Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 01, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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- '$7?TOit rfx
'WE '" w
Saturday Evening, Nov. 1, 'DO
Corner I Oth and P Streets.
Plush Coats
'The Courier" I'or Nln lit Oiniitiu.
Copies tuny 1st found nt Ki'lth'H iiomtHtiind,
210 South Fifteenth street, lloyd'toKrahous
Grand Opening To-Day
Fine Millinery
Herpolsheimer & Co.'s
Imposition Department Stores,
The Uiuirler Unit lit) Pound At
Windsor llotol News Htniul.
Uapltnl llotol News Htntiil.
Kxposltlou DlnlUK Hnll Nowi Htnnd.
ThoOotlmni NnwsBtnnil, IIHHoutli ItlliHt.
Ilert Uuinior, III Nottli lltti Htreot.
Kd. Youiir, IMOO Htroot.
Klolohor A Co., llio o Hired.
I.lttlo Hnort Ulnar Htoro, 113 North 12th Ht.
Weftlornold'a Uorbcr tthop, llurr HlooK.
t3T"An exlrn supply of papers It always loft
at tho Gotham, lit enso other Newsdealers
supplies run short.
Fall Styles, Dunlap Hats
1137 O STREET.
t.eonl mill l'crsonal.
Whltebreost Coal mul IJiuo Company.
Take Turkish nt JOlt) O street.
Oysteni In nil styles nt Drown',
Brown's for oysters In nil sty los.
Cull up tho L. D. T. Co., Phono 100. i
Ruth M. yood, M. D., 1'iW P street.
Telephouo at tho Counmi oilbols 2.VI,
O. il. Collins. Dentist. 1035 O street.
Try BrownVi Sunday dinners? only Sl5cU,
Mrs. W. E. Gosper, line, millinery, 1114 O
Sunday dlnuort at Browns, only- 35 cent.
Hutchins ft; Ily t sell coal Telephone 985,
Llnooln lea Co., KMO'O 8t. Telephone 11&
Mineral water used for bathing, 101(1 O st.
Order Canon City Coal from BotU &
J. H. Mauritius & Co., Ladle Furnishers,
131 8 11th Bt.
Two dollars will buy a good plain fall jack
et at The Basar. -
Canon City Coal nt the 'Whltebreast
Coal and Ltme'Co.
Doctor Bailey & Goodell, oRlce 1347 L
street. Telephone, 017.
Ladles should never buy n cloak until they
have called at tho Baiar.
Only place In Lincoln that use mineral
water In taths Is nt 1010 O street.
Improvodshower for Turkish tiaths at 1011
O street, basement Union block.'
MIds'C. J. Gullmette, modiste, second floor'
Kxposltlon building. Take elevator.
The largest nnd finest stoclcot millinery In
tho city can be Been at Mrs. (J owner's, UH Ost.
J, B. Bamaby, the taller, may bo found at
rooms 13 and 13, Newman block, 1025 O st.
Jupltor Coal Ua winner nnd Betts& Weav
er, solo BgontM liavo plenty of it. Try a ton,
Poohler furnishes tho finest equality of loo
cream and fancy caked for parties and wed
dings. All the latest sheet music, now stock, nt
Orancer's Art Music store, 319 south Elovontli
street. . ,
Ladles will find a magnificent line of hand
kerchiefs nnd glove at Mrs. Go6per's milli
nery parlors, 11 U O street.
Poehler Is now serving rich Jujify oysters
and lunches nt his parlors n tho McBrldo
block, corner .Twelfth and P street.'
Dr. O. B, Manning, ofllco rooms 00 070s
Burr block. Telephone 330. Residence Cor.
20th and V. Telephone 330.
