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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1890)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER it, 1890 4 - Host Powerful Hoalors Hfo mane ! iAm! Most Kcono 1 on , ESS1 Fuel! ! GOLD COIN HEATERS For Hard Coal! &&& kzwa . For Soft Coal ! FRANK E.LAHR, 927 P Street, fl 7 Opposito Postodlce. We have made especial ef forts to please the Ladies in Boys and Chikduuns1 Cloth ing and Overcoats. Our stock is complete and the fin est in the city. Mens' Duisss Suits, Box Overcoats and Fink Furnishings in varied styles and colorings. Come and get our prices. EOREMAN & OROWE, 114 South Twelfth Street, Ladies' Furnishers More new and pretty goods than in any store in the city. Call and judge for yourself. Just Received, an Elegant line of ' Dress Trimmings, Jewel, Turquoise and Parisian NECKWEAR, Veiling, Kid Gloves and Hosier)' . P. D. and W. C. Corsets A Fine Crayon LIFE SIZE FRBE -AT Sherwin's 1124 0 ST. ..cfti rr vt' c i.Nau' -A .tUrsrt .". '"aarft'n vJTA'ttrrv(B&7 nS i.kHV't r35 . Every customer gets a head and shoulder Crayon Picture Free from any and all cost. This work is made direct from any photo von may want copied. Call and look "into ' this matter. lfHT'l f. ..vri,JfcWri1..k-m fV ,Ai!MlrtTW ..." ...... -"".-.- l.0-.W li lM.Vgt -"'- I Mniiibir i;iT n Mwlem 7Vinr Kntercdiittho Poitolllco nf Lincoln, Neb., in second class mutter. HUiiftomrrioM Oun Your by Mull nrt'iirrlrd WW; Hlx Months, t.;Tliivo Mouths, flue. 5 Uno mnntli W Cents Inrnrnlily In Advance. AtintnTimiMRNTiii ltti furnished mi application nt tho oftlco. Hclnl rates on Time CoiilrncU, 'osTnnurnoNsiHIiort spicy sketches, oeMis ntnl Merles solicited. Personal nnd Uncial notes ntn especially desirable, ''rintisiii We innkn n sH'di1ty of Klnn I'rlnllng In nil IIm branches. Hocletv work n lnlty. PubllNliud Saturday. Address nil coiimiiitiicntlnni direct to t lie nnicn. WlCHNlCL PKINTINO'CO, I'UIIMnllKIIH. Courier IliiHdlug, lift N Htrcct.'iionk jftl K H'khhki,, Ju., Editor mid Hole Pioprlotor. W. Mohton 8tmt, Asssoclnto Editor. POPULATION OP LINCOLN, 65,000. LITERARY NOTES. A'ur MVst Skftehta. Hy Jessie Benton Fremont. lUino, cloth, 'M wiges, fl.OO. Hon tons I), Ixithrop Company. TliU collec tion of "Knr Went Hkolelics" tho Intent Con trlbutlon to American lltcrnturo from Mm. Fremont' hii, Is based iimm what olio has ecu nml what vim hnslMjon n part of on tlio fnr Western frontier. llerearostoryssketoh-. e of n Christmas ilny In Hontliern California, of tho troublous time-, when Fremont was n k'ndcriind n power In the New Cnllfoi-nia, of thoHlciinsiind tho "big tiet-s," of u hall on the border, of enmp hfo In California nml Arizona, mul of ninny other times nml place oil tolil In tho direct mul taking way that in ikes Mr. Fremont n peculiarly nc ee..tihle ilelhirntor of Amei Icnn frontier Hfo In whlchshocimseosoelcnrly and pick out miiieiuy mo picitimipio, tlio tiiiKienl. tho humorous mul tlio t olilo, Chuck I'uttlu: Tho story of n Now York Hoy. Ily Win. O. HtiMlilnul. ISmo, cloth, M8 pages, .!tt. Boston: I). tathrop Coin puny. A now story hy tho nuthor of "Dnh Klllrtr" It llIHVH WcIdoiiiii to uvm nmt nt ! nml to tho puxzh-tl parent Is often n illrect nolutlou of tho problem "Whutshnll i Ret?" In the Htory Wforo m, to which Mr. HtmlilnrJ lint kIcii the mM titlo "Cliuek Fiinly," ho hn iteentel nu nhiiOHt ihotoKrnplilu repro iluctlonof tho Now York loy of tixluy not tho ImpmiilhlocuMillon tlintRo ninny wrlteiH for tho young lmvo