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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1890)
"' Mf -, t-wvar- CAPITA, CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1890 hi I1 B 51 r 1:1'. RM- w". WrJTISwJ'5'QJt vTOW?JiA POPULATION OF LINCOLN 66,000. Saturday Evening, Oct, 2090 Corner 10th and P Street. Plush Coats -AND- i FURS A SPECIALTY. II, 11. MHSl.KY ft-CO. 'The Courier" Fur Half litOmnlin. Cople inny lio found nt Keith's newsstand, 810 South Fifteenth street, Boyd's oeru house Mock. Our novelty Dress lMnlds Just opened embrace, hit o( the lending effect niul latest coloring, tth nice gilt braids In fancy wenves to match. A lino variety of Duckies In the latest I'nrlslm mode niul fancies just opened. Cloaks, Dresses and Wrappers for, both Lndlci and Children arc being opened dally In extreme novelties. A line of'Furnnd Feather Trimming rarely seen outside of the cities. HERPOLSHEIMER & CO. Exposition Department Btorei, The Courier Citu be Foiioit At Windsor Hotel NowsHtand. Capital Hotel Nows Hlaiul. (exposition DIiiIuk Hall Now. Htaud. Tho Gotham Nows Htaiul, 118 Hoilth litis Ht. Wort Uuimor, III North 1 1th Htrcot. Kit. Young, UWO O Htroot. Klotolmr A Co., 1110 O Htrcet. Utile Sport Ulnar Htoro, 113 North I'Jtli Ht, WcstorlloM's Harbor Hhap, llurr tllooK. 1ST-An oxtra supply of papers l always Ion at, the Uotham, hi ensu other Newsdealer supplies run short. Fall Styles, Dunlap Hats 1137 O STREET. TAKE NOTICE1 The Couiukh v 111 not le resiwivjlble for any debt" made by any ono hi It uamo, tin eas a written order accompanies Uio same, lonl ami Personal. WhlUureast Coal' and Llmo Company. Take Turkish at 1010 O street. ' Oysters in all style at Brown's. Browu's for oysters In all styles. HutU M. wood, M. D li l street.' Telephone at the Couiukh ottlee is 953, Try Brown's Sunday dinueni, ouly li5cts, Mrs. W. E. Gosr, Hue millinery, 1IU U Sunday dinners at Browns, only W cents. llutchlns &: Hyatt sell coal. Telephone ftM. Lincoln lee Co., 1010 O St. Telephone 118. Mineral water used for bathing, 1010 Oct. Order Canon City Coal from Botta & Weaver: ' Canon,, City Coal at the vVhltebreatt Coal and tur-o Co. Doctor B Alley & Goodell, office 1347 L street.- Telephone, 017. Ladles should never buy a cloak until they huyo called at tho Bazar, Only place In Lincoln that usee mlueral water in taths is at 1010 O street. . Improvedshowor for Turkish baths at'lOU O street, basement Union block. ' ' Miss C, J. Qulhuette, modiste, second floor' Exposition building. Toko elevator. , Jupltor Coal Is a winner and Belts & Weav er, sole agent have plenty of it. Try a ton. Poehler furnUhc the finest quality of ice cream aud rancy cakes for parties ami wed dings. , All the latest sheet muste, now stock, at O rancor's Art Music store, 312 south Eleventh street, Ladles will find a magnificent lino of hand kerchlofs and gloves at Mrs. Gosper's mllll nery parlors, 1114,0 street. ? l'oeblor is now '.aervlug rlcl Juicy oysters and lunches at Ids parlonTlii'the Mollride block, corner Twelfth and 1 streef. Dr. C. B. Manning, olllco rooms 00 07-Og Burr block. Telephone 330. Residence Cor, 20th and F.Telepliono 330: " 1 Art studio, room 43, Tho Bond. Classes Thursdays and Saturdajs. China firing. Edith Itusaxix. J, H, O'Neill, fluo plumbing, hot water and sUam heating, ilnt gas fixtures and globes. You can buy all, grade of garden hose very cheap. See the uew coneepondenco papers lu tab let form Just received at tho Coukikb office. Wo have all tho latest weaves, in all the fan cy and plain paper. Including a number of very pretty novelties. Envelope to match all papers. lOt t v 1m? Mtk & NlIsUuKBsCiiil 2B W9HM IHI Miss Sarah HcliViob entertained n paity of friends Tuesday evening at her pleasant homo cot nor L nnd Sixteenth sheets. 