Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 11, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Next Week of
The popularity of Full Overcoats is steadily
Their usefulness and we might
ings and mornings is fully recognized by the growing demand
for them. Wc have this season an unusually large stock of
Fall Overcoats and to boom their sale wc will make special
prices for this week.
We will show n fine silk
(or the tnone.y,
At $12.50
A j. (Rto rf Wc will sell n superb Kcrac.v, silk faced nni sleeves silk lined, n
"' P,J,0 very dressy coat. In addition to the above we have nn'clegAtit
assortment of Cnsnlmercs, Meltons and Cheviots at equally low prices. Call nnd
cc them at the
Globe Clothing House,
Cor. O and Tenth Streets.
Who has the Exclusive Use of Steauna's Anesthetic
No Chloroform ! No
A Full Set of Teeth
All Fillings at the Lowest Rates.
DR. H. K. KERMAN, Rooms w.9s.jf .rr
Herman Bros.
1017 0 St, LINCOLN, MB.
Branch Stores at Falls City, Grand Island, Beatrice,
Weeping Water and Auburn.
Hot Wate r
F. A.
To Icpliouc
Milton M. Lyon the Wide Awake Newsdealei
anil SuliMlption Agent, 1101 N St.
Lciinc Outers fur uny New simpci. Maunauo or Periodical whatso
i'Yor unit 1 will luoi'ini
l.iullcs win initios mill a lull line or KiiIiIii Mimuzlncsnn nix
counicis, iiIsoh mil lliu f Mine. Voiniii'si'clchratctl Flower Htmlles
Tolstoi's "Kieiiter boiintii" now 2.1 cents.
'.MiiitaiiKilM'llu do Miiuiln," .Notre Cociir." tlho lliiiiuin Heart ,
"I'etei's Mini. J'lii' Tuiiiowt Cluli, I'lii' Tlnow," h 1 hi'
liuvlics, Itiiiljiml KI1Iiil''s cutlic kpiIi'i. In ehi'iip pan'r roriii 'co
Albert Ron' Lnteit "InBtellai Shadow," SOo pajer.
The Gotham Newt Emporium, Milton M. Lyon, Proprietor.
say necessity these cool even
faced Melton Overcoat that linn not Its equal
A fine Imported Worsted Overcoat, silk faced and with silk
sleeve lining, not to he duplicated for anything like the money.
lither I No Gas
on Rubber for
2I S. Eleventh St
It lor joii nt HUllhir' Lowest I'rlci
lloth tlio piny niiil tlio player booked for
Monday mid Tni'vlay nt tlio Kunko wero
roiiiparathcly unknown to Lincoln theatto
goers, nnd It was tlicivforu, not suipilslng
tlmt at tlio tli Kt pi osculation of lll, Ihi'
VtHiabontl, with Hiiboit Wllko In tin title
role, tho houo win limit ly empty. Those
who 1II1I ntteml woio agreeably tllnpolnteil,
Tlio play Ih n very pietty one, In Clay M
(liecuo'n pmtllnrly happy vein, ami Mr.
Wilko'n I'onipnuy gave It n dimming- proson
tntiou, It It a lellneil rouiantlo comedy,
enlivened hy a generous inoosuro of mimic,
delightfully londoied. Wllko In not only a
good actor nnd n strikingly handoino man,
lint n nplumllil singer an well. I Iff. song worn
n lending feature of tlio pet forniiinco, Lin
coln jilrln lino raved over Frank Carlylo
anil Holiert Montoll. It's too linil no few of
theni mw Wllko. Ho Is ipiHe "out of sight."
I.lttlo Dot C'lnri'iiilon, aged six oars divided
tlio liononi with the singing Adonis. Hlio Is
In noiiio nvHH'tH iipial to EMo l,osllo. Al
though 11 ihmIimI of throo yearn elnwos bo
tw eon tho second mid third nets, her ago 10
uialiiN tin same ami her Matin o does not
chango. Tho supporting company wan fair.
Tlio ami louoo Tuesday evening wan a llttlo
Inrger than on tlio nis-nlng night.
