Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 18, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Offers to Nobby Drc-wcr In making their Selection from our Large
Wnrtmcntft of
Tailor Made Suits
First ami foremost our price arc from $15 to $20 less than the regular Merchant
Tailors charge you for Identically the same suit.
Second Is the nlitolutc certainly of your getting a perfect fitting garment. Then
you arc not subject to any delay or disappointment, a U too often the cac when you
leave your measure with the so-called crack tailors. Our slock of Fine Tailor Made
Suits comprises all the very Latest Styles In
Prince Albert Suits,
Three-Button Cutaways,
Double-Breasted Sacks,
Square and Round Cut Sacks.
We shall he pleased to have you coll and Inspect our magnificent line of Flue
Suits before making your purchase, confident It will lie to your Interest as well as ours.
Globe Clothing House.
Corner 0 and Tenth.
1204 and 1206 0'
This is the Season of the year when
when Competition is Close and Everybody has the
best. Then is the time to go direct to Headquarters.
Yon need a supply for the Winter and as now is the
time to buy, why not call on
and see their line and get prices. There you can get
the pure article direct from America's greatest mines
noted for their purity and excellent quality.
Call up Phone 440.
The wise man sclecteth the "Hur
llngton route" and therefore utartcth
He arraycth himself In purple and
fine linen, for lo, and behold, he Is
snugly ensconced In a "lower center" on
the famou. vetibulcd liver, where
smoke and dust are never known.
He provide th himself with a book
from the generous library near at hand,
adjustcth his traveling cap, ami pro
ceedcth to pass a day of unalloyed
pleasure and contentment.
And It came to pass, being hungry
and athirst, lie bteppeth into the dining
oar, and by the beard of the prophet,
'twas a feast fit for the gods. VenUon,
Ulue Points, Hergundy, fro,? legs, can.
vasbacks, Mum' extra dry, LnglMi
plum pudding, fruits, nuU.lces, French
coffee. verily, the wise man waxetl
fat, and while he llchteth a cigar, li
e A
taketh time to declare that the meal
was "out of sight."
t occurreth to the wise man that
the country through which he journey
ed was one of wondrous beauty, inso
much that It was with deep regret lie
noted the nightly shadows foil. How
ever, tenfold joy returned as he beheld
the brilliantly lighted car, and the merry
company It contained. Verily, it
afforded u view of Elysium.
flie wise man retlreth to rest. De
liriously unconcerned, lie sleeps the
sleep of the righteous and awakes
much refreshed. Ills train is on time,
his journey ended. He rejolceth with
exceeding 'great joy, as he holds a re
turn ticket by the same route, the "
Hut llngton.''
MORAL: Travel by
Gen. l'nn, and Ticket Agent,
HfiRSCHUiR, Props.
' uW252si&
Street, Burr Block
Office 1045 O Street.
"pie foolish man buycth a ticket of a
scalper. In the morning, behold, he
saveth fifty cents; and lo, at nightfall he
is out $9.27. lie starteth wrong.
Whh might and main he hurrlcth to
the depot, only to find his train four
hours late. '1 he peanut boy sizeth him
up and sellcth him a paper of an uncer
tain date.
As lie journeyeth along, he formeth a
new acquaintance, for whom lie caslii-tli
a check.
plve minutes for refreshments. While
lie rusheth to the lunch counter some
one stcaleth his gripsack, lie changcth
cars, lo these many times, and it strik
eth the foolish man that lie "doesn't
get through pretty fast," and he be-
moancin uu in luck.
e gettcth a cinder in Ills eye. and
y he sweareth and cusseth full free.
He exchanjieth tiiree nieces of silver for
a bunk in a sleeper, and awakcth just in
time to catch an Infernal nigger sneak
ingoff with his boots; the I'ortci's e
cuse avnllcth nothing, and the loolish
man straightway putteth hU booth tin
iler Ills pillow, that no man may break
In and steal.
