Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 25, 1890, Image 1

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    i ni in r'-jMMWM wn
. s. To'O'O'O'O'Ooi;
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Vol. G No 4(3
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ilikma at
e .A kVIW-v- . J&'XMfi
acfas?apasate? w
.v' tfHtf,? vss M 'V '..-'- vi-'-tra--v re-'yy,'. .Yivtvwp .v ru - w o-mirc:
'JTAT. -U Ai.... . - JV.vV''I?u.- . A''Wfljrvf. Wl: J ?H1 I WAAim.
. MyiH BsiBMi uytuo BifTirs
TH.EHE is n Plonsnnt
Hour chit) nt iClrnnil Is
land resembling closely
our own goclul orgaulzie
tluu of thu sumo name. It
contains over fifty mom-
burn, anil hint week it
1 opened tlio wii.on with
erhitMtlioprctticst danc
ing party over given in
tlio Hugnr City. Jinny
UomiiEit rondom will
recognize not n fow fniull
lnr nnmes in tlio following
Hit of tlio clnb'H members:
Ed. W. Tliomai, Heywnrd
on, V D. Collins, H. P. Tucker. W. d . lliiiwn,
Clinrliy Itynn. 0. A. K3clnkiiuf, JohnOiiw
ley, 11 C. tV. Keifer, Goo. A.Mohrenstuchor,
A. W. Iluchbolt, A. II. Maker, Frank Huch
heit, C. A. Wlebo, A. C. Ledormiin, II. I..
McMeans, Oeo. M. (Irnlmm, Oeo. 1). Hctzel,
Ed. Kimpp, F. a. liockwood, J2minor Mo
McniiB, L. Donnlil, li. A. Power, Win. I..
KtiHtmau, P. O. StrinRer, Win. II. Ulmpnmn,
N. II. Cohen. A. II. Vent, Won Cole, C. W.
lirlniiiRcr, Eil. Hockenberger, M. L. Dolun,
C. 1. K. WilliaiiM, a E. BlnUe, Pml Alickol
son, Win. Murr, Uobt. Gixldes, jr., P. I).
Morrill, Wm. Ueddos, Wm. IJIckahoii, J. It.
Alter, Albert Homer, O. A. Ablwtt, Juh.
Aloxnnder, 8. N. Wolbiich, K. H. Htiipji, J.
I). .Moore, E. II. Culver, U. O. WilUains, C.
II. Menck and John NIcIioIhoii.
OHober k'ivo n juirty ;
Tlio lenvcM by liuiiilriHlMmiic
And Ashen, Oakn nml Mnpl-H,
And those of every iinuio.
Tlio Htiimlilnu cprcHd a carpet,
And everything was ram.
Miss Weather lead (ho iIhiicIhe,
I'rofehftor Wind tlio band.
The Chestnuts came In yellow,
The OakK In orlnison drcHsed;
Tlio lovely MIshch Mnplo
In hcarlet looked their best,
And balanced nil their partners,
And Koyly llutttercd by;
Thu hIrIiI wiin llkun ralnliow
Now fallen from the "ky.
Then, In the nutlc hollowx,
At "hldo-nnd-M-ek" they played.
The party cloned at Niiinlon n,
And everybody Ntnycd.
I'rofcuHor Wind jilnyitl louder;
The.V llew iiIoiik tlio Kmiind'
And then the party ended
In Jolly "hand around."
Wero thu (uigcl Gabriel to upjienr in Lin
coln I should ccitainly ex(ect kjiikj of our
very munerous knight of icdnntry to Rlirug
their bliouldcrs, curl their ll mid refuxi to
recognizu him. "Ho doesn't begin to bo thu
nugcl I thought ho would lie," thoy Mould
Miy" in chorus, "I linvo wen much better
iingels in Chicago nml Now York diiki'U
with lonccr and ImmlsointT wlngstid fulrer
linlr. And his truuiH.'t is tuidly out of tune.
