Ai CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1890 Madame A. Ruppert World Ronownotl Complexion Remedies For Removal of all Skin Blemishes. Sold by Mrs. E. C. Rcwick, Agent mi (1 Sheet, Or, Foreman & Crowe, 114 Smith nth St. qpJmMti. Mlwd lilt t fc M 33 -A.fcT ,IC , ctfH.?; NimmUska, Capital, Oh'itrs ami $250,000 Dirnlortt John II. Wrllil, Pros. T. K. Hondors, .-l" J?!!. McOliiy. Cashier. Tho Cochran K I'' L Hholdon. General IlnnktiiK Rulitcs Transacted. Accounts Solicited. A B lUymond, II V U, 1 1 n i u i f wii"" 1 v ( Dr. Alma OIBm, 1704 M Street. J. Coe, LINCOLN, NEB. Uhronlonnd aoiitodlsonsns of women nnd chlldron. Will t)) nt Opclts Hotel I Wo, ties day ami Thursday of oaoli wook. Will trout illlllcult mul complicated oases sont to tlio city. Ofllcc Hour 8 to u n. in.,' to 7 ! ' c MOWS' THE TIME TO PLACE YOUH OHDKR FOIl House Decorations! Where they will receive prompt attention And skillful workmanship. Cnll on S. E. MOORE, and ice hU line o Fine Paper Hangings, 1134 O STREET Sole Agency for The Sherali-Wllllatns Co.'s Paint. MRS. DR. EDDY, Trance Medium, And Clairvoyant, Can be Consulted In nil Affairs of l.Hc. HI Mouth Twelfth Ht Uoom I. Zohrung lllock, LINCOLN, NHII. It I astonishing with whnt success Mrs. Dr. Eddy In meeting. Her rooms uro iilmiyH crowded. A grc nt many business people uro teitlna hcrnlillltyni n business advisor nnd own themselves both mysltllcd md satisfied with tho results. Cnllou thlswnndortul mo dlum mul bo convinced, lly her advice who guarantees uccos In business nnd all nil'nlr fllfo. Send stamp for Illustrated circular. SS. EVERY EXPERT Thai has aver used tho SOCIAL ANJHMMSONAL 1), L liovo Is In HU Paul, Minn. A, II, Weir U In Tonkn, ICminnii. II, M. Roll linn gono,to Minneapolis. Fred Howo spent Huiidty In Onmlm. J. Ihish linn returned from the south. II. J, Sanders Is visiting In Milwaukee A. AI. Ilnlnl has returned from Denver, 0. 1!. Yntos Ims gone to Newcastle, Wyo. Jioiiln Meyer has gone to Do Muluts, lown. Mis. Kiiium K I)'e Is In Emporia, Knnsns O.H. Messing Ims gono to Hnrrlsburg, Vn. I. A. Woltou Is vMtmg In (lulvoston, Tex. Mis lC II I e Hteoii retmiieit Monday from Ht. Iiotil. Miss llattln IaiwI left Tuesday for Heard, town, III, Col. mul Mrs, K, II, Ilydn have gono to Chicago, N. U, Chrlstcusoii left Wednesday for Ash land, Ore. Iluv. mid Mrs. J. II, Honors left Tuesday for Chicago, (loo. A. HovboMt U visiting his ranch ill '(justei1 county. Mrs. Jatnoi A. Kleth of Oiiiiilin, Is visiting f i lends In tills city. Councilman McLaughlin went to Dos MolncH Wednesday, , 0. A. Churchill departed Wednesday for Han Antonio, Texas, Mr. nnd Mrs, V, F, Hocso havo boon in HprliiRlleU, III., this week. Mrs. A. Htirltjiitmid Mrs. W. W. Holmes nro xlsltlng fi lends In UIiIciiko. Miss Nannie Allen left Monday for Al llituee, Nob., to visit lier sister, Mrs. Flshbaek Is entoitnlnlng Mis. Will iam McAllister of (Irand Island, Mm k II. Tllton left Wednesday on n trip tluougli tlio soullivrn part of the statu. J. K. Cobltoy of Beatrice, lectured ut tlio Centi ill law college Tliurlay uvuiiIiik. Mlrn Aiiulo Ilayerof Dayton, Ohio, Is visit lug Miss Jenulo Wliltmoru of 'J.W, I. street. Mlsi, Clara Carmody lias leturncd from a pleasant visit In Ht. I,oul and Kansas Ulty. Mis, A. K. Jausvii departed Tuosdny for Houston, Texas, where slio will spend the winter. Miss Cnrrlu Alien, organist at the Holy Trinity rlmrcli, left for her homo, In Ut. Ixmls Tuesday, The ludloHot tlio l'lyinoiith CoiiKregationnl church gave nil enjoyable nutiipio social last ovenliiK. The editor of tho CauuiKii has been In Chi cago this week In tlio Interest of the Christ mas number. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Q. Hell entertained Mrs. John Kills and Mrs. Marlam Kwlngotlle ntllcv, this week. Kdltor Ulbou has moved tho Omaha Lul rr to Lincoln. It will be consolidated with tho AVie ItfjmbUe. Mist Wlnlleld Miller, who has Ikhmi visiting Mrs. J. T, Mai tin, left for her home in Lau iii k, 111., Widnesday. Mr. and Mrs 0. K. llalcook who have been residing ut Portland, Ore., for soiuotlmu hao returned to Lincoln. Mrs. William Hayues of Uriiud Island, is visiting her brother, Itev. Otorgo AV. Ishaiu, of the Urace M. 1!. church. Miss Kuiiula Warner, Lincoln's jiopiil nr In Htructrers In daiielng, is teaching cIiisnos nt Pawnee City and Wymoro. Mrs, 11. .8. Millard Is entertaining Mr and Mrs. K, K. Orciiut of Massachusetts. Mrs. Oreuut Is tin's sister. Dr. nnd Mrs. Ciiselwer nro entertaining the Misses Mmy mid llird KUIson mid Fannlo Cncebeer of Fort Wnyne, Ind. Mm. Mary Ijiutioy, Mrs. K. A. Felton, Mrs. A. Hitchcock, and Mm. 0. M. Wood, wuid left for Atlanta, Tuesday. Frel Hlldfbrandt, formerly chef of the Capital hotel, has iissumeil the control of the Hotel Ideal on Fourteenth street. Lieut. H. 8. Dudley who has been visiting fi lends in this city for several days, started for Fort Leavenworth, Wednesday. An enjoyable so:lal was given Tuesday uvenlnit under tho auspices of tho Y. P. . C. K. of the Christian church, ut the residence o( Mr, nnd Mrs. Qeoigu K. lllgelow. Tlw testimonial conceit given to Mr. nnd Mrs. O 11. Howell, of the conservatory of music, nt Fuuko's oiiera house Tuesday oven- lug, was an enjoyable occasion and was well attended, Mr. and Mr. L. W. Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, Miss Urace Mandln and Miss Van Ness, tlio tnlMlonnry, were given n very pleasant reception nt University Pisco Tues day evening by Mr. and Mrs, L. O, M. Bald win, Frank C. Kehiung and mother left Wednesday for Chicago. They will tptmd tho latter part of the mouth ut different points in lown, returning to this city about December 1, I. A. Torrens, the well known mimical conductor has removed from Toledo, Ohio, to Oimthn. Ho proposes to give letnons lu volco culture to young ladles desiring to join tho chorus for the May festival, In this clty,every Wednesday nfterhoou, At the nnnual meeting of the Lincoln Medi cal Hociety Tuesday evening the following officers were clecteI for tho ensuing year: President, Dr. Wlnnett: secretary, Dr. Holy- okej treasurer, Dr. Case beer;exccutlve board: Drs. Norton, Moore and Kverett, liinni nf frlim1 Wi'ilnemlnv evening. I lier iilrthilay Music and giuiics woiu In dulged In and a plriisnut titno was had. Mr. and Mrs, Ifc W. Pomeino cnteitalnol the following guests nt their homo list oven lug in honor of tho Kuvcntli annlveiwu-y of their hiarrlagMi Mr. nod Mrs. (I, H, Ilald win, Mr. nnd Mrs. K. W HiiMnln, Mr. and Hayiirsnud daughter of Uroston, lown, Miss Wndn nud others. AuntHamantiia. FAMILIAII PEOPLE. The rotlrenuintof Mr, Joseph Pulitzer from tho management of tho New York H'oWif. on account of his health, Is a sad result of a very glent success. Mr Pulltrer Is still n young mail iilHJiitforlyfour jenrs old and until very i reentry has ciijoytd great bodily vigor. His untiring energy and his devotion to tho great propel ty which he has built up nro tho causes of all illness which makes it absolutely uucofsary that ho should retire for n time, from participation In the IiiikIiich cale of hlsuowspiiM'r. Theiohavo boon few more romantlo careers than that of tho man who tlility year ago landed In this country without n friend or n dollar or tho ability to ss'ak thn language of tho eopto among