1'ro Rrosslvo high live was the nil itbsoililng topic of the evening, snvooxcept half nil lioursciit frllshliur n toothsome repast. There wero nine tildes, the roynls being won by Mis Mnud Hammond nnd Mr. .Mark Wood, while Miss Dosslo Wing and Mr T. II. Marslnnd contented themselves with the boobies. Tloso present weroi Messrs. nnd Mesdaines. I. Schuah, Dr. Mitchell, Samuel Wessel; Misses Jnsy Fnemnn, Ada Caldwell, Peailo Cnmp, Lcnn Doweemt, Lnurn Iliingnnl Cnrrlo Den Ills, Mnud Hammond, Mhmle Del'ue, Beitlin Me.Mlllon, Alice and BessloWhiK, Helen Hnr wood, Clnrn Goldberg of Chicago, Pauline Goldsmith, Tllllo Newman or Omnhn, Mnttio Hutchinson, llosa Krauck, Duckln Million, Htella Klrker, and thoMessts, Harry llwse, James Hmltli, Henry Mayor, I'M Iiowmnu, A, K. Gullmette, Pi of. Emery, Howard Woos tir. Avery Ilngganl, Thomas Whig, Will Taylor, Clrns. Gu.gory, E. Hlrch, Mark Woods, T. II. Mnrsland, James McDonald, Tho Tuesday Eunlng club met this week nt the residence of Miss Anne Kunkn with nil attendance of twenty-two. Nathaniel Haws thorun was the author of the evening. Holeo tlons wero read by Messrs. Frank .ehrung, J. B. Cuunlnghnm nnd John Dot gnu. MIks Ethel Mnrsland lovlowod the life of Hnw thornu, mid Miss Corn Hardy rend mi ewny on his works. Musical selections weio i en dered by Mix Grace Grlllllth, Mr. G. W. Geiwlg mid MIkh Anna llurr, which com pleted the regular programme The enter tulumeiit which followed was imrticulnrly enjoyable), Tho next meeting will be held lit the lesldeiicu of Mum Nellie White. Next week the ladies of tho club will entertain tho gentlemen nt u novel Hallowe'en party, to Iki given at Miss Grllllth's. Hoclnl topics were entertainingly discussed nt the meeting of the Congregational elub, in the First Congtrgutlonal church Tuesday evening. Mrs. H. O. Upton 0eiied with an nddivsM UMa "The Political Duties of the Uufinuchlscd." J. D, Calhoun spoke of drinking, gambling nnd kindled vices as "the ovlls that need con ectlng." A "Plen for the Mugwump hi Municipal Politics" was made byN. H, Hiirwood.nnd Chailra Witit sjioko on tho subject, "When Wo Neglect Our Du ties" Musical selections, tho usual col lection and social con vol ho completed the o filing's eutertaluuient. Tho Congioga tlonol club now numU'rH fifty-two members. The next meeting will occur Dccomtier ill. Mist IVai 1 Camp entertained n iiihiiIkt of university friends Wednesday evening nt n progressive high llvo pnrty. TIiohu present were: Misses Mnrsland, Deweese, IjwN, Freeinun, Cocliinue, Bchwnb, Anuslrong, Tuttlo mid Hammond; Messrs. Tucker, Clark, Brown, Taylor, Uockhold, Wing, Emery nnd Edmlston, A knelfll (vim irlt..tii l.v flu. fl.tal..M of Hlbernlniis Tuesday evening, nt which u lut'iiHtiiit iRgramme was given ny Aiessrs. William Leahy nnd Joseph Hmlth nnd Misses Minnie Murphy of Philadelphia, Mary Huber land, nnd Mrs. J, J, Munihy. A. Melseubnch, n prominent citlxcu of ilenilotn. III., nnlml In Mm Mtv K..tnt-.l.v ... j -.... ......... ... ti.v V..J r...M.....J nnd sHut several days during tho past week nun uisiriviiiis, unit oiiiiiu iiiki jouuniieuiz, who were formerly resident of Mr. M.'s home. . Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Klrker ontei tallied tholvotn whist club nt their homo Tuesday evening, This club Is now in itssixth seiuou. There have betu but two changes hi the membership during the existence of thu club. The closing chapters of "His Fleeting Ideal,' now running in Tiik Couiukh, will appear next week, John L. Sullivan, P. T. Batumi! nnd Bill Nye wilting thu finishing chapters. As Tiik Couiukh goH to press the Pleas nut Hour reception is lu progress. Full par ticulars of this l.vullng social event in next week's Issue, Leave your orders for extra copies, Col. Joseph Teeter was "surprised" by it a number of friends Monday evening, who culled tocongiatulnto him on his recent ap pointment ns lecelver of the Lincoln Inud of fice. ' Miss Tllllo Newman returned to her homo ill Omaha Wednesday nfter siendlug sev eral weeks pleasantly with her friend, Miss Paulino Goldsmith, on Eighteenth street. Cards havo been received In this city ait 'iiouuolngtho marriage of Mr. Georgo Wilkoy and Mla Edith Ho won at Tacomn,'Wash. The biide formerly resided hi Lincoln. Charity lodge No. 3, Daughters of He bekab, will celebrate the twenty-first ituul vervary of the hwtltution of that order Tues day evening at Odd Fellows hull. Cards announcing tho wedding of Arthur B. Smith of Omaha, and Miss Mary A. Hunt ing of Now ton Lower Falls, Mass., October, 14, have been received In this city, Tho following now members havo been re ceived into thu Pleasant Hour club: George Harper, O. A. Olmstead, Harry Krug nnd W. Morton Smith. Tho Easterdny family held a very pleasant reunion Saturday evening, tho seventy-seventh anniversary of tho birth of Daniel Easterday. Invitations to n progressive razzle-daulo party to bo given by Mr. and Mrs, H. B, Patrick, Tuesday evening, Oct 23, have been Issued, A meeting of the male members of the Tueeday evening club Is called for Monday afternoon In Tiik CoimiKUofllco at 6 o'clock, Frank B. Stephens left for Lincoln, Ne braska, where his wife now is. .They will soon return to Zlou. Salt 1 Jke Xltrror. John Hnllhtrom. of Plattsmouth. and MlnA Hllma Johnson, of 'this city, were married Wednesday by Itev. A. U. Melll'i. Mlus Kittle ami Alice Cowdery returned Wednesday from Deunison, Iowa, whero they attended a wedding. An Megant Remarque proof etching, nicely framed, only (0 at Crancer's, 21'J South Eleventh street. M. W, Eusign.baa gone to the. Black Hills, where he will cngagu lu civil engineering, 1 A spider web party will be given by, Miss EtlleLoefte, Thuittday evening, Oct, 30. , Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hull f son niul children deiKtrted Thursday for Salam, Ore. Tho regular meeting of tho Capital City O. L. S. C, was he)d last evening, H. A. Hollitter and f mlly of Plattsmouth, are visiting 11.11. Hnllister. Mrs. Chas. Kellar, of Shelby vllle, III., Is visiting Mrs. B. F, Ward. Miss Lyle Huver, of Ticumseh, Neb., Is visiting Mise Ellle Leese. Tiik Couiiikk'h necnunt of Inst ovenlng's Hens nit Hour siity which will nppenriii our next Issue, will cnnUln n full list of names, itintumes of the ladles, etc. 1M, Conrnlil has entered the employ of the Cnpltnl Nhtlonnlbnnk " Mr nnd Mis. A llloch are visiting in Invenworth, Knn C K. Alexander of the Journal, has re tinned from Ohio Mis. II. It. Pntilek will glvo nu nfteruon lunehnon Oct, 'M, TIikF Ktieet Cnrd