Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 01, 1890, Image 1

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    of .Jfl&.aL .(fcV&P
7JN',dr.i'ra?,VT3FlLTT -"Yffi'JSfl.iSrMl'?5
- "JUJ
Vol, G No 47
Lincoln. Nicmwaska. Satumimv, Novkmhku I. who.
Pnicic Kivic Cunts
nmniHHBHfKHamnfe ."Yama
mii.mi- a - -:iiii'iiniv,wj'j''ji -
tiss.: " Br-w, Bijfiassft?
sBywflb s STO y '
U tvwri IT L
AN Onmlm bellow ho nirects
tlio latest tu everything
liiul what tlm Vcn in re
cording It, willed ti "bitter
excrioiieo" not long since,
It Is very swell ynu know
to write "Town" on your
envelopes addressed to
iwoplo In the city, mm tho
joung liuly in qucMtloit, In
ncccptiug an invitation to
ililvo from it gentleman
"whno'.vus a stjllsh turn
out, with footman unit all
that sort of thing" oborv
Iiir Iiit UMinl riiHtiiiii wroto
"Town" where provincial
leoplo would Imvo written "Oliiuhn." Prob
alily a llttlo nervous In anticipation of tlio
"stylish turnout with footman," her chlrug
raphy was not as plain an it, illicit hit vu been,
and tlio postolllcouuthorltlosientlllig"lown"
for "Town" sent her ollto note across the
river. Sho inlssvil tlio rldo.
Moat pooplo would Imagine on .general
principles tlint Ward McAllister is a dashing
young fellow, always dressed In tlio height of
fashion. Tlio portrait which forms this front
Ispleco of Ills hook "Society Ab I Have Found
It," just Issued, shows nu altogether different
sort of iiinii. Ho Is diesscd very plainly and
he resembles closely our own J. 1). Calhoun.
Word's hook is something of a disopoint
ment, innsmuch ns It lelates chlelly to tlio
writcr'sow n ienioiinl oxeiiences rather than
to society in general. I propose to review It
iu TilK CouiitKH next week.
For tlio benefit of somu of our young men
who ure in tlio habit of buying llowers for
their girls as thoy would potatoes for tlio
kitchen tlio greatest bulk for tlio least
money I quoto tlio following fiotn "Hub's"
latest letter: "Instead of tho lingo corsage
boiKiucts a long stemmed rose or a posy made
of carnations, n very line orchid or a bunch
of violets, Is counted n last touch to an even
ing costumo. This makes It possible for it
tnnn to do a couiteous thing In tho way of
sending the woman ho likes some llowers
without his having to go into banktuptcyat
tlio end of tho season. Men who estimate
things by quantity rather than qunlitygave
full i align to their vulgarity when they sent
a woman a corsngo bouquet neiiily as big as
herself, but uowiidajH to choose u slnglo lino
Mower that comes front thi smartest llorlst,
and to send It and ask as a courtesy that it
limy bo worn, Is undoubtedly tho correct
filing, and certainly tho most sentimental."
Prof. Jacob Mnhler of St. Louis, whom
many of you know, describes as follows some
of tho very latest dances: Tho Portland,
both lady and gentleman racing sumo direc
tion front, gentleman's right hand hold of
lady's left hand. Tho steps are from polka
steps forward, to be done ns follows: First
part, gentleman: Glide left foot to between
second and fourth position; place too of right
foot to heel of left foot, fifth position; glide
loft foot forward, at the same timo turning
away from partner, still having hold of part
ner's hand, and moving cuguged hands for
ward, one bar; reieat to right, facing part
ner, one bar; repeat all the abovo two bars.