His train runneth Into a washout, a
hackman taketh him in to the tune of
six shillings, and the foolish man lifteth
up his voice In great lamentation, for lo
and behold, the tavern Is away but
half a block.
Hcrcjcheth home weary and hearts
sore; his trunk coincth next day mlnut
the cover and one handle, he rcsolveh
hereafter to travel only by the "Great
the Burlington Route'
Cit l'ass. and Ticket Agent,
Ami Wlmt NI111II Mm (Millttrmt ito TIipii,
I'oor Tlilnu.
Tint fact that tint grwu lenvci of Hummer
tint browning under tint auiyomIui frtwts of
Autumn, but tolls us of tint i-nniiug Wlutri
blasts wlthmvoiiiiwnvlNit rolntof Mliltttmiotv.
I Lut winter wns n mild onu nud tlio mioiitlnu
of bow to keep mirtn didn't worry tin Hopln
much, but nil tlio fni trust or tlm tinning mni-
Mlll poitl'llll 11 rt'lK'tltloll Of tlltM'XClfslVl! Imi-tl
wlntff lfvH78, when tlit bllKxnnU lunilit fas
iihmim so mitiiy Nulii askn lu'rolnw, ami ratiril
so much Miirvring. Tlio prmlt'iit hoiMioMer
will glvo t-iir to tbt wnriilpg of tlio gooso
Itont', tlio corn husks, tlio linnknttK in well mm
that iiHt'ivctl fnim t'onxulhitloii with tlio
planotsnnd invpmo woll for tlio lung nolgit
Unit N coming, Wliou lioeonitH to roiuliler
tlioipiostionof UtOVl'H, If ho Is wlso tin will
visit tlio Inrgn Morn room of Mnxtu-ll,
HlnrH! it Hoss, on Tt-nthsiifot, Just north of
O. its this linn Is soiling roitio II 1st class
st oven nt w lint limy Iki ooiuMitiiI n great two
llllco. When this llrm t'nino to I.IiiiviIii tlioy
roiirollitiittil tlirtolmgo stocTis of linultvnro
nml stovttt, 11111I t lion tlinriurlvttl tlipy found
that other Hi ins hud tint oxcluslvo iigmioy for
all thto IIiioh mid tlioy eotiUI tiwt stock up tin
any of thoiu, mid tlit'it'foro tlmy tlotoimlntsl
like prudent liuslness men to clostt them out
nt factory prices. Tlioy w III not tnko any of stoves to tliulr now ImlMliig nt lfi!W,
IKM, 1WUJ mid l.VtS O street, nud iih tlioy
iiiovo next Krlilny, them gixxN have got to
go. Tlioy have
15 JennU.
0 IliiekV llrilllnnts ami
10 or I'J HpleiitlltlM, both roiinil nml mpinru
imttornp mid tlioy will sell them
For cash or on
Minthly pnyinonU
At ninuufnclunor'ft priced
They alo hnvo n nle.i lino of Htett art's
Hurfnco Hiirners nud Ilnso Heaters, the llaest
in tlio world, which tlmy will sell on thoHitino
Fortholr now storti, nt tint nhovo nnmetl
Milliliter, which will hnvo mom lloor room
than tlio Kxnsltiit biulillng, tlioy hnvo or
dered n Inrgo nml very completo line or huso
hurnent nml surfitco hiirnem from tlio Kxrel
sine Mnnufnetiirlng Company, tlio nmkeiit or
tif.tho eoleliriitiil Charter Oak Cook Mtoves,
with wlrtignuro oven tloont, tint Shiest nml
liont cook stoves in the world.
If you want n bnrgnln in hentors, cnll nt
iIiimiM storo lieforo tlioy move, mid reinein
ber.thoy movo next week.
I.itillos Cork Mole Titrneil Stiues.
nro 11s easy to tlio feet as nuy hand turned.