whom ho found hlinsflir. In thattlmoha has inado for himself a reputation as n writer and speaker of Kngllsh, ho has been elected to congress, and ho Is the proprietor of a now simper from whoso solos holms erected n building on tho site of tho hotel which re fused him hospitality In tho days of his iov orty. This proorty, valued nt moro than f.U,000,)00, Ims W-oii paid for from tlio proilt of tho H'orM newspaper us tho building pro. grossed, Mr. Pulitzer Is not blind. Ho has lost otia oye, and tho other Is Impaired. The chances nro, howover, that It will bo saved. Ho expects to sjiondttio winter In Now York, in nlMoluto rest, knowing nothing of tho ernes of business, enjoying tho pleasures nud tho comforts of his beautiful homo on Fifty seventh street. If ho follows tho programme laid out for him his physicians promlso him ultimate recovery. V Harry C. Patterson, Into manager of Ilrnd street's Lincoln olllce, who was called to Philadelphia n few weeks ngo by tho sudden death of his father, will not return to this city, having accepted n position with the Philadelphia olllce. J, M. Millspaugh who died at Terrace, Utah, last Hunday, was prior to his depart ure, ono of the most respected young busi ness men In this city. Ho was n man of noble character and high attainments, nud ho was hold lu tho greatest regard by all w ho know him. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Millspaugh in her ncrenvomout. Winter Is roiiilinr mid It Is but fair to ro-1 ...l... I ...... il.... t ....i 41 v. rt i.u. .... I j - "." ,,. - -w sale the laigost and moil, complete, stock of blankets In the city. Put then Lou lo Meyer ti Co. havo ovei yllilnit In the way of lancral iiieri'hnudbe, drr gcxsls, notions, grtcoilos, etc. Their Mock lu all tlio various lines Is carefully selected by Mr. Meyer hlmVlf, and lion hero In the city can a better u'korlinent Ih) found. At this store jou iironlwny suro nf obtaining the most tellable goods nt tho most rnisoimblo prices. Honest dcnlliirf lias given this tlriu nn lminrno patronage anil their tindo Is constantly Inci easing. Ito member tho store of Louie) Moycr fi Co, on Tenth street for any thing In the way of gen eral men haudlso. ilontillful lino of Tea downs Just opened at J. Mauritius & Co, lleimtlfiil Women. It Is the duty of every woman to bo bo-iutt-' fill. It Is n part of her function to ndd color to tho Hombreness of the dally routine of busi ness life. It is Just as much a woman's duty to mnko herself attractive ns It u inaiiV to behave as n gentleman, nud tho woman who neglects her own iipionrance does not do her whole duty. Nature does not bestow her fa vors with an iuiaiilal hand; but it is In every woman's power to Ih) beautiful. Mrs. Uervalso Uraliam of San Francisco, the cele brated authority on the complexion, has made It possible for the plolust woman to rival nature's most bountiful gifts. Hoc preparations, simple and harmless, cover tho whole Held of woman's beauty. They luio only to bo applied to demonstrate their elil cacy. Mrs. M. T. Patterson, sister of Mrs. T. P. Quick of Lincoln, has as manager, oened nn elegant "Covmetlc Iloudolr" nt AM South Kloveuth street, for the sale of Mrs, (Iridium's famous piepnrittlons. She has also associated with her Miss Hoso Nlig out of Chicago, who will give special atten tion to hair dylrg, the manicure's nit, hair dressing, bleaching, stimiiKoiiig, and the ar rangement of toilettes for evening paitles. It Is u most complete establishment and has already becomo very popular 1th the la dies. Among the many articles on sale may bo mentioned, Cucumber nud Elder Flower Cream to take the place of soap nud water, Oriental hair the, Illoudlnc, faco bleach, kosmeo, powders for every completion, de pilatory paste for the removal of supeitluous hair, enamel, tooth pawder, aeno cure for pimples, black-heads, etc., vegetable sjrup for the blood Our ladle should visit theso beautiful parlors, A specialty will bo made of prepitilug the toilettes for the charity ball. $ SO Miss Johnston's hair empoiliim Is head quarters for Hang Cutting, Curling and HhaiiiK)iig, New fashion plates showing latest design in collfuios, bangs, etc. Cnll and sco tho new styles. You will want n new hat soon and T. Mil tonbergor of the now Huston Clothing House KKI1IO street wniits to sell It to you. His line omhincoH everything new and nobby lu both stllT nud soft hats. An elegant llemniipio proof etching, nice ly framed, only fll nt Cinncor's, iil'2 South Kloveuth street. Indies should visit Miss Johnston's hair eniorlum. Her new lino of hair ornaments nro now all hi ami in tho stock Is n U'autlf ul lino of genuine, shell ornaments both carved and plain, cut steel, and others of gold. Theso goods must bo seen to 1k appreciated. II. P. Sherwln, 1121 O street, has a present for every ono of his customers Hint cannot fall to bo appreciated. Ho will glvo to every customer a lino crayon picture made from any photo that Is desired nud it will not cost you a cent, Cnll In nt Ids drug nud shoo store and sco how it is done, 1134 0 sticot. A prominent physician nnd old army sur goon In eastern Iowa, was called nwny fiom homo for n few da) s; during his absence ono of tho children contracted a novel o cold and Ids wlfa bought a bottlo of L'hamttorlnlu's Oough Homed y for It. They were so much pleased with tho remedy that thoy afterwnnls used several bottles nt various times. Ho said, from his experience with it, ho regards it as tlio most reliable preparation in uso for colds and that it came tho nearest being a Aeelllo of any medicine ho had eve.- seen. For salo by A. U Blinder. Tho Lincoln Steam Laundry having re cently changed hands nnd tindorgoue many Improvements is now In-ttcr than over pro- jmretl to execute work In tlo very best man ner, promptly and at iopular prices. Mr. A. W. Day tho now proprietor has adopted a new and Improved procus for washing and linndllng garments, by which no bleach'ng or Injurious, materials are used: the lluest fabrics such ns silks, luces, tlouncus, (lnuuels or cotton goods are laiiudrled lu Itrst class manner, without tho least damage. Ono tlla will convince the most skeptical that the Liu coin Steam Laundry does tho llnest work in the city. All goods culled for nnd delivered. Telephone OW x Just as much enro should bo taken in cloth ing thn foot as the hands or any other part of the body. It Is of tho gtiatest importance that the covering of the feet should ho com fortable, and a neat stylish shoo counts for as much In a man's appearance as u new suit of clothes. Therefore It pajs to exercise some enre lu the purchnso of footwear. In other words it behooves ou to patronizo Ilriscoe the shoo man. Ho lias tho tluvxt stock of ladles, gentlemen's nud children's shoes In the city, and ho makes n specialty of style and lit, combined with durability. It will p-ty you to cnll on Hrlscoo the shoo man, lu the Exposition, Party Invitations AND ENVELOPES Handsomely Printed FOR $2.50, Wessel Printing Co. 1136 N STREET. New Goods and New Styles Throughout For Fall. Don't be Tardy The Best Will be Picked First. Fall Overcoats and Suits ! Lots of them, Beautiful Patterns and Elegantly Made. First coiners will pick the ripest plums remember that, $12 to $25; hardly a clear way to tell you, but