Iu all, four bars. Second part: Take waltz
position and glide sldownys two glessades,
ouo bar. 1 urn half round with ouo polkn
step, ono Imr; i client, two bars. He-com-
nienco from llrst part. Counterpart for
"Tho Hlznrro" Waltz Gentleman begins
with left foot; slide to second tositlon; pose,
1-2-it ono bar; chasse, 4-5, then draw left foot
back to llrst )K)sltion, (0) ono bar; starting
with right foot buckwurd, wnlto two bais;
second time commence with right toot, and
commence tho waltz with tho right foot back
ward. V
"Fascination" Waltz time. Gentleman:
To the first bar; Slide left foot to tho fide,
second position (I); dutw right to left slowly
transferring weight of body to right foo
(-;i) : repeal mo same 10 tuo second imr (l(
0); to tho third bar; slide left foot to tho side,
second yosltlon, (7); draw right to left quick
ly nnil slide let t to side, leaving feet squnro
(8-0); to tho fourth bar; draw light to left
and slide left to side. (10); drnw right to left
Jowly (close) In llrst position, truusfeirlng
weight of body to right foot (IMS); then
waltz four times to the fifth, sixth, seventh
jutd eighth bars and begin tho slide with tho
left foot ngnlu. No timo is niiidu to tho slides
of the jQrbt four burs; ludy commences the
slide or waltz with right foot.
TIm) piofessor snys that tho protier position
of the IkmIUm Is now far apart a la Kuglish,
and not us at present, "flood wnltzftig," bo
says, "will be .done upon the bull of the foot,'
and tho galop, formerly o popular has been
entirely eliminated front tho ball room as too
boisterous. In Alio east, nmoiig tho square
dances the Saratoga l.nncers has tho lend,
with the fourth figure omitted.
Although it wwu-tilled it "quiet nirnir" I
notice that the wedding Of Mlsu A I belt I no
Huek and Mr. MarHhall Field, jr., in Chicago
a few days since, ndsed quite a HutteiHn the
fashionable world. Tho high social position
of both conti acting partLew gave tho Intel est
lug event much ctjjif. The weddlngocoiiried'
not at the homo of tho bride but iit'tho Field
family rt'sldeuce,Ari'lillshojiFeeliau of thelto
man Catholic church performing tho ce le
mony. .Mr.aud.Mi. Fluid sailed Wednesday for
Kugland. They expect to travel abroad u
During tho Inst half of tho dancing pro
gramme at tho Pleasant Hour icceptiou Inst
Friday evening, when in tho splill of tho
sentiment, "speed th-p.u ting mid welcome
the coming guent" thoughts naturally turiad
to the next "evept " 1 i lut n fow mix..
y Vlv&-j
y- Y
Ions inquiries concerning the Clunky Hall,
Indicating much Interest iu this institution
founded with such conspicuous nuccess hist
season. I ant gtnd to Ihi nhlo to say that
while as yet no dellulto iitrangemeuts havo
lioeii made, matters have progressed far
onougli to liiHiiro tieyond all question tho tu
qualified success of the second auuuitl ball.
Following the custom observed iu tlio large
cities of tho enst, tho bnll this year, will have
the prestige of tho unities of a largo number
of the most Inlhicntml Indies Iu tho city ns
patronesses. Over n hundred ladles Imvo al
ready been communicated with, and they ap
prove of this undo taking for "sweet char
ity's sake" without exception. These ladleo
will doubtless all tako an active Interest h
promoting tlio success of tho project, nud
their Inlluenco will glvo tho Charity Hall that
social distinction which It merits. Assoouas
tlio llt Is completed TlIK CoflltKIt will pub
lish tho unities of tho patronesses.
Last year a good deal of inonev was ex-
tH-'iided, needlessly ierhaps, on elnbornto In
vitations. It Is pnqiosed this year to do
awny with theso altogether and uso the
money to ltcttor advantage In soma other
way. Any respectable poison mav purchase
a ticket, tho price of which will prohably be
ilxed at f.'i.OO for gentleman and hidy, al
though tho number of tickets will bo limited.
Of course euro will lo taken thnt they full In
to tho right lunula. All theso detnlls. how.
ever, will bo arranged later.
Theio was some disappointment Inst season
on the part of those In charge Hint a number
or persons, railing to nppreclnto thu iiiiKit
mice of tho occasion, attended the bull iu
stieet costume when It was expected thnt, so
far ns M)ssllle, tho airnlr should bo fulldro-s,
as Chat Ity Halls always should bo. Wo'vo
all hud oxiH-rlenco now, and it Is to lw hoiod
inni every ono win no their utmost to mid to
tlio beauty and success of the coming ovent
Apropos or this I hear It whistled nliout
that a great many haudsomo toilettes are al
ready Mug prepared for this occasion, by
the mations particularly, ami If repjrt be
true tho costumes will ho even more brilliant
than at the lato reception. I understand It
is tho Intention to securo a largo attendance
from Omaha and other cities and towns in
tho state. You iimy lest assured that no
stone will be left unturned to miiko tho ball
tho grand event of tho season.
