Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 04, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Evening, Oct, 4, 'DO
Oorner I Oth and P Street.
Dress Goods and Silks
ii, it. ninsi.kv A CO.
"Tho Courier" I'ur 8ln In Onmliu.
Copln tuny l foutiil nt Keith' newsstand,
810 South Fifteenth street, Boyd's l ,,0,,w
Dress Goods Novelties
offered hy tlcrpotshclmcr fi Co arc the
Most Vnrtcd outside o( the Inrge cities,
Thing that are different and ennnot he
mntchcil perhaps In the tntc. Their stock
of Cloaks, Wrap, llotue Wrapper ami
Dresses, arc a wonderful collection u( the
correct tiling In Ladle Wcor. An In
vpcctlon I Invited to till veritable Trade
Palace, l'rlcc everyone know arc al
ways the Lowest, quality considered. Call
at HerpoUhelmcr & Co', and look them
Thti Courier Cnn tie Found At
Windsor Hotel Now Htand.
Capital Itotol Now Htand.
Exposition DlnlUK Hull Now Htand.
Thn Ootlmm Now Htiuut. 118 South llth HI.
Jtcrt Huinicr. Ill North llth Htroot.
Kd. Young, iikoo mreet.
Fletcher t Co., 11.1) U Htreot.
Llttla Sport Cigar Htore, 113 North 12th HI.
Weternold' Hurler Hhop, llurr HIook.
tarAn extra upply of paper In nl way loft
it ttio Clothnm.
upplle run itiort.
m enso outer aowciiouior
Fall Styles, Dunlap Hats
1137 O STREET.
Tho Commit will not he responsible for
any debt mado by any ono In Its name, un
cm n written order ncoo mpanlcs tho tamo,
l.ct ami l'ersoiml,
, Whltebrcost Coal and LI mo Company.
Take Turkish at 1010 O utrcot.
Oyster in all style at Brown'.
Brown' for oyiter In all sty les.
Ruth M. Wool, M. D 1220 P street.
Telephone at the Coumhw oftlco I 253,
Sunday dinner at Browns, only 25 cent.
Lincoln lee Co., 1CM0 O St. Telephone 118.
Mineral water used (or bathing, 1010 O st.
Canon .City Coal at the 'Whltehreast
Coal and Lime Co.
Doctor Bailey & Qoodell, onice 1347 L
stmt. Telephone, 017,
Only place In Lincoln that use mineral
water in hatha is at 1010 O street.
Improvedahower for Turkish bath at 1011
O street, basement Union block.
Miss C. J. Gullmette, modiste, second floor
Exposition building. Take elevator,
I'oehler furnishes the finest iuo!lUy of Ice
cream aud fancy cake (or parties and wed
dings. All the latest sheet music, new stock, nt
O rancor's Art Musk store, SIS south Kloventh
Poehler is now serving rich juloy oyster
and lunches at hi parlors in tho McUridu
block, corner Twelfth and P street.
Dr. C. B. Manning, ofllce room 00 07-0$
Burr block. Telephone 830. Residence Cor.
20th and F. Telephone 330.
Ladle will find a complete line of tine shoe
and all the latest style at tho proper price at
Bherw in' Boston Shoo Store.
Art studio, room 42, Tho Bond. Classes
Thursday und Saturdays,
China tiring. Edith Rubskll.
J. II. O'Neill, flno plumbing, hot wator and
sUain heating, fl6 gas fixtures and globes.
You can buy all grades of garden hose very
, See tho new correspondence paper in tab
let form just received at the Couuikh ofllce.
We have all the latest weaves, iu all the fan.
cy and plain poper, Including u number of
very pretty novelties. Envelope to match
nil paper.
II. P. Sberwln, 1124 O street, ha a present
for every ono of bis customer that cannot
foil to be appreciated. Ho will give to every
customer a fluo crayon picture made from
any photo that I desired and it will not cost
you a cent. Call in nt his drug and shoe
store and see how it is douo, Vil O street.
There, iMbf bo peont in this community
wjio areaSkiiM iroublod with collo or sub
ject iogmakt of bowul eomplalut. If so,
they.vMMwtr y Chamberlain's colic, cholera
aud iftWli3 remedy, 'ft will afford almost
immediate relief, and ylien reduced with
water 1 pleasant to take. If taken a soon
a the. first Indication of the disease Is felt It
will ward off .the uttauk, Many people use it
in tkU way, and tttw4 that it never full them.
