CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER Hr 1890 PROF. C. F. WAV. Will open hln School of Cookery nt 11JJ 0 direct toilnv. See notice eUewhcre, Madame A. Ruppert World Ronownod Complexion Remedies For Removal of all Skin Blemishes. Sold by Mrs. E. C. Rewick, Agent 1411 (t Slieet, Or, Foreman & Crowe, 114 South nth St, Mi.tfe MJsmi 33 .a. osr ic . Lincoln, : Nkhkaska. Capital, - $250,000 Ofilttrt ami Dhtxlors; Jotm II. Vrllit, l'res. T. K. Sanders, V.-P- J. II. McGlay, Ounhlor. A H ltnvinnnil, 11 l' mi. Thou Coohrun K 11 Minor, diss West, V Ii Hholdnn. Gcncrnl llnnklng Business Transacted. Accounts Solicited. MOWS' THE TIME TO PLACE YOUIl ORDER FOR House Decorations! Where they will receive prompt nttcnlloi nml skillful workmanship. Cnll on S. E. MOORE, and see his line of Fine I'npcr Hanging, 1134 O STREET Sole Agency for Tbs StarwiB-Willlains Co.'s Paint. MRS. DR. EDDY, Trance Medium, And Clairvoyant, Can be Consulted In nil Affairs of l.lfc. HI Month Twelfth Ht Itnotn I, Xehrunir ltlook, LINCOLN, NKM. It ti astonishing with what success Mr. Dr. Eddy l meeting. Iltir rooms nro nhvujs crowded. A ureut many business people lire testing her nullity nt u business nilvlscr nml own themselves both niystlfletl ami satisfied with tlio results. Cullon this vuiudcrlul tne dlum nml boconvlnectl Ity her nilvlco she guarantees ucccss In business mul nil nflulrs fllfo. Hend stamp fur Illustrated circular. FAST MAIL ROUTE ! 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 -10- Atchtson, Leavenworth, St. Joseph, Kansas City, St. LoilU nnd nil Points South, bait nnd went. The direct llne to Ft. Scott, Parsons Wichita, Hutchlnion nnd nil piinclpal point a In Kansas. The only road to (he Great Hot Springs of Arkansas, I'ullmVn heeper nnd Fice Reclining Chair Car cm nil trains. J. E.R. MILLAR, R., R, MILLAR, City Tfpkct Agt .A GcnU Ag:nt Cor. O and i3th Street. lBsKHTni t p IN TIIK MltHAI.Y. V4PK1 ,l vtnn nnuoiincctl U Hint Wind Me- A III. I..., ,.... .... ifSttlMk.Vv gngnl In writing n hook on society Moiln generally looked Cm-wind to ii ii entertaining nnd possibly In HtlUftlvil lllsCUH- ftlnu of tlm clnl Ufa of Hip guy iiiolropolli". Hut Hint lofty iH-rsonnguwho hint been emi nent In Gotham for J ems for t lm dlunci he linn given nuit wlinlsfnliicd throughout tlm length nod liii'iullli of tlui land lis the hern of tlio"Four ltutidird,"ln "Society An I llnvi FoiiiiiI It" Is somewhat dlsupptdiitliig. Thu general render In lint sptclnlly Inteicsled hi "my father," "my mother," "my futility," "my eiilertnluiuoiitH," wlmt "1 mild to John Vim lluren" nnd wlmt "lrd Cuvoudlsh ic mm kill to mo," mid the to form the irliK'ixil pnrt of tlm hook. Coii'-ei ullig society, ttv e tlio nutlinr linn vety llttln to say, Written by nuy omi oho tlm honk would lo vnh'd liii'xprttwlldy dull, McAlllMer lit tlio hull riKim nnd nrounil tlm fi-stnl IhiiiiiI mny Ih, nml dnuhtli'Ki U, n hillllniit riioci'm. In lltointuro li Ir iih mili'li out of hln I'lciiicnt n vnn Jiimiii Do Hmytliii In "niHduty." I think I luiV'i luiviM- rend nuylihig ilrrnlliT tliiui tliu li'Jti-miitN nnd Imtttoioiifl (o ciiIIimI) miiih.iIo1m Willi which liv mk to cnllvi'ii tlio I'iikck. lint rno ciiiiinit hutndmlro thu uutliorVnc curntu conception of hln own nmull nhlllty In tlm uw) of tlio H.u, Ho Miyn: "Ono who rcmlH thin tiook thnitiKh will hnvo im rounh u tnentnl juuiitoy in hln phyidcnl niituiu would uudtTKu In HilliiK oer n coidiiroyioml In mi old Rtxgu conch It miiki'M tin pruti'ilom to either