Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 01, 1890, Image 4

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. ,fl5!"KK' NES55S"
For Hard Coal
For Soft Coal.
Most Powerful !1 enters Mnclel
Most Economical on Fuel!
The Latest Fa's
In till Styles
Black Cheviot Suits
From the lower grades to the very Fluent.
Conic nml See our New
Puff and Ascot Scarfs,
Underwear and Hosiery
In lllnck nml Color.
Chintz's Imported London Hats
In the Latest Fall Shapes.
Our price" me lower on these Good limit
any establishment In the city.
Big Bargains
In all qualities and price. I Iniulkerchlef s
L4H? .W'f
? rUmLwn
,K 25 cts. to $10.00.
Sale to 'Continue only a Few Days.
114 South Twelfth Street,
A Fine Crayon
She r win's
t -
1124 0 ST.
Every customer gets n hend
and shoulder Crnyon Picture
Free from nny nnd nil cost.
This work is mnde djrect from
mny ;hoto you niny want
copied. 1 Cnll nnd look into
;: v-.
, l fnufir flijirr o Mmlrrn Timt,
L Wkhmkl, Jit., l&lltor nml Holn I'loprlelnr.
W. Moiitox Hmitii, Ahmik'IiiIii IJdltor.
HUiiKCitirTiiiNi OnoYpiir by Mull or Carried
i(K) Hl.x Months, lift)) Three Month, Nto.
One month W Cents InrnrnMy In Advance.
AiivicRTlnKMrirrs! Itnles ftirnMied on Application
t tlin oftlct'. H'oUl rnles on Tlino ('ontrnrls.
omtniirri(iNiii Hliort nploy sketches. mh.iiim nml
tnrle solicited, IVrmiiml nml Boelid holes nre
nqirclaUy desirable.
I'nintinci! W mnkn AeclAlly of Mnp Printing
in nil II tininoliiH. Hoclelv work n x'tlnlly.
Dulerod itllho I'o.tolllco of Lincoln, Ni'li.,
Jefferson O. Tlhbols, formerly well known
In this city tin ouijh hi connection with thu
Unit of Webster fc Rogers, died nt Colomilo
Kprlugs, Col., Inst Htiudny, Tho remains
with brought to this city liy A. H. Tlbliots
11111I MIm Atiim Tlbbets nml tin funeral oc
curred Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. nml Mm. I). I). Mulr or Lincoln, 1110
stopping nt .thu ,1'nxton .Mr. Mulr I n
brother of Mr. Kniiik Mulr nml hasenmo to
Omnliit with a view of taking up pirmntieut
nlxxlo In till elty, -Ouinha Krvrhior.
Mliw Lilti Peek, formoily of Lincoln, hut
now it ii'Nliluitt of IWiloim, Cut., I vUlttliK
III thu elty, thuguoit of tho Mlsso Oygor,
lail) VlrKlnln avenue. 81m will remain lit
Omnliit until nh ut November 1st mid then
start on her Join my liumownnl, stopping oft"
t Denver to visit her sister, Mim. Dr. Iliirr,
nml if turn to California fiboiit New Year'.
Miss Pock will ho U'lnt'inlioml np the clinrin
Iiik Mopimm w ho mi of leu delighted Omnliit
mid Lincoln ninllencos. Oninhn vUrrMor.
Itoso CoRhlnn who rejoices In tho owner
ship of 11 nleo now, riesh divorce certlllcato,
quite captivated Clinton J. Ilrhjgs so (hoy
say, during her recent engagement In
Oiimhn, Illlggs, or iim tho "fellahs nt tho
dllt" call him "Clint" Is ouu of tho lust
known youg iin'ii nlxmt town, itossosshig un
limited menus, hniiilHomo fciiturcn nml 1111
InihilKRiit mniiimn, Ho wears his hnlr lonjj,
pnrU it In the 111I1I1II0; ililven n Krentvr vn
1 tety of turuoiitM tlitin nny other until In tho
elty, nffwlMRW oil I'lothen nml lnonks morn
henitn tlinii Dlek llorlln. Tho fnlr Koso nml
Clint enjoyed sovernl ilrlviM nml luncheons
toKelher nml 'tis sulci tlutt sliicohorileiutitiiro
ho him I ico 1 1 IioiihI to sigh 011 two illireretit
Ami CI lilt Hi Ikk Is not tho only young
Omnium who hoiikIiI to ImpivM lliwo CokIi
Inn, ns tint fcrcrlxior snys thnt no lesn thitii
llvuclult men will this week ntcelva copies of
her photoginplt from tho noticM herwlf.ooch
cmil IiisciIIhmI with lior nutogrnpli.
