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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1890)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER u .890 "t COMFORT TOR THE PI-liT! Life Made Easy 11Y HUVlNCi SOME. OF TUB FIN'EST A.NM) More Comfortable SHOES Ever sold la Lincoln. To try them on U .0 buy. These goods to lc found only nt Webster & Roger's 1 o.j 3 O Street. IMIISS- Alice Isaacs OMAHA, UN mUim BROS, EWYORK LATEST NOVELTIES IN Milliqery rVery Lowst Prices. ' In the Hloro of lleynmn A Dolclim, 1518-20 Eamam Street . ' OMAHA. ON SALE TO Principal Points EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH - AT 1044 O STREET. E. B. SLOSSON, City Passenger Agent PHOTOGRAPHER! Kino Iluatrntilncts f-1 per doxeri. Hpotinl retcii to students. Call nml see our work. Studio, 1214 O Street. Open to 4 p.m. yuinlnjs. J. S. EATON, Physician and Surgeon Office: 116S. Eleventh St. Telephones: Office ($y Residence j6i. LINCOLN, NEH. m Sfteialht, stlue I.ltnttoil to DIsoukoh of tlio Nervous System, Heart and Blood HKKRHKNCKSt Hon. Win, I.ecse. Attorney Oenernl. llon.T.I.. Nnrvnl. niooliite Justice -Jones' 'ntnnftl liiink, Howard. Cltlieus' National Hunk, Ulysses. QPKiOKf Viiin Htreet, I.INCOIA', NEH, LINCOr.N daiflfflgfuiptc AKD IMTITVTK OT rUMASSNir, Bborllutiut, ami Typewriting. U the ll anil largest Uollegu 111 Ilia Wiat. uJ MudenU In alteiulaiicw lat jeu. Slutrnu -eaml lor bu.liusu In from Utott month. Kxiwrlenosl faculty, 1'irsouil lntlruclkm, ImuiUuI tlliutratnlcitalOKUe.collnca Journals, and .naclincu of peiwiianahlp, scnl (reu by tulilrrMliig ULUWUDOK ROOSK. Uuoolu, Neb. Tickets LOCAL AM) I'KHSONAI, Al K. I'.wnn In In Knit I.nko City. E. I'opllli linn ki" Ailell, Win, J. W. Howell lin kdiio to Oklahoma. J, I), Trncy hnsgone. to Hti UtKi HL W. A. Dnggctt hns gone to Ht. Iilils, .Mint Jennie lloyd lit visiting In tliu enst. Thnmns I Ifilct In hns noun to Cincinnati. A. Jlnlter wnsnn Onmliii visitor Tuesday. Joseph Hwiiii linn returned from Peorln, III. Dr. Hhncmnkor left for Emerald Wednos ilny. Mr, 7.nrn A. llson la In Ivnusns city this week. Mm. nnk, II. J. Tnylor In In HL Louis this Miss Almenn Parker visited Hloux City thin week. Mian IMIth Ittunell hns returned from Chi cago, T. J, Hickcy has returned fivnt Now York. Attorney Oenernl Leeae U In Memphis, Tenn. Mm. O. II. Clto. BIIIn left Tneadny for Bloux Mm. K. l. Harney departed Wislnesdny for Wnro, Maim, Woolaey Woynnt started Mondny for Hae reinento, Cm I, Mm. J. II. Ltiko la visiting In Geneva, her former home. Mr. mid Jim. K. U (lisnrt left Wednesday for Clnclnnntl. J. A. Drain left Wednesday for Fort Towiuond, Wnsh. Mr. H. II. llohmnn mid ilatilitcr loft Mon dny for Ht. Ionk Mm. Mary Vound fnnilly hnvo gono to Portland, Oregon. Miss Dora Foley hnsgonoto Pittsburg, Pn., to visit her father. Mm. W. O. (Jlbbs Ilornellsvllle, N. Y. has returned from Mm. .1. K. Illggs una 1111 exKsltlon visitor In Omnlm Inat week. MtaLldn llawksworth la visiting friends In Peorln and Chicago. W. J, Coo 1 Mir vlalteit the rorn wlaco at Hloux City Wetlnusdny. MIm ArtlnHliawlo t Tuemlay for Ogden, whoro alio will tench achool. Mm John Zehrnni; and Frank ZeliriniK left Mondtiy for Hloux City, Mm. O. J Wlneiiworlaentertnlnlni; Misnea Ida and Lirxlc Mnloue of Wuvurly. Mr. and Mm. W. M. Heiitou tiro entertain Iiir MIhi on DotiKherty of Ciali;, Mo. Mli Heithn AMifonl of ICnmna City, It vliltnifr henwialn Kdwanl M. Iimh. The I'lemuiiit Hour club held a buxlnea.i lueethiK lnat iilj;lit nt Ilnidy St l'ltchcr'a W, K. llntta left Mondny for Hnn Francis co. Ida ftituro homo will bo Truckee, Call fornln. MIm IK'iloTht)inpion, of l!ii" M Mreet, la eiitertiilnliiK Mlaa Jeiuilo Thompson, or Hoch