i IliSiimi mMa?aTlPBWsM3regTT fA '. vt. A-P6Pcl!R miCR opyvopE -TIMlfS " v v Vol, .C No. 4B TI1K -TRIKLEK. IN Council Muffs n twpulnr form of entertainment "Just, now,-m I lenrn from tlio Omnlia.'AVn7xfir In ini Improvement on tho old Kamo of "I lovo my lovo.' iniiniu or 4in letter n person's Initials nro given. Thus: 'II lovo my love with n C, H. Ik-causo ho Im Continually Sweet; I linto lilm Ihxauso lio Cnhiio-) HKII. I. went with Ii I in to tt... i.ilfr..t.. U....I..I.. V I'llI iniiiuniiu kjuvil-lj feUlff whore lie trootod luotou iieatu hiiiiko nun arter- wards nuked mo to out a Cold Kupiter. I mil told Hint ho l n writer on Conservative Socialism nnd tlmt ho lend Cato's Soliloquies to form ii Correct Stylo Ho'lmlU from Columbia Street nnil IiIm nnnio Is Clmrllo Simmons." Or, "I lovo my lovo with mi H. K. II. ,(u young womun's Initials) lieciiuso sho Ii So Exquisitely Ilnndsomoi I hnto her If omlblo Imh'iiiiao she S'oks Empty Honors. I went with .her to the South End Hospital where wo listened to n lecture on Six Eyed "Honey been nnd saw n Sorry Englishman Hopping nromid on one foot. Who is a SclontllicuHy .Elegant House keejicr, is lover of Satlus.J&Mlrylitii, Homer nnd other foreign writers, nnd would like to Spend Every Hour with thoir works. Her nniuo is Sophie Ellen Uuys Mm lsnKiiorlor Evening Hostess. Omiihii'8 lutost fad is n fencing school. It Is thought Unit it will lsj "tuken.up" by so ciety, mid before long the young people of tho metropolis will bo industriously assault ing each other with cane mid iimbrellns. The fencing costumes worn by ,the IndleH nro dcscrllxd as very coiuettisii. "Tlio Irish Julillee'n (lie latent popular song has nuido n big sensation iu New York unci the East. Following Ih the, song in full; Oh, n short llmo ago, lxiyH,un Irishman nam ed Doherly, Was elected to the senate by n -very largo ma jority lie felt so elated that he wcul to Dennis Cos sidy, Whoowneil u bar-room of u wry largo ca pnelty. He said to CssmIiI)', "loover to the brewer, Kor n thousanil kegs ol lager beer and glo It to the poor; Then go over to the butcher .hop and order . up ii ton of meal, lie sure to see tjie boyx and girls have till they want to drluk mid cut; Scud o.it Invitations In twentyUliUirtvutJuiig uages, And don't forget to tell thim to bring their own sandwiches. They've made me their Hcnutor, nnd so, to show my gratitude, They'll Imvo tlio finest Mijiper ever given in this latitude. Tell them the music will bo furnlshud by G'ltnilorty, Assisted on tho lmK-plxs hy l'ellx McCull- erty, Whatever tlio expenses lire, remember I'll put up tho tin, And any ono whodoem't comobosurcnnU do not let them In. Cassidy at ouco sent out the Invitations, And every ono that camo was a credit to their nations. Borne camo on bicycles Ixvaiiho they had no faro to pay, And those who didn't como at all made up their minds to stay uway. Two by three thoy marched In thedliilng hall, Young men and old men, and glilsthat were not men at all. Illind meiiaud'deuf men, and men who had their teeth In pawn; Single men nnd doublo men, and men who had their glasses on. Iloforo many minutes every chair was taken, Till tho front rooms and mushrooms wero packed to sullocatiou. When every ono was seated they started to lay out tho feast, Cassidy said: "Illsoiipandglvouseaehacaku ofyeastl" Ho then said nHlnanugerbo would try mid 1111 the chair. Ho then sat down ns o looked at tho bill of fare. Tnero wuh pig's head and gold llsh, mocking birds and ostriches, Ico cream and cold cream, vasollno nnd sand- wlehfg; Jilue tlsli, green llsh, fish-hooks