Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 08, 1890, Image 1

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    ' v
'A'RbPillAR PAPER' op AopE TIMES "
Vol, .G No. ie
Lincoln. Nichkahka.
Novkmmkw y, IdOO.
IN' Council Muff n popular
form of cntcrlalnmcnt
jubnow,o'I lenrn from
tho OmnhivKrfrliilor Is mi
Improvement on tliu old
gntno of 'H lovo my lovo.'
, instead of mo letter n i
pursotl's Initials nro given.
Tims: 'II lovo my love
with it C, 8. liecausu ho In
Continually nWoct;lhato
ililm Iwnuso ho ('anno
Holl. 1 went with him to
jflll where ho treated mo ton
lUieum nnuKu anil niier
wnrds uskisl mo to cut
Cold Bupiwr. I nm told Unit ho Is u writer
on Conservative Soalnlli m mid thnt ho rends
Cnto's Bollfomiies to form it Correct Stylo
Ho'hnlls from Columbia Street nnd his iinmo
Is Clmrllo Blinmons." Or, "I lovo my lovo
with mi 8. K. II. ((u young woman's initials)
liecauto she Is Ho 'xmilsitoly Htindsomui I
hnto her- if possible Iwcuuso sho Hooks
Kmpty Honors. I went with her to the.
South Knd Hospital where iwo listened to a
lecture on Hix Eyed "Hoiioy bees nnd saw n
Horry Englishman Hopping nround on one
foot. Who Is a Hclentlllcnlly Klegnnt House
keeper, is n lover of BnlIus,i'V!hhis, Homer
nnd other foreign writers, and would liko to
Spend Eveiy Hour with tholr works. Her
nnmo is Kopliio Klleu liny she Is n Kux-rlor
Kvenlug Hostess.
Omaha's lntokt fml is a fencing school. It
Is thought thnt it will lie 'tukeuaip" 'by so
clety, nnd before long the young people of
tho metropolis will bo industriously assault
ing each other with ciuieti and uiuhrellns.
Tho fencing costumes worn by .the indies are
described ns very coquettish.
"Tho Irish Jubilee.'1 the Intent popular song
has made a big sensation iu Now York and
the East. Following i Uio song In full:
Oh, a short lime ago, loyH,un Irishman nam
ed Doherly,
Was elected to tho senate by a very largo ma
jority He felt so elated that ho ivmt to Dennis Cns
sldy, Who owned a bar-room of u wry large ca
pacity. He said to Cassldy, "do over to the brewer,
For a thousand kegs of lager boor mid give It
to tlici poor;
Then go over to tho butcher .bop and order
. up a ton of meat.
He sure to bio ijio boys nnd girls have all they
want to drink and eat; - -
Send o it Invitations In twenty UUJweutJuug
un,Tes, And don't forget to tell Mum to bring their
own sandwiches.
They've made mo their Senator, jiimI so, to
show my gratitude,
They'll liuvo the finest Mipper cvcrglveailn
this latitude.
Tell tliem tho musUi will bo fiirntsluul by
Assisted on tho tmg-pljcs by Felix lie Cull
erty, Whatever tho expenses nro, remember I'll
put up tho tin,
And iiny ono wliodoesn'leomoboeurcnnUdQ
not let them In.
Cussldy at once sent out tho Invitations,
And every ono that camo was n credit to their
Homo camo on bicycles Iiccuuho they hml no
faro to pay,
And those who didn't como at all mndo up
their minds to stay away.
Two by three Iboy marched In thodlnlug ball,
Young men and old men, nnd gills thai were
not muii at all.
Illlnd men and deuf mon, mid men who had
their teeth In pawn;
Bluglo men mid doublo men, and men who
bad their glasses on,
before many minutes ovory chair was taken,
Till tho front rooms and mushrooms wero
packed to suirocnttoii.
