CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, NOVJSMUKR jj, 1890. IMZISS Alice Isaacs OMAHA, LATE WITH STERN BROS., HEW YORK LATEST NOVELTIES -IN Millinery A1-- Very Lowest Prices. In die HI ore of Hcyimiu A Dctchcs, 1518-20 Earnam Street OMAHA. NOW IN NEW QUARTERS ! Lincoln Trunk Factory o st. 1133 ST" Where we will be glad to foe nil old friends nml customers ntul ns ninny new ones ns enn get Into the store. C. K. WIRIOK, SUCCESSOR TO WIRICK & HOPPER. WESTERFIELDS Palace Bath Shaving PARLORS. Ladles - and - Children's - Hair Cutting ASi'siCAI.TY. COR 12 & ) STS., N1JW HURR UL'K Leading PHOTOGRAPHER! Kino llust Cabinets f.1 per iloon. Hieclnl rates to student. Cull nml see our work. Studio, 1214 O Street. Open from 10 a. in. to I p. m. Sundays. 10YS FOR CHRISTMAS. A BUSY MULTITUDE NOW ENQAQED IN THEIR MANUFACTURE. Hsiiio of th No-eltlc Which Will Ho. Unlit thi) liny mill 1IW Ht tlin Hull, liny Hrnmiii CiKtly I'Ih) IIiIiikk from 1'riinrp nml Oernutny, (Copyright ly American Press Assodntlim. I I TIIK JAI'ANKSK MAOICIAV. i Just nt present thu busiest pcnpln In nml nlout the big cities of tho United Stutcn nro thu toy makers. From the inilliouulro who own tho largo factories, whore armies I of tin soldiers are turned out nt 11 rati) that I would innko old Santa Glaus blink, to thu , tiny little (ionium girl who knits worsted I gowns around rubber dolls nt n half cent apiece, uverynony is worKiug wiin inigui and main to keep up with the order that arc piling in from all parts of thu country for Christmas. It Is thu toyinnkurs liar vest season, nml for mouths every man, woman and child connected with the trade has been nt work preparing for thin har vest. Whllo thu pntriotlo American small hoy and his sister were still deep In their plans for a proper celebration of thu Fourth of July thu toy makers weronlreaily preparing tjgkc&ft. J. S. EATON, Physician and Surgeon Office: 116 S. Eleventh St. Telephones: Office 685. Residence 562. LINCOLN, NEH. X f&,JjLiruM.'r06' TIIK JUMPING KltOO. for Christinas. Uy July 1 scores of smooth tongucd traveling men started nut on their annual tours, each 11 verltablu Santa Clans, for hu carried nt least 11 hnlf dozen enor mous trunks crammed to thu lids with an assortment of toys that would bavo madu any Iwy or girl In thu land happy. Ik-fore n fortnight passed thu first order lind been taken, and thu factories that had been working on hnlf tlmu started in for busi ness In dead earnest, Increasing their forco with every week. No 0110 In thu trado objects to this stress of work. To thu fnctory owner it menus a fattening of his bank account, and to thu workers n season of plenty during which they can cat and drink to their hearts' content, and still lay by allttlo sum to servo during tho dull months afterward. In thu tenements where thu toy makers live thu lights aru seldom dimmed now bo- Sftcialitt. Practice Limited to Diseases of thu Nervous System, Heart and Blood UKKKKKNCKd: Hon, Wm. I.ecso. Attorney General. Hon, T. L. Norvnl. Assoclato Justleu. Jones' National Hank, Hownnl. Citizens' National Hank, Ulysses. Oftiok: 1!S! O Htreot, LINCOLN, NKII. LiuUm- Uso llr. l.n Due's IVrloillriil l'llls from I'arls, France, flint positively re Hove suppressloiiH, monthly tloraiiKOinents nml IrreKiilarltles caused liy cold, weiiltness, shock, anemia, or general nervous ilebll ty. Tim InrKu proportion of Ills to which ladles and misses aru llnhlu Is the direct result of a disordered or Irregular menstriuitlon. Hup. pretBloiiH eontlniicd result In blood polsonlni and iinlck consuinptlon. Xi packing or!l for 15. Sent direct on receipt of price. Sold In Lincoln by II. 1'. Hhcrwln, driiKKlxt O tree LINCOLN I f 71 'il&wQfOfpt 'dMlJ& ASH ISSTITUTB OK ri.SWAS8HII Shorthand, nml Tyiicwrrltlnir.U tlie lKit nml lari-nt Ciillwlii I ho West, un stiiilt'DM la ntteiiilainv lout jear, SliMi-nta iirciarsl icir Inulm-wi In frimi .Itotf month-.. Kxis-rlriicril faculty I'rnumal In.triji'tltili. beautiful llliulrnteilcatnkHtue, oillreo Journal., ami nJiiieu or icnniaiiiiti!i, wnl frru by aililmuliiK LILUUUIDaE & HOOSE, Lincoln, Neb. Tickets JIlL fMHCvKWSattTff vl u - - J-rr-'- TIIK CUAWI.1NO IIOI.U foro midnight, and bythutiiuu thu sun Is up next morning the family Is nt work again straining uvery nervo to iiuiku the most of thu opportunities in sight. Thu father and thu sous who aru old enough nro off to thu factories