Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 22, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Wc will offer Special Bargains in the above named
goods. Be sure and ask to sec our assortment.
1109 0 ST.
Britton's New Grocery
1410 O STREET.
Having just opened our store, the largest in the new Alex
ander block, we extend you an invitation to call and inspect
our line of goods. Our aim will be to carry a full line of
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
including the very best of everything, making a specialty of
Teas, Coffees, Spices, Flour and Potatoes, in which we will
offer the best at such prices as will make it an inducement for
you to buy. All goods promptly delivered.
Tijlkphone 780.
We Solicit a Call! 1410 0 Street.
Dress Goods
We wish to call the attention of the ladies of Lin
coln and vicinity to our Superior line of Black Dress
Goods consisting of
All Wool Henriettas,
Silk Warp Henriettas,
Serges, Sebastapols,
Surah Twills, Tricotines,
Drap Dalmas, Mohairs,
Brilliantines. Habit Cloths,
Broad Cloths,
Stripes and Figures.
We feel safe in saying that no such line of goods arc
being shown by any other house in the city, and we would
like to have you call and examine our Styles and Prices
which cannot help but please you.
We Sell Dress Goods Cheaper than Anybody.
Kaxwell, Sharps & Ross Co.
300 Charter Oak Stoves
In our Stove Department, besides at least loo other make,
tlint wL'tmiBt close out to make room for our regular line,
This Is no uilveitUInt; iloile, hut we nre actually selling
Heaters and a feu Cooks foi less than Cost.
Maxwell, Sharpe & Ross Co.
We Soil Suncs Cheaper than Anybody.
M . Alitor returned Wednesday f nun Chl-
U, V. Jones lift yesterday for Galveston,
Mrs. U. W. lluxlo hni returned from Hal
timoto. llov. Watson llaii;hmnu hns roiio to
Mr. nml Mrs. H. 13. IIimMoM departed
OkiIcii Thursday.
Mm. MngKlo llutrer loft Wednesday
iiiiuo, .Montana.
Mir. A, U. llainoi it visiting her sons
Ilnpld City, H. I).
MlisAlmona l'urker "ontto Geneva yostor
iluy to give u rending,
Mm. 1. Hiiuth In outortulnliiK Mm. K. 11,
Hinith of Untidy, Nob.
Mr. nml Mm. Charliu Cook of Chicago nro
visiting Mi', iiuil Mrs. W. II. Hal greaves,
Kied Howe, of the state bunking depart
ment, lotilliuxl Wednesday fium Hastings.
I-ook out for tloU ttook's Couhikii eon
tnliiliign eoiuplcto dosoi Iptlou of tliu charity
Miss Mnutl Htubhs expects, to soiid tho
Chrbtmos holldujsat tho pareutiil lioiuu In
Miss Cnrrio (I. Lenloy of Uonovn, Neb., I
visiting Hov. mill Mm. Wnuainoker In Kant
Tho regular mooting of tho Capital City C.
Ii. H. C, was hold hint night in tho Pint Coif
gregatiount eliureh,
U. W. Uortvlg Ii entertaining Mr. and Mrs.
C. II. Nuiuaii of New Voik. Mm. Numiiii
is tho former's eoiulu.
V. M. Tynell of Hmlth Centre, Kansas, n
former vltlron in Lincoln, In preparing to ro
tuin to this city again.
Miss Adams of Atchison, Kansas, who has
boon tho guest of Miss Naomi Weaver, it
tin tied to her homo Thurrday.
Mr. nml Mrs. I). Lnthrop Lovo am enter
taining Aim. luiinheo, tvlfo of tlio ox-governor
of Iowa, Jim. Ixjvo'h mother.
Congressman-elect W. J. ltrynii nmiouuco
his iiiU'iilion to letaiu his rrsldoiico In Lin
coln. Ho sujs ho will not rouiovo to Omaha.
Tho Unit iiuiiiml ball or tho plastoroiV
association was held at Teniplo hall Thins
day evening. Ono huiidred mid llfty peopio
ttcrolii iittouduuco.
Messrs. Max Kohn, Ham Wesol and H.
Goldsmith have formed u stock eninpii.iy lor
tho miiuufiiclmo of imitli esses and bedding
supplies. Messrs. Wossel ami Coldsmlth ttlil
for opening the tnetury Do.emlier 1ft.
