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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1890)
8 CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER u, 1890 POPULATION OF LINCOLN 65,000, Saturday Evening, Oct, I i.'OO Oerner I Oth and P Streets. FALL AND WINTER Dress Goods and Silks STAPLE STY1.KS AND NOVEL TIES IN ENDLESS VARIETIES. II, H. NISSI.HV A CO. , "The Courier" For Hale In Omnhit. , Coplea nmy l Aiuwl nt Keith's nunsstntid, 819 South Fifteenth street, Boyd's tioin house Mock. SPECIAL HOSIERY SALH 1 Next Monday, Ttivsdny nml Wednesday HcrpolMielnier & Co, will liiwo their llrst Nclnl nIo f hosiery nml wool underwear, Oio Itoot assortment In tlio went of these niv rtwary garments. Price from nno-qunrter to utieo'lilnl less tlmii regular llgurcs. Those nro nil taught In largest imi11Io quantities nml lUrMlilii(iiiir it Co. without iloulit got tlirin .'roni ten to titter n per cunt less tlmii smaller buyer can, ns buying In tinntlly it vilint (.uiiiiIh; tlndr tmtletrou good l such that they do not fear buying too much juot no tlio prlew In low. Cnll nml Inspect thorn,, from tlio cheapest to tlio licst regular niniln rooiIi, nil qualities. The GaitrUr, Gait bePuunil At Windsor Hotel Now Htnnil. Cnpltnl Hotel News Htnml. Rxposltloii Dining Ur.ll Newt Htnnd. Tho Ootlmm News HUliil, IIH Houlli 11th Ht, lWtrt Uiitnior. Ill North lltli Street. Kit. Youiiir. I0 O Mreot. " ' Klotolmr A. Co., 1 ISO O Street, Utile HportUlimrHture, 110 North lith HI. Wcstcrnrnd's llnrhor Hhop, llurr UIock. LVAn cxtrn supply nf pnnor U always Ion at tho Gotham, In rnso other Newsdealers supplies run short. Fall Styles, Dnnlap Hats 1137 O STREET. c: TAKE NOTICE! The Courier will not be responsible for any debts nuide by any ono in Ita nnnio, tin m a written order aeco mpaniea tho mine, Laeal and rersonal. WhlteUretut Coal and Llmo Compiiny. Take Turkish at 101(1 0 street. Oysters In nil styles at Brown's. Brown's for oyster In nil sty 1m. 'Ruth M. Wood, M. D,, 121 P slreet. Telephone at the Couribh ottlcu Is U.3. Try Brown's Sunday dinner., only 25cts, Sunday dluuort at Browns, only 25 cento. Hutching & Hyatt sell coal. Telephone 235. Lincoln Ice Co., 10(0 O St. Telephone 118. Mineral water uted for bathing, 1010 O it. Canon City Coal at tlio Whltebreast Coal and Lime Co. Doctors Bailey & Goodell, oPce 1W7 L treet Telephono,C17. Only place In Lincoln that uaaa mineral hatha Is atlulOO street. Improvedshower for Turkish baths at 1011 O street, basement Union block. Miss 0. J. Gullmette, modiste, second floor' Ejposltlou building: Take elevator. "'' Ppekkr furnishes tho finest quality of loo cream and "fancy cakes for parties and wed dlngsj M AHthe4 latest sheet music, now stock, nt O rancor's Art Music store, 212 south Eleventh street.' j s . , Poehler is now serving rich Juicy .Vysiers and luuchea at hi parlors, in the'MoBrlde block, corner Twelfth ami t -street, Dr. C B. Wsaaing. ooe rooms 00 67-0$ BurrUock, Telephone 336. Residence Cor. 3dlfassdT. Telephone 330. Art studio, .room '-J2, Tlio Bond. Classes Thursdays and Saturdays. China flrlng. Edith Rubsklu J, II. O'Neill, fine plumbing, hot water and steam heating, fin gas fixtures and 'globes. You can buy all grades of garden hose very cheap. See the new correspondence papers lu tab Jet form Just received at the Couhikr office. We bavp all toe latett, weaves, in all the fan cy nnd plain -paper, including s number of very pretty novelties. Envelopes to match nil paper. IL PvSberwin, 1131 0 street, has a preeut for every one of bis' customer that cannot fail to be appreciated. He will gfve to every customer tine, cravon picture