It wns n cool reception Hint tlio "T. K."
ipmrti'tto of Umnlin, met with Wednesday
evening at tlio Kunke. 'I ho fact that Malin
ger Moltoynoliln hail a showliookisl forever
night this week win In n measure responsible
for tlio Nihil nttenilalico tlio llrnt tlirini nlKhtn.
Toojilo preferrril to wye their money for
'Mattlo Vlcktr,' Jno nml Ariips
Iloruilon. The quart tto, coiiik)kI ln-tlio-wny
of four of tlio nwltwiinlent dlngum
Oinalia can proiluco, remlereil wmio very
pleaxitiR H'lectloiin ami were Kincrmnly np
plnmlcil hy tlio hunilnil eople, more or lew,
who wcro wntU-ri'il tliroiiKh tlio ilrenH clrclo,
"Tho Tars' Fnro ell" anil "Uively NIrIiJ"
wero among their In-Ht olTortH. Tlio hoy
choir of tho Trinity Kplwopal church openeil
tho proKrnniinn with "Oh I Who will o'or tho
ilownn no free," very prettily given. Mr.
Heomnrk sang n couple of Helectloim with Ills
UMinl HticttiM anil 1'rot. (HlH-ault gavo two
beautiful plnno mini, "Caii'ailo"nnd "Agltns
tlon." A violin folo hy I'iof. Monnoiulorf
nml n encoro completcil tho entertainment,
which on the whole, th'M'rvixl much U-ttor
Mipport tlinn It reit'ivoil. Mn. Mviimlnrf
nml Miss Carrlo Allen playcil tho accompnnl
uicntR. Ves, Joo Kininet In imimiiik Into thoM-io anil
yellow. If ho ln't as iutert'Mtlug an ho uwil
to Iw, it must ho lememhereil that timo with
It ravages Is no reflector of HrVounmnl that
nctoi-M ami actrmse-i have to vnilmilt to fato
tho Mime nn common jwople Will, Joo in
making a hrnvo light, anil hoNilouhtlensgooil
for many yearn yet. "Undo Joe, or
Fritz in a Mini Homo," callisl on tho pro
gramo a "now nml natuial ilraina," In a
whlniKlcal roiwoction with a utrpng lijanlng
towanl comiily. DUTi-rent cliaractern nHnk
In Kngllsh, Anglicized I1M1, hrnkvn Oermiin.
ami negro dialect, ami thero is utroiigharuiu
Kcaruin oleinent riumlng through tho entire
play, which hreakn out In the tlihil act (Frltr
ill a mad house) In a Hiiiutl nlred
uproar. Tho tone wtfteiiN towmil tho
close and the curtain falls on
tlio conventional kcoiio of reconciliation
and universal happiness, hi which Dot ',
another Juveullo marvel hy tlio wny, conies to
tho front. Kiuinct snug a coupl of pretty
nongs, received entliuslaMlcally, and ho gave
on tho whole a very fair representation of tho
simple hearted, honest young Dutchman.
Miss Maud White, Cot lit- lirkrr, mndo n
cuto llttlo figure, dicssed In hluc, her
hroguo was very rich. Mm. ItirArr wan mo
chnnical mid altogether disappointing; f'ucfc
.Aic (Frank (llrard) was passing fair mid tho
remainder of tho ruthnr largo company wero
good, had and Inillirmont. Thero wero a
couple of pretty scenes and hefnru wo for
got It tho f.1,000 dog I'lliilimmon, which
wns alMut as useful in tlio play as a clothes
horso would Imvo hoen. Vacant seats wero
few and tlio audleiico was plcnbod.