Aliss Kvh A Kuapp has sovciod all eouiiee
tlou with tho Nebiiiska Conscrvntoiy of Mil
slu and lias openoil u studio for tho study or
ntt in drawing mill liiusli v. oik, In rooms II
mid 15, MeMui try's now block, cot nor Kiev
until mid M stroutK, tthoiosho will Ihi pleated
to see hor ri lends and (witious and as many
now ones as may tlesiru her services.
11. AL lladley, for several enrs ust wiles
man for tho Uood Luck gioctry, has ue
eepteil u similar jiosUIoii at Iliuton's nuw
gioeory, NlOOstieet. Air. lladley will bo
city salesman mid will call on tho Undo log il
ia ily for tho nuw house. Ho will take pleiisuio
in calling on you when in need of any thing
and a ictpicst miiilo by telephone 780 will
bring him to your door.
Thu Y. AL C. A. havo about completed ar
rangements for a course of lectures for tho
winter season, tho first to liogin Alonday
evening, NovemUr !il, In Y. AL C. A. hall
at 8 p. in., by Mr. Oru .1. (lould, ono of
Amoi lea's greatest oratois. Subject: "Peo
ple I Hnvo Met." Admission IK cents Tho
Kansas Olty (Mo.) Htar says; "Air. Oru .1.
(lould delivered his lecture to a loprosciitu
tlvo audience of Kansas City's best society at
tho Y. AL C. A auditorium Saturday oven
lug. It was apparent from tho first tnat ho
was master of his suuject mid an orator of
marked ability."
I.lfn Is Misery
To thousands of eoplo who hovo tho taint of
scroiuia in meir wood, nio agonies causisl
by tho dreadful running sores mid other
manifestations of this disease mo lieyoii'l des
cription. 'J'lieiuU no other remedy eipiul to
Hood's Sftjuapmilla for scrofula, wilt rheum
and every form of blood disease. It is rea
sonably sure to iMinolit all who glvo it u fall
trial. He sure to get Hood's.
Luillos Cork Hole Tiirnt-il Hliiirs.
oro as easy to tho feet us any hand tnrni'd.
Are warm, dry and comfojtable. Try a
alr. To bo found only at
lA-adlug Bhou Drilers
llurlliiKtuii Kniitn riiiylni; CartH.
I now hao u largo stock of these plnjjitc;
cauls, which are Mild at tho low rate of tin:
cents a pack (not onoipmrter the price usu
ally paid for Mich cirils). Call In and get A
dozen packs, they aro Just tho thing for your
euchre, whist and high live parties this win
ter. A. O. Zikmku, 0. I. ifc T A.
Wvntlmr I'robn'wltltlrs fur Xntriiilin nml
Indications jHiint Ui cold, frosty weather.
That however, will make no difference to
those who travel on tho steam-heated elec-tile-llghUsl
llmlttsl vestlbuhsl trains which
mo inn only by tho Chicago, Alilwatikeo A;
Ht. rmil Hallway between Omaha and Chi
cago. This ulegniit tiiiln leaves Omaha at
:lll p. in., arriving In Chicago at 0:30 a. in.,
in time to make all eastern connections, Ful
fill thcr Infoi million apply to your nearest
ticket agent.
V. A. Nahii, Ouiieral Agent.
1MI Fiiriiiiiu strist, Omaho.
W.H. How KM., Traveling Fi eight and l'as
souger agent. ..(,
l.llieiiln Si,, In., A Kiiii.,,.i'ii v. i-i. r. i.
hli'1'ltern ami 1'arlnr C'nrs.
Tllod'IV of trilllHfem. i-lnininu iiiul .l..l..u
lM)twien Lincoln, Kt. Joe and Kansas City is
over, the II. tc M having placed In service n
lliioofcombiuatlou slivp-rs and parloi chair
cars that for ciiiivi.iili.nni. ..Iimp.,,!..., ..,,,i ......
W..W. ,,.. (,..... .. ...I.. .1,,,-
rort sui pass im thing lieietnfororiui lietween
theso iMilnts. The jireM-nt scIhsIuIo is its fol
lows: Invo Llncoln,8::t0 p, in. dally, an Ive
in Ht. Joo .1:!i7 a. in., Kansas City 7M a. m. ;
returning, leave Kansas City Shift p. m. dally,
Ht.Joo 11:43 p. m., urrive at Lincoln 7..V)
p. m.
Thmi trains run via Heatilco, Vmnre aim
Table Hock ami make elise connections at
terminal points Tho soi lee Is i eally excel
lent and wo can ifcniiiiiiviiii It with much
coulldence Fm ther lufoi matlou can 1st oh
tallied at union il.-jsit or city olllce coiner I)
and Twelfth stieets.
