jossie
Low, L. II. Davis, E. T. Tucker, Jennie A.
Cole, Llxxle Burr, Louise Tucker, Huttlo
Echart, Lenu Smith. Mrs. II. MusMlman,
Allen Uiiitry, Cora Beach, Mlnnlo Thompson,
Ada Patterson, Jessie Btlles, Lillian Upham,
Kathleen Calhoun, Lydla Welsh, Nellie B.
Ly tie, Bertha Green, L. B. Iiomls, Barah
Riley, Lirxlo Bond, 8. Alico Ixese, Mary
Bynm, Beha Dowell, Bertha McCorkle, Lizzie
Reeves, E. II. Bowen, Ella Kauiriimn, ,Vbby
A now card club has just been organized
among tho new married vople. No nuino
has been decided on as yet; but It will proln
ubly bo called the Ixitus. Meetings will bo
held every two weeks at the residence of the
members. The rules coutulu some unique
provisions. For Instance, members uro to bo
lined ono cent for every minute they are late..
the money accruing in this way to bo spent
for nu elegant prize to bo uwnnled at the
end of the season. It is the Intention never
to have more than six tables, and only in tho
caso of tho absence of members will outside
guests be Invited. The first meeting will bo
hold next Tuesday evening at tho residence
of Mrs. Geo K Brown, Twenty-second and
Washington streets, when high five will bo
played. Following is u list of thememtieis:
Messrs. and Mesdnmes John B Wright, E E
Henkle, G K Brown, T W Griffith, W It
Maxwell, H Hchlnndcr, M E Wheeler, Ham
ilton Eddy, Dr. Wcndt.j W B McArthur, V
II Imlioir, It B Mcintosh, llolyoko, M I), II
R Nls.ley.
Tho Browning society which was sosticcc
fully organized Inst winter, met for tho first
tlino this season llillie parlors of tho First
l'rch)tfilnu chinch, Wednesday livening,
Mr, H, L. Gelsthardt p'rsldin. Professor E.
W, Hunt of the Stale university, read
"Count Glsmnntl," prefacing tho reading
with n few luteri'stliig explanatory remarks.
A very able aper on Browning's "Lusla''
wns rend by (I, W. Gerwlg. Tho latter work
was compared to Hhokes'iearV'Otiiollo," mid
n scholarly analysis of the stylo of tho two
great authors was given. An Insti omental
duet by Piofessor anil Mis. Meiremlorf
closed the grograiiimo.
Wednesday ovelilug nt the lesldeiico of tho
bildu.A. Lincoln Krostand Miss Jcnulo Bon
mill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Hon-
ncll wero united In mnrrlngo by Rov. F. 8
Btoln, of tho Bt. Paul M E. church, Iu tho
presence of Intimate friend Tho brldo Is
nu accomplished young lady, a graduate of
tho Btate university and n popular member
of society. Air. Frosf, a member of tho bin
raster county bar, Unison grndtiato of tho
university. Both nrenxcelingly well known
nnd they Imvo the liest wishes of a very large
circle of ncipialntnnces. Mr.nudMrs, Frost
will Ihi nt home nfter DccomW 1, nt Thirty
fifth nud Randolph streets.
William Culteii Bryant was discussed nt
this week's meeting of the Tuesday Evonlmr
club, held at tho residence of Miss Nellie
White. Readings wero given by will Clnrko
nud Mis Mlnnlo Iwittn and essays wero road
by Miss Amin Burr nnd Miss Deun Iooinls
Tho musical part of tho programme wns Iu
tho hnudsof M Us Nellie Whltenud Miss Anno
Funko, nnd ,1. P.J FaucoiiJ ncted us critic.
Cntiserle constituted tho pi Iticlpal entertain
ment. Mrs. Frank Sheldon will entertain
thui'ltibnt thu next meeting nt which time
tho author unitercoiislderiitloii will ho James
Russell Iiwoll. Geo. N. l'orct.umu was elect
ed a mombor of tho club Tuesilay evening.
Ml si ICunpp gnvo a bonnet pnrty nt the
couservntory of music Thursday evening A
large uumlier of young ieoplo wero present,
and It was n very Interesting event. The
gentlemen secured their partners forsupier
by "purchasing" liounets nt miction. Among
thoto pnwut wore: Misses Tnlhot, Nnoml
Venver, Downloy of West Virginia, tho
Misses Ellison mid Cnsehccr of Fort Wnj ne,
Imi., i'.rb, Dewoy of Chicago, Elllo Leeso,
Mrs. G, F. Bctts, Mrs. Hammond; .Messrs.