The instrument hn't lit for publlcexhlbltloii."
And thexo )onriic critics would bo found to
bo people, really incapable of distinguishing
mi angel from n minion of tlio imp of dark
ness, or n Htrndivarus violin from ti tin horn.
And while they wero engaged in looking for
Imaginary llnwi tlio rest of tlio iieoplo would
bu transported to heaven.
There aro people in this city with compress
ed intellects nml Lilliputian ideas who Hud
their chief enjoyment in seeking to criticize
things about which they are ns little Informed
as thoy are of th religious belief of the In
habitants of thu moon. Ihey nlfect cihiiii
thinking to palm It off ns tin Indication of
erudition. Circumscribed by mental ob
liquity, they nrounubloto judgu anything by
its merit, nml afraid of praising what othem
might condemn, thoy prniso nothing nml
censure everything.
Thet professional fault finders wero out in
force nt tho Strauss concert Monday evening,
nml whllo educated musicians in this city anil
ablo critics nil over tlio laud have scarcely
anything but the kindest ords for thu
Btruuss music, our princes of dllutantelsm
have tumbled over themselves In their eager
ness to point out the defects in Monday
night's concert. The tlmo wns too slow, or
too fust, there was too much or too little
wnltz music, there wero too ninny or not
enough of Strauss' compositions, there v. as
not enough harmony, Strauss himself wusu
failure ns a conductor, etc., etc. It has been
very nmusiiig to tliooo who renlly know what
music is. Tlio hitter paid their money to
henr Bjrnuss music, thu wnltzus particularly
and knowing what to exjiect they were witls
fled with what they received. Tho former
without tho gift of appreciation, Ignorant of
what to look for, and lucking tho ability to
judge, took refuge In condemnation.
Such books as "Iu Stella's Shadow" have
called forth somo stinngo expressions from
people popularly supposed to bu sane, and I
have recently .heard not n fow reputable men
argue that every young iiiuu should bow u
liberal (mantlty of wild oats before Kittling
down to the regular hum (drum existence
which is the lot of most menwho linvo passed
thirty. Indeed there beeins to bu u growing
feeling, iimplied frpin, what source I know
not, that no Jroung man's education is com
plete until liuhas had "his lllng." Home uiai,
notably those who have' had the will power
to settle Into comparative resjiectabllity nftor
n few yvnrs of dissipation and vice, will try
to convince you of the beneflcleucu of this
modem doctrine, by n twisting of the old
principle wlrioh forms tUa basis of tho law of
homeopathy. There is nliit of tho old nick
In every man, thoy toll you, and it nun best
be extracted or killed by thu old gentleman
himself shnilitt nimililiHH curantur.
Hence tipy nrcue tluit it Is best to lut tho
younb)Mit limsort with tho duvll for u fw
years lir order that ho limy lie an angel in
his later manhood. If ho doesn't nee life In
the morning lie is in serious (lunger of going
to tho bad lit noon or In tho night and, sny
thoy, It U much Isittor to plunge around In
the breakers while oiu) I young than to In
cess tho OHslblllty of an eruption of tho In
herent tendency to vice, In the afternoon or
evening of life.
A very pretty doctrine Is this! llceauso
there is n very ro'r.oto possibility of moral
collapsu In middle age, men nro to bo put
through n process which would mean certain
ruin to many of them, poihuw a majority.
Men nre but f Indifferent creatures, I will ad
mit, but millions of them Imvo gono to their
graves without n wrloim lapso of virtue, nml
It doesn't seem prolwiblo that n taste of vice
will make it any easier to lend n moral life.
One would lie unveil by Mich n course from n
full In alter yenrs, whore (lfty would perish
by thu wny side killed, morally by the cure.
Haying w Ith tiro is at nil times anil under nil
circumstances, n dangerous thing.