A 95 or CO cent bottle, may be obtained from
A. L. Shroder, the druggist.
Ml Mnud Drtlryinplc, of Sittl H street, wn
pleasantly "surprised" hy a number of
friend Tuesday evening. Those present
wcroi Mime Llllla Klynn, Helen Miller, Mob
lie Dean, Annie Holier:, Dolllii and Dora
Dalrymplo, Vlmilo HnheriKin, Htnlln Kinney,
MhIo McOlumpy, llertha lesson, Jennie
1.1ml, Addlo Miller, tann Miller, Corn Cob
erleyi Mcmix C. Klinmerer, O. A. Ilniwn,
W, Klininerer, T, K. I'lninnndon, John
Meleherl, (leorga Ihirk, T. A. Hordan, O. K
Ma Uitte, O. HoIhtImiii, I. Dean, Emmet
Yntc, J. O. Dalrymple, II, llroenlng, II.
Sullivan, J. Faulkner, II, Armstrong and
Chm. McCabo.
Mr, aud Mr. A. M, Davl entertained tho
member of the society of tho "Hall In tho
Grove" pt their haudsotno rcMiU'lKT; Boyen
teenth and K street. WndnAV M-nidmr.
The evvnliig was devoted to an Informal dis
cussion of Various topic of current Interest
a tho regular study hn not yet commenced.
Those present werei Messrs. Calvert, Aitkeu,
Adams, Barnes, Cheney, Hall, Ienvitt, Met
rair, Mhrkcll, Stevens, Itov. Stein; Merdamo
Calveit, AdauiM, Cheney, Omteii, Ooodcll,
Hull, Hnily, Johaiin, Ix-uvltt, Markoll, Man
ley, Metoalf, Stein, Snyder, Welch and
Harm; Mini Hardy aud Stevens.
Mr, (leorgo II. Clnrk, of 1330 I, street,
whom) hospitality 1 well known, gave a de
lightful reception yesterday afternoon from
2 to 0, to over a hundred ladle Cut Doner
adorned tho hall aud refreshment room, the
Mine III llio latter being Imrdeued with es
IKH'lally handHomn llornl decoration. Tho
elaborate lunch wan preslihd over by Misses
Mlnnlo and Ollln Lattn, Ahhlo Covert and
Nelllo White. Mr. Cluirle llrown, of Iowa,
nnd Mrr. Clmrle .Sltxer, of thl city, assisted
In receiving,
A private car llllod with Lincoln people left
Wednesday afternoon for Sioux City, where
n Kelal Invitation had lieon oxto.ided to the
member of tho arty to islt tho emu palace.
Tho company comprised, among other, Sec
rotary of State and Mr. Ben It, Cowdery,
Misses Klttlo nnd Alice Cowdery, Htnto
TrensuiiT J. K. Hill, MIsm'H tlertrudo and
Carola Hill, and their guest, Min Eva Kry,
of llloomlugtou, HI., Commissioner John
Steen, Mis Oertrudo Manpiett aud Mlw
Martha Kuuke. Tho exeurHlonist returnisl
Tho young friend of MIm May Moore, of
1213 K street, unvo her n delluht fill wirnrlwi
party last night. TIioho presont were! MU
se Maud Oakley, Onice Burr, Grace ICnapp,
Haydoo Blerwith, Jeailo Jury, Lucy Giilllth,
Hun Marshall, Stella Curtis, Georglo Camp,
Florence Winger, Joseph Lotterldce. Llhblo
Sccrest, Mlnnlo Fninkllu, Kntlo Kleutsih
urnee Oakley, Miwih. Frank Secrent, John
Ittcrldgo, Foster Secrest, Will Nash, Hoy
Chapman, John Mcllrldo. Hay Iacso. Georco
Gadd, ClarkHon, Ilos Curtis, Clmiles
Blair, Charles Elliott, Churle Hammond,
At tho meeting of the Pleasant Hour club
last evening tho twenty-six memlier of Tho
Assembly were unanimously voted In nnd tho
following noiv nieiubeia wero elected: Dr. O.
F. tadd, Mewnii. E. E. Henkle, 11. 8. Mcin
tosh, W J. Dennis and John T, West. A re
ception will le given October 21 to Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. B. Wright, Mr. and Mr. Frank W.
Smith of Alliance, Neb., and Lieut, and Mrs.
T. W. Grllllth. Tho coalition of thcM two
leading clubs menu tho strongoit toclal or
ganisation Lincoln hao over known.
A charming whltt party was given by Mr.
and Mr. J. A. Buckstnlf Thmsday ovenltig.
Those preu'iit were: Menin. nnd Mesdames
N. C. Brock, Patilck, O. O. Burr, J. H.
Wright, John Doollttlo Carl Funko, K. K.
Hnydeu, W. J. Marshall, Ed Green, G.M.