mid palrldges. .Flsh-bidls, snow-balls, cannon bolls and cart ridges. .Then wo ato oat meal till wo could hardly stir about. Jvf Icli-up and hurry up, sweet krout nnd sour krnut, Dressed beef nod miked beef, nnd beef with nil lis dresses on. Soda crackers, llre-eruckcrs,llmbergerc oeso with tresses on, llecfsteiiks and mistakes wero down on the Alitor fare, Itonstj-lbs and spnro-rlbs, nnd ribs that we couldn't spare; Kelndoor nnd snow deer, denr tool nnd ante lope, And tlw women nto so much muslimclon tlio men said liioy cant-clopo; Ited herrings, smoked herrings, herrings from old Krln'H Isle, Hologna and fruit cake and sausages a half a mile There was hot corn und cold corn, corn salves . and lumeycomb, Heed bb-da, read books, sea-bass nnd sea- foam, Fried, liver, bnked liver und doctor's big liver 'pills, And every ono wns wondering who was going to pay the bills. For desert wo hod toothpicks, Icepicks nnd skipping-rope. And washed them all down with a big niece of shaving soap; ' Wo ate everything that wus down on the bill of fare, Then looked on tho back of It to see If nay inoio was 1 hero, ' ""'and'lrUh'roeir1 ""m"",l,a' "" Aml T7;,;!Xk,e:,!,io,,i11:y;oyliFi''1u w,n" Then the piper played old tunes iind'splttons so very line, ' That In came Mr.Chiiinpiigno mid bunded him a glass of wine; vhm They welted the Moor tl they could be heard foriuilpsiiroimd ' ",v""""1 4 Wf) HTO T7S pw I'jijj WhoiHIidliighorwssIn the sir his feet were new ron the ground. A liner kit of dancers you not or not your eyes lltKJII, And moso trim couldn't diiuco nt nil were danclug with their slimier on. Homo danced Jig slops, doorsteps and lllgh land fling. " And Murphy took IiIh knlfo out and tried to cut a plgcon-wlng, Vhcn tlio iliuieo was over Cassidy then told UN To Join hands together and sing thin good old choriiRs G'lloitim (After lust verso). Hhoiild old neiUiilutnnro be forgot, Wherovor wo limy be, Think of the kooiI old times no hnd At the Irish Jubilee V Yes, it la true that there Is some ndvnutago In Iiolng n newRNiier man. Kor Instance ho not Infrequently receives n complimentary ticket to an entertainment, worth from ' f1 '- -' x$M ' WSrjrji -?rtl zzzyti-. H ' - - NO DANGER. "Ah, I would like to cross that Held; do you tlilnk nli- )'oux Skijack. cow would hurt mcf" Ftirmrr. "Did you ever hear of n cow cents to f 1,00, In return for which ho Isex- ected to glvo from ono to ton dollars worth of advertising. Hut tliero urodlsadvnntnges, too. People fuiugiiiethut n nevsniei-mini, llkonn umbrella mender, carries his shop around with him, anil that oven In tho midst of pleasure ho is on buslnos bent. Henco they nro nlwuys fearing u pencil and note book ussault. They forget thnt it is iosslblo 10 no ixHli a gentlemnu and u newspaper man ntoiiernnd tho sntuu timo. This distrust of the nowspaer man Isnt times far from pleasing to tho Innocent obluct of it. It isn't pleasant to npproach a jmrty of gentlemen listening and laughing heartily nt tho story ono of them is telling, nnd hear ns you como up a remark like this: "Hist, hero comes a iiowgpaHi' man. Don't let lilm hear that story or ho will put It in tlio jmiHir." It Isnt pleasant to know that eoplij regard you ns n detective constantly on duty, and to know that wherever you aro tliero is moro or less restraint duo to tlio general fear that you will Immediately make public every thing you hear. I am not certain but the disad vantages aro crenter thau the advantages. There aro several wealthy men In Omaha who never jienult young men working on u salary to furnish cm rluges for their daught