Hostesses aro frequently annoyed, nml with
reason, nt tho tai illness of invited guests. At
curd parties Nirticularly, where tho presence
of all tho guests is desirablu nt nn early hour
somo iieoplo linvo n habit of Invariably ap
pearing n half hour or so after thu playing
has commenced. There will probably bo one
party in Lincoln noxt week, however, at
which tho people will not be Into. Half-past
seven Is tho hour named for tho Patrick ru
zle-dnzzlu party mid those who receive Invl-
tntions will observe tho letters, "I. C. r." nt
the lower left hand corner, which being In
ter pre tod menu, "I'lenseComo I'romptly."
You can't kill n newspaper by n resolution.
If they only know it tlio ladies who resolved
against V'nnfVifr nt the meeting In the St.
1'uul.M. K. church the other day, did that
puper.more good than hnrm.
Moit pcoplo know tho futility of suing u
new spnper for libel mid refrain from wast
ing good money in hopeless legal contests.
No one knows this better than tho uuwsiuiper
iunn himself, nml that's why thu action of J.
Burrows, editor of tho Funnrri Alliance In
biinging suit against tho.S'mfr Jounutl for
$ iletyKX) damages, is amusing. Mr. Durrnws
will buns old us Methuselah before ho gets
any of tho.ouniii's money.
Codiueh rrailurs will remember the "open
ing" given by the Wesscl Printing Company
upon tho removul to the present handsome
quarters hint December. On Tuesday it Is
proposed to give another ofieulug of a sonic
wlmt dlffereiit character. The walls will be
covered with jiortrnlts of celebrities, several
hundred In number, the hundsomo new stock
of stationery will bo dlsjiluyed mid there will
bo music, etc. Prom 3 to r Tuesday after
noon, ami 7 tot) In the evening. Tho public
cordially Invited. Souvenirs.
At u time when sensationalism among
newsMipurs Is rumpuut, TlIK CoL'UIKli maln
tnlus Its Hire tone, u fuct that is being up
predated by miuiy subscribers, uuw anil old.
Tin: CouniKit is meant for the family mid
you cnu lie assured that its tone will always
be kept up to Its present ktaudurd. A puio
newspaper in these times is one of the rarest
of all rare things. TllK CoimiKH limes to he
ft w
ntt4r L xA ifc- -sit WI&lmLmJrA
"That's a devil of n dog I bought of you. It chews up every bird I shoot."
"It never did with me; but I suppose it was because I never shot nny birds."
The (.rent Majority.
Of enses of scrofula and other blood discuses
lire hereditary, nud therefore dilllcult to euro
ltut we wish to state in the most positive, em
phntio manner that HoodV Sursnpnrillii does
cure scrofula iu every foim. The most severe
cases, too terrible for description, have yield
ed to this medicine when all others fulled. If
you sillier from liiipme blood.
The Iluzur is the only exclusive clunk nud
dress goods suit house in the city. Therefore
thoy Imvo the largest and tluest lino. Cull
and see for yourself.
Mrs. Dr. Eddy, the trance medium, bus
been visited by n largo number of ladles the
past week. She can he found In the Zehruug
Hernolsheiincr & Co's. lingo outside triidu
I .wwll I.. ,.1. .Ilium. i, lu.1 ii lln.i .ulllliiurv v.'lil.ili
liuniw.u.j ..u.i.t...,.-.. .. ..i.u .......v. j .........
when opened in a sew days will include en
iruly advanced stylos of Hue goods.
All tho latest sheet music, new Btock, nt
Crancer's Art Musio store, '-'IU south Eleventh
Wood all kinds prexired leudy for the
stove at Hetts & Weaver's. Phono No. -110.
UolnuKiifii Week on (hit MtiiK' of (liitlium,
MiisllirM (hied nml Iiiiihuits llnppy.
IHpoclal OouutKH Correspondent.)