Am warm, dry mid t'oiufojtnble. Tiy n
pair. To ho round only nt
lA-nilltig Hhoo I) rnlers
Tiik CofiiiKit In 11 recent Issuo iiindo meii
tlon of thonotv tinlu servicu Hint lind been
itiniigiirntetl on tho iliii'lhigtou between I.ln
1 oln, St. .Itepli nml Kansas City. It wits
with no small prldo that the Cot;
lilKli tlovotetl nearly half a coliimu In pin No
of tho-new departure from tint old mode of
travel betw cell these cities, i.e. itolng iiwny
with vexntlous ohiingo of cms at all hours
and hi Its stem) giving through Pullman nor
vice. As 11 Htniter the lliirlliigtou folks
pliiced in servleo n combination k1oost, with
lialf of tho ear fitted up with sleeping npait
meiits 11111 tho balniii'o with upholsterttl 10
t'linliig clinirtt. It was thought that these nc
conimoilntlons would for mine time piove
ailiipinto to tho ilomanil, but It took only two
hort weeks to deiiionstrnto that this service)
was not extensive enough nnd tho traveling
putille deuianded iiioro spuco. Tlio Dili Hug
ton folks ever ready to accouiiuodato thtlr
patrons have taken oir tlm combliiatlou
sleeper and now run it regulation slzo Full
man pulaco sleeping car Instead, thereby nf
fording nil who ilosiro it Iwrth ainplo ojiiior
tiinity of securing it.
Lincoln people ami tlio traveling public
Kono rally nro not slow In recognizing a good
thing mid tlio Couiiikii did not err when it
stated leceutly that tlio people would appro
elate and show their good will for tho lino
that caters to their comfnrtniid convenience.
There is now ample space in tho 8t. Joseph
and Kansas City sloeis-m and reservations
may he made In advance by applying nt tho
city ticket ollleo corner Tenth nml O streets,
or by calling up City IWenger Agont A. C.
.femer, telephone 15.
IittlMirteil Mlllliior3'
Our iniiKirtlng nguut has ruttrutsl from
tlio KiiroKaniiinrkels mid wo ant now ready
to show you a I ergo mid completo lino of tho
latest designs in French pattern lints, bon
nets, tcspioa and English hats.
J. J. lll.IKH,
1510 Douglas street,
Tlm f.ust Chance.
The gieat auction sale of fluu jovudry
which has been in proress nt Hallott's for n
couple of weeks will close today. Tho at
tendance has been Increasing each tiny, ninl
If you expect to attend today's sale you must
come early. Many u liandsoino Christinas
present hits been purchased In the last few
iluyn at very small cost, nnd n great ninny
bargain yet remain. This afternoon and
evening will bo your lust ehanco to buy Hue
jHwelryat miction ami you will regret it If
you lot the opportunity slip. Everything
guaranteed. Each Indy attending this nf ter
iiimiii will bo given it chance on a very hand
somo girt which will Lo presented to the
lucky person after tho sale. Do not fail to
attend. The sale commences at iit'M p
" ' IiiBpSil1' i0AK BED
..''' tflp-F .. - 1 1- ONLY
I tMIHHlt k;S-' '-- -Jim mIBIKotIpI IIIHHFc-:
i& vivT"u .1 r" vi- vvtir .mmm " '""
Harry (' I'attenon, mniiiiger (f ,MI.
st root's, who was called to I'lillndolpldn by
tho ilivith of his father, U tri lug to deehlo
whether toieturn to Mucohi 01 letimlu In
tho Oimkor I'lty mid miccntl his father In
tint uimiiirnetmliig business.