Ltimbertson, Mason Gregg, Charles Hum
iiiond, Mrs. H, A. Perry, Mis Lntta, Lieut.
Townloy and Mr. A. 11. Buckstnir. The
prlxes, which wero handsome pieces of china,
wore awarded to Mrs. Brook and Mr. Lam
H. S. Mcintosh mid Miss Lulu Gruuinger
wero quietly married Tuesday ovenlng nt tho
residence of A. C. Zlemer, Fourteenth and N
street, Rev. Iwl Gregory otllciatlng,
Mis Sadie Grunlnger of Cloveland, O.,
Frank Grunlnger, Mr. nnd Mr. Henry Mc
intosh, and EdwardT'nirileld of Omaha and
a few other Intimate friends and relatives
were present. Mr. and Mr. Mcintosh
are now at home at Sixteenth and II street.
Tho following wero among the Lli.joln peo
ple who visited Omaha Thursday: Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Zlemer, Mrs. Mining, Frank
Kehrung, Mrs. Hurlbut and sister, Mr. Wal
ter Hargreaves, Mis Alllo Righter, Mrs. W.
B. Ogden, Mrs. A. O. Boeson, Mr. Green, N.
B, Kendall, E. Blgnoll and J. A. Finch.
It I hinted that a certain Interesting young
couple, who have long been attached to each
other, will cause tho wedding bell to be rung
somo time this month. The name of tho for
tunate young man rhymes with a word
which rhyme with "brook." " '
Mlk Paulino Goldsmith, of Eighteenth
street is entertaining Miss Tllllo Nowmnii
and Mis IKIonv Adler of Omaha, whllo
Mr. Goldsmith I entertaining Mrs. Adler,
mother of the latter.
Fred O. Wedge and Mlw Carrie M, Welch
wero married at tho rosldenco of tho bride,
Thirtieth and Potter strot, Thuresday, Rov.
L. AV. Terry oftlclathig.
-The Tuesday Evening club will meet Tues
day evening ut tho residence of Miss Clara
Walsh, 1X14 J street.
The young people of the Vino Street Cong
regational church gave an oyster supper last
Wnlter C, Fayo and Elltn J. Herruld were
united In marriage by Judge Stewart Thurs
day, David Buum mil Miis Anna Veil Sickle
were nmrried Thursday ut Newton, N, J,
Tho Eaxt Lincoln O. L. 8. C. will meet
Monday evening at tho Baptist church.
Tho Yorke club met lawt night for further
John M. Hall lias gone, to Boston.
Mm. C Smith has gouo to Ploasant Plains.
James Turner ha gouo to Salt Uiko Oity.
J. Buh left Thursday for Hot Springs,
Miss Mollle Neal departed for Cincinnati
Edward Bohanan visited Kitnsas City,
W. J. Hoiibton has returned from tho
Black Hills.
Mr. M. F. Conire left Wednesday for
Plainwell, Mich.
Harry J. Lee of Pawnee City visited John
Schuetz thl week.
Mr. and Mr. William Mills have returnee!
from Danville, III.
Mr. J, H, Dale nnd daughter luft Wednes
day for ludlamiH)lls
.Mr. and Mr. A. H. Oilfrnth left Thursday
for Term Haute, Iml.
They say Lincoln will have n IxiM-ball club
uextfeasou that can pliy.
Charl Halter of I'auada, father of Coun
cilman Halter, I in the city.
W. V. Howe left for Mountain Home, Jdn
ho, hi fiituio home, Tliurwlay.
Mr. and Mm.FriMlC Mnsteti of Hasting
are visiting friend hi this city.
Mark nnd M. I. Hteruherger wero pnseu
gem Wednesday for Chllllcothe, O.
Marshall Division No. 10, U It. IC. or P.,
will vMt Hebron next Wrdnenlay.
Mr. B. Hubbard and children started for
Plttsiteld, Mas., Weilnerday ovenlng.
Mr. M. E. Dornn of Mat toon, III,, I visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. It. C. Trogdcn.
John II. MeClay departed Wednesday for
Peoria, III., to attend an army reunion,
Mr. M. T. Manner I entertaining her si
teT, Jlii". A. U. Cn, and children, of Den
ver, Tho Second Preshylerlan chinch, East Lin
coln, mill ho formally dedicated to-morrow
Edward Robinson, Mr. Edith Robinson
and Mr. Frank Robinson left Wednenlny for
Iifayette, hid.
Mr Adolph WcImt returned Sunday from
Boston after n four month sojourn nt tho
Huh and Fnntucket beach.
Mrs. W. O. (Ins and daughter, Mis Mil
dred, are visiting In tho city, tho guest of
Mr. and .Mr. C. O. Qulggle, 1130 K street.