For a lamo back, a jviln n the side or
chest," or for tooth-acbo orear-ncho prompt
relief, may bo had .by" using Chamberlain's
rain Balm, u la riuiui.?iJor uiie by A.U
Quhtloo Tonlo a most excellent preparation
for thn vcalp and prevention for falling hnlr
cau be had at Ml Johnson's hair iilrvsslng
parlor. It i tho uiot jxpubr hair touia
known and never falls to plwi&e,
The Humbler blcyclo is coming more In
popular? favor dully as tho machine comes
into general use. It Is undoubtedly the bost
adapted for speed, comfort and wfaty, of
any of the machines. Call mid seo it at E.
R. Guthrie's, 1M0 O street.
I'm, I 1 i, tz. jnrt
IJ.IV ' "HJ 1"
j Lh t
illl ssffl I"
a& I . '!)
The lady iiumlKrs of llm Tuemlny Kvenlng
HuliinitortAliied tlio Reiitloiuru nt it mimtrn
Joynbla HnllowoVn pnrtv taut ovoning nt the
rwldunco of JIIm (Imoo Orllllth. The gituitH
of tho ovoning nrrlvi'd promptly nt half-past
i'tpii in iii'ciirniiiicii wiiu tint invitation, nnd
nnviiig iiroKim nppiim to nweilnlii tho nnmcH
of Uiilr imitnuu nt thn supper, piocrmled to
thn dining room wheio the Indies, illngnliuil,
won iit(l. In tho process of lihntlllciittou
thorn wiw luticli iimuscment. A charming
supper mm rvil nml at tlio conolimlon of
tho repiint, with Frank Helming acting as
lonsliiinstor, thn following touits were ivs
IKiudnltoi "Tim Cooks," W. K. Hardy j "Tlio
lrfidlen," Dr. O. h l,ndd ' Hnllowo'cn," Miss
Klliol MnrHlniul"Otir IIoiiortl (hirsts," MIki
Cnrrlo Allen; "Tho Club," W. Morion Hmlth.
Ihoreinnlnderof tlitMivenliig was imsmil In
mi old fashioned HnllowoVn frolic, with
games, etc. CmhIIm nnd Jncko'-Iautorns
furnlshoil tho lllumliintliin, producing n very
pretty effect. Thow present wcroi Mew.
u. n. Uiinnlnglinm, W K,, J. P. Fmi
"in. rnuiK leiirung, John Dorgnn, O,
i-nilil, SI. I)., W, Morion Hmlth, 0. W. (lei
wig, H. T, Ht. Jo in, W. F. Meyer, Will
Cluik nml Malcolm MoKlimon; MIssoh Anno
uiiKu, umrn nmi, Aiimiio llttu, iliiuili)
Hmlth, UinroMrlimh, Cnrrlo Allen, Oene"
vlovo Wells, Aiuin Burr, Olllo Lnttn, Nelllo
Whlto, Cora Hnnly. Ktliel Mnrshuid' nml
Delia Looiuls,
Mr, nnd Mrs. Patrick gavo nil oxtremoly
pretty piogresslvo intzlo-dnxrlo piutyTucH
dny ovoning. As mentioned In tho Couiukh
Inst Meek tho Invitations to this gathering
contained tho letters "P.C. P," plcnso como
promptly and this Innovation woiked Ik-iiii-tlfully,
nen i y nil of the gmwts uri Ivlng on
tho mlinito. Another departure mih inuilo
in serving tho refreshments early In tho eve
ning, lit (1:30. Tim fur II... .....
tertnlniuentof tho pnity wore ndinlrable and
theio tins seldom been n iiioio cnjojnblo oo
cnslon, Thero were present: Messts. and
Miwdnmes J. II, llniley, H, A. Pony, J. A.
Buckstnir, John Doollttlo J. 11- Wilght, II.
P. Fiwter,A.:i-:,;iIuutof Hcnintm,Pa.,Clias.
Hammond, L. C. Dm r, K. U. Ilonkle, K. P.
Holmw, W. H. lluirinan, (li-o. II. Claik, W.
K. lvirker, C. O. Morso, K. K. Crlloy, W. II.
Wolcott, Miihoii (Iregg, Dr. (Itirou, J. II.
Hheltou, Geo. H. Brown, A. O. Ulllnieyer,
Joseph Boehmer, M.Hcott, Dr. Kei n, K. C.