club has reoignnled for tho winter. W. K. nnd F. K. lVttltt left Widnesilny for Dallas, Texns. Jnck Htobbs iscnnlltipd to the honto with rheumatism. Miss Amy Pettis started Wednesday for Walnut, III. C. A. Atkinson has returned from it fw days' trip. R. C. Hewlek retuinisl Wednewlny from Denver. W, J, Lnuib wns mi Omaha visitor Weilnes- dity. . Henry MnnsfleM visiUil Khuwootl Wwlnes day. Mrs. II. Htiluger has gone to Armour, S.D. J. M. Murdock left Thursday for Chlcngo, Itev. U. At, Etlliiwoodlms gone to Chicago. E. W, Baughmnu has gone to Peoria, il. Celebrity opening wcurs next TiieNlay. Willis Einei-sou has gone to Chicago. Dr. B, F. Bally Is In the Black Hills. John M. Stewart is hi Mlndeu. To strengthen the lialr,thlcken the growth, stop Its blanching and fulling out, mid where It Isginy to restoto the youthful color, use Hull's Hair lteuuwer. An elegant Itemaiquo proof etching, nice ly fi limed, only (Out CrmiceiV, 'Jlii South Eleventh stioct. Tho new llaair, which oH'ned Its doois Wvtluesdiiy, starU in with great success. Tim ladles of Lincoln have long wanted Just such it place to ti ado nt and now Hint they havo It, they evidently uppiectntu it. Quinine Tonic it most excellent preparation for the scalp nnd pi event Ion for falling hair can Iki had at Miss Johnson's hutr diesslng pallor, It Is the most popular hnlr tonic known nnd never fulls to please. The new Boston Clothing House has a inagiilllcent Hue of Overcoats, nil qualities, nil prices nnd nil styles To Tint I.iullesuf Lincoln mill Vicinity. On October 27th, 28th nnd 2t)th we will gUo our seventh minimi fur ooniug. Wo wo a 111 show fins of nil dcM'ilptloiiR, Includ ing nil the Intent styles fiom London nnd Purls for tho season of IMKMI1. A practical furrier will lie hi attendance to toko lneusure nibtita for sHx'snl orders. Thu line Is fiom the Btilctly tlist-clnss house of Henry A, Nowland & Co., Detroit, Michigan. They received modal for their display of goods nt tho last Pails exioslticu. Wo refer to many ladies lu Lincoln us to thu quality of their woiknnd goods During this opening wo will sell fins nt wholesale prices. A cordial Invitation Is extended to nil to Inspect the lln. W. H. Dennis & Co., butters nnd fur riers, lmOstrout. You will want it new hat soon nnd T. Mil tonbeiger of the new Boston Clothing Houso 1030 O street wants to sell It to you. Ills lino onibiacesovery thing new and nobby In liotn stiff nnd soft lints. (leutleiueiM I'Iiiii furnishings. Everything that Is stylish, and In good tnstuis now being shown nt Miltoubeiger's new Boston Clothing House 1US0 O street. You'll miss It If on fail to call nnd see their (Olcgutit now Hue of neckwear. The Felix Govinos Complexion Fodders which wero k popular with Lincoln ladleH last see won are thu lievt on the market nnd Miss Johnston hits Just received nn Invoice. Such a mngiiltlcont line of cloaks, furs and dress goods ns Is now being shown by tho Batnr has never before been equaled hi Lin coln. Ladles should visit Miss Johnston's hair emporium. Her new line of hair ornaments are new all In nnd hi tho slock N it beautiful lino of genuine! shell ornaments both carved and plain, cut steel, and others of gold. These goods must be seen to bo appreciated. The Improvement at tho handsome store of Louis Meyer & Cx on Tenth street, are now In such shape that customers are no longer Inconvenienced. By the way, this store Is now or will lie lu a fw days, ono of