eater, Mil. J. C Kler Ima ijomi) to CIiIimro. Ho will letuiii with Mm. Kler in tho coumoof a cou jile of weeka. Jnmea Mnhoney, inniini;liir ivlltor of tho .oiiniiil, la M ikIIiik a tow dnya nt hla old home, lVorln, III, Jiuneii Ueatou entertnlueil tho olllcem of tholutciiintloiuil tiineitil dliector'H 1110.0cm t Ion WiMlniMlny tifteiiiocn. Mm, Hum Mlmchler, after aMuiIliiK thn aiimmernt enateru polnta nlonz tho Atlantic const, ivturnixl homo Hundny. Tho Hecond J'nbyterlnn church was dedi cated Mtindny eveulnR, Itov. K, II. CurtU, of the Fmt church ireachlnR tho hoiiiioii. Mlaa Mamlo Ilnrtahorn, of Clinrlitt City, lown, who lim been vlnitlng her biothei 111 this city, returned to her homo Mondny, Mm. Pclmlrn Hicks nnd dntiRhtcr who hnvo leim vlaitliiK Mm, Hiram DiiIIiik, left WedneiHtay for their homo in Freedom, III, Col. II. F.WIiiRor nnd daughter, ,MIh Hco, of WnhluKton, 1). C, mo in tho city vialthiK tho former' brother nnd tltor, J. W, Whiter and Mm. Kinma Beacreat. Mm. F. Adlor and her accomplished dauihtcr .Vh Flora, returned homo Tuia day after a Severn I my a vllt with tho fnnil ly of Mr. II. Goldamlth on Klfilittentli treot. Mm. C. J. Krmt nml dniiRhtir, Mlaa (Kr trude, left Tuemlay for Chicago, accompanied by Dr. F. 11. lighter. Tho Journey la iniido that an operation limy be performed on Mlaa Knmt'a hand. At tlio miidater'a mectltiK Mondny tho fob lowing officer wero elected for tho eniulog year: Itov. K II. Curlla, prealdeut; ltov. O. A. llllama, vlco inemdent; ltov, L' 1', LuiN den, bocretary and tr$niiirer: progrummo committee: Itova. E. 8. llalaton, C. It. New linn, aii'd K. II, Chnpln. A Jolly arty of young folks enmo down fioui Omnlin to attend tho Blinding Thorn ball given Mondny ovenlug at Mnaonio tem ple. Tho pnrty returmsl Tuoadny nnd com prised: Messra. Julius Meyer, Oustav i'Jercliea, Edwnnl AVessel. Fred SeliRaolin. .Misses Flora Adlcr, Julia lliooin, Hot Inn eiieoiin and iin. K, Aitier. Temple lii.ll, or a most peoplo call It. Mn sotile temple, Is more attractive than over thl aeuson, ilnnyiiow lui)rovement huve been mnde, and tho comfort of guests tins Un further nutlcluttd. Tho large, iuulo ta-ul nt the entt end of the hall that formerly oc cupied a goodly ahnro of dnnclng apace has been cut down and now does not project be yond tho wall line ThU doon not Interfere with the, orchestra's place, for there U still ample room on the abbreviated platform for as largo an orchestra as may be desired In cluding piano apace. This gives additional dancing surface. The windows have been re curtained, tho rooms renovated, and every ining uini was in any manner lacking lias been supplied, so thnt this reason Llncolifs most pular dancing resort will Im eveh more attractive thvi over. Boveral clubs have already booked for the wintir, an4 prosecU now Indicate that the hall will bo oen nearly every night this seaaon. The hall to again In charge of Mr, and Mr. Campbell, who have always given the beat of "atU'actlou to the amusement seekers, nml it will be their special aim to see that every at tention Is given to increase the enjoyment f the patties. Engagements tor the hall may now be made with Mr. Campbell, who may always be found ut 8. E.'sstorti or with Mr. Btlroj manager of the hall, at the Lincoln Carpet company's In the Exposition store. Additional local nnd personnl page 8. NoveltUeln Wedding Cake boxes thirty different shnes nt Wessel Printing Co, FAMILIAR PEOPLE. Al E. Ewnu linn ri'ilgned Ida position In thn olllcoof tliocomiuis.loner of public Inndanud buildings, V Auditor Tom Heiitou wenm n plug hat on the hustings. It la nn open qiinstlon whether It Is wiser to awn tho graiiRcr with a plug or to acduco him with a