A CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1890 r i' CANDY for THANKSGIVING! Strictly Pure nnil the Largest and Finest Line In the City, at FOLSOM'S 1307 0 STREET. ffWcmnkc n npeclnlly of catering Ice Ctcimii nnd Fruit Ice (or Hull, Parties, Wedding, etc., nml cnn serve tlicui In the lirlck or by the quart on short notice nt reasonable pi Ices, Fancy Cnkcs of nil Kinds made to onlcr. Telephone orders receive prompt nttcutlon. Cull up 501. Madame A. Ruppert World Ronownod Complexion Remedies For Removal of all Skin Blemishes, Sold by Mrs. E. C. Rewick, Agent Hii (1 Street, Or, Foreman & Crowe, IH South Utli St. 4$mM&. Mlmil 33 -a. in k: . Lincoln, Capital, Nkruaska. $250,000 Ojhrrs unit Dhctton: John It, Wrluht, l'res. T. K. Sanders, V.-P- J. II, McOlny, Cashier. AH KnyiiHiiiili II l' Uu. Thus Cncliriin V. tl Hirer. Chun West, V I, Htiolilou. General thinking Ruslncss Transacted. Accounts Solicited, Dr. Alma J. Coe, Offioe, 1704 M Btreet. LIN0OLN, NEB. Chronic mid ncuto diseases of wnmon unit children. Will bo at Opells Hotel Wednes day ntitl Tliursdny of onoli week. Will trout dltllcult anil complicated oaes ncut to I ho city. Olllce Hours: 8 to 11 n. in,, a to 7 p. in, MRS. DR. EDDY, Trance Medium, And Clairvoyant, Can bo Consulted In nil Affair ot Life. 141 Mouth Twelfth Ht Hnom 1, Zehruiw Wook, LINCOLN, NKII. It I pi iistonlftliluK with what success Mrs. Dr. Eddy I meoilnit. Her room are always crowileil. A ureal many tiUNlnoHn people are testing her ability nt a luminous udv liter anil own thcmselveit both mjKtltleit unit satlslled vrlth the results. Uull 011 this wonderful me dium and bo convinced, lly her advice she guarantees iiceosa tn IiiihIiickh ami all ntl'ulrs fllfo. Send stamp fur llhutrated circular. EVERY EXPERT That hni ever used the YostWriting Machine Olveu It the dlttlncllou of being: the l'ccr among Typewriters. WESSCI. PRINTING CO., Agts. 11.11 -M N 8L w Courier Hullitlng SOCIAL AND I'KIISONAL A. Held Imi gono to WhiheiH'g. Clinilc A. Ilurke Is In Chicago. I Ion ace Oir ha gone to Ht. Ixnils. 0. I. Townloy left Monday for Ogdcii, Fred Itcutlngcr spent Hiuulny In Unmha, J. It. Lcinlst visited Atchison this week. Mm, II. O. Ih.rl left Monday for Denver. T. J. Itohlusou has gone to Henttlo to settle. lovph Thomas has gone to Plttshitig, Pn, I, lout. It, II, Townloy Is In tlnlventnu, Tex, Mrs. U. Hamilton Is vIMtlng In Dultith, Minn. J. McDonald has gono to (lalvustou, Texas, Mls Mlntilu Jacks Is visiting friends In WIIIht. William M. Ullllsplo visited Plnttsinoiith Tuesday. Hon, (1. M. Lnmbui Ison visited Chicago this week. (leorgo A.HenlwJdt has returned from Cus ter eounty. Mr. and Mrs. L, C. Illchaiils left Tuesday for Chldago, K. (I. Yates sK'iit Hiuulny In Omaha nml Council lllulTs. Mnsott (Ircgg left Huuday for Kansas City and New Orleans. Mr. and Mrs. J, K. Hlioa Marted Tuesday for Dtiliith, Minn. A basket social uas kIvoii at draco church Wednesday evening, J. H, llarwlck retururl Tuesilay from llloomlugton, Illinois, Mlns I.ulil Clark and Mrs, Hal O, Young were Oiuahn vlsltois Monday. John Iv. Hair Is In thn east visiting points In l'enusylvaula and Now York, Mrs. W. Q. Hell Is entertaining Mrs. II, lliullngiiu, of Mnmuouth, Illinois, Will Hardy left Thursday on n pleasure trip to Denver. He oxiiocts to return Tues day. II, I), Hathaway, Ilruco Trlckov and My. ion Wheeler aiu at North I'latto hunting game. A. 0. Kleiner was In Kansas City tho early part of tho vcok In tho Interest of tho Char ity Hall. A plcnsni.t social was given nt tho Hecond I'reHhyterlnn church, Rust Lincoln, Tuemlny evening. OeorRO II, Ilnstiiigsttoruoy-goucrnl-elcct, anil J olin C, Allen, secretary-elect, were In tho city this week. 0. (. I)awis has purchased for ttt.fsK), tho property on U street occupied by Zehruug Dunn's ilriiR stoic. The ladles of tho Plymouth Congregational church gave n largely attended ."I'cnku 81s ter" entertnluuieut last evening. 