tho handsomest emporiums in the city. But theio will be no extra charge for goods on ac count of the costly alterations. You can conttuuo to buy in tho future as you have in the past, the finest things in dry goods, no tlous, groceries, provisions, etc., for the low est prices. A fnll stock of tho freshen and newest goods always on hand. Visit the store aud see the many now improvements. Meyers place Is bargain headquarters and at all hours. Theru U always n peculiar sat isfaction to patrons buying at Louie Meyor & Co's. Goods are always as represented, prices are liesl rock mid lest of treatment is given every customer. Wlion you want dry goods or groceries don't fnll to call. Tho Merchant's Hotel, Eleventh and P street, under the able management of S. P. Dlckover, proprietor of the Hub restaurant Omnhn, Is now ono of tho beet hotels in the city. It location Is central, the rooms are handsomely furnished and the terms are rea sonable. Send your frlendt to the Merchant's. A professional masseur from Battle Creek Mich., sanlturlum will administer massage treatment on recommendation of ph) slclaus. Mrs. B. D. Catlln, ofllco Lattn block, South Eleventh street, loorn 0. Hererence r u. Crlm, M. D, ' 0-80-lt "7r" KID GLOVES. Foster's 5 Hook .Kid Cloves In Colors ami Black Hpcclul sale prices 87 t-2 Cents Worth $1,25 We Invito tho attention orithc pubtlo lu ou Immense stock of Kid Gloves H. R. NISSLEY & CO. New Store i New Goods. Our Oping was a Grand Success And far exceeded our anticipations and we now propose to KEEFTHE BALL ROLLING By Offering Extraordinary Inducements in ALL DEPARTMENTS. OUR SILK AND DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT contains by far the choicest goods ever offered in this city, while the line of cloaks and suits is complete and endless in variety. We quote a few bargains which we offer for next week: Dress Goods. Double Fold 36 in. Plaid Flannel worth 35 c for 20 All wool .jo in. Plain Flannels worth 50c for 29 Fine All Wool ,jo in. Suitings worth 65c for 39 Fine French Serge full .j8 in. all wool. worth i. 00 for 75 In ladies suits and tea gowns and in misses and childrcns great a variety of styles and qualities to enumerate them. ' ' jt Witt t?ai you to fcooft at tfiem 3 We sell goods of a thoroughly reliable quality and at such small profit that we cannot be undersold on anything we offer, and we will sell you at all times exactly what we quote, in our price lists. 1023 O Street. f"vfe O q H i 4S H WW B Call and Sec what Bargains you can get by Buying this Fall. R. R. QUTLIRm, FINEST LIVERY IN THE WEST M St., .."uJ$ , $22 v r. m sb 'lmmimSjmm. Mwmf&ueZPzmAbm M wtr strir&ww&tKW-tz- -r-T TJprjKTvx er n. rirrr-7zniZ; (kjwvwai.1 s -tii thj . mhki rri ri'VT "iri . Stylish Turnouts of All Kinds. .A.. Q-. BILLMEYBE c5c CO: K mm Vest Jackets, Latest Cuts at. This Serge Is tho'grealcst Dress Goods bargain ever offered In Lincoln, THE BHZRR Rambler Bicycles are all convertible for Ladies or Gentlemen, and arc the Easiest Riding Bicycle Made. Carriages and Buggies TJTFT sX 1540 O STREET, PALAGE f STABKE1S. betwoon llth and I2th. Phono 432. Cloaks and Suits. Stockinette Jackets, fall weight, full tntiis . 225 Fine Double Breasted Cloth Jackets. . . 2.00, 2.50 and 3.00 Reefer Jackets in Chevoit and superior Beaver 4-5o, 5.00 and 6.50 6.50, 7,50, 9.00 and 10.00 cloaks and dresses we have too 1023 O Street. O H X W CJ M o 52! 2 H m . l.u vM 4 .n THjpnrr3-""'