Her nmiiy frlemls In this city will ho r1h1
to lenru thnt Mlsi Nlllo Hiiiiih of Oimilin lins
ivlunifil from Kmoo.
J, M. MIINpitiiKh, n iiieuttier of tho old dry
rooiIs tlrm of Ashhy & Mlll.pminli, nml until
recently n resilient of this city, now lit Utah
I for his henlth, writes TlIK CouitlKit thnt ho Is
nt piosent rcKlilInu on n rmieli twenty llvo
utiles from 11 rmlroiul, in llox Klder county-
Miss Mlunlonnylonl, nttendliiK tho col lego
of music nt Toroutn, Is neconlliiK to report,
mitkliiK very Mitltfnetory progress. Her
present Instructorn compliment her very
liltjlily on her twist work accomplished In
Llm-olu youth mid mnlileiiH who wero
tmight to dnnco hy Viol, J. Mahler of Ht.
IahiU, may iwrlinps ho liitoiettte! In tho fol
lowing extract from n Ht, Louis exchange:
Prof, jneoh Mnhlur, who has lind ninny hon
or thrust upon him, wis enllwl upon to tend!
tho Mnrlowe trouo n minuet for their Hir
foiinniico of "ltomeo and Juliet" nnd 1 rustlu
ilnm-o for ''A You Llku It" "(mitonu honor
for 11 V csterii teacher," 11s tho modest nml
IMtpulnr Jacob Mahler rvtiint ki-d.
Mr. Bnntuel Hhenr' leaso of tho Inrgo hotel
in Lincoln, Nel)., ueccMiltateH tho removal of
hi family to that place. This departure w ill
ciittso n groat deal of regret In Omaha.
Omaha unvsi'oi'.
TI10 young people of Lincoln who have
mtulothuncipialutaiicoof Miss Jennie Kruso
will regret to learn tliatowlngtothoremovnl
of tho family to Miminoll, thnt lady will
be compelleil to leave Lincoln, Miss Kruso
lonviM to-dnv iiccomonniid bv tho boot wIsIiom
of many friends.
Stanley H. McCormlcli of Chicago, 0110 of
the wealthy MoCormlek Harvestr family,
wn in the elty this week. The young mini
Is nineteen cniofugo nml has a mother
whoso estinmted wealth is ten iiillllniisof 1I0I
Inrs. Ills father wns tho orlgltml inventor
of tho McCoriutck reaier ami binder.
For the euie of cold, coughs, nnd lung
dltllcultles, Ayer' Cherry Tectorial is un
tipmlwl. All tho lutrst sheet music, now stock, nt
Crnneor's Art Musio store, 'Jl'J south Kloventh
Fast filack, full regular lailles' Cashmero
Hose U3 cents, J, II. Mauritius & Co.
There Is 110 line of dress novoltlos In tho
city to equal the Hue shown at the Bazaar.
"Is this tho bestf Is a ipjet.tlou often
asked when medicine Is wanted. Tho follow
ing nro a few ot tho medicines ot known re
liability sold by A. L. Blinder, druggist ot
this place. They have ninny other excellent
medicines, but Uiomi nre worthy ot nix-clal
Ciiamhkhi.ain'8 Couoii Remedy, famous
for tta euro of bovero colds, ami us a pre veil
tatlve for croup. Price fiO cents per bottle.
CiiAUHEiiLAiK'ti Pain Halm, a genoial
tninlly liniment and esjieclally valuable tor
rheumatism. Pilco (H) cents per bottlo,
chauukui.aim'h Colic, oiioi.eua and
DiAitiuiOEA Hkmkdy, the most reliable
iiiown iiiedlclue for bowel complaint. It is
eecially priziil by persons subject to colic.