dilapidated felt. We ahnll nwnlt tho result of the nudltorinl elec tion with great anxiety. Omaha 7i;i'm. Dan Ixli,wliom many will riimeinlMr as the advertising nnd iUhmuiiUvu genius who made tho win ila, "Hemmon outlltter to iiinu kind" fniuous n year or so ago, was In the city Monday and Tneadny looking up old friends, Dnn hna bet 11 In tho uuploy of a Inrgo Chicago house for fount time past ; hut Ims now golio to Denver to nccept a riw'Min alblo ioaltlou with David May, the cloth ler. Tho engagement of Chniies Mnyer, a pop ular young, member of the firm of Mayor llroa. ton well known young lady In Now York, tins been announced, informally. John Hteen, commUsloucr of public lamia anil buildings, whoso term will expire Jnu uary 1st, has not made any dellulto plans for the future. It Is oaslhto, however, thnt he mny remove his fninliy from Wnhoo mid en gage In bualiicH in this city. W., J, Ilyruqs, the bright young iiinu who represents tho Omnlin lire intlils clty,ls onof the moat enterprWng newspaper men In Lin coln, Ho has lieen making n record for "acoops'' lntoly that has caused his fellow workers no little annoyance. Tho Journal ns mentioned elsewhere In this Issue, paid him tribute the other day, ns a "piping curlew," To see our popular townsman, J. II. Mock ett, sailing through the streets astride of a "safety" bicycle and wearing a silk hat Is In deed n privilege. Plcttiiespb Is no name for It. L, Itarr wna iiindoa luiturnllzed citizen of tho Uultrd Btatea WetlneMlny . He has ie aided In this country twenty-nine years, sev enteen of which holms spent In Lincoln. (leorgo H. Hmlth, one of the many Lincoln Imys who hnvo been cilleri to other olnts to till iKisltlons of trust, was In the city a few days this week. Ho likes Callonay, his now homo, w hem lin occupies an Important posi tion In the bank operated by the olllcem uf the American ExciuiiiRo bank of this city. and carrlei with him the usual assortment of stories nbjut new railroads, population, pub lic Improvements, etc. SOUTH LINCOLN. Will Hates left Mandiiy for Callfoinla. M.W. Mills and wife have. been visiting friends near llelvldere this week. Mrs, E, II. Zorueo.o leturued Wednesday from a two weeks' visit In Council IIIuITm, la. A. T. Bielliuan leiie .Saturday for Dos Moines, la., nnd other towns lor a mould's visit. W. II. Wadswoith of Cleveland, 0 is vis iting his ron, W. F. Wudiworth, nt 8-Ift Wood street. Mrs, 8. II, Hohmau and daiiRhter left Mon day for a three mouths' visit In Ht. Ixnils and Chicago. It might bo well to mention here that the street cam ale now milking legulnr trip to tho asylum. Two more two-story houses are lainir erected In South Lincoln near South nnd Tenth streets. O. M. Travera, corner of Tenth nnd South streets, returned from Hustings Thumday noon wuero no nas ueen erecting a now store room. A very nleaant social was clven bv tho Y. P. 8. C. E. of Trinity church Wednsdnv evening nt tho ivsldenco of Elder II. T. Davis. The Young Ladles' Missionary society of Plymouth church gave 11 ribbon social com bined with an oyster supper at the residence of Mm. J. P. Walton Wednesday evening. It was 11 pleasant success. J, E. Ilarber, one of Lincoln's former citi zens, Into with tho linn of Heyuinn & Delchcs of Omnh.i, will rcjocate in Lincoln uoxt wtck and resume business at their now store Koon to Iw started here. Mm. Drlseoe left Tliuwday morning for Gihsiuiu answer to n telegram from her brother-lu-lnw stating tin death of his little daughter from diptheria, Tne child's mother was burled last Thursday from the Insane asylum here. Aunt Samantha. I.ota of Peoplo. Yes, tho tush at Louie Meyer & Co's, gen eral inerchandleo store still omtluuos. Lots of eople