CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER iS, 1890 Embroideries, Laces, convdinivdiBnsroinsra- Monday, November 17, Wc will offer Special Bargains in the above named goods. Be sure and ask to sec our assortment. J. W. WINGER & CO. 1109 0 ST. THE ADVANTAGES WHICH GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE Offcra to Nobly Dressers in making their Selection) (rout our Lare Assortments o( Tailor Made Suits ARE NUM EROUS. First and foremost our prices nre from $15 to $20 less than the regular Merchant Tailors will charge jou (or identically' the same suit. Second Is the ohsolutc certainly o( your getting a perfect fitting garment. Then you are not subject to any delay or disappointment, as Is too often the case when you leave your measure with the so-called crack tailors. Our stock o( Fine Tailor Made Suits comprises all the very Latest Styles In Prince Albert Suits, Three-Button Cutaways, Double-Breasted Sacks, Square and Round Cut Sacks. Wc shall be pleased to have you call and Inspect our magnificent line of Fine Suits bcfoic making your purchase, confident It will be to your Interest as well as ours. Globe Clothing House, Corner 0 and Tenth. NHWMARK & IIERSCHLER, Props. - siM- 'mi IffttftN&RlCfflTR tn snwm mmimmmmmimmmammmm o-"-v t 1204 and 1206 0' Ruchings, THE Stoves Furnaces Hardware Best Stock in the State. Courteous attention given callers. We have a competent force of nutlers who will do all kinds of job work in a satisfactory manner. Fkx Wo Invito Ynn tn Cull ! & 3 HALL & DUNHAM 112 6 O St. Street, Burr Block PREACHERS UAlinDiNE AND STET80N. tin I'onutit dm Ltittfirjr unit She U ChrUtlaii Silcntl.l. Hen) nro two prencliera wlm nm lielnu talked nlmiit. Tim new piiMnr of tho Centetinry Metho dlst. rlitirrh of St. IniN, Uev Doctor Curnillne, hull from Now Orleans, whore hi) Ioiik llllrd tho pulpit of tho Ciimnilelpt Mrthodlst Kpleomleltiircli. While Intlio Crescent city hn dlHtlngulnliisI hlumelf In an unusual manner as nliowii In (lie follow liiK from the St. liuls IVwt-DlMpntrlu Kcw imiIo In tint mirth or In litis pity know llmt tlm recent'tiiicnt of lawn liy cohki-cm in lis Attempt to cliokn Hid lottery uionMcrof New Orlonim Is tlio rvmiltot nliiiictiient Iwkuii and plnnmil nonrly t o enin ngo liy l)r (.'urn illnc, who, fully rcnlltltiK tlio otll Ihllin-iico M work, olio ilny xlo Ills inlml on tho milijoet from tlio pulpit of tlm Cnromlrlct Mctluxllst rliureli. Tlio nltnntloti of nffnlr wns no ttrnphlc nlly pictured liy tlioiiinnof tlio kimIpI Hint Ills Mention wns printed In n circular nml xc-attonst ocr tlionoulli hromlciut, Tlio knmI work Ik'Riui to ls'iir frnlU In u few moulds tlio effect wns up jwtrent nml an nntMottcry movpim'tit ns K'kiiii. AKln l)r Citrnillno Nnrrl hot nliol into tlio piipmy'H rmnp from tlio pulpit, nml prlntctl nmt tcr nns fret'ly clrciilAtcil, lllantrntoil pamphlet, isIHihI liy him, fotloupit, nml rcncliiil that eliuu who woiiM not or eonM not reml or think. Tho followers of Dr. CurmUito hocAino ho iiiiiimtoiih that ho Krew bold cnoiijth tonttnek tho rnrmy-tlin lottery twlndloni In tln'fr own camp nml prcml.v -tlio ntnte li'tfUlntiire -but nioni-y proved Itwlf ntniiiKer thnn moral suasion, mid ho mid his friends went nhllged lo look tn tho most Mierfnl Ixxly In tho land, tlio I'nlttxl Hinted tH'iinto, and there they wero moro miceewful, as tho country at laro Is aar. Dr. C'aradino Is W) years old, but Is do. ficrlbed iih apparently In his prime. The nntl-lottory movement Is his pet topic, nud ho decliire.s that ho believe tho recont act of eongresH will give tho lottery IiiinIuphs lt death blow. The earliest crusader alms not only to reform leglNlatlou relating to lottcrlcN, but to stir tip tlio public con science ho that tho Hwindlo can Imvo no support. The possessor of n lottery ticket is In his opinion u party to the "fraud and rolMilllou" that ignores tho laws of tho !