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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1890)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER ii, 1890 AT THE TABERNACLE. pfl. TALMAQE'd SECOND I PALESTINE. DAY IN RTrjr Step or 11 la .loimicy fa A in I.I Rrrnr Sftiirllnril by llm llollrat Aa.tirlntlmia. ( Words Cannot Bet rnrlh llm Kiiiotliini , 'Kirltril, 1 nnooKM-N, Oct. 8.-Dr. Talmago Is con tlimliiK In tlio Brooklyn Academy of Stuslo his series of sermons on hi recent Journey to tlio Holy taml nut! niljolulnu count rion. Tho subject this morning wan, ".My second Dnyln ljiUMtlno." After tlio rending of tlio Scripture nml two hearty song of worship ly tlio congregation tho prenehor announccit n nis toxti Gnlntlans I, 18, "I went up to Jerusalem," My second tiny In tho Holy l.nnd. Wo are In Joppn, It U 0 o'clock In tlio morn Inj?, but we must start early, for by night wo arc to bo In Jerusalem, and Hint city Is forty-one miles away. Wo nmy take camol or borne or carriage, As today will bo our but opportunity In 1'nlrstlno fortnklng tho wheel wo choose that. Tlio horses, with barncM tassolcd anil Jingling, nro hitched, and, with n (lrnKoiuau In coat of ninny color Rented In front, wo Rtnrt on n road which unveils In twclvo liourn enough to think of forall tltnouud all eternity. Fare well, Mediterranean, with such n ,o as no 0110 but tho dlvlno Chomlst could mix, nml rucIi a flro of morning glow as only tho dlvlno Illuminator could klndlo. Until mountain of Kphrnlm and Judn, whono rampart of rock wo shall mount In 11 fow hours; for modern onulnoors rnn nmloi 11 rond anywhere, and, without piling Chsu ' upon I'ellon, those glautii can scale tho iicavon. We tnrt out of tho city nmld barricades of cactus on clthor Rtdo. Not cacti In boxes two or threo feet high, but cactus higher than tho top of tho carriage n plant that has more swords for defense, considering tho amount of beauty It can exhibit, thnn anything created. Wo passed out nmld about four hundred gnrdons, oven or eight ncres to tlio garden, from which at the right sensou nro plucked oranges, lemons, figs, olives, citron and pomegranates, ami which hold up their censers of pcrfumo before tho lord In wr pctual pruNe. Wo meet great processions of camels loaded with kegs of oil and with fruits, and somo wealthy Mohnmincdnn with four wives-three too many. Tho cnmol Is n proud, mysterious, solemn, ancient, ungainly, majestic and ridiculous thane, stalking out of tho post, Tlio driver with his whip taps thu camel on tho foro leg, and ho kneels to tnko you ns n rider. But when ho rises hold fast or you will fall off backward ns, ho puts his foro feet In standing posture, and then you will fall off In front ns his back legs tnko tholr place. Hut tho lulmliltants nro used to his ways, although 1 find tho riders often dis mount and walk ns though to rest them selves. Hotter statu! out of tho path of Mm camel ho stops for nothing and seems not' tolookdowui and In tlio street I saw n child by tho Rtroko of n rnmol'H front foot hurled rovou or eight feet along tho ground. TIIK TATTOOKO NATIVK8. Hero wo meet pcoplo with faces nnd arms and bands tattooed, as In nil lands sailors tattoo their arms with some favorite ship or mlmlrcd face. It was to this Imhlt of tattooing among tho orientals that God tefcrs In n figure when ho says of his church, "I hnvo grnvon thoo on tho palms of my bauds." Mnny of theso regions nro naturally anndy, but by Irrigation they nto mndo fruitful, and ns In this Irrlgntlon tho brooks and rlvors nro turned this wny nnd that to wntor tho gnrdons or fnrius, so tho Bible says, "Tho klug's heart is In tho hands of thu Lord, nnd ho turnoth It ns tho rivers of wntor nro turned