Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 04, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Next Week of
At the
The popularity of Fall Overcoats is steadily increasing.
Their usefulness and we might say necessity these cool even
ings and mornings is fully recognized by the growing demand
for them. Wc have this season an unusually large stock of
Fall Overcoats and to boom their sale wc will make special
prices for this week.
A i. ClJTV Wc will liow a line silk fneed Melton Overcoat tlwt linn not It equal
MI pl for the money.
A i (JJ , A fine Imported Worsted Overcoat, silk faced and with silk
X.L pxU ccvc lining, not to be duplicated for anything like the nioncv.
Ai fj j Wc will sell n vupcrh Kcrsc)-, silk fneed mid sleeves silk lined, n
XXL pj.U very dressy coat. In addition to the above wc h.ivc an elegant
assortment of Cnssltncrcs, Meltons and Cheviots nt equally low price. Call and
ice them at the
Globe Clothing House,
Cor. O and Tenth Streets.
Who has the Exclusive Use of Steauna's Anesthetic
No Chloroform 1 No Ether ! No Gas I
A Ml Set of Teeth on Rubber for $5.00.
All Fillings at the Lowest Rates.
DR. H. K. KERMAN, Roon,s S'L26,NBEBrr mcK
Herman Bros.
1017 0 St., IIMM, HEB.
- j -
Branch Stores at Falls City, Grand Island, Beatrice,
Weeping Water and Aubnrn.
Hot Wate r
F. A.
Milton M. Lyon the Wide Awake Newsdealer
nml Suhftriptlon Aent, 1 101 N St.
I.CHVU Orders for liny Newspaper. Mhicuhik or 1'crlndlciil wliiitso.
ever nml I will pr ii'ii ii II fur you 11 1 inibJIMiur's. I-nwct I'rlco
l.n.lln. will iiIuiik II ml II lllll Hill, (if KlHlllOII MlllEUllll'S Oil HIV
oiiiKitm, ulwiii full lino of Mine. Votusn'sCi'lchruli'il Flower HIuiIIoh,
TnlMiit's "Kienter Kiinatu" now ill rents.
JrJllWrfthW VW "JIilillUlinli.elle HO .Mnlllti,""rOirP mini;, mi" iiiiiiiiui Miium.
Vfri!EX ! I'll1 "Peter's soul."' "Tli.. Turnover Clnti. riiu'liiut Throw," hy the
flzmrlVVki iv imchos, Hitdyiird Klpllnif' cntlie series In cheap pnpor form aScts.
'WMomN Albert Rots' Lateit "InBullai Shadow," BOo rarer..
arf I'J IVV Th. Qothim New. Emoorium. Milton M. Lycn. Proprietor.
- : -
536, 215 S. Eleventh St.
Ariio lli'iiicl'm conies to tlin Kiinki. Hntnr
dny cvenlnr; not, In her popntnr pliiy"I.ti
llelle. Mnile." Thl I one or Ml llcrndon's
stronput pliij'K, Its llrst inmtitiitluii In New
York hint spring eliciting inni'li fnvornhln
connileiit. The Few .York VWIiitiii' thinks
tliu (lugger HOt'iie in the llrst net "one of the
most thrilling over st-en on any stngo."
A glniicont thn list of nttrnctlnn nt the
Fniiko next week will show that Mniiiigcr
Mfltl'VlinbU L dilllur lila IumI fill l.lmvilfi
plny-gnels, The maioti ha now fairly neiiel
anil thorn w III not Ik n great ninny "diirk '
night from tin on.
Tho tiden Miimhi prolltttl ly the lulliix "f
clivns visitors nndjdld 11 largo lumlntwK Wed
newlny. " Chinatown " lat Hutnrdny night wits an
ngrccuhlo disappointment. It wan a decided
lniiroveiiuut on nnieh of Hoyt's recent woik,
nml tho company wn hotter than the nver
tigo. Ilarniiin drew well, tho hlg tent hclhgcoin
fortahly fllleil IkiHi afternoon ami evening
It wan, perhap, tho lcst clruti ei-formaiieo
ever Riven in Lincoln. The destruction of
Home wan, however, the principal feature,
Klralfy'ii Pievtticle wan really bountiful, n the
Klrnlfy production nstinlly are. No, there
were not " twelve Imnilreil intiplo In the
eaiiti" lint yon intuit ronioinhur that three or
four hiuiilnil tioriorniers 'Inake 11 pretty hlg
When the advance agent heralds n
" grand " opera with n i'oiiiany of "slxty
llvo people," Including niauy noteil stnrH, we
exieet something iMitter than the average. If
we pay our money to nee nml hear the aliove,
ami we fitnl later that it U merely a fair con
ceit company wukliiK to rentier Kraml ohiu
with caively any of the operatic aceeieorloH,
It Ih hiuiiII womler that we are Nomewhnt illit
npiiolutetl. Hut the IIcnx 0htii company
cannot coiuilalu of the tieatment It receiveil
in Lincoln. The audience was large anil If it
waim'tii appreciative iih It might lie It wim
the fault of the people on the tttage. Mlwt
FiauccKcn (luthrle. who ihvhiiiiihI the lead
ing ilt in " Lucia til Iyimmeriiioor," Ik a
f lr Koprano Ringer n Ith a voice of perlniw,
unusual range. William Murteim, llitrru
AxhUm I an excellent liarltone and hln Hing
ing wim really eiijoyahle. Tho other charae
ten were hut Initiirereiitly reuilerl.
When Lilly Clay hint vlnltiil Lincoln the
tioyn were out out en iiiiixki'. Anil next Huti-
tlay the (UoW, now happily extinct, came out
witli a highly Renwitional account of thoxhow
with 11 lit of the pi-omluent young men In
the audience. The remembrance-of thl lit
tle occurrence ami fear of Vanttu Kn'r.
ilouhtless kept 11 gooil many nway from
runhvn last night who would have euloyetl
tho performance. Hut there nan a fair at
tendance, anil iih usual Lilly wniu't half an
naughty iih the Iiovh liail oxpectetl.
Mattle Vk-kerx h due at tho Funko Fri
day in a new play,
Mr. Hutiert Wllke, the fainou eiiHtern
nlnger and actor, will make his apHarance
Monday nnd Tuesday evenings in "IVtl, the
vngaiM)ii.l,"a uiiiHlcal conusly romance by
Clay M. (Jreene. It U in three nets, the Unit
being laid In ltuda-IVstli, the socoud in Vi
enna, and tho third In Now York. The plot
Is that of n society drama, tinged with
pathos, Hentlment and humor. A retired
American grocer, Jaine.i an Austin (W. J.
CoiiHtantlne), who lias ainas.MsI a fortune, Is
anxious t? buy a title for his daughter ((nice
(Hetieeca V nrron) In order to pave her wny
into titksl society. To accomplish this he be
trothes his daughter to n KMndthrlft, Count
llnrolil von Hundroy (William Haworth), a
Hungarian, who treutH his wife witli slmniu-
fill neglect and forges his father-in-law's
iiamo to n number of notes, which are in the
end iald by his foster-brother, IVtl (HulM-rt
Wllkie, who becomes a memlier of the family
by nmrrvltiK the Ilnronusw Florence von Klva
(Knto Hluriko), tho efdest MaVgliter of the
wealthy grocer and the daughter of an A us
trlan nobleman. IVtl proves to bu the legit'
mate Count von Handroy, mid his foster
brothor is sent away in disgrace. In the lint
uct Mr. Wilklo npears in gypsy costume, full
of spirit, mid not bothered with any great
cares of tho world, Tho second presents him
ac u dashing soldier who shows 11 warm, lm
pulslve love for tho baroness; and In the last,
where there is supiiosisl to !h a laso of time
years iK-tween that and tho second, ho ap
lieaisns a fauious singer nnd n guest at tho
Van Austins' in Now York. Mr. Wilklo, who
is gifted with a swoet baritone voice, slugs a
uumlier of appropriate books which are well
receiveil. Tho piece is cast with one of the
strongest coiiedy companies over placed
upon tho road.