8. A. Oroat, a student of thn Cottier uni versity, died last 8aturday f typhoid feer. Tho 1 cumins woro Intel red nt Wyuka Wed- nctkay, 8ecrotarynf 8tato Cowdery and dauKhters, Misses Klttlo and Alice, returned Tutwdny from Faulkner, Dakota, Mrs. Cow dory Is exacted sometime next week. Vttnitii Fair has tiled articles of lncororn- tlnn with the secretary or state. Tho In 001 porators 1110 John M. Cotton, Kied Hon linger and John Mcintosh, TI10 death of Miss Mabel Ashby earned much norruv nuinng her largo circle of ae- ipialnlnnces 8lioHns inueli esteemcil by all who knew her. Tho funeral oeeuired 81111 day afternoon. Tho twenty-third anniversary of tho "Man chester Marty is" will Imj celebiated at KHz- roi aid's hall Monday uveiiing. Hon. 1. C. Cnvildy will deliver an oration and there will Ik music, etc., follow.nl by dancing. A young men's republican club was organ ized Tuesday evening with tho follow lug of Hem. President, W. II, Clark; secretary, (leo. J. MoArlliur; treasurer, J. J. Kb by; chairman of exocutlvo committee, O. K. Alexander. Ujichurch lodge No. 15, A. 0. U. AW gavo a pleasant social Monday ovcnlng. Ileclta tloiisnud musical selections woro given by Mm. linker, Miss Nolllo Kuoch, Mr. Charles Hurras, Miss Myrtle SnyJer, Miss Kvn Hnrrns,Mlss Carrlo Churchill, and Miss Roger. Mrs, Frank W. Smith, 1100 Miss Anna Hawkins, Is visiting relatives In the cltv. 8I10 spent 11 couple of days hi Omaha this week. Jim. Hmitli will remain here until about December 1st. Mr. Smith Is detained nt Alliance by tho Illness of Superintendent rtielnu or the 11. KM. Unless more care Is given to the hair, tho coming man Is liable to bo n hairless animal j ueneo 10 prevent 1110 nair rrom railing use Hall's HnlrRcnower, Tho holldajs aro ranldlv annroachlnir. nml it behooves Intending purchai-eisof ChrlstN mas gifts to bestir themseUcs. No more ac ceptable gift can Ihj mado than n craou or tralt, especially one ilono by C. W. Uurkltt the well-known artist of ll.'fcJN stnwL Mr' Ihukltt has drawn iwrtrults of Llncoln'sl most prominent jieoplo nml bis work lnvnri ably gives the utmost satisfaction. His work is always artistic and there Is an expressive ness in ins portraits seldom seen. Outers should bo left promptly. Have vou seen thosa OSct. Wnlklnir ninvcn. at J. IL Mauritius & Co's. For luiorted and Domestic Wines nml Lfnuorfl for fnnillv trnd... onll nti lj,nl. A Ksensky, 133 North Tenth street. Tho Lincoln Steam laundry having re cently changed hands and undergone many improvements is now better than over pro-. lnred to execute work in tho very tawt man ner, promptly nud at popular prices. Mr. A. W, Day the new proprietor has adopted a new and improved process for washing nml handling garments, hy which no bleach'ni; or Injurious materials aro used; tho flneot fabrics such as silks, lacos, flounces, flannels or cotton goods are laundried tn first class manner, without the least damage. One trla will conviueo the most skeptical that tho Lin coln Steam Laundry does tho finest work In the city. All goods called for and delivered. Telephone OS. Wedding cake Iwxes, nil styles, Wessel Printing Co. O. A, It. Hooks Very Cheap. The'.Wessel Printing Co, has several copies of Col. Rolxrt It. Real's well known history of the Grand Army of tho Republic in lino bindings which it will m-11 at .'1.00 per vol. unin. Original price, sold only on subscrip tion, at fS.OO, Tht-so books aro fully Illus trated and complete in every detail. Coll and see them. FAMILIAR PEOPLE. (Jeoigo Holden,whn has for nouictimo pint, been manager of Stetson's pharmaoy, left Tuesday for Denver to embark In luislwws for himself. Ho has unxoclatcd hlumelf with Prank Stetson of this city, and a grain and rommlstlou business will bo done under tho Unit lininii of Stetson & Co. (leorgo Is a member of tho Pleasant Hour club, and he has been deservedly opulnr In husinexH and social circles during his reddenen In Lincoln. He has n warm place ht the hearts of tho Imys. 0. J, Cornwall of lluiralo, N. Y., suc ceeds him as manager of 8totou's. Tho management of the llrnd strect Company at this