m'holurhlp or elennnt diction," TIiIk, In n ineimnc, dlni uin ci Itlclou. When, iMt'imlonnlly, ho vmIIch of wiclety In gimt'inl, ho is viiy liitirixthiK,iiud It iniint Ini confoNiil thnt otiu U eutei tnlmsl tit t linen hy hln own uxpoilcnccn, A foatuto of tho hiKik In tho colli ctlon or fiic-jlinllo liivltn tlonn, ciiiiIh, etc. In I ho opcuhiK clmpter ho icferMtoiulelmto iK'twcen himself nml hrothvr on tint question, "Which In the nlr'uifter pnwlon, ljvo or Am. hlllon." Ho nduiciitcd lovo, tnklng for hi motto thnt of VcnuH tho Victorious IIIh hrothi'i'ii motto wim "llcieulru tho InvlncU hlo." Thi'iiuthor wiyn: "To tliu end of Inn dnjH thlnhiothcr of mine wiih kuMiiI nnd Kuvoiucd hy thUovlf-Mimonmlilttoii; it mndu lilm wlmt ho Ih'Ciiiiic, ii Kient lawyer, tho Inwycr of tho 1'iiclllc count: hln houat to mo Ih'Iiik thnt hohndrnviNlnovvntri'iillvon, never ImvliiR lout n murdcr.cnno. I lot nmhltlou go, nnd through llfo nnd to tha prenvut inoinent iwvnr hy my roiIiIchs Vtnus," One or hln llrxt npieiiriiiiivn In Now York nooloty wnn at n funny hall glxon hy Mm. John 0. Stovoun, at which ho woio u continue contlng f l,txH)-tlio film of hln wraith nt thnt I lino, "I lint tend inyhelf It wnn tho hniidsotu est and I iclut at tho hull'' ho addn. Ho wan nt thin thuo living with nu mint whoso cntnto lui to Inhoilt, and in hln odd mo ilontN ktudled lllackhtoiie. Attvrnnrdn he wont to Havniiniih, tloorghiwlioiohin family I-mIiIciI and hero" wliilu 1 wiih dnuchig and icelthu; pootry to huitlful women, my hrothorwiiH inplilly iiinkuig money In S in Finuclw)," In l&V) tlio fnmlly umiioviiI to tlio liilterplnce wheio Wnul U-cnnit'ii mit ner with hix father and In a very miceoMiful legnl llriu;tho young nmndovothig hlmnolf mnluly to funntlng and vntrrtnmliig rich clli'iitH. ilo it'turiietl to tho cunt in 1NVJ, Ho liought a farm near Nowhji t mid ho di vldcil hli thuo hotnevu thl plnco nnd tho nictr. polls. Aliout thin thuo ho vUlted Kuropo, whoio ho lenrmxl for tho Unit thuo "Wlmt n good dinner wiih." Of Newport in thono enrly dnyH ho miym "1'ho chiiim of tho plnco then was tho Hhuplo wny of entertain ing; tliuio wore no Inrgo hulls; nil tho dune lug nnd dining wnn dono hy dny light, nnd in tho country. I did not hcsltuto to ask thu very ciyme iff In errme of Now York society to lunch and dine nt my farm, or to n Huhlng party on the lockn. My llttlo fnini dinners gnhieilHuch n reputation thnt my Irlends would my to mo: 'Now, romember, lonvo uto out of your ceremouloiu dinner iu you ehoone, hut nlu)B lucludo mo iu thono given nt your farm, or I'll never forglvo you' " Of Now York forty yenm ngo ho wrlteii: "Thero wore two Indies wlio were nUlllfo! lemleri nnd who ability and nielul power mo insnioimiiio world ncknowlwlged. They gvo thu hnudnoinent bnlU nnd dlnnern given in tho city, nml hnd nt them nil of tho bill- I ant people of that jwilod. 'ilietr MipjH'rs given oy old reter van Dyke, woiofnmoun, Thesa wero the dny when Innno Ilrowu. tax- ton of Orneo church, wan in hln lino, n treat character. Ills memory wnn something re markable. Ho know all nnd everything about everybody, know nlwayn every oiio'h uwhlenee, woh good-iiutuic itself and cracked bin Jokes and had a good word for overy one who paused into tho twill room. You would near him fo ore remarking upon men us ihey panels 'Old family, good old ktoek,' or hoV a now man; he hud better mind hlsp's and i'h or 1 will trip him up. Oh, bole's a fellow who intends to dnncu his way Into so ciety. Hero comes n linudnoino