It has cured many cases ot clironlo diarrhoea
Price 25 and oO cents er liottle.
8t. 1-atkick'h Pillm, for dlsordors of the
liver and bowels. A vigorous but gentle
physio that cleanses and renovates tho wliolo
system. Price 1)3 cents per box,
luridly (llrls U'lm Add to tlin tiliurm nl
I'hysli'itl l.iniillncm the Altriietlon of
Cllllllli'il lli)illKi'lln The llnllei ot
Ui'iiver, I'uelilii nml l.milvllle
lOipyrlulit li AiniTli'nn I'nits Assoeiuinii.l
A stately imiiislon 011 Capitol hill,
vide, old fiinhlomd. himpltuhla porch, on
ivruitthed nml curtained with tralllngvlnes
mil unutMCfi of Hwnylug blotwoins. This
ivas the frame. And tho plcturof A rather
long, ovul fmc, with lips Juxt 11 trllle too
full for 11 Greek model, hut oh I what lips
for n well, ny for one's betrothed! Kyes
inch iw are not neon once In 11 twelve
mouth oven In lliiltlmnro, renowned of old
for I ti beautiful women True Irish eye
(hat peculiar hltio gray, fringed with long,
et black IiimIics, a comhlimtioii as rare as
It in entrancing Complexion posHOMslug
the exceptional chnriii of ever varying
wiiveii of color No cosmctloi horol Tho
'bloom of youth" Indeed, hut bloom com
pounded not In chemlMt'H secret closet, hut
by that most magical of nil benutlllurB,
nature heixelf This wiih my Una gllmpso
if one of Denver's la'st loved belles, .NIlss
Mnry Cooper, hpcoiiiI (laughter of the gov
irnor of Colorado Miss Cooper cannot
iKMtst jicrfcet regularity of feature, her
:linrm Hen In those wonderful eyes, the
lovely wavering color coming nml going,
the changeful cxpriwdou of thu face ro-
MISS llllltl'lll'IlK KN01.ISII.
fleeting every emotion of the heart, A
pure, Hwoet imturcd girl Amid thohaiints
of poverty, by the IhmImIiIc of the Mick nml
tuUcrlng, that face In well known and
loved A llttlo above the average height
of woman, ami Homewhnt careless an to the
graceful uiitnagemetit of her length of limb
and arm Her taste Inclines to xoft, cling
ing gowns of line wool in the palotlntH
dull rose, Quaker gray and the pinkish
dovocoloi-H A rustling nllk, a heavy vel
vet, arc to her an abomination
A pl(iiaiilo, petite, delicious darling Is
MIm Gertrude KtiglUh, only (laughter of
a wealthy widow -adored In Denvernociety
nil last winter, the pet of the hciimoii nt
Matiltou last summer A fascinating,
fluttering, hummingbird of a girl, Hitting
nyly through life, sipping nweela from
evorydlouor, aiid-lmsking In thu brightest
mm royn of fortune Hound, nilscliicvoiii
face, with nose "tip tilted like a flower;"
lips that pout In piiiie one moment and
ripple into laughter the next. Kyen woll,
who can tell the color of this young lady's
eyes? Lapis lazuli now violet a moment
honco full of IrldeHcetit lights thnt glow
miss Jtri.iA r.isn
nnd sparkle, flicker and fade, till one la
frantic trying to Interpret their bewilder
ing language. This variable llttlo crcnturo
baa hours of despondency; sho withdraws
from the crowded ball room, curls hernolf
up 011 a mi fa In somo dim ante-room; she
OMMimc a thoughtful pose, she sighs; her
eyes lose their light; she mournfully mor
alizes on the vanity of the world, sho avows
herxelf IIiiho; cxpatlntcs upon the charms
of 11 convent. You tremble lest she bo lost
to mankind boncnth the gloom of tho black
veill You leave her to bring an Ice; you
wander through the drawing rooms; sud
denly there waltzes paxt, clasped In the
arms of the "liest dancer of the season," a
graceful little llgure, 11 glowing, sparkling
face. You catch one mischievous glance,
ono Ironical smile, and the vision Is gone
that is Gertrude English
A daughter of whom Denver (s already
proud, and who is destined to reflect still
greater honor upon her native city, Is Miss
Julia King Miss King's licnuty is of the
statiieMiie order Tall, with a bearing
naturally stately and. enhanced by careful
training, her face at first seems somewhat
at variance with her figure. For after a