made from any photo that is detnral-amrlfwlll not cost you a cent. Call In at hlsdrug and shoe siore ami seo now u u uono. us O street. There may lie jiersons in this community who uro at times troubled ;vvltu eollo or sub ject' lb attacks of bowel compUlnt. If so. they should try Chamberlain colic, cholera and dkrihoa remedy. It will afford almost immediate relief, and when reduced wlvh water Is pleasant to take. If taken as soon as the first indication of the disease ii felt it will ward off the attack. Many people use it in this way, and find that it never fails them. A 33 or 80 cent bottle may be obtalued from A. L. Shrader, the druggist. kOv IN THIS SOCIAL SWIM. OOI ETY during tho eek In tho lino of danc ing lint lint Iktii very nclli, nnd only nu ono SOiPbflfE''. occnslon lint .Mnnonlo niA V-' Teinplo Ikmmi brightly II- liuulunteil, which n on Motitlny evening nhen tho Hlitirhe Thorn lnll wn given by Lincoln' Jewish ho clety. Hlini'lies Thorn Is n Jowluli fontlvnl, ono of tho oldest known holldnys In his tory, mul Its origin ilntoi buck neiirly thrto thoiiMiul ycnis lieforo Christ. Onthnt tiny, the Ih'kIiiiiIiik "f winter, tho llvo bookt of Mosw, which weroiihtl by I'linptem each ftnlilmtll, wero cOiiipli-teil, tho ImrvcNt Imd nil been gnlhenil, tho winter's stoio wiihIiiM In mul tlil wns cv i"r ngoicnig nun thmikiglvliig, h ,i . -" Tho wIMIr Monilny ovcntng wns n ilpllght fill tuccora, In which nbotit llfty couples pnr ticlpnteil, tunny being (ireseiit ftoin nbrtxid. Music, such ns Is seldom henrd In Lincoln, wn fin nUlied by thn Muilcal Union orchw trn of Oinnlin under tlio dlrei'tlun of Unit In eompurulilo lender, Mr. llnrry Irvlno. This pnrt of tho evening's enjoyment wns the lin )lest iNirtlou of tho progimn. It wns full of iimilriitiou mid hiiruionv mul duiiiiz tlio evening many complimentary reiunrkH woio ht'iirtl thereon. Tho cotuinliig of i luilliii was -mrtlculnrly hninlsomc, ninny ox inilito tolletM Iniliig uotli'vnblo, whllo tlio iiinlo mix weri) attired In tlio coiivuntiOtinl "clnw hiiiiiiner" drew,. Tho guests' enjoy ment 'ns limkcil nftvr by L. WvskoI, Jr., imisler of cerenionleH, tho reception commit tie, iMitunx. Louis Mejer, M. A. Nowuimk, Duvld U'Uo mid IxniM Mnjer, nnd Momi-h, Isolds IvM'inky, M, A. Ackeriunu, Ham 11 ch mid Henry Mnycr, tlio lloor coiiiuiltteo. Thcin weio olxicon iiinnberN on tho pro ginui, Including two benutiful pronieiiiuteti, tho fcntlvltli couiineiicliig shortly nftor iilno with n gimiil mm ch, hendeil by tho innstorof cereiiiouleii, iiwlntcl by Mlrs Klnreiico Adlur of Omnha, which, nfter a number or lists lento movements, glided Into n wiillx, mid tlio on ttirtniument win on tho wing. Thoso present from Oinnlin wero MitiHm, Frwl Hollgsjhn,JullusMoyer,OuUiv Delchw, Ed, Werwi'l, Mis. V, Adlur nnd tho MIshch Klorenco Adler, Tllllo Nuwninn, Julia llloom mul lloleim Heligtioliu; Dun Loo l of Chlcngo, A, uiiipnmn of Ht. Iouls, nnd Mr mid Mrs. H. Uollgsolin, Mr. and Mr. Duvld WIo, .Mr. mid Mrs. IjOuU Mayer, Mr. nml Mr. A. Illoch, Mr. mid Mi. M. A. Nowmnrk, Mr. mid Mr. Umlo Meier, Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. M. ltlce, Mr. mid Mrs. A. Halter, Mr. nnd Mrs. H, 1). Mayor, Mr. nnd Mm. I. Friend, Mr. mid Mrs. Willie Meyer, Mr. mul Mr. M. Acker iunu, Mr. mid Mr. A. L. Kntxonstcln, Mr. mid Mm. A. Katieimteln, Misses Nettle mid llerthik Hvllgsohn, Anulo llnrr, Paulino Gold smith, Ida Friend, Clara Goldberg, Roa Frnuck, Mlnulo Krnmor, Uuxslo Htelner nml Ma Gunnison; Mcmi-h. G. W. Seiuinon, K. Hlrsch, Snm Rich, l. Goldlwrg, L. Kscnsky, C. D. Mullen, Elnior Stephenson, A. Kscnsky, L. Weasel, Jr., Eit M. Friend, It. Goldsmith, H. Schwab, C. W. Gunnison. 8. W. Gimno bnum nnd L. Ilnrr, A largo nnd exceedingly enjora bio nrosien slve high flvo party wiw given by tho MUkch Kattle and Cnrrle Inland Wdliiemlny oven lug nt their residence. 1201 G street. Tho nr rnngeuietita mndo by tho charming hostesses for tho entertainment of the guests wero per fect nnd the gathering wns ono of tho plens nntostoftho season. Thoso preent'wero: Misses Uertlo Mcllrlde, Mnud llurr, Fny Marshall, Clnrkle Puco, Gertto Kleiner, Ger trudo Hill, Florence, llrunn, Carola Hill, Anne Futike, Joo Winger, Allco Cowdery, Klttlo Cowdery, Margaret llnlrd, Martha Funko, Mntiollo Ashby, Mnud Hmnmond, Minnie Lattn, Jennlo Kruw. Nnnnio Lilll, bridge, Evn Fry, of llloomlugton, III., Kntle McClay, Gertrude Maniuutte' Hnlllo Hooer Clorlttello Alford, Adams; Messrs. JohnMo llrldo, Georgo Holden, aix Marshsll, H, J. Hall, Fanl Houts, Mart Mauritius, Frank Burr, Charles llurr, Irwin Winger, Will Haminond.John l)orgmi,Will Clarke,ChnrIes Clarke, Frank Hathaway Clarence Smith A. B. Law, Oscar Futike, Robert Mulr' Frank Everett, Chnrles Walt, II. R. Nissley' Dr. Reovw, Harry McC'onlga, Charles Wockl bnugh, Archie Scott; Mem, and Menlains W. R. Maxwell.T. W. Giifllth, John West E. K. Heukle, Van Dusen, and Dr. nnd Mr si Holyoke. The prises were won by Miss Anne Funko and Mr. Hathaway. G. F. H. Schwako nnd Miss Mny Newton were united in marriage Wednesday evening at the residence of Mr, and Mrs. J. E. New ton, 1100 G street, Rev. F. S Stein of the St. Paul M. K, church officiating, assisted by Rev. R. N. McMalg. Tin ceremony was ptrformed at 8 o'clock In the presence of a large number of friends from this city and abroad. Many handsomu presents' were re ceived. Mr. Schwake is an exceedingly pop ular ybung mail of acknowledged ability, holding a responsible iHMltlon In tlio German National bank. Tlio bride is an accomplished young lady, enjoying the friendship of a largo circle of acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Schwake will reside lu the future in their pretty residence, 1813 G street; where they will be "nt home" to their Mends after Oc tober 20. V Mr, and Mrs. O. M. .Thompson of Four teenth street gave an enjoyable progressive high Ave party Wednesday evening. There were present; Messrs. and Mesdmuca E. K. Crlley.A. Hurlhut.A. M. Boinl, Cal Thomp son. Alva E. Kunnnrd. E. K. Ilmwn. It. 11- Oakley, O. E. Yntei, F. M. Hall, E. Blgnell, uoorgo iiarK, w, . iienms, K. it. uuthrle, D. Shilling, Georgo Cook, S. E. Moore, A. G. Blllmeyer, A. C. Zlemer, W. W. Holmes, W. B. Wolcott, F. W. Baldwin, W. Si Huffman, Dr. and Mrs. Dayton, Dr. and Mrs. Bailey, W. N. Leonard. Mrs. Bos wick. Ma, n V. Thompson, J, Swau and II. Freeman, Misses Dewey of Chicago, and Kate Stoddard. Mrs. Criley and Mr. Kennard won tho prizes. Arthur B, Smith, formerly of this city, nnd now osistant general passenger agent of the B. & M. with liMitntiiirtora In nnixlm ullllw. married in Boston October U, George Fores. man nui represent ar. mniin menus in tins city at the wedding In the capacity 6f best man. Ahnndnome preenf, acyornpa.nteil' ny ployes of the II. & M. itifaUUIt-U ".E. Big uell. A. M. Baird, A. C, Xlemr, M. McKin non, O. E Yates, C. D, .Muljon,. D. E. Thompson, R. O. PhlllljM.A. Bj Miner, O. M. Tboiupson and O, P. Fancoi).; . Tho Tuesday Evening Club, 'met Tuesdiy evenlllB at tho resldnr nt Ulya'niVl.), The literary part of the prpglfakime was de voted to Oliver Wendell Holmesl KtMy and selections were reod by AV E.. Hnnly, Miss Walsh, MIm Gertrude WelU and W7 Morton Smith. Musical selections were given by ydtn W wiigiutuiniuj teiier icas.uirwarueu w