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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1890)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER i8 1890 ". V COMFORT FOR THE MET! Life Made Easy ' in buying somk;oi-' vhv." FINEST AN' I) MoreJComfortablc SHOES Ever 10UI In Lincoln. To try tlicm on U to buy. These goods to bo (omul only nt Webster & Roger's 1 o.j 3 O Street. IMIIESS Alice Isaacs OMAHA, un wirasrst bros, ewyork LATEST NOVELTIES IN- Millinery Very Lowst Prices. ln tlie Hloro of llryman V Dolrhcs, 1518-20 Earnam Street OMAHA. ON SALE TO jSLUL-i Principal Points EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH -AT 1044 O STREET. E. B. SLOSSON, City Passenger Agent Leading PHOTOGRAPHER I Flno Hunt Cabinets f3 per doron. Hneclnl rates to student. Call uml seo our work. Studio, X3I4 O Street. Open from 10 a. tn. to 4 p. m. Sundays. J. S. EATON, Physician and Surgeon Office: 116 S. Eleventh St. Telephones : Office 685. Residence 56 J. LINCOLN, NEU. Yy Socialist. I'Motlee Limited lo Diseases of the Nervous System, Heart and Blood HKKKHKN0K3: Hon. Win. I.cckc. Attorney Onneral. Hon. T. Ii. Norvnl. Associate Justice. Jones' Nntlonnt Hank, Howard. CltUeu' Natloniil Hank, Ulysses. Owen: K23 O Street, LINCOLN, NEU. r.iNcor.Kr kmd&fMg&f axd imiuuTK or ruiMiur, Bhorthaud, and Typewrltlu. U tlio best ml lantMt College lu I be Went. tu tituilenU Id mteiuUnce last year, bluli'iils prepared or buttneu In from J lot inontlu. Kxperkncrd faculty. IVrwmal Instruction, Beautiful III intra U-U cMalotrur, rollrxa Journal", ana inoclnieus of riHiianlili, nt free ! wliln-lng UIXlUIUmiE IIOOSE, Llnooln, Neb, Tickets J8yt&i LOCAUNI) IMCHSONAL V. A. Hell linn gone to Illinois. Z C A. Hnrkii linn roup to ltot.u, Mm. Mir. 0. It. Ionl Ik In Piovldenec, II. I. Webb Eaton linn returned from Dultitli. Win. II. Ilalrdhns returned from Denver. Miss Mnry llownuiii hingonntodarnett, ICos. Clonic II. Allen lm 1 etui net! from Ht. Loiilx. Mr. A. (I Helhnan lift Tucsdoy for lies Moines, In, Wllllniu Wooloy depot ted Monday for Phlla lelphla. Counelluinn II. M. Wee went to Crawford Neb., Thin nlny. Horn, to Mr. nml Mis. 1'nil Herman, Oeto her CI, a daughter. Tim Plenont Hour club held 11 business meeting Inst night. HMiopIlonocuin Is In Ht. Inils attending n chin ch confluence. Dr.W.O. limit. Neiitcitolnlng Hon. John Ferguson of Muudotn, III. MIm Kthrl Howe conducted n collect t given nt Llnwood Tuesday evening. At least 0110 Hallowe'en party l nmired There will prolwibly hosovoial. Mr. nml Mm. II. K. JonrN loft Thtiisdny evening for Colorndo Hprlngs. Hoimtor and Mm. Krniik Tnggnrt o( Hast ings were In tho city this week, John II. (Imiii, of Olnoy, 111., U visiting hU daughter, Mw, II. O. Victor. Tho Kltrgci nld OiianU Imvo effected nn or. ganlieitlon with twenty meinour. Mm. E. II. Ilond of IVorla, 111., Ii visiting litr ilmifflitcr, Mm. Jiiiiim Mnhonoy, Mini Huslo Williams has gone to Cnr mll, HI., wlttiro kIiu will attend mcIiooI. Mm. J. T. Mintlu Is entertaining hor coin- in, Ml-n Winifred Miller of Lnuark, III. M. ICi inner nnd family have gone to Cbb cogo whero they will reside In thu future. Mm. 0. A. Wlrlek mid daughter Imvo re turned from nn extensive visit In Illinois. Mm. O. II. Collins Is entertaining Mr. nml Mm. O. A. Clou chill, of I.lttlo Knlls, Minn. MIm Jessie Lnmler of Ent Lincoln re turned Thurwlny from ft. month' pleasant visit in lonn. MIm lllanch Taylor, of Lnfnyette, Ii.d., l -UIiik nt tho renldenco of Mr. mid Mm. Krnnk K. Lnhr. Mm. lAt)imnl Hwect, who him been vllt liiK In this city, lint returned to her homo In Mnfulllon, Ohio. MIm Mary U, Ellsworth, of Cleveland, Ohio, is vlnltliiK Mr. nr.d Mrs. E. 11. Ellss worth, 1628 0 street. Mr. niul Mrs. O. II. Unmoy, who Imvo boon vlilthiff Mr. mid Mrs. J. E. H. Millar, Imvo returned to Cheyenne. Jitinc Miihoiiey, niniiiiKlnR wlltor of thu .V(if .oiininf, has rettirunl from n visit to his old home, Peorln, III. 8. 1'. Stovens left Thurwlny fr Chicago, whero ho will bo connected with 11 Initio wholesnlo gioecry house. Mm. J, J, Kendall, of Wlnonn, Mleh., is in tho city visiting her father, II. 1). Cntlin, nml bi-other, C. I Catlin. The East Lincoln C. L. H. C. hold Its regular mooting lnit night at tho llaptlut cluiiT'h, wllh u good iitteudnuo?. Mr. nml Mm. J. A. Wolr of Mollne, III. who Imvo born visiting Mr. mid Mm, A. II. Weir, left for their homo Monday. E. C. Hawick and It. 11. Osgood, of Al Imiiy, N. Y lert ThiiMilny for Denver mid tho inoiiutaliiH where they will remain n week or ten days. Tho Townlcy house adjoining tho Lhnlell hotel, now being removed, Is one of tho old est fritmo bonne in tho city, dating 111 far back as 1808. Adilltlonnl local nod Hrsounl page f,. FAMILIAR PEOPLE. Mnjor McArthur of this city was a warm friend of the Into Gonernl W. W. HelkiiDp. During tho wnr h was a member of the lat ter' dtaff, ' . Harry n. I'atterion, nninsger of Ilrad street's, who was called to l'hlladelphla by tho death of his father, Is trying to decide whether to return to Lincoln or remain In the Quaker City nml succeed his father in the manufacturing business'. Fred Mlckelwblt, tho colossal ex-Missouri I'ncldo rnllwhy conductor, now representa tho Hallway Otllclals' and Conductore' Acci dent association. As a solicitor Fred ought to be a tremendous suceem. Who could iv pulsohlmf a Frank L, Hathaway, one of tho most popu lar young men In the city, has opened mi of fice in thu Academy of Musio block, Elev enth mid O streets. Ho will make a speclnlty of fire insurance. Frank's wide acquaintance will insure him 11 good business from tho start. The Man Abcut Town learns that ox-Sen-ntor F. D. Taggert has decided to locate per manently at Newcastle, Wyo., where he will engage in the practice of his profession, tho law. Mr. lnggtirt lias liumlreils of friends in Hastings who will wish him tho best of success In his now field of labor. Ho has tho ipjnllflcntions of n brilliant lawyer. As un orator he is matched by but a few of his age. Ho has mi lutlmaii knowledge of the law, mid tho keenness mid shrewdness to inako the best use of it, In politics ho U a staunch re publican mid his services to the party In Wy oming will lie found Invaluable. nsffii GUffO-.ninui. It is learned from nnether Issue ,of the Journal that Mr. and Mm. Taggnrt have already started for their new home. The senator mid his wife, who as Ml Williams wis a loader In society In tbls city lest than two yeaM ago, have scores of friends in Lliit coin who will hear of their departure for Wyoming with much regret. Madame Ailolph Weber, one of Lincoln's favorite singers, has gone on the operatic ttago. She was engaged by the Andrews 0ern company a fortnight ago, mid last Tuesday evening at lieatrlco she nwilo her llrst appearance, tokliu the part of Jotrjthine In "Pinafore." The lieatrlco irirrss, iu commenting on the performance, said: "Her Joaejthinf was particularly effective, her voice very brilliant, especially in the uper register." The Democrat adds; "As n tihlne, sho admitted herself admirably. Her voice Is beautifully tweet, strong and clear. She takes hir upper tones with great brilliancy and presents n charming appear ance. After the Inevitable gaucheiro has