are gladly taking advantages offer ed, and tho goods are going rapidly to Lo replaced immediately by fresh stock. All your wants lit tho line of dry goods, notions, groceries, provisions, etc., can bo supplied at Louie Meyer &' Co's. big store at astonishing ly low prices, overy thing that is newest and, best tho latest things' from Chicago New York and tho east, constantly 011 hand, nnd nt the lowest price. If you have once dealt at this store you are a regular customer, and there is no occasion to urge you to come, but If you havent yot become a patron you should tnko a look at the stock at tho earliest opportunity, Lincoln Si.Joe & KiinsnaClty. Tlirouuh Sleepers nml l'arlor Cars. The day of transfers, changes nnd delays between Lincoln, St. Joe and Kansas City is over, the li. & M. having placed In service a line of combination slccers and pnrloi chair can that for convenience, elegance and com fort surpass nny thing heretofore run between theso points. Tho present schedule Is ns fol lows: Leave Lincoln, 8:30 p. in. dally, arrive In St. Joe 6:27 a. in,, Kansas City 7:50 a. m. ; returning, leave Kansas City 9:15 p. 111. dally, St. Joe Il;45 p. m., arrive at Lincoln 7:50 p. in. Ththo trains run via Beatrice, AVymore ami Table Hock and make close connections at terminal (mints. The tervlce Is really excel lent and wo can recommend It with much coulldetice. Further Information can be ob tained at union ilot or city office corner O and Twelfth streets. A. C, Zikmku, City Passenger and Ticket Agsnt. Ladle will llnd a complete line of tine shoes nnd all the latest styles at the proper prices at Hlierw lu's lioaton Hlioe Store. FEMALE MOUNTAIN CLIMBER Miss I'ny I'lillcr h" first W01111111 tn Itencli Tiir, mm' H11111111II. Of the twenty-nine persons who hnvo nsreinh'il .Mount Tacoma, Wash., since tho Kreitt peak has been known to white peo ple but nun Is 11 woman. Her iiamn Is Mlvi Fay Fuller, nnd alio resides nt Ta coma. A few weeks ngo she essayed tho perilous fent In company with some mule friends. The party made the ascent of the lint 7,000 feet 011 horseback, passing ' MI8H FAV t-'UM.KIt. throUKh the beautiful natural parka known ns the Lower Gardens of Kdon. This part of tho Journey occupied four days. Then began tho climb on foot. Tho ndvonturen tnirmoiinted nil tho dangenof snowbanks, glaciers, crevasses and storms and reached the Hiiiumlt, nearly 14,500 feet above tho level of the sea, late ono after noon. The summit is about two miles across nnd directly overlooks two largo cratcn from which steam rises contin ually. These the party visited Immediate ly lifter In-glunlng the descent. Says MIsh Fuller In hernccountof tho adventure: "On the east edge or tho big crater we en tered mi Ice envo Iwtweoii tho snow and rim of tliu crater, and there, with steam beside U8, wo, spread our blankets, which seemed light enough now; took olT our shoes, bathed our feet In whisky and la-gnu tho night. After having reached the Htiminlt I began to feel Hick from cold, exhaustion nml tho sulphur odor, nnd for some tlmo slide red from a chill and nausea. Somo of tho gentlemen woro tired and very cold. Eating had 110 attraction for me, but somo ate a little, -Mr. Smith melted some ice In n cup over the steam, heated the wator, dissolved sotnu extract of beef, and Borved good hot lieef soup for supper. Two blnnk ets over us seemed little protection for tho night. Through tho small opening in the cave nbovu wu could watch the staw and meteors, nml nil night long hear the uwfitl avalanches roaring down tho mountain sides. I was the only one fortunnto enough to lie able to tdeep. When wo awoke our shoes were fro.un stllT, and had to be melt ed In thuhteum