boy; tho women are crmy about lilm." Tho author does not ozpUlu as fully as ho should have dono, tho unique portion held hy Isaao ilrowu iu tho soclnl realm of New Yoiknt .his period, ilo was ono of the bent known I Kill chuiucteia of tho time; but he Isdls iiilhM'd with u wonl, Ills power to create or itestroy, socially, it only hinted ut. An entertaining description of tho ball given to the l'i iuco or Wnkvj in Now Y'ork in IbOO Is glveu. Gov, and Mr. Morgan, linn croft, tho historian, Col, nnd Mrs. Abraham Van lluien the Dukuof Newcastle, and John Jacob Astor, wero among tho prominent peo ple present on that occasion. "Tlio I'rince a young and remarkably handsome in tin with oluo eyes and lUht Imir, a in Ml agreeable couuteuniice and a grucious manner, danced .villi flints run, .uis .Mason, Mts Feuulo tiui ler,aiidolhein,uiid danced well, I followed him withtt falrpuitner doing all I could to en .urge the dancing circle." One's mouth toiiiellmes waters at the des criptions of iheto lunious cotillion uiunerk nt Delmonleo's at Irom 1U to fM a ulate. Mo Alllster receied tho tollowlng anonymous lines the iiioi mug alter one of the largest of these banquets: Tnero ne'or wu seen so fulr n slitht As at Ueliiioulco's last ulglit, Wheu feathers, (lowers, Hums and lace Adorned ouch lovely form and race; A Burden of nil thorns bereft Tho outslao world behind them loft. They sat Iu order us If "ilurko" nad sent a insssuy-e by his clerk And by whoso niuulo word I this All conjured up? Tho helKhth of bliss 1 Is ho who now before j oil looms The Autocrat ofDrnwlntf Itooms. In the latter halfof tho hook hdhiu ivadablo chapters on "Entering Society," , E"trta nlng." "Champagne, nnd other Wines ""Dinners," "Ual.s," "An Era of Ex travagance," The last chapter Is devoted to the more re cent event, in New York and Woshlnaton S.o( J wlM.V VAfe AjMyX "Kociety Ah II Hnvo Found It" In publlnhcd hy Cnmell Now Yoik. linn Kind to see thnt. tlm impending ntar of I'rnnk It, Hlo'klon'H literary fame hn at tallied that altitude which Amrrlcau wiltns are wont to counliler the seventh heaven. Ileglnnliig with ktorlen for chlldleu In SV, AVnioftM, hn miiilo hln way Into tho (VnMirj, nml now In tho November munber of thu Allniillii Mnnllilfi, confcHxcdly the uhloot llteinry iuiikuxIiio in thu world, hi) given nt tho oM'iilng chupU'rn of a now serlnl ntory en titled "The limine of. Mm tlm." It Ih.Ih Mr HtiM'ktnn'H peculiar whlmlcnl,fiintnnth stylo, iinilndinirerHcf "Tlm llntidiedth Mnn," ''Tho dinting Away of Mrs, lAek.n nnd Mrs. Ale shlnv""A Tale of Ngntivo (liMV(ty,"eU, will Hnd iv no iv delight hi "Tho llouno of Maithn " Hurelyeviiy nudurof tholfitiitie will give up IiIh plnco around tli lea tnblo with Dr. llolmin with gemilim regret. Tim "Dletatoi"' who fcr so umuy moiillui has. clwitted with UM "Oiet the Tea Cups" bJdn Uh iu I leu Iu thin Iwuui hi u dvl'ghtfully coottiLou tlul pupcr. W hope, howevut', thnt tliotu turn mny luring iw nuiuv of I hi mo uveulng calls, of which Im hints. Horn other luter othig f cut u I en of IhiauviKiiziuouiei "Along IhoFioutlerof lWeicVs lleabn'Miy lUllth M. Tlsuiuan; "Tho Legend or II Hum Tell" hy W. I), Mcfrtickeu; "lloherl Morris" by Fiank tlnyloid CNik;"Tho Foiuth Cnutii if tho Inferno" by J, J. Clmpumit; "Mnrjlnuil Women and French Olllceii." hy Kate Mason llowland; "HeUef of Hultoin In Fcdcinl Courts" hy W. II. Hill; "Tho Futoof u Ju uncsy lleforuiei" hy I'eiclvnl lAwell,etc. AUONU TIIK HAUA7.UNKH, The Century mtiguziuo for November mnrkntho