Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 04, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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. . Map! TtAieSrfnl HAntsm.
-iV'.-o. 1 ual runcuii iiuuiuia
.r .'
tET, Hade I
DWlWf .....
r.i masi Krnnnn inn n
'1 - ...-.- - .
-"-!" '" ifrtj
mmtto arcw
jwTj- 1
I'll VA T 1 wwwuifrt
I Mimifur liitr of Modern Wmim
For Hard Coal I
: Bttiigr!lJjwv;
iepSir r, ii ' lJ
TWK-. - !-' ..
- ysr a
For Soft Coal !
Opposite Postonice.
Wo have made ospocial ef
forts to ploasc tlio Ladies in
Boys and Cuilduicns' Cloth
ing and Ovuucoats. Our
stock is complete and the tin
est' in the city. ' Mkns' Drkss
Suits, Box Ovkkcoats and
Fink Furnishings in varied
styles and colorings. Conic
and get our prices.
?.& ox? J-- -
P. D, W. C. C.
Most Perfect Fitting: Comet Made.
All tlic,mot popular, makes ji) tlicj. inoit
' popular shades' at the-most
Popular Price
Grloves are our Specialty.
Wc ore just In receipt of n new line of
comprising all the novelties for Fall wear
114 South Twelfth Street.
A Fine: Crayon
1124 0 ST.
'Every customer gets a head
nncl shoulder Crayon Picture
Free from any and all cost.
This work is made direct from
any photo you may want
copied. Call and look into
,this-matter. ,.,
Kntciedntlhn Postnlllco of l.lurolli, Ni'li.,
ik second class matter.
I Huiisciui'rioNi Onn Year by Mull or Carried
JJUlj Wx Month, ll.oijjTIiroo Month, aoo.i
Olio month tti) Cents Inrnralily In Advance.
AllVKaTISKMKNTR) Hates f llrilllied Oil Application
nt the ndleo, Hpeelal rates on Time Contracts,
VtNTninirrinNaiVliorl spicy sketches, eNi and
stories solicited. lVrwiml nml Hoclal note urn
rnHc1nlly desirable.
i'bintiniii Wo tiinlto a specialty of Kino Printing
In nil It branches Huolcty work n nx'clntty.
PubliHhod Saturday.
AdilniM nil coiniiiiiniontlonf direct to tin onion.
Courier Ihilldlmr, IIU N Hlroct.
Tr.t.Ki'iioNK iM
U Wkhhici,, Jiu, Editor and Bole Proprietor.
Y. Moiitox Hmitii, Asssoeiato Editor.
(J.W. flnrsrlir ntnl (J. It. tlnlinliini.ii mi l
tolior lit, Turmoil n imrtiicrshlp nml ojiched
oflleos In tlio American Exchange Mock, for
tlio trniipnctloii of n general Insurance nml
real estate lmliict.s. Tlio companies repre
sented nw tlio Connecticut Mutunl, ami tliu
Fidelity nml Casualty lloth young men
have a wide acquaintance nml the now llrm
starts out with veiy Mattering prospects.
I 111 111 i. I'ilttlH'-MiM at in. l.ittt t
llrmlfttrrot. I.lfii'nlu nfllm r-stlfs-1 tin t,
IntolllKeiieu f tlio tloatti of liU fiviticr by
UrownliiK, nt Atlnntlc City, 1at week, ami ho
loft for U homo In Plillntlclpliln Tuiwlny
iivvuliig, IIU father wan thn wnlor partner
III II tl nTlftfltl I'll filmils tiiniiiifnnltifJaif 4l-..
"-- --.. n iiiitiiuiiiiini(f IMMI
nutt It U prnbnblo that on thy sou's sliouldem
ma uuruivu liiu renpoiiRioiiuy OK ropn-fU'iilN
1 11 if tlm iMfnlit lii tliU litittttitiua tit tt.t. . t
of course, he Mill not let urn to Lincoln. Mr,
.. . -,.. . . . i
i uiiiTHuu iiMH inniie ninny menu in mn io
ViVim rrfililniiPti linn tilm mIII luttorri . ..
him lenvo. Tho olld cstnbllMimont of the
iirniMireet nRoncy in tliin city is InrRoly duo
to hl untiring rirortii.
Frod Nye, after aiwnilliiK mivernl dnyn in
tho city, rvtunifd to Oinnlm tlio enrlv pmt
of tho week. Ho linn not yet wild nny to tho
tempting offer lundo by citlreim of rortlnml,
OreRon, who wnnt him to mtnhllsh mi nfter
noon paper nt that plnco. Thoy offer n rooiI
thing nml tho prohahlllty U tlmt Fred will
Htevo Jnne. Mincwlint widely kiionn nt
tho nuthor of tlmt ilit-lllliur i,,.l- i. u. ......
Jone on Wlilikey,' d hi connection
wuu mo lcih mil wtvK to tifconie exel'iini?o
editor of the .S7ife Jourmtl. Joiu delights
In luhulonnrr work for tlm r..ii nf .vivO.n.i.
tlou and ho may ly hU tumid logic, ho nhlo
iu imiKo mo .'(MiriKK wo uieetrcu'or Itsunys
mid Htnnd up with Ilrer. Wolfenbnrger,
Helen M. Gouger mid the ret.
IL A. Hnwloy, proprietor of tho Teorln
llOUHO. IlllH lenmtl tint liMnl .....I I. ......
