CAPITAL CITY COURIER. SATURDAY, NOVFMMKR S uSoo 7 ft lis"- yk i fcw- fSS iU rs-'iiAt i COVCLl'SION By BILL IJYF. Illuntrntcu by 8PRAGUE. W H. CopjrtRht. Allrllitainifrvl. Acrom tho pctcoful bosom of tin plr.ltvv no sound disturbed the nhtutnaw now and then vvheu ut lon Interval tliu uhntlowy Ilmtro of coyote crossed uti iiIhIo lntlioBitm- liniOi. and opening his (map ping, drooling JiiwitKnvo fortli that jiiHtly celebrated illotonle f.culo of bis vv lilcli 1h mi well calculated to rail out the goose plin pies even on tho loath mask of Methu solah. Even the wind trod softly oxer the scorched and withered grass, and the well lubricated moon stole In and out among the cloudfi wjthou.Ua creak, vltli thuex caption of Hitter creek, of coume, which laved Its alkali shores In tho eternal Mill ttules, and bleached Mill whiter, as the yearn went by, tho Miovvy Imiiich of those who once had nought to Invade this groat undertnkliiK establlHlunent of nature this pctrllled hush of centuries. Hut whatKound Is this that gently bout upon tho teiiMo drum of tho listener's ear? Tho distant Jar and Kcutle palpitations or a coining train from the west I Sacreelydo we hear this and catch the yellow twinkle of a headlight when an other inullled roar from tho east and a lit tlo crawling light growing rapidly out of tho dusk and distance h wnl low tho Inter veiling mill's, unil In a Hash the twoncreain lug, snorting, panting monsters have mot like mall clad giants In a mighty tourua tnent. Comu (o tlio luiilal cliamlKT, IVathi Cumu to tliu inotliur when slid fecM Kor tliu first tltnu her flrot horn' hrrnth; Come when the lilenseil seals Which closo tlio Itcstllouco uro broke. Ainl crouitcd ;ltltw wall lu stroke Coino In Consumption's ghostly fi)rin' Thucnrtlxiunlin's shock, tliu ocean's storm, Coino when tho heart boats lilcli anil warm With haiiiiict, hour and datico utul Ino, And thou art terrlblo Tho tear, Tho groan, tho knell, tho pill, tho blur Ami oil uo know or dream or fear. Of agony art thine Hut lo tho heart, wheru lout Is dead. Ainl Ihik) U kneeling o'er It blur. Thy face with Joy Is ov crxprend. Ami mi light: o it with bounding treail Tho soul that only Borrowed hero. When lectin awoke with this dull pain In her head hIiu felt certain that she was dead, und was utmost tickled to death to think that her sad heart would Morrow uo more and that Harry was free, but almost at once came the smell of hot varnlah and the slight Husplclon of an overdone porter who ought to bo turned oer "Great Oawtll" she wild, as her breath camo In brief pants, "tho car Is on lire I miintgo away " To a spectator who might have seen tho collision it would have seemed Impossible that a living thing could como out of this terrlblo wreck and holocaust, but ere lonir n venerable apple worm crawled out of the cool side of a nice eating apple, and seeing that ho could bo of no further usoon 1 oard tho train came out of tho car and slunk away In tho darkness Soon the cheerful car stove begins to get in Its work, and tho chaos of broken wood work begins to burn, at first slowly, then, ns tho bw ift winds of the plains catch It. lilt WATSON the red hla.o leaps out and greets the frightened night with a cackling laugh. To go back to Mr Crawford, at Chicago, with tho author Is but the work of an in stant. When Or "Watson returned after send ing his lying telegram to Edna ho found tho house empty and tho door locked, tho shutters drawn and everything deserted The reader will ask how he knew that ev ery one was gone when the door was locked and he could not got In, but we must remember that he was in tlio liypuo tlsm business, and could do things that other peoplemightcotisidordrnioult'. Many n time as a boy ho had hypnoti.ed a water melon dog and then helped himself to the luscious fruit. lie Mion learned that Mr. Crawford had taken his whole household, and with light baggage had lied to the depot. He followed rapidly, and fortunately caught up with tho carriage containing the party, for they wero "bridged," and had boon for nearl) an hour. He tried to hj puotire Mr. Craw ford, hut the old man had shrewdly had himself vaccinated, and so he was safe, There was nothing for the doctor to do but to follow the procession, for Crawfonl had evidently heard that his daughter was In California, and had resolved to go to her. the old man, liut wltTiout avail He then tried to hypnotise the ticket office Into giv ing him a lower licrth, but the agent had been exposed when he wan young, and so wasn't afraid of getting it now Therefore Dr. Watson had to Jump bur rledly on the rear platform as the train pulled out, and sleep In the smoking car, with his front teeth resting heavily on ids knees, all tho livelong night. In the drawing room of a pleasant aim airy sleeping car supplied with electric bells ami a thermometer wits a buffet, tho sandwiches in which studied like lower eight, while lower eight got even by smell Ing llko a corned beef sandwich, and here sut Mr. Crawford aud Miss Hrown. Helow is given a picture of MIhh Hrown. Her name was Colin Hrown, but her friends called her Tell and Hrown with an air of badinage v lilcli brought a rosy Mush and sweet bright miiIIon lo her fair face Ml JllSjlEEliNGlDEVlA J Great omposit flouel. THE JOINT WOUK OK W. H. Bnllou, Ella Whoolor Wilcox, MaJ. Alfrod C. Calhoun, Alnn Dalo, Howo & Hummol, Paulino Hall, Inspoctor Byrnos, John L. Sullivan, Noll Nolaon, Mary Eastlako, P. T. Barnum. BUI Nyo. The artist has happily caught this smile with his llttto cntch-ns catch-can camera. The picture was originally a full length figure, but jwlng to the pressure on our ,Mlt. CIlAWtOltll. advertising space and a nolo just received from tho chief of police wo have decided to condense tho portrait as much as possible. Hrlelly, but truthfully and tearfully, Miss Drawn made a clean breast o,f her sorrow ful slavery to Dr. Watson, tho hypnotist, and on her knees she ptomlsed tho old man that never again would sho give him an opportunity to wield his ghoulish aud dls agreeable inllueuco over her MISS llltOWN As the fair head of the beautiful girl rested on his knee, and with trembling lingers he screwed up her Psche knot a little tighter, so that It could not get muddy a tho spirited roadster sped along the track, he thought he had never saw so fair a being, taken all around, as sho was. Mr. Crawfonl always used tho choicest English In his conversation, hut occasional ly his thoughts wero ungrammatlcal. "I also haven confession to make, dear one," he said. "Prepare for a piece of In formation which you can hardly credit, save that I, who am, or is, or areas tho caso may be, tho criminal, tell it to you myself "Would jou believe that 1, who am your comrade on this journey, whoso faco Is so refined, sosplrituclle. could have taken the life of l)r. Croulnf "Could you belluvo Hint I, a professor of religion and u worthy insldo guard for two terms in the Little Hethel Independent Order of Oood Templars, No. .'W.Tftt, could have gone under the cover of dark ness anil with a bright new clasp knife cut Into tho nice warm vitals of a neighbor, and then, vUtli his hot blood spurting up my sleeve, hacked the dying man to HKNltV IIUK8IIAM. pieces, put him in a shawl strap and carried him away to a sewer trap, and concealed his dishevelled rcmnins so that tho polico could not got on to my spoor? "And yet for months this terrlblo secret has been preying upon my soul. Vester day while Dr. Watsou was uptown it oc curred to mo that possibly I did not kill Cronln, aud so, picking up a paper, I rend that another muti did it Following up this germ of thought, I soon also discov ered that I was abroad nil tho our of tho Cronln murder 1 am now wondering if Dr. Watson has not been wielding an un holy Influence over mo which tho delight ful climate of California aud some light stimulant like ryo whisky and opium may overcome." A quick sob came from the bowed form beforo him. "Oh, Kphralm, thank God You may lie able to prove yourself Innocent after all," sho said She hail never called him Ephraim beforo He stooped and whispered a few low, passionate words in her ear Her head bent lovjur and a quick flush of shrimp pink bathed face, neck and shoulders It was hut the work of a moment for Kphralm to call up a sleepy but clerical looking man in upper live, also in pajamas, who quietly slid down to the draw ing room and in tho presence of tho sleeping car con ductor mid porter mado tlu two man aud wlfu AKIHI TIIK WUK,K And what of llenr) Henshall. the hero aud artistic ass of this story? loavlng his art to shirk for Itself, and forgetting that ho had promised on that very day to paint two large barns for a party In Oakland, he fought madly for a place on the tiulti In ortUr to follow- an unknown flaxen haired llddler, who did tiffins not care a tent for him or his art Henry Henshall was not a bid man, hut lie needed some groat calamity or severe uiucusslon to jolt a little sense Into him That was all l.lfn bad been too smooth with him lie had painted xovoinl portraits of Hon I rite ('end. which had ben accepted by the famll) ami paid for, jet after all he iieedod something that would almost kill him, hut nut quite This would, the duo tor thought, knock the talents out of him, aud give him an ambition to do as he 'Urcoil and p.iy his debts Such an episode was In store for him Tor, hj a strange fatality, this train he rode upon a few nights later (although Mr Illinium, by a Mluht oversight, which Is perfect I) pnrilonable in a mail who has a large amount of stock to food and water and bod down and take care of nights, places the aeclilont on the first night out) crashed into the train which brought Mr Crawfonl west In search of his child On that fatal night Kdhii placed her vlo lln In her berth, where it could not. get overheated hj the steam pipes, and then, letting down her angelic hnlrtlll It fell ubout her slight llguro like a halo of mo lasses candy, she looked so sweet that I lit. porter thoughtlessly swallowed a pillow which he was holding in his teeth as he watched her skin up the step ladder aud plunge Into her couch with a glad cry She soon stuck tor head tl o w n into Mrs. lieu shall' berth, how ever, anil said ton derlyi "My dear friend, I do not know v hv. but I think 1 ingoing to die," IJt,'VA "awioimi and she thotiUdsh- uuotrvl kurau liuex from the denllilsil sccuo lu which Little Kvn gently glides up tho lltinio at FJ n week in an "Undo Tom's Cabin" company. "I have saved quite u little fortune from my popular appearances beforo the public, and I wish jou would give it to my father If I tile." A quick sob enmo from the lower berth occupied by Mrs. Honshu!!. It was hers. She made It herself "Nay, nay, my dear," sho said, "If ojcther die, let it Iki I or mo. If that sounds Is-t tor. Oh, let modiol" With that she moaned plteousl), like a person w ho does not feel well "Yes, dear lady," said Kduu, handing her a crocheted purse containing $S "This will lift the mortgage on the old farm and wipe out tho personal Indebtedness of in) father I am a poor, persecuted girl, fol lowed at nil times by cither a wild eyed hypuotier who Is out of a Job, or else a spll. whiskered artist who barclj earns t untigli by kalsnmlulugto follow me about like a mutton headed Nemesis all tin while. I shall die content, dear lady (iood night " I cannot go to any great length to do scribe that horrible night. It was a won ler that one human being came fortli alive from the terrlblo wreck iuil Awful hcl. I was going to say Henry Henshall was struck on the head by a fresh train fig, aud for a time lay uu lonsclnus, but the smell of his burning trousers aroused him. aud lie got up ami went out of the car MIIS III.NSIIAI.U Strangest of all, tho blow had cleared his intellect and knocked tho laudable pusotit of his mind, as It were, ami "Inn" was tho llrst word on his lips Tho awful pict ure seemed to bewilder him a moment, ami then he set to work From the window of a burning car a white and beautiful arm extended through tho broken window On the hand, though spotted with bright scar let splotches, he recognized Ids wife's wed ding ring With 11 cry of agony ho dashed into tho crushed ami burning wreck, and Justus the llames were beginning to creep upon her lie Jumped from tho hungry flames with his fainting but happy wife In his arms Again und again he blessed the happy blow-on his head which had cleared his vision anil made him seo how-near he camo to losing a good, true aud desirable wife I zona's hair turned snowy white, und is so yet, but slio makes a beautiful matron, a kind mother and n good wife to the cash lerof her father's bank, Mr. Henry Hen shall, who hasuslguatiironnw worth fcJAO, UJO In his own Individual right. Kritm wwirnevWfully recovered Aside from tho hinges of her violin, her re mains wore never found I hated to vvrlto this, but I am not here to bo sentimental. I must lie truthful. Her money was used, or 11 portion of It at least, to relieve her fa ther's Indebtedness, anil with the balance was founded a conservatory of music in Dosttiii. -easgs tSl!v. . ' ft 1 j&?:'' l)r Watson was pinned tothewieck by the ear and slow y scalded to death He fore he died Im said he was sorrv for w hat he had done, but jet with his last breath ho tried to blloa preacher who win pmjltig for him He was a low crcaiuiv lie was ndlsiimveable person, and his ileal li utterly failed to last a gloom over thetmniuunlly Mr Cinw fori I and his bride ictuiucd to Chicago and lemalued there quite awhile. They were very, very happy Indeed Mrs l)r Watson went on the stage und did well She receives good wages, and nlso got f.'i(xx Insurance on her husband, whiwo life she had Insured the jcar beforo. With this money she iMiught two beautiful dresses, which she now wears on tho stage aud w blt'h make a great hit, Mr and Mrs. Henshall nre real happy nil the lime Henry Is n good provider ami I .elm ant (instruct a cake which will mnko one's hair curl Theyhavea good deal of compati) come to see them, and almost without except Ion each one suvs uu going nwn) "We have had a renl good time." Dr. Alma J. Coc, Office, 1704 M BtrceU 1.1N00T.N, Nlill. General l'rncl loner uiitl lt)ulonlt. Will treat illlllcult mid complicated eases sent to the ell j. OlVice Hours: 8 lo 1 J a, lit , J to 7 p 111, NOTE THE NEW DIFFERENTIAL PARES In Conjunction with tho Erlo SyJcm operittes l"ii st Vostlliuloil Trnlns liu- tween I'hlciiKo and the Athuitle HentKiiinl You may travel In Hie most nieicaut anil Complele I'lilluinu Vestlhuled Trains ever eniuyriicled anil save II Ml in llulliilo and Nl SKarn Falls, UW to New York, iiXi to Al bany and Troy, and 1 1 oil to lloslon and Now KiiKland Cities. No rival lino offers tho uiIvuiiIiikch of a ss loin of throllKli First and Second-class Day Coaches mid l-UM.MAN DININO (JAHS Chicago to New York. It Is the only lino oporatlngl'iilhiiiiu Cars to llostoti and New- ImKland via Alhany. Cntlro Trains are IlKhted hy gas, heated by ten 11. I'ulliiiiiii DIiiIiik Cars run tlirotigli lu olthor direction. I'lilluinu Chair and Rlccptiiit Cars (o C0I11111 bus,0.,iuid Ashlauil, by. Dully. No I'.xtrii Churijo for Fast Time and ITnsiir piissoil Accniiiuioilatlons Allonleil by these Luxurious Trains. for ilrtiUlttl Infiirnuition. tickets unit reset- iiitlons In l'ullmnn earsnpplv lo your lis-nl 1 1 ties of rallu a v , or to (Ml iUAiio t Ii rv Tick kt Okku'H.s, 107 Cl.AiiK Hr., 11111I Peiirhorii Hta tlou, in (IiMicik, L. 0. CANNON, F. C. DONALD, lien AkI., for Iteeelver Oen. I'ass. Ant CIIM'AdO. Santa Fe Route ! Atc!m)i,rip)'u& anta Fe R. R The Popular Route to the Pacific t Coast. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Between Knnsas Citv and SAN DIKGO, LOS ANGULUS, and SAN FRAN CISCO. Short Line Mates to' PORTLAND, Oregon. Double Daily Trnin Service Between Knusns City nnd PUKIILO, COLOR ADO SPRINGS, and DKNVKR. Short Line to SALT LAKH CITY. The Direct Texas Route iolld Trains Between Kansas City ami Galveston. The Short Line Between Knouts City nnd Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple, San Antonio, Houston, anil nil Principal Points in 'I exns, i'he Oulv Line Running Tbiough the OKLA'IIOMA COUNTRY. The Only Direct Line to the Texas Pnn-IInndle. For Maps nnd Time Tabic anil Informa tion Regarding Rntcs and Routes Call on or Address S. M. OSGOOD, Gcn'I Ag't K. L. PALMER. Traveling Agent, 1308 Farnam St., o :m: Ji. x-i a. , 3sr e 23 . 'Milwaukee, 'T.PAUl Uam Hint operates 6JS00 miles of thoroiiKhly eiulpped ro.ul III Illinois, WihoiihIu, Iowa, Missouri, Mluiii sola ami Dakota. It Is the Host Direct Itoute between all the P-'.uelpnl I'olnlH In the North went, Southwest nut Far West For iniips, time tables, rates of phhhuko and reltihl, etc.. apply to nea rent station uncut ol iitc'Aiio, Mii.u-AiiKKR a Ht. Paul Hail vav, or to any Itallroatl As'tnt anywhere In the world. II. MII.LKIt, A. V. II.('Altl'i:NTKIl, (loneiul M'K'r. (len'l I'usb. ,VTkt At. F TUCKKIt. (li:o. II. IICAFFdltl), Vhs'.den' Mur. Asst. (I. I'.AT. AkI. Milwaukee, WImoiisIii. tf'JgjrJ ! Rr jj-y.- fc4,... New Hardware Store. KRUSE& WHITE, Wluiojou will Always find a (oiupltle l.lneof DVvVj'aBSk! rKs3K9P SHELF AID BUILDERS HARDWARE nokm "i 1 on tiii: t i:i,i;iiiiaii:i) RED CROSS .COOK AND HEATING STOYES, Finance Work n Speclilty, Stores, tato O St. and 27 and W St ii- -it II I "11 t. &m hw w:?w Lmw ' . "k lh uniiV iHsliVr 'iH-vaNs h HHsBMiiOlfiHi . . H. W. BROWN DRUGGSITiP BOOKSELLER The Choicest line of Perfumes. D. M. Fcrr V Finest Flower unc' Garden Seeds. 17 tSouith Eleveiith street. iw, '-r.-f- .P - '"M' i -. H'!fHRc8lfifnBiilrHiHti 4JQIMM1 tiv 1-. MEYER, Notary Public and Real Estate Dealer in City and Farm Property aoi:nt JmIwk Ss North German-Lloyd Steamship Co., Hamburg-American Packet Co., and Baltic Lints. AImi Railroad Agent for the different Companies Knst ami Went. Southampton. Havre, Jlnmhurtf, Stctten, London, I'arU, Norvvav, I'hinoutli, Ilremet., Sweden, and nnv point In Kuropc. I'oKt Oulut- and Foreign Exchange .... 1.... 1...... ..,.iii.i.... ....... ...1.1. . 1... 1.1 L. MEYER, 108 I nvlmrliirifi tnellltles oust with the hlifucH Hanks and Having InsiMtitlons, I am pro pi'id lo iiinlc- all kinds of Loans on First Ileal Kutnlo MorlmiitiH, Ity or Fur in l'ronortr I I loftjiiiis, at the lowest Interest I alsodcnl In hclmol llomls, State, County anil CliV vt 111 Mints. hIro In Mule. County and City Certified tliilms, 11111I will alwajs imy tlio lileheii market prWo Cull muUei moor LorrcniHind with me. " TH6-BOND EUEOPBAK. NOW OPEN Table Service Unsurpassed in the City. Apartments Single or En Suite with or without Hoard. Passenger Ele ators. Cor, I'-itli ami Stri-rt. Tvlophiiiit' Nu, IH','. Ensign's Bus, Carriage and Baggage Lines asi a. 11th. ot. Hacks, Coupes, Landaus and Carriages INSTANTLY Fl'llNIMIIKI) Telephone: CITY OFFICE, 303. DEPOT OFFICE, 572. Woluivo a Hack In vrallliiKiit ouroltloo at all hours day or lihttit, anil call either liy Telephone or In poraon uro luimedlatul) atiituered Speolul urriiiiKoniciiW fur nuburbun trip, iiImi for nhopplntc vUIIh to Slate I'rUon, Iiimiuo iluni,eto RttttlMul Da to, tSS6. The German National Bank, UA'CO.X, A7i7. Cnpitjil Piild up, $100,000.00 Surplus . . . 25,000.00 Triinsiirlx a Krimrul Imuklnu huslliess Issues hitlers ororeillt.ilriiNvilriitlsiin allpnrt of the world. l'orelu 1 nlli etlons a speelalty . Office) 1 ami )h rr01 1 IIP.ItMAN II. HCIIAIir.lttl, I'reshlenl. ( C. MD.NHON, Vice President. .ItmCI'll IIOI'.II M Kit, t'ashler. (), .1. WII,Ct., AsxIstiintCiuliler. . I!. MOS'TdO.MKUY. AI.I'.X. HAl.TKIt I'. A. Illinil. Ml'.lt. II, J, llltOlliniU'ON WAl.TIIIt.l. IIAItltlH. .1. A. IIIIDKLHON Nebraska's Leading Hotel, THE MURRAY Cor. lltli and Harney His , 0&C.A.3X.A., .t XTExL STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS All Modern Improvements nnd CouveuloiiroH. B. 8II.L0WAY, Pro'rletor. IRA IIIOBY, Principal Olark. 1'oit tiii: Untied to all prominent points n Europe. -.. ., ... I.. . North Tenth Street. M. ISABEL BOND Prop.