iK'gliinlng of the foity-llrst vol. nine. Not the lenst iuteresllng of thoartlcIvH In the cm tent number Is the description of tlm "I'rliitlug of tlmCentuiy," hy Theoiloro L. Do Vitino or the Do Vhitio prcs. Tho most unto woithy nrtlelen nro: "An Aineil eun In Tibet," hy W. W. Uockhlll; "Life nt the White Hon o Iu tho Time or Lin coln,' by John liny; "l.ou, Art nml Time,' "The Inntiuctlonlof Kt. Como ami Ht, Du mlnii," '-Faily VletuilM of Uo Anieiicuu Navy," etc. etc, Mr. 0. Wood I)nvinillncusHliii;"Tlio I'robn hllltlos of Agrleiilturo" In tlm Novomlier r'oiiiiii, miikoH thu prediction thnt In a few years wo shall luiKiit food Into tho United Htntcx, and In tho same number Dnvld It (loodloo taken n Homowlml dlHcournglug view of tho condition of tho western furmer. Other nrllelen of interest In tho Novemltei''oruiu nre: "Democracy mid Wwilth" by Fraucin A. Walker; "Tho Hhlbboleth of FublioOplu Ion" by W. H. Lilly: "Tolstoi nnd the Kreut tor Honatn" by Dr. U. A. llnitol; "TlmHIx Now Htntih" by Henntor H. M. Culloin; "Foi nmtlvo Inllueiieen" hy Hev. Dr. Kdward Kggleston; "French Cnunila mid thu Domin ion" hy W. lllnckburii Harto, etc iVn'fcnrr'a Mityutine, nlmiys remarkablo for its tyKigrnihteal beauty, ipiito out iIoch itself In the cm lent isstm, Thu illuntratioiiH nruthollnist of (lie month. The llterm y features mo aho up to tho usual stnudard ( f excellence. I'eihupi, tho inoit IntoiTHtlui; niticlo forNehrnnkaiiHiHtheHketch "Through tho llrnud Canon of Colorado" by Itobeit III ow ster , Stanton, which hy tho way, lsory ImiK Homely Illustrated. 1'iofoKor N, 8. Hhnlrr, Iu the concluding paper, on "Nntuie mid Man iu Amerlci" piinentH soino now thoughtH nnd gives im not u llttlo aluablo lufoimatlon. HeibortWard tolls "Tho Talo of a Tm k of Ivory," Aubrey DoVeio and Imigo Denno couti ihutn two sonuelN to (Tuiih Inul Newman, Aichlhnld Lnmpmnu illncusses "Llfo nnd Nntuie," Frank French do scrllieH umunlnaly, "A Dny with a Country Doctor," "Jeriy" Is continued, and theionro other articles us follows: "Tho Training of it Nurse," "With Ynnkeo Cousins iu French Harbors," "Inllrocellnlde," "Fugitives," etc. Tlio November Jfiifotfne of Amrvlcnn History in rich in material reminding ono Hint tho events of our dnyn hno n dcllutto uudorstmrlhig with tho events ofthoimst, and nlso with tlioso before us, beyond our own horUon. Tho eloiiuent divine, Hev. Chnrln H, l'lirkhmst, D. I) rantrihutes tho opening chapter "Dlvlno Dilft In Hiinmn History.' Tlio best portrait ever published of Dr. l'nrk hu i st forms tlm frontispiece to thin number. Tho second nrtlclo, "American Outgrowths of Continental Europe," by the Editor, cov ers a broad Held of scholnrly inquiry; It Is bnsed upon tho Nnnntlvo nnd Critical Ills toiy of America, and If handsomely lltus trated. It is followed by General Wlnlleld Scott's "Heinwly for Iut(iileiaucu," fioin Hon. Chnrles Aldrlch; "Die I'm Hunt lllrth rlght." by Nathan M. Hawkes; and "The Ac tion nt Tarry town, 1781." Ono of tho longest piipei sin the number Is that of Dr. Prosper Hinder, the third iu Ids instinctive seilesof "The French-Cunniliiiu Peasantry." Tho "Library or it Philadelphia Antliiuarlnn." bv K. Powell Iluckloy, will lie iierused w Ith in terest hy nil scholars; "ltevolutlon Now burgh" is an ndmirnble hlstoi ic xiem hy Hev. Kdwiinl J. Hunk, A. M., n glimpse, of the "Literature of California" Islroin the wrlt Iiiks of Huliert Howe Hnncroft; and dlversi Hed Information agreeably proeutisl iu the several department completes a notable