James W, Smith, manager of tho P. II.
Cooper Tailoring company, ha returned
after nu extended iibHimco at Hot Springs,
J. II. McMurtry returned from Colorado
Wednesday, Ho I much encouraged nt the
decided Improvement in hi daughter'
Mtac Olllo IMU and Nelllo White will
leave Monday for Alliance to visit Mr. nnd
Mr. Frank W. Smith. They expect to re
main n week,
Mr. Henry F. Hubbard and daughter of
Stockton, Cal., were guest tho past week of
Mr. anil Mr. Henry F. Hubbard of South
Fifteenth street.
Mr. aud Mr. II. M. lluslmell entertained
Mr. niul Mr. F. O. Simmon of Sewnrd,
Wednesday and Thursday. Tho latter caiuo
to thu city to hear "Lucia ill Lammcrmoor."
Col. P. J. Burroughs of Chicago arrived In
tho city Tliiirwlay to conduct Hallett' great
auction sale of diamond, watches ami Jew
elry. Mr. Burroughi commence Id nervier
this afternoon.
Gov, Thayer returned from Chleago.wluro
ho went to meet hi wife, thl weok. Tho
governor mid Auditor Thomas II. Benton left
Wednesday on a trip through tho northern
part of the state.
Mr. aud Mr. James Heatou, tho Mlssea
Heaton, Mrs. W. L. William aud Mlts Inn
llurch attended tho hauipiet given hy the In
ternational Funeral DliectorV iiHtociation at
the Paxton hotel, Omaha, Thursday evening.
Mlf May Yott, of Cleveland, Ohio, haar
rived In Lincoln on a visit to her relations,
Mr. and Mrs. Burkltt. Mis Yott will prob
nhlp remain in Lincoln permanently, in
which event our oclal tlreles will receive n
desirablo nddltlon.
J, B. Jones of tho Carton Furnace com
pany of Utlcn, N. Y,, wa a several days' vl
ltor In Lincoln this week Inspecting thu work
douo by their ngeiits, Kruso & White. Tho
Carton furnace is very popular hero; and
many of our Uncut homes contain one of
The folllowlug member of Lincoln division
No. 1, Knights of Pythias, and their friend
visited tho Sioux City corn piilncu Tliurwlay:
F.A. Miller, J. W.PercIval, F. M. Harris,
N. Westover, 8. A. Warren, E. G. Yates,
George V. Slko, Dan Hellwlg, II. F. McNenl,
W. C. llliodo, K. Fleming, L. I). Van Kleep,
It. 8. Young, O. M. Carpenter, William Hop.
kins, Charles, J. H. Pi ice, William
Chichester, Alex. Jetes, M. 1), Clary, J. O.
Tarbet, Ed Blosson, F. L. Synds, M. J.
Additional local and peional luigo 4.
Ayer's SurNiparllln, bending tho brain pure
blood, makes sound loth mind nnd body.
Fosters S Hook Kid Cloves
In Color and Black Hpeclul sale price
87 1-2 Cents Worth $1,25
Wo luvlt o tho addition of.tbe piibllo to our
Immenso stock of Klil Glove
f Sl1 !P' BED
rr"' "Wl-l-: ' ' ' " I only
aBSBaHBB Www $7o.oo.
j4Z-rWZSrjS alliSTiT-n" I I I I W JaWJf I "FBT aVsaWlaBBBVBliBr sbMBbM.bIVbbTIBBH
IBHp'' aVliflP9BBHilaiilittiiMu77flr m
Jewelry at Auction
Owing to the depression of the times and the very dull trade, I now find myself
heavily stocked with a line of goods never before surpassed in Lincoln. I bought heavily
last spring contemplating a large trade, but like in all branches of trade, business has been
very dull and I now have the goods which must be turned into money at whatever they will
Commencing October 4th,
I will oiler at public Auction my entire stock, and the goods will go to the highest bidder,
be that much or little. Mr. P. J. Bourroughs of hi: ago will conduct the sale, commenc
ing at half-past two, and continuing afternoon and evening.
bpecial Attention Given to Lady Bidders.
Now's the Time-Jewelry at Your Own Price! No Reservations !
Everything Goes ! Come and Give us Your Bid !
k o
en m
Clocks, Etc.
131 North llth street.
Rambler Bicycles
are all convertible for Ladies or
Gentlemen, and arc the Easiest
Bicycle Made,
Carriages and Buggies
Call and See what Bargains you can get by Buying this Fall
1540 O STREET,
H c!
o O
F r
Book Case
and Bedstead
In One Piece of Furniture.
Hardy & Pitcher,
211 South nth St.
r '
1 )