Howlrk, O. T. Brown, PIio1m Puyiio, Dr. M.
II. Kverett, Dr. J. O. Kverett, Dr.
ApHlget, T, P. lCmiiird, Tlinck
er, Mrs. Ada K K-ipey, Vmiklrk of N. Y.
and Mrs. U. I). Pitcher. Tho ladlo-i
royal prltw, n Imtulsomo sllvor lioiibon shkiu
whs won by Mrs. K. K. Houklo, nnd Mr.
Charles Hammond received tho gentlemen's
royal, n 1kx of fluo Key Woit cigars.
Miss Efllo IxhWo spider web arty Thurs
day ovoning was n thoroughly cnjoynble nf
f air, After tho my storlous web had been un
twined, the remainder of ths evening was
iwcuplod with progreslvo high Ilvo. Tho
royal priies were won by Mlrs Briiulley nnd
Mr. Wilson; Mr. Lnngworthy rccelvwl tho
"booby." Those present were: Misses Bessie
Mason Nnoml Weaver, Bertha Avery, Ger
trude Hill, Georgia Thelll, Cnrrlo Hill, Mlu
uloDePue, Marguerlto English, Clara Car
mody, Fannie Bluford, Stella Klrker, Maudo
Hoso, Alice Orr. Ida Munser, Mary Htelner,
Llwle Musser, Grnco Perkins, Kllu Brlndloy,
Elllo Adams of Atchison, Kan., Lylo Hoover
of Tecumseh, Elllo Mclntyro of Hastings,
Nelllo Davis and Anna Hnwhnd of Hownrd;
Mcssi-s G. A. Crancer, Will Johnson, W. I.
Bnwks, A. A. Bcott, Guy Hiilo, Frank Gra
hiun, Stove Langnoithy, Freil Howe, C. A.
Million, Chris Camp, W. A. Leeso, tongnell,
ThoniMH, Amos Comj, John Phlliliw, Ernest
"""'"" """ " """I iuij i.cifie, miiespio,
H. W. Orr, J..E. ForrN, Will Rose, H, II.
Wilson and E. O. Bradley.
Tho F street card olub, now In its third
season, has orgnulicd for tho winter with tho
following otllcers: President, Mrs. J. A.
Hani; secretary, Mrs. Dr. Manning; execu
tive coiiiuiltteo, Mm., Dr. Casebeer,
Mrs. L. C. Clark nnd, Mrs, Mills.
Following Is a list "of tho mom
lion: Messrs. and Mesdnmes'O. B. Manning,
M. D., F. Af Brown, F. N. Sohus, J. W. Tl;
Hug, A. J. Sawyer, T. II. Benton, W. O.
Mills, II. M. Caweeer, M. D., Mi A. Warren
JosvpHwau, Ji-lt IIouU, E. R.Wlls and
Mrs. J. A. Hard. Messrs. J. F. Hutchlns,
M. L Altken and F. W. Hellwig. Meetings
are held every other Saturday. The first
party occurred If st week nt tho residence of
Mrs, Mills, and the next will tnko place nt
Mrs, Tipling'a a week from to-night.
Mrs. II. D. Patrick gave a charming lunch
eon Wedneslay afU-ruoon. Tho following
ladles were present: Metdames W. W.
Holmes, O. M. Bartlett, T. II. Benton, A. O.
Beeson, G. J-'. Bitts, W. H. Weaver, Dr.
Stanhope, C. L. Hall, Hicks, T. M. Hodgo
nmn and mother, J. W. Winger, R. T. Van
Biunt, M. E. VanBiunt, E, 8. Hnwley, B.
R. Cowdery, J.Henry Smith, P. W. Plonk,
J. R. Drinker, Dr. Garten, Robert Green, J.
I. Underwood, J. P. Maulo, Carolina Will
lams, Dr. Lnttn, Chni. Hnmmoud, W. II.
McCrenry, E II. Cm lis, G. L. Wheeler, Ban
Parker, W. E. Klrker, T. K. Sanders, O.
