Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 25, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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House Decorations!
Where thc, will receive prompt attention
mid skillful workmanship. Call on
nml sec his line til Fine Paper Haii)(lnft
11(34 O STIMSI5T
- Sole Agency for -
The Shinto-Williams Co.'s Paint.
Lincoln Trunk Factory
o st. 1133 ST
Where wo will he gtiul to neo nil old
frlcndi nnd customers nnd n tunny new
ones ns enn ct Into the store.
C. A. tallR-OK,
Palace Bath Shaving
Ladies and - Children's Hair Cutting
Alice Isaacs
Very Lowest Prices.
In the Store of llcynmn A Dolohcs,
1518-20 Farnam Street
Fine mint Cabinets 13 par iloion. Hpeclnl
rates to sttwonts. Call and see our work.
Studio, U14 O Street.
'Open from 10 n. m. to p. in. Humlny,
Physician and Surgeon
Office: 116 S. Eleventh St.
Telephone: Office 685. Residence 56a,
'' fjtefoiitt.
Practice Limited to Pl&onse of the
Nervous System, Heart and Blood
Hon. Win. t.etHc Attorney Qniieml.
Hon. T. I.. Norviil. Associate Justice,
Jnuo' National Hank, Bewaril.
Citizens' National Hank, Ulyssrs.
Ojwoks IBBO Street, LINCOLN, NKU.
Shorthand, and TnWrll'nt, U the bm ami largest
College In tha Iful. UJU Student In altemUucv tail
year. ttluUnts rcparel .or business In from i lo
month. Experienced faculty. 1'monal Instruction,
ttaautlful uluitraled o'tatotcue. colloco Journals, and
snaclmans o( ixumawhlm torn f m by aildrvutng
Laities Use I Jr. L Due's I'arloillcal
l'llls from Purls, France, That positively ro
llovo siiipresslons, monthly uerangemenU
anil Irrexulnrltle onuscU by coltl, weakness,
shock, anemia, or general nervous tleblllty,
The large proportion of Ills to which ladles
ami misses nro llnble Is the direct result nfa
disordered or Irruirulur menstruation. Hup
pretslont continued result lu blood olso nlng
and iiuck consumption, f.' pnekaue or 3 Tor
H. Hunt direct on rccolpt of price, Sold
lu Lincoln by II. P. Hlierwln, tlrugKlst O
Mrs. M. A. Heed Is vIsltliiK In llentrlce.
J. V. (lioi'i;n hits gone to Hun Francisco.
Mrs. I'm rllt nnd dftiivthtirn"o In Illinois.
Mrs. A, 0. lleovm hns gone to L-if.iyotte,
J. M. Knox returned Monday from Dos-
Miss Klllo pteen Is In Ht. frills visiting
friends, k
A. (I. Tlhhetts has gone to Colorado
Mr. nod Mm. Thomns C'oclirnii urn In leo
kuk, I own.
M111. M. II. Kent is visiting friends tit
I'eorln, 111.
Dr. 0. V, Ooodell litis iiituruedfrnm Wash
liii(toii, I). 0,
Mrs, .1. N. Converse stnrleil Tuesday for
Ht. I'atil.Mluu.
F. 1 l'ol'Oiii departed for Hot Hprlugs,
Dak,, Tuesday.
I.nwrenco Heiskell Ih In Hed Willow county
Kd, llohuof Mnnslleld, Ohio, Is visiting Mr.
nnd Mrs, Paul Holm.
(leorgo N. Foresinnn has returned from n
peasant eastern visit.
Mis. Helen Morrlhow lias gone to Los An
geles to rend llio winter.
Mrs. Jacobs of Malhotirn, Iowa, Is visiting
herdfttightr,'Mr. Flshhaek.
Miss Corn Outcnlt nod Miss Nellie llrunsou
returned Monday from Denver,
Mrs, iXtrnutlM Baldwin leaves the early
part of next week for Now Y01 k.