Mr, Smith.' Omaha address 4yMtcW A V tdavfalt Ills arrival llV till, follnwInvInmMorta JA.l'un,. Mlt Anno 1'iinko nml .Mli Anna llnrr. Tho following nnw niembei's wero elected! Mesi rs. H T. St. John, Will Clark, O. P. Fnu ciinil, W F, Moyor, Misses. Ethel Mnlslniid, Ni'lllo White, Grnco (lillllth mid Denn Iwm I. Dr. mul Mr. Protrmnn gnvo mi enjoyable dancing party Tuesday evening nt their lionio,fiul Mouth Thirteenth street, nstlsteil by C. A, Iongwell. Tliowi present werot Mr mid Mr. HimIi!ii. Mr. mid Mr. Hltuert. Mr. nml Mrs, Miller, Mlc Cnrmody, Coveit, Avery, Douely, lv, Hteen, Hrluilloy, Fox ami Do Puo Mesr. Covert, Grnhniii, Coin stock, King, Wilson, Hcott, Ikntrom, Eckcr nnd Halo. Tho neat little progrnm, contain-, lug fourteen numbers, wns much enjoyed, mid tho Mtrty dltperml nlsout inldulghl. There was a very pretty wedding nt Uni versity plnco Wcdneshny veiling, whon An son E. Decker nnd Miss Jcnnnetto P. Whnr. ton wero united In innrrlngo by Rov. C. F Crelghton, chniicollorof tho Wesleynu mil vcrslty,tho ceremony inking plnce nt tlo'cloo k in tho presence of a number of intlinalo friend. Both tho brldo nnd groom hnvo a wldo circle of iiiiiinlutniiets who wl-h them nil hnppfnet, Mr. nnd Mr. Decker will lie "at homo" nt Houth nml Elghteenlli street after October i. Tho honnl of ptiblla Innds nnd buildings has given tho Plensnut Hour club permission to hold tho reception which will 1h! ghen October 21 to Mr. mid Mis. J. II. Wright, LleutenmiUmiilMrs T, W. Grlirith mid Mr. mid Mis. Frsuk Smith of Alliance, In tho seiinto rhnmlier of thn cnpltol. This recep tion, by the way, promises to Ira ono of tho most Interesting social event in tho history of tho city, bulug, n it will bo, tho first ns sumbly nfter tho union of tho Senior nnd Junior. Mr. nnd Mr. M. W, Trnvis entertain! a number of their friends nt n veiy pleasant progicsslvn high-llvo patty Inst evening, given lu honor of Mb Flora Trnvis, of Tur kic, Mo, Thoso present wero: Misses Met calf, Sterling, Crowe, Pace, IjOoiiiI, Hale, Raymond, Ham, Mainland, Heatou, Denul, Messr. Murray, Thompmiu, Kind, Graham, II, J. Hall.C. E. Hall, Drown, Mngoon, Fin ney, T. Ewlng, Pace, Van Dyne, Hale, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. E. P. Ewlng. Thu ICast Lincoln Chautauqua Literary mid Sciuiitlllc Circle met Monday uvenlug nt tho Enst Lincoln Baptist chinch. Tho fol low lug officer weto elected for tho cimuiug year; J. M, Bull, president; Mis Lutio Thomas, treasurer; Mb Allco Orr, societsry. Mis Thomns eouduuteil tho lesson lu English history, mid G. H. llnugliMinii tio lesson lu English language, Hoieafterthu das will meet every second Friday, Mrs. B. F. Wlckcrkhmu, who has been staying with Mr. C. It. llufmnl, left Inst evening for Holyoke, Col., where she will re tldo in tho future with her husband who Is In tho employ of thu 11. & M, Mr. Jameson, Mr. Wlckershnui' mother has gono to Now Yoi k to rosido with her sou A number of fi lends wer.1 pleasantly enter tnlueil by tho Misses Hardin Wtiluewlny ovenlng, among whom were Misses Smith Bcrkey, Ames, Munm.ii nnd Hjntt, nnd Messrs. Hill, Mnrslmll, Muusen, Bey bold t Rlckhold, Burber, Sawyer and Boniiull. Mr. C. I). Pitcher returned Sunday from the east, nftera two months' ulwonco ti o-n tho city. Mi. Van Kirk Isou Plorsou of Ithlcn, N. Y., accompanied Mr. Pitcher homo. Thoy will visit lu Lincoln until nftor tho hol idays. Mis Kvn Fry, of Bloomlncton, 111., who has been tho guest of hur cousins, Misses Uerti title mid Carola Hill the past few weeks ion lor iter Homo lliursduy, nfter n most de lightful visit, Mis Ollvo Lnttn and Mis Nellio White left Tuesday for