When every ono was seated they started to
lay out tho feast,
Cassldy said: "ItlNoupaudglvouscueliaeako
of yeast 1"
Ho then said ns manager ho would try and 1111
the chair.
He then sat down as wo looked at tho bill of
Tnero wus pig's head and gold fish, mocking
birds and ostricher,
Ice cream and eold cream, vasolluu and sand
wich s;
JHne fish, green fish, fish-books nnd patridges.
Fish-balls, snow-balls, cannon balls and cart
ridges. Thou wo ato oat meal till wo could hardly
stir about.
.Kftch-upund hurry up, sweet krout nnd sour
Dressed beof u ud naked beef, and beef with
all Its dreiscson.
Hodu crackers, tlro-cruckers, llmbergerc ocso
with tresses on.
beefsteaks and mistakes wero down on the
.bill of fare,
Koast.rlbM and spare-ribs, and ribs that we
eouldu't sparo;
IteluUoor and snow dour, dear mo! andante-
And tbu women ato so much mushmelou tho
men said tboy cant-clnpo;
Hod herrings, smoked horrlngs, herrings from
old Krln's Isle,
Ilologmi and fruit cake and saiiKages it half a
There was hot corn and cold corn, corn salves
. and boucy comb,
Deed birds, read books, sea-bass and sea-
Fried, liver, baked liver and doctor's big liver
And every ono wns wondering who was going
to pay Uio bills.
For desert wo hod toothpicks, Icepicks and
And washed them nil down with a big piece
of shaving soap;
Wo ate oveotlitng that was down on the bill
of fare,
Then looked on tho buck of It to son If nuy
' limio was thero.
Then tile baud pla)t'd hornpipes, gas-plpcs
and Irish reels,
And wo danced to tho muslo of "Tho Wind
That Hhnkcs tho llarloy Fields;"
Then tliu piper played old tunes and spittoons
ko very line,
That In came Mr.l'liuinpugnoniul handed him
a glassofwlue;
They welted tho Moor till (hoy roilltl bt' beard
for mtips nnmml
y. wivA.ii
A P7
When (Inllnglicr whs In the nlr his feet wero
novi ron the ground.
A finer Ut of dancers you no or sot your eyes
And .hose who couldn't dunce nt nil were
danrlug with tholr slippers on.
Homo datitfcd Jig steps, doorsteps and High
land lllng.
(nd Murphy took his knife out and tried to
cut a plgcon-wlng.
When tlio ilnnco was over Cnssldy then told
To Join hands together and slug this good old
Oiiohuh (After last verso).
Hhould old acquaintance bo forgot,
Wherovor wo may be,
Think of tho good old times no hail
At tho Irish Jublleo.
Yes, It Is true thnt thero is some ndvantngo
In being a tiowpaer mail. For instnnco hn
not infreiuently receives a compliiuentary
ticket to no entertainment, worth from 25
- -&C&&
t " ii-
.cmw unni . 'i-f j';;.
a Unp Hi" il vlwT'''
A wi?'HnwF;tL v-x&i $?? X,-jwt-'
wj:ur"- ,.. ffin R..ri .shwa t
3- - .--;.
Voting SUfjitck: "Ah, I would like to cross that field; do you
cow would hurt me?"
Fiirnier, "Did you ever licnr of n cow liurtin' a cnlf ?"
cents to $1,00, in return for which ho is ex
pected to gio from ono to ten dollars worth
of advertising. Hut thero nrodlsadvnntnges,
too. People, Imagine tluitn newfwisi- man,
llkonn umbrella mender, carries his shop
around with him, nnd that uveu in tho midst
of pleasure ho Is on business lient. Hence
they nro always fenrlug a jiencll and noto
book uss-iult. They forirct tliut it is possible
to 1m) both u guutlemaii and u noVBupor man
This distrust of tliu nuwspaisjr man Is at
times for from pleasing to tho Innocent object
of it. It isn't pleasant to approach n party
of gentlemen listening and laughing heartily
nt the story ono of them is telling, nnd hear ns
you come up u remark like this: "Hist, hero
comes n huwspaei' man. Don't let htm hear
that story or bo will put It In tho paper." It
isn t pleasant to know that iieoplu regard you
nsn detective constantly on duty, and to
know that wherever you are thero Is moro or
less restraint duo to tho general fear that you
will Immediately make publlo overy thing
you hear. I nm not certain but the disad
vantages nro greater than tho advantages.