cnlleil tho New York hoy tho crentuni of tlio ntreet, tho ikek or tho homo of tho o-cnlUM "Kentlemnn," hut a renl.llve, nctlve, liiaulrlni;, Ko-nhenil Now Y01 k hoy, who goe to school mul help. In hlo fnther' urocory itoro nml rom crnhhlng In the Hnrlo 11. nml mei mul Ktmllo' nml ntoi'en hU inliiil with prnctlcnl, helpful, txltl nml en tertnluliiK Htuillen of llfo In tho wont inetrop. olU that mnko n hoy o! Iiltu mul will surely mnke 11 limn of him. Tho full envm can pnxlucc no better-tonod, nintillor, nlenuer or more entertnliiltig Iwok for tho hoy ami KlrUtlinuMr. Htmlilanl'iirhariuliix htory or life among Now Yot k' mlitillo cIum hut iuo,t iihitnullnl people. It Heenia enther Into In tho ilay for nny one to illnputo the uuthornhlp of "Hki.v.Maiik." Imueil uiuler tho unnio of "IMimml," nml "Helf.llnleil, written hy Mm. Kiuiuii I). K. N. Houthwortli, ami tmlilUlieil hy T. II, Ie tuiHOiiA; llrotlKm, I'hllnilelphln, l'n., hut It lms Jiint Ih-cii done hy n Cullfornlnn, After twenty-two yenrs or Hence It U hnnlly wise tontlnck tho honor of HoU'tt lion nor, Et.t or "Tho Now York Loiter,'' nor that of Mih Kinina D. K. N, Houthwortli. Mr. Houuor In "Tho New York Hernld" of Septunlier Mil, 1H), wjn: " I'ermlt mo to itnte that them In not ouowonl or truth In what Dr. Morgnn, of Callfornln, In mportitl to have wil.l nlmut 'Self-Mnilo.' I will for feit 910,000 to any dim (table mielrty the Nw York Hot aid may tlenlguiije, If I cannot prove that Mr. BoUthworth wrote 'Self Mmle;orOutof the Deptlm,' and that what Dr. Morgan nays lout my having bought the niimuacrlpt from any jiemon In Califor nia U false. .- Rohkht Honnkh. Scrlbnrr'a Muintxiuf for Octoluir iiuvinlm nttlcliii of llfo and adventure In iiniiminl placei and, a on n cable ship, 111 1110 Jinme inKe legion, ana on boatd the "White Squadron" In iwrf, otlicra alwut In terMtlngiiatuialiheiiomena, like lVofeiwor Shnler'H second pajxr, and tliodei-crlptloii of desttuctlve sand waves; article of great prac tical value, like Mr. Hvlvnnns li.iv ..v, on private school for girls, and John W. iioomou itwiorn city architecture; good fiction and noetrv. and innnv rlnh lllii.i,.,. tioui. The jiencliant of modern writers for the illscuwlon of social theinoM nml tliml..iiini.,l r... the jwrt of the public for this Chun of essays ore iiiaiuie.1 in mo current number of the forum. Three Of tho mot Interesting, If not the most ImiMitant. iinnvni nm nn cal subjiets. Illshop K.D. Uuntliigtoii'a oociai iTouicms aim tlio Uiuich" U In tho glftwl (Itvlno'n bt strain, and will iloubtleu eoke much comment. Tim,!, lki. wmil Oellamy teaches us tho "Firnt 8tep luxiiiu iiaiiuiiansiu" uno, as usual, he charms us with tho presentation of hi vlows even if we do not accent tin. vlHuatli.imiu.lviv. iri--.i..-. imeu r.Kiu oiorreu cionits into a few pages a couiprononnvo outlook on the "Future of our Dauuhteis." lltlu.r ni-ltilva nf l..tu.... aie: "1 he Docudenco of New England," by George 8. flout well ; "Formative Influence," by Frederic Harrison; "The Working of the New Silver Act." Iiv !W v W r.n... "China' to the World," by Thomas iuugvet -ine uieaor i,iro After Death," by i. reier wsiey; "Vwo Force in Fiction," by Marv D. Cutting "Ti v.n.itu..i i ii.. n i.;, Prof. Arthur W. Wright; owl the "Cllinuto mm inn uiiii Btreani," by Jacque W. lted way. There nre some eminent names among tho nniinuuioni to i lie uctoDer mimber of tho ViKdtflieofiiiirWi-rin irnin Tl.n ..,..