number. With the November issuo the .4 mid com pletes tho second volume ' The new Iloitou review, which ha from tho start been wilted with maikod ability, is now llrinly establish ml nnd is entitled to it pluceon tho snnio sliolf with tho North Amrrlcim Iteriew and the Forum, Unlike Its contemporaries the Areno has dUtluctlvu literary features, nnd IU articles nro Invariably selected with spec ial leferuuco to thu questions or tho hour. I m very glad to lie able to record the well deserved succom or tho .trrmi. Among tho lending feature of the current number may bo mentioned: "Tho Future American Drama" by the lute Dion Ilouclcnult; "Sex in Mind," by Itov, Cyrus A. Cartol; "Tho Haco Question" by Prof. N. 8. Slmler; "A Gloncc at the Good old Times" by Hev M.J SavoRo; "Tourgonlef" by Nnthen Haskell Dole; "Fid dling IIU Way Into Fame," etc. A feature of the number Is tho symposium on "Desti tution In Boston." Tho November Outtnu presents n I Ich nnd varied table of contents, pnrticulnrly Inter- omihk io I nose iu tout Ii w It h outilior snorts. and I might add hero that this opulnr inaRn- .iiieiinsuone mucn io stimulate Interest In every Mini or .puitnud out of door lecnu lion n uoiauie service to tho country at large, ny lite way. The curient iuioiImt in eludes, among others, the following ai tides: "Sniping on the Bouth Bide of I-n.ur l-l,i " by It. 1. Ilrarher; "Turtllng in Floildn," by J. M. Murphy: "California on Horseback" by Chnrloi Howard Slilnn; "The Hoyal Can- aiuan ocnt uiub of Toronto," by F O Draper; "The Chamiilon of th FUi-m,, Season," by 0. 11. II.;"The Natural Ounnl of Minnesota," by Lieut. E. F. Glenn; "Hancho doMuerto" (continuation) hy Cupt. Chailes King. etc. ino or. iAut Mumuinii for Knviil.r contains entertaining articles on Aiteo Life, byljiura P. Partner; health nud hygene,, etc., and tho usual ileiiartments are well filled with carefully selected -.railing mutter. " 'tlie-7enuNs.jfri Mayazine for Novem her, is replete with articles tmrtlculailv in. toresting to the ladles. Mabel Jemmss eon. the Collides Do Montnlicll "SfK'Inl Etlipictto" nml ICuto Kniiiruiaii writes of "Women mid tho l'lnstlo Alt." Tlieio nro other subjects- written nbout ns follows: "Tapestry," "Two Thnnksglvlngs," "The Giving of Thnnkn,""l)pK'iHlllgnnd Mttle,' "HeiU of Temper," "Teinpeniiuo Iu Food," "Fashion mid Fancy," eto. The ComnoimtttiiH for November has a ninnlier of entoi tnlnlng feiitmi-,. Arthur HIiiii Ixjiiiih! tljiniy has hn lustriintivo mtlulo on "The Army of Jlipan;" Chnrles U. Waddle dlsciinten tho "Aliioilcnn Aimitciir Htnce;" Mnry Cnldwell MoutKiimecv writes of "For Hlstoi ien mid Fashions;" George Grantham IliUu eonllmiiin "Tlm Kxeciitloii UepiintmeiiU of tho Govornmeiiti" lloyesen mill Slali-olin Johnson I'outilhuto Hot on and many other liitci'i'Htlugmtlcli'N nro ilNcursiil hy eminent w rltei s, MIsh Johnston's lulr eiiiirliuu In hi'iid quiii tvrs for Hung Cutting. Cu'llug siul HlmiusMiliig, New fushliiu plntxs showing latest desluru In collflUes. hauus, el. Ckll niul see tlio lii'W styleH, You will want u nuw lint sonunnd T. M II toiiU'igerof the new lkmlou Clothlu Hoiis KCII) O street wants to Ml It tuyou. HU lino embraces everything new mid nobby iu hotu still nud soft lints. An delimit Itumaiiiiio tiroof etclilnu. nice ly framed, only l nt CiuncolV, Ul'i South hloveulli stnit Ijulles should visit Miss Johnslou's hair, empiM iuiu. Her new lino of hair oriiameuts nu new all In and In thu stock U u hen ut I rut lino or genuine shell ornament both curved mid pin In, cut sUel, and others or nold. Thcu) goods must be seen to I hi upprtclntod. 