Fnil Houtx, Will Clnrko, Goo. Covert, John
T. Dorgnn, Knox, Low Marshall, 8eott,
1ingwell, Will Hammond, Geo. Crnncer,
Joseph Bigger, U. W. Hills.
TiikCouhikh'h, account of tho Charity
Ball last year wns ono of tie most Interesting
fenturi"!. It wns replete with every iletnll of
Interest, tho list of costumes wns loiunrkahly
well gotten up mid few if nuy of thu names
failed to get Into the list of those present. As
n ooiiKetpienco extra copies wero in great do
main! to send to distant friends and tho (ill
lion was Hoou exhausted. Our report of this
gi nud nfTuIr this, venr will siiriasH oven that
of Inst years' and It will lie well for Intending
purchasers of oxtra copies to leave orders at
the otllco of publication early next week.
Miss Alible Covert gnvo nu exceedingly
pleasant party Monday evening at tho rest
delicti of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, H. Clark. Dan
cing and cards wero tho principal iimuse
incuts. There were present: Misses Nnoml
Wenver, Adams of Atchison, Knn., lleslo
Musou, Donnelly of West Virginia, Dewey
of Chicago, Mlnnlo Do l'ue.Klllo Lcoso, Pace,
Kunpp, Mrs. Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. Bit
zur; Messrs.Joscph Bigger, Will Clark, E O.
Bradley, Georgo Covert, Low Marshall, King,
Scott, Charles Longwoll, Bostrom, Prof. C.
W. Hills.
Colonel J, M. Cotton, tho popular nnwspns,
jier man, was thirty-eight years old Wednes
day. The colonel received n uumlier of hand
so'to birthday gifts, nnd in tho evening the
interesting event wns appropriately celo
dirated at his homo with tho following friends
present: Messrs. nnd Mesdnmes Btoiuer, Me
Knight, Ditlby, Johnson, Mrs. O. E. Wilkin
son of Broken Bow; Messrs. R. E, Johnson,
John Mcintosh and Fred Benzlugcr.
W. E. Bides of Thk Couuikh was married
Sunday evening to Miss Joslu Jacks of Leb
anon, Intl., at tho residence of I'M ward
Peebles, 2SB T street, Rov. W. L. Terry of
tho East Lincoln BnptUt church olllciatlng.
Only n few friends; weio present. Mr. Bides
and his htttidsomo bride commence their
married life with the brightest prospects,wlth
tho warm regard and best wishes of many
Maurice L. Uhl and Miss Anna Milburn
wero united iu marriage Wodncsdoy evenlug
at the rrsldf nee of C, F. Burnett, UI5 E
street, Rov. O. E. Baker, or tho Freewill
Baptist chinch olllciatlng. Only a very few
intimate friends wero present. Tho bridal
couple will Ito at home at Ninth nud Nelson
A very pleasant meeting of tho Beta liter
ary circle. was held at tho residence of Mrs.
Burr Polk Tuesday afternoon. Tho "Life
and Writings of Henry W. Longfellow'
were studied. After tho literary programme
tho ladles c; Joy id it novel entcrtulnment pro
vided hy iho lustess.
A tiuinlier of the girls Imvo proposed nt
tending the Charily Bnll iu calico gowns, thu
latter to lie afterwards presented to Elder
Howe for donation to tho poor; but tho Idea
wns broached n little too Into nnd it is doubt
ful If the scheme will bo carried out.
Clyde Campbell of East Lincoln, celebrated
his llfteonlh birthday anniversary Saturday
evening. A largo number of his young
friends wero present and n thoroughly good
time wns enjoyed.
Miss Ella Olson of East Lincoln, entertain
nl very pleasantly a number of her friends
Monday evening. Tho entertainment took
the form of n soavhubblo party, and was
highly enjoyable. .
Miss Naomi Wenver entertained n company
of friends lust Thursday ovelilug in honor of
her guest, Miss Adams. An unusually pleas
ant evening wns enjojed.
Tho Festival of Days to bo given by tho
ladies of the Holy Trinity church early In
December promises to bo a most succesafu
and entertaining affair.
At noon Wednesday Robor. E. Turner nud
Miss Mnry E. Myer of Plato, Ball no county,
wero joined In-marriage by Rev, F. 8, Stein,
at the parsonage.
