CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1800 a fmrnzz zmrcmvz 0smmwm- Afe. Mr-fci-ui t Cu GOLD COIN HEATERS For Hard Coal OK, For Soft Coal. Most Powerful Heaters Made I Most Economical on Fuel! FRANK E.LAHR, 030 P STREET, NORTH SIDE P. O SQUARE. Smoking Jackets, Fancy Yests, Full Dress Suits, Full Dress Yests, Fine Furnishings, Christy's London Hats, AT "" GREAT Handkerchief SALE ' Big Bargains in all qualities and prices. I Inndkerchlcls from 25 cts. to $10.00. Sale to Continue only a Few Day. DON'T FAIL TO CALL! FOREMAN & CROWE, 1 14 South Twelfth Street, A Fine Crayon LIFE SIZE -AT Shertwjn's 1124 0 ST. l Every pustomcr gets a he.'trf and shoulder Crayon Pictiu Free fri(l ny - and all . st. This work is made direct from any photo .you may want copied. .Call and look into this matter. 41 W--5 v r' '. vi-CM--4'VfW mmimmm -k'J"tWJB.h I MiyiuW iMr of Modem Time. Publlwliocl Saturday. Address nil cimiinunicAtlim direct lo thsnnice Wicmhicl Puintino Co. 1'UllMH.IIKIIH. Courier IIiiIIiIIiik, li:u N HI root, TKI.KPIIONKgVI U H'khhki., .In., Kdltor nnd Hole Proprietor. W. Morton Hhitii, Asoolntu Kdltor. Huiihgiiiitioni Onu Your by Mull or Carried fJOO; Mx MnntliK, ft OOjThreo Mouths, fioo.j Ono nionlti ail LVula Irirnriklily In Ailrniicc. ,l)VKlrTIKMKNTHI lUles f limUlieil (Ml Application At the ofllco, H-cUI rotes 011 Time Contracts, OotrritinirriONslBhortsploy sketches, poems mul stories solicited, lVnwuiftl and Hoclsl notes nro nqiecUlly desirable, I'sumscit We tnnko n specialty of Kino l'rliitlng In nil Its limnalie. Hoelety work a sM-cl.lty, filtered at Urn I'mlotllco of Lincoln, Nob., (in second clam iiintti r. POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 63,000. TAKE NOTICEI The Couhikh will not lie resKnlblo for my debts made liy nuy ono In It iminu, tin--Ma written order accompanies tlio same, IN THE UIUIARY. Olio of tlm latest addit ions to tlio sociological J'VErVA 1 I "c"on of hodny mlloloii 11. unriieiier s -'in mis Your Hon, My Lord" from tlio nress of tlio tfh""-'fil Arena Publishing com pany lloston. Thin now novi'lUono of tlio most fearless attack tion hocIii! Inuuoiiillly tlmt I I'nvo over rend. Tlio author under, stands her subject thoroughly, mul nhu iIo.iIh with tlio debauchery prevalent In what In known an "good society" in n masterly way, expo-dug without mercy thodcgredntlnu mul moral rottenness of th most petted lenders of fashion, HI10 linn studied university llfo mul In paying her resects to tlio Ilmvurd fast sot, sho evidence nu Incllniitlou to nwrllio In 110 small measure tlio lowering of Ihu standard of morality among men to tlio dissipation nnil vleo Incident to college llfo 11 tlio present ago. In tlio blindness of ar onU sho also sees u ronson for tlio emly downfall of 10 ninny young inou. Those aw fill truths which nn shudder nt; hut which wo nre not accustomed to rend about, urn de (ilctoil In tlio moat real 1st lo mnnnor. FiiImi pnulory U alwelit in '! Thin Your Hon, MyLonlf' but rt healthy tono orvadc tlio tKKik mul thoro in uothliiR nt which the uiot 'iiBltlvo psmon can lake nlTeune. Tho Htory l Hcullarly Intoix'wtliiR, dealing principally with tluoo youiiR men mul two joting wo men, typifying tho vnrloim component elc inonti of HocletynH it exlnta today Tholiook should Itoread by nil thinking people. Drake' Mayozine for Novemler nlmun.U with tho utuiil Htoro of good, proinlno it among which may 1h moutloiUMl "Hunting thIllg Horn In tho Hocklex," "An Eventful Night In tho Dliwecllug lloom," "Tho Dread Wlnnor," eto, ;;(iyJini(J for 1HH). With colored fi-ontU-plectt. Cloth, l.OOj bonnU, 75 cents. Iloston; I). liOthrop company. Tho bound volumo of Htdiylnnd for 18(0 comes n a welcome vUl toi to n hnjmy hoot of the weo xoplooftho numory ns well im to thono thmimulii and tensof tlioumindu of mothers and tdnteni who II nil their enr-tnklu louMnel and llglitomsl by the nppenrnnco of no acceptable n help. The volumo U cronded with gwxl thing little stories, ihyiuex mid Jlnglox, and a wealth of UliiKtrat Ioiih that nerve to enipha Ito mid make doubly Interesting tho text, Ayer' Sintaprllle. Its record of forty yoaro Is ono of triumph over blood d Incuse. A Oreut KnlerprUe. Those who hnvo not Ik en through the es tnblUluue nt have no Idea of tho inagultudo of the enterprise In which tho (Inn of Max well, Shan10 & 11 'mve Jnst Mnburked nt l&MM-StKU O street. This new firm, ntter nn xxlstruco of only n few months, have manifested their conlldenco In Lincoln's growth by renting and stocking the largest retail store in tho city. Their building Is n mammoth double four story structure, and theru tire few larger stores even In the larger el tie. The proprietors' him is to make the tore inconvenient ns possible to the letall buyers of Lincoln, and to that end they hnvo placed In n most complete stock of goods In all tho standard lines. Hero everything nocesMtry for housekeeping and dress can lie obtained under one roof, tho combination of a linlf dozen different stores under ono owner ship nnd management, affording peculiar ad vantages to tlio imyer in tlio way or greater vui ioty of good and reduced prices. The More has only been opeu a woclc; but already the trade has txceeded tho expectation of the linn. On tho first lloor lire ittuated tho dry goods, notion, kid glove, fancy goods boot and shoe, gents' furnishing, hardware, sport. Ing goods mid grocery departments, oicli complete by itself mid under the direction of capable superintendents. The second lloor Is devoted entirely to furniture nnd lamps, mid tho Immense nrea hero i completely covered wlih one of the llnest assortments of furniture in Lincoln. And on tho third lloor nre lo cated the stove nnd tinware departments and tho fourth Is devoted to reparlng, storage, etc It is tho Intention lo add a number of additional lines in tho near future. The store is supplied with elevators, and the first lloor Is equipped with tlio llestedo cam ami bundlo system. Tho appointments through'. out are lint-class In overy respect. A force of fifty employes will bo required to handle the trade. Lincoln is to oo congratulated on securing through tho enterprise of Maxwell, HlmriH) & Iloss, h store that would bo i ciedlt Ho Chicago or New Yoik. It Is a big thing tor tho city. If you haven't visited thlsgreat itoro you should do soutonco. Everybody is made welcome. A choice line of new cloaks and furs Just opened at Horpolsheluier & Co.. Special wle on Tea Qowus Tuesday mid Wtdnelay at J. II. Mauritius & Co. Wood ill kinds prewired ready for tho stove at Iktts & Weaver's. Phono No. M0. Beautiful lino of Tea Uowiu just opened at J. Mauritius & Co. f&h0LS, MtZf wtIIlSs THE bITE OF THE WORLD'S FAIR. It Mm Mi-en Aurrrit Upon, nnd U Mulls, fiiiliiry. Chlcngo nnd tlm United State Imvo coins to terms nt hmt Tho treaty lias been drawn, liimiili.,oii-ly ngreed tn by nil tint Ixianls mul directors mul tho United Htntcs cominlisloinTM, mid tho Kreitl Colitmbltiu nblM W I cf. U vm It I tI 1 si wfiii A MAI' IIP TIIH IIW'ATKlW World'a fair Is to bo hold In tho parks grouped ax tho South Pnrk ajHtem, but separately known as Wnshlngtoii park and Jnckaon park. Tho Inko front Is to bo n so called annex. Tho greatest dllllculty, at nny nuo tho ono which caused tho longest delay, was tlmt by tho original plnn tho situ would really lmvo been ill vlilcd-thorowould havo iK-en two fairs iitHoniodlstnnco apart. Tha holders of the needed ground stood out for along time, but (limlly gnvo consent ou condition that certain Improvements should be made, so that tho space Is now nmplo mid thu locution very convenient. When the last objection was withdrawn I'rosldeut Palmer smilingly remarked to tho commissioner! "It appears that nil nro going ono way, no I may say that npplnuso Is In order." On thu Instant tho nssoinblcd negotiators nnd all tho spectator broke Into u roar which was long continued. And all tho country will applaud, for tho South parks mnko an admirable site. On the lake front them will I h two, perhaps three, maguitl conthtriietureM, of thu kind that show best from the water, but tho main part of tho exposition will Ihj to tho south, tho en trance being in Jnckson park. A PRETTY SPANISH DANCER. The Latent rorelgn Seeker fur Auim-l-nn I'linie mul I'lirtiiue. Tho Impresslblu yountf men of New York city who-nro possessed of wealth and un. limited tlmo lmvo found a now divinity wn.tliy their devotion, dollars and dinners. Her tiamo Is Senorlta Carolina Otero, and sho luui garueivd faniu mul ((old In Paris as a dancer. Iloth of I beso she hopes to In crenso by nn American tour She Is a nu. tlvo of