Nkw Vohk, Oet.W --ThuK(ndalsniienr-ill
in l'lneio's "The Hipilie" nt the Plfth
Avenue, but the papeis nro lilted with so
much Kendal nonsense that omit Ires of It all.
They are, however, to have a long run, mid
nre sure to coin moiiev, which wilt uloue I hi
remitted to "dear old England." It Is to Isi
hoicd that their clever malinger, Mr. Daniel
l'Vohmnn, has n good shnrocf It, for every
dollar that sllps'fioni ' hlHpocket-wo may as
well kiss nnd bid along farewell. At l'ul
liter's Mr, Joseph Jeirersou in Ills colobr.ibsl
character of "Tider rnngloss," In Column's
"The Heir nt Law," has, us he always does,
drawn full hmisis. As Messrs. Jeirerson and
Florence iihiy not Ik' sf en together next sea
win, everybody wishes to see tlio gifted pair,
so as iu after years to tell their grandchildren,
mid right they nre, for Mr .leir.iison Is cer
tainly tho Ih'sI comedian America ever pro
duced, mid us he Is yet as spry nml lively us
a young mini, both on and off the stage, he Is
now seen at his nest. Clover little Miss Kdllh
lCenwnrd, who hasmnde a very big hit In the
ICungaUH) ilniice nt the (lurdeil Theatie, has
extended her pint, and now appears iu the
second nnd third net of "Dr. Hill," to the de
light of lurgo audiences. Tuesday, Airy Pnlry
Lillian ltiissell miide her re-nppearatice nt
the Casino In Mllloockcr's much talked of
oH.rn, "l'oor Jonathan." She easily domi
nated thu tiora, which, deold of her pres
ence and her charm, must have hung In the
balance with the weight of public opinion
probably against It. Iu "l'oor Jonathan"
there is no lilcturesiiueuess or romance or
poesy gained from the locale. Tho scenes lire
laid Iu .New York, nt Monaco, anil at est
1'oltit, mid only In the lust limned is there an
opportunity for rich coloring and striking
costimuN, In thu other nets tho main char
acters generally wear thu sombre evening
dress, making u contrast to the brighter but
not fanciful toilets of the Indies that Is ns
novel ns It Is suipiMng iu u Casino pinduc
Hon. It will no doubt be u "go." Ague
Huntington's hit In "Paul Jones," at the
llroiidwiiy, Is now unquestioned, her receipts
for Inst week touching t!i,.MHj. Iu fnct nil
the houses huvo played to good business, and
although tho commercial part of New York
may be "hustling," the broad smile on the
faces of theatre muiiiiguis us they stroll up
mid down dear old llroadway show plainly
enough that they nieiiot worrying to nny
greut extent.
Lincoln Furniture Co, who opened their
doors Septoinlier 1st at HOT O street have
boon dolngn thoroughly rntlsfnctory business.
Euch weeks business showing an lucrcuse
over the previous one. This firm makes a
specialty of furnishing houses throughout on
contract, tho purchaser paying nlxjut one
third down and the bnluncu iu weekly or
monthly pnyiueiits. This is u nuw lileu In thu
west and will be thu causo of many young
muii securing their own home. Thu II rm
handles Furniture, Cnrpots, lltsldlng nnd u
general line of goods that go to miiku up u
household. If you need anything In this Hue
enll nud ste them nt UOTO street, telephone
Is TllK CoimiKli'ri Celebilty
Ayer's Hair Vigor Invigorates the scnlp;
cures tUndruir nnd itching. An elegant
The Hnzar, lOl O street, wants every lady
In Lincoln to call and see their licuutlfiil line
of cloaks, suits, furs nnd diess goods.