olnt, which until Octols-r 1st, I81HI, was In charge of II. (' Patteisou, Is now placed under the manage meut of It. II. IaiwIs. Mr. iAiwishas been In tho employ of the company for some yeais, and Is thoioughly acquainted with tho state of Nebraska, hav ing traveled through tho same for the past three yeais In the Interest of said company. The Lincoln olllce was established somo two years ago as a sub-olllco of Omaha, Neb As Lincoln has steadily Increased In growth and luiM)rlnuco as a Jobbing and railroad centre, the facilities of Iheolllco hove not leen suuh ns to glvo satisfaction to tho laiger Jobbers of this city. Through tho aid of Messrs, Raymond Pros , & Co , Hargreaves Rros., II T. Clarko Drug Co, and tho .S'fdfc .oiinid Co., Mr. Iewls has succeeiliMl In having thlsolllcoestahllxhed ns an Indcpondont one, nml hereafter tho business will bo conducted In tho Interest of tho Lincoln Jobbcis. Ooo. N. Koresmnn, lately mndo traveling freight ngent of tho Klkhorn, has established headipiaiters in Omaha; hut ho will not al low any very long intervals to elapse be tween his visits to Llneohi. V Charley Carter, who used to las deputy commissioner of public lauds and buildings, now holding down n goixl Job In Columbus, Ohio, wns In tho city a fuw ilojs this week looking up friends and relatives. Charley thinks ho had n long head in sizing up the political situation six mouths ago, ami he says ho felicitates himself uvery day that he had tho sense to gut onto! tho way bofoio the storm bioko. His friends will bo glad to hear that he Is prospei lug In his new home. (leo. II. Tecdrlck, general agent of tho Pennsylvania railroad for Nebraska and vi cinity with headquarters In Omaha, was in tho city this week bidding good. by o to Ids numerous friends. Ho has been ordered to Milwaukee, Wis,, and will lemovoto the beer-brow lug city December lit. M. W. lNrisom, tho real estate and loan agent, has atKOclated himself with.). M. Mc- Vleker. These gentlemen will be pleased tu see their fi lends at l'Jl Noilh Twelfth street. Camp Wallett, 0110 of Lincoln's fuorlto traveling men, will bo man led to SIIhm Jes sie Kstello Warrington, Wednesday, Novt in-Ihi- i.tl, at tho residence of iho hi ide's mother In Oskaloosji, Iowa. Miss Warrington made an extensive visit In tills city a jenr ago and will tio lemembereil by many of our joung eople. Imitations to the wedding of .Ml Jeiiuio Morgan, ilaughtei of Mr. and Mis. K. A. Moigau, ami Keu D, lllufonl, have been Is sued. The ceieinony Jolnh g In wiillock theMj popular joung people, Is announced to occur Thanksgiving night, Thuisday, Novemher '-'7, at half-) ast eight; at tho lesldeuce of tho bride. Miss Kthel Howo, tho well known Instruct ess In vocal music, lias gone to New York, Intending tn mako the metropolis her home. She w 111 continue to touch. Chamberlain's Kyo nml Skin Ointment. For tetter, snlt-iheum, scnM-head, eereinn nud chronic soro eyes. Pi let)!.'.'') cents per box. Rrown's new branch restaurant, 1418 O street, Is doing n largo business, and persons in tho enst wirt of tho city are to bo congratu lated on having so nlco and convenient a place to dlno at. This Way l'or Overcoats. You have read about overcoats that near ly every house In town has advertised, but as yet none of them can show a stock or give tho Inducements In them that Mlltonberger oilers at tho Rostou Clothing House, 1KK) O street. Ho has them in till weights, nil colors, all styles and In tho very latest fabrics. You can't afford to buy elsewhere. Call hi and let tho boys show you their stock. Won't cost you a cent to look nud w hllo It w 111 In terest you jet you lose nothing hy calling hi. Remember tho place, 1039 O street. Ladle will (1ml Miss Johnston an accomp lished artlsto In halrcuttlng, bang trimming, hair dressing, etc. Call and see her, 1114 O street. II. P. Sherwln, USt O street, has n present for every one of his customers that cannot fail to lie appreciated. Ho will glvo to every customer n fine crayon picture made from any