withersoever ho will." As wo pass out and on wo find nbout eight hundred ncres belonging to tho Uni versal Isrnolltlsh nlllnnco. Montcllore, tho Israolltlsh contcnarlan and pliilnuthro. plst,and Hothschlld, tho banker, nnd others of the largo hearted hnvo paid the. passage to Palestine for mnny of tho Israelites, nnd st apart lauds for their culture; and It Is only n beginning of tho fulfillment of dlvlno prophecy, when theso people shnll take possession of tho Holy Land. Tho rond from Joppn to Jerusalem, nnd nil tho roods leading to Nazareth and Galilee, wo saw lined with processions of Juws going to tho sacred places, cither on holy pilgrim ago or ns settler. All tho linger of Proy ldenco nowadays nro pointing toward that resumption of Palestine bv tho UrnMlt,.. I do not take It tbnt the procrcd Israel. Itesof other lands nre to go there. They would bo foolish to leave their prosperities in our American cities, where they nro among our best cltlxens, aud cross two eas' to begin life over again Inn strange land.1 Dutthe outrages heaped upon them in Russia, nnd tho Insults offered them in Germany, will soon quadruplo nnd con tuple tho procession of Israelites from Itussla to Palestine, Facilities for getting there will bo multiplied, not only In tho rail road from Joppn to Jerusalem, to which I re ferred last Sabbath as being built, but per mission for 11 road from Damascus to tlio Bay of Acre has been obtained, nnd that of course will soon connect with Joppn nnd make one great ocean shoro railroad. So tho railroad from Jerusalem to Joppn, nnd from Joppn to Damascus, will soon bring all, tho Holy Land within n fow hours of cotiuectlon. Jewish colonization soclotles In England and Russia nro gathering money.fer tho transportation of thu-Isruel-ites to' Palestine, nnd for the' purchase for them of lands nnd farming implements, and so mnny desire to go that It Is doclded by lot as to which families shnll go Jlrst. They were God's chosen people nt tho first, and he has promlid to bring them back to their home, and thero Is 110 power in one thousand or five thousand years to make God forgot hU promises. Tl0se who are prospered in other hinds will do well to itay where thoy are. Rut let the Israelites who are depreciated nnd attacked and per secuted turn their faces toward tho rising sun of their deliverance. God will gather in that distant land those of that race who hnvo been maltreated, ami he wll) blnst with the lightnings of his omnipotence those Innds on either sldo of tho Atlantic which hnvo been the instruments of annoy anco and harm to, that Jewish mr.. m .which belonged Abraham and David ami ''. Joshua aud Uarou Hirsch nnd Moutefloro and Paul tho Apostle and Mary tho Virgin aud Jesus Christ tlio Lord. SLAVES WITIIODT TIIK OOSPKL. On the wny across tho. plain of Sharon we meet many veiled women. It Is not re spectable for them to go unveiled, and It Is a veil that Is so hung as to maku them hideous. A man tuny not even vee tho face of his wlfo until after betrothal, or engage tuent of marriage. Hence thu awful mis takes and the unhuppy koineayfor God has mado'the face an index of character, and honesty or dishonesty usually Is demon- I strntcd In tho tenturos. I ito not seo whnt Him! fiimlnit fnlr fiwn fn. it it ..... i. . ......... .. ,.. lw ,, , .!