Thoiiillllnery department of HerjioUlieiuier
K Co. will have their grand 0ienliig ill 'u fow
days. Miss Ihicli promises to display u su
Mrb Hue of pattern mid made huts mid bon
nets. It is timu now that you purchased that alr
of winter shoes which you will llnd so com
fortable Iu n short time, when thu cold
weather approaches. And Hriscov, thu Shiw
Mun, has just what you want. He can give
you u neat, stylish, erfect lltting shoe of the
greatest durability and llnest workmanship,
for u very low price. Ho curries a full lino
of nil thu best goods. Indies', gentlemen's
nud children's shoes in nil varieties and
styles. Hrlscoe, tho Shoe Man, In the Expo
sition. When you want somv'thhig for tho
fcUcullon him.
J. II. Ilurnuby, the taller, may lie found ut
rooms l'J and lit, Nuwiuuii block, 1UOT O
CQ3 enlerlnlnniiintji given
in iiiiieoin iiiivii iss'ii so
mtlsfuclory ns tho con -
...11 111 I III. Illllut.-lnl .1.
'if HT i' 'l' cliestrn of Vienna under
the leadership of I'.d
tinnl Htrnuss at Punke's
oM'iu hoiisu Monday
Hueli waltr. liulslo wns
never lief ore heard Iu this city, A Strauss
waltr. Is nhoiit ns near iHTfoctloil ns it Is his
slhlo for nnythliig to be, mid the programme
included sevei nl of tho comxsltloUs of IkiIIi
ICdlliuil nnd Johunn. Siliely there Is some
thing wrong with the Hrsou whose soul Is
not stirred by tho entrancing strains of the
"lllue Danube" or the " leiiua lllood" Was
thvre uuybody In Hint vast nudleuco who was
not uiovtsl by the Inuomparuhlo melislyl As
the music came Iu soft, undulating waves,
coiitrolloti exquisitely liy tlio glftisi con
ductor's bnton, it toiiclusl n responsive chord
Iu the hearer's human organism, and install
tmieously one's reusltive unture iHrnmo at
tuned to the deliriously vibrant orchestral
strains, and one wns held Irresistibly by the
chin in, The wnltrus were truly divine. The
Klka music was almost equally eujoynblu
and it is by the nitres mid polkas that the
Strauss orchestra should I hi Judged. Theo
dore Thomas' oi cliestrn can hardly be com
pared with Strauss' Inasmuch ns there Is such
a wide dissimilarity In the class of tuiislo
played. Thomas cleany excells In classical
music. Strauss triumphs with the waltz. As
a leader It is.doilbtflll If the latter has u peer.
Ills musicians are under the most jH'rfoot
discipline iu the world. The movement of
the ha ton mean thucommniidof an autocrat,
and his em- catches Instantly thu slightest In
harmonious note. As lie stands on his cdcs
tal heiipiK'iirs to ho the very Incarnation of
the spirit of musio In man.
(lounod's Meditation was perhaps thu most
delightful selection apart from the dunce
music, and the 4'(Jywy ltarou"potvourri mid
Mendelssohn's ''Spring Hong" wero ulso ur
tlstlcnlly given. Some of tho prettiest pieces
were reserved us encores.
Col. Hob .Melleynolils is u man who main
tains his equilibrium nearly always. Al
though us manager of thu opera house, ho has
to deal with thu crankiest lot of soplu thu
sun shines up jn, ho seldom permits himself to
bu annoyed, and usually takes things us he
finds them without n waste of winds or a loss
of sleep. Hut onco iu u whllo his smile fades
Into a frown. lie wasn't particularly happy
when I ran across him the other day. And
nil on account of Fay that I'ckle, frolic
some, frisky, Highly little Kay Teinpleton.