wornoir sho will tlildi her ptneo iimoiig the few- grent ni lists of tho day." Evidently her debut wn mi iiiiiunllllfil success: Tho An drews 0M'rn compnny numbers forty coplo, exclusive of tho orohe'trii, IimI Is said to lo n uiei Itoi Ions orgnulrntloii, Itsncrlvnl in l.ii. coin will bonwnlteil with Inteicst. J. 1). AicFmlmid hnsieslgneil hU potltlou ns land t'oiumUslotier of tho II. it M. in order to give more tlmo to his duties In connection w llli the First National bank. Tho Iowa and Neliiakn laud dup'irtiueuts of the II, & M. will I mi consolidated, It Is said, under the iiinunKcmuul of W. W. Ilaldwin of Hurling ton, la. C. J. Ernst of this oily will bo his iiKlntmit, devoting his attention entirely to ihu Nebrnnkii huslut"s. Iadles will llml 11 couipletollnoof HnoshiH's nod nil the latest styles nt the iroM)r prices nt 1 Hlicrn ln liar ton HI100 rjtoiv. Tim l.imt (Jliunrn. The gloat miction snlo of flno Juwelry which hns toon In proiesn nt Hnllutl's for n couple of weeks will cliwe today. Tho a t tuiidnuco has lioen liicrenslug i-n'di ilny, mnl If J oil expect to nttoiid today's sale you mint ii)ino ently, Many n hntidsomo ChrlNtmns present has been purchased in tho last few ilujs nt very simill cost, nml n great mnny bnrgaluit yet reiiimn. ilds nftoriimm mid evening will bo your last chnnco to liny Hue Jewelry at miction mid you will regret It If you let thu opportunity slip. Everything gunimitccd. Each Indy attending thlsufter 1100 11 will Imi given a chnnco oil 11 very hmiil somo gift which will bo presented to tho lucky K.-Mon nfter tho sale. Do not fall to attend. Thasnlo commences nt 2:'M i. m. A Niilalilo liiiproiuoi.t. Tho store of I111I0 Meyer "t Co. on Tenth street Is undergoing extouslvu Improvements nt the present time, which, when completed, will nmloi It 0110 of the handsomest mid mos ntti nctlvo stores In Lincoln. Now show- win (lows will bo put In nml tho entire front will ho 1 eiuoileli'd Just wntch thu change. Mr. Meyer announce that the confusion incident tn thtto extensive alterations will bo over in it week or ton days. In the memitlmo there U no ntmtemou of bushuss. Tho demand for his cliolco stock of dry goods, notion, grocer ies, etc., at reasonable prices mill continues. I'rosh goods nt low prices aluoys sell, mid I.011I0 Moyur & Co. nro kept very busy. Mr. John Keown, tho worthy postmaster nt Known, Allegheny county, l'a., soys: "Chnmberlnln's cough remedy sells liotter than nny other." Tho reason of this Is be cause it can always bo deluded upon. Iet nuy one irouuieii witu a severe com give 11 n trial mid they will find that tho llrst dose will relieve tho lungs mid mnko breathing easier mid tlmt its continued use will freo tho sy torn of nit symptoms of tho cold, Tito prompt nest) mid certainty of this remedy in the tellef nml euro of cold", has won for It many ln cero friends mid innilo it very inipula-. For sme ny A.I, oiirmler. Noveltlseln Wedding Cako boxes-t drty different shnpos nt Wessel Printing Co. Tho Lincoln Htenin Ijiiindry having io cently changed hands nml undergone ninny iiiipioveiiieuu is now heller timn ever pre pnieil to execute work In the very loH man ner, promptly mid at Hpulr prices. Mr. A. W. Day tho now pi oprietor has adopted a new mid Improved (uoces for wnHhlugniid handllug garmeiilM, by which 110 lilench'ng or Injurious matt rln s are lined: tho finest fabrics such its nilki, luces, llouuciw, Ilnmiels or cotton gootU u r, Inimdrieil iu llrst class mnmier, without the lenstdmnnge. One trial will convince the in-wthkeptlenl that the Lin coin Hteam Liundry iIom tho finest work Iu the