those are about the extremes. m A T You can pleasantly answer that ite: " Where did you get that When you've bought ours extra dollar. favor Hat ?" and saved an A. Hurlbut & Co. Cor. 10th and P Sts., Lincoln. Wedding enko Printing Co. boxes, nil styles, Wessel YostWriting Machine Give It the distinction of being' the Peer among Typewriters. WESSEL PRINTING CO., Agts. iisi-sajNgu 'Courier llulldlng SOUTH LINCOLN. lly Contraries. "Ethel, you nro so contradictory I don't know how to take you. You. can't mean all you nay In your letter refusing to be my wife?" "But 1 do mean every word of It." "Then you are mine, trulyf" Harper's Daznr. now It Was. Alice (sobbing) Oh, I shall die of grief I That nwful Chnrloy Thompson won inj heart and promised to marry mo, nnd now now he snjs ho doesn't love mo any morel Maudo Oh, I seer First ho wooed and than he wooedn'tl Lowell Citizen. Selling Hooks by Hiibsrrlptliiii. Tho method of selling books by sillAcrlptlon has many advantages over any other, nud le dally growing In importance nud popultilty. lly this method thonttentlonof tho pui chaser Is culled to valuable books of w hlch he might lemaiii in entire igiioraueo if tliey woio told lu any other way It Is the most direct and altogether tho most ocoiiumfeiiJ way to buy IkkiUh, Hooks purchased at 11 retail book store hno genorolly passed thtough tho hands ot from ( wo tnfouv midillemrn, each of whom must have a pi oil t. 7Vm llivevside lMlshing Co., SI Lmtfo, Mo , otfciH profitable employment to all who wish to eiigago In tho business. Experience Is not necessary, but any lady or gentleman with intelligence and Industry can make u success of tlio worth. Their publications nro first class, Just such books asour young people nnd our older eo nle should lend: books that tend to mnko In telligent men and women; Isooks that tench people things thnt they ought to know; such books as a splendid family liiblc, which Is in ltelf n perfect cyclopedia of biblical knowl edge. IltdiMlVs IIMoru of the United State is another splendid liook;a sale of over ! 100,(11 K) copies scks loudly in favor of its great worth. The I'roitlc' Cyeloiteiliu of Univermd Knowledye Is another woik that has carved Its way to a wonderful success, 100,000 copies of this splendid cyclopedia, made and edited especially for the masses, hnvd been sold, nud tho side Is still very large. They also handle tho lied letter Life of the Ilrpublte Stanley Explorations In Africa. The Pioneer History ot America; People's Farm nnd Stock Cyclopedia; The Physical Life of Hoth Sexes: Courtship, lxvo and Wedlock, and History or tho Grand Army of the Hepublle. Altoinor spieiiiiui hook, averagmgni mux-ii hundred sets n month, is Jlidiath,s Cyclope dia of Universal History, 11 liook that Is bound to Ihj rend by tens of thousands of scholars, and by those who lay no claim to scholarship, and who et love a clear, straight toiwuid, uuderrtun bible record of the great oeuts of the world's history. The popularity ot this book Is something wonder ful. For further particulars, circulars, terms to agents, etc., address, .i,T -i' 1111 ' . Ji . .L .OffA v - V '.A TPR1IFIC CKPLOJI This is one of the effects of nn explosion of n charge of dynamite, destructive affair. Houses came tumbllni' down, irlnss was shattered It was a most for miles and The Hlverside Publishing Co., street, St. Louis, Mo. 703 Olive tM0-5m H, Murphy sp?nt the week in Omaha. Mr. W. A. Boland left for Holdredgo Mon day, Mrs. 8. II. Stouer returned from Johns own, Penn., Inst Thunnlay. Mrs. Mllford and family ot Kene&aw.Neb., worn tho guests ot Mrs. O. O, Beams