"You see," said ho "Kay Is away up with
Lincoln M.-ople, and I huvo been banking on
her iipM'in mice hero Nov. 1. Hut what (loos
she go and do the other day but pull out of
thu "Hendrlk Hudson" company t This of
cotirsu enneeh her date. fSlui has Joined Hub
soil's company of comcdluns and their man
ager now wants me to Iniok the company for
Nov. H mid 15. Tim Costal Sllper com
pany Is already down for these dates and I
! don't know how I nm going to arrange
I thing-. Peihups It will all come out right
after a good ileal of shifting. And this Isn't
nil, Quite u numlicr of good companies
booked early Iu tho season huvo gone to thu
wull for some reason or other, leaving dMtes
open when It Is too lute to till them, nnd"
Heio somebisly whistled, "Listen to my tale
of woe" mid Col. McHoyuclds did not pro
ceed any further.
Frank Daniels who Ix-longs to that class of
artistic comedians of whoiu"tlieio are only a
few of us left," will present that old favorite,
"Little Puck" at Punke's uuxt Wednesday
Have you seen Daniels)
You probably have; but Ihen you will go
again. He is one of the fow men who do not
weary us iiihiii ii second appearance. He is
original and oiiglunllty In u comedian Is
something o lie highly prized Holms with
him this year u talentisl coinMiny, and there
o nits) no disapiMiliituieut Wednesday even
For tho week commencing October "7 the
following at I ructions nre announced; Eighth
wonder of tho ngo -throe head on one body ;
j Wost nml Fowler in their funny sketch,
"America vs. Ireland," with songs, dunces
and sK-clnlties; Shermnn, Ward and Maun,
Finest City tilo; Dayton sister, the danc
ing twins; Zulliku, the Persbiu, etc, Fiidny,
lndieiS1 souvenir duy.
Nut Ooodwin has been seen in launder
Hlchnrdsou's "The Nominee" Iu the West
during the past week, Tho play hus made u
strong hit, and Is said to contain moio laughs
than any comedy on the rotul this season.
Sol Smith Husf el has one or two comedies
which he Intended to produce this season tint
"A Poor ltelatlou" Is doing so well that he
has decldid to continue Mr Klddei's comedy
during all cf his present tour. Air. Ituswll
is playing to excellent audiences every wheie.
Miss Kato Hint, ono of the bright young
soubrettes of "Natural (las," died suddenly
on Tuesday from hnrt disease In New York.
Iu private life Miss Hurt, although only
eighteen years of age, wns known mid much
esteemed ns Mm. McAulWo, wife of "Jack"
McAulllfe,'tho chnniplou light-weight pug
ilist, Tho night previous to her death she
played her pint iu "Natural flas" at the U-o
Avenue Academy iu Hrboklyu.
There has never been u time in the history.
i of the English nnd American stage when theie
were so row actors upholding the standard
of legitimate drama. Theie me muiiy
worthyuspii ants iu the Held, It Is true, but
nonoof distinction excepting Mr, Irving in
England and Messrs. Edwin 1 tooth and Ijiw
renco Huriett In Ameiica. The artistic pro
ductions of plays of highest typo oirered by
Mr. Ilurrett nlwiiys linger pleasantly in
memory, Thu Inanities of tawdry comedies
mid of "stars" of misdirected ambition cun
fc wTS
I hi happily forgot ten i but there are few who
can or desire to forget "Priiui'eM'n da Ha
nihil," "Illenrl," "Yorlek's l.ovo," "1'nndrn
gon,"nnd the olhi'i'iioetU'ilramns which linvo
been Idontllled with Mr. llurrett. It Is not
to'i much to say that there is no actor on tho
American stugn who hus exercised so iiotciit
mi InlhieniM for the beuellt of the theatre Iu
his duy.
Mm. Ia'sIIo Carter assembled her coinany
nt Proctor's thcutiv, Wwlmwiliiy, on her fit nt
lelieursal of "The Ugly Duckling," In which
she begins her season nt the llroiidwiiy, Nov.
10. It Is a romedy-dramn, tho llrstrct sug
gested by Tennyson's poem, "The. Sisters,"
nml the others by Hans Christian Anderson's
dainty fitblo. While depleting fashionable
life In Nuw York, It Is fiisifrnm pel Humilities,
mid thelitis no tiuth In I ho tumor that the
eccentricities of puulf ulur Individuals nro In
be held up to I si ridicule.