(U I,..,, ,., Ihi looked nt. Hut hero como tho crowds of disfigured women down tho road on their wny to Joppn, bundles of sticks for llr wood on their beads. They started at a o'clock In tho morning to get thu fuel. They stagger under tho burdens. Whipped nnd lienton will some of them bo If their bundle of sticks is too small. All Hint Is required for divorcement Is for a mnn to say to his wife, "Ho off, I don't want you nny more." Woman n slave In nil lauds, except thoso In which tho gospel of Christ mnkr her n qucon. And yet in Chrlstlnn countries thero nro women po-dug ns skep tics, nnd men with fnmllv dnrldliii Dm only religion Hint mnkes snered nml lion ornblo tho unmes of wife, mother, dnugh tor nnd sister. What Ii thatf Town of Hamleh, birth plnce, residence nnd tomb of Snniuol, tho glorious prophet. Near bv Tower of Vnrtv Mnrtyrs, so nil led because thnt number of disciples perished thero for Christ's sake; but If towers had lieen built for nil thoso who In the time of wnr ns In time of penco have fallen on this rond during the ages pnst you might almost walk 011 turrets from Joppn to Jerusalem. Now wo pnss guard houses, which nro rnstles of chopped straw nnd mud whero nt night and imrtly through tho dny armed men dwell mid koep tho bandits off travelers. In tho envos of theso mount ains dwell men to whom mimacro would bo high play and 11 purso with 11 fow pen nies would Ihi compensation enough for tho strugglo that tho savago might have with tho wayfarer. Them Is only ono other defense that amounts to much In theso Innds nnd thnt Is tho law of Iw.xi.l. tallty. If you can got nu Arab to ent with you, If only ono mouthful, you nro sure of his protection, nnd thnt hns lieeii so from ago to ago. Tho lord's supper was hullt on that custom, a special friendship after partaking food together. To that custom Wnlter Scott refers In his Immortal "Tails mitu,"whrroSahidlii, with ouostrokoof tho sword, strikes tho head from nu enemy who stands In Salndlu's tent with a cup In his hand and before ho has tlimi to put It to his lip, and does It so siii!ilinlv tin, t 11... body of his enemy, beheaded, Mantis for a moment after tho beheading, with tho cup still lu his right hand After tho cup had been sipped it would havo been Impossible, nccordlug to tho laws of oriental hospital. ity, to give tho fatal blow. CHIII8TIAN LANDS AltK 8AFI.8T. Tho only lauds whero It Issafo to travel unarmed nro Christian lauds. Human llfo Is more highly valued and personal rights nro better respected, aud I am glad to believe that In our country, from tho Atlantic ocean to tho Pnclflu ocean, thero Is not a place today whero a man Is not safer without n pistol than with one. Hut nil through our Journeys lu Palestlno wo required llrenrins. While tho only wonpon I hnd on my person was 11 Now Testnment wo went through the region whero I snld to tho dragoman, "David, nro you armodl"' nnd ho said "Yes," ami I silil, "Aro thoso fifteen or twenty muleteers nml bnggago men and attendants armed" aud ho said "Yes," and I felt safer. On wo roll through tho plain of Sharon. Hero grow tho rosq after which Christ wns nnincd, Hoso of Sharon, celebrated In nil Christendom und throughout all nges. Thero lias been enntroversv ns to wlinf. tlowur It was Somo nny It was 11 marsh mallow thnt,' thrives horo, nml somo clnlin this honor for tho narcissus, nnd somo for the blue Iris, and somo for the scarlet nuomono, for you must know tint this plnln of Sharon Is n rolling ocean of color When tho spring breezes move ncross It. Hut leaving tlio botanists In controversy ns to whnt It Is, I would tnko tho most nro ninth, und beautiful of them All and twist them Into a garland for tho "nnnio which Is nbovo every nnmo." Yonder, a llttlo to tho north ns wo mova on, Is tho plain of Ono. Tho Hiblo men tions It ngaln nnd iiirnln. Tho vlllnm. standing on this plnln or Ono Is n mud vtlbige. Two great basins of rock catch tho rains for tho .Hoplo. Of more Im portnnco In olden tlmo than In modern tlmo was UiIb plain of Ono. Hut us tho drngomnn announced it aud lu tho Hlblo I rend of It I wits reminded of tho vnst inultl tudoofpeoplowliouowdwellluthoplnliiof