by daybreak, while thu mother nnd her daughters remain be hind to add to thu little storu by making such holiday trifles as can bo put together at homo. Of tho retail selling price of toys not more than 7 or 8 pur cent, on thu average goes to thu toy maker in this country. Tho rest is consumed principally by tho persons through whoso hands tho toys pass Until thoy reach thu Christmas tree. Thu retailer makes from 30 to 50 per cent, of tho selling price. Tho Jobber is rarely con tent with less than 15 to SO per cent, of the remaluder. Tho manufacturer wants ON SALE TO JL-U-i Principal Points EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH AT- TOUCII A IIUTTON AND SIX HIM HOP. 1044 O STRlilll. about !W per ctnt. ami the rest, except tho workman's small share, goes for fuel, p n CT O'-s'sON clerks, matetial and other factory ex- L,. r. ou.woowi, iiunsts W.u ti,uy work full time, from City Passenger Agent August ....m curum.,, .. adult m the factories earns nlniut tt'J 11 week, and Urn Isiys, of whom n largo number am em ilo)cd, make about f-V There Is (ine person III the factory, how over, who cams morn than this the dc slgnor of nuw toys. Ho generally nets In tho capacity of foreman or superintendent, though not unficiucutly a novelty Is In vented by one of thu clever workmen. Tills year the designers h.ivj apparently not been very busy, nnd In cotiscuucnco the Mock of American novelties to be olTered for Clyistnms Is not very great One of thu most striking among thu new things Is a Japanese Juggler, who balances a ball on nu umbrella for a half hour in thu legula Hon style when wound tip. Another Is a Spanish dancer of tho initio species, who Is attached to 11 board and Is worked by a lover. A weeping doll and dancing liear, a walking Chinaman, 11 locomotive that explodes whenever you want It to ami 11 Jointed alligator that creeps along In the most blood curdlingly natural manner complete tho list of mechanical novelties. Then there aro '"doll" sets, combs, brushes, soap, a tluy bottle of perfumery, etc., that eoiuu from France, and are cal ciliated to drive any little miss Into spasms of delight., (lerinauy also sends something new in tho "Jumping toy" Hue, being 11 blonde, blue eyed boy, who Jumps on Ins hands nnd knees true to nature; while America has added 11 Jumping tin frog that will win the Iniys' hearts. In dolls 11 greater variety than lias ever been seen lie fore will lie on tho shelves of the toy stores. There are dolls who walk nnd dolls who bow and dolls who salute you, or fan themselves, or do almost any thing else that you wish. And then, of course, there Is tho doll that talks, thanks to Mr. Edison, Hut this doll hasn't been much of a success. Tho pi Ice (f 10) Is too high, mid then iM'sldessko loses her voice A Fiiutitleroy doll, though, that came from Fran-o has lieen sold to retailers by tin ton, iud a "mourning doll" has gone so well that the stocks have been exhausted. Fot tho children of the rich there are any nuinls'rof expensive new mechanical toys from France. A Juggler about two feet high who does more wonderful tricks than Hermann Is on the shelves for fJl(K) along side of 11 "pleading barrister" at the same priee. There Is an "elect rlo toy" for hoys with luiUlsltlve minds. This fetches fTi, and generates electricity which Is made to ring liells,turu machinery, etc. A four teen inch bonr who walks us naturally as life Is rated nt (20, and a school of musical cats nt IfJ. A lioothlnck and a spinning woman who work for dear life when wound up are worth tWS. From thin things get gradually cheaper. A pig that jumps out of a stye to be fed Is $1.5.'), and nil sorts of dogs and cats who -icrforni to the tunc of a inuslo Itox In their organism can be had as low as W. PAUL HE WILL WRITE NO MORE. Historian Hiiiirrnf; Aniiiiiiiircs Ills He tlrenient from l.lti-rnry Lire. Thu venerable Oeorgu Haueroft recently announced that hu had laid down his pen forever. So it may bo assumed that Ids literary career is at an end. Those who lire now half a hundred years old remember when uvery one was discuss ing n new (colonial) history of tho United (fa I w s (SVC . Yt JC&yrZs 6 HON. (ll'OIUJK IIAXCIIOIT. Stat hi. They weru children then, ami If any of them tried to read Mr. llaneroft's history they doubtless found It Iieyond their grasp, but It made an impression upon their elders, which was reflected upon