Schvake, Cambridge, E. W. Allen, Sitzer,
Eddy, 'W. N. Iononl, B. F. Ward, Dr.
Bowman, Chas. Kellar of Shelbyvllle, III.,
Geo. II Clark, ai;d illtxv Mtnuio nnd Olllo
Ijittn und Miss Covert.
Mrs. J, A. Buckstatr gavo a delightful tea
nnd high flvo Mrty Thursday ovenlng, tea
was served at 7 o'clock. Those present were:
MesM-s. ami Mesdamcd Frank Sheldon, It, I ,
Oakley, T. W. Griffith, W-. N. Leonard, W.
II. HargreavM, A. AV, Janson, C. II. ImhofT,
A. D. Burr, A. E. Hargreaves, J. W, Mnx
well and A. C. Kleiner; Mr, A. O. Boesou,
Mrs, Haydeu, Miss Mlmilo Lnttn nnd Miss
Maud Stobbs, Tho prlzea were nwanletl to
Mr. Beofon and Airs. J. W. Grillltli- Mr.
Beesou's was n very pretty oatmeal
set, ami
and Mrs. Grltllth's u cut glass olive dish.
Fifty-six ladles were entertained by Mrs.
C. E. Yates Tuesday afternoon In n novel
and interektiug way. It was called n hidden
Tlqwcr party and tho nnmemen't consisted In
finding tho names of flowers lii such words
or collection of lettois as "sythacuaemhmn,"
"putobtreu," "fsVurloou," ,ftcstlmeo," etc.
For Instance the (lower hidden in "oin(gttno
fre" Is not. "Logodrndo" hides
tho name of golduu rod, and "llonucmbro"
that of columbine, Mrs, Lambnrtsou nud
Mrs. Geo, U. lano received royal prises for
rapidity und booby pritos were nnardedto
Mrs. Hntjiaway and Mrs. Polk.
Mr. und Mrs, A. G. Blllmoyer entortnliieil
a number of tlu-lr friends nt n very vlenwiut
cardarly Inst evening. Tho hivited gnests
were: Mestrs, and MestUmes A C. Zleiner,
F. W. Baldwin, E.lCCrPey.W. 8. Huffmaii,
S. E. Moore, Geo. H..Ulttrk( U.4). Patrick,
O. M. Thompson, Howell, Janney, MtsitM
Adams, ColTinnn, -Becker ai d Stobbs, nud
Mossrs. Frank Polk, C. E. Montgomery, C.
Caldwell, -Juck Htobbs and Dr. Lord.
AinimlK-rof her f i lends were most enjoy
nly rnti'iliilncil by MlMdcitnido Mniquettc
Inst flight, Hnllnne'eii, In thn most appro
ved llallowoVii fnslitmi. Among others
I hem weio piewnti MIumh Martha Funke,
rTlttliinnilAllcttCoMilnry, Mniul llurr, nnd
Mi-hsrs. Fnil Howe, Hubert Joyce, K. O.
llrndluy nml Will Hiiinmniiil,
Mnrsluill illvlsloii No. 10, Knights of pyth
Ins, held its iminiiil bull Wiilncsdny evening
lit llolmnmi Hull, 'lliolnill was hainlsomely
ilccointeil for llm nci'itslmi, nnd hourly one
iiiiiiuiiM vmipiM iinuceti iiuriiigtlto evening,
Thofouilh nnminl ball of tho llro depart
ment occiiruit Tliuisdny evening nt Ito
hnuati hall, Nenrly three hiindriil ieopla
wer In ntlemlntico nnd tho nccnslou ns
much umloyiil. Musics was fiirmshiHl bv tlm
P H. Hm phnm, Miss Kdiui Hnrn
liMif, Mm Mnuil (lustlii, Mrs. Fiiunlo (Ins
tin mid Airs. O. W. (Iiistlii comprised n pnrty
of California excursionists lenvlng the city
Thursday, bound for l.os Angeles,
Charity Lodge No. 3, Dnughteis of Ho
beknli, hel I n vnry plensnnt stclnl Tiifwlny
ovenlng, tho Iwentj-llist nniilvutmiry of tlio
institution of the oidvr,
Mrs. A. H, Ra)iuoiid nnd Mis. H. II. Burn,
ham of Lincoln worn In town for ndn or two
Inst week ns guestsof Mrs. W. II. Alexnnder
Oiniilm NjvrMur,
David llaiim nnd Hi Ide. lien MIm Annln
Villi Hlckloof XlHVtOil N. J., nm mi,,.,. r,,
jthopn - M - ntofMr Dniilcl lliiuiii,33tl Howard
street, umnim,
Mr. und MrK. Arthur 11. Hinlth'wlll bo nt
homo to their fi lends at Kill Mouth Twonty
ninth Ave., Omiihii, Di-ceinlHir 3d and 7th
nder 4 p. in.