Ono. Thoy nre, by their nervous constitu tion or by their lack of faith in God, al ways In tho negative. Will you help to build n church? Oh, not Will you start out In somo now Christian enterprise!1 Oh, not Do you think rho world la getting any bettorr Oh, nol Thoy llo down In tho path ofjill good movements, sanitary, social, political and religious. They har ness their horses with no trnres to pull ahead, but only breeching straps to hold back. For nil Christian work I would not give for a thousand of them the nrlcu of clipped ten cent piece. They nro In the plnln of Oh, tiol Mny the I,ord multiply mo uiimncrs 01 inoso wno wiieu anything good Is undertaken nre found to llvo In tho plnln of Oh. yesl Will you support this now charity f Oh, yesl Do you think thnt this victim of evil habit can bo re formed? Oh, yesl Aro you willing to do anything, whether obscuro or resounding, for tho welfare of the church aud tho sal vation of a ruined worldf Oh, yesl Hut I inn sorry to sny that the most populous plain In nil tho oaxtk today Is the plain of Ono. SAMBON'8 DESTRUCTIVE WIIATII. Hero now wo como whero stood tho fields into which Samson fired tho foxes. Tho foxes are no rarity in this land. I counted at ono tlmo twenty or thirty of thorn lu ono group, nnd tho cry nil ulong tho lino was "Foxes! Look nt tho foxes!" nnd nt night they sometimes bark until all at tempts to sleep nro an absurdity. Thoso I saw nnd heard In Palestlno might hnvo been descendants of tho very foxea that Samson employed for an appalling Incen diarism, Tlio wealth of that laud was In tho harvests, and it was harvest time und tho straw was dry. Threo hundred foxes are caught und tied In couples by somo wire or Incombustible cord which tho dame cannot divide, and firebrands are fastened to thoso couples of foxes, and tho affrighted creatures are lot looso and run every whither among tho hnrvests, aud in tho awful blaze down go tho corn shocks, and the vineyards, and tho olives, and all through the valleys nnd over tho hills und among the vlllngea Is heard the cry of "Flrel" And In the burnt pathway walk hunger nnd wnnt and desolation. All this forsplte. Aud somo theologians learn one thing nnd some another. Hut I learn from It that a great man may some times stoop to n very mean piece of busi ness, and that If men would uso us much Ingenuttylu trying to bless n they do lu trying to destroy, tho world all thu wny down would bo In better condition. Yet tho flro of tho foxes kindled thnt night. In Palestluo has not gono out, but has leaped tho seas, nud tho sly foxes, tlio hu man foxes, aro now otlll running every whither, kindling political fires, fires of religious controversy, fires of hate, world wide fires nnd the whole harvest of right eousncHi perish. It took tho hard work of multitudes 011 these plains of Palestluo for months nnd months to rear tho vino aud raise tho corn, but It took only three hun dred worthier foxes ono night to blar.o nil Into i.shi's. A TltANB.'OIUINO BCKNR. Hrnco up your nerves now, thnt you mny look while I point them out. Yonder Is Klrjnth-Jenrlm, where tlio nrk of God Rtnld until David took It to Jerusnlem. Yonder John tho Hnptlsf wns born. Yon der Is Kir.niaiiH, where Christ walked with thr dlscl'ilcs nt eventide. Horo are men plowing, only 0110 haudlo to tho plow, showing tho accuracy of Chilst's nlliislou. When wo plow lu Ameilcn or Kngland thero nro two hands on two handles, but . iiuniiiiu wny UIIO liaillllO. And so Christ uses tho singular saying, "No mnn having put his hand to thu nlow nml i,w,i. Ing back Is lit for thu kingdom." Tho ox Is urged on by a wooden stick pointed with sharp Iron, nnd the ox knows enough not to kick, for ho would only hurt himself In stead of breaking the goad. And tho Hlblo refers to that when It says to Saul, "It U hard furthro-to klok ngalnst tho goads." Hem lit tho valley of AJalon, famous for Joshua's pursuit of tlio flvo kings nml tho lunar arrest, Aud lu Imagination I seo tho moon In dajtlmo halt. Who has not sometimes seen tho niouu dispute tho throne with the suuf Hut whuu thu king of day and the queen of night, who never before Joshua's tlmo nor since then stopped a moment In their innroh, halted, at Joshua's command It was a scene, enough to niHko tho universe shlvcri "Moon, stand mini sun in 1110 vnuey or ajalonl" At an other tlmo wo will see the sun stop above Gllicon, but now wo hnvo only to do with mo moon, nnd you must remember It wns more of nu orb thnn It Is now. Ittsn burnt out world now, n dend world now, nn extinct world now, n corpso laid out In stntoln tho heavens, waiting for tho Judg ment day to bury It. Hut on tho day of which I speak tho moon was prolmbly a living world, yet It halted at the wave of Joshua'M finger, "Stand thou still I" Do not budge an Inch until Joshua finishes thoMillvu kings, who aro thero tumbling over tho rocks, sword of man slashing them, hailstones out of the sky pelting them. And there Is tho envorn of Makkedah, whuro thoy fled for safety, nnd whero thoy wens afterward locked In, nud from which they were taken out to lie slain, nud lu winch tlioy were afterwanl burled, and you do well to examine that cavern, for within 11 few hours it becnino threo things which no other cave over wns tortruss, prison, sepukher. AN 01.11 TIMi: KOIIIII'U Now wo puss tho pluco whero onco lived ono of tho greutest roIiliort of the century, AIhiu Gosh by tinmc. From this point you seo ho could look over tho surrounding country, nnd long before tho travelers came up cu him tho plan for takjngof their money or tnelr lire, or lmtli, was consum mated. Re ono day found n company of monks who would not pay, and hoHinoth ered them to death In 11 hot oven. In his Inst dnys he lived hero llko an oriental prince, und had his attendants and admir ers to whom ho told tho atorlcs of brigand ngo nud assassination. So lato as when our eminent and beloved American, Will iam C. Prime, passed through, Abou Gosh, tho scoundrelly Ilodouln, sat at his door way smoking his pipe. His descendants llvo lu this village, and probably aro no moro honest than their distinguished an cestor, but marauding and murder nro not ns safe n business now ns when all this route, to Jerusalem was subjected to out races paudemoulnc Hero wo pass the vlllngeof Lntrun, homo of t!:e penitent thief, the village, a few straggling houses on steep hills, rising from tho valley of Ajalon. Up these steep hills lu his earlier days tho thief hnd car ried tlio spoils of arson aud burglary, and down them ho had Ihhuo the heavier bur den of 11 guilty hcarU Hut higher than theso hills ho mounted after ho had re pented, from tho transfixed posture on tho cross to thu bosom of a forglvltu God. Now wo como to tho brook Klali, from which llttlo David took tho Hinooth stones with which ho prostrated Goliath. Thero Is 11 bridge spanning tho ravine, but nt tho season wo crossed thero Is not 11 drop of water In tho brook. Wo went down Into thornvlnonnd wnlked nmld tho pebbles thnt hnd been wnshed smooth, very smooth, by tho rush of tho witters through all tho ages. There Is wheto David armed him self. Ho wnlked around nnd picked up flvo of theso polished pebbles. Ho got them of Just the right size. He prepared himself for five volleys, so that If thu giant cscifpes the first ho will not cscnpo tho whole flvo. Tho topography of tho placo so corresponds with tho Hiblo story that I could seo tho memorablo fight go on. It Is tho only fight 1 over did watch. Pugilism I abhor; but hero were two cham pions tho ono God appointed, tho other Satan appointed, nnd deciding tho destiny of 11 nation, tho destiny of a world. It was n Mnrathon.un Arbela. 