' -. .w.w... 111. .VIIUIV
in povenatou. He will control both Iiou-hsi;
Mill, u, . unwiey, rormcrlyof I.lbertj-,
will nlt in the management. It was Sir.
Haw lev's Intention tn lm. il... Hl..i.,... i....i
hut ho evidently tired of waiting.
Tlieltelnrn nt Mn. Wetter
Mm. Adolph Weber, after a ueiuon'a hnnl
work further prerlng hernelf for the high
est lllllliaclo Of mirceu In vnlon .iil..r.. I...
returned from Koitonlooklniriiii..i.n.i 1, ..'-...
and none tho worw for the trip and vlult,
ready for the opening of her clafses at her
studio tn.tho Richards block Purine tho
past four month Mn nvir lm. ci,,,n...
der the tultlonjof MIm Clara8mart Jat IMoa-
iou, ami .iuo mini is a wonUeiful Improvs-
tlient (ll her nlntilv .irmii A...I ..,tn.ii..
VOlCe. Mrs. WdIkt'm 'limtrnntnn I. - I.. I.. f '
. ,.,. , . v.. C4 i. .1.11. Vi
lltlllltV linvllll! no lllw.rl..r. n.i.l . ...
, - - -- -,...., Kim . IIU (JAJHJ.
ncu wi .umuiuio jMiueriKlorr In probably
nearer to tliat' dltlnguliheI ladyVtheory'iiml
Ideas than niivonn nliut In A.n.rirn it
IVeber sneaks in clou luu? trmi nt i,.. ,....i".
- .-- n w ..V. nV.K
and feels very pioud of the Hiiecew achieved
during her absence tho wut summer.
That Mrs. VelerV clfuse will .. i...
largo mid composed of our best element goes
iTiuiuui Hiiyuiir. ner pm eirortt havo been
such ns will prove ample recommendation for
the future. Already over twenty puplU have
been enrolled which sneaks welffar ih ,-
son proiects. With the wcullar ndvan
taxes to bo attained br Sir. li..r i. .u..
culture and her lone exoerlenro twiih .. ..
concert vocalist ami Instructor It is hafe to
say tuat no person In Nebraska (and fow In
fact in tho west! I vr..ll .r.,.,.i
ceisfully glvo Instructions hi that benutlful
nvciui isnmeni as mo laity is herself.
C. W. Durkltt. tlin.wnll L-iw.iv.. ..l,i i. .
ready rushed with prtrolt work for Chrlst-
iiin, nun ii inigni uo won for our peoplo to
bear In mind that this class of work takes
tlnio ailiimilpr tn iiml. . ...
. .. v.i nn.hiiun.t-IH. IOKVI1S
take time to execute. Therefore now is th
time io plnco your orderi."
The fact that Hi ttma im Rii ...... .i.
all the, premiums In his lino nt the state' fair,
nj ji iin innuence you in deciding where
to purchase, vonr fall nml .vln( ...... n.i.
coe, tho8hoj Man. has the Anest and most
complete stock in Wncoln, and a purchase at
his itoro is as good as a guarantee, It Isn't
always that one Is able to find stylo, Wrfect
fit. mid durability vmil.l.n..l I., n .i,.. .....
this is precisely what you will get at Hrl.
coo's. His stock Is selected with the greatest
care and he has nothing that is not (list class
In every roijwet. And his prices are reason
able. Remember, Hrlscoe, the Shoe Man, In
the Exposition.
T. J. Mickey Is In New York.
Mlti Wclthii linn ley Is visiting filemls In
Mis. Thomas f,)iil-.t has gone to Youngs
town,U. Mrs. Nelllo Robertson has returned fiom
Ottumwa, In.
Mrs. Frank ICmiirinan was an Oninlm ls
Itor Monday.
Arda Chapman l a l.lucolu sightseer n
tho Hloux City corn palace.
(). J. King Is In Nelirnnka City securing n
cnriieron Otoe county fruit,
Mrs. II. A. Tobliettf has Ikvii enteilalnliig
Mrs. W. It. Truusdell of North I'lnlte.
In casoof smliliii colds, and for coughs of
long standing, tnko Ajcr's Cherry I'ectoial.
O. I., Fildy leftHatiirday for Omaha tono
copt a position with tho I'aclllc Kxpress com
tmny. Miss Carrie Hill and her cousin, Miss Kva
Fry, of llloomlngtou, III,, tctiirned Monday
from n few da)s' lsltat Alllaticu, Neb.
Ml vi Carrio Wnsiner of Grand Island, who
has lieon visiting Miss Nelllo Whlto for sev
eral weeks, roliirntil to her home Monday
Geo. N. Forrsmau has gone east. While
away ho will attend tho wedding of Arthur
Smith nml David llaum of Omaha, which
will occur In Roston.
Dr. lioriX fols quite elated over tho success
of his horse nt tho Hickman races. The doc
tor's horao enmo out llrst best In n three-mill.
tito rnco In competition with horses that had
lieeu pruvlously entered In Iho 8:10 class.
The udvaiitncea of a coiiililnnilnn .inr n..
manifest. Tho samo goods can bo sold cheap,
er under one roof than uuder a dozen duller
eut roofs. The combination tm- u iim .in
of the tutnre. It is the sradual develonment
of the-general store of our youth. Inile
Meyer & Co', general merchandise store is a
ttl llE.. .....I.. Ab..l.n. ..... 1.. ... . .
..... ou.ii.iu vi nun, may oe nccoiiipiltllea In
this Hub A full ..tru.1- of .1. n.i. n.
les, provision, notions etc., is can led under
miