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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1890)
k CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, OCTOHKR 25, 1890 k- Em S THE ADVANTAGES -WHICH GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE Offers to Nobby Dressers In making tliclr Selection from our Large Assortment o( Tailor Made Suits ARE NUM EROU S. First niul foremost our prices arc from $15 to $20 less tlmn the regular Merchant Tailors nlll charge vou (or Identically the same suit. Second Is the nhsolutc certainly of your getting a perfect fitting garment. Then you are not subject to any delay or disappointment, as Is too often the case hen you leave our measure with the so-called crack tailors. Our stock of Fine Tailor Made Suits comprise nil the very Latest St les In Prince Albert Suits, Three-Button Cutaways, Double-Breasted Sacks, Square and Round Cutbacks.1 Wc shall be pleased to have )o call and Inspect our magnificent line of Fine Suits befoic making our purchase, confident It will be to your Interest as well as ours. Globe Clothing House, Corner 0 and Tenth. NliWMARK & HERSCIIUiR, hops. j jj j vsEffli: . - "l JH !rI Hm T" '-HI 1Mb --. 1 eH-wM m pfi BUlu Hf-F: ElRlRR'- ft MC ' ? HI v !uffttftrt& Rioter llNCOLH .- 'flsSeP 1204 and 1206 0' This is the Season of the year when COAL is KING when Competition is Close and Everybody has the best. Then is the time to go direct to Headquarters. You need a supply for the Winter and as now is the time to buy, why not call on BETTS St WEHVER and see their line and get prices. There you can get .he pure article direct from America's greatest mines noted for their purity and excellent quality. Call up Phone 440. - - Office 1045 CTStreet. THE- iifiiMnAnl Dec. to, 1SS6. The German National Bank UNCOLX, XEtt. Capital Paid up, $100,000.00 Surplus . . . 13,000.00 Transacts u general hunklmc huslhcsN Issues letters nrcrcllt,ilrnwdrnrtsou nil purls of tile world. I'orolKM collection u spcclalt). Ofirei ami Dhrclou. HKitMAN II. HCIIAIIIHIU. President. C. C MtTNHON, Vice President. JOSHl'H JipKHM Kit, Cashier. O. J. WII.COX, AhhIhIiiiiI Cashier. H. MONTUOMKKY. AI.IIX, IIAI.TI'.H V, A. IIOKIIMIiK II. J. IIHOTIIKIIION WAl.TKIt.I.IIAIUUH. J. A. IITDKLHON, Stoves Furnaces Hardware Best Stock in the State. Courteous attention given callers. We have a competent force of nutlcrs who will do all kinds of job work in a satisfactory manner. We Invite You to Call! m HALL DUNHAM 112 6 O St. M E5 ' Street. Burr Block NKWOUTDOOKTOlhKTTKS. IHpcelnl Cot'iitKli Correspondence 1 Nkw YniiK, Oct. !W, ISIN). Uwk hro It w ii mid Hint "of tho makliiK of hook there li no end," and the niiiio mltOit now I hi uf Itrmed of rowiis. that Is, so fur ns the rent Itedfern establishment lu New York Is con cerned. And cHclully Is this the emu nt this time of the year when tho fashionable 100 nro returning from their sojotun nt their eountry hoiues with worn and drawled plumage, which must nt onco lm replaces! by tho latest seasonable cost nines, so that from curly morning till after sunset, there, Is no rest for tho army of employees whose com blued efforts to to tho making of these ele. K'tnt km incuts, koihis, hats and