Jttiues Clark of Hhelhyvllle, tod,, has lieon
visiting his tiut'le, J. H. Ilarwlck.
Mrs. I'ariuella Hmltli returned Tumdny
from it four months' eastern v I 1 1.
Miss Catherine Hnum of Newton, In, Is
vlshlng her cousin, Miss Amy I). Covert.
Mrs. J, I. Uodcrnctsl Isi'iitcrtiilnhig Mrs,
Mrs. H. C, (Hover of Uraiid Haven, Mleh.
John C. Miller nnd Mis MlunloO. Kitnkcl
were mnrried Viilnesday hy Judge Blow art.
Mis. L. K. BurgcM of Now Yoik City is
vIsltliiK her brothers 11. H. Ouk
H. H. L. Huntington nnd daughter of Chi
cago, havu been tntertitlued this week hy U.
N. Crandall.
Tho East Lincoln W. C. T. I J. will meet
next Wodnosduy evening nt tho residence of
M. I Trester.
Miss Haunnh Thornboiirn returned Mon
day from New York accompanied hy her sis
ter, .Miss Jlory.
Miss Colin MoWllllnms of Dayton, Oido, is
visiting hur Hlstoiit, Mrv. L. F. Klcgcr mid
Mm. O. H. Waul.
Mis, K. ilo Htolguer and eldldron of Came
ron, Mo., is visiting her sister, Mm. Geo. U.
Illseii, WIS 11 street.
Miss Klllo Jnekton, diughter of Judge
Jackson ot Atchison, U visiting Miss Naomi
Weaver, USUI H street.
Mr. unit Mm. H, A. Tate of Now ton, Ioo,
1110 visiting their son, T. W. Tato nt the fam
ily residence, lull) Astlect,
Mm. I. Haas of Ht. Joseph 111 rived In the
city Tuesday unit U a guest jf Mr. and Mm.
M, Oppcilliolmcr HW N stieot.
Mr. iiinl Mm. Kd. Taylor of Kvnusville,
Intl., who havu been visiting Mr. and Mm. I.
0. 1'iiee, left foi their home Tuosihiy.
1'rofeHsor and Mr. Hatuuel 1', Hatm, of
Mendville, l'n,, aio visiting at the lesldelicc
of Oov, Tliayer, tho professor' uncle.
The fair now in progit'tM in tho new Ht,
Theresi uitochlal ichool, is ntti acting largo
cimwiIs. It will continue until October ill,
M111. N. 3. llrowu ami Miss HiiiIim lller
with left Tuesday evening for lltirlington,
Iowa, to attend the funeral of their brother.
Mls.s Nova I'oterman of Hod Oak, la., Is
visiting with hur sister, Mm. V. K. Mome,
'JtUIl K stteeL HI10 will rvnmiii several weeks.
Mr. and Mm. llllckousilerfer of Knst
Hliauesvlllo, Ohio, who have Ltccu visiting
their daughter Mr. R. I). Hpcltz, left fur
their home J uewluy.
Tho oyster supiier given nt llolianan hall
lust evening hy tho Relief nnd Aitl Society
was nn untpialilletl success, netting too rolief
fund n handsome sum.
T. K, Sanders, II. J. Seamark and Miss
Ki.npn have been appointed a commltteo to
draw up rules for tho pioposcd choir gulhl of
the Holy Trinity .Church.
Tim loiig looked for and tho long talked ot
"Grand Celebrity opening" of' tho Weasel
Printing Co. takes place next Tuesday nt tho
company's handsome store room, HUtl N
street. Wo trust you will favor us with your
At a meeting of the lalf ty of the Bt. Paul
M. K. church Wednesday it wus fount! that
a majority were lu favor of admitting ladle
Into tho uiemlwmhip ot the general church
conferences, Tho question will bo decided nt
the next conference which will be hem In
Omaha In 18tr.',
Additional local and personal page 9.
Our customer all speak highly in prnlsoo
8t. Patrick's Pills. They are the liest lien y
rothers, Carroll, Neb, For silo by A. L,
Hhrader, the druggist.