& & TU? lilt. CAIIAIMNi: MII8. HTKTMIN. land, and express companies and bank presldentH who handle funds and tickets are, he holds, among tho guilty ones. Kev. Augusta K Stetson, who has licou duly ordained and installed to iiresidoovpr tho Christian Scientist society of tlio Church of Christ, Now York city, is the second woman ordained in that, sect, which wan founded by Hov. Mary II. G. Kddy, pastor of u society In Jiostou. Mrs. Kddy Is also tho great teacher of tho Scientist, her book "Science and Health" lnilng used as n text look. At tho ordination of Mrs. Stetson extracts from this book wero read along with the Scriptures. Tlio Scientist are not nil women, let It lw noted, for two men, Imth ordolned pastors, ofllciatcd at tho ordina tion nud Installation of Mrs. Stetson Hov. Ij. 1 Xorcross and Uev. F. K Mason. C'onroriiliiR tlio .Italia. Tho "Malla," now creating such dls turlmnco In New Orleans, is i lino Illustra tion of how n system will endiiro long after the causo which created it has passed away. No country in tlio world was over so honeycombed by secret societies as Italy during tho second third of this century. Conspiracy was brought to n science. Ono society was so perfectly or ganized that It contained many thousands of dosiernto men, and yet no more than three wero ever present at any meeting u traitor could never Isitray moro than two persons. In Naples at ono tlmo n very dangoroitB plot was organized without tho utterancoof a word. It was all In panto mime nml by symbols marked on paper. Tho despotic governments wero nil over thrown, mid Italy was united under Victor Kmanuel and his son in a free, lllieriil and constitutional monarchy; yet many of tho secret orders remain and aro still killing "traitors" in various countries. Tho "Car bonari," "Illuinlnatl" and others aro be lleved U) Iks dissolved, but tho "Malla," tho "Order of Three" and others remain. For eigners of several nationalities In tho United States aro still brooding over the wrongs of tho past and secretly thirsting for vengeance. In Italy some of tho once "patriotic ImuiiIs" Imvo sunk into mere or ganizations of roblKTs. A Wild llrl.lal Tour. Kinll llolub, an Austrian, arose through poverty and oWurlty to tho dignity of having his collections as an explorer in Africa placed In the Vienna exposition, anil there ho met and wooed and, at last, won it daughter of tho superintendent of tho exhibit. In a week after marriage the pair wero off for Africa. Mrs. llolub has a lino physique, anil was able to Is-ar all tho fatigue of tho trip, She carried a gun, and faced many dangers duo to the climate and tho savagery of central Africa. There was enough for Mrs. llolub to at tend to in tho explorers' camp. The old fashioned occupation of iiiciiiIIiik torn and anil tattered gar ments fell to her lot, and at last the ancient and essen tial duty of mar keting ami cook ing supplies de volved upon her. However, tho grunt distinction of !lng tho first woman to pen o trato navago Afri ca was not belit tled by meanness of condition and etntilovinelit. and MltS. IIOI.L'1). Dr. 1 1 ol tib's wife went on tho hunt for wild lieasts, and even passed through encounters with tho warlike trlls's along tho route. Tho trip closed with a perilous ami trying retreat, lasting eight months, with only surh food as could bo taken on tho way, and without tho com forts of their camp utensils, which had been stolen by Bavages. Mrs. llolub enmo out eimal to tho best of tho part), three of whom had succumbed to tho hardships of tho life. Th African llimni. Staid old Knglaud isexciti-d overfome thing very like a laud "boom" not in England, hut hi Africa. Tho symptoms are curiously