11 Waterloo, a nien. helm, 11 Sedan, concentered into two right nrms. Hero uro two ridges of mountain COO feet high, the Philistines on ono ridge, tho Israelites on thnothor ridge. Tho fight Is in tho valley between, at that season shaded and sweet with terebinth nnd ncn cla, David tho champion for tho Israel ites, Goliath tho champion for tho PhllU. tines, David undersized nnd nlmnstefTeml nute, only a mouthful for Goliath, who was nearly ten feet high, DAVID AND GOLIATH. Thoy advance to meet each other, but the Ulblo says that David imulu tho first step forward. Nearer nnd nearer they come, but I do not think David will wait until ho comes within reach of Goliath's sword, for that would bo fatal, and David has a weapon with which ho can fight nt long range. Closer nnd closer thoy como, but David advances tho moro rapidly. "Como to me," said tho glnnt, "and I will gtvo thy flesh unto tho fowls of the nlr and to the bensts of tho fluid." You see Goliath go ing to give David for a banquet to tho vulture and Jnckal. He, tho mountain of flesh, will fall over on thnt llttlo hillock. 1 hour him laugh through the mouthpiece sf his helmet. Ho will to.-jt tho little whiffet on the top of bis long sword. He will call nil tho crows for 11 breakfast, "Como to mo, you contcmptlblo llttlo fel low, nnd I will nmko quick work with you, Tho Idea thnt a five-footer should dure to como out ngulnst n ten-footerl Ix.'t tho two armies looking down from the ridges watch mol" David rcspondwl, "I como to thee In tho name of tlio Ixirdof Hostsl" Aha! that Is tho right kind of buttlo shout. "In tho name of tho Lord of Hostsl" How that cry rings through tho Wad v. Cs-Suinpt! Ho who lights in that spirit wins tho day. Tho almost Isruelitish dwarf enlarges iutoomnlpoteutproportlous. The moment to strike has como. David takes his tiling, with a stone lu It, nud whirls It round and round his head until ho has put the weapon Into sulllcleut momentum, and then, taking suro aim. hurls It. Tlio glnnt throws up his hands and reels back nnd falls. Tho stono sank into Ids fore head. That w.u tho only available point of attack. Hut how about tho helmet on his head!' Did tho stone that David flung crush thr. ugh tliohelmetf Nu An old rabbi says he thinks thnt when Goliath scotTed ut I 'avid the tflunt to cuddeuly und contemt..iiously Jerked up his hend that thu hidiuit foil off. That Is llku enough. David saw the bare forehead, a foot high, nnd film d nt the center of It, nnd tho skull cracked and broke In llkenn eggshell, and tho ground shook ns this greutoak of a military chieftain struck It, Huzza for Davldl IIOMANCI AND IIKMOtON. Hut wo must hnsten on, for tho danger now Is that night will lio upon us lieforo wo reach Jerusnlem. Oh I wo must see it before sundown. Wo are climbing tho inns wnicli aro terraced with ollvo groves, uplands rising nbovo Uplands, until wo como to nn Immensity of barrenness, gray rocks nboru gray rocks, where neither tree, nor lenf, nor bush, nor grass blade can grow. Thu horses stumble, and slip and pull, till It scctiu the harness must brenk. Solemnity and awo tnko possession of us. Though a vivacious party, und during part of the day Jocularity had reigned, now no one spoke a word except to say to tho dragoman, "Tell us when you get the first glimpse of the city." I noier hnd such high expectation of i.eelug any place ns of seeing Jerusalem. I think my feel ings may have been slightly akin to those of the Christian Just about to enter the heavenly Jurusnlum. My