The Indies nld society of tho Vino street
Congregational church met Thursday nf ter
noon at tho rcsldenco of Mrs. Chuichiil, 111) It!
Wing Allen of Omnhn, nttonded tho I'lens
nut Hour iccoptlnn last week nud reiuiiliiiil
over n couple of days to call on his iiumeious
fi lends,
Tlio Tuesday Evening club will meet unxt
week nt tlm rrsldeui-o of Miss Nellie White.
Flunk R. Htocktmi will Imi tho author of tho
Mrs. O. W, Grllllthof 1418 L street, enter
tained tho congregation of tho Flint lVesby
terlau chinch Wednesdny evening,
MIs(lertiudoClnik of Omnhn, who wns
pit-sent nt the Pleasant Hour leceptlon, re
turned homo Hnlunlnv ntternoou,
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. P. Foster me entertaining
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hunt of Scrnuton, Pa.
Mr. Hunt Is Mrr. Potter's In other,
Mrs. Dr. II. M. CiKelH-t-i',oxects soon to re
cclvon visit from her two sIsteiN, -haimlug
young Indies of Ln Grange, In 1.
Mrs. A. L. HullUnn, Mrs. Miller and Miss
Mngglo III tuition left Thursday for Mount
Victory, Ohio.
Mm. Frank W. Smith of Allinnce, Nob.,
exHcts to visit Lincoln hoiiio tlmo In tho
present month.
Henry Bmkettmid MK-t MnudoCox were
iinltwllii mairiiigo by Justice Cox Tuenlny
Minses Geitiude nud Cniola Hill outer
talucda few frleiids,liiforiunlly, last evening.
Mrs. M. I- Moore gno u pleasnut one
O'clock luncheon Thursday.
Clarence Brown of Omulin, sptnt Hiinduy
In this city,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall left Thursday for
All Infectious of the blood arc removed by
Ayer's Saisnpi Ilia. Sold by nil druggists.
Mrs. E. 11. Brown Is prepared to give, les
sons In dancing and deportment. Reduction
uindo for parties deslilug to form dames of
elrfht or sixteen. Lemons given at her juirl
ors, 10(0 Q street. For toi ins call nud see
h.r. a
There is nothing so provoking as to wake
up In tho morning nliout ton minutes too late
to catch nn early train. This can all bo
avoided by !eu lug nu ordor nt tho L. D, T.
olllco to bo aroused nt an yUme, day or night.
They guarantee to wake you.
Tho Felix (lovlues Complexion PoAdors
which were so popular with Lincoln Indies
last seesou nro tho best on tho market nnd
Miss Johnston has just received an invoice.
Tea Gowiib ranging in prices fiom (10.00 to
(50.00 nt J. II. Muuiitius & Co.
Tho now Boston Clothing House hns n
ningnillcent lino of Overcoats, nil qualities,
all prices and nil stylos,
Foreman & Ci ow will inaugurnto a grand
Handkerchief sale today nud all their elegar.t
handkerchiefs will bo sold nt woudorfully low
prices, nud in all kinds nud qunlitlesCrom 35
cents to (10.00 each. Don't fail to call and
capture some of these bargains.