Tiio iroWif.rnifif, Omaha, says of the
"T.K." Quartette: "Tho entertainment was
tho "T.K." Quartette concert given in aid of
tho Hradthaw cyclone sulfeiers. Tho Quar
tette was nislstetl by tho Muilcul Union, tho
Appollo Club, the Mandolin Club, ami the In
dividuals who kindly prolTci od their services
for tho charitable cause. Tho "T.K." Quar
tette cunie on tho stage amid a round of ap
plause mid sang "Lovely Night," and retired
amid another round. They 'iilso rchdered
"Sleep on, Dearest" and responded to the en
core. The geiitleuum composing this cel
bratetl ipiartette are H. F. Duncan, Leo (1.
Kratz, J, 11. Conrad and I. A. Hollmau. Tho
press Is universal In Its praise of the liar,
luony of their voices, and they are all soloists
of extraordinary merit.'' Hear them at
Fuuke's oporti house Wednesday evening,
October 8.
For the week commencing Monday, the fol
lowing are some of tho attractions announced
at this popular resort: Del Tar, the Uy jug
gler; Kruest Hogan, eccantrlu southern dar
key; Joseph Clifton, motto and tojilcal vo
calist; James Ilros., singer, Charles mid
Nellie Zenohes, princo mid princes of clubs.
The above will appear Jn a ludicrous sketch
entitled ' Uuclu llhitch, the Lunch Vendor."
Other attractions are Al Leach mid Hyron
brothers In their famous clmlleugo banjo song
and ilanco; James and tteitle Hallle in an
original and laughable nlwurdity entitled
"The Live Corpse," etc., etc. Allot the de
partments will, as usual, lie filled with curios
and first class perfoi malices Mill hu given on
lsth Hours. Friday is ladies souenir day
and en Saturday's school children me enti
tled to free seats.
J. IC. Kinuiet Is duo at the Funko Thuidiiy
ovenlng, (Jctcl-erlt. He has a new and pow
erful play this season In "I'nelo Joe; or Fritz
Inn Mad House." Kmmet's voice Is lictter
than ever, his step Is 11 id re agile and his on.
tiro performance Is brighter and more sin-
tniiemi than formerly, "Frit. In a Mad
lion!' ha a good plot nml the scone and
situation nre iudoserllnbly ninl holsferotisiy
comical Kiumet I of course the central and
dominating llguro. Thoro are hut a few nto-
inentHlu the action in the drama when he I
not In full view, eotnpierlng hi hearers by
hi Ittctrahlo mid Incomparable grace and ac
tion Tho scenery I very lino, mid the Intro
duction of Mr. Kunuet'H tungiilflceitt F.iikIMi
St. Ilcinnnl, tho finest mid costlistdog In tho
world, usually brings down the house The
two JllU'iillo, "dot baby" and "dot child,"
also come In for unlimited admiration. Kin
mot's lino for children, which ho Illustrates
so forcibly on the stage, Is teal and one of his
11101 attiictlve attributes. Ill siippoi ling
company I an admirable one ami the er
formnnoo I tho best yet ghen by Mr Km
Tho season ut Cushinau l'at It closes Hun.
tUy, Octotsir t, No admission will be
charged to-day or toniouow. To-night a
grand ball will 1st given mid on Sunday there
will bo tho usual concert. Music by tho Van
keo Hill orchestia, seven piece. Young
itoopto's train leave desl at Wk) p. in,, re
turning at 7 p. 111. Trains leave at 7 p. in. to
night. TOfll'AI. TIIKATIttlUb TALK
Howard's "Henrietta" In three season net
tod the author f'Jl.txM.