them; hut a small proportion of those who liegau to read this history when Its first volume appeared ever lived to read the latest chapter. Mr. Hancroft has lived to tread alone Komu linnqut't hull ilcsi-rtt-ri, and listen only to thu encomiums of subse quent generations. Mr. iiancroft has all his life been a horse back rider. One of the first Intimations the publiu had that the man who Is now over IK) years old was falling wns an ad vertisement which appeared some time ago olTcriug Ills Middle horse for sale. It Is said that Mr. llancrofl still possesses physical vigor, but his intellect is falling. Hu still receives those Impressions which aro conveyed to him, but they soon pass away. Mr. llaneroft's career goes back so far that scarcely any ouu can hu found who is familiar witli thu early scenes through which lie passed. Fifty-six years ago the first volume of his great history appeared. Forty-live years ago 1'resldeiit Folk made I III 4 'r'T5jijjjP',VI''t Mis cut afy b I a a c IpiifttMki lt-lnW THE HAPPY GLEANERS. 'THANKSGIVING SONG. 1 1 J'ubliniril through Tho American I'rrss Association. Mualo by R. GRAHAM HARVEY. vf Con tptrito. ity uvil ry'11111 . . . - I. The vll.ngel)olllliMlmiirirKliilinNTIieinornlngHliliieH,linwfiilrl Tho ehlUlron nil, and ruin. fill ilniiiw, To S. Thu limiMonl tru-ly him his tent, The fnr-tner leaps his grain s Hut still n jilt - tiineo (lod has sent The -'i;iO!, io II. Still, loitnil the jenrwo'l) iK-arlttmliid How iniieh lo Hint wo own Who -o'er pro-vlilcs that we limy Mini Wo 0- ' gfefefeigrifefeiigg r s'-5-s Martato. n , 1 . 1 J .uurron'. mmm.mmm yoii-ilerneldsre-jialr Tj a.gjeau.lng we will go, Then a-glcnn-ltui wo will go; Kncli KK)r-est to nialn-faln Then .i-gleaii-lng, etc. wmtmmsmzmimm 1 , reap as we shall sow. '$&--?- jJry-F 0 0. JT- riien a-glean-ing we will go. wo will go, Then n-glean-lng we will got Kaih mMmfm&!izM . 1 1 , - 1 ? tm pre tf I 1 U ' ' I T 1 I U grateful feels To Him wliodeiilsSiippllestohlghiihd low : Tliena-gleau-lng wo will go, Thena-glean-lug wu will ;d-r. P ?.-dzr.-i- if miMrmms grateful feels To Him who denls Supplies to high nnd low : Then n-glean-lng wo will go. wu will go. Then n-glcnn-lug w 0 will mtim&stemmm.?2Eim Fine Furniture. -H Lincoln has many beautiful and costly homes and Fine Homes need Fine Furniture and nowhere in the West will a more elaborate or liner stock be found than at HARDY & PITCHER'S If you have never visited their store, you have ne idea of the magnitude of their premises or the amount of goods shown. There is nothing so nice or lich but that it can there be had. A visit to this house is always full of interest. There is always something new and novel to please the eye. 211 S. lltli St. HARDY & PITCHEI? Ill 8.11th St. FINEST PALAGE STABLES. LIVELY LN THE WEST Stylish Turnouts of All Kinds. -r Till: NAVAL ACADKMV. him secretary of thu navy, and ho founded tho naval academy at Annapolis. Forty four years ago ho was minister to Great Ilritain. In IhTl ho was appointed the llrst American minister to the court of tho new German empire. In IbT.'i Mr. Hancroft went to reside in Washington, since when lie has been a conspicuous figure nt tho capital He has been twice married and twice e widower. His children and some of his ;;ranilchll dren, however, nre with him In Ids old age. Mr. Haueroft has alwajs liecu of aristo crats sympathies, and has always main tallied a position with fashionable peoplu. Often in summer he has been seen, even when past the heyday of life, ununited on his. saddle horse riding on thu IkvicIi at Newport, surrounded by the glitter ami display of fashionable lift-. At Berlin he created some dissatisfaction among the the Amei leans, who did not receive thu al- 1...... .i 1 1.. .1.... .1 .. 1 ii'miuii'-. iiiej minikin, inio iiii'iu iiuiii Luvu ff iAnA irjn minister. Ho has not been u nun of tho ' :eiQpil0l6 10 people, nut ns 11 historian hl.s fame is doubtless secure, and us 11 cabinet ollleer hu will be remembered ns tho founder of n national school for the education of naval oilh'irs. Tl.i fi lends of a German letter carrier recently celobrnteil tho Ilfty-llftli unnlver sury of thu day lie Iwgan duty. The man is vild to have w ilkcd over 11 milium miles. &&z ' "h ?$& ' nffrr-- M St., botwoon llth and 12th. Phono 432. L. Or. BILLMEYBE cfc CO. OFflOE 1024 0 Str'eet. Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty.