CAPITAL CITY COUKIISU, SATURDAY, OVKMBFK 8, 1890 m t GOLD COIN HEATERS For Hard Coal on, For Soft Coal. Most Powerful Heaters Made! Most Kconomical on Fuel! FRANK E. LAHR, 030 P STREET. NORTH SIDE P. O SQUARE. The Latest Fads In nil Stylos Black Cheviot Suits From hc lower grades to tlic very Finest. Come ntul Sec our New Puff and Ascot Scarfs, Underwear and Hosiery In Illnck anil Colors, Chintz's Imported London Hats In the Latent Fall Shape. Our prices nrc lower on these Goods tlmn nny establishment In the city. CALLAND SEE US I GREAT Handkerchief SALE Big Bargains in nil qualities niul prices. I Iamlkcrchlcf s ' " ' from 25 cts. to $10.00. Sale to Continue only o Few Dajs. DO,VT FAIL TO CALL! FOREMAN & CROWE, 114 South Twelfth Street, A Fine Crayon LIFE SIZE FREE AT- Sh ERWI 1124 0 ST. N'S Every customer gets n head and shoulder Crayon Picture Free from any and all 'cost. This work is made direct from any jrhoto you may want copied. Call and look into this matter. MyMi?li!i pin -.-JJSJi.....3N I Mi;nnr li)rof Uncrii Wine t., U'khhki., .III., Editor mill Holo Proprietor. W Mohto.n Hmitii, AitwMHiinli) Killtor Miiiiitciiii'rioM Olio Your by Mull or Carried J(; Hlt.MontliK.ll.nOfTliri'nMiiiillm, MV. Onb mniith IM d'tilw litMnilily In Ailvnnce. Viivkhtinkmkntsi ItAte film Wirl mi npptloillnti nt tlioofllcn, Hxoll rates nn Time foiilrnolh. 'nvriilMmoNNiHhort spier sketch, x'in nim tirl Holtcttts). I'lTwrtinl nml Hoclnl noir nre iwiN-oUlly ililrnlili. 'niMTlNin Vn ninkn n xt'l(lly of Him Criming 11 nil Its lirniuliiw Hooli'tv work n Miwtlnlty . Kntcrcd iitllui I'nMollIco of Lincoln, Neb,, n second uIiim itinttor. FAMILIAR PEOPLE. Invltntlons to tlui wedding of MUs Ida Mim Mir of thin elty, mid Mr. Kdwurd DiirlliiKtou Hhurplo of California, announced to x'"iir Wednesday evening, Nn umber twelfth, nt tho ivsldoncti of Mm Collin, Eighteenth nml P street, Imvo boon Ismicd. llnl Nortlniiii, nflor tin nlMouea of nearly n yen r, In oueti morn In tlioelty In hU old po sition with t ho Pomoroy conl company. Few youi.g mun In tint city Imvo more friend than llnl, and ho received n very wnriu wel come on hlit ruturu. Hlneo leaving Lincoln ho lilin Ihhiii engaged '" himlneHi In Milwau kee nnd Chicago, V It seems that li'rml Nvo Iii.h irlvim mi llm Idea of starting niiow pnerntPortlmil,Oro., 'in 11 linn nisi 000 11 111 imuncmi mat no win in. Iliovo from Oiniihii to flilrmro. when, lut will connect himself with tlio llrmttl. Mrs. Nyo ln very Mipiilnr member of Omaha society, and hothof them will ho greatly mlwd V Hocretnrv of Htiitn It, II Cowdery, whom term oxplKs January 1, lin decided to ro nmln In Lincoln, nod a (Inn Imsnlrondy formed coiinIM lug of himself mid deputy, (), 0. Moll, under llm nnino of Hell & Co., for tlio trnuNtctinii of n general commission buib nom. A store him been opened at 1 10(1 0 wtrout. Hoth gentlemen have a very wldo nrqunlutnuco and itossesshig iin they do, II rut rate liusluoiu .tlilllly, tlioy uro Hiiro to succeed In their now venture. It lit wild Hint to Mm. John M. Thurston lulling tlio dUtlnetlou of having rend tlio .UeKlnloy hill. What It this wort of thim Nhould Ikmjoiuo the fad among woniouf Oli, horrors! Tlio Hon. 1). I). Hiiro, who defeated ox- llov. Foster In tlio congreislonnl election in tlio eighth Ohio district N a cousin of MrH. Dr. Applegot of this city. Row Honheur In p.lntlni? n portrait of IllllTlllO Hill. floillll HlMII Ilnnll.m,. Imv.i ...... Mr. Cody ton year ngo.n litter subject for her lirnnh ennlil iwih lui fnninl tin.,. tl,l li.i.,i. some product of theplilns. Hut thu invgu Inrlty of his life ha chinged hit faeo nlniOKi io coarseness, ana noi eonrM?nesi or urtlstle Interest. Onmliii Kxvthtor. Miss Cnrrlo Allen of Ht. LouU, who Imi for somo month, pint hoen tlioirKnulst nt the Church of the Holy Trinity, expect to le turn to her homo in n fow ilnyn. Hho In iih yet undecided whether kIio will return to tills city. James A. Unrlleldjr., the win of the Into president, was t ho guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Mcintosh this week. He is a member of tlio bar and limiting n reputation. Onmlm Kxrthior. Mlsi Lulu Hnllautyno of Omnha, ulster of Mrs. W. M. L"o mrtl, and very well J known in the city, wan married to Mr. MoDauieN, a well known rnllroid nun of tlio Imetropolls, Wednesday nfternoon. Mr. nnclMm. Ixxnmnl Mm. Otto Funko, Miss Anno Funko and sur. oral other Lincoln pooplo witnessed the cero mouy, V Owing to a vexatious tygrnphlcal error In TilK Couhikh last week In it notice given II. K. Nlssley & Co. It rend as though Mr. King now of J. W. Winger A: Co., wan still with the former house, Tlio iiamn King when written U very much shullar to Krug, ami therooy the error wan nnulo, and In Just Ice to both parties, the Couiukh will add that Mr. King It now, and luumliieo early Inst fall, beon a partner of J. W. Winger & Co., and Mr. Krug is at his old post, the rustling part ner of II. II. Nltuley & Co. After this week tho addresu of Miss (5ort rudo Lawa of McCook, will Iw Washlngtou, 1). C ll!l Fourth st. N. W. 8ho will upend the whiter ut tlio national capital with her father. l'uraniml I.lberiy v. riiy.lcul HUvery. Wo are all freo American citiiens, enjoy lngourier80uallllerty; but most of us nro lu physical slavery, suffering from scrofula, salt rheum or some other form of Impure blood. Hood'H 8anuiMrilla U the great blood purifier which tllswlvea tho Iwnds of, gives health and perfect physical lllrty. Tea Downs ranging lu prices fiom (10.00 lo tAO.OO ut J. H. Mauritius & Co. l'hotographlo vlows of tho city of Lincoln, publiu bulldlius, bulne84 houseo and line rosl.lencou In book foi in, pretty souvenir, may bo had nt the Wtmsol Printing Co., I1!W N street, price llfty ceuU. Laillea Cork Nolo Turnrtl Hliora. are as easy to tho feet us any hand turned. Are warm, dry and comfaituble. Tiy pair. To bo tound only nt U'kiistkh & Home us, lA'adiug Uhoo Drtlers LaJles will find a complete line of tlno shoes and all the latest styles at the proper prices at dherw In's Hooton Shoo Htoro. Wood ill kinds preparetl ready for the stove at Iletta & Weaver's. Phono No. 440. llurllnulon llouto lMnylUK Citril. I now have a large stock of' ttiMe playing cards, which are sold at the low rate of ten centa a pack (not one-quarter the price usu ally paid for such otitis). Call in and get a dozen packs, they are Just the thing for your euchre, whist and high five parties this win ter. A. 0. Zikmch, 0. P. & T. A. &' ij THE LATIi JUSTICE MILLER III Itnniurkahly Hiirri'n.fnl CIiiiiiko of I'rori'.xlon. rrclilrtil l.liirotn1. .Inkn. I Bniniiei i reeiiinti .Miller, tlio henlor Jus I tlrn of the Niiprume court of the United Bint, who iiioil recently at WiiNhlngton, waa Ixirn In Kentucky April ft. 1810 Ills early jenni were spent on u fiirm Then he hecniue u rountry doctor, ntul prnctlccil till I8.V) In that year came the roinurk able turnliiK point of his career At tlio ago of 01, with a family ihHituleut on him for support, ho ahiiudniied medtcltio to tiikn up the Mtudy of law, mid ut tho nnino tlino sought n now home, refuovlng from Kentucky to Kookuk, la. The venture would liave proved ruinous to nlncty-iiliio men, Hut Mr .Miller was the one hundredth and succeeded, lit reached high rr.nk ul the Imrnnd In the JUHTICK MII.I.KIt. .Ileimhllcnn councils, and when, during t fin Becond year of tho war, President Lincoln reorganised the nupreme court he chose the farmer-doctor lawyer am one of tho now iuoiiiImth He remained In harncNt till the hour when his fatal Illness Ik'kiiii Tho dead Justice wait fond of relating the story of his Inst meeting with Prcldent Lincoln It was nt the luMUguratiou ball nfter the lutter'a heconil election Justice