city. All goodn called for and delivered. Telephone (W. HdIIIiik llouku liy Niilinrrlptlou, TlioiiictlKxl of wiling iKxikH by subcrl)Uon has many advantages over any other, mid In dally growing in linportmieo lind popularity. Hy this method thontteutlou of the purchaser Is called to valuable book of which he might remain In entliti Ignorance If they were sold in nny other wny It Is the most iirret mid altogether Ihoiuist rronoinfciil wny to buy books. Hooks purchased ntn retail lnxik store have generally passed thioiigh tho hands ot from (irofo four vudillemen, each of whom must linvo a pi oil t. ThelitwrM IHiblhhinu Co., St Louix, Mo., olfeiH profitable employment to all who wish to engage in tho business. Experience is not necesMry, but any lady or gentleman with Intelligence and Industry can make a success of the worth. Their publications nro (lot cIiikh, Just such book nsour young eoplo mid our older peo ple should read; book that tend to make In telllgeut men mid women; books that teach people things that they ought to know, such booksn a splendid Fumilu JUMe, which Is In Ittclt 11 perfect cyclopedia of biblical knowl edge. TVnfyxifi's History of the United 'States is another ipleudld look;a silo of over .'100,000 copies sjxak loudly in favor of it great worth, 7Vie iVopfe'.i Ciclo)dia 0 Unirtrmil Knowledge Is another woik that bus curved it way to n woudei f ill ttuccesi, 100,000 eopit of this splendid cyclopedia, nmdoaiid etllted KHH!lally for the masses, have Kfii Mild, and the sale Is still very large. They also handle tho lied letter Life of the liepubUc Stanley Explorations in Africa. The Pioneer History of America; l'eoplo'a Farm and Stock Cyclopedia; Tho Physical Life of Doth 8exos; Courtship, I)vo mid Wedlock, mid History of the Grand Army of the'Ilepubllc. Another splendid book, nveragingnt fifteen hundred seta a month, is UidiMtWs Cyelojte dta of Universal History, a book that is bound to bo road by tens of thousands of fccliohiM, mid by those who lay 110 claim to scholarship, mid who yet iovo a clear, stralghttorward, undeMtandnblo record of the great event of tho worlds history. The iwpularlty of this book Is something wonder ful. For further particulars, clrculaM, term to agents, etc., address, Tho lUversMo Publishing Co., 703 Olive btrest, St. Louis, Mo. O-lO-flm Llueoln St. Joe & KniuusClty. ThroiiKli Hletipvrs ami i'arlor Cars, The day of transfers, changes and delay between Lincoln, St, Joo mid Kmisas City i over, the II. & M. having placed In service a line of combination sleeper mid parlor chulr com that for convenience, elegance and com fort surpasa any thing heretofore run between these tioints, Tho present schedule i as fol low: Leave Lincoln, 8:!t0 p. m, dally, arrive Iu St. Joe 8:37 a. in., Kansas City 7:50 a- in. ; returning, leave Kansas City 0:1ft p. m. dally, St. Joe 11:45 p. m., arrive at Lincoln 7:60 p. in. Theso trains run via lieatrlco, Wynioro u.nt Tnblo Hock mid make ehwe coniiectlom at terminal points. Tho set vice I really excel lent and wo can recommend It with much confidence. Further Information can w ob Ulned ut union it -pot or city office comer O and Twelfth street. A. C. Zikukh, City Paonger uml Ticket Agent. A PICTUHESQUa AMERICAN. luterrntliiK (lllnip.r at thn Career of j Col. Tlioiiiit I'. Orlilllrro. Our American civilization htm produced but two men of International reputation, ' of whom people very fainlllar with their I mitiiCH, being asked what these men Imvo done to achieve greatness, would Mummer, ' hesitate and llunlly full to answer. ' Theie men lire .Sum Ward, now no more, 1 nml ThoiniH l