er. I know of at least one who Is very sti let in this regard. Ho wishes tlio young men who pay iittentljn to his daughter, mid theio nro lots of them, by the way, to understand that ho prefers to send lilsown curriugo when they take her to tho theatre or n party, nn I uiiles the old gentleman is satisfied that the young man is particularly "weir fixed" ho In sists on having his wishes resected. Once iu a while n fellow who prides himself on his independence, objects to this amum,....,.,,. ! but ho Girl's father Un..rnlU.l.l..., ' .."'.. . :. ."."." ' .'" "-"- viuco mm Hint with u Hair dozen idlo horres iu the stable it is folly for lilm to spend three or four dollars in hiring a can luge from tho livery. Whether this is exectly desirable mi ller nil circumstances Is an open (juest ion; but it sK'iiks volumes for the common sense of the old man. Yes, tliero aro things galore to ho thaukfu lor On Thanksgiving day this year. The tiresome campaign bore at last Is no more Election's no longer here. The Journal after this fall, the AVu's ami Coll Will give politics u rest A most delightful changuto their readesall To whom tho subject's u pest. No longer will there bo any need to rend A number of limes each day What Jones mid lliishuell and Hydo each In his screed On the turlll" has to say. Accounts of lights, murders, shows, (Ires, ruin ami snows, Once more we perhaps can II ml Instead of the tariffs on clothes, wire and hoe. nrcampiilgn speeches, Iho duty on peaches We liae sorcl) had our fill There aro now no screeches for him who preaches. About thoMcKliilVy bill And we are thankful The gentlemen who liuvo Intel ested them selves in the coming chaiity ball have ben slguliuly loi lunate iu securing tho patronage ot so many influential ladies. Tlio list of patronesses is published In another column Under such auspices tlio complete success of the ball i- ssmiisl V Abeady the piepiiratlou for tho Christmas CorillK.lt lias commenced Several strong r.. .......... I,, it,. Li ii seemed, and althoiiuh llm KltU' in ini'- ....... ---- -. 0.. ...v....... holiday iiiiiiiIs l lust cai' elicited universal ' Isix. Lincoln. NICMK'ASKA. SATUUlUv, NoVKMIlV l , commendation, I nm sure It will hocvlled tho coming Christmas. It's no small Job to Ihsuo n big extra edition such n wo proom There's un Immense amount of woik In It, It will lie the moHt Interesting thing In the wny of holiday publicatioiiN you have scon for many u day. I shall have something more dellnlto to hay on this subject later on. Many of you remember the Couiiikh'h hnndsonie display of printing and line sta tlonery nt the state fair. Well, the CouilIKH ha received n diploma for the Mist Ixwt ex hibit in this line. Not bad considering the coiiiHtltIoii, elif V "iouiigJock,''osho Iseollcd, Is the only ono of tlio Astor family who has Miami any disposition to bo foppish or frivolous and brisk. The sturdy old Dutch hlood of the Astors Is Im-coiiiIiiu; more or losx diluted by mnriliiKo with more olatllo Amorlcaiis, nnd m, 'J.jLLCi -that hurtln' n calf?" this may result iu producing an Astor in a generation or two who will forget tho Iron clad traditions ot his family and make the town hum lifter the fashion of other joui'g men of great millionaire houses. They nro n serious und intensely i iNcctahlo fninlly, nnd thoir inlliieuce on New York society bus al ways U-vii iH'iieilcial. Hut at tlit- best it can not bo Mild that tho Aston uro gay. "Young .Inck," who Is ubout six Jeot high, nndV- cccumgry nervous in manner, is n lilt off tho lino or suceesilon. Tho sons of William Wal dorf Astor