City riusengtr and Ticket Agent.
Koine oiy nice and now things in hair
ornaments are now being shown at Aliss
Johnston's, UllOstieet Homo elegant liov -cities
fur e oiling wear. Call mid sis-them
llm l.ule ,1. M. AIIIIhiiiiiihIi.
Tho pastor of tho First riiwbyterlaiiehui eh
of thlselty has received a teller from Mrs.
IINpaiigh, giving n In lef sketch of his life
and mi iiccuuut of Ids last da) s on earth,
Jacob At, AlillnpaUKll was bom at Hattlo
Crvk, Allcli., April IH 18.W. Ho was left mi
orphan In his early Infancy, his mother il lug
when h was only throe days old, mid his
father one year later Committed to the
.nt oof his mint, Mis. Ashhy, the mother of
Mr. H. Al, Ashhy of this oily, who was a wo
man of tho purest mid loftiest Chilsllati
diameter, ho had tho Iwst of training, mid
grow up to manhood utterly uncoutamliiatoil
by the vices ami evil habits, which slain the
live of so ninny of tho young men of today,
Karly in life ho liocnmo mi luimhlo disciple of
ttho (licat Master, mid maintained it consist
tut Christian in-ofnsslon to the very end. Af
orllU'joars residence In Cleveland, Ohio,
ho I'liimi to Lincoln, mvon yours ago, and en
gaged In business with Air. H, M, Ashhy, the
now llrm taking high rank among tho most
honoi able business houses of our city. Dur
ing his life amongst us ho was greatly resiect
od In business elides, and lit tho church of
his choice, the First l'rrsbytorlan, ho wan
deeply Isilovisl as a young man of
lliieini'iit mid true Christian lulluence. The
sHntiieoiis ti Unites paid to his memory nt
tho hist meeting of tho Y, 1. H, V. K. of tho
First riesbvteiliin church, evinced thoMinng
hold he had taken uHn the n licet Ion mid on
loom of the young eoplo of that church, In
August, IHMI, ho was suddenly attacked by
severe hemorrhages of tho lungi, nud was
obliged to seek relief In tho milder ullmato of
Halt bike City, Utah. The change was Uno
llclnl to his health, anil no doubt resulted In
prolonging his life, butstlll tho "dread ills
ease" was slowly sapping his life, A few
weeks ago, Octolier B, IMKJ. by the advicoof
physicians, ho wont with his devoteil wife to
tho ranch of a friend In (IrousoCreek Valley,
Utah, and seemed to gain In llesh mid
strength. November 1st, ho Joined a jmrty
of men, engaged on a "round-up," In the 1iomi
that the out-door life would provo of still
further U'liellt; but on Hiiuday, November 'J,
tho deadly Iihiiioi rhages commenced again,
owing to the Inhaling of donso smukii In the
extinguishing of a lire, which caught in tho
tent. This was tho "beginning of tho end."
Day alter day.homori hago succedisljiemorr
lingo, until on Hatuiilay, NovemliorHth, tho
"summons" came, and ho gently breathed out
his soul to (iod.
His death was u beautiful, triumphant
Chi Isthui death a fit ending for such a life.
Conscious to the last, sending farewell mi's
sagos to his friends and lined ones, ho "do
parted to lm with Christ, which Is rar let
ter " Ills funeral occuned in Halt Ijiko City
where ho had made his homo since leaving
Lincoln, and where ho has u hi other still liv
ing, 1'rof. J. F. Allllspaugh. F. II. C.
I)yssiHln, the root of Innumerable evils, is
readily cured by taking Acer's Knrsapiilla,
Klectrle Light, White Wings and Alliiuo
sotu High l'atelit, three of tho best brands of
Hour over olforcd In Lincoln are now sold ox
elusive!)' at Hrlttou's new grocery, 14 1(1 O
street. Call and sen some ami got pi ices, or
telephone TBI) for n trial sack. The "High
l'atelit" Is tho lluest Hour In the mmketmiil
a trial will so convince every lover of good
Charity ball dress stuffs in nets, hires, Jap
anese crepe mid China silks nt llornolsholmer
& Co.'s.
Haven't you worn that suit long enough
yetf You bought It two years ago of Mllton
berger while ho was with Hui Unit, Milton-iK-rger
now holds foi th on his own hook at
tho llostnu Olothlug House, Kslil O stioot,
(hchwab's old stand) mid ho extends to you
mi Invitation to his now place to get another
suit. Ho has a gloat lino of them, fiom the
cheapest to the lluest mid prices will surely
ho light.