Mattlo Vickern npH)nrcd to a fair-sized au
.lleucolnst night in tho now play, "Kdel
welsH," supportixl hy a good company. Miss
Vlekerg hold her own us a souhi i'tl. Hho Is
alwuys delightful. l'orhaps'iinverinoro ho
tlinu last night. Tho part of Kilrlttvisi Is
well suited to her. Thero aro many bright
things in "Kdelweiss" and tho plump and
pretty star and her support brought them all
Ed want Stress, tho conductor of tho fa
mous Vienna orchestra which will ho heard
at the Fmike, Octolier 20, comes from n fam
ily of four of tho greatest coni)osers Europe
has known. Hlnce lb71 ho has been tho minio
director of the lto.wil Court halls of tho Em
lieior ami King of Austria. This jiosltlon of
distinction which ho holds in Austria wne tho
greatest obstacle to le overcome by Manager
Hlackley In bringing the great "WnltzKliig"
ucichs tlio m-ean. Btrausr mado his Ameri
can debut at tho Boston Music Hall on May
U, nnd slnco then ho has given concert in nil
of tho principal cities of tlio East. Thnt ho
has been remarkably successful is evidenced
by tho universal praise bestow eil upon liiiu
by press and public throughout tho country.'
Htrauis' manner of conducting has created
much comment in this country, where wo mo
only fonilllnr w llh tho hack linlr and mVnl
low tall coats of our most dlMhiguMiotl coif
iluctorn, Nti hum facing hln niidleni'e, with
violin and how In hand, alternately din cling!
with hln Ihiw and Ills own plajlug, his hisly
Iniporeeptlhly mvalng with the puliation of
tho f'isclimting wallr, In an it vot Ion (to
Amei leans He in magiiptln mid all on tiro
im ho conducts mid ho holds his hum) nlno
lutely iindir his control. The orcl.eslin catch
tlioeiitliiislnnin of their director nml thero In
a certain swing, danhaud Impetuosity lutliolr
Interpretations that Invent n HtiaiiM conivit
with iKvullar ami unlipie fascination,
Tim Kilen Museo thun far this nennoii han
hwn 11 marked hiiccos., mtieh nioix In fact
than tho opening weeks of lust jcar. Tho
character of tho entertainments oltVred have
hown a larger variety and of a niiei lor or
der anil tho people msnl to appris'luto tho
work of the new management that Is tireless
III lis emu Is to please tho seekers forainuso
nientH, Manager Oirnei makes a clever lee
tutor, his talks aio always Interesting mid
sploy, yet not long or monotoiieun, In Ht.
Joo ho wan tei imsl "Tho Plain Talker" mid
as such he Is well titled, for his leniarkn nro
peitlnently put and right to tho Hilnt. Tho
Museo Is a sipulnr place logo. Tiik Coi'itiKit
In pleased with the success with which It Is
meeting. May It continue.
Col. Mrlteynolds says holssmry, hut Ih.i
onra hoiisn will bo closed every night next
week one of thoco unavoldn bin "ihu k K'lls,"
you know. How over Htrauss comes the
Monday following, which is somo consola
Tho talenteil actress Mlsn Agnes iloruilon,
wlllapiHiiiat the Fuiiko tonight In "bi
Hello Mario" her most successful play. "La
Hello Mario" Is a dimming eomctly drnina.
as those who wllneswsl its llrst presentation
In this city last season can attest. It gives
Mlsn Herndon, who In descrlls'd hy tho AVic
York llrriilil an "ono of tho most attractive,
dashing, and licaiitiful women on the Ameri
can stage," excellent facilities for tlio display
of her diauuitlo talent, and bus Isx'it most
warmly received wherever put on. Tho play
In in Ihonets.picHeiitlng views of Fall Klver,
Mass., Now York mid ltiooklyu. Miss Hern-
don nssiunes two paits, ,rnu Iiiiilndilf and
.UienV l)n lint. Hho Is suppoi (id by n com
Nteiit i'onininy.
For tho week commencing OctoWr l.'l, tho
following, among others, nro the attractions
nmiouuceil for the Eden Mtisee: Tho Mexican
feather workers, Lynch children, change art
ists and singers, Duherty ami Itaynor, cham
pion roller skaters, cti In thogiaml thea-
torluiu will Imj seen Iliirtou's Oomisly ciiin
Miuy, IntriNludiig for tho llrst timo this sea
sou Ham J, Ihirton, tho Inimitable character
comedian. New Ktcrcoptlcon views and curi
osities will Imj exhibited hi tho museum. I'll
day will Is) as usual ladies' souvenir day,
Ht'hnol chlldieii entitled to free seats every
Hut ui day.