will Inherit tho bulk of tho gr.nt estate, l'erhaps It is tho renllnitfoil of tills tint makes "Young Jack" feel like fighting occassionally, and encourages him to play Isiylsh pranks nt Nowxjrt mid Ienox, He will not have the Impressive monetary ro sK)nsibility of Ids cousin, as it is not nt nil likely that ho will have more thann beggnrly bundled million or so to vtrugglo along with In life after tho next Miake up of tho big estate. W. It. Qoodall has gone to St. Iouls t) inako arrutigeinents for tho production of his now comedy, "An Atment-JIiiided Man, 'hav ing signed a five years' contract with K. E. Hice. Tlio pluy will probably bo produced iu tlio next live or six week's under Mr. Dice's direction, John W, Noiton, tlio veteran St. Louis manager, becoming the financial back er of tlo enterprise. It is thought "l'ho World's Y oil" will close .he season nt St. Louis to give way to Jr. (Joodnll's play w lilch Mr. Hlce consldeis a winner. Tho rrinids of Mr. Uoodall will bo glad to leant of his good foi tuno iu becoming a-socuited with the lead ing builcMpio manager iu Amei lea lire. Mr. Uoodall has for soma time past been tho stair artist of tho World-Herald. Ho achieved homo notoriety Inst snrlinr us tlio """' '"CKl'': "I JUKo Uooley ' Hilarious rOhOIUUllOll Ot "llMlllof' Ut Uoyd's Operu house, ninii in. house, Omaha. One-halt of the store loom occupied by tho Wissel printing company will li lented to the right party Tills is the finest furnished business room in the city and location excel lent. Call nt the olllco 1I!K) N street. A fact that nil men with gray and ninny shaded whlskcrsimoulrt' know, that Ducking ham's Dyealways colors mi even Hrown or Black ut will. Cold weather is near nt hand ami blankets and rolies for driving are a mcesslty us well us a luxury. E. Jl. tluthrie, I Wo O street, lias u beautiful line of them. Ho sells them cheap. Also a flue line of whips, all kinds and all prices. Tho most complete mid varied lino of ma terials lor Art und Fnnoy work ever shown in tho city nt J. H. Mauritius & Co. For a cut, bruise, bum or scald, there Is nothing equal to Chumlwi loin's Pain Halm. It heuls the purts moro ipilckly than nny oth er application, nud unless the Injury Is very soveto, no-hcor is lelt. For solo hyA. I,. ShucUr. Do you want to post jourself on fursl For information call at the Hniir. They will glVo you all the Ins nnil outs ubout thenu The millinery deput (meiit of Hei-jMilslieluier it Co. prciniM-sto im ono of tho most attract lvo iu their entire business. ThonoweslstjIeB and shapes aro shown and suggesttsl. Oivo tliem u cull. Finest and largest stock of Hosiery mid Cn del wear at J. 11. Mam itus &, Co. Chamberlain's Eyo nud Skin Ointment. For tetter, salt-rheum, hcald-head, eezoma und chronic soro eyw. Price W cents ier IfclOO. MUSIC AND Til K DIIAMA. lHnolul Count Kit forrespoiideneo.J NkwYouk, Nov. ft The novelties of llm iir.w)(iilK, .-Nov. r Tiienovi wivk nro "HeeklesitTeniplentthi "Tift riuner" nt the Peoples, nnd Word," nt Only. "Itwkless Ten loHlnndaiil, d "Tho Ust llilile" U thn work of AtigiiPtiis Thomas, tho author of "Edltlm's Iliirglniy1 nnd is written nrounil Matirlco llarryinoro, who npsnrs as Edgar Ivmple, nhikmiuicd llecklesi. Tho pivot arouuii which tlio play clivlim Is HocklesV biking iiH)ii hlniNoir the ixlllliu or a erlliio of tho brother of tho woman he loves, but the hero Is not put Into situations that would suit Mr, Harryinuro best, Tho Idea of tlio play is Unreasonable, mid Temple, Instead or Mntf a reckless Iloliemlan, with plenty of mental ns well ns physical