Flnt furnishings for gentlemen, Including
thu latest In collars, dress shirts, ties, etc., at
the lloston Clothing House, Kelt) O street.
You ought to Mi' tho now lino of pun" scarfs
just received. They nro all the stylo this
winter. Call and see them.
Photographic views of tho city of Lincoln,
publiu buildings, business houses and Hue
residences in look form, pretty souvenirs,
may bo had at tho Wessol I'rlntlng Co., WW
N street, prion llfty cents.
In it l.liieolii Itastnuritiit.
Hti auger (at restaurant, reading from bill
of fare); (live mo some chicken cnspiettes.
Walter: Very bony sir, but thero ain't
Strangers Then give mo oyster ixittlos.
Wulter: Kxtremely sorry, sir, but wo have
only roast lioof, corned lKef mid stowisl
btef to-hiy.
Ktrynger; Hut where are nil these things
that 1 wo on tho bill of fare!
Waltir: They're on tho bill of fare, sir.
As a Rule,
It Is best not to attempt to remedy costive
licss by the use of saline or ilrastlo purga-tlu-s.
When a oathiirtlo ineillelno Is needcil,
tho most prompt and honellelal Is Ayer's
rills. '1 heir elfeet is to restore tho regular
action of the bowels, without weakening
them. HehiK sugar-cnatcd, thesii I'llls retain
their medicinal virtues for a long time, and
are easj to take.
"lean rccoininerul Ayei's Pills above all
others, luthiK long pioted their ahio as a
cathaitle for myself and fanill) "-.I. T. Hess.
Lt'lthsWlle, I'...
" In 18.W, liy the adtlcenf a filend, I began
tno use of Aei's Pills as a miieily for hit
Imisness, coiistiiMtliin. high fetors, and
cohls. They seneil me better than any
thing I had plot Imisly tried, and I h.itoused
them In attacks of that suit eter since."
II. W. Hersh, Jiidsunla, Ark
Ayer's Pills,
DB. J. C. AYER. St CO., Lowoll, Mass.
Sold by ult Dealers In .Medicines.
Week euinmoueiug .Monday , Nov. '.'I.
a winning wi:i:k.
Our lender
The lintel.
I'll roe Comeily, Tun Without Vulgarity,
Irnllekhomo 'leihly, Fesltto Orliuse),
I'rikki'v Hnaifsoy.
All go to make up one of the host shows tve
nave eter rei nteil.
MiiNleal Artlsls.
A Wnnilor to Heboid. I
I'nsltlM' appearance of
, The .InpuncM' I'a'iiter. '
He will make tbe Souteuirs ror the liulles
thnlll tlie.Muve I' rlda) , Nut ember :"sth
10c Admits to All ! 10c'
Charity Ball
Silks and Satins
Jn Great Profusion, in all the
Late Fashionable Shades
At Popular Prices.
ii. 1 1 and 1
Largest and Finest
Herman Bros.
Ever Shown
All we ask is a call and we feel confident that wc can
please yon, both in style, quality and price. Wc buy direct
from the manufacturer for our wholesale trade and ten retail
stores -consequently get lower prices than other houses that
buy for but one store.
our New Fall Stock ot Suits, Underwear,
Hats, Gloves and Neckwear.
1017- O Street.
Bjf- ,
1, 1 3 O Street,
Stock in Lincoln.
in Lincoln.
Best Stock in the State.
Courteous attention given
Wo have a competent force of
millers ttho will do all kinds of
job work in a satisfactory manner.
Wc Invite You to Call!
112 6 O St.
Dr.H.S.Aley, Specialist
Kiri liilattentlim paid to the treat nt or these dUeasos
lt means ol olootrlrll).
All luiii-iiiallgiiaiit tuiiiiirmirtlio nmli remoed ttlthout
the use or the klllle
lliiH'ratlonror Injuries irom ehildlili Hi skllirully ner
(in moil '
lliliioeinenl of tliiMtninlieiind In most oases ttlthout
tlie uoir itiHtruiiients
I pllep.t.hl Vitus' Danee. Solution. NeuralKla. Ilvsteila,
lilltreiit forms or paralysis, lielornuilei, and all other
fxrins of Ni rous Tnmlile sueeiMsfiillt tieuteil
i oiiMiltiittou at uilleo or lit mull f I mi.
Idioms I.VIII IIOTi:i. Ili:.l I.IMIH.N, Mill.
II .i.n. ii to I.1, -.Mo 3.7 too CUT THIS OUT