Tho Museo did good bunluosi thl. week
w I'll n gissl list of attractions.
Stewart Itohsouhas found "Tho Henrietta"
such a strong drawing card that It is not
likely that ho will pioduco any other play
this season.
Fay Ti'iupleton Is under ongogeinent to
Manager John II. KuhsoI. Mr. Russell prollts
by tho trouble In tho management of tho
pieseut Tciuptetoti company.
II. J. I,oslle, ninnager of Mario Tempest,
has brought frciu England 271 S costumes for
a hht'tnciilar priHliictlou, to utiliro helwevn '
r(s mid IXK) H)ople, which will ho seen at tlio I
Chicago Audltorhiin, In Novemls-r. That's'
about tho average Kit costumes for VAX! peo-1
p'o iiIkiiiI half of n costumo for each one.
. i
Harry Maun, tho manager of tho Califor
nia tlieatiu telegraphed yesterday: "ICieno
oK'iied liero last night to the cnplclty of tho
theatre, Hcoied an Immeuso lilt. Audleiico
very enthusiastic " Tills was Mr. Keeno's
llrst apiiearanco In San Francisco for eight
years. His present session has U-en wonder
fully successful.
When your blood Is impoverished the rem
edy Is at hand. Take Aycr's Sarsaarllla.
To ltiolf In many Important psrtlculan, Ilood's
fiariaparllla la different from and auporlor to anr
other medicine.
I'ecullar In combination, proportion and prep
uatlon of Ingredients, Ilood'a Hartaparllla poi.
aeitea the full curative value of the bit known
remedlei of tho vegetatilo kingdom.
I'ecullar In In medicinal morlt, Ilood'a Bariapa.
rllla accompllihei curoa hitherto unknown.
I'ecullar In atrength and economjr Ilood'a Bar
aparlllal.tlioonljf inmllclnoof which can truly
bo laid, " 100 doses one dollar." Medlrlnea la larger
nnd .mailer buttloi reijulro larger doe, and do
not produco a. good reiulta a. Ilood'a Har.apitrllla.
I'ecullar in It. "good namo at homo " tbers It
more of Ilood'a Sanaparllla sold In IajwbII, where
It la made, than of all other blood purlllcri.
I'ecullar la Ita phenomenal record of lales
abroad, no other preparation hat ever attained
audi popularity In o abort a time. Do not be In
duced to takeaur other preparation, lleiuretoget
Hood's Sarsaparilla
SoldbjalldrtiBgl.L. fljalxforJJ. 1'reparedonlr
by C. 1. HOOD A CO., Apotlmcarlei, Lowell, Ma.a.
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
rr r-"1 '" ' "
ofir Ak) ,....1,..,..
1 .11 mj niyL rujuiM '" r . wmemHmmgsM
t-P s.
- ; , - ... - -r r - - -,
msirmwfmi incnuo. uuvers will find it to
m-imim i u u .si
'W r ! 9 V stock.
ii.ji and !i. j 3 O Street.
1204 and 1206 0'
This is the Season of the year when
when Competition is Close and Everybody has the
best. Then is the time to go direct to Headquarters.
You need a supply for the Winter and as now is the
time to buy, why not call on
and see their line and get prices. There you can get
the pure article direct from America's greatest mines
noted for their purity and excellent quality.
Call up Phone 440. - - Office 1045 O Street.
' f-
... i mum
lire now Showing the Greatest:
Line of
Novetly Reefers,
Redfern & Blazer
Misses nml' Ladies
shown by any house West
linycrs wil
advantage to inspect
i n-,i,r.ii.riti -s.
Street, Burr Block
Book Case
and Bedstead
In One Pieci of Furniture.
Hardy & Pitcher,
211 South nth St.