Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 08, 1890, Page 8, Image 9

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Saturday Evening, Nov. 890
Corner I Oth unci P Streets.
Plush Coats
II, It. MNSI.r.Y ft CO.
"The Courier" Tor fluln In Oimiliii.
Copies limy Ixi found nt Keith's mm stand,
019 Houth Fifteenth street, lloyd'soeru house
Grand Opening To-Day
Fine Millinery-
Herpolsheimer & Co.'s
Imposition Detriment Btorei,
Tim Courier Omi l) Foiinil At
Windsor Hold Now H Intnl.
Capital Hotel Now Hlnutl.
Rxposlllou Dining Unit News Hlntul.
Tho Gotham NiiwaHtniid, 118 Houth llth Ht.
lkrt Kutninr, lit North 1 lilt Hired.
E.l. Young, KWOO Htroot.
Flotohor Co., 1120 O Htroot.
l.lttlo HportClirnrHtore, 113 North 12th Ht,
Wcslornold's Harbor Hlio, llurr HlooK,
EWAnoxtrn supply of papers Ik always lofl
at tho Gotham, In case other Newsdealers
supplies run short.
Fall Styles, Donlap Hats
1137 O STREET.
I.mchI nnil Personal.
Whltebroast Coal and Lime Coniany.
Take Turkish at 101(1 0 street.
Oyster In all atylcti at Hrown's.
Brown's for oyster In all sty lou.
Call up tho U I). T. Co., Phono 100.
Ituth M. wooil, M. D 1!) P street.
Telephone at the Couiukh olllce Is iiW,
O. II. Collins, Dentist, 1035 O street.
Try Brown's Suiulny dinners,- only 'J3ct,
Mrs. V. K. Gosiwr; lino mllllnory, 1114 U
Sunday dinner at Browns, only 23 cents.
Uutohlns Sc Hyatt sell coal. Telephone 825.
Lincoln Ice Co., 1010 O St. Telephono 118.
Miners! .water used for bathing, 1010 O it.
Order Canon City Coal from Dette &
Weaver. ,
J, II. Mauritius & Co., Indies' Furnishers,
131 S llth St.
Two dollars will buy n good plain fall Jack
et at Tho ltaur.
Canon City Coal at the Whltebreast
Coal and, Lime Co,
Doctors Bailey & Qoodell, oflleo 1317 L
street, Telephono, 017.
i r
Ladles should never buy a cloak until they
huvo oiled at tho llnuir.
Only place In Lincoln that uses mineral
water In Iwtha Is at 1010 O street.
Improvedshower for Turkish baths at 1011
O street, basement Union block.
Mis 0. J, Oullmette, modiste, second floor'
Exposition building. Tuko eUvator.
The largest and finest stock of millinery In
the city can be seen at Mrs. Gosper's,UU Ost.
J, 11. Rarnaby, the taller, may be found at
rooms 13 and 13, Newman block, 1035 O st.
Jupltor Coal la winner and Belts & Weav
er, sole agents have plenty of It. Try a ton.
Poohler furnUhes the finest quality of ice
cream and fancy cakes for parties and wtd
dings. '
All the lutest sheet music, now stock, at
Crancer's Art MuslQsore, SO south Eleventh
strne. '
All the latest sheet music, new stock, at
O rancor's Art Music store, 313 south Eleventh
Ladles will llnd n magnificent Hue of hand
kerchiefs and glove at Mis. Gosper's milli
nery parlors, 1114 O street.
Poohler Is now serving rich Juicy oysters
and lunches at his tiarlors in the Mcllride
block, corner Twelfth and I street.
For a lamo back, a pain 111 the -side or
chest, or for tooth-ache or ear-ache prompt
rellof mjty bo hud by using Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. It U reliable. For sale by A.U
Quinine Tonic a most excellent preparation
for tho scalp and pi uventlon for falling lmlr
can be had at Miss Johnson's hair dressing
parlor. It i tho most popular hair tome
known and never fails to please.
The Rambler bloyclo Is coming more in
popular favor dally as tho machine comes
Into general use, It is undoubtedly tho best
adapted for speed, comfort aild safety, of
any of the machines. Call aud see it at E.
R. Guthrie's, 1M0 O street.
UflflllTrrJAiii rTriLLHII
It Is pnibnblo that tickets for tint C'linrlty
Hull will Ixi placed on sain next week, Two
meeting havo thus fnr lxon held niul sulllc
lunt pri'Mirntloii hns already lieeii mndo to
Justify tho prediction tlmt It will lx the
gii'iitest social event In tlm history of the
city. A mimlicr of distinctively novel feat
ure have Iksiii ileuMcd iikiii and thoo who
attend mny expect some delli;htful surprise.
Additional pnrtlculiirs will Ixi given next
week. There will tm no Invitations this year,
Any respectable person mny puichnsn tickets
of aiy member or tho rnininlttccs, and as the
number will Ih) limited, it In urged that
prompt action Ui.tnkon .by lhoo expecting
to attend tho bull. Tho tickets will Imi sold nt
f.VI) wit'h for gentleman aiidouo lady ; nd
dltlotml Indies I,W cacti. Tho Plllcorsof thv
fcoooiul annual Imll, elected Inst week, ftioi
1'iosldeiit, Gov, John M Tlinyori vIccMirosI-
dent, A. O. Scienter; seemtnry, W, 14. Hardy;
loiiou lug nro the commltteeM in fulli
Kxccutlvii.commlttce C. II, RIchtor,clinlr
umn;J)r, W. L. Dayton, John Kltxgernlil,
llmi. Thus. H. Benton, Hon. It. B. Giahnni.
Decoration committee M. I. Altkm,clmlr
mnu; O.A. Mohroustrcher, 11. 11. Krug, M,l'.
.Mauritius, Robert McHeynnlds, F. C. Homo.
Floor Committee A. O, llccsoii, chairman;
It. H. Mcintosh, F. L. Burr, F. C. Kchmtig,
W. 14. Clnrk, Geo. N. Foroqiiinn, L. Wcsscl,
Jr., IV. 14. llnrdy, O.K. Bfndley. H. T. Ht.
John. II. U Mayer, U.J, Hall.
Musla cointnlttro w. 14, Hnrdy.clinlrmnii,
Dr. C. F. Iidd, W, Morton Hmltli, O. 14.
VVnlto, John L, Dorgan.
nmn; O. II. IrnhnlT, J. It. llnrloy, A, J, Haw
yer, C. 8. Llpplncott.
rriutlug committee H. H. Burnhaui,chnlr
ninni Dr. II. F. Dnlloy.JS. A. I). Slillllng, O.
J. Ei nst.
Reception cointnlttoo 11. II. Oakloy, chair
man) W. H. tlailwr, C. O. Burr, B. R. CowiU
cry, John Hteeii, J. 14. Hill, O. II. Gere, F. M.
Hall, 1). 14. Thompxou, J, B. Wright, l.leut.
T. W. Grllllth, O. J. Daubach.
Tho following )mll"s hnvoslgulflel their
wIllliiKiierM to net as mtroue'efl of the ball:
MesdmucH J. M. Tlmyer, Curios C. Burr, J,
I). MacFarlnnd, R. O. Phillips W. B. Hnr
greaveii, Frank U Sheldon, CarlFuuke, J.A.
BuckstalT, O. R. Onklcy, H. II. Biirnlmm,
Chns. K. Yntes, Henry 14. IjwIs, Dr. II. F.
Bally, W. J. Mandmll, Isnno M. Raymond,
Geo. 11. Clarke, F. W. Uwh,Vni, S. Uttn,
W, 11. McArtliur, M. Ackermnu, W. L. Day
ton, 11, L. Rholnnder, N. O. Ablmtt, G. M.
IjxinlH'rlfon, H. 14. Mooie, John J, Butler, F.
A. Brown, Henry Zehrung, Isrnol Putnam,
J. T. McDonald, Chns. II. Gere, J. W. Mux
well, TIioh, H. Benton, John It. WilKlit, R.
II. Unkloy, AVm. B. Ogdvn, Geo. B. Itue,
Kont K. llayden, A. G, Beeson, Miuon
Oregg, W. 8. HulTmnn, A, 8. Raymond.
David Wise, II. I). Hathaway, Geo. DphmoI
man, Eugcuo 11. Appleget, A. D. Burr, R. 8.
Mcintosh, Louie Meyer, Wllber R. Dennis,
H. P. Foster, Frwl 8. Kelly, II. II. Patrick,
A. Hurlhut, F. W. Baldwin, Albert W. Jan
sen, 8. B. Nesblt, 14. K. Cilley, F. M. Hall,
Douglass Shilling, Col. ThompHou, Gen.
Amasa Cobb, Gen. J. O. McUrldo, Hon. R.
Cowdery, Arthur U. Zelmcr, Win. M. Lqoii
frd, C. II. Imhoir, Joseph lloehmer, C. 8.
Llpplncott, Lieut. T. W. Grllllth, L. O. Burr,
John Kehrimg, It. A. Perry, W. 8. Garter,
A. J. Sawyer, W. II. Wolcott, L. C. Rich,
ards, John Doolitllo, O. M. Thomson, H.W.
Brown, A. G. Blllmeyur, II. II. Dean, J. F.
Lansing, L. W. Bllllngsloy, G. M. Bartlett,
Carl J, Ernst, Turner M. Murquotte, Gih.
Cwk, Alltort.E, lfargreaves, Ed. P. Ewlng,
Dr. F. W. Tucker, 14. II. Andrus, Rlrhani
O'Neill, Elmer 14, Hoi.klo, Muyor R. B, Gin
ham. As announced In Inst week's Couiukh the
ball will Imi given Thanksgiving night, No
vember '-f.
A meeting of the committees will bo held
Monday night at HulTman & Rlchter's stoio
at 7:!I0. A full attendance Is reipiested,
A very chaniilug reception was glvo by
Mrs. W. II. McCreery yestenlny afternoon.
It w?h uotouly one of tho laigest, but oue of
the most Ueltghtlul of the fall season. MuhIo
was.furnlshetl by Pnif Hagenow's ipiaitette,
and there were beautiful Moral decoiatlous.
A delicious lunch was nerved In the dining
rooms at tables neatlug twenty-live ladles at
time, Mrs, McCreery was assisted in receiv
ing by Mrs. G. M. Lambcrtsou, Mrs. Dr.Gnr-
ton, Mm. C. W. Lyman, Mrs. C. W. Grllllth
and Miss Florence Brown. Following is n
list of those presenti Mesdames Dr. Garten,
C. W. Lyman, O.M. Lnmbertson, II. A.Bab-
cock, C. W, Griffith, G. M. Bartlett, J. I).
MacFai land, II. W. Brown; V. W. W. Jones,
W W. Holmes, J.J. imhoir, Ur. Hauler, J.
II. Harley, O. W. Welwter, T. E. Calvert,
Calvert, Kd Holmes, Hoscoo Perry, I. 8. P.
Weeks, Mason Gregg, Ada Esjwy, W. E.
Klrker, A. T. Uuilng, J. E. limits, J. J.
Kelley, F, A. Brown, Morris Turner, A. M.
Davis, Charles Jones, W. K. Pivston. J. I.
Underwood, 8. C. Elliott, M. D. Welch, Juo
Doolitllo, C. K. Yates, A. 8. Raymond, F. M.
Hall, 1. W. Crlssey, Joseph lloehmer, T. H.
McGahey, Ada Atkinson, II, P. Foster, Thos.
Murslaud, 8. D. 11 de, E. K. Crlley. lluld-
win, E. II. Chaplu, Geo. Clink, Milton Scott,
K. . Hayre, Ur. Ullllu. Harah liveivtts, Pror.
v hauilierlaln, J. K. Hill, J. II. Mockett, W.
C. Mills, Nesbet, Frank Mauritius, James
Stevenson, J. RHIielton, Calvert, R, A.Howell,
U. it. uiiaitaut, Ulins. May, Denver, Col., A.
' Mcrgau, Topeka, Kas., Chas. Fort, To-
leka, Kas., llobt. McCreery, Kansas City,
Mo., J. O. Morrison, P. W. Plank, Thos Wit,
W. J. Bryan, Dr. Crim, J. W. Winger, E.
N. Buckingham, S. 11. Burnham, II. O. Woods,
W. II. Wolcott, Williams, C. A. Atkinson,
Mayberry, H. w: lianly, T.M. HodKinan.N.
0. Brock, Steven Brock, E. II. Curtis, G. H.
Wheeler, Thos. uaruell, M. K. Van Brunt,
T. R. Van Brunt, T. II. Leavltt, J. G. Wads-
worth, Win. Lecklo, C. K. Rewlck, Dr. Hag.
gerd, J. D.Cogswell, O. M. Barnes, Frank
Barr, Geo Bowman, John Reed, C. A. Clns
sou; A, II, aud A.D.Gllmore, Auburn, Neb.,
Dr. Norton, R, C. Mauley, F. E. Newton.
BenJ. Cowdery, H. 11. Patrick. M. A. Heed.
E. B. Hawley, W.G. Houlz, John J. Ollll
lan, Carroll Richardson, W. G. Maltland,
F. K.Citinplell,K. K. Hayden.Dr.Latta, C.
u. fif..,, ,, iiiMiuu, oiiBocs ij. ju. i er
ry, Zora Mathews, PhoeboElllott.EmoLeeso,
Myra.'Babcock.Jt.Johnrou, Nellie Iietto of
Halt Lako City, I Utahi Salllo Cox, Grace
Griffith, J. F. Smith, Lily Hoover, B. W.
McCorkle, Sarah Wool Moore, Annie Blair,
Jeuuio Blair, Maggie Blatr.
The Delta Ltterary clrclo has now euteied
uX)ii Its third year's course of fttudy. This
society, couiosed of young man led Indies,
meets twice a month In the afternoons with
ono general social meeting in the evening
every four weeks, nt which the husluiuds of
the, ladles are tho guesU, at which time n
muklcal and literary grogramme is provided,
together with fitting social entertainment.
Amei lean authors only nro studied uud In its
two year's existence tlgoclub has reviewed tho
woiksof nearly ull of tho prominent writers
of this couutry. The- membership during
this period has undergone few changes aud
tho gatherings have been exceedingly profit-
able and pirns nit Mrs Reefer is president
of tho clrclo and Mrs, Rehliiiider seoiotnry
and treasurer, Mr. anil Mr. (. A. Keith en
tertnlued tlm club on tint occasion of the llrxt
fall meeting, October --M. at the residence of
Mr, and Mr. A, M. Duvls, In n delightful
and highly cnloynblo mnimer The features
of tho evening were the untangling of the
spider web, n llteinry pioriiiiimo nud a
dainty u'ld well sr vi d luncheon, Tho second
social mei'tliig wns held at the residence of
.Mr ami Mis. W. (,'. Dnvfs ediicHdny iiven-
liig of tills week, Theli' were pii'snt Momr.
nnd iMemluuifs Kivfrr, II. O'Nell, Dr. Went,
A. r. I'nlr, U, A. Klvth, A. i;. Kviiunid,
Charles Wat nor, R. Itehlaiulur, 14,1 Rlggs,
Alls, .1, l'. Alnlilc, .MIssiH Nellie Newman aud
Lulu Caiiltuld, Music, literature mid the
tinnsnliig problem, with the usual delicious
lunch constituted the entertainment. In tho
trnimiHwIng content, Mrs. A. P. Fair obtained
the ladles loyal priro, a U'liutlfiil ufterdluiier
coireu smmiii, anil Mr. O'Nell was awarded tho
gentlemun's piinj, a piutty oxldlred sliver
mnlolmnto. The hoohy fell to tho lot
of Mrs. I)r, Wculu mid Mr R. Rehlauder.