J, J.' Oils, 1510 Douftlas street, Omaha, ha
over one thousand trimmed lints, bonnets
toques and turbans for you to select from
Prico4 are tho lowest anil styles correct.
Littlles Cork Hole Turitrtl Shoes,
are as easy to the feet as any hand turned.
Are warm, dry ami comfoatable. Try a
pair. To be touud only at
WunnTEH & Rook its,
Ladlug Bhoe Dealers
1. A. It. Hook Very Cheap.
The.Wesael Printing Co. has heverul coplcH
of Col. Robert U. Real's well kiiuwu history
of the Grand Army of tho Republic in tine
bindings which It will .sell at 1.00 per vol
uum, Original price, sold only on subscrip
tion, at f 5.00. These books are fully illus
trated and complete In every detail. Call
and seo them.
The Lincoln Steam Lauiidry having re
cently changed hands and undergone many
improvement is now lietter than over pre-,
pared to execute work in tho very host man
ner, promptly ami nt popular price. Mr.
A. W. Day the new proprietor ha adopted f
new and improved procesi for washing and
handling garments, by which no bleach'ng
or injurious materials are used; the Uncut
fabrics such as silk, lacos, llouncc, limine!
or cotton good are laundrled in tlrst class
manner, without the least damage. One trial
will convince the mobt skeptical that the IJn
coin Steam Laundry does the tluest work lu
the rlty. All good called tor and delivered.
Telephone II.'.
Mr. Mills nnd family letiirned Inst Tues
day from llulvldrre, Neb,
I'l-nl I'aticett returued last week from 11
ptenrnut trip to California.
Mm. C. II. Gould and daughter have re
turned from Portland, Oiegon.
Mr. nnd Mm Llpplucntt returned Hnlun.
day from n six weeks visit In llrookjyii,
N Y. .
.Mm. A. K. of Kearney, Neb., stayed over
Sunday with Mm. J. M. Iluiks, while on her
way to Hannibal, Mo.
R. II. Townlny left Hatiinlay for New
Yot-k. Ilo exM'cts to leliiin mix t week ne
compnuleil hy his fiimlly.
Thero was it pleasant gathering of young
people at tho reslileucu of Mis. Nownmu Ault
last Weilnesilny ovenlug.
Mr. nnd Mrs. R. A. Tail, who have hecn
visiting their son, (I W. Tall, left for their
homo tit Nnwton, la., Saturday.
Autllla, Infant daughter of Mr. nnd Mm.
James Walters, died Friday ami was hurled
Sunday from tho Catholic chinch,
Mrs. James lhnks returned last Friday
from Lexington and Wnverly, Mo., mid
llioomfleld mid Htlvnn Hpiings, Ark.
Ilov, Ralston mid Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hell
left Wednesday for Not folk to attend tho
Congregational Asr-oclntloti at that placo.
Mr. Hhnrp.of tho firm of Mux well o Hhnrp,
has just ptiiclinsiMl and taken possession of a
lino residence, corner Klghtoenth and I)
streets, title week.
Thero will ho n very luterestl.ig entertain
mint given at the Plymouth Congregational
church hy the Ijidles Aid Hoclety on next
Wednesday ovenlug,
Mr. ami Mrs. Day, parents of Mm, K, R,
Hlzer, left Wednolny for nn extended visit
lu tho cast, through Virginia, Pennsylvania,
Connecticut and other slates.
Mr. II. L. Huntington and Miss Hat tie
Huntington ot Chicago, III., uncle and niece
of C. N, Crnntlall, aro tho guests ot Mr. nnd
.Mm. Crandall this week, nt Seventeenth and
I) stri-ets.
Imported Millinery
Our iiuKitiug ngent lins returned from
tho European markets mid wo nro now ready
to show you a Isrgo and complete Hun of tho
latest designs lu French pattern lint h, bon
nets, toipies anil Kugllsh hats.