Ochiltree, vvIiom portrait ' nppeiiM witu huh nriicio 1 Here Is such n thliiK nn 11 shlbboletli i,f imtorlely which every mini believe uml which tin mini de fines, uml the widespread lepiitntlon cu- COI- TIIOMAB I". OCIIII.TIIKK Joyed by Thoiuiw P Ochiltree Is Homowhat 0111 that order.. The. famous Texan, how-, over, low HiibMaiitlal claims tothentteu lion of the personal pnrngrnphcM. In tile I'oity eighth congress he served iu the llrst native representative of hi statu. HI appearance 011 the Moor of the house wiw always the cue for hearty laugh. "Tom Ochiltree," illgnllleil renro Mciitatlves used to any, "I better fun than the minstrels," He always had rome Hide splitting Joke on himself to relate that cunningly bora on the argument he wished to advance, and he generally got what he wanted In fuel his representation of his constituents was satisfactory, tho "lied lle.ided Hanger from Texas," as he dubbed htmsolf, ob taining for his Mntu almost all the appro priations ho asked for, Ochiltree was neither Punchinello nor Thersltes, but a delightful mixture of tioth. Early In life his shruwd humor developed Itsolf and helped him forward, Iu a career dashing ami adventurous In the extreme. He was born at Nacogdoches parish, Tex., in 1811), n stirring period that marked the close of Texas career as an Independent republic!. Ills father, .lodge William II Ochiltree, 11 distinguished lawyer ami n personal friend of Houston, and those men who carried the destiny of Texas In their hands, was desirous of bringing the boy up In a fashion to suit the rjiilctcr epoch he Imagined he foresaw. To this end lie placed him Iu charge of two Catholic priests, who have both slnco then won high honors In tho church. Hut young Tom, whllo displaying n bright Intellect, also showed the liveliest signs of life. He abruptly broke olf his studies Iu his fifteenth year, and volun teered as a private In the Texas rangers, coniinanileil by dipt, John G. Walker, against the Apache and Comanche Indians lu ISM and 'M. At the close of the cam. p.ilun he returned to his books; but his was supremely a youth of action, ami before he had attained his majority he made him self editor of The .leliersonliin, and in 1800 attended as 11 delegate the convention:! of Charleston uml Imltlmorc. Then ensued the civil war, during which (K-lilltreo scnctl with distinction on the stall's of Gen. Tom Green and (Jen. Dick Taylor, of the Confederate army lie also ivcelved honorable mention while acting under special ordoM from Umgstreet, and was rewarded by 11 colonelcy. After the cessa. tic 11 of hostilities Col. Ochiltree accepted the situation in good faith, ami both by word ami pen exhorted his compatriots to 'stop crying uml llml solace in work." During President Grant's llrst adminis tration he appointed the Texan to bo United States marshal of his state. Hut I8U011111I '117 saw him again in his editorial phase. He conducted Tho Houston Dally Telegraph, ami was untiling lu his cITorts to keep the resources of Texan before the world. The attention of the state govern ment was called to him, with the rebuilt that he was sent to Europe to act us com missioner of emigration for Texas, uml In that capacity hi) paid several visits to the continent as well us to England. Every where he became it man marked; his ag gressive but agreeable manner, his odd but pleasing pcMim, everything called at tention to Thomas Ochiltree and he know well how to keep It there, for lie potilil tell funny storle.s In Freiuh, Spanish ami En gllsh Ah a matter of fact Col. Ochiltree Kim letter known in Europe at this tlmo than