glance at that well developed, queenly
form nnd carriage one looks for a face ox
prvKslu of hauteur something of tho Im
jiawthe colilnes of the statue Hut In
stead there looks squarely ami fearlessly
ut you "with level lidded gnje" 11 pair of
the frankest, slucorcst, bluest eyes with
which a woman was cvov dowered. And
the face glvei the key uoto of the char
acUir Ciimhir. simplicity, 'ilmost thu ud
calculating frimkneM or a child, When
Mlsi Julia graduated the career of tho
modern hello wn open to her; but tho
yoilng girl gazed serenely down the
glided aveiiun ami coolly turned aslilo
to uutreat lipi'mothur to allow her to put
1110 tho study of elocution In I lotion. To
Hoiton sho went, nnd nftern year of hnrd
Utitly emerges from her seclusion, steps
like a goildPH from her nlchii Into the
whirl of Denver society, and electrifies It
by herilrniuntlo readings her rendition of
character in amntoiir theatricals
Upon iMnxoy Tuhor fortune Iiim liestowed
no moro lovely nml precious gift than tho
woman who hut 11 few years since stood by
his side, one of tho most beautiful brides
ever welcomed by Denver. And her brief
years of matrimony have In no wlso dimin
ished tho potency of her beauty Of me
dium height, n llgure thnt will bear tho
test of tho artist's strictest measurements,
a faco reposeful rather than animated, to
pas ojrMiind masses of hnlr of the color
and sheen of tho polished imkon leaf when
In early autumn It takes on Its lustrous,
deep toned tints bf brown with golden
HghU Hathcr a haughty eurvo totho rlpo
red Up, and until one comes to know her
well tho fncosoonn to wear mi Inquiring,
doubtlngoxpriwdon a look that gives men
n "weighed In thu bnlnncunnd found want
ing" Hort of sensation She Is 11 strikingly
handsome woman, seo her where you will,
hut It la not until you behold her In tho
full splendor of evening dress thnt you
reallzo her charms. Sho nffcctH decolletto
gowns, minus sleevm, and alio would bo a
niggard to the public who so admit o her If
sho didn't, Mrs. Tnbor's rlvlcrn of dia
monds Is ncrhans the. handsomest in Den.
vor, among wliosorundu dailies' thu costly '
stones roruscnui na numerous as meteors
Mlta. MAXKT TAnOlt.
on n summer night. In conversation alio
grows animated slowly, as her Interest
rises, but once roused sho Is a brilliant
talker a charming hostess.
Pueblo bonstaita full sharo of fomlnlno
beauty, but in Its highest circles tliero
moves no lovelier girl than Miss Phcubo
Vaughn It Is almost (mposslhlo for tho
art of even the liest photographer to do
Justice to this young Indy, to much of her
charm lies In tho ever varying expression
of hor mobile features Of nn anient. Im
pulsive temperament, her emotions nro
mirrored in her changeful countenance,
which one moment glows with enthusiasm
over some favorite theme, and the next Is
still and reproachful If tho topic touched
upon doc not chance to llud hor heart re
sponsive. Watch her faco as shosita quiet
ly gazing from the window over tho famil
iar mountain scenery. Her thoughts nre
evidently fnr away, her soft hazel oyes
wear 1111 expression of abstraction, her
countenance docs not strike you as par
tlculnrly noticeable; your verdict would be
"who la pretty" nothing moro. Hut wuit
miss ntoxriK vauoiik
fuw momenta; ono or two familiar friends
approach her. They enter Into conversa
tion. She is Interested, her eyes darken
nml brighten, dimples como and go like
tittle wavelets over the nurfacu of a pool,
red lips part in smiles, giving a glimpse of
perfect teeth You Join the party, sho
grccta you warmly, you forget to eritlclso,
tho soft transparent skin woo your lin
gering gaze, and when she goes to the
piano and the pure, sweet voice, trained to
a high dogreu of culturo, fulls upon your
enr, the charm is complete. You forget
you thought hor only "pretty," and ener
gcttcally exclaim, "Sho la beautiful."