I ' 'MM'' 1 1-"
. .iiih lil,M - --- -M "
KiMKlffllWftl- ' . I "I flHIlljre
'ouii Ciithhiiv "I hay, old fel' snw ymi nt llnrnuin's circus on Tuesday, hut
you illd'nt see me."
J'miiij,' Vim (iiiwlt "Ah, Indeed, which enge were you In?"
(leiitliiiiien I'lne Hulls.
Such an elegant stock of lino suits an Is now
being shown at the i.ew Huston Clothing
House is seldom seen III Lincoln mid Mr. MIL
touhurger Is having a big trudu on them
from the stmt. The reason Is plain prices
talk. Tho lino emhruces an excellent assort
ment of cutaways, sacks, and Prince Allsurts
iu all the newest patterns mid coloiings and
If you want anything in this line these goods
cannot fail to please you. It will ho worth
your while to go in -in i look them over.
Mori-hunt's lintel.
H. L. Dlekover, proprietor of the well
known Hub restaurant iu Omaha, 1ms con
verted, the J.dwith Mock Intothe Merehiint's
Hotel, muking it ono of the coziest hostelries
In thu city, .Mr. Dlekover hus u wide repii
lar with thu traveling public. In a short
tiinon lhst-cluss iliiiinif hall will lui In niwrn.
tlou. Thu house is eenti ally located, hand
soinolv furnished mill able iminiKreil. Tunny
moderate. Direct your friends' to stop ut thu
.Mercliani's, l.leventli anil 1' streets.
I.nillrs of l.liiconi,
When vou go to Omahn do not forget to
call on Madiimu Hllss, l,rl() Douglas street,
nud see the latest nnd finest Hue of iuqiortod
pitteru hats and honneU west of New York
Tnke elevator for millinery iwrlor.
Mm. E. C.ltewlck has arranged with Fore
man & Cruwo for the sale of Miidume Hup
ports Complexion remedies, mid hereafter
these excellent goods may lu found at either
The largest nud llnest stock of millinery in
tho city can Imj seen at Mrs. (Josper's, 111 I O
Miss Johnston's hair emNirimn Is head,
quarters for Hang Cutting, Curling and
Shampooing. New fashion plate showing
latest design III collfmes, bungs, etc. Call
una see the new styles. j
Photographic .views of tho city of Lincoln, j
puhilo buildings, business houses and line !
residences in hook form, pretty souvenirs,
may Ihi had nt thu Wo so I Printing Co., I Hill
N street, price fifty cents,
H. P. Sher In, 1121 O street, has a present
for every ono of his customers thht cannot j
iau to ne lie will give to every
customer. u line crayon picture made from
any photo that Is denned und it will not cost
you a cent. Cull In at his drug and shoe
store mid see how it is done. 1121 O street.
There may be intsoiis In tills community
who at o at times troubled with colic or sub
ject to attacks of Imiiu-1 complaint. If so,
they should try Chnmberluln's colic, cholera
unci dliirilHi'u remedy. It will ulfoid almost
Immediate relief, mid when rcduml with
water Is pleasant to take. If taken lis soon
as the Indication of the disease l fuit it
will wnnt oir the nttuck. Mnnypcoplo use It
In tl is Way, and Hud that it never fulls them.
A 85 or .V) cent bottle may lie obtained from
A. Im Shruder, the druggist.
Ceutlemen desliim; the lutest Ii) lino neck
wear "111 do Well to cull ut the liew'Hottou
Clothing House, HUtl O stleet. Styles cor
rect iil.d prices thu lowest.
Finest lire imtterns, Intest Parisian styles
at the HuztiHr, Utti O stivet.