iu the'JnltedStiitoH, outshleof Texas. It was his lumoiis campaign In 1S32, In which he ran on the Independent ticket, uml defeated the so called most popular Democrat lu Texas, .Mr. Findhiy. that brought him Into prominence. At that era the congrexslonal district which he was contesting embraced :i,r00 siiiare miles of territory, contained twenty-seven conn tics, and reached from Galveston on the Gulf to Eagle Pass on the Rio Griindo The great light took place at Galveston, whero Ochiltree mid his adherents occupied the armory us headquarters, and his oppo nents the loruo Trcmtint house. Ochiltree kept everybody iwny from the speeohes nt the latter place listening for hours at the armory to slorie.s that he told on himself stories that have gone the rounds of every English iieriodlcnl. Among othoM he told how, when ho be gan to practice law with his father, he took ml vantage of the old gentleman's ah sonce In San Antonio to have an immense sign painted which rend, "Thomas P Och iltree anil father, attorneys," etc For the past live years Col Ochlltreo ha withdrawn from politics ami lived at the Hoffman house, Now York city. In such ro 'Iroiiieut as e-o'Vils of friends who love his wit and brilliant conversation will permit. He is a figure of the age lu which wo live that survives from an a tee gone forever. As such he merits exploitation before he disappear from the stage. FltASUs LlVIMiSTON. No IU,, Tor Sharks' Society. Itaymniiil I) Odeil, n New York city res ident, ventured lu bathing one day recent ly while at a Connecticut summer resort. Eight sociable sharks ut once sought his company, and Mr. Haymoiid repelled their Invitation to dinner only by the vigorous use of his at .us and lo.fs In u shoreward lllghl Tho .Miiniul of Sallshiuy, premlerof the Hrltlsh umpire. Is enoimoiisly rich. He owns VM.OOO acre of laud, much of it lying within the corporate limits of bunion. A phc'.iomcmil orange tree In Florida has 11 record of 8,000 onion cs produced lu a year. Thlsl overlive times the nveingo jieM. New Goods and New Styles Throughout For Fall. Don't be Tardy The Best Will be Picked First. He Stayed in Bed all Day. "I won't got up today nt nil; I wont get up," "he said "I can't persuade myself to leave This comfortable bed." Which is not to be wondered at seeing that the bed was (.elected (rnm the stock of AUG. TH. GRUETTER & CO. 11 ih n siui:i:t. SHELE AHD BUILDERS HARDWARE AOP.NCY FOKTIIK CELEHItArEI) RED CROSS COOK AND HEATING STOVES, Furnace Work a Specialty. Stores, 1210 O St. and 27 and W Sts Tv " Stylish Carriages and Buggies, At all Hours Day or Night. J3T Hones Hoarded and best of care taken of all Slock entrusted to us. F1 PRICES REASONABLE. BILLMEYER & CO.,. Proprietors. Call and See Us. Telophono 435 A. M. DAVIS & SON, Fall and Winter Carpets and Draperies, 1112 0 St Telephone 219. H. W. BROWN DRUGGSITHHBOOKSELLER The Choicest line of Perfumes. D. M. Ferry'? Finest Flower and Garden Seeds. 127 South Eleventh Street. Fall Overcoats . and Suits ! , Lots of them, Heautifnl Patterns and Elegantly Made. Kit st comers will pick the ripest plums remember that, $12 to $25; hardly a clear way to tell you, but those are about the extremes. . HATS You can pleasantly answer that favor ite: "Where did you yet that Hat?" When you've bought ours and saved an extra dollar. A. Hurlbut & Co. Cor. 10th and P Sts., Lincoln. 7 .v w srs. iai4 o ST. New Hardware tore. KRUSE& WHITE. Where you will Always find n Complete Line of Finest in the City iTHE NEWj Palace Stables M St, opp. Masonic Temple. iik sr N pyinj .............. maamMMwwi a .. 4-5tx- zzr ?r trnt