When will Jt bo held 1 Until thero is u
definite organization It will Ihj impossible to
glvo tho exact date; but thero seems to be a
pretty general understanding that It should
bo held Thanksgiving night, as It is thought
that it will be easier to get n largo attend
ance on a holiday Perhaps this and most of
tho other details w III be settled tonight w hen
thero will bo a meeting of all thoso Interested
In thoinnttorat Iliiiriiinn & Hlchter's store,
nt 7:!i0. If you want to help innko tho Char
ity Hall n success attend the meeting tonight
and assist iu tho preliminary organization.
Should tho Chnrity Hull bo held Thanks
giving night, tho Pleasant Hour party which
was to hnvo been held this mouth inny bo
postponed, lu which ovent tliu next party
may not bo hold until tho Chi Istnms holidays.
It Is iKslble. howover. that tlm elnl, inn v il...
cldo to give it jmrty sometime botweon this
nun inniiKsgiving. jiy tho wny, It seems
probnblo at this stage, that tlio Plensnnt
Hour club will Ihj tho onlv ilnncliiir ni-i,iiiil.
Hon iu tlio city this season, with thooxeeption
oi n married people's club now about organ
izing. Still it is early yet.
It takes n wownn to toll alwut love. How
Is this us nu exnmplu? "You can talk about
patriotism, you enn rest on your inentnlity,
but you will never find that either of those
will give you the sumo pleasure, nor any
where near It, that comes when you have got
jour aim around a small wmnu and you
look down into eyoi tlmt turn to you with
Ono of our bright young Indies hns u unique
wny of pronouncing tho niiine of the book
which Tolstoi wroto and Wuunmakur made
famous. Slio calls It "Kreutzer So Naughty."
As you wero there, you know all about Tiik
CouuiKit opening, which occurred Tuesday
afternoon and evening. Sulllco It to say that
mnny hundred of our friends visited lis, ex
pressing themselves well pleased with' their
icceptiou. Those photographs of Fulk's ex
cited much admiration and wcll'they inny,
for this popular Now York artist Is without
a peer in his line. His photo's of Marie Jan-
sen, Paulino Hall nud Lillhtu Kussell nro
simply iucoiifparuble. Ho also presents those
ladles' ravorltes, young Hothern, .Mantell and
Frank Cnrlylo at their best. Not a fow homes
have been adorned this week with selections
from our celebrity collection and there's still
a fow of 'em loft. Miss Willouglfby gave us
some very pretty inusio from a tine Until
bury plnno kindly loaned for tho occasion
by Mr. Oeo. Craucer, This Is tho make
used lu tlio WItU lloiuo, and some of tho
young jieoplo enjoyed nu occasional dance In
our composing room in tlio rear. Tho most
complete stock of lino stationery in the city
wns displayed together with specimens of all
kinds of fancy printing ami engraving-. Over
;!,00) unique bomeulra worn given away at
tho door. Theso wero largo author's enrds
with haudsomo and appropriate iuecriptlous
including portraits. Since tlio opening I Hud
thnt a number of Tiik CouiiiKit'rt friends fee
slighted because they did not receive a "bid"
and for those I should like to state that no
invitations weio issued, the atmouncements
that appeared in tliepapeu being the only
"bids" Issued.
Cold weather is near at hand nud blankets
unit lobes for driving mo it mcessity as well
as a luxury. H.R (liilhrie, I.M0 O stieet,
has a beautiful line or them. He sells them
cheap. AUonlbe line of whips, nil klmb
nud all pi ices
WiMy iff
IKpeclal Couiiikii l.'orrcspoudeut.;
Nkw Yoiik, Oct. -Ml The novelths of tho
week are "Clmidlils Neio," at Niblo's and
"Men and Women" at tho Twenty-third
Street Theatre. "The Limited Mull." n
strong roud nttrnction, wns seen for the first
time Ir the city lit tho Windsor, and "A .Mini
or the World" nud "Aunt Jack," Ixith seen at
tlio Madison Spiari'Tlieatrolastieasou,sto
IHil from their tour for n week at tho Grand,
lloth of the latter plays were done quite us
well, If not better than nt the Squnro, and
will lie remembered because of Mr. Joseph S.