itiaiilliirss, w hlues and Pries nlwitit tho stage In a very lin-llnrry-moro'llko fashion. Holias, however, the fnco of a (Ireek god nnd tho llguro of nil athlete, which with excellent supHirt and iiingnlllceut Mago nettings may givo tlio piny n run, "Tho Plunger" is ono of Dnvld 1C. Hlgglns' weird plays, and probably tho most unworthy iiielcxjrotnn phifediipon a city sbigethlsyenr, nnd yet It nclileved u howling success in tlm llotfry. "The Iwist Word," an udnptutloii of Mr. August In Daly, from the (lei man of Fraii on Schoutaii, wns pnMlucixl on Tues dny,.j Mr. Dnly's new play Is almost nu nun tliinaldriiiua, with a strong plot of lovo nnd Nihilism mid htimnii Interest. Probably such n plot, in n thrntro duvototl almost eutlivly to light commly would not huvo succeeded In tho liniultof the majority of Mr. Daly's players. Hut the really phenomenal noting or Jllss lte hnu In the character or a Itmslan baioness cliaugid what promised to bo disaster Inton most Lriillnnt tiliimph. Iu this latest pro illtctliju Ada Hehan rose lo a height or lira- liintlolpower that sho has never lieforodlH pluyed, Tho play oiH'iied with a ball-room scouo, (which was tho most iorfoct repnmeli tatlon of such an event that has Ihoiikcoii in Nuwork. The persons on tlio stage weio dressed mid looked Use ladles and gentlemen; they all tnlkod at onco Iu that hysterically inlrthrkil tr.no, which obtains between this nnd tlm next wnltz, mid so natural was tho movement on the stage and tho apparent obliviousness to tho audience that ono felt ns if ho stumbled into a private house without nu Invitation, "Tho Iist Word" is sure of a vorylohg run. At Duulovy's Park, Aiunv Jloyil uptiearod on Monday in Fay Teinnlo- ton's purf, In "Hendi Ik Hudson." "Claiiillus itero ' nan nail a wonileriul succesi at ISlhlo's Uanlen. mid so bus Charles Frohmau's stock ii, nun oi iify til "3 compaiiy iu "Men und Women." "U and I, presented nt tho Kiinko Thum- tdnyjuymilu'icby.aiw Wllllnnig and John V, Ivcily,'ttkileovbji no nvcrngVoompniiy, Is one or those rollicking farces or which wn sen too inriiiy them days. There is nothing tlmt can bo called a plot, tho play Mug con structed solely on the purKo of introduc ing the two clover comedians, in their well known six'claltles, Other memlicrs of tho company contribute tho usual lentures of the modern mmlcul farce-comedy. Williams and Kelly nro so well known to all play goers tlmt comment on their work Is iiiiueccssnry; but while they wero us miith-prnvoklng us usual, it does seem that they might secure something bettor lit ted to the display of their pecullnr gifts thnn "U nnd I,'' "tha Irish Jiihlle," repi luted In another column, p-ov-cd a distinct hit In tho third net. Tlio rang ing nun whole, honovor, was not particularly good and tho fair sized audience was fully as SHE SCORED. "I don't like that bat you're wearing, Lydia." "Why nor? Charlie stint it to me this afternoon." "1 know. He sent it to me this morning, and I returned It to lilm at once. appreciate on the programme niei lied. Miss! riwssiu mm ami .mss Josephine .ellu, ns I iiuiM;ito ami .M'llo Voruilcella sustained thoir parts with considerable ability. AT TIIK KU.NKKTONIOIIT. "The Midnight Hell," Hoyt's latest success, will lie presented at Funko's ojieia bouse to night by tho original New York company. As before stated this now comedy is a dis tinct depaituro for thoimptilni play-wrlght. In "Tho Midnight Hell," Iio t has put less of iiiivo-ooinedyand inoroiif pure comedy than iu any thing ho ban yet attempted, and tlm result Is a conspicuous Miccoss, evidencing the versatility