Alliance, Nob., where thov will lw tlio guiU of Mr. Frank Smith, for moriy or tuts city. Tlireo tllircront set of wedding Invitations nro now being engraved by Tint Couuieh nnd there nro more coming but that's all wo can say, ' Mrs. W, L. Wnmpler, who luw been visit ing nt tlio residence of Jnmos Wnmpler, re- lurneil to tier liomu In Peru, Ind,, this week. W. Henry Smith, denn of the Cntral Iviw collego, will lu ntmut ton days begin tho pulA iicatlou or tlio Mtvruskn mw Journal. Ernest Funko left Thursday for Peoria, III., which plnce ho Intend fo jnako his home In tho future, An Interesting chnlr donation party wns given in tlio r.inmauuol m. K. church last evening. Mis Libblo B, Houl wns on Thursday elected superintendent of tho Homo for tho Friendless. Mrs. M. II. Garten will give two afternoon luncheons, Friday and Saturday, October 17 and 18. Capt. 8. F. Shaw and wlfo of Fnrkersburg, W, Vo., are visiting the family of Georgo M. Yntos. Miss Helen Merlhew leave on the twenty ffrst for Los Angles, Cnl., to spend the r In ter. Mrs. A. II. Wler of 1401 Fftreet gave a very pleosantAltenioou luncheon yusterdny. James K. Ifelttek returne! Thursilny from Pin ttsiuouth ftf awro he visited his parents. C. Y. Smith left last night for Boston, Mass., to attend his brother' wedding. A pleasant social was held nt the St. Pnul E. M .church Monday evening. Miss Nettie Vteregg of Central City is vis iting Air, w. it. uogan. I Mrs. C. II. Holme, who has been quite ill, Is much Improvei I in health. Mrs, S. F. Rouse and nephow of Denver are visiting 11. U. Phillips. The university orchestra has orgnnlr'ed for the season. Rov. C. II, Newnnn dejiarted Thursday for Qulucy, III. W. W. Carder returned Thursday from Ogden, Utah. Mrs. A. M. Brown left Thurslny for Terre Haute, Ind. F, Taylor has returned from Daven port, la. Thomas ItIco has gone to Poet lend, Ore, !yfe. KID GLOVES. Fosters 5 Hook Kid Cloves In Colors and Black fiptclal -ale prices B7 -2 Cents Worth $1,25 'Wo )u vlto tho utteutlon ofphe public to our immense stock of Kid Gloves H. R. NIS.SLEY & CO. Jewelry at Auction Diamonds, Watches, AT YOUR OWN Owing to the depression of the times nnd the very dull trade, I now find myself heavily stocked with a line of goods never before surpassed in Lincoln. I bought heavily last spring contemplating a large trade, but like in all branches of trade, business has been very dull and I now have the goods which must be turned into money at whatever tliey will bring. Commencing October 4th, I will offer at public Auction my entire stock, and the goods will go to the highest bidder, be v that much or little. Mr. P. J. Bourroughs o f hicago will conduct the sale, commenc ing at half past two, and continuing afternoon and evening. pecial Attention Given to Lady Bidders. Now's the Time -Jewelry at Your Own Price! No Reservations! Everything Goes ! Come and Give us Your Bid ! EUGEN An Opportunity! AFTER BUYING. A COMPLETE NEW STOCK FOR OUR NOW STORE we &uvcKEin:i in making a deal tor iul Entire Stock Good Will Ol Till Will KNOWN FlRNI'llRI SPORE Or SHELT0N & SMITH, . UN bOl'TH ELEVENTH STREET AND WE NOW OFFER ALL KIN'Db OF FURNITURE 4 AT FOR THE NEXT I . !!,. ; . ,No' Trouble' to Show Goods lUypu coritcm 1 now "is the time to Save Money. SALE NOW GOING ON ! MAXWELL, SHARPE & ROSS CO., 234-238 South Eleventh Street, Clocks, Etc. -- 131 North llth street. Till: riUNITURI. DEPARTMENT E HHLL6TT FACTORY PRICES, TEN DAYS TO REDUCE STOCK - iS,4& tflO4 PRICE. Ob UEFQRE MOWNG. Jr. ja'' plate buying any urmtiirtjttliiS winter, rT r 1 K wkl&im aiiWiW " '-W jtiniMUIgMiiHtf !. mmwi f.TmnMini wrtw im4Mwwwmvm t&Wuuu ti