Thero nro several wealthy men in Omaha
who never permit young men working on u
salary to furnish cat riugcx for their daught
ers I know of nt least ono whols very strict
in this regard. Ho wishes tho young men
who pay attention to his daughter, mid theio
nro lots of them, by tho way, to understand
that he prefers to send his own curriugo when
they toko bur to tho theatre or n party, mil
unlets the old gentleman is satisfied that tho
young muii is particularly "weir fixed" ho in
sists on having his wishes resjiected. Once
iu a while u fellow who prides himself on his
independence, objects to this arrangement,
but tho girl's father is generally able to con
vince him thnt w ith n half dozen Idlo horn
in tho stable it is folly for him to spend three
or four dollars in hiring n carriage from thu
livery. Whether this is exectly desiruble un
der all ciicumstuiicoN Is nil open question; but
it sH'aks volumes for the common sense of
the old man.
Yes, theru are things galore to bo thankfu
On Thanksgiving day this year.
The ttrosomu campaign bore at last Is no
F.lectlou's no longer hero.
Thu Journal after this fall, the A'eu's and Cull
Will glvo politics a rest
A most delightful change to their readesall
To whom tho subject's a pest.
No longer will there bo any need to read
A uuiiibor of times each day
What Jones mid llushuell and Hydo encb In
his screed
On tho turltr has to say.
Accounts of fights, murders, shows, flros, ruin
nnd snows,
Once more wu perhaps can find
Instead of tho tariffs on clothes, wire and
Of campaign speeches, Hie duty on peaches
Wo have surely had our fill
There uro now no screeches for him who
About tho MoICInlny bill
And wearo thankful
The gentlemen who have inteiostcd them
selves iu the coming clunity ball have been
sigularly foituuate iu ocurmg thopatronnge
of so many ililluentlal ladles. Tho list of
pntronctscs is published in another column
Under such auspices thu complete success of
thu ball Is asmicd,
Abeudy the preparation for tho Christinas
CoimiKH has commenced Keverul strong
fcHtuivs huso bteu seemed, and although the
holiday number lust year elicited universal
commendation, I nm suro It will bovllMed
tho coming Chrlstmns. It's no small job to
Issue, n big extra edition such na wn prooe.
There's an luunenso nmnuiit of wm k in It. It
will bo tho most interesting thing In tho wny
of holiday publications you have seen for
many a day, 1 shall have something moro
dellulto to say on this subject later on,
Many of you roinemlicr the CmmiKH'ri
hnudsomo display of printing and lino sta
tionery at the state fair. Well, tho CotJIUKli
has received a diploma for tho first lost ex
hibit in this line. Not bad considering tho
"Young Jnck,"nsho Iscnlleil, is tho only
one of tho Alitor family who has shown any
disposition to bo foppish or frivolous nnd
brisk. Tho sturdy old Dutch blood of the
Aston Is !euoiu!ug more or less diluted by
mnrilago with moie volatile Americans, mid
tv ,' r- j.