Mrs. Keiinnrd will eiilertnln the club ono
week from next Tliurwlny,
Mm. Alice Ilammoud nnd Mls Brhslo Ma
son Inaugiiriited a veiy ptetty novelty Inst
evening In n "high tea" which was served to
nearly foity gentlemen nt tho residence of
Judgo Mason, The hostesses wero asslsteil In
receiving by tho Misses Adams, Weaver, Cov
et t, Knnpp, Bourn II, llnlril, Uwu nnd Don
ley of West Vliglnln, tho "tea" being given In
honor of the hitter. The Indies wem attired
In tho veiy Intent and most swell leu gowns,
nud tea was niado nnd served by Ilium liefore
tho eyes of thu nsxcmblcd guests. It was a
very novel nud attractive nlfiiir combining
the pilncial clement of tho conventional
tea aud reception, with other chnrmlng feat
ures. Among those present weioi Messrs,
C, 14. MaciKin, Finuk Polk, Camp, 14. O.
Bindley, R M Joyce, H. T. Ht. John, John
Doigan, loert, Tensdoll, Scott, lliillett,
Charles Clul k, WlllClm k, W, Johnson, King,
G. Hale. Sclilduiiholm, Walton, Will Hum
moiitt, WoimIs, Weckbncli, Bigger, Grahnui,
Fail Howe, Kldimil Yntes nud McDonald,
Jiulgu Miikoii wai also prcttont. Mrs. II. II.
Wheeler wns the very acceptable chnierou,
Mlrs Donley whlto cashmere, chl"a silk
and pnrKlan lnco.
Mis. Hnmmoiid Eciu cnshineiu nud pink
china silk, court train and roses.
Miss Weaver fawn colored llenilettta
ami ribbons (pnle blue).
Miss Miimiu daik sen green, roie coloied
Miss Adams garnet camel's lmlr, light
blue silk.
Mrs. Wheeler mnliognuy reception dress,
Persian trimming and lloweis.
Miss Knnpp loblii's egg blue, pink silk
front. .
Miss Covert mmii1 grny Albntiots, pink
silk, goldcoid nnd plumes.
Miss BoMiiell uilo green nnd white china
MIssBalnl HellotroMj mid velvet reception
Miss Iavso niiplu gieen Henrietta, pink
china silk aud ilbhous.
A new social club wns orgnuired In l!ast
Lincoln ThuiMlay evening nt tho homo of
Miss Lillian uud Mr. Ixiuls Trester. It Is
named after tho noted society of Philadelphia,
"The WMto Rose," and a single w hi to rwo
will Ihi the monilier'H badge. It hns started
erynusplclously and will probably soon 1k
ono of tlio popular East Lincoln Institutions.
Those present nt tho meeting were: MI.kch
Tnster, DoWitt, Jackson, Freenmn, Oanmby
and Lyman, and MtH-rs. Johnson, Critten
den, Trester, Smith, Mllmiiio and Burns.
From these the officers of tho season were
chosen as follows: Mr. Dorms, president;
Miss Trester, vice president; Mr. Johnson
secretary aud treasurer. Tho club will meet
tho second nud fourth Tuesdays of each
mouth. Tho limit of tho club is nineteen
Ml Lnu gavu u delightful dancing and
canl party Wednesday evening, 'those pres
ent wero: MUses Belle Maulov, Rachel Man
loy, May Tlbbets, Jessie Jurle.'Maliel Llnloy,
Gertrtidn Laws, Anno Fuiiko, Nelllo White,
Bertha MoMlllan, Olllo IjuiU, BlnuchoSkld
moro, Mary Jonos, Mary Holmes, 3tella Ir
vine, Minnie DePuo, IuIm) Pound, Maud
Ilammoud, Pearl Camp, Harah Schwab, Joe
Winger, May Lewis, Augusta Westermiin,
Nelllo Cochrnu, Iyottlo Andrus, Messrs. Clm
iu, Ban is, Fife, Pllsbury, Edinlstou, Taylor,
Dorsey,Talt, I'aiue.flullnutte, Montmorency,
Hnggnrd, Wing, Hnrdy, Welsh, Oscur Kiiiike,
McDonald, Coleso-i, Porrln. lliw.T. H.Wcs.
termau, wheeler, Corfu nu, Dr. Rolierts.
A cougonliilpaity of friends wen) pleas
antly entertalnod by Mr. and Mis. J.E. lllgg,
Saturday evening. Tea wns served early in
the evening uud afterwards the guests un
raveled thB suider web. Those present were:
Su)erliiteiident of Public Instruction Geo. B.