11. P Sherwtu, 1 11! I O stiret, Imsn primout for ovei y ouo or Ins customeis thnt cunuot full to he uppi ecluUil. Ho will give to ovi y customer a tlno crnyou plctuiu inndn from any photo that Is defied unci It will not cost, you it cent. Call in at IiUiIiiik mid shoo sloio hiiiI seo how it Is dono. ll'it O stust. A prominent ptiyslclau nud old army sur geou In enstern Iown, wnscnllisl uwity fiom homo for a few da s; durlUK his ulisenco ono of tho children contriietiil it seveio cold nnd his wife bought a Isittlo of Chambei Iain's Gough Honicdy for it. They wero so much pleased with tho remedy that they afterw arils ii-kmI soveial bottles nt various times. Ho said, from his t-xH-ileuco with It, bo regards it ni tho most lelliible picpnrntio'i In use for colds mid th it It canto the iientiwt lieiug it sm.tIIc of nuy imsllclno ho hnduvo' seen. For s nlo hy A. L. Slmdcr. The Lincoln Steam laundry having re cently changed bunds and undergone tunny imp) ovemeuts Is now lietter than ever pre-pmt-d to execute work In the very licit man ner, promptly and ut Kpulni- prices, Mr. A. W . Day the new pioprictor bus adopted it new and Improved pioccm for washing nud handling garments, hy which no hleach'ng or Injurious materials uro used: tho 11 nest fabrics such as silks, lact-s, llouucin. tlnuneU or cotton goods are lauudrled In Hot class manner, without the least damage. One tria will convince the most skeptical that tho Liu co'n Steam Liuudry does tho Huest work iu the city. All goods called for mid delivered. lelephotiotl'j. Mil 1 1 lit; Hooks liy Huliserlptloii. 11m method of selling books hy subscription tins many udvnutagen over any other, and it dully growing iu huortunco and popularity. Ily this method the attention of tho pmvhascr Is called to valuable books of which ho might lemafu in entire Igunranco if they weio sold In any other wny. Ills tho most direct nud ultogethei'lho mist ecoiioiiifcof wny to buy liooks. Hooks piirclniMxl nt it retail book store have generally passed through tho hands ot from two to four middlemen, each of whom hnvo it prollt. The Jtlreraide JHibliahing Co., M Louix, Mo., olfers prolltablo employincnt to all who wish to eugngo In tho business. Experience is not iiocessnry, but nny lndy or geiitlemnn with Intelligence and Industry can mnke a success of tlio worth. Their publications nro first class, just such liooks nsour young copIo nnd our older peo ple should rend; books thnt tend to mnko In telligent men nud women', books that touch people things thnt they ought to know, such books ns n splendid Family llible, which Is In lUclf it iierfect cyclopedia of biblical knowl edge. IlidiHith'a Illntoru of the United Stoles Is another splendid took; a K'tlo of over ;iOO,000 copies speaks loudly In favor of IU great worth The I'eople't Ciielojwdia of (Unverml Knowledge is another work thnt has carved its wny to it woudoi ful success, 100,000 copies of this splendid cyclopedia, outdo nud edited especially for tho masses, have been sold, nud tho sale is still very large. They nlso hnndlo the lied Utter Life of the Hepublie Stanley Explorations in Africa. Tlio Pioneer History of Ameiicn; People's Farm and Stock Cyclopedia; Tho Physical Llfo or Hoth Sexes; Courtship, Ixivo nnd Wedlock, nnd History or tho Grand Army or the Republic. Another splendid lKok, nvtvnuingnt fifteen hundred sets n month, is IlldjMth's Cyclope dia of Universal