on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. W, P. Epperson and family leave on Sunday morning for Oalveston,Tox,, to spend the winter. Mrs. Geo. Hayncs nnd daughter of Creston, Iowa, are the guusU ot Mrs. L.W, Pemerone, at 1S3-I Washington. Miss Hattle Keys, ot 1833 Cherry street.wlll give a small party to her friends 011 Monday evening In honor of her tenth birthday, Sidney and Sadie Van Horn entertained a few of their most intimate ft lends at their home, 1IU9 Holme street, last oveuing, the occasion being tho ninth birthday ot the twins. Mba Alice Lawrence, who resides on Euc lid Avenue, was pleasantly surprised by a X a rev Danger. "Do ou think It safe for you to wear k udckcrbockcrs, chnpplef " -Yes. WhynotJ" 'You might bo arrested for having no visible means of supportP New York Herald. Ensnared, Ho held ber band quite tenderly, And pressed It now and then; Bh blushed, and Itt him have his way, As gtrl do with young men. He put his arms around her waist. And drew ber to ht side; Of course, she could have got nwny If slm had only tried He slon ly raised her blushing face And looked Into ber eyes; Of course, 1 thought she would resliti Hut, much to tny surprise. Oht answered all hi looks of loe. , Aud goto hlui kiss for I.Ik They're luurrivd now, and oh "I ould make You sick to see their bliss' Somen Wo JnuruflL miles around and the bed went salllnj; through the ah. Of course the shock was tre- iiiejidous;u woulil nave kllleil the young man In the Illustration, but for the fact he slept in a bed purchased from A.T GKUETTER & CO. So far from killing him it did not even disturb him ; he sleeps on serenely ns he soars in the clouds enjoving that undisturbed repose which come to all whopurclintc beds from A. T. GRLIJTTI ER & CO. Their slumbers cannot be broken. Ifou want to know what real rest U go and purchase such a bed, AUG. TH. GRUETTER & CO. 11 18 X STUUKT. Lincoln St. Joe KnnsusClty. Through .Sleepers mul 1'arlor Curs. The day ot trausfont, changes and delays between Lincoln, St. Joonnd Kansas City Is over, the II. & M. having placed In service n lino of combination sleepers anil parioi chair cars that tor convenience, elegance and com fort surpass any thing heretofore run between those Klnts, The present schedule is as fol lows: Leave Lincoln, 8:30 p. in. dally, arrive in St. Joe ft:37 a. in., Kansas City 7:50 a. in.; returning, leave Kuusas City UiPi p.m. dally, St. Joe 11:45 p. m., arrlvo at Lincoln 7:50 p. in. These trains run via Beatrice, Wymoro and Table Hock and make closo connections at terminal points. The sorvlee Is really excel lent and we can recommend It with much confidence. Fin ther Information can bo ob tallied ut union (I -pot or city olllce corner O and Twelfth streets. A. 0. Zikmkii, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. This is the Season of the year when COAL is KING when Competition is Close and Everybody has the best. Then is the time to go direct to Headquarters. You need a supply for the Winter and as now is the time to buy, why not call on BETTS St EHVER and see their line and get prices. There you can get ;he pure article direct from America's greatest mines noted for their purity and excellent quality. Call up Phone 440. Office 1045 O Street. a. A.Mt. Hooks Very Cheap, The.Wessel Printing Co. has several copies of Col. Robert 15. Beal's well known history of tho Orand Army of the Republic in flue bindings which It will sell at 1.00 per vol uniii. OrlRlnnl price, sold only on subscrip tion, at tVi.OO. These liooks are fully illus trated and complete in every detail. Call and seo them. w HEN YOU WANT FINE JOB PRINTING See the WESSEL PRINTING CO. JTJi 1 Hri