before we could put them on. The blankets where the steam had been weru Icy." Tho return Journey wiw finished without any serious mishap. Exposure, however, caused Miss Fuller's lips, uoso nml cheeks lo nwell, mid the skin peeled from her face. CHICAGO'S MUSICAL PRODIGY. Iter Name la IMait llrclilt, anil Nile la hut Plvo Years Old, Kiwi Ureidt Is credited with Mug tho musical wonder of Chicago. She Is the 5-year-old daughter of Julius Hrelilt.u Jew eler. Three yean ago It was noticed that Elsa sang the aim that nny one might bo playing at tho piano. Sho learned to play chords with great caso, and showed herself capable of carrying parts of aim correctly. Then she essayed the violin with success. A year ago she began to compose or Im provise. Her mother said recently: "One t KUU lUIKIDT. dny there wns a terrible rain and thunder storm, and when it was over Elsa went to the piano and played the wildest sort of an air that almost brought tho storm and Its music back to me. She will get up on tho piano stool and begin singing softly somo measure, nml after humming It over sev eral times she plays It. That Is tho way she composes, If I play sontlmetital or lively music It affects her strangely. In fact we cannot play pathetic airs, as tho team come to her eyes, and she Is much ag itated. She enJoj-M herself much ns other children do. but f she hears tho sound of music she will stand listening with mouth, eyes unil earn wide open. Any ordinary composition she can piny after having heard It once." Tho other day Elsa played for 1 party of critics, and showed such remarkable abil ity that the musician D'Albert offered to take her to his homo in Germany and give her a thorough musical education nt his own expense. O. A. It. Hooks Very Clienp, The'.Wessel Printing Co. has several copies of Col. Holert B. Deal's well known history of tho Grand Army of the Republic In fine bindings which It will sell at $.'1.00 per vol umn. Original price, sold onlv on subscrip tion, nt 5.00. These books nre fully illus trated nnd complete In every dotall. Call and seo them. All tho latest sheet music, now stock, nt Crnncer's Art Mulo store, 213 south Eleventh stree. KID GLOVES. Fosters 5 Hook Kid Cloves In colors nml black. Special snloprlce, 1 87 1-2 worth $1.25 We Invite attention of the public to our Immenso Htoek of KtilUlove. H. R. NISSLEY & CO. . v YOU WILL FIND MY LADIES' TURN SHOES AT $3. SO, EXTRH HLUE AND GOOD FITTERS. EiE). O. YATES 1129 O STREET. f.V( of Liberty to fomwaiiilrr of Stramn :- Cnptnln, permit me to hand vou the business dnrd of one of the mo-t icliable houses in the United States. It Is "my duly to piovlde for the welfare of strangers nnd I can do them no better service than to rccounnt nd tlicin to go an establishment where they will meet with no mlsreprc icnlii'lonnnd wheietncx will find the largest vniletv of FURNITURE of all grades nt the lowe-t prices. " AUG. TH. GRUETTER & CO. iiiH n sim:i:T. rr " M St, Stylish Carriages and Buggies, At all Hours Day or Night. tST Hones Hoarded nnd best of cnie taken of all Slock entrusted to us. 3 PRICES REASON A RLE. BILLMEYER & CO.,j. Proprietors. Call and Soo Us. ' Tolophone 435 CW mum A. M. DAVIS & SON, Fall and Winter Carpets and Draperies, 1112 0 St Telephone 219. H. W. BROWN DRUGGSITInilBOOKSELLER The Choicest line of Perfumes. D. M. Ferry's- Finest Flower nnc1 Garden Seeds. 17 South Eleventh street. Finest in the City THE NEW-4 Palace Stables opp. Masonic Temple. ebraska's Leading Hotel. gsrTHE MURRAY Cor. Uth nml Harney Hts , STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS All Modern Improvements nnd Conveniences. B. 8ILL0WAY, P;orletor. IR4HIOBY,PrlnolpIOIerk. posStek. ? -m cwMttrarr(r -