likuthosu shown In tho new states of our own west. The most conserva tive men and journals talk as If American experience in developing tho groat valley of tho Mississippi wore to be repeated by Hnglaud in Africa, and In a much shorter time. All Africa south of the (ireat deseit U to lw rapidly civilized and Innil-li Ku stand markets for centuries to ci me m WJ3l VMM tir rjN. 7. S Si Vilr1 To tlm llllttr Knd. "You npeak of her n n 'llirrn ply girl,'" 3lncrvpil a SU l'nitl matron to n young muni "what do yon mpaii by that?" "Well, slin Is handsome, swret tempered and rlrh. Thosu trlplo virtues make, her a three ply girl." "Why do you not carry tlm nlmlhi out to Its logical conclusion r" "Ilowf" "Why, If she marries you nho will ho worsted." St, Paul Pioneer Press. Tlm nirrerrnpn to lllm. j TcAclior (finding out who bad hit him with a paper hall) You thought that very funny, didn't your Jqlinnle I would Imvo If I hadn't Inmui caught. Life. Ho 1 1 ud Itenril ICiiimuti. Two nights after tho completion of tho telephone lino between Farnvlllo and Hampden Sidney, Va., ono of tlio largest tobncoo warehouses In Farnvlllo was burned. Tho 11 ro was thought to bo tho work of an Incendiary. Next morning a negro man with a bad reputation and very llttlo sense wont into the telephone olllcu. "WuU ilnt nr thing yoii's talkln Inter. Mr. Hlaiitour" "Thai's a telephone." "Kr tell you whatr" "A thing to talk into. You just ask it anything you want to know and It tells It." "Is ilnt sof I done liynnl 'Niutilat rorn versatlou hangln' up on do wall, but I alu' knotted it could tell nil dent things." "Oh, jess I am busy now, hill If you will como back in an hour I'll get It to tell you who hurtled the warehouse." "Idlnnoe. I got time ferdat." "Well, you'd better take tlmo, or I'll think you did It." As soon as Sam left, Hlauton called up tho other end, described tlio negro and gave tho operator tho tip. Sam came back In an hour, tho Ilampden Sydney operator was called up ami Sam put the IkiII to his ear This Is what ho heard; "The person that burned the Planter's warehouse last night Is a ginger eiko col ored negro, K ft. It) In. high, little linger gono from left hand" -Sam's eyes began to bulge "ono front tooth gone, wears a mustache nut! goatee, has three children, has been In Jail for stealing a sheep from Maj. Venahlo, and his name Is Sam," With a wild yell and eyes starting out of his head Sam Isilted from tho room, Jumped on a passing freight train, and nover came hack to claim the reward offered for him. Chicago Herald. How ll KcKoinlilcil Pliimittl. There have been a few, n very few, ex tremely High Church Episcopal clergymen In this country who appeared to think that n studied neglect of the bath was a mark of Catholic orthodoxy Ono of these ex cedent men, who was well known in thin city h few years ago, was generally arrayed In a coarse cassock that had long ceased to bo even approximately clean, and In linen that was simply dirty that Is tho out word that can bo used. His finger nails were In mourning, and altogether ho was n good reproduction of a medliuval salutr tho kind with whom tho odor of sanctity was made visibly manifest by tho odor ot dirt. Strangely enough, he was at tho samo tlmo a gentleman by birth, educa tion and rearing. Ho was sLmply misled by n (also Ideal of Christianity. Hut that Is not tho point. Ono day two Episcopal clergymen got to talking nbout him. "What does ha remind you of any wayf" asked ono. "Of Annuel," was tho reply, "How sor" asked thoflrst. "Oh," answered tho second, "because ho shrinks so from washing," Nuw York Tribune. lie Mlcllt llntn Kxprutnl. "Dot rast old Llcblg, anyway," exclaim ed Phlpps tho other morning. "What has tho baron ls.on doing nowf" asked Doddsley. "Doingr Why tho old wretch said that horseflesh was moro wholesome than Is-ef or mutton, and I went him ono. Ate all I could." "Well? It was good, then, wasn't M" "Yes, but, blamo tho old scamp, I had the nightmare nil night. "Chicago Times. 