J. J. Ht.tHH,
lMO Dotiglat.stieot,
Ijidles will llud n complete lino of Hue shoes
and all the latest styles at tho proper prlceititt
Sherw In's Ronton Hhoo Store.
Lluroln Ml, Jon .t KauaasClty. TlirotiKh
Sleepers unil I'urlor Curs.
Tlioiliy td triinsfem, changes and delays
between Lincoln, Ht. Joo nnd Kansas City is
over, the II, & M. having placed hi sorvico n
lino of combination sleepers and parloi chnlr
cam that for convenience, clegunco and com
fort surpnfM anything heretoforomn lietween
thiMo iMilnts, The present schedule is ns fol
lows; Ijcavo Lincoln, 8:!M) p, m. dully, arrive
luSt. Joo6:'J7n. 111., Knnsas City 7:50 a. in.;
leturnlng, leave Kauas City '.1:15 p. 111. dally,
St. Joo 11:43 p. in., arrive at Lincoln 7:50
p. in.
The so trains run via Heatrlco, Wymoro and
Table Rock and make close connections nt
terminal points. Tho mm vice Is really excel
lent nnd wo can iccnimuenit it with much
conlldeuce. Further Information can lo oh
tallied at union tl 'x)t or city olllco corner O
mid Twelfth streets.
City Passenger and Ticket Agent.
Mr, John Keowu, tho worthy prstnuister tit
Koown, Allegheny county. Pa., says:
"Clmmberluln'H cough remetly sells bolter
tlinn any oilier." Tho reason of this is bo
cause it can always bo tie (louded tion. 1ft
any one trouhletl with a severe cold glvo it n
trial and they will llud that thollrst dose will
relieve the lungs mid make breathing canler
nnd that its continued use will freo tho sys
tem of all syniptomsof the cold, 'llio prompt
ness mid certainty of this remedy in tlie tellef
nnd cure of cold", has won for It many sin
cere friuud and made It very popular. For
sale by'Aili. Slirnder.
Noveltiso In Wedding Cako boxes t drty
different shnH's at Wessel Printing Co.
Selling Hooks hy Siilmerlptlon.
Tho method of helling liooksby subscription
has many advantages over any other, and It
daily growing in Importance and popularity.
Hy this method the attention of the purchaser
is called to valuable books of which he might
leinaln In entire Ignorance if they wero sold
in any other way, Itis the most ilirtct ami
altogether tho nvst econtiiiifctif way to buy
looks. Hooks purchased nt a retail liook
store have generally tmssed through the
hnudsot from ftro to four miihllemrn, each
of whom must have n profit.
The lUrenhh lMlshiim Co., St Louis,
Mo,, ottem prolltable employment to nil who
wish to engage In the business, Exerleuce
Is not uot-tf'snry, but any lady or gentleman
with Intelligence nnd Industry can make a
success of tho worth.
Their publications nro first class, just such
1kh)Vs as our young people and our older peo
ple should read; liooks that tend to make In
telltgent men nnd women; book that teach
people things that they ought to know; such
books as a splendid Family Jiible, which Is in
itMlf a perfect cyclopedia of biblical knowN
edge, MtliMiWs 'History of the United
Statts is another splendid book ; n sale of over
1500,000 copies speaks loudly in favor ot Its
great worth. The iVojife's Cyclopedia of
Unirevsal Knowledge Is another work thut
has carved Its way to a wonderful success,
100,000 copies ot tills splendid cyclopedia,
made and ediUxi especially for tho masses,
have been sold, and the sale is still very
They also handle the Red Letter Life of
the Republic Stanley Explorations in Africa.
The Pioneer History of America; People's
Farm mid Slock Cyclopedia; The Physical
Life of Both Sexes; Courtship, lovo mid
Wedlock, and History of the Grand Army of
tho Republic.