-.1 divine mid historian, Hev. Dr. R. S. Btorrs ui iiivokijii, u tne author or it peculiarly able jmiH-r on the "Souicesm d Guarantees of Natloual Progrwh.1' All who uie inter ested iu tho social qiientloiu of the day should lead this aitlcle. Proreesor Theo. W. Dwlght, or the Columbia Law bchool, wi ites or "Tho American Flagniiid l'nul Jones." mid the edl tiefs, Mrs. Martha J. Lamb, dibcunscs enter. ii iiuiigiy "Bouinolil and Her Homes and Memories." Hon. J. (V Ikiimni t...u n.. ...i cle en "TheHUtoilo Timplent New Wind- M)! 17NJ." Other iiilvri.vtliifr ... il,.l..u ..... .. folloj "About Boiuo Public Cliniactei." iiu wciii-mi iiiiirucieiiMicsor the French Canadian Peasantry," by Dr. Phonier lien tier; "Tlio Mountains and Mountaineers of UKHXld Lw M "C.MW " 1 'rift Ondiloek's Fiction," by Milton T. Ailklm. 'tAuiH'ilotrsof (Ifiieinl Oteuvllle M. Dodge," by fliiiilen Aldrlclii "The Htory of Hoger l Wllllnms ltetold,"by II K, llaniilng; "Antl ipuitlnu Itlchi's of Tt-iiiiei'M'e," etc. Kuril MircrMlvc Ni.110 of this iungniluo ili'iuon- , slrnten lis gient value to nil Intel ested In the history of our country The October lirmi present mi Interesting table of content. A wide rntigo of topics is dlnciiHiH-tl by t-ouiK!tciit mid scholarly writers. Dr. lien. F. Hlimly of New York writes foicl hly ngulnst tho dt nth N'tinlty, Pi of. Imui-sT. Illxby linn n iiimt Hinting of Cimlliml Now limn nml tho Cutlullc lteiictlon, W. II. II. Murry plenils for in. eiulowtil press; the cnitso of the ut'gio ince Is nigueil by Prof. W. H, rlciillK)iough,ii lluely tslucnteil colonil mull; the ' -linine" nuthor drills with tho "IW- mnster-Oeneinl nod the Censorship of Mor ills;" Prof. Hlicridnti hns a treatNo on tho "Hymhollu Chmiictms of tho Old Tesla meiit;" Marcus J. Wilght diKcilboi the "Pin logatloii of the llrillsh Pnrlltimcnt," mid theie are other articles tisfo'loiiss "Chris tian Hoclnllsin," by I'M wind P. Foster; ''l)e velopment ot Ulmmctcrlu KcIiimiIs,1' by Abhy Morton Dlnr.; "Our Unchuiclied Millions," by Thnddeiis II, Wnkemnu; a story by llev. T. Kini'nt Allen; n poem by Mis. Heuntor 0 lover, etc. Tho Aicnn PublMiIng compnny or Iloston lmvo commenced the publication or tho American Siirctittor, mi eclectic review which will coiitnlu choice extracts from tho trout and other lending magazines. Dixtkrn .MdftiWiir' ror October hns tho usu al army of good things iiinong which may Iw uieiitloneilt "Tho Literary Young Wo iiinnn by'KateiMnsUrsou, "A UHnipio nt.tho Tuikish Questions" by Aaron Uoodfroy; "Tho ProiKwal" by Mao K. Marlowe, "A llauhnlor's Conresslon" by Dick Law, "Kijunl In t in Omvo" (a ixiem) by Finnk II. Welch, etc. Tlio.ruiiMs-.lfi'frr Mautizhie tor Octolier, which has Just been Issued, Is iorhaM tlvo most luteriwtlng number or that publication offered the public. It comes with an In creased number of pngu mid many really bright articles touching congenial topics, trenchantly written nnd elaborately Illus trated. Among tho excellent contributions to I iu found within the pnges of this attrac tive lunik mo those on "Physical Culture," (subject The Philosophy or Motion; "Polite ness;" "Hoclnl Ktmuetto Moriilinrt" "Tnti- estry;'' Mrs. Miller's Htory, "Tho Philosopher of Drirtwooil;""A t'lnt-slc Toilet;" "A Oil I Htudent's Year in Purls;" Fashion nml Fancy; hook uevtows, etc, Tho October number of )emoiTi('s Fumllu Mumttlnt tnkei us nil around tho world. Blurting nt Wellesley, by simply turning the leaves we am trmisisirteil to "Tho Iutid of tho I.npps," nnd the numerous Illustrations and vivid descriptions mnko us ipiUofamlHiu- w llli these