1'hotographle vlows of tho city of Lincoln, publlo buildings, binlnem houses and line residences In book form, pretty souvenirf, may I hi had at tho WeW Printing Co., 11,'IA N street, price fifty cents. With His Thumb. hoy is snld to liao saved tlio Netherlands from Inundation. Multitudes have heeu saved from tin; Invasion of disease hy a bottle of Ayci's Harsaparillu. This medicine liiipaits tout; to the system and strengthens ccry in gau 3iid llhre of the liody. " 1 have taken a gleat ih-al of medicine, but nothing has done me so much good as Ayer's Hartnparllla. I cxci lenced Its hene flelal elleets hcfoie I had ipilto llnlshed one bottle, and I eau ficely testily that it Is tho best blood medicine I know of." I,. V. Ward, sr., Woodland, Texas. "Confined to an olllrc, as I am, from ono year's end to another, witli little or no out door exercise, I find great help In Ayer's Harsap.ullla, which I hae used for several years, and am at present using, with excel lent results. It enables me to keep nlwnys nt my JMist, enjoying the host of health." II. C. Karnes, Maiden, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla I'UKI'.MIKn nv DK. J. 0. AVER & CO., Lowoll, Mass. Huld by Drum;!'!. t1,lx5. Worth $5n bottle. ED8N 7VYUSee Week commencing Monday, Nov. 17, A CONOItKHH OK NOVKIl'IKH HA VON A. Hhe walks tn tho air .AMOHA. Throws the Assegai II IU (MIKIIKK. Is an Arah Chief OVA Is n Japanese Vntor-color Artist TIIK KOY IIKOtf. Ale Wonders. W I mm i i'.i TI'IINKU Is (trout. f They lire all at the Musee tills week, (HI AN-1) HI-.K'IIIKM 10c Admits to All ! 10c - FOR Charity Ball Silks and Satins In Great Profusion, in all the Late Fashionable At Popular Prices. 1 1. 1 1 and 1 TEETH EXTRACTED DR. H. K. KER7VYAN SURGEON DENTIST, Who has the Exclusive Use of Steauna's Anesthetic No Chloroform ! No Kther I No Gas I A Eull Set of Teeth on Eubber for $5.00. All Fillings at the Lowest Rates. DR. H. K. KERMAN" Rooms 9' B,,rr H,ock Largest and Finest Herman Bros. HAVE TUB MOST FOR MEN FOR BOYS. OVERCOATS Ever Shown in Lincoln. All we ask is a call and we feel confident that wc can please you, both in style, quality and price. Wc buy direct from the manufacturer for our wholesale trade and len retail stores -consequently get lower prices than other houses that buy for but one store. See our New Fall Stock ot Suits, Underwear, Hats, Gloves and Neckwear. HERMAN BROS. 1017 O Street. DfSTRld z xr- ifi Fri i LJt c t S ,- A jcompany; vat. vnyr7 CtiXI v. v- Mw THE Shades 1,1,3 O Street, WITHOUT PAIN 33TT- LINCOLN, NEB Stock in Lincoln. - ATTRACTIVE LINE OP FOR YOUTHS FOR ClIILDRBiV SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR Delivering Notes, Letters, Invitations parcels, urrc. 117; (VLV U'AKH VOL' 11' At ut any hour tu make the early trains get your mull from poktottlee, etc. Open Day nd NlRht ! Telephone iijo. Ollice, S. W. cor. loth anil O. Milton M. Lyon the Wide Awake Newsdealer and Suh'.riptioii Aent, 1 101 N St. lAiitveUnlerH roriuiy Newnpupor. .Maazlno or l'erlixlleal wliatno. ever anil 1 will procure It for you at iiuliltKlivr'M Lowed I'rleo l.iulli'M will ulwityH tlinl it full lino of KimIiI'iii Mai;iulnoion my eoliuterii) aim) u full line of Mine. Vouuit' Celetiruteil Klowcr Stiutles, Tolntol'K "Kreutzer Soiuiln" now li'i eentn. "Mailamolkelle tie Miiuptu,"' Notre CiMMir." (the Human Heart), "1'eter'n Soul, ' "Tlm Turnover Club, I'lie Uit Throw," by tho DiiehekH, Huilyanl Klplluis'ii entire Herien In eheiii paper form act. Albert IW Lateit " la Btellai BhaJow," fiUo papr., Tho dotham Newt Kiaporlum, Miltoa M. Lyon, Proprietor.