photo Hint is desired nml it will not cost you a cent. Call in at his drug and shoe store add seo how It Is done. 1 124 O street. Koiitliern Tour. Tho Union Paclllc system has in connection with Its nil tho year round toiirl.st rates to Ogdcn, Salt Lako nnd Pacific coast jiolnts, placed on salo winter excursion tickets nt low rates to all Southern losorts in North and South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Louis iana, Florida, Texas, Mexico and to Havana Culm. For ra es and pni tlculars apply to 1014 O street, or Union DeKt. K. R. Hi.osson, City Ticket Agent. Llnroln Hi. Joe & KaiuusClty. Through Sleepcrn and 1'arlor Cura. The day of transfers, changes and delays between Lincoln, St. Joe nnd Kansas City is over, tho R. K M. having placed In service n line of combination sleepers nnd purlot chair cam that for convenience, elegance and com fort surruisa ativthinir )if-tnrnrnnii lufiu, these points. The present schedule Is as fol lows; i,oave Lincoln, H:au p. m, dally, arrive in St. Joe 0:37 a. in., Kansas City 7:60 a. in, ; returning, leave Kunsus Cltv Uli n ,,, ,inllv St. Joe 11:15 p. 111., arrive at Lincoln 7:50 p. 111. Theso trttlna rim vln Tlmitrl,.,. Htinm .., .. ........ ...,..,,,.,i. ,, j,,u,u 1,1(14 Table Rock and make close connect Ions at terminal points. The service is really excel lent ami we can looomiiieiiil It will, ,,.l, confidence, Fuither Information can bo ob lamed at union djpot or city olllco corner O and Twelfth streets. A. C. .1KMKH, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. 80UTH LINCOLN. J. II. W. Hawkins loft Wodmxlny for (imaiin, Mrs. K, 8 Pant left on Holiday for Omaha, (o visit her daughter, Mis, Hunt' The Third Presbyterian church has lieen located attoruerof Peach nnd llth stieets. Mr. and Mrs. W. McCombs from llioken How aro the guests for a few days of their nephews, U. h. nml Will IaiwIs. Mrs. 1), K Taylor, wife of tho mavor o Wymore, Is the guest this week of Mrs. K. linker, at 10O!l Washington street. Mr nud Mrs, 8. W. Lino and Miss Anna Horton will attend tho State Christian l'.u deavor Association at Hastings on Sunday. Dwiuht Lew Is of Des Moines, Iowa, left on Thuisday for home, nfter n short but plens imt Islt with his brother, C. L. l.ow Is nt 'Jllty C street. I'ttgeiio Parks, tho small boy who accident ally shot himself In tho hand Inst Saturday, Is doing nicely under tho 8kll)ful treatment of Dr. Crlni, A very pleasant reception was given on Tuesday night nt the Tilnlty M. K. church In honor of Klder Davis, tho retiring nml S. I), Roberts, tho now minister. Mm. Georgo lug gnvo n very pltniant re ception at her home, South llth street, 011 Tuesday afternoon in honor of her two sisters-in-law, who aio her guests from Provi dence, R. 1 AuntSamantha, A pi eminent physician ami old army surs genu In eastern Iowa, was called away fiom home for a few iluj s; during his absence one of tho chlldi en contracted a soveio cold anil his wife bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Goiigh Remedy for It. They were so much plenod with tho remedy that they afterwards used several Isittles nt various times. He said, from his exeilvuco with It, ho regards Itas the most tollable piepaiatio-i In uso for colds and that It enmo tho nearest being n shs-II1o ir any misllclnn ho had eve- seen Forsal'i by A. L Slimier. Sonio voiy nice and now things In hair ornaments are now hilng shown at Miss Johnston's, 11110 stieet. Home elegant nov elties for evening wear. Call and foo thorn. Alurn Than lit en 11 Mummy Could Stand. Mr. Doodle (the ciirlciitiirlHt)lln, hat I have It, I'll draw n 1111111 with 1111 ux cut ting up 11 bundling house pio A Clear Cine. Jnggcm What ever been mo of Pe aought'a dogf You know It used to give 7011 bo much trouble.