think nh that
this may result iu producing an Astnr in a
generation or two who will forget tho iron
clad traditions of his family and make the
town hum after the fashion of other youi'g
men of great millionaire houses. They nro n
serious mid intensely rospectublo family, nnd
their liiiluenco on New York society hxs al
ways U-eii lienellclnl. Hut ut the host it cnu
not bo said that tho As tors nro gay. "Young
Jack," who U iout six fevt high,- ind'r
ivwtllnali' jmwuu i- i-T .- i. .-m UIO
line of succession. The sons of William Wal
dorf Astor will Inherit the bulk of the groat
estate. Perhaps It is tho realization of this
thnt makes "Young Jack" feel like fighting
occassiounlly, and encourages him to play
Iniyish pranks nt Newport mid Lenox, He
will not have the Impressive monetary rn
8K)ii8lbllIty of his cousin, ns It It not at all
likely that ho will havo more than a beggarly
buiidi ed million or so to yti ugglo along with
in life nf ter the next shake up of tho big
W. It. Uoodull has gone to Bt. Louis to
make arrangements for the production of his
now comody, "An Absent-Minded Man,'' hnv
ing signed a five years' contract with K. K.
itlce. The play will probably be produced In
tho next five or six week's under Mr. Hlce's
direction, John W. Notion, tho veteran Bt.
Louis manager, becoming the financial back
er of tLo enterprise. It Is thought "The
World's Fall" will close .he season nt Bt.
Louis to give way to Mr, Ooodall'ti play which
Mr. Hice consldeix n winner. Thu friends of
Mr. (loodall will tie glad to learn of his good
foituuo In becoming nsociated with the lead
ing hilllcstnio manager iu Amerlcu lire.
Mr. (loodall has for some time past been
the stair artist of tho Worltl-HemUl. He
achieved some notoriety Inst spring ns the
financial backer of Judge Cooley's hilurlous
presentation of "Hamlet'1 at IJoyd's opera
house, Omaha.
One-halt of the store loom occupied by tho
Wessel print lug company will be rented to
the right arty This is the finest furnished
business room iu the city and location excel
lent. Call at the olllce lliil) N street.
A fact that nil mon with gray and many
shaded whiskers should' know, that Ducking
hum's Dyealways colors an even Drown or
Dlack at will.
Cold weather is near at hand mid blankets
and robes for driving are u ntcesslty as well
unit luxury. K. K. Out brio, 1W0 O street,
has a beautiful Hue of them. Ho sells them
cheap. Also a flue Hue of whips, all kinds
mid all prices.
Tho most complete mid varied line of ma
terials lor Art mid Fnnoy work ever shown
in the city nt J. H. Mauritius & Co. '
For n cut, bruise, burn or scnld, thero Is
nothing equal to Ciambrlnln's Pulu Iluhn.
It heals the parts more quickly than any oth
er application, nnd unless the Injury Is very
Miveie, no scor is left. For sale by' A. L.
Do you want to ost jourself on furs For
liiformlttlon cull at the lluznr. They will
give you all the lus uuil outs utiout them.
Thu millinery depm tiueiit of Herpolshelmer
it Co. pi dulses to bo ono of the most attract
ive In their entire buoluess. Tlionewistt stjles
and shapes aro shown and suggested. (Jive
them a call.
Finest nml largest stock or Hosiery and Uu-
del wear at J. II. Mituiltus & Co.