Another splendid book, nveragingat fifteen
hundred sets a month, Is RidiMith'a Cyclope
dia of Unirersal History, a book that is
bound to be read by tens ot thousands ot
scholars, and by those who lay no claim to
scholarship, and who yet love a clear,
strnighttorwurd, understandable record of
tho great event of tho worlds history. The
popularity ot this book Is something wonder
ful. For further particulars, circulars, terms to
npootli.-etov, address,
The Riverside Publishing Co., 70!) Olive
street, St, Louis, Mo, O-lOVSm
Tho Whltebrvast Coal mid Lime coni any
Is again at the front supplying the finest
grades of coal ntlholowot price.
Wedding cako loxest nil styles, Wessel
Printing Co.
Ilo Diiftlrttjcd the tint.
A S. fcli uilvcrslty profetsor, Irrltntetl
to flint that'll! stuthMits hml got Into the
Inthlt of plucliiK their lints mid citnea tin
Ids desk clonk rooms liolng nt n premium
--uiinmintt'tl thut tie next itrtlclc of that
kliul phict'd there -vottlil la? destroyed.
For Mime duya nil went well, until the
professor was pulled for 11 moment from
tho das' room. A student slipped Into his
retiring rotiiu nnd ci.uirgetl with tho pro
fcmtnrliil hut, which ho placed conspicu
ously 011 thcilesk. while Ills follows grinned
and trembled. The professoV, 011 return
ing, hiiw the hut, thought hoiiio rushly ob
stinate student hud been delivered into his
hands, unil, taking out hit knife, he cut
the oircntlliig thlliK to pieces, tho whlltr
vnlnly nttetiiptlng to concnil thomiilleuf
triumph that pl.iycd about his counto
iiiinio. Il was lu u very Imtl temper the
A Cull to Anns.
.luck Llvlimstou-lshoiiltlii't think the
arm of 11 setteu wiw tho most comfortable
plm.11 In tho world, Mlsi SomerM
Amy Somem Well, thero nre urnis that
nro softer uiitl moro ngrceuhlc MunseyV
An Otnrk HomniK-p.
!' Ink me, Suo?"
"Purty well. .Iltn."
"Row niiich, tl'yo reckon?"
"Oh, or good deal."
"Hut how much, nowf"
"Oh, or lot."
"Ilow'tlyo Ink tor"
"Oh, .Hml"
"How'd ye know what I war ko'.ii
"I know'd."
"You know."
"I was koIii' tcr list o ef yo'd go ur llsh.
In' n'ovcnlu'."
"Ye wasn't, iiuther."
"Yes, I war."
"Ye don't Ink me."
"Yes, I do, n heap."
"No, yo don't."
"1 orter know "
"Why, Sue, didn't I jist iut ycrtcrgit
rcutly nn' j "
"Ye snltl yo war goin' to nst 1110 to go c
"Whut, .Iltn?"
"I didn't mean It."
"Then whut did yo mennr"
"Oli, Sue. cjult yer foolltf' uti' go nn' ast
1 Chicago Ileruld.
lib Ovcrrcitched Ills I'lirpose.
Grmlgrlntl (to his employes) Nohmlj
nut mo Is to touch that clock. Nobody is
to liegln or leave off work except us it In
tlicutea tho time.
Forouinn Yewlr.
Grmlgrlntl (tho next day) Why, the tiny
m one-fourth pmo nnd nobody's nt work!
Whnt does this meanf
t'oremun (meekly) You forgot to wind
the clock, lr. Jewelers Weekly.
Siisnii' I'upa Talks.
"George," aald tho railroad niiignnte,
"wo all think u great ileal of you, mill we
llko to havo you visit Susan every night
when you cnn. Wo llko to huve you stay
ns late 101 convenient, too, hut sometimes
when It gets to lw 'J o'clock, nnd you still
decline to break away, I wish you Imd been
lltted out llko my now locomotives with
an Improwd. spark nrrester." New-York
A Great Advantage.
Fuunlnian Yes, I know I'm neither rich
nor famous, nnd don't ntnount to much,
hut 1 tell you, In ouo thing I huvo tho ml
vuiitago over tho president of the United
llroi son What is thutf
Fuimllnan Whj, I am make money
writing jokes en him, hut he couldn't
imiko n cent writing jokes on mo. Light.