of the author. Tlm eat is ... ceptlonally strong, and a very satisfactory pi-riuiiiiiuieeniuy ins cxcctel. "TIIK CHAlllTV IIAI.U" At Funko's omiru house, next Wln..ii.i- evening, Novemlier Hi, will Ui presenteil ''The win uy nan under tlioiimimgeinent of Daii-i eirionuan. nils cliannlng play held the btxiub at the Lyceum theatie, Now Yoik, nearly nil of Inst jenr, mid wus ono of thn UMikiilum'i'iwM'N ofthosea It Is by tlm nulhors of "Tlm Wife," "l.ord Cliuiiiley," elo Messis. David ilelascoaud Henry U. Do Mllle, ami Is one or the cleverest of their compositions. The play will Iki produced with scenery nnd accessories mndu from tho original models and with rnro porfratlon of detail, Following nro the priuclml mem hem of tliacnstt Messis llovd l'lifiiniii. Hen. ry Hermnti, Thus. II. Sliuuis, Harry J. Mor gan, John H Hall, Wnlter Thomas, A. W, Oregory; MUscs Itiith (IniiM'iiter, Frnnees (lannet, Hessln Hyreo, Ethel Oroyhrooko, Kllrn ltgiin, Master Vaughn, etc. "Tlm Charity Hall" will bo onoof tlioartlstle treats of tlm season . IIUHKKMH rOMItlllANM Nl) VAV TKMI'I.KTON. All event of moro than ordinary Interest will ojt'iir at Fuiiko's opera homo Friday and Saturday evenings next, tho occasion Isilng urn npMnranco or iwiy Teinplelon ns tlm blight pai tleular star of "Kussell's CoiiimI lons" Iu the pieseiitatloti of tho latest farcical furor untitled "MlwiAlcdlnty, the Star of tlm L.omeiio iranealse," 'I his orgaulratlou h onoof tho strongest collodions or comimsl Inns over gathered together, Ik-sldes tlm dash ing Fay Tenipleton, there mo, Miss Jennie Satterlee, Joslo Soiller, Fiiunlu Johlisloue, Nina llaywoisl, Marion (Irloux. Mlllau Itlv ers, I'red Iumx, Charles V. Seamen, William cnrroii, T. J, iierndon, Jv-lwln (loodwln (Nut's brother) mid u miignlllceiit miilo qunr tette. Tho play is thoroughly original Iu conception, novel Iu construction, rapid nnd uulipin Iu action, In Its entirety constituting n continuous fusllailmof brilliant fun, catchy melodies and new nud novel fenturisi. Miow lug each ono of tlm talented artists In a chars after espclnlly nduptvd lo his or her lt nbllltles:MlssTemi,leton In, the title rolu por. trnyn tho "Stnr of' tho Comedlii Frnucnlso" mid In the part Is given moro opportunity to display her versatile accomplishments, dash nnd chit? which arc so well known throughout tho entire country that commendation is un necessury. Among the ninny new ioclnltle Intnsluced by tho fnsclnntlng Fay will bo tho celebrated Hwnlsli dnnco which crcnUsl a veritable sensation lately In Now York, HIIADOWHKIKM TIIK KOOTI.ltlllTH. Iist week In Portland, Oregon, Miss Clara Morris ployed to (10,000. Tlio oup-thoiisuudth representation of "Tlio Old Homestead" will soon Im celebrated ut tho Academy Nw York. It Is announced thnt Messrs. Crawford Ac lloyuolds will take mnsosIou of lloyd'soiorn house, Omaha (not tlm new Hoyd as roortcl last week) next July, A nuinls-r of strong atl rant ions aro booked for tho Eilen Museo for noxt week, notably Prof. Muiisulhi, tho high roH walker. Novel tios will Im iixhlbltwl In ovory ilepartmcnt." llols-rt Muntell's recent engagement iu St. Iouls was llm moslsuccessriilthathohas over played ill that city. 