Chamberlain's F.yu nu'd Bkin Ointment,
For tetter, salt-rheum, scald-head, ee.oma
and chronic boro eyes. Price 85 cents jier
.HMolal CouiilKK Correspondence. J
NkwYmik, Nov. 15 ThonoveltlcHof tins
week nro "HeoklesHTemploiitthoHtiindnrd,
"Tito Plunger" nt tliu Peoples, mid "Tho fist
wow," nt Daly's. "Heckles Temple" Is the
work or Aiigurtu Thomns, the author of
"Kdltlm' Ilmglar," nnd Is written nround
Maurice Dnrrymoro, who apMnrn ns Kdgar
IViuple, nicknamed Hecklcss. Tho pivot
around which tho play clrelns is Heckles'
biking iiK)ii himself the odium or n crime of
tho brother of the woman he loves, but the
hero l not put Into situations that would
suit Mr, Ilarrymoro best. Tho Idea of the
piny is unreasonable, and Temple, instead or
belntf n reckless llohemlaii, with plenty of
mental ns well ns physical luanllnrsH, whines
nml cries nbout tho stage iu n very nii-Ilarry-mort'llko
fashion, Ho has, however, the face
of a Greek god nnd tho figure of mi athlete,
which with excellent supiiort nml magnificent
Mngo settings inny give tho piny a run. "Tho
miiiffw" Is one or iiavlil K. Hlgglns' weid
plnys. nnd probably the most unworthy
melodrama plnislupon nclty stngothlsyear,
and yet II achieved u howling success hi thu
llovf ry. "Tho Ijist Word," an adaptation
of Mr, Augustln Daly, from tho Herman of
FraliB mi Bchoutnii, was produced on Tues
day, Mr. Daly's new play is almost nil emo
tional drama, with n strong plot of love nnd
Nlhllfsiu and human Interest. Probably such
n plot) in n thentre devoted almost entirely to
light comedy would not huvosuccccdod iu the
hands, of the majority of Mr. Daly's players.
Hut tl really pheiiomoiuil nctingof Mlns Ite
hun li) tho character (lr n Hursliiu haioiieM
changed what promised tolm disaster Intuit
most brilliant tiiuinph. Iu this Infest pro
iluctli it Ada Itehati r to a height of dra
matic puwer that sho has never before ills
playri . Tho play coiied with u ball-room
scene, which was the most perfect reprosen
tntlon of such an event that has been seen iu
New York. Thu persons on tho stage wore
dressed nnd looked liko ladles nnd gentlemen ;
they nil talked nt onco Iu that hysterically
mlrthfjul, which obtains between this
and thb next wnltz, nnd so nnturnl was the
nioveiijent on the stngunnd tho apparent
obliviousness to the audience that one felt as
if ho sttunhled into n private house without
mi lnvlntloii. "The Iiist Word" is suro of n
very long run. At Dunlovy's Pnik, Ainu
Doyil ifmicarod on Monday In Fay Temple
ton's m,rp iu "Huiidrlk Hudson." "Claudius
Nero" linn hud a wonderful success nt Nlhlo's
Ounleii. and so has Charles FrolimuiiV stock
coinpatjy u "Men and Women "
"U and I,"prcsenlol nt the Funko Tliurs
Joxjixpn Ug by-XlusWllllnins and John TV
one bbthose rollicuing farces or wtilcli we see
tot) mituy tliewi days. There is nothing that
can lie called a plot, tho play being con
struutcsl solely on the purioso of lutroduo-
iug thu two clever comoillaus, in their well
known siRjclultles. Other uiemlierM of the
company contribute the usual features of the
modern niiiilcul farce-comedy. Williams
nnd Kelly are so well known to nil play goers
that comment on their work Is unnecessary;
but while they were as mirth-provoking ns
usual, it does seem Unit they might secure
.something better fitted to the display of their
pouullnr glfut limn "U and I' "Tho Irish
Jubilee," reprinted iu another column, prov
ed n distinct hit In tho third net. The sing
ing asn whole, however, was not particularly
good und the fair sized audience was fully as
"I don't like that hat you're wearing, I.ydin." -"Why
nor? Charlie stint it to niethU afternoon."
"1 know, lie scut it to me this morning, and 1 returned It to him at once.
appreclathonsUi(progrnmnniueiltel. Miss
FiOsslo West and Miss Josephine Zella, ns I
Ilnbette and M'lle Veruileella sustained
their parts with cousideinble ability.
"The Mldnlglit Hell," Hoyt's latest Success,
will lie presented at Fuuko's npeia house to
night by tho original New York company.
As lefore stated this new comedy is a dis
tinct depniture for the op(ilm pluy-wrlght.