Ioyd's "Senator" In 0110 season, ono com
IMimpauy, netted tho author f.'O.lsM).
It, K Graham will star next season In a
comedy written for him by Fred (1. Mnodor,
author of "The Cmitick," "Hnnawny WIfo,
(Joorgo W. Muuroe's now song "The Irish
Jubilee" Is as big 11 go as "Kb, Did I Hear
You," Isith of which ho continues to slug in
"Aunt llrldget."
Tho manager of Margaret Mather contin
ues to announce that Sara Hcriihnrdt I to
play Homco to tho Juliet of Mis Mather,
There i 110 truth In the statement mid no
one knows it Is'tter than "Our Maggie."
F.tigcno Field ha Ihu interesting himself
with the lehearsals of "l'alll Jones" and Ag
nes Huntington. A friend of his, mi Ameri
can artist named Wlusluw Waters, will play
the pait of a Yankee skipper in tho ocra.
Monday night in Fall Klver, Mas,, Stuart
Hudson U'gan his season 0enlng In "The
Henrietta" to a largo and enthusiastic, audi
ence, After a week In New Kuglaud Mr.
Hobon wl.l 011 Monday next make his llrst
npHarauco this season at Col, Sinn's Park
theatre hi Iltooklyu.
Tho practlblllty of Hinging gland opera In
Hugllsh has been ably demonstrated by tho
Kmiiia Jiieh 0hth Company. This large or
gaul. ition, which numbers over one hundred
M.'ople, has been crowding tho Alhambni
Theatio In Chicago. In fact, tho advance
sale for the Chicago engagement amounted
to over 12,000.
Molllo TIioiiinoii, the leading soilhrettu of
"The Hustler" company, I u daughter of
"On Hand" Thouison, went on tho stage
when she was three years old; sings and
dances, and plays tho banjo, lidos horses, Hies
011 the tiaM'.e, mid works embroidered sus
IHHidfrs. Her flip-llap Is mi amazing melange
of grace and audacl'y.
"A Midnight Hell" is playing to full houses
ut the California theatre, San Francisco, this
week, "A Tin Soldier" I filling the St.
Charles theatre In Now Orlean, "A Hrass
Monkey" Is draMlug crowds to the (Irar.d at
St. IjouU, and "A Texas Steer" is packing
tho HulTalo Academy of Music; all of Iloyt's
mid Thomas' plays are doing splendidly, mid
none of them lietter than "A Trip to China
Town," at present playing small towns in
"Tho Cleiuenceau Case" at tho Standard,
Now York, after opening M-lth a few hundred
dollars In the house while Miss l'tarl Kytluge
played Iza, bus suddenly JuiiihsI up to f 1,1100
audiences, thanks to tho display of the nude
by Mis Sybil Johnstone who makes her
nightly appearance in 11 sweet smile mid
nicely fitting tights. Fortunately the play
will be taken olf 011 Saturday, and after the
theatre has been fumigated Mis Helen Dauv
ray will lie mii In Sydney Hosenfeld's new
comedy, "Tho Whirlwind."
The plan of Ivltvln Hooth and Lawrence
Barrett for the present season are olllclally
announced as follows: Next Monday night
at tho now Davidson's theatre In Milwaukee,
Mr. Ijawrrncu Harrctt Is to U'gln n prelim
inary season, filling engagements In Chicago,
Indianapolis, Cleveland, Detroit and other
cities, reaching Baltimore Monday, Novem
Isir 3, when he'wlll be Joined by Mr. I'M win
Hooth. Tho two tragedians will then ts?gln n
Joint starring tour which calls for their a
penranctt in Baltimore. I'hlludelphln, Hostou,
i'rovldeiice, New York mid several of tho
large western cities. Their repertoire in
cludes "Hamlet," "King l,ear," "Macbeth,"
"Othello," "Julius IVsar ' and "Tho Mer-
ilinnt of Venice."