Lane, Mrs. Iauo, Dr. and Mis. 11, 11. Low
cry, Mr. Geo. . Holdeu, Miss May Colo of
Boston, Mass., Mr. George O. Rlsnu, Miss
Chambers of Ohio, and Mr, nud Mrs. Mont
Rheumntlsiu and cntairh, caused by i,n
ioverlshc(l blood, cuivd by Ayei's Surstipa
rillu. Beautiful Hue of Tea Gownt Just opened at
J. Mnuritlu& Co.
Tho Felix Govlncs Complexion PoAilers
which wero so popular with Lincoln ladies
Inst scasoii uro tho best on tho market ami
Miss Jolmtton lias Just received an Invoice.
Two dollars will tmy a ladles winter ulster
of good material at The Bauir.
E. R. Guthrie is headquarters for lino car
riages In all styles. Call at his reiHwitory,
1540 O street.
II, W. Hardy will leave today for Atlanta,
On., to attend a national temperance conten
tion. Many Clergymen,
BlngeM, uctors, and public speakers use
A)et'i Cherry Pectoral. It Is tho fmorlto
remedy for honnenesj uud all aHectloni pf
the vocal organs, throat, and luugsi As an
anodyne and expectorant, the effects of
this preparation are promptly realized.
"Avor's Cherry l'ectoial lias done mji
good: It Is a splendid remedy for all Mis
eases of tho throat mid lungs, and I huvo
much pleasure In testifying to Its merits."
(Itov.) C, N. Nichols, No;Tlsbury, Mass.
" In my profession of uu auctioneer, any
nfTectlon of thu voire or.tbront Is a serious
matter, fmt, at each attack, I hnvo been re
lieved by a few doses of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral, This remedy, with ordinary care,
has worked such a magical effect that I hnvo
suffered very little Incotiu'iilenco. I hno
nlso used It In my family, with very excel
lent results, hi coughs, colds, &c." Win. II.
Qunrtly, Mlnlaton, So. Australia.
Ayer's Cherry Poctoral,
DR. J. O. AYEIt & CO., Lowell, Mass.
Bold ty all DruvgUts. Price 1 ; six bottlm (S.
1023 O St.
Ladies' Winter
Ladies' Winter
Ladies' Winter
Fine Astrncluwi
Capes 9.25
French Seal Capes
15,00 and 16.50
Dyed Muskrnt
Capes '35(
Beaver Capes, 1st
choice 295
Mink Capes, 1st
choice 3'5
Persian Lamb
Capes 375
Cloth Astrachan '
Capes . 4.50 and 6.00
Seal Plush Capes
7.00 to 12.00
Just Arrived a Fine Display of
Latest Novelties in Dress Patterns
With Astrachnn, Applique, and Tinsel effects. Ladies cordially invited to
call and inspect these novelties.
1023 O Street. E. IIEYMAN & CO., Proprietors.
Lincoln has many beautiful and costly homes and Fine Homes need
Fine Furniture and nowhere in the West will a more elaborate or finer stock be
found than at
If you have never visited their store, yen have nc idea of the magnitude
of their premises or the amount of goods shown. There is nothing so nice or
lich but that it can there be had. A visit to this house is always full ,of interest.
There is always something new and novel to please the eye.
211 S. llth St. HAlDY & PITCHER 211 S. llth St.
FOR S2..50&
Engraved Galling Cards
Wessel -Printing
r-rt, .
Newman's Old Stand. 1023 O St.
Seal Skin Jackets
Finer and Cheaper
than anywhere
We Sell Only Genuine
Alaska Seal
London Dyed.
We Warrant Color and
Quality !
Copper Plate,
Fine Dresses
Wool Wrappers
Tea Gowns
Child's Angora
Sets 3.50
Child's Mufflon
Sets 5.50
Child's Grey Coney
Sets 1.35
Child's Grey As-
trehan Sets j.90
Ladies' Angoru
Sets 10.50
Ladies' Angora
Sets Colored . . .9.50
Misses Thybct
Sets. .8.50 and 10.50
Ladies' Bear and
Badger Sets $15 to $18
ONLY $250