Iu "The Midnight Dell," Hoy t has put less or
ruivo-comcdyaud more Of pure comedy than
In any tiling ho lis yet attempted, and the
result is a conspicuous success, evidencing the
versatility of the author. Thu cast Is ex
ceptionally strong, and a very satisfactory
perfoi malice may Imj exjK-cted.
At Fuuko's oHiru house, next Wcdiiewluy
evening, NoveiulK-r Vi, will Ut )ireentel "The
Chin lty Hall" umler theiuauagemeiitor Dan
iel Frnhman. This charmlug play held the
boa i db nt tho Lyceuin theatre, New Yoik,
marly nil of Inst jenr, nnd wns one nftlin
inni ked mici-wm of the seanon, It Is by the
nut hum of "Tho Wife," "I,ord Chumlpy,"
cU, Mi-mi h. David llelasconnd Henry U. Do
Mllle, nnd Is one or the cleverest of their
ismiposltlons. The play will Ik produced
with scenery nnd nivessorles mnilo from tlin
orlglnnl model nnd with raro perfection of
detnll. Following nro the principal mem
bers of thornstj Messrs lloyit Putnnni, lieu
ry Herman, Tho. H. Himms, Hairy J. Mor
ruii, John H Hall, Waller Thomas, A. W,
Hregoryj- Mbscs Ilutli ()arNuter, Franrra
(Inmiet, llesslo Hyreo, Kihel (Ireybrooke,
Kllut Itogiui, Mnstor Vaughn, olo. "Tim
(Jliarlty llnll" will lieouoof the nrtlstlo treats
of the season,
An event of more tiiau ordinary Intel est
will o?our at Funko' opera house Friday nnd
Huturday evenings next, the occasion Ixilng
the apiM'ainiieo of Fay Templetoii ns tho
blight paillcular star of "HussoU's Com'd
lau" Iu the presentation of tlio latent farcical
fui-or untitled "Miss. Mcdlnty, tho Blnr of the
Conusllo Frnncalse." This organlratlon Is
ouoofthe strongest collect Ions of commed
Inn over gatliensl together. Hesldes tho dosh
Ing Fay Teinplelon, there are, Mis Jeiiulo
Hatforlee, Joslo Hndler, Fannie Johnstone,
Nina Haywood, Marion (Irloux, Lillian Itlv
era, Fred Iiiiox, Chnrles V. Heninen, William
Carroll, T. J, llerndon, lilwln (loislwln
(Nat's hi other) and a magnificent male ipiar
tette. The play I thoioughly original In
conception, novel in construction, rapid nnd
unique iu action, In its entirety constituting
a continuous fuIluileof brilliant fun, catchy
melodies und new nnd novel features, show
lug each one of the talented artists Iu it chur
neler cspoclnlly ndaptvd lo his or her best
abilities; MUs Teini.leton In. the title rob, por
trays tho "Htar of 'tho Conusllo Frnnealso"
and Iu the part Is given more opportunity to
display her versatile accomplishments, diiih
and chic which are so well known throughout
the entire country that commendation 1 un
necesniry. Among the many new sjieclaltle
Introduced by the fascinating Fay will bo the
celebrated Kpaulsh dance which created a
veritable sensation lately in Now York,
Iast wisik In Portland, Oregon, Miss Clurn
Morris playisl to 10,000.
The one-thnuiMindth repreentntlon of "The
Old Homestead" will soon lie celebrated at
tho Academy Nmv York.
It is announced Hint Messrs. Crawford (i
Reynolds will take mksossIoii of lloyd'somrn
hoiiM, Omaha (not the new lloyd a reporUil
last week) next July.
A number or strong attraction are booked
for tho lCtleii Musee for next week, notably
Prof, Munsulla, tho high lopo wnlkor., Novel-
HH Will llf Hl)ll'll fn mVrtrV llim.imm
Itoliert Maiitell h recent cngrgement in Bt.
Ixuls was the most siicci-ssf ill Ilia t holms over
played In that city. The theatre was crowihsl
nightly and the receipts wero very large. Mr.