inieor people then tho Illustrated serial story carrier us to China, and wo com-. lleto tho clrclo by visiting tho seals In Alaska and Urteiilnud, taking a little diversion by tho way in rending "Chut" about loclety do ings, and enjoying Iu Imagination so many good things told about In "Household," that wo wish Ihniiksglvlng were already come. There Is conifoit for tho man with n pre maturely gtny beard In HiU'klnglmin's Dye, hi-cnuso It never falls to color nil even brown or blnck ns may bo cd Ntin'it til e Time. Tlio Maxwell, Hliiipe, it lloss Compiuy aro nothing it net original nml eiiteipiislng ns will ho evinced by glancing nt tlielrudver tisemeut whlih ui penis iu letters of cilmsou red iu this Isiuo on sigu eight, liy ivfereuce thereto it w III bo seen Hint the linn bus pur chased I be fuinltum tlmk uf Blielton fc Bmlth, mid In order to niovu it, they an nounce It for silo ntttcfor;irfcet,tind when this Is snld It dots not mean n reduction of live or ten per cotit,but a slash iu prices fiuui twenty to forty H-r cent discount. A CouiiiKH rejRirter meeting Mr. Hharpo yestwuhiy on O street, took the llticrty to eniiulre why thoy did not move the Blielton & Uinlth stock into tho new building. That gentleman, wearing his accustomed smile, said: "Well, there nre oxco. lent reasons for this. You ice wo had nliendy ordered a large now stock which tho factory tufuseil to countermand, and theiefor we must dlspowo or most or the Blielton & Bmlth stock at a sacrlllco for wo ha o no room ror It In tho now place. You see the furniture busine I iirvttY well represented here and as we had n chance to buy that sUre very cheap wo did so making rower competitors, i oil can say to Couuiku readers that prices will bo low enough nnd If they will only call we will guarantee to supply them satisfactorily. And you might say in this connection, continued Mr. BhrrHj, "that wo have engiiged Mr. A. L. Gull to conduct tho furniture deirt meut of our new store. He has H n with Bhelton & Smith for two year and for sev erol yenrs tieforo that with his rather. He has bad enough ex'wrlenco and ought to know how to successrully run that brunch ot out' mammoth now store." Annthnr new eliitllllllir store is about to 0en it doors to bid lor public patronage. It Is to be known as the Iloston Clothing home, located at I0!K) O street (Schwab's old stand.) Our genial rrloml, T. Mlltonberger, late of A. Huilbut & Co., is the proprietor, and next week hU Intentions will be an nounced In these columns. Tlmt tent nf Irf.ptlv fllttilllT tllO foot With a rtyllsh, durable shoo is over being jwrfonn- etl by Hriscoe, the shoo man -neniiipinriers In the Kxpoltlon. HI rail and winter wear fcr ladles and gentlemen Uc$eclally fine and Is meeting with a heavy demand. Ho car ries nll'tho bt lines In all the leading stvles and Iim can suit tho most fastidious tnsto with ease. Just now them is a run Iu P. Cox's good for ladles. Ladles lino shoes this make, hand turned and hand welts iu widths rroiu double A to douliln K. But Briscoe, the shoo innn, can glvo you anything in the shoe lino ror men, women mid children Ilomember that handsome new store In the Kxosltlon, Our customer, all sieak highly In prniso or St Patrick.' Pill. They are the best Berry Brothers, Carroll, Neb. For solo by A. L Blirader, the druggist. Of Mr. It. E. Graham's jwrformanco or Bamboula, Iu "Tho 8a King," th Clncln nntl Commrreftu Uuxrlte says but Mr. Oruhaiu as Bamboula had tho book ' all to himself, and n better nmused audience