lluwortlfs first npienraiice lieie as a com
ediau. Iu '"Aiiiil Jack" also npeurod Missl80"1!1'01- I'rru. Oluinencf au U'couilng In
Ffolllott Paget, a handsome and clever act-
ress, and Mr, George Hackus, one or our best
young comedians. "Nero," produced at Nllc
lo's Gulden on Tuesdny, is nsiqiei'l) specUtcle,
that throws the ancient gloiiesof the "lllack
Ci(K)k,"iind the subsequent splendor of "Isi
and IiOtus," lu the slmdo. It Is n series of
magnificent pictures never ls'fore equaled iu
tills country, and will, no doubt, haven very
long run. On the suiim evening Mr. Charles
Frohmnu's newly organized sbwk compnuy
protluctsl Henry C. DoMillouiid Dnvid ltala
sco's now play, "Men and Women," at tho
Twenty-third Street Theatre, and achieved
nu immediate success. Mr. Frohmaii's new
con tinny is on all sides hailed as tho best
stock company now In Now Yoik, and the 'ompanloii, Monsieur i7, Informs iCIemcn
play of American life, w rltUn by A merlcai.K, cen" r l,ih wll,,'M K""li' vlHil, Ut t'"' Colif t's
itndplaytHl by Americans, Is sure of a run jl'rtinents. A terrible domestic scene en-
that will lust through the winter .Minnie
Palmer's "3uzette" at Herrmann's, Is doing
very well, nud It has now been arranged to
give it a run of nt least sixteen weeks more.
Tlio Lilliputloiis have been moved fiom N'lli
lo's to the Metropolitan 0hmil House, where
they will reinuln fur tlni-e weeks. "New
Lamps for Old," at Daly's, is not to have a
long inn, ns Mr. Duly Is preparing a new
comedy from the German for production. At
tho Gulden Theatre "Dr. Hill" bus been some
what altered by tho apH-arunco of M.J. 11.
Polk iu tho title role instead of Mr. Wilton
Luc key, who, from tho lollickiug Kuglish
doctor, has 1m n cliuuged to imperial Nero.
Husiuess continues excellent lu the metropo
lis, although dUtiexslng minors come from
load companies of very )oor business almost
"There's only n few of 'em left" comedians
like Frank Daniels.
Kvery body has seen "Little Puck" but
everybody went to see it again Wednesday
evening at too Fuiiko. There wei o no empty
seats -iut some ieople wero glad to get stand
ing room.
There is utreuuiul humor in "Llttlo Puck"
and it was never given it lietter presentation
than 'on Wednesday evening. Daniels bus
had many Imitutors; but there exists mt his
equal In Ills iieeullnr Hue. Thnt twist of tho
the neck niidchlu movement ure nloue worth
the price of admission.
Hut few changes have been iiiaile In tho
cast since tho last apiKiirance here. Hesslo I
Sanson's "Miianihi'1 is rut clever ns over, ami
uiiiKs jioouoo, r-q. " nnd lir. nucules Mav
ngo" hnvo lost none or their art. Arthur K.
Moulton, tho blight young mint who takes
tho part or "Hilly Olltedge" is destined some
tiny to make n lunik. "Llttlo Puck" wjll
continue to uiuko money for Duiilels for sev
enil years to come.
iiiejuieu juisee nas given one or tlio Dest i
exhibitions ever liresenttsl at cheun
pricos iu this city this week. Upstairs
Moorcuuiii, the one man baud, hits dully en
tertained bundled or people Interested iu
musical spfK'ialtics mid Mm tluo, culled iu the
prqgj'uuimo the boy anvil, is a genuine cmi
osity. 1 l.s young stripling submits to the , VnxwiHni ,n WmM n pliy , ,el,he
breuklng or it heavy piece or stone on his , , ,0 ()f ,lU M ,,,,., , u,
chest, at every perrorumnce. Proi. Cook, , ululmly ,itlsMcto,y. U,H Jini.oiii u ,,
the ventril.spilst, . e.uonstrutes thnt It is pos. M ,, f J (
sible to give Homothiiig new lu u Punch und i '
Juily show, iu Ids exliibitlon, which Introdu- "i" iiwt thing iu comic om-iu tins sea
cos u very i eullstle prl. light. In the then- on will Imj "SIiiji Ahu." b H. Grnttui.