'I ho theatre was crowded nightly nnil Iho liselpts weio very large. Sir. Mnutell comes to Now York nNor tho holi days, when ho will probably lw scon as Ham let mid Othello for tho first time by nietro IKilltan theatregoers. "The Peail of Pekin," under the manage ment of Mr. I'M ward A. Stevens, Is having a prosK)rous year west, where IU sipular lty MJcins greater than over. This couiwiuy Is completely orgunlzod and iu excellent .workfpg order. It includes several pular artists and tho sm formiiuco glvei by them is first class Iu every mrtleular. "Tho Pearl" Is certainly goisl for four or llvo scusons to come. The Hernials are among us again. They have In ought with them their sweet doiuest- ic vn tues, their touching alfcctiou for their olfsprlug and their MMitlvely Elysiau muritul happiness, together with their other theatri cal elTccts. In these da)s of degeuerecy and divorces, it is delightful ludeist to sco such a rampaiiiexhlhltioiiof giHslnessiistliU worthy couple oiler nightly to crowdeil audiences mid at other times to uupiisitltu reHiters and an adinlilug society. Oh, yes, virtue pnyj, if pi opei ly udveitlNil, What mi en couraging HllcCtil'H' Ijut Satmdny night at the (Iraud ohtii hoiiKo Iu 'mi iiiuati, Mr. Stunrt Hobson pro duced a ihw loiuisly by A. D. (ionloii.callol "Is Maruage a Kailuie." The story of the ploy tells of the uuseiies of a Joung uiari'itd couple, introducing the milch ridiculeil moth er in-law iiiul a liimiy ami nissy ratner-ln h. All ..f the Imiaotirs slth thoexcen-l turn of tint tasni l Mr Hobson nro ies. i dents l in ik 'Idling mtno is dliected ' I'nkk iivic Cunts against I'liiclntiall, HI. liuisaiidChlciigo.but nlHiiyslugoiMl taste. A telegimu ikciiIvfiI In Now Yoi k saysi "Is Miinlage a Failure" Is onoof tlm funniest of Aineilcuii conuslles nud a distinct hit. .Mr. ltobir.ii mmlouvery groat smvess as Horace Kent the young hus band. Tlm business of tlm mimoroun Cleveland Mlnsti el companies Is limited only by tho ca iMIl'ltV Of llm thriill-i.il In ulil.,l. ii.... - . ,- , ...... 'f liny Mirvi,, and It Is a cold day when tho lecelpts of tho three shows combined do not exceed (.'1,000. Willi otmMiow In Cnllfornht, another in tho South, nud still another In New England, there Is u strlngor Clovelnnd's .Minstrel print ing Hint extends from ocean to ocean, Ono day last week tlm Cluvolnnd Minstrels wero heavily hilled In oi,,i hundred mid llftyslx of the principal cities, extending an far west ns San Fiiinolsco iiid as far east us lloston, Tho total cost for lithographic- printing on nm nonius ni ono Hum ror datis to Im played by the illireient conipanles, nggiegated over (I'.VKK), Most of this was for prellmlnniy nilvertlslng, nnd not tlm regular hilling, us four or llvo ngenfs with each company nro all thoroughly equipped with dllTerent styles of printing. Hetwevu now nud tlio dates thoy appear In thudlirereiit places, Mr. Cleveland goes over tho untlro route. Tho largest mini lsr of ooplow!io luivoiald to mhi Cleveland's Ihieo mlnitrel couiHiules In mm day (six mr fonnances) was IW.IIU. Ccncernlng tho modern tendency toward light comedy, Frank Daniels, writing to tlio Kansas City 7'iWi sysi "Tho truth of tho matter is wo Imvo not enough leisure class lMiopIo iu thlsi-ounlry to support tho Shnkes siirean or tlm legltlmnto dniniu. This cult ure leisure element may como In tlino, nnil wo may liavo an established theatro devoUil to tho careful and olahorato production ot the plays of tlm great poets and dramatists, but Just ut tlio present moment tlio peoplo who patronize our theatres nro engaged very i nctlvely In money making. I sny "peoplo," for tho women nro entering nil branches of business life now ns well as tho man. A man or n woman who has boon busy "hustling" all day In an olllco, a storo or u work room, has no inclination when evening comet to n Mx act tragedy ora (lvo acteniotlounldrninn. They Imvo been ngngod In plnys serious enough ror thorn during tho day, and perhnps