- Wlggler-Ohl It's dead. Jaggers Did you kill Itf Wlggler No. It committed suicide. .luggers Sulcldol Howf Wlggler It came over Into my ynrd while I was sitting hare with 11 loaded pis tol. Munsey'a Weekly. Hut Wliut Wit On It. "What do j on think of tho tahlof" asked tho landlady of the new- boarder, who is of a vivacious nature, and nt the samo time hntes to hurt anybody's feelings. "Really," said he, nftcr some hesltntlon, "I enn conscientiously Indorse your table as x masterpiece of cabinet making." Wl ahlngton Post. Pays Casli. Merchant I wish to insert nn advertise incut In Tho Morning Rugle. Clerk Yes, sir. "Commencolt In this way: Pay cash, nnd put thoso words iu lnrge letters." "Yea, sir." "And I wish you'd trust mo for tho amount for a month or so," Yankee Hlado. How It Sounded. "No, 1 haven'tl" shouted Mr. Ardup angrily, sitting up In bed. "Haven't what, dear f" asked Mm. Ardup, only half awake, "Whatnro you tnlklng nboutf" "I am answering that blamed katydid. It keeps on saying: 'Got your coal? Got your coal? Got your conlp " Chlcagoan. Accidents Wilt Happen. Miss GuaUlniton I admit, Arthur, that this (s not tho lint 1 1 1110 I have been en gaged, but I'm sure your noble, sonorous heart Llltlo Rrothcr Sis, tho baby's got your bag otenguguinont rings. Street &SmltJi's Good NewH. And Long Terms. "Dear 1110," said the philanthropic lady who was visiting the Jail, "I can't believe that you are entirely devoid of principle" "Relieve tne, niadaui," was tho reply, "1 often had very strong convictions "Wash Ington Post Mineral water used for lsithlng, 1010 0 st. l! i V m 1 t -Life New Goods and New Styles Throughout For Fall. Don't be Tardy The Best Will be Picked First. This is the Season of the year when COAL is KING when Competition is Close and Everybody has the best. Then is the time to go direct to Headquarters. You need a supply for the Winter and as now is the time to buy, why not call on BETTS St WEKER and see their line and get prices. There you can get .he pure article direct from America's greatest mines noted for their purity and excellent quality. Call up Phone 440. - - Office 1045 O Street. .-rrzaz-z&z-' .gffEg TT., . y m ' -L?ZrS- V r SSZ offT' NOTHING SLOW There Is really nothing slow about Ing nt such exceptionally low prices. a in c iwi mm ai mis manksgiving season ot tne enr lie doesn't do things bv halves. He Is traveling nt the rate of exactly a mile a minute. What is his hurry f "Whv lie s on the way to A. '1 . GRUETTER. & CO.'S, and he knows that If he loses any time he may be too late for the Fine Chean Dedroam Suite uhiri, n... nr.. .,... rr..- A. M. DAVIS & SON, Fall and Winter Carpets and Draperies, 1112 0 St Telephone 219. -W.. t ..TnWI c illTMCTSTM UQttUJjflU335 SaLS' c fV aoMP Fall Overcoats and Suits ! Lots of them, Beautiful Patterns and Elegantly Made. First coiners will pick the ripest plums remember that, $12 to $25; hardly a clear way to tell you, but those are about the extremes. . HATS You can pleasantly answer that favor ite: "Where did you get that Hat?" When you've bought ours and saved an extra dollar. A. Hurlbut & Co. Cor. 10th and P Sts., Lincoln. Mr ' , li Tt- . V" W" ABOUT UNCLE SAM. Uunclc Sam. When he Invites a man to take 1 -.... ( ivi uiv nun uiiv,i' Milton M. Lyon the Wide Awake Newsdealer nnd Subsrlptlon Agent, not N St. Lenvo Orders fur any Newspaper. Mngnzino or Porlodloal whatso- oyer unit twill procure It for you at publisher's Lowest Prl?o Utiles will id ways Unit a ful lino of Knihloti Minraslnos on niv counters, also a full lino of Mmu. Voua's Uolobratoil Kfowo" Atud of Tolstoi's "Kroutzer Honiitu" now as conts. '"""rntuuios, ,,t,''M,",n'noll'toMaiipln,,,',NotroCooiir1" (tho Human Honrn "Peter's Houl," "l'lio Turnover Club," "Tie Ust T row bv "thn Iuelips, lluilynrd Klpllnu's entire series Inolioa pUpor fonn ? e t. Alb.rt Eo.V Latest "Idfltsllss Bhaiow," BOo psperV. ' ' orror,n -' oU Ths Qothsm Mews Emporium, Milton M. Lyon, Proprietor, SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR Delivering Botes, Letters, Invitations PARCELS, JSTO. 'E CAX U'AKH VOU UP At at any hour to make tho early trains get your mall from psstoiikc, otc. Open Day and Night I Telephone too. Olllce, S, W. cor. toll, nnd O. X m i f I rtft yn,. JJ-fjL f Wr m,,..