tin him tho programme Is especially ineritor- i "omielly nd Kris I Mllhr. The new piece is
Ions. Considering the smitlluess of the stage of ',v "'"'tlcal niituie, one act t tklng phtco on
Chillies Ley's bicycling sSKlaltles me lenlly " " States inuit-of-wur The iniimige
wonderful, and theilanclng or the Dayton ; ,ll,'nt l""inlsen line cast uml handsome scen
sstrs is astly bU'ilor to it great ileal of i l'r ''""tliuiiis and a M'svuies
theihinciiigolieseiHat the higli piicisl the Tint most urtis'lc ami delightful peifuiin.
litres tJt'llig to the il)blli taste the mull- i (iuce lb be nen IliNiw Ylkul ihepiesent
.1i iiMfi "Tlnit Ik our new rector over there, dancing with
Daisy, llnrklns. He evidently doesn't think It it sin to trip the light
fantastic toe."
.!' t'olliliml "Well, It Is n sin nt least, to dance as badly its lie
. agemeiit added Shciiiuiu, Ward and Miuili,
the well known inudcnl trio, to the bill.
Their woik Is very well ilout. It Is doubtful
If tho addition or Miss Palmer, vocalist,
stieugthens tho programme; bill altogether
tho entertainment Is very satisfactory. Tho
Musce, by the way, is grow lug rapidly lu
popular fnvor under Mr. OrfuciN iiianage
This adaptation, by William Fleron, of
Arinand D'Aitols' "L'Atrnlre Cleinenceaii
(from tho younger Dumas1 novel of the sumo
name), had its first pioductlnn In this coun
try Sept. 15, at the Standard, N. Y. The
play in IU English foi in contains live acls.
i no story is set rortn or a rising young
fatuated with tzn, the pretty young dntigh-
I tor of the ii variolous and ptiiurlous Countess
Ilumbrouowska. who necks to legalu her
former pecuniary advantages by mnrrylng
Izji to Count Serge Volnoli. She rnlls lu her
design, owing to pollticul couiillcatloiis, and
tho artist weds Iji.w ho often acts as u model
for her husband. Count Serge VoinolT re
turns to Purls to icslde, after an extended
trip to Hussln, wheio ho hud Itcoomu tho heir
to wealthy estates. Ida learns of his where
iiUaits, and her Inherlttsl gieed for gold at
once asserts Itseir. Iu her covutousuess she
proves wantonly unfaithful to her husband,
who Is conililetely absorUsl in his liicfessloii-
at aspirations. The hitter's old friend anil
sues and the aged mother or tho artist dies
from it bioken heart nt overheating tlio con
fession or tho unprincipled wife. Cleinenceaii
separates rroiu Izn, between whom there in
still much mtitunl uirictlon. Like a siren, she
lets him go away tofoielgn lauds, only to
lure him buck, ngulu befool him ami drive
him fi untie with anger and grief. The
wicked wife filially determines to lead a
I""0!"- "f". hnving satisfied her vanity to tho
fullest measure, nud sends for Cleinenceaii
They meet In her boudoir, ami while she is
beseeching Piei re fo again resume his llllal
IMihltlon, the artist, In a moment of heated
passion, iustnutl kills her with a knife
tin list. "The Clemeuceatl Cnso" will Ut seen
nt Fuuko's, Frlduy, Nov. 7.