Ilepulr Needed.
Mistress Mary, what nro you tlolng with
thut clock f
Maty (with tut servants' bedroom clock
under hernrm) Pluze, mum, Olm tukln'
it to n watchmiiker'H. It's nil out uv ortler,
mum. Ivory morning at folve o'clock It
ymn nil to paces, in' makos Htich 11 racket
(1 enn'i slupr, -Now York Weekly.
Tho Kxtreiiins.
"I can't FvnJ cither of these letters."
"Who nro they fromP'
"One is from 11 selioollioy just learning
o write, imtl the other Is from 11 professor
of penmanship. In tho latter I cun't tell
which Is the flourish unil which thelettur."
-Yankee IJImlo.
A Very Efllcient Aluini.
Smiley I heanl you havo bought 11 nen
patent hurghir ulnrm, Tunglc, I wUli you'd
'et me have 11 look at It.
Tnnglo I wish I could, Smiley; but-o
-woll, tho fact Is, a thief got Into tho house
lust night nnd stole It. Chatter.
flu West.
Mother Now that you have become n
chiropodist, where nro you going to settlef
Ambitious Youth I think, mother, I'll
-;o to Nebraska. All the pn)ers say that U
n groat corn stute. Street & Smith'H Good
Neither Cull Any One KUe,
Mm. Cuniso Misfortunes do not como
Cuinso Well, I don't understand what
they can possibly see in each ether that
they ihotiid marry. New Yorkllernld.
Enough to Tiro It.
"I urn t-orry you have to work so hard,"
he cried "Your voice sounded very tired
when you called to moup stairs.''
"Oli, you know it had to go up three
flights to reach you, dear." Light. .
Nipping Him lu the llud.
"Had a splendid time. I ran across a
lake up In"
"Ran across a lake? Come, come, 1 links,
don't lli o transparently." New York
New Goods and
New Styles
For Fall.
Don't be Tardy
The Best
Will be Picked
If rS -$ NRf
-1 ,J ' If II "f
A Blessing in Disguise.
Some people might come to the conclusion that when this bed broke down mis
fortune overtook Its owner. As 11 matter fact the reverse Is the case. Think of It!
Since he bought that bed n few months ago he has not known whnt it is to go to bed
with nn ensv mini! It creaked nnd groaned under him from the start. It wns nlwnvs
therenteulng to collapse, nnd now it has gone to pieces. If he lint! gone to A. '1'.
GRUETTER & CO., hi would have saved himself not only sleepless nights but the
disaster portravetl !n the Illustration. Still he is to he congratulated, foi he cnn now
vUit A. T. GRUKTTKR & CO., nnd for less money than he pah! for his had bar
gain nhtnln n bed In which for the balance of his life he can enjoy undistuihed repose.
itin n mui:i:t.
!1 7 tV NS. mi4 O ST.
Hew Hardware Store.
Wheroyou will Always II ml a Compute Line of
Furnace Work a Specialty. Stores, 1210 O St. and 27 and W Sts
Fall and Winter
Carpets and Draperies,
1112 0 St Telephone 219.
The Choicest line of Perfumes. D. M. Ferry V Finest
Flower and Garden Seeds.
127 South Eleventh street.
Most Popular Resort in the City.
Exposition Dining Hall,
S. J, ODELL, Manaokh.
-o ti '5, 1121 and 1123 N Street. o
Meals 25 els. $4.50 per Week.
Fall Overcoats
and Suits !
Lots of them, Beautiful Patterns and
Elegantly Made.
First comers will pick the ripest plums
remember that, $12 to $25; hardly a
clear way to tell you, but those are about
the extremes.
You can pleasantly answer that favor
ite: " Where did you get that Mat ?"
When you've bought ours and saved an
extra dollar.
A. Hurlbut & Co.
Cor. 10th and P Sts., Lincoln.