Arthur II. Smith passed through Lincoln
Wednesday iiccompoulod by his bride. Mr.
nnd Mrs, Smith have been on a ten day's
bridal (our, starting from Huston mid going
ns fur wiwt us Denver. Mrs. Smith Is n
charming nnd ostliuuhlti luily,
(leorgo Poresmau, who returned from tlio
oust Monday, win struck while away with
the fact that Lincoln Moplo nre ubiquitous.
In New York mid nearly every place he
visited ho inn to use his own words "Into tho
arms" of somebody from Lincoln, lie met
them (ivury where.
The Into Justlco Miller wns quite well
known In Omaha, having paid several visits
to tho family of Hon. .lames M, Woolworth
Ills daughter, now Mrs. A. E. Toiiuilln, paid
ii visit to Omaha several yearn ago lieforo
either shu or Mrs. duy Howard wero married.
Miss Miller made a most pleasant Impression
iikiii nil she met, mid no one then thought of
ii uiurrlnge Ix-twcen her and the popular
rnllronil olllclul, Mr. Touzalln. And now
she mourns thu loss of both father n nil hus
band, Mr. Frank Irvine Is n nephew of
Justice Miller, Omaha Ktvrlnlw.
Tlio Omaha KxvrhUtr announces the en
gagement of Miss Minnie Hawko of Nebraska
City, to Lnthrop Karnes, the wedding to oc
cur December 80. Miss Hawko is well known
in this city, having Is-eu a frequent visitor
hero for n nuiiiticr of years.
James J. Condon of this city, who pur
chased one ticket Iu the recent milling enter
prise ut Tecuiuseli, won the prize a three-yrnr-olil
lllly, valued nt 1,000.
Ernest Fuiike has gone to Charlottesville,
Vo., where he hus entered the University of
Virginia. He Is tuklngu coursttlii medicine. v
John Ilarlier after n residence of over u
year In Omahn, has returned to Lincoln und
vill have charge of tho dress goods depart
ment of the New Hazar. Mr. mid Mrs. Ilar
lier hnvu taken up winter quarters with Mr.
nr.d Mrs. Tate on A street.
On November first II. W. Minor, who fo.
years tins been a fixture In the enrput fct'jre of
A. M. Duvlsifc Co., will bocoiuu a knight of
the grip, having accepted n osltioii on the
road with Trorllcht, Dunkor fc Itunurd of
St. Iiuls, wholesale dealers In enrjssts. ills
f i lends will lie glad to learn that Lincoln Is
Included In his territory.
H. A. Eaton, one of tlio Isjst known young
nensNiieriueii of Omaha, formerly city edi.
tor of the Jlrpubltcun, is now editing tho Ne
braska City I'nm. Mr. Eaton is a mini of
ability and wide Information, and the Vr.s
already shows evidence of his handiwork. It
is becoming a bright uper.
W. W. Wilson, one of I.tiuv.liiV ,mt..l
travelers, Is buck ugiilu nfler an absence of
live months, dm lug which tlmo ho hus visited
Englnnd, Iieluud, France, Switzerland, (ier
manyuiid ltussla. His Husslati exjieriences
were partlculurlly Interesting. He is ably to
supplement Kcuhtin on some points.
No llctltious certificates, but solid tacts,
testisy thu marvelous cures by Ajer's Suisii
purillu. Hetts ,t Weaver, the live coal dealers Imvo
now been in business two yeaiS during which
time they huvo estubllshed u lemulkiibly Hue
imtroimge, euch season showing a huge n
ciease over tho pro lous -sensoii's busiutss.
ThibieMilt hus been itttnricd by u thorough
attention to the wants of their customers and
keeping a line of fuel that always gives sutls
fuctlon. Prices have nlwiiys been lielitnnd
delivery prompt. Hetts & Weaver's cilice is
in tho Academy of Music block, corner Elev
enth mid O stieots, telephone number -1 10 mid
when you want nn thing In the line of coal
or nood you will in-wi go mills by pntronlz
ing thelu.