Churles Hoyt hits pnsliutsl muny successes
but tho grentest success in his enreer us a
pluyw right Is "A Midnight Hell," which will
Ihi presented ut Firiko's opera house next
Saturday evening. Hoyt' "A Midnight
Hell1' comes with the oiigiiml cast and car
lead or realistic scenery, direct from Now
York, where it hud it run of live mouths. It Is
pronounced by the critics or the east us being
Hoyt's strongest eirort, Mug almost a com
plete depaittire from his previous works. In
other words "A Midnight Hell" is in Its qual
ity a step up for Hoyt and judging from Its
long and prospcious run in New will
prove his greatest success rrom a tliiuuciul
sUtuils)int. "A Midnight Hell" bus a plot
It Is also a coherent, consistent, clever series
or pictures or ew Kugland lire, tiuo to nn-
tute, geneinlly speaking, all tluough, full or
irilc Intel est und amusing situations thnt
aro not iu the least strained or put in for ef
feet. Th rust Is it strong one and tlio scenery
Is said to be wonderfully lealistic
For tho wetk commencing Novcinlier thlnl
the following attractions ure nnuouiiceil for
tho Kden Museo: The (iniilnor-Arnold
tnitllie of JitiMinese burleMiuers.Lltlu Gardner
and Hilly Arnold; the Kenyon sisters. Har
Hello, Masin, Abl, Nasiii mill Kilo. siiiKers.
diincerV, jugglets, miigiciuiis, uthletes, ucios
huts and salamanders In a rellmsl reK'i tory
of novel sitccinltics,
Ijiwroiico Harietls l event relval or
time is tho Dr. Paugloss of Joseph Jcircrsou
and the Zeklel IIomesJUn of W. J. 1'loience
In tlio "Hair at Law." They have tho assist
ance or it superb compnuy and the audiences
ure us hirgo us Palmer's theatre can hold.
Messis. Jelferson und Florence well bo seen
In Hoston ut tho Park Thcutio N'nvcinner
seventeenth, reaching tlio Arch Street Thou
tie In Phlludflphlii December first, for nu en
gugement of two week".
Saturday evening of this week at the Gruiiil
opera liouse in Ciiicluiiuti Htiiuit Itobsou will
protluceit new comedy by A. 1) Cordon cull
ed "Is Murrlngeit I'ulline " Mr. Hobseuhas
iccelitly milled "She Sloops to Conquer" to
Ills repertory ami Is playing It ut matinees
only with "A (little moienr less) I .old l'alllit
Icioy" us it double hill. ,
Sol Smith Itussell, guy inn! chipper ns over,
Is lining an enormous buslntst on the roud,
and It looks as ir "A Poor Helutlon" will be
utile to make plenty or money for several sea
sons to come. Cerlululy the spulur coin
tsllun has seldom, If over, been seen In u pluy
so ell suited to him. Hols silppoitisl liy u
lli'st-eluss ctiinpa'iy.
Col. Hob Mcltoyuolds announces that tho
firm or Cruwfoitl & McIbi.Miolds bus secuitsl
the lease of the new Hoytl's opera house In
Omahu. The itdtlitiou of this house to the
Cruwfortl & Mclteynolils ciicull will piobu
bly piove a big tiling for these gentlemen
ami Fuuke's will undoubti illy bo able to st
cuieii better line of nttractlons iu the future,
owing to the enlargement or the circuit.
The Casino, New Yoik, hns swung Into
lino with another success, ami tho music id
"Ptsir Jolmnthaii" is being humuiisl on nil
sides. Itudolph Aioiisoii's exieriiuent iu
priNlucliig a iiKMlern dress oora lu the house
or gutter and tights hns been productlMi or1
hiippy results, nnil n sconi or more or en
thusiasts Imvo written him letters or con- !
gratulutlon tllHJii the success or the new tie- '
purlin o. Lllllnii Hussell, by her artistic ef
forts in this opera has moie firmly ceincnltsl
her liolil UH)ii the public, and she stands to
day the coinlo ojiera quieii of the woiltl '
Since the first night theio hits not been n dull
inoineut at the IsiX'Olllce ami the heavy ad
vance sale of seats betokens crow du I houses
for a long time to come.
"Why, now I cannot get enough to eat, '
says one lady who formerly hud no apietite.
but took Hood's Harsuprlllu.
A .Musical Item.
For two yeurs pust the Conservatory of
Music of tills city has been oxeriiiieutliig
with various kinds or pianos, testing all the
prominent makes so in to select the Is-st rot
adaption in their vnrlousilepurtmeiits. lim
ing given euch or them a fnlr and Impartlnl
trial they Imvo flnully decided niton'ilio Hrnd
bury nud ncconllngly have plncwl nu onler
with Geo. A. Crnucer & Co. for six of these I
Instruments, The conscrt utory H'ople claim
tlmt for richness or tone, siqsTlor workman
snip, excellence or llnlsli, ami the vnrlous iiu
proveiueiits over other makes ami general
durability, the Hrndbury, will servo their In
terests letter tlmn iiny other instrument.