Miss Hhiiicho Dougnn, of Leadvllle, Is
rather above the average height of iter
sex a well rounded figure, firm, milk
white llesh, violet eyes, whose gaze la
steady and iincmhiirasHcd: a queenly air
which sltH well upon her, and which
withal Is slightly, very slightly, touched
with 11 tine disdain, as of ono who has little
patience with the "frills and frivols" of
modern bullchood. As you comu to know
bur, if you come up to her standard and
V v
nro allowed a gltnise of tho real woman
within, you llud a mind well stored, a
ready facility of expression, a fearless, In
dependent view of things, characteristic
of tho Colorado girl.
Fiikd IL Fassett.
Despite his threescore and ten years
Professor Tymlall is still nn enthusiastic
mountain climber. He celebrated his sev
entieth birthday nt a Swiss chalet, high up
autoi'g the Binder.
vrv c
'vtS-W'V "Vv. W--i3E5J;
Real Furs, finely finished at Cut Prices
on Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday,
These prices will only be for these four days
no longer viz.:
Ladies' Fur Capes.
Wool Astmchnn,
Blnck Coney,
Blnck Russian Hnrc
Dyed Black Opossum,
Blnck Coney, ench
Russinn Hare, "
Monkey, "
Wool Seal Skin,
Back Dyed Opossum
Imitation Seal Skin,
37c I
$3 25 '
$1.85 ,
Brown Lynx,
8.35 j
Friday, Saturday Monday and Tuesday,
The Lndics of Lincoln will do well to secure
these Bargnins at once.
I-I. I?. NISSLEY !sc CO.
Cor. Tenth
QTe uatyt your
Pine SiViorr' ,: ,:
(yDfpe,f TPIee, ErrVin,
nnd In these wc have certainly established ourelvcfc as leaders,
pist five years has demonstrated thnt point.
Our pii Unci pap5
comprise the largest line ever shown In Lincoln, embracing over 40 VARIETIES
either In box, quire or tablet form. Wc always take pleasure In showing these goods,
Epraued 5tatior;ry.
In tills department our work U too well known to need any words ol commenda
tion. The Elite Society people of Lincoln all use our Engraved Calling Cards, while
the many prominent weddings, receptions and leading social events have nearly nil
used our Invitations. Wc pride ourselves on this work and a peep at our samples will
convince the most skeptical art critic that
heretofore seen In the west.
paIH'5 piije photos
which wc now show are the finest works of Photographic art in the country. We
will hereafter keep n line of these beautiful genu.. If )ou don't fee the Photo you
want, ask for It, and if not in stock it will be ordered for you. Wc aim to keep
Photos of all prominent actors and actresses of the world.
frt priptiity
Our 1890.91 Party Invitations, Hall Programs, Menus, Announcements, Recep
tion Cards, etc., are now in, nnd as in the pat, our best efforts will be put forth to
execute the most nrtittlc work In neat and drlglnal designs. We also do n huge busi
ness in the line of commercial printing and can furnish promptl and on short notice
nin thing from a small card to a mammoth size poster.
ljr?eoli5 Sogty Journal.
Few residents of Lincoln have not seen or heard of Tiik Capital Ci ry Coukiku,
11 journal of society, literature, sport, music and the drama. It U free fiom sensation
nml scandal, pure In tone and refined in nil its departments. It is printed on fine cream
tinted paper, handsomely Illustrated and is sent to any nddieso, six months for One
Dollar. It's columns arc always open for anything that will Interest the family and
prove clean readable matter for society In general. We want all sorts of personal and
social news, and such favors when pnoned over J53 or left at the office will be thank
fully received. You arc cordially Invited to visit our office frequently.
1130 N STREET. .
Imitation Seal,
Real Astrnchan,
Wool Senl Skin,
$10 50
Fur Muffs.
Brown Lynx,
White Lynx, t
Fur Boas,
White Lynx,
and P Sts.
Our business In the
our engraving is fnr superior to nnv thing