Miller entered the untcrooin, where he waited to leave the wraps, of hlniM-lf and wife, when he hiiw Mr Lincoln tnlklug with Charh-H Sumner The Just ho ad vnuceil to shake Imiiils with the president nnd Mr. Lincoln turned with great conlhil Ity to greet him lie mild to him In uti ex ecus of good humor, "Mow lire the JiimIIich nml their gowimV' Then he added "Mil ler. you were brought up on a farm, weren't your" 'Yes." was the reply "Well, then, you must lme scon the breaking up of laud and burning or tlinlier In n clearing Von of con me have Keen the heavy bark fall from u half decayed log while out from undiirthe bulk would come great winged lints, which would waildlo off with the fiinnlent kind of clumsy dignity Do you know, Judge, I never see one of you Justices with your gown on hut I think of those nuts we used to nee on the farm lu clearing ' All that Justice Miller could say lu reply to thin was that he was glad that they had suggested ho Industrious an Insect to him. Fnllnrti ol l)ifft Hen llinlii;riiiliy. Some time ago n deep sen photogruphlo party left Japan, currying with them an ingenious apparatus ror photographing underwater This uppi.ruttm consisted of nn ordinary camera Inclosed in a cast Iron box MUfllclently strong to wltlmtuiid from GOO to 1,000 pounds pressure to the simre Inch When the stand attached to this touched bottom, by uu Ingenious contrlv mice tho cap was removed from the lens nnd the contentMof two bottles werecuused to mix, this mixing resulting lu an explo Rtnn, giving the light necessary for the pro deletion of a photograph Disaster has overtaken the mission From what can lie gathered by some means or other the mix lug process must have taken pi nee prema turely A terrlllo explosion occurred, two porsoUH have lieen more or less Injurtsl, mid the upparatus, which took many mouths to construct. Is now at the bottom of the Pud lie A flirted Girl Tnirlirr. Although but 111 years or ago Clara Groeunwald. of Pennsylvania township. lierKs county, I 'a. Is a full Hedged teacher, duly Uitllllcd, accord Ingto hercerttll cute, to Instruct In reading, writ' lug, arithmetic, geography and phyalology She a I no h a a somo knowledge of Creek, Iwitln and geometry Thin ci.aiia oitF.KSAWAl.n remarkably glfuxl gr preside over whnt Is known aa the "tough school" of hor ills trlct. She has sixty pupils, ranging In age from fl to 15 yearn, nnd graduates cortlfled by her will be entitled to admission to any grammar school In the county Miss Oreenawnld Is large for her ago. and her appearance Is that of n young woman of 18 or ) She Is a brunette, has regular features, weighs 115 pounds, and Is five feet four inches tall, She has introduced ad vunccd methods of Instruction, and ho far has shown hersolf nblo to cope with the unruly among her pupils. - Suing no Kxlitbltlon Jury. The exhibition Juror gcU in trouble Kometlnies us well aa I cm conspicuous peo ple. In Japan, whore a great fair woa held recently, there haa been much dissat isfaction over the nwarda Indeed, one of tho exhibitors, a Mr Iwasakl Juzlro, the manufacturer of a special and well known "soy" U bo disgusted with hnvlim received only a thlnlcl.-uuj award, which he shares wiin mo mnKers or common "soy," that he has brought nn action against the jurors, claiming the sum of fcl,-CJ3, which tie represent himself ns iiavlug lost In ooasequenca of their careless examluntlosi of his exhibit. A Methndlit Scut of LfHrnliis;. The University of Montana, situated near the city of Helena, Is nn institution of which the new state may woll Is? proud. It was completed recently, and the llrst fall and winter term liegnn In September. There nre a full corps of professors and an unexpectedly Ui attendance of pu r.2a.-,a rnoNT vuw or thk unmvvciisitv plls. The nrrnngemont for the iiccoinmo ilatlou of htudenu of both xtt, Isith ax to cIuks siid study rooms and living apart menu, nre wild to be excellent. The uni versity was built by the Methodist of Montana, and lu president Is Kev F P Tower, a divine well krowo '- the wwtt wJRoSH V m'Hfc'' A 'ft - j' - FASHION IMtKIHCTlONS. IHpeelnl L'otllil Kit Correspondence. iNKW YoitK.Nov. I, IWNI.-Whenllintbilght voting Kngllnhwoumli uho gave to the woild Ihoehaiiiilngstoiy of "Hootlo's Hnby," nnd ninny other regimental legends full of the -unio amusing chniacters, when this novel ist wlsliot to innko any of her Imaginary hmoluo particularity smalt, she lininilliite iy proceeds tommy them in Hedfrru gowns, w herein sho shows giw.l tnsto nnd Juilgmeut. lu one of her most recent novelettes, she Invests, (with sjii nud Ink Instead of L. s. d., he it understood), lu two Hue gowns, n won dorfill Ittt-cniieri and. pocketed ulster, nnd n inlty little velvet cap, all of which were sat isfactory to tho young woman upon whom they worn bestowed i but sho forgot to ndd to her felicity by giving her one of Itnlfern's -tyllsh clone fitting senl-sklu Mint, such ns a few years ago he orlgliintisl for tho Princess if Wales, nud thereby struck tho knell of the hitherto popular seal sncipie Ills llrst mod els of this kind linvo each season undergono omo change nnd Improvement, until tho lat st ones for tho winter of IK) and 'HI aro ns legant nud stylish as tho most exacting or Minion could desire. Hero mo a couple of the newest sketches, vhlch prove that the nlinvn assertion Is no idle Ismst KI.KMANT AMI HTVI.1SII. This one is n Ktrnlght-fronted, looso cont of iiedium length, The flaring Medici collar Is xtcuded in the form of rovers, nud Is bord tied with a roll of otter whl h border con tinues nil down tho front. Tho cuffs nro Headed to match. Iu tho other figure, tlio oat Is fastened diagonally with largo seal buttons, from tho left shoulder to the right nip; from which point tho front Is shaped bnck until it end at tho bottom directly lu TA AIl.OH-MADfc. COAT OK HKALHKIN. Hue with the chin. A wldo bund of bluo fox forms tho collar nud Is carried down the front almost to the waist. The cuffs are of this bniuu long, bof t fur. Wedding cake boxes, nil ktyles, Wessol Printing Co. There Is no lino of dress novcltlos In tho city to equal the line shown at the Iiaz&nr. A choice lino of new clonks nnd furs just opened nt Uci pohheliner & Co.. J. II. Mauritius & Co. nre still agents for P. Centomorls Kid Gloves. Noveltlso In Wedding Cnko boxes tnirty different Bhupea at Wessel Printing Co. Dr. 0. B. Manning, olllce rooms 00 07-ug Hun-block. Telephone XIO. Ilesidenee Cor. 20th and F. Telephono !CK). I the niot ancient nud moit general of all Ureases. Scarcely a family Is entirely free from It, while thousands everywhere are Its suffering slaves. Hood's Barsapartlla has had remarkable success In curing every form of scrofula. Tho most severe and painful running sores, swellings In tho neck or goitre, humor lu tho eyes, causing partial or total blindness jleld to the powerful effects of this medicine. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by Nil Uruggliti. ?l ilx for J J. rrepared only b; 0, 1. HOOP A CO., Ajvotliecartei, Lowell, UM. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar AtMk ' if bffl bbbbbbbV HWy? IbbbHII' '' BBbHbL BBBBBBBUl5' BBBBBBBBBBBBLVBbVvII 9b BBBBBLai WbbbbHlbHC iulBBBBBBBBBKBBBHl ' lVBBBBHL!BB Farthest up the Street BUT NEAREST Your Hearts and Pocket Books ! Host standard Prints 5c worth 7c. Sicillian Mohairs, something now 10c worth 15c. Best line 28 in. all Wool Dress Flannels 25c worth 35c Ik-st line 5-4, " " ' 50c " 75c Hope, .j'.j Bleached Sheeting, 7!,'c worth 9c Lonsdale, . Bleached Sheeting, 8!('c worth 10c Fruit, .;-, " " S'c " 10c Pepperell R, .-.j Unbleached, very line, 6'jc worth 8c Our Own, .j-.j " 6c worth 7c Great Western, -j-.j Unbleached, ver)' heav)', 8c worth 10c Minnesota 5 0., ail Wool, Dress Flannels, 29c worth 40c All Wool Scarlet Medicated Shaker Flannel, big bargain, 28c worth 50c Best Saxony Yarn, 10c Skein worth 15c Blankets aad Comforters Cheaper than the Cheapest Call and see our lines of Ladies', Misses1 and Children's Fast Black Hose at 25c, 35c and 50c, worth 35c, 50c and 75c Our Natural Wool Vests at 50c arc as good as down town stores ask 75c for. GENTS' GLOVES AND MITTENS will be sold in Cold Weather at Hot Weather Prices. Call and See Them 1 Three Bargains in Jeans Pants at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.75, worth $1.50, $1.75 and $2.50. Hoods and Toboggans the biggest bargains yet, at i.jc 19c, 24c, 29c and 39c- just one-tnird their value. Eight Great Bargains in Juvenile Books. Aunt Virginias A H C, 10c worth 19c " " Little Girls Stories W worth 50c Aunt Virginias Young America, 24c worth oo l Aunt Virginias Pleasant Stories, 24c worm 50c Aunt Virginias Pretty Hook, 24c worth 50c Sunbeams, 29c worth 60c Happy Hours. 29c worth fioc SPECIAL, 100 Dozen Ladies' 3 Ply all Linen Cape Collars, your choice for '5c each. 50 styles to select from. We sell everything--Cheaper than anybody. Maxwell, Sharpe & Ross Co. 1532 to 38 O Street. gje uyar?t your ASH WILL KNIIKAVOK TO KKTAIN IT IIV TKKATINU YOli WKI.I.. OUR SPBCIKLTIES WHB Pine SiViore, : : ofpe 'PUfe, EiiVinJ), nnd in these wc have ccrtninly csUblUhed ourclvck ns lenders. Our business In the pact five years has'demonstrated Unit point. Our pii) Uncii75 papers comprise the, .largest line ever shqwn in Lincoln, embracing over 40 VARIETIES cither In box, quire or tablet form. We 1 Eiraued 5tatiorry. In this department our work U too will known to need any words ol commenda. tlon. The Elite Society people of Lincoln nil use our Engraved Calling Cards, while the many prominent weddings, receptions nnd leading social events have nearly all used our Invltntlons. We pride ourselves on this work and n peep at our sampled will convince the most skeptical nrt critic that our engraving Is far superior to ant thing heretofore seen In the west. palK'5 fiye photos which we now show arc the finest works of Photographic art In the country. We will hereafter keep a line of these beautiful gems. If you don't see the 'Photo you want, ask for It, and if not In stock It will be ordered for you. We aim to keep Photos of all prominent actors nnd actresses of the world. frt prii7tii7. Our 1890-91 Party Invitations, Hall Programs, Menus, Announcements, Recep. tlon Cards, etc., nrc now In, and as In the past, our best efforts will be put forth to execute the most nrtlulc work It neat and original designs. Wc also do a large husl. ncss In the line of commercial printing nud can furnish promptly nnd on short notice anything from a smnll card to n mammoth size poster. lji)eoli7'5 Soty Journal. Few resident of Lincoln have not seen or heard of Thk Cai'Itai. City Courikr a journal of society, literature, sport, music and the drama. It Is free from sensation' and scandal, pure In tone and refined In all Its departments. It U printed on fine cream tinted paper, handsomely Illustrated nnd Is sent to nny address, six months for One Dollar. It's columns nre nlways open for anything that will Interest the family and prove elenn readable matter for society In general. We want all sorts of personal nnd social news, and such fn,vors when pnoued over 253 or left at the omVe will be thank fully received. You nre cordially Invited to visit our ofilce frequently. WkSSRI. PitltXrtNG COM'AiVl, 1136 N STREET. Mother Goose Rhymes, 37c worth 75c Complete line Cortlcclli Wash Rope Embroidery and Knltllng Silk all the Newest Shades nt Popular Prices. too Yard Spools Linen Thread only 5c orth 10c. Guaranteed to be the very best. patropae always take pleasure In showing these goods J -