Ideas of tho earthly Jerusalem were bewildering. Had I not seen pictures of itf Oh, yes; but they only Increased tho liewihlurment. They were taken from a vnrlety of stand-" points. If twenty artists ntteumt tn Hkit-ii Brooklyn or New York or london or Je rusalem tllOV Will plant thnlr ramwni nt different places aud take as many different pictures, but Ilia fuw minutes I shall sec tho sacred city with my own eyes. Over another shoulder of tlio hill wo go, nnd nothing lu sight but rocks uu.l mountains nnd nwful gulches between them, which mnke tho hend swim If you look down. On nud up, on nnd up, until tho luthered and smoking horses are reined lu, and the dragoman rises lu front, nud polutH cast ward, crying "Jerusalem!" It was mlghu ler than an electric shock. Wo all rose. There it lay, the prize of nations, the ter minus of famous pilgrimages, tho object of Homau nud crusading wars, and for It Assyrians had fought, nud Egyptians had fought, und tho world hud fought the place which tho queen of Sheba visited and Richard Cuiur do Lion had conquered. Homo of Solomon; homo of Kzekiel; home of Jeremiah; home of ls:ilah. homo of Stiladlu. .Mount KInn of D.ivld's heartbreak, nud Mount Morlah, where the sneri Ikes smoked; Mount of Olives, where Jesus preached, and Gethsemane, whero ho agonized, and Golgotha, where he died, und thu holy sepulcher where ho wa burled. O Jerusaleml Jerusalem! Great est city on earth, and typo of tho city coles-Hall Tin: nkw JKIIU8ALKM. After I have Ik'uii ten thousand venm In heaven thu mutuory of that first vluw from the rocks on the afternoon of Doc. a will bo 11s vivid as now. An Arab on a horse that was llku 11 whirlwind, bitted aud sad dled and spurred, Its mane aud Hunks Jet us tho night aud there aro no such horse mun as Arab horsumeu had como far out to meet us and Invito us tu his hotel Inside tho gates. Hut arrangements had been mndo for us to stay at a hotel outside tho gates. In the dusk of evening wo halted lu front of the place and entered, but I sahh "No; thank you for your courteous reception, but I must sleep to-night Inside the gates of Jerusalem. I would rather have the poorest pluce Inside tho gates than the licst place outside." So wo remounted our coach and moved on amid a clamor of voices, and between annuls grunting with great beams and timbers on their backs, brought lu for building purposes for It is nniazlng how much a camel can carry until we came to what Is called thu Joppn Gate of Jerusalem. It Is about forty feet wide, twenty feet deep and sixty feet high. Thero is 11 sharp turn Just after you havo entered, so planned as to make tho en trance of armed enemies tho moro difficult. On th6 structure of these gates thu safe ty of Jerusalem depended, and all tho Hlblo writ era used them for Illustrations. WIMi. In flvo mlnutes's walk of tho gato wo en tered David wrote, "Enter Into thy gates with thanksgiving," "Lift up your heads, O ye gates!" "Thu Lord lovetli thu gates of Zlon," "Open to mu thu gates of righteous ness." And Isaiah wroto, "Go through, go through thu gates." And tlio captive of Patmos wrote, "The city hnd twelve gutes." Huvlng passed tho gato we went on through tlio narrow streets, dimly light ed, nnd passed to our halting place, nnd sat down by tho window, from which we could seo Mount Zlon, and snld; "Hero we nro nt last, In tlio capital of tho whole earth." And thoughts of the past and the future rushed through my soul In quick succession, aud I thought of that old hymn, sung by so many ascending spirits: Jerusalem, my happy home. N .11110 ever ili-nr lo mu! WIi.mi cliall my labor havo an end. In Joy and peace anil tlicuf When shnll tlieo eyes thy heav'n built walU And K-nrly Kates U-liold; Thy bulwarks with tutlvatlon strong. And streets of shining gold And so with our hearts full of irrntltmlp to God for journeying mercies nil tho wny from Joppn to Jerusnlem, and with bright nntlclpatlon of our entrance Into tho shin ing gato of tl,o heavenly city when earthly Jqurneys uro over, my second day In Pales tine is euded. Guns and Loaded Shells, Cutlery, Shears and Scissors, Japanned and Granite Iron Ware, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Garland Stoves and Ranges The Largest unci Most Complete Stock in the Citj . RUDGE & MORRIS, No. 1 1 23 N STREET. tak! am4 ErcKsPntXaiKi PaSs3ja?MaaQ flstHHBHIai- 47 .v w srs. I'm o ST. New Hardware Store. KRUSE& WHITE. Whero you will Always find 11 Complete Mnoof SHELF AM BUILDERS HARDWARE AtlKNCY KOU TIIK CUl.KIIHATKI) RED CROSS COOK AND HEATING STOVES, Furnace Work a Specialty. Stores, 1210 O St. and 27 and W Sts Most Popular Resort in the City. Exposition Dining Hall, -o- u '9, Meals 25 els. S. J. ODELL, Manaokk. ii2t and 1 123 N Street. o- $4.50 per Week. Ensign's Bus, Carriage and Baggage Lines aci a. iitii Hacks, Coupes, Landaus and Carriages INSTANTLY l'UUNISIIKD. Telephones: CITY OFFICE, 303. DEPOT OFFICE, 572. SAfraSfeSfc KSEiSSSSSSS ot. aJBJBS5?Miflst(aHiWiiMS) .r-.-A-' ri- " Ths- Bond ETTiEeo:F:E3.iL.:LT K O W O PR N Table Service Unsurpassed in the City. Apartments Single or En Suite with or without Board. Passenjrer Elevators. Cor. 13th nml JJ Rtreeti. Teleplinnu No. 48','. M. ISABEL BOND Prop. Ituro Mile In New York Turki. Anionic tho attractions to visitors In tho city are tho exquisitely beautiful lilies in tho fountain basins at Union square and Centrnl park. There aro tho same speci mens a both places, and they comprise the large nnd splendid lotus of India, with enormous white petals, shading from whlto to a Hch, deep pink; tho white lotus of Japan, tho Illy of the Sierra Leone, the vcrylrogrint Capo Cod water Illy, white, with . jullow center; the Zanzibar water Illy, with a largo blue (lower; the European white water Illy, the South American wa ter poppy, yellow la color; the "red" water Illy of India, really a rich pink, nnd the South American pond weed, a floating plant with blue flowers. In each basin nlso Is to be seen a spsclmen of tho Egypi tlan papyrus, 11 "shreddy," fibrous plant', Interesting chiefly for lu historical reputa tion. New York Stnr. Her Unite Was Iter Iloiul, A curious case camo before Alderman Roesslor, of Scranton, recently. Thomas Lawless had Mrs. SI. Kearney arrested for assault ami battery. Sho was adjudged guilty. Unll In fcXX) was demanded. The woman, with a O-mouths' babe lu her arms, started to leavo the alike to hunt up a friend. Sho was barred at the door by a policeman, who snldt "Sliulam, you nre a prisoner." The woinau begged not to bo sent to Jail. A compromlio was effected. Tho justice concluded to hold tho baby for security! Sirs. Kearney returned lu two hours wltlj a bandsman. When she re-entered tho of. flee the alderman waa walking up nnd down the lloor trying to keep tho baby quiet. Pennsylvania Cor. St, Louis Globe; Democrat. L. MEYER, Notary Public and Real Estate Dealer in City and Farm Properly AGIJNT KOIt TIIK North Germim-Lloyd Steamship Co., Hamburg.American Packet Co., and Baltic Lines. Also Railroad Agent for the Different Companies East nnd West. Southampton. Havre, Hamburg, Stetfen, London, Purls, Norway, Plymouth, l.remci., Sweden, and any point In Europe. Post Orders and Foreign Exchange Issued to nil prominent points n Europe PnA'alVlSiY X&SS ?'"' V - market price. Call nnU eo mo 0" with ml!",,'"ml "' "lys pay tl.o hlghent L. MEYER, 108 North Tenth Street. WHEN YOU WANT FINE JOB PRINTING See the WESSEL PRINTING m wj 9H I I """