I nevor sat In a theatre. In 'innko-up,1 voice I and action he was excellent, mid uover before were wo so moved to laughter by his humor, and never again will tho remembrance of his I Bamboula fade from our minds." Mr. Grn-1 ham has made n big hit In the )Hirt. 1 Tim I'urrat mid llest Articles known to medical science nre uml Iu preparing Hood's Hiirsiiparllla. Kvery In gredlcut Is carefully selected, peisoutilly ex . nutliit-d. nud only the best retained. The ' medicine is pi rpm cd under t he siirvIlou of ' thoroughly coiiiKeut pharmacist, niHl every step In the pieces of iiianufactuie is euro fully watched with a view to hecurlng Iu Hood's Ha's-ipaill'n tl e liesl oslble lesitlt. Many Clergymen, Dingers, m-iors, mid public sp'nkors uio Ayer'n Cherry lVetural. It Is the fnvorlto remedy for lumrsuuesi nnil all nilc ctlom ot Hit! vocal organs,, ami limgi. As nn nimiljlio ami e.xn-cloiaut. Hie ellects of this prep.iriitlnu are promptly realized. "Aver's Cherry Prctninl good. It Is n spleuilM remedy for nil ills eases of the throat nml hlngs, mid I hnto inni'li pleasure In testirlng to Its merits." (Itov.) C. N. Nichols, No. Tliliury, Mnis. " In my profession of nn auctioneer, any nffertlou ol the voice nt Is n serious mailer, hut, nt each ntlnck, I have been re Hoed by a few ihnes of A)er's Cherry Pectoial. This remeily, with ordinary enre, has worked suetiniiiiiglcnl effect that I lino suffered ry little liicoincnlcnce. I hno filso used It In my family, with u-ry excel lent lesnlts, hi toughs, colds. Ac." Win. 11. Qumlly, Mlutatoii, So, AliMr.illa. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 1'IIKI-AliPII IIV DIl. J. C. AYEH & CO., Lowell, Mass. Hold by sll Iituuid.ts. 1'rlco 1 1 i six Wtlci 1. Madame A. Ruppert World Renowned Complexion Remedies For Removal of all Skin Blemishes. Sold Only by Mrs. E. 0. Rewick, Agt. 1411 G Street. KID GLOVE3. Fosters 5 Hook Kid Cloves In all colors mul black, Hpeclnl snlo p Ices BTA Cents Worth $1,25. Wo Invite the attention of the public to our Immense stock of Kid (llovcs H. R. NISSLEV & CO. Eden Musee The Acknowledged Popular Family Resort of Lincoln I Week Commencing Oct. 13th THE MEXICAN Feather Workers A lemarkalilo company of wnrku en nnd work-ladles from Mexico, who use for mater ial naught hut feathers from the wliiucd tribe of tbealr, nnd succeed Iu mnldnn some most e.iilslio ornaments and most hcii'itirul em blematic design In the presence) of t le audience. Tim fruit of their handiwork will all 1k glvou to lady visitors next Friday. Doherty & Rayner, Many Mmlerlj nnd Marvelous Mnnouvers on Roller Skates ! Mugglo) IKntlo Lynch -:- Children, diameter CIiiiiiro Artists, Hweot Voiced hlmrors and Trippers of the Fantastic Toe, Grand Theatorium! BURTON'S Button llurttlng, Hide Splitting. Merry Mirth Making Comedy Co. Introducing for the first time this season the Inimitable diameter Comedian SAM. J. BURTON, And n host of Verltnhlo Talent illrect from reputable F.nMern Thespian Temples. Friday, October 17th Is Ladles Souvenir Day. A specimen of Mexican Artnns handiwork given the Ladles on above date only, Saturday, Oct. iSth, Is Chllilrcns Day Free Scats for the box s nnd girls Iiom t to 5 p 111. 