History, a liook thnt is bound to be rend by tens of thousands of scholars, nnd by thoso w ho lay no claim to scholarship, nnd who yet lovo n clear, stralghttorwurd, uuderstnu lablo record or tho groat events of tho worlds history. The popularity of this liook Is something wonder ful. For further particulars, circulars, terms to agents, etc,, address, The Illversldo Publishing tCo., 702 Oltvo street, St. Louis, Mo. o-10-5ni Lincoln St.. loo & KaususClty. Through 8leepers ami l'urlor Cars. Tho day ot transferx, changes and delays Iwtwecn Lincoln, St. Joe mid Kniums City is over, tho H. & M. having Jilaced in service a lino of combination sletfera and parlot chair cars that for convenience, elegance nnd com fort surpass, anything heretofore run lietween these K)lnts. The present schedule is ns fol lows: Leave Lincoln, 8:30 p. m. dally, arrive iu 8t. Joo ft:27.n. in., Knnsas City 7:60 a. in. ; returning, leave Kansas City 0:15 p. m. dally, St. Joo 11:45 p. in., arrive ut Lincoln 7:50 p. m. Tin so trains run via Beatrice, Wy more nud Table Hock and mako close connections at terminal' points. The service Is really excel lent and we can recommend It with much confidence. Further Information can be ob tained at union it 'pot or city oillce corner O and Twelfth streets. A. 0, ZlKMKII, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. (. A. It. Honks Very Cheap. The Wessel Printing Co. has several copies of Col. Robert B. Beal's well known history of tho Grand Army of the ltepublio in Hue bindings which it will sell nt -'1.00 per vol limn. Orlgiunl price, sold only on subscrip tion, ut 15.00, These books uro fully Illus trated nud complete In every d SO - Party Invitations AND ENVELOPES Handsomely Printed FOR $2.50, Wessel Printing Co. I 136 N STREET. New Goods and New Styles Throughout For Fall, Don't be Tardy The Best Will be Picked First. . A U-h'l CJICflAVW . This Is one of the effects of nn explosion of n charge of dynamite. It was a most destructive nffnlr. Houses came tumbling dow n, glass was shuttered for miles and miles around and the bed went sailing through the ah. Of course the shock was tre mendous; It would hnvc killed the young man In the illustration, hut for the fact he slept in a lied purchased from A. T GR UETTER & CO. So far from killing him It did not even disturb lilm; he sleeps on serenely as he soars in the clouds cnjovinir thnt undisturbed repose which come to nil who purchase beds from A. T. GRUETr! ER & CO. Their slumbers cannot he broken. If you want to know what real rest is go and purchase such a bed. AUG. TH. GRUETTER & CO. 1 1 IK Jf This is the Season of the year when COAL is KING when Competition is Close and Everybody has the best. Then is the time to go direct to Headquarters. You need a supply for the Winter and as now is the time to buy, why not call on BETTS Sl WEHER and see their line and get prices. There you can get .he pure article direct from America's greatest mines noted for their purity and excellent quality. Call up Phone 440. - - Office 1045 O Street. W HEN YOU WANT FINE JOB PRINTING fc- Fall Overcoats and Suits ! Lots of them, Beautiful Patterns and Elegantly Made. First coiners will pick the ripest plums remember that, $12 to $25; hardly a clear way to tell you, but those are about the extremes. HATS You can pleasantly answer that favor ite: "Where did you get that Mat?" When you've bought ours and saved an extra dollar. A. Hurlbut & Co. Cor. 10th and P Sts., Lincoln. STItKKT. See the WEEL PRINTING CO. f