Gentlemen Fine Fiiriislilngs,
Everything that Is styllsl'i.rnud in good
tnstois now being shown at Miltouborgoi'w
now Boston Clothing House lUtO O streok
You'll miss It If you fall to call ami see their
t4ega1U hew lino of neckwear.
Open HHturility.
Our new store at 533 to 1533 East O street
will open for, business Saturday morping,
November 1. Our formal ouenlug will occur
a few ilnys later. In tho meantime iwnnlt us
to say that you will find bargains In overv
Maxwell, Shahik & Roan Co.
East O street, between Fifteenth and, Six
teenth. Beaullful lino of Tea Gowns just opened at
J, Mauritius & Co.
Tho Peako siiters' entertainment nt tho
Plymouth Congregntluoal church Wednes
day evening was largely attended.
Boils and Pimples
Are nature's emirts to eliminate nltoii from
i the blood. This lesull may ho accomplished
itiiuch more effectually, as well as ngrecahly,
Ttirougti (ho pioH-r excretory ciaimeU, by
the use of A)er'sti&vsapaillta.
"Forsvern! enrs I u troubled with
Wlj,nii(l carhiuiclos. Itrcuthig about for u
Yemody, It occurred to uiostlmt Ajei's Sarsa
parlll.1 hnd been used In my (atlier's family,
with excellent siicceis, and I thought that
"what was gixht for the fnthcr would also ho
'good for tlio son. Three or four bottles of
this ii.cmIIcIiio entirely cured me, and I hnvo
'hot since In more than two years had a
boll, plmpR or any other eruptive trouble,
I cnu coiiHclentlously scnk In tho highest
teriiH o( Ayer's 8ursiiMrilla, and many
'years exHrlenc6 In the drug business en
ables mo to ieak liitclllgeillly.,,-C, M.
Hatfield, I'annlaiul, lud.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
l-UKrAUEU 11 V
DR. J. O, AVER & CO., LoweU, Mass
Priced; six bottles, (3, Wuilh i a bottle.
Thg Bmzmr
1023 O St.
Ladies' Winter
Fine Astnichan
Capes 9.25
French Seal Capes
15.00 unci 16.50
Dyed Muskrat
Capes '35o
Heaver Capes, ist
choice 295o
Mink Capes, ist
choice 3l5
Persian Lamb
Capes 375o
Cloth Astrachan
Capes. .-,.50 and 6.00
Seal Plush Capes
7.00 to 12.00
Just Arrived a Fine Display of
Latest Novelties In Dress Patterns
With Astrachan, Applique, and
call and
1023 O Street.
Lincoln has
Fine Furniture and nowhere in the West will a more
found than at
If you have never visited their store, ycu have ne idea of the magnitude 4
of their premises or the amount of goods shown. There is nothing so nice or
lich but that it can there be had. A visit to this house is always full of interest. '
There is always something new and novel to please the eye. L
2(1 S, 11th St. HAIDY & PITCHEI? lit S. ttth St.
10240 Street
Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty.
Newman's Old Stand.
Seal Skin Jackets
Finer and Cheaper
than anywhere
We Sell Only Genuine
Alaska Seal
London Dyed.
We Warrant Color and
Quality !
Tinsel effects. Ladies cordially invited to
inspect these novelties.
beautiful and costly homes
A. sv
1023 O St.
Fine Dresses
Wool Wrappers
Tea Gowns
Child's Angora
Sets 7. co
Child's Mufflon '
Sets 5.50
Child's Grey Coney
Sct 1.35
Child's Grey As-
trchan Sets 190
Ladies' Angora
Sets 10.50
Ladies' Angora
Sets Colored . . .9.50
Misses Thybct
Sets. .8.50 and 10.50
Ladies' Bear and
Badger Sets $15 to $18
& CO., Proprietors.
and Fine Home nonrli.
elaborate or finer stock be ? V,
cSc CDO.
Telephone 176-
. 1
. m