Spain, the thumhter of it general and ni actress who married, quarreled mid separated. Senorltn Otero owns to having lived III years Her fate Is pretty and her ugiiro ciegaut, hue lias Drown ejesanil hair, and is said to be rather well educated. Like many other women of thu stage she possohswi.u. "history," tho principal Inci dent of which Is told by her friends with all tho embellishment of romance. Thoy say that once "when sho was dancing near Madrid sho was abducted by ngontH of Al phouso XII and taken to his palace. Her abductors left her ulouu In a room and went olT to tell tho king that tho girl ho wished to see was at hand While they were gone sho Jumped through n window Into tho garden and escaped to her hotel. This adventure heled glvo her renown in Paris, where sho became a sort of crazo." This yarn will hardly bear the Inexo rablo light thrown upon it by historical fncts. Alphouso XII died In tho fall oi 1883 after u linger lug llln-fHof sev eral mouths, Ho could not have fig ured In nu esca pedo of tho sort hinted at later than tho closing days of IbJH. The1 natural conclu sion must boclther that S o u o r 1 1 a Otero Is more than 10 tears nlil. nr that tho advent, "KNoiiita otkiio." tiro of which sho Is exploited m the hero ine never occurred. It Is not In tho ordl nary course of eventa for an Immature, girl of 13 to bo at tho same tlmo famous on tho stafo mid tho object of a monarch's vagrant favor. It Is probably trua that tho youni woman Is a good dancer nnd handsome. Other reports abcut her for which doubtless sho Is iu no way responsi bleshould Ihj taken with tho proverbial "grnln of tuilt," A IteniHrknltln Storm. One night recently mi electric storm of unusual vloleuco visited Oloap, N Y Tho thunder won deafening, and thu black sky was almost Incessantly cleft by frightful (lashes of lightning Tho storm LIOIITNINU CAUOIIT BV TIIK CAMKtt.V. was so terrific that nearly every one In tho town got up nnd watched tho celestial fire works with awe and terror. During the storm Mr. II M. Kerr, a skillful amateur photographer, did tho AJax act very suc cessfully with his camera, and cecum! a number of remarkable views, ono of which la reproduced In this article Inst curl of growing new uirlellc.sot roses English f.i-rtlculturlsth have becomo floral chemist, nnd dye ordinary white rose sr.r shade .hu"r patrons may darii'i If. "jYn Will HHI mmM;3WmM WW KBIIKKIIN COATS. IHpcclnl Count Kit Correspondence. New YiiiiK, Nov. 13, I85M). Intho mntlcrof wrniisnhnottasuiuch nsiu gowns nnd bou nets, Dame Fashion has been very kind to the feminine world this season, for sho has IcudiMril it HMtlblo to wear such a Variety of styles and shapes, that each woman can find something to her liking lfshuto young mid tall, and slender, like It, though, any longcr,iillowablotoquoto Ixmgfcllowl sho may put hurtrlm, svelte flguto Into a New luiuket, which will (It her almost as her iiui brell'i fits Its case, and which completely hides allvestageof thogovilllieneath, Hhouldshobo iitriltnoliter and a mntroti,nud hor fancy alio turns to the larger wraps, hero mo graceful rnglnns or rcdlugotos of fancy flguieil stulTs, or of lino cloth combined with velvet and plush, with embroidery nnd feathers. For dressy occnslous nnd especially for theatre use, one tuny ludulgn lucharmliig little con fections, short In the back, but with tab frontsjor In tho stylish cnposwlthns much elegant Jewelled trimming ns her purso will airord. Then for all business purposes, for morning and travelling use, there nro tho ever popular short coats which tho English tailor oi iglnnted years ngo. For these plain er garments, Hcdforn is using mixed tweeds, military and scouring cloths, mid tho bison cloths. And thoy nro dead plnlu in effect, us may bo seen from the following Illustrations. A TIlllKK-gUAItTKH CI.OAK. Number one Is a three-quarter coat, tight llttlug, and douhle-bicnsted, in tan col ore envoi t coating. It IsciiughtonthoshoulduH, collan-, cuff, nnd nt tho wnlst-llne, by but toned stiiq s with jHilnted ends. The collar stands up almost on a level with tho lobo of the ear. A IIIIIOIIT CLOTH COAT. This second sketch Is reminiscent of a hunt ing morning, for It Is of bright red rconring cloth, (Hted smoothly to the figure, nnd mndo with hip seams and very wide po.