The Conservntory or .Muslo is to bo congratu
lated on its excellent selection ror tho llrad
bury undoubtedly has few if any equals, all
things considered.
The most complete and varied lino or ma
terials lor Art and Fnncy work ever shown
ill the city nt J. II. Mauritius & Co.
Two dolluis will buy a Indies winter ulster
or goul material at The I laa r.
K It. Guthrie Is headquarters ror fine enr
i lanes In all styles. Cull ut his reisisltory,
I MOO street.
Centleiueli desiring the latest In lino neck
wear will do well to call at the new HoMoit
Clothing House, lltlii O street. Styles cor
rect and prices tho lowest.
Do )uii wunt to (Hist )ouiM.r on fursl For
lliforiiintioii call at the Itutir They will
giu you all the ins und outs about them.
J. II. MauiltlusiV Co. me still agents ror
P. Centeineiis ICtd Gues.
Finest an I lun.-si t(kof II sury and l'n
del at J II Muiiiitus ,. t o
IHpeelal Collin Kit Correspondence.)
Nkw YoiiK.Oct. 'JH, IWHI.-Onoof fashhm'rt
cnprlres this season Is to go buck Into tho
shadowy past and borrow from dead and
gone roj allies designs for tho costuming of
our nineteenth century belles, Ho wo aro
wearing the Henri Deux collarettes, thoOut'oii
Anno ruelioi inni rulTs, Catherinuilo Mtsllcl
collnrnand Henry the second cnpiw, Allot
which nro quaint, distingue and decidedly'
becoming, and therefore acceptable to wom
ankind In general. Itcdfcru, the Inimitable,
was among tho llrst to sen tho possibilities In
this direction, and some of tho most graceful
and striking of these adaptations of olden
styles, lien C tho sign innmuil of tho famous
Kuglish house Among theso Is the IMwnrd
Hlxthcape hero Illustrated
This beautiful wrap consists of it close llts
ting bronze brown velvet coat with n turned
over collar, which Is trimmed with a brown
ostrich feather baud. The rronts are edged
with the sumo, and it narrower baud enclrs
cles the wrists. Over this Is a long, full cuio
of faced cloth iu it lighter but hnnnonlrlng
shudo of wotsMirown, The arm holes nro
Uirdertsl with feutlier trimming, nud tho
ciimi hangs oien U) tllsilay the front of the
velvet coat. This enpe attachment may also
bo worn entirely outside of thecout, III which
case, the pull' of the velvet shs.-ve Will project
through the arm openings or the cu).
Our other cut Illustrates
w huh will servo for the day prouieuaile or
drive, or, with tho luxsl over the head, ror a
theatre w rap or for ileigh-rldlug. When re
quired for tlio latter, Kcdferu usually linos;
the hood w ith n pretty sort fur. I'll passant,
It is Just the thing for Christmas week ut
Tuxedo or for the winter curnlvul iu Mon
tntoP It Is mude very full, thwpnrt which
covers the right shoulder, extending quite
iicross the left breast, und the pthor end laps
over this and is Hung over the. right shouMcr,
thus doubly protecting the chest. As seen
here, the material is dm k red scorn log cloth,
lined throughout with neh gurnet plush. Tho
hood is on the monkish order withs-ukcdtop.
You will want n new set of hnrness for
that trotter or yours. Heuicmbcf' K. H.
Guthrie, lOI'l O street, has the finest line iu
the i ity to select rrom ami his prices are al '
wnjs nu inducement to buy.
The grand openliu;of Horpqlshelmer Si
Co.'n new iitllliuery ilcpui fluent icctuti to
tin und every ludy iu Lincoln 'thotild cull-'
Hint see the new mid Ik'nutitul goods lilt-'
plujcd This deiarluent is lu charge of Miss
Ihii h i'f New Yi'i'k, mi experteuciduiid cout
petilit mil. Hit I