Mrs. Bnrr I'nrker gnvti a wry largo recep
tion yesterday afternoon, Tho lutwtor dec
orations wero superb and the Xjitfres wero
splendidly entertained.
Miss Nellie Dcy, Professor O. W. lllll and
others, rendered n very pleasing programme
nt tho quarterly meeting of the Y. M, G. A.
Wednwday evening.
The congregation of the First Presbytii Ian
church enjoyed a pleasant social at tho riwi
deuce of Mr. ami Mrs. Milton Scott Wednes
day evening.
Charity Bull tickets uro now in the hands
of the young ladies and but you have per
haps been seen ere this,
Mr, oud Mrs. W. It. Cambridge will given
.11 ls l.lllo llrllidloy.
Honry E, Dlxey, Fny Templeton and E. E.
Rico wero among tin Coi'iiikh'h visitors this
Mrs. J. A. Hard nnd Miss Gertrude Alt
ken gnvo u delightful high five pnrty Mon
day evening,
Mrs. (I. F. Bettswlllentertnlnthocnrilcliib
of which she Is a inciiilior, Monday ovelilug.
Mrs. A, II. Coffroth will return from nu
extended visit (u thu oast Tuesday.
Mrs. Dr. Hnhlu will entertain n number of
frli'iiiU next Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Joseph Hwnn, entertained thu F street
(Mid club Inst evening.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II, Dorgnn returned from
Hastings Thursday.
Arouse the faculties, stimulate thu circula
tion, purify the blood, with Aycr's Bnrsn-
An elegant Ilemaique proof etching, nice
ly framed, only 0 at Crancer's, 212 South
Eluventh street.
Brlttoit's now grocery, 1 110 O street.
Everything fresh. Canned goods of nil
kinds. Best brands of flour Minnesota high
patent. Goods delivered. Neatest grocery
Iu the city. Give him ncnll. lllOOstieet.
Tho Felix Olivines Complexion 1'o.vdors
which wero o lxipulitr with Lincoln ladies
Inst season nro tho liest on thu market and
Miss Johnston has just received nu Invoice.
Thruksgtvliig Is closo ut hand nnd June,
corner O nnd 'thirteenth streets, Is on hand
with it fluo lot of (Kiultry, gnino. oysters, etc.,
and can supply all with tho best the market
affords, Shell oysters, clams, fchrhnp lob
sters nud tripe. Call and seo him.
Tho manicure department ut Miss John
ston's, HMO street, has grown steadily from
Iho day of opening so that It has liecomo n
most opiilnr lesort for thu ladles to visit.
Miss Johnston gives this her personal sujier
vision which always gives entire sttlsfnctioii.
Professor l'fnu's cooking school will close
Wednesday next and from what Tiik Cou
llIKH has heard it has boeu tho most success
fill series of cooking lessons ever clven Iu
this city. Tho classes containing forty of our
most prominent Indies, nil of whom express
themselves very emphatically as of tho opin
ion that Professor Pfnu's wcrk is far superior
to tho lessons given by Mrs. Ewing Iu this
city some three years ngo. Tho professor's
manner of teaching, economy nud general
system nro thoroughly satUtnot ryitnil pleas
ing to nil. Ho has made many friends hero,
all of whom wish him success elsewhere mid
wilt gladly i ecommeiid him to nil desiring
such services
Briscoe, tho shoo man. In the Exiiosltlon,
has just received a big lot of now goods, suit
able for fnll nud winter wear. Among tho
now stock may bo mentioned, P. Cox's goods,
iu Misses' calf, spring heel shoos, from A to
E, high cut shoes, from A to E, boys high cut
calf shot's, etc., nlso it big lino of Indies' welt
ed goods mailu from common sense lasts, dou
ble A to E, ut from f.'I.M) up. All tho latest
styles Iu all tho stniidnid miikes. Shoes for
Indies, gentlemen mid children in nil widths
nud sizes shocs,combliiing lit and stylo with
durability. Bemembor Briscoe,tho shoo mini,
Iu tho Exposition.
Mlltouburger's new Boitou Clothing house
lends the van Iu prices on overcoats. Such
garments ns other houses sell for 20, ho sells
for 15, 1B coats for f 14, lr conts for $12,
etc. Prices talk, t'nll nud seo them. Nlco
pnttorns, perfect fit, lino linings, excellent
styles nnd Just what you want. You need it
coat nnd must eventually buy one, bo why
put off. You might us well get n full sea
son's ue out of (t ns to only havo It a few
mouths. Make It n point to go in nud seo
Mlltonlierger nt 1HI0 O street.