confection which have made tho Itcdfcrit name ulioiiio hold word all oer tho civlllrcd world. lu this Issue ot TllK I'ni'lilKli wo shall en deiiMir to kIvo our leader an Mea of tho newest designs lu gowns, suitable for mid autumn wear Tho llrst cut renrcMintH "a htni'L costimm nf ffieml rlntli'1 In 11 tniHlliim hlimle uf imluir glue, a reddish, egg-plant purple, with mote iieptu man petunia cr otiniiii. Hkii too skirt which lias a sllglit pauleriliaM,'ry, is n iiaiui somo design in black velvet outlined with silver braid. Tills extends above tho knee, and is in sepnrnto motifs, separate! by lengthwise bauds of wide black braid, alo edged with silver. Tho cull's nro of vehet mill the ends of the back drajHiry hang lu bunions folds to show a velvet lining. Tho liodico has lengthwise, giuduiitcd rows of tho braid tncoricHpoud with tho skirt and a nar row hand of black fox encircles tho throat, nlxnu the high collar. A IIKDKKH f W AI.KISO OOWN, is show u in our second ketch It hasn skitt ofdnrkest brown vehet, trluuuexl with im M ff- RVPVVVpnV itfr V wrv c I H K JHHIr LXJUSHIrB?; r l tt " 1 1 By , HjU 1 hBJ 'rTOTlUl uiH j r ' ni H I nu-V 1l u-uI HmHHHHmmHHUBiHK hHHjbHHHHHHH hIKv'4" r Hi "(? IFlifJf ' " jHwirS'- iff-liUllUft r lu ilil Hilli1--iSi .,- .v "" 'IjrntrMii 1 iHi s syh LBrl9S"Tn' l lt'-i !M L . HiVir'TTr'vK" PrrrrrfrTrjiVrl CmS1fWPr.7 1 i lrr. BW1 I ijf- "J- -' -r,"L'"" ii'iw 71 jail. pM1rH4tSRiRIIl-JlJlii ''' 3 g-gESt M'FBBKlJBBir- WrvWW BiPVMHIISHRHIHIRHHr ; npptlipied design In vehet n shade or two lighter, with which Is an admixture of timet con I Tho ImsIIco and dinpei les ate of fawn colored cloth, with a lacing of fawn and gold cords over Imeitlons of tho clet, which ntn liontcutl each side by narrow rolled bands of natural seal. Tho vehet collar is also hi tid ed by a toll of tho fur, nud tho hut Is of lawn cloth braided with gold and of brown velvet, with oMi leli trimming. While They I, int. If there Is it srsou niiinng the great family of ('ot'iiiKH reaileiNWho wauls anew heat ing stoic, now Is tho gi cutest oppoitunlty of a lifetime to buy one cheap, Tho Maxwell, Hharpo Itoss Co. habited Tiik CntmiKii man Hie following list of stoves, now on exhi bition at their store, No. I0I Ninth Tenth, with the letnatk, "advert Iso 'em, must sell all," and heiolt li One No. 'M Westminister, licou used, sold for U), tnkeu In for f I'J.M), sell for 7 one No. !KI Westminister, sold for fitt, Wii lined, tnkeu in ror tl'J.50, will sell for Il.tHI; ono Ideal, tupiaio No !l bnsrbui ncr, sold for H'i, taken in at flH, marked to sell now nt l I 2..; ono Diamond haschifrncr, No. I Ml, lino stove, sells for fi'i, wu ollur nt $t(); ono llaltleOak, No. SW, burns anything, cheap at f'JI, jou can buj It for lfi tK); ouo Peerless Universal been used short tlmo, sold for f'JI, took It back at ftr, will sell It at 7.75; ono (luck's lliilliaut, No. Ill, worth t'il.M, markisldowii ((ifl7.M),one Muck's III lllhiut, No. II, ought to bring til, take It for f'.M.tX); onu Popular Jewell, worth '-') M, sell It for I5.7A; ono National Jewell sold everywhere for fiM.