The only novelty of last week In Now York
was "doggies," produced at tin Fifth Ave
nue theatre. The adaptation Is by Charles
Alfnsl Byrne, from Lnhicho's comedy, "Les
1'etiU Oiseaux," a charming little work
3 hlch has been very successful tioth in 1'arls
mid (11 london. the theme of "Goggles" is
the delicutu and fanciful triiusforiiiutlon of a
liessimistic In other to optimism, and the
changes of u ryiupnthctic brother from kind-
lies to doubt and distrust only in tho Inst uct
to bo finally brought back to his original
kindly state. It is a comedy of sentiment,
mid the two priuciwil characters neisl tho
most careful bundling. This It had from the
artistic work of two well known and compos
tent actors, Air. W. A. Thoiusou as the
klndhcnrtisl anil Mr. Fruuk Mm daunt as the
distrustful In other. The other members of
the company also did excellent woik, nnd
"Goggles," after tho two weeks which It will
liuve nt the Fifth Avenue theatre, will take
the road with pretty fair prosoct cf Iwiug a
money-winner for its owners, Messrs. Dick
son nnd Kuiiuet.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is a peculiar mulleins. It I. csrefullj propsred
from fir..rlll, lundtllon. Mandrake, Dock,
llp.Uiews, Jiinls)r Jlorrlri, nJ other well
known ami valuable vegetable remedies, by a
peculiar combination, proportion and process,
giving to Hood's tUr.apullU curative ponernot
posteued by oilier luedlclnci. It effect, remark
able euro where other preparation., fall.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
I. tho beat blood purlflrr before tho public. It
eradicates every Impurity, and cures HcrofuU,
Halt Itbeutn, lloll., rimjile.. all Humor.. Ir
peixla, Itlllouiiicii, Nick Headache, Imllgc.tlou,
(Icneral Debility, Catarrh,, KUlncy
and IJvcr Complaint., overcome, that tired feel
lug, create, un uppvtlte. nnd build, up tho ay.tvin.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Ha. met peculiar unit unp.irulUk'il iiicri'ti st
home, fiuch hat brcumolta opuLirlty la IaihvII,
Max., vhrru It I. mado, that whole nelnlibor
hooil. are taking It ut tin) 11111. tlmo. Lowell
druggl.U loll more of Hood'. tiar..iiarllla tb.iu
of all other aar.aparllta. or blood uriflen.
puldhydrnsglttt. gl. alxforp. i'rt'paredoulyb)'
C. I. HOOD A CO , Al'OtliccarU'i, Iiwell, M.1.1.
100 Dosos Ono Dollar
B) ImrTiVL'IHtxl
I 'lfffi7nisr'niji oKMklm 'M
1 1. 1 1 and 1
yM Gruetter Co. H
1 Furniture I H
isllH i'Bi ln v'ii ..fHI i'jiisisisH
I lllm ml) ilKm Niu
(II)' Associated Press.)
Lincoln Nch Oct. 3d Tho uood people of this Mnulc Cltv were verv much
startled when the moon rose last nhxht to find across It's silvery face In letters dark
and distinct the name ol A. T. Crueller & Co. together with a full list of (Irst-clasH
r urniiiire always to he lounii nt tiiclr store
1204 and 1206
This is the Season of the year when
when Competition is Close and Everybody has the
best. Then is'thetimetogo direct to Headquarters.
You need a supply for the Winter and as now is the
time to buy, why not call on
and see their line and get prices. There you can get
the pure article direct from America's greatest mines
noted for their purity and excellent quality.
Call up Phone 440.
Wo are now Showing the Cireateat
Line of
Novetly Reefers,
Redfern 8c Blazer
For Misses ami Ladies
ever shown by any house West of .
Chicago. Buyers will Unci it to
their advantage to inspect our '
1. j 3 O Street.
at such remarkable low prices.
Qj.uj.iTairr.iT,aiXXJS.i uteu jju.i ' ' ' jJ ij i ooqft n
0' Street. Burr Block.
Office 1045 O Street