-ket lla to match tho deep culTs. Tho collar Is the high turned over kind known ns the Prussian, nnd Is faxteneil with two buttons but not tightly eu&iigh to constrict the throat. Send n S-cent stamp to Dr. J. C. Ayers fz Co,, Lowell, Mass., for a set of their album cauls. Ten Gowns ranging iu prices fiom 10,00 to J.V) 00 at J. II. Mauiitius & Co. Tho employes of the Nebraska Planing Mills hnut organized n brass band. Mil Is tho most miclcnt and most general of all dUcasej. Scarcely a family Is entirely free from It, while thousands everywhere are Its suffering slaves. Hood's Sarsaparllla has had remarkable success In curing every form of scrofula. The most sevcro ami painful running sore, swellings In the neck or goitre, humor Iu the cjes, causing partial or total Mlmlness yield to the powerful effect of this meulcl-ie. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold bratldru'gUti. si six for J J. l'reprcdonlj b7C.I.HOOnCO.,Aothccarlei,I.owell,MM(. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar BLHCK Dress We wish to call the attention nf tlw hulinc n( t ;. coin and vicinity to our Superior line of Hlack Dress Goods consisting of All Wool Henriettas, Silk Warp Henriettas, Serges, Sebastapols, f Surah Twills, Tricotincs, ' 1 Drap Dahnas, Mohairs, Brilliantines. Habit Cloths, Broad Cloths, Stripes and Figures. We feel safe in saying that no such line of goods arc being shown by anv other house in the irv. nrwl wo xvrmU like to have you call and wiiium u.iimui ncip ou i piense you. We Sell Dress Goods Cheaper than Anybody. Maxwell, Sharps & Ross Co. HW - 300 Charter In our Stoe Department, besides nt least loo other makes, that we must close out to mnke room for our regnlnr line. This Is no ml vcitlslng dodge, but we nre nctunlly selling Heaters ami n few Cooks for less than Cost. Maxwell, Sharpe & Ross Co. We Sell Stoves Cheaper than Ain'body; 57je vuaQt your AND WILL KN'OI'.AVOK TO KETAtN IT IIV TUl'.ATlNf! YOU WF.I.L. OUR SPBCIRLTIDS HRB Pine Sffionr. : : and In these wc have ceitnlnly established our-elves ns lenilcts. Our business In the past five years has demonstrated that point. Our fii) Uncir papers comprise the largest line over shown in Lincoln, embracing over 40 VARIETIES either In box, quire or tablet form. Wc nlwax s take pleasure In showing these goods Erraued Jtatioiry, In this department our work U too wull known to need any words of commenda tion. The Elite Society people of Lincoln nil use our Engraved Calling Cards, while the many prominent weddings, receptions nnd lending social events have nearly 'all used our Invitations. We pride ourselves on this work and n peep at our samples will convince the most skeptical nrt critic our engraving Is far superior to mix thing heretofore seen In the west. Fa-K'5 pipe photos which we now show arc the finest works of Photographic nrt In the country. We will hereafter keep a line of these beautiful gems. If )ou don't see the Photo you want, nsk for It, and if not in stock It will be ordered for you. We aim to keep Photos of all prominent actors and actresses of the world. frt priiti)$. Our 1890-91 Party Invitations, Hall Programs, Menus, Announcements, Heccp tlon Cards, etc., are now In, nnd as in the past, our best efforts will be put forth to execute the most artlUlc work In neat and original designs. Wc also do a large bust ness In the line of commercial printing nnd can furnish promptly and on short notice an thing from a small card to a niniiiinotli IJ9eoli5 Sogty Jourgal. Few residents of Lincoln have not seen or heard of Tub Capital City Courier n journal of society, literature, sport, music nnd scandal, pure In tone nnd refined In all tinted paper, handsomely Illustrated and Dollar. It's columns arc always open prove clean readable matter for society In social news, and such favors when pnoned fully received. ou are cordially Invited to visit our office fiequently. lVisssBf. PitiVrtva Co.ima'., 1136 N STREET. Goods examine our Styles and Prices Oak Stoves patroi7ae size poster. and the drama. It is free from sensation ' its departments. It Is printed on fine cream Is sent to any address, six months for One for anything that will Interest the family unll general. We want all sorts of personal anil over 253 or left at the office will he thanV UnilillWrtflMtl inMlrfMt.-