Fred Mlekelttalt, tlm colossal ox-Mlsntul
I'aelllo ntlhM.y eomluetor, now repieneuts
tho llalltviy Ulllolals' nml Conductors' Atvl
tleiit iiK'oelnllon. As n solicitor Fled ought
to boa tremendous siutvss. Who iiintil ii.
iuiIm! Iilntr
Mkhos mini? Htm tnliprsMo, suit oftfn ti4i to
self ileilruetlon. Dltlrcn ntl(rrllnit,tlrk tintH
nelia, licstilmru, sour ttomsrli, nicntst itrprfi
Ion, etc., nro csuirit lijr tills very enminoii ami
lncrtMlng illtoaio, Howl's HtriApstllls tones tlio
tomscli, rrrslrt mi sppotlte, iroiuotas lioslllijr
illgoitlan, tcllovri sick licmlsclio, clears tlio
mini, ami cures tint tnoit obitlnsto cstet of ilji.
pcpiU. Itcait tlio fotlonlnKi
" I hate tiorn trouttlvit with itjrt)inla. I liari
tint llllto aipotlte,miit wlmt I itlit eat illntretteil
me, or itlil mo lllllo goixl. In an hour aflor rstlnit
I would eiiftlcnro a fitlnlnru or tlrot,allRono
feeling, s IIioiirIi I tiait not eaten anything.
Hood's PsrispAlllls tllit tun mi linniemn amount
of good. It gsro tun an sppcllto, ami mjr fixnl
tallilieil nml tstliflcit tlio eratrlng I liail irotrlnuiljr
exiwrlnnreit. Ilrollornt mo of that faint, tlreil,
II gono frcllngt I hsyo felt so much belter ilnro
t took Hood's BsrmimrllU.tlmt I am haix to
rerotnmcnil It." CI. A. I'jtnR, Waltrlowii, Man.
N. II. He suro togst only
Hood's Sarsaparilla
floldtiyatldriiggUts. llfforV 1'teparednnly
by U, I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Umell, Man.
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar
Eden Musee
Week ComniLMicin
Oct. 20th
Master minds of Mlnstrclsx,
King of Vcntrll(i(iilts nnd
block heads.
his family of
Renowned Facial A I list.
Little Kittle Bingham
Phenomenal Child Ache's.
The most graceful forward and backward
bender extant. The woild's representa
tive Contortionist, presenting feats of
contortion never before attempted, lie
is beyond the ipiestlon of a doubt a
Nonpareil Comedy Go.
Little Annie Nelson
Thcllrlglit Vivacious, .Swvet Singing
Lilliputian Souhrette.
FRIDAY, OCT. 25th,
Handsome Souvenirs for the Ladles.
Free Seats In the Theatorlum for all
School Children.
10c Admits to All. 10c
No Improper characters admitted.
For Our Advertisement
Tomorrow's Daily State Journal
Bargains in Dry Goods
For Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
1 1. 1 and 1
Herman Bros.
1017 0 St,, LIffCOBr, MB.
Branch Stores at Falls City, Grand Island, Beatrice,
Weeping Water and Auburn.
Milton M. Lyon
I.iav.) OnliTH riiriinvNnwipiirar. MniciiKliin or I'orliMlloal wliaUo
fvur iiml 1 will i,K!iiru II for you at pnlilUlior'it ljiwot I'rlM
U.llet will iiUiivm tlinl it full I uu of Katlilon MinciiiliioJ foil in v
i-niutorn. aUn 11 mil lliu of tm.t. VointV Cell lira u-tl KhiworHlii.l n
Tol-lol'it 'Kreuuor Honalit" now 2i peiitN ,'wormuitle.
"Ji tiiitiuiiiiiuiiHiiu
i-jiiTii mini, inn
iiii'iii, iiuiiyiiru iviniitiu iTiurc Krli'H
Albirt Hot i' utoit "IaBtslluSbitlaw,"
Th) lijttiii Newi
1. j 3 O Street.
- -
the Wide Awake Newsdealer
and ijtilmrlptlon Agent, 1 101 N St.
imipiii.' - Notrn Cimiir," alio
Ituiiiitii IliMirll.
iiiruoviir mini," "Tim 1.1
LilHt Thmiv liv li...
Ill clump paper furui i't ctn.
M. Ljjd, Proprietor.
Book Case
and Bedstead
In O111' IMfte of Furniture
Hardy k Pitcher
ill South 11 tli St.
Lincoln, mjijk ask a