Maiitell comes to New York alter tho holi
days, when he will probably be seen as Ham
let and Othello lor the first time by metro
politan theatregoers.
"Tho Pearl or Pekm," under the manage
ment or Mr, Kdward A. Bteveus, Is having n
prosierous year west, where Ibt lsipular
lty seems greater than ever. This conimny
Is completely orgutiiiod nnd iu excellent
vworklig order. It Include several Hipular
nrtlsts und the mi formauco given by them Is
first class iu every Mirtlciilar. "The Peurl"
is certainly good for four or flvu seusous to
The Keudals are among us again. They
havo brought w Ith them their sweet domest
ic virtues, their touching affection for their
offspring and their ixwltlvely Klysian marital
happiness, together with their other theatri
cal effects. Iu these days of ilegenorecy nud
divorces, It is delightful Indeed to mhi such a
rani)ant exhibition of giHslness as this wort by
couple offer nightly to crowded audience
and nt other times to inquisitive reciter
nud uu udmliiug society. Oh, yes, virtue
pays, if piopeily udveltKsl, What an en
couraging rt Meet Ion'
Ijist Batuidny night ut the Orand ojhtu
house Iu Cincinnati, Mr. Btuart Uobson pro
duced a Hew comedy by A. D. Hoi don, called
"is Munlugo it Fntluu'." The story of the
play tells of llmmlseiies of u young nun rkd
coiqile, Introducing the much ridiculed moth
er -In-law and it funny nnd fussy fnther-iu-law.
All of the chumoters a Ith thoexce
tion of that taken by Mr Uoltsou are res
dents of Chicago, Telling mine Is dlrecttsl
ngalnst Clnclunnll, Ht, lmi and Chlcngo,but
nlwiiys In good taste. A leleginm loeoivett
Iu Now Yoi k nym "I Murrlngo n Fnlluro"
I one or the funniest or American coinwIleM
nud it distinct hit. Mr. llolmjn mndeuvcry
great MiccesN a Horace ICent the young litis
baud, The business or the numemii Cleveland
Mlnsliel companies I limited only by the en
wielty or tho theatres In which they npHiir,
and It Is a cold day when the itvelpt or tho
three show combined do not vxeeed j:i,000.
With ono show In California, another iu tho
Houth, nnd still nnother Iu Now F.nglniid,
there I a strlngor Cleveland' Minstrel print
ing that extend from ocean to ocean. One
day lost week thu Cleveland Minstrel wero
heavily billed In omi hundred and (lfty-lx of
the principal cities, nxtondlmr a far west n
Ban FrnnnUco jitid n fur east as Iloston,
Tho total wist for llthogroplno printing on
bill boards at one time for date to Ini played
iiyilieillirentnt companies, aggregated over
flLVXl). Most of tills was for piellmlnaiy
ndvei lining, nml not the regular billing, as
four or flvo ngcuf with each company nro nil
thoroughly equipped with different style of
printing, lletween now nud the dates fhey
appear In the dlirerent places, Mr. Cleveland
goes over tho entire route. The largest mini
Iwr of H)ople who havo paid to see Cloveland'n
lhne minstrel companies iu ono day (six per
formances) wn Id, KM.
Concerning the modern tendency townrd
light comedy, Frank Daniels, writing to the
Kansas Oily Whim says: "The tiuth of tho
matter is wo have not enough leisure cIiikh
Kople In this country to supixirt the Bhnkes
issirean or tho legitimate drama. This cult
ure leisure element may come In time, und
wo inny have an established theatre devoted
to the careful nud ulabornto production of
the plays of the great pool ami dramatist,
but Just at thu present moment the people
who patronize our theatres are engaged very
actively In money making. I say "peoplo,"
for thu women nro entering all branches of
business life now ns well a thu men. A man
or a woman who bus Ix-en busv "hiistllnir"
nil day In nu olllce, it store or it work room,
ha no Inclination when evening comes to n
six nci tragedy orn five act emotional drama.