10c Admits to All. 10c Nn Improper cli "-nctc nil" Itted. AVe wish to call your attention to our new stock of DRESS GOODS, Silks, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves CLOAKS and WRAPS Wc arc offering some bargains that will convince you that we are setting goods at Right Prices. J. W. WINGER & CO. 1109 A TWICE TOLD TALE ! The wise man sclcctlictli the "Bur lington route" and therefore started nrlglit. lie arrayetli himself In purple and fine linen, for lo, nnd behold, lie Is snnglv ensconced in n'dowerccnter" on the famous vcstihulcd liver, where smoke nnd dust nre never known He provldcth himself with n hook from the generous library ncarnt hand, ndjustctli his traveling cap, nud pro ceedetli to pass n day of unalloyed pleasure and contentment. And It came to pass, being hungry nnd ntlilrst, lie steppeth Into the dining car, and by the heard of the prophet, 'twas n feast fit for the gods. Venison, Blue Points, Bergundy, frog legs, can vasb.icks, Mum's extra dry, English plum pudding, fruits, nuts, Ices, French coffee, vci ily, the wise man wnxctli fat, and while lie llghtcth a cigar, he tokctli time to declare that the meal was "out of sight." It occurreth to the wise man that the country through which he journey ed was one of wondrous bcautv, Inso much that it was with deep regret he noted the nightly shadows fall. 1 low ever, tenfold joy returned ns he beheld the brilliantly lighted car, and the mcrrv company It contained. Vcrllv, It afforded a view of Elysium. The wise man rctlrcth to rest. Dc llclously unconcerned, he sleeps the sleeps of the righteous and awakes much refreshed. Ills train Is on time, his journey ended. He rcjolceth with exceeding great joy, as he holds a re turn ticket by the same route, the "Great Burlington." MORAL: Travel by J. FRANCIS, Gen. Pass, nnd Ticket A,gj:nt, Omaha. nn New Goods and New Styles Throughout For Fall. Don't be Tardy The Best i Will he Picked First. 4iSH 0 ST. The foolish man buyctli a ticket of a scalper. In the morning, behold, he savetli fifty cents; and lo, nt nightfall he Is out $9.27. He starteth wrong. With might and main lie hurrictli to the depot, only to find his train four hours late. The peanut boy slzctli Iiim up and scllcth him a paper of an uncer tain date As he journcyctli along, he formetli a new ncquantlcc, for whom lie casheth a check. Five minutes for refreshments. While he ruseth to the lunch counter some one stealcth his gripsack. Ue cliangeth cars, lo these many times, and It strlk cth the foolish man that he that lie "doesn't get through pretty fast," and he bemoanetli Ids ill hick. He gctteth n clnner In his eve, and verily he swearcth and cusscth 'full free he exchangcth three pclces of silver for nhunk in n sleeper, awaketh just In time to catch nn Infernal nigger sneak ing off with hi boots; the porters ex cuse nvailcth nothing, and the toolisli man straightway putteth his boots un der his pillow, that no man may break in and steal. His train runneth Into a washout, n hackman takcth him In to the tune of six shillings, and the foolish man lifteth up his olce In great lamentation, forlo nnd behold, the tavcrr. Is away but half n I lock. I lereacheth home weary and heart sore; hU trunk cometli next dav minus the cover and one handle, he resolveth hereafter to travel only by the "Great Burlington." the Burlington Route A. C. ZIEMEK, City Pass, and Ticket Agent, Lincoln. imuiiijnni Fall Overcoats and Suits ! Lots of them, Beautiful Patterns and Elegantly Made. First comers will pick the ripest plums remember that, $12 to $25; hardly a clear way to tell you, but those are about the extremes. HATS You can pleasantly, answer that favor ite: " Where did you get that Hat ?" When you've bought ours and saved an extra dollar. A. Hurlbut & Co. Cor. 10th and P Sts., Lincoln. f . I