some ot thorn Imvo had n little omvnct trag edy iu which thoy Imvo played n '.'onsplcuous role. When evening eoinen they wnnt relax ation, n change or scene In tact, thoy want to laugh, and to laugh nt something that car ries them for ftwny from tho serious scemti they Imvo witnessed during tho day, for tliero Is not much fun or Jollity iu money getting. This In my opinion is why fareo nnd comedy bus taken such a foothold In our theatres und Iwhy It prop(ntmJ,,, If your hair Is thinning nud railing, usit Ayer's Hair Vigor. It rostoros color mid vitality. Infants complete outllts, a magnificent lino and everything that is desired (or tlm little darlings at the llnzir. Tho Whltebroast Coal and Mine company Is again nt tho front supplying tho llnost grades of coal nt tho lowos price. You will want a new w-t of harness ror that trotter or yours. Kemembor E. II. (Juthrlo, KM O street, has the finest lino In tiie city to select from nud his prices nro ol ways an Inducement to buy. Hutchlns Hi Hyatt, Lincoln's old rellnblo coal dealers are again In tlio field this winter nud (guln meeting with llm sumo success. Their large number of toimi nro coiitlminllv kept busy delivering fuel to nil parts of tlm city and nothing but words orpialsoaroover heard regarding tho ipinllty or tlHr conL Cull up phono No1. tX nud do like others do older or Hutchlns & Hyatt. You should call on Hi Iscoo, tho Shoo Man in the KxKltlou nnd examine his remark ably fine stock of foot wenr sultnble for fall and winter. Mis proseut stock of goods has never Ihnmi cqunlcd Iu this city. It Includes nil of tlm lustest novelties an! some of tho new styles Iu shoes are very neat, If you wont n stylish Mioe, ono that will look well iu.d wear well, Hrlscoo, tlio Shoo Man, is tho iiiuii you want to see. Ho mnkes o seclnlty or tlm finest goods nt rensonablo prices. All kinds or shoos ror Indies, gentlemen nfid child ren. A perfect lit guaranteed. Drop In and take a look ut the stock. There nro several reasons why IajuIo Meyer & Co., Imvo built up such u lurgo trade. In the first place they have dealt with their customers in ulwolute fnlrues. Then they Imvo picscnted the best nnd freshest stock at the most reasonable prices, and every pur chaser has known that ivery thing in tho store could Is) deH-nded on ns being reliable. All of these things have given Louie Meyer A: Co. ono or tho largest trades In tho city, nud their putronuge Is constantly nnd rupidly Increasing. They can satisfy all your want iu tho way or general merchuiilise,dry goods notions, etc,nt most reasonable prices. More over, they ciin show you the wry latest nov elties Iu nil thesu Hues. Never buy anything in the above Hues without visiting Louio Mojer& Co. Wo bad the pleasure or meeting Prof, C.F. Pfuli nud wire, yesteiday. Ho has been piinclpil teaclier iu the Chicago school of cooking. We looked into his record, and can recommend him safeh to our ladies, as an exiert iu Ids limbless, nud promise them a rare treat If they attend his school. Wo do not seo how tho Indies of Lincoln cunalioid to miss the opK tunUles to get well ssted iu legal ii to luncheons, dinners and leceptiou tables, and the necessary dishes to it, also im prove their know ledge iu gem nil Iu this most important branch of house woik, namely cooking ami baking. Tills is the only time Prof. Pruu will bo iu Lincoln, und ho ought tols. well imtronlml. HI school will oikjii in i.h u sireet next Wednesday. In tho j meantime call nud get ncimuluted with tho piofessur bast lllack, full logular ladles' Caslinieio How fonts, J. II, Mauiitlus & Co.