Tho CouiUKU hits often heard that Folsom,
tho O street confectioner, kept u superb grade
of fluo candles nnd now It Is convinced of that
fact. A nlco largo box of thesodeliclous con
fections wero sent the CouiUKU yesterday
with Mr. Folsom's compliments nud thuofllco
boys say its tho best that has over passed their
lips nud iiowspuor jveoplo ought to know.
Tlieio Is n constant Increase In the trade at
IxHtlo Meyer & Co.'s extensive general mor
chandlso storo on Tenth street. Hero the best
goods selected from tho latest products of tho
eastern markets uro sold for tho low est prices,
nud every purchaser hns thu assurance that
ho Is getting honest goods precisely what ho
bargained for nud nothing else. Everything
in tho wny of dry goods, notions, groceries,
etc, n complete stock embracing all the liest
goods lit these lines. Messrs. Loulo Meyer &
Co. take especial pains in suiting eostumers
nnd they extend it hearty welcome to all to
visit their handsome store, whother with a
view t ) buying or not. It is no trouble for
them to show goods, mill visitors invariably
become patrons. Do not fall to remember
I)ulo Meyer & Co.
Whilodowu town shopping, ladles will find
it very convenient to stop In at Miss John
ston's,' 1114 O'streot, and havo t lelr head
Khitiiioocd, It only tnkes ten minutes when
done with the patent dryer. Try it next
tlino you are down town.
Tho Whitebreast Conl nud l.imo company
is again nt the front supplying the finest
grades of conl nt tho lowos price.
Infants complete outfits, n magnificent
lino and overythlug that Is desired for tho
little darlings nt the Bnzar,
For a cut, bruise, burn or scald, there Is
nothing equal to Chamberlain's l'aln Balm.
It heals the irts more quickly than any oth
er application, nud unless the injury U very
bevel o, no scar is left. For snlo by A. L,
If thu ladies dutlre Miss Johnston to dress
their hair for thu chalrity ball, engagements
should be mudo soon as possible. Call up
telephone 002,
Elegant lino of silk and linen and mixed
embroidered handkerchiefs at Hei polsheimer
& Co's, Neckwear, fur and feather collars,
boas and muffs. A choice lino of high class
novelties at prices that aro not high,
Tho millinery (le-xirtment of Hei polsheimer
iV Co. premises to be one or tlio most attract
ho In their entire biuiuexs. The new est styles
aud shaiies aro shown and suggested. Give
them a cull.
You will want n now set of harness ror
that trotter or yours. Remember E. R.
Guthrie, IOI3 O street, has the llnest Hue In
the city to select from nud his prices uro nl
ways nu inducement to buy.
Indies will find a magiiiflceut line of hand
kerchiefs nnd gloves nt Mrs. Gos-er's milli
nery iinrlors, 1114 O street.
high five party Tuesday evening Iu honor
Having lately received heavy shipments from our New York
manufacturers and having placed orders for later demands, '
we propose to oiler our patrons unusual
inducements in a
Discount : Sale
Ladies', Misses and Children's
Jackets, Ulsters,
WRAPS, and
Plush Garments,
Sale to Continue Next Week Only!
Beginning Monday, Nov. 24th.
prices (marked in plain
maintained, but 20 per cent of
Cloaks will be remitted.
Our Well-known $17.50 Plush Sacque
Will therefore be sold at $14.00.
Our all wool Vest Jacket, Sailor Collar all silk bound.
Price $9.00, worth $11,50, will therefor cost you but $7.20.
Don't Miss this Chance,
And be sure to call and sec for yourself.
1023 O Street.
12 04 and 1206 0'
- xj
Who has the Exclusive Use of Steauna's Anesthetic
No Chloroform ! No lither ! No Gas !
A Ml Set of Teeth on Rubber for $5.00.
All Fillings at the Lowest Rates.
DR. H. K. KKRMAN, Rooms ?4. 95,96, Burr Block,
Per Ct.
Before Them Our
will be,
each dollars
Newman's Old Stand
x i:m mxi i mo J u ii ijuqji .,
Street, Burr Block.
- s - .
St .j.
HHiiiigi ' 1 - .