(K), now (:.".! ,f0; ouo Molar Jewell, a lino ouo was for !.', now fl tH); ouo No. !HI Mplnuillil,lHHu used, ought to hi lug 'JO, wo took It hint 15, will sell for 7.W). Klvo No, .'Ml, Now Hplen tllds, a grand giHsl stove by tho way, well worth ;L1. We must sell them and olTer them at Wf0. One No. M Hplendld, cheap at t'.ti, sell it tor '.-.'.:). Ono No. I'i() Hplen dld was 15, now A'I,75. Ilcsldes this wo entry a complete lino of tegular good that we ate selling nt lower ptlccs than usually prevail in this market. Ono Joint of pipe In cluded, nnil all stoves set up flee of cliaigo and win t anted to wntk or no pay. ltomemlHT the lace, No. IIH Ninth Tenth street. Maxh KM.. HiiAHl'K tV: IttWK Co. Scrofula Is tho most ancient and must general of nil disease. Hrnrcely a fatnll) I eiithuly frco from It, while thoiis.uiil eerwlicro nro It suffering sliuc. Mood' H.irsaparllla ha had remarkable siiece In curing e cry form of srrofiil.i. 'I lie most severe ami painful running sore, swelling lu the neck or goitre, humor lu the ejes, causing partial or total bUiiilncs jlcld to tho powerful elTcct of thl medicine. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold lijr ull ilruKKlitt. tl i six for t i. rresred only bjrO I 11(1(11)4 CO., Aixithrrarli'i.Ixmcll, Mm. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar JOHN L. SULLIViiMS Ohaptor in THE GREAT COMPOSITE NOVEL, Now running in this paper, n:Q- M JhowM that ho is an artM in more wa' than ono. LOOK OUT FOR IT . KID CLOVES. Fosters 5 Hook Kid Cloves In all colors and liliipk,Kccliil sale pilccs 8TA Cents Worth $1,25 WeliiNlte Hid attention (if tho public to our Immense stock of Kid (Jtcs H. R. NISSLEY & CO. JwSR&m ir n x i -- i n 8SfiasilMS5 'fi$'AvSPi&T w ' mt: U HI. . rm t m b LOOK For Our Advertisement - Tomorrow's Daily State Journal -IK YOU Bargains in Dry Goods GREHT LGHDERS ; For Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. 1 1. 1 1 and m.j Largest and Finest - Herman Bros. IIAVU Till: MOST ATTUACTlVi: MM! Oh' FOR MEN FOR BOYS. OVERCOATS Ever Shown All wc jisk is a call and wc feci confident that we can please you, both in style, quality and price. We buy direct from the manufacturer for our wholesale trade and ten retail stores consequently get lower prices than other houses that buy for but one store. See our New Fall Stock of Suits, Underwear, Hats, Gloves and Neckwear. HERMAN BROvS. 1017 O Street. Milton M. Lyon the Wide Awake Newsdealer nud Subkrlptlon Agent, 1 101 N St. I.onvo Orders for any Newspaper. Miii.lno or I'orlodlcnl whatso ever anil I will procure It for you ut publisher's Uiwest Price Ladles will always Mini 11 full Hue of Puililon MuitadnuH (in my counters, also 11 full lino of Mmu. Voinm's Uolebrutnd Flower Htudlos. Tolstoi's "Kreutor Houala" now 2" cents. ..'.'M'J,,',",,i"!i,l?.n." M'ViUlM.'" Ntn, OiMiur," alio Human Heart), "I'cter's Soul." 'rim Turnover Club," "The Lust Throw," by Uiu Duchess, Itudyiird IvIplltiK's entire series In cheap paper form riets. Albert Ron' Latett "la BtelUi Bhalow," 6O0 ppor.. The Ootham Newi Emporium, Milton M, Lyon, Proprietor. (srftt, ii 2i U roiB, CHU J IN - WANT 3 O Street. Stock in Lincoln. - - FOR YOUTHS FOR ClIILDKKN in Lincoln. OAK BED ONLY $70.00. Book Case and Bedstead In One IMcec of Furniture. Hardy Pitcher, in South nth St. LINCOLN, NEIIRASKA