They hnvo been ngnged In play serloun
enough for them during thu day, nnd tierlinps
some of thorn have had n little one-net trag
edy iu which they have played a '.oiisjiIcuouh
role. When evening coiuwi they want relnx
ntlon, a change of scene Iu tact, thuy wntit
to laugh, and to laugh nt something thnt car
ried them far away from the serious scciich
they have witnemod during tho day, for thero
Is not much fun or Jollity Iu money getting.
This iu my opinion I why farce nnd comedy
has taken such n foothold Iu our theatres nnd
why it prosper no,"
If your liulr I thinning and fading, use
Ayer's Hair Vigor. It restores color nud
Infants complete outfits, a magnificent
Hue and everything that is desired for tho
little darlings ut the llazar.
The Whitebronst Coal nud Llmo company
is again at thu front supplying the finest
grades of coal at the lowos price.
You will want n new K of harness for
that trotter of yours. Ilentombor K. It.
Uuthrle, lOl.'l O street, has the finest lino in
the city to select from nnd his prices are al
ways an Inducement to buy.
Hiitchlus (t Hyatt, Lincoln's old reliable
coal dealers are again In the field this whiter
and egulii meeting with tho same siicces.
Their large iiuiiiIrt of teams are continually
kept busy delivering fuel to all parts of tho
city and nothing but word of pra 1st) are ever
heard regarding the quality of their coaL
Call up phono Net. W nud do like others do
order of Hulchlus Si Hyatt.
Yuu should call on llrlscoo, tho Bhoo Man
iu the KxMsltlou and examine his remark
ably flue stock of foot wear suitable for fall
and winter. HI present stock of goods has
never lieeu equaled iu this city. It Includes
all of the hottest novelties mil some or the
new styles iu shoes nre very mitt. II you
want n stylish shoe, ono that will look well
al.d wear well, Driscoe, the Bhoe Man, is the
man you want to see. Ho makes a seclalty
of the finest goods at reasonable prices. All
kinds of shoes for ladies, gentlemen and child
ren, A perfect lit guaranteed. Drop Iu and
take a look ut the stock.
There nro several reasons why Louie Meyer
& IX)., hnvo built up such a large trade. In
the first place they havo dealt with their
customers in alwolutu fairness. Then they
have presented the best nnd freshest stock nt
the most reasonable prices, and every pur
chaser has known that I very thing in the
store could lie depended on ns lielng rtliablr.
All of these things have given Louie Meyer
&, Co. ono of the lnrgest trades in the city,
mid their patronage is constantly nnd tapidly
Increasing. They can satisfy all your wants
iu the way of general merchuiidise,dry goods,
notions, etc,'at most reasonable prices. More
over, they can show you the very latest nov
i cities in all these Hues. Never buy anything
i In the above lines without visiting Louio
I Meyer & Co.
We had the pleasure of meeting Pror. C.F.
Pfau nnd wife, yestenlay. He has lieen
pi iucipal teacher Iu the Chicago school of
cooking. Wo looked into his record, and can
recommend him safely to our ladies, as nu
expert in his business, and promise them it
raro treat It they attend his school. We do
not see how the ladles of Lincoln caunffoid
to mis tlioopM)ituulthv to get well Hwted
In rcguid to luncheons, dinners mid lecention
i tallies, and the necessary dishes to it, also im
prove their knowledge in gem ral in this most
important branch or house vvoik, namely
cooking and baking. This Is the only time
Prof. Prau will bo in Lincoln, und ho ought
to lie well pntronlred. Ills school will open
at likft O street next Wednesday. In tho
meantime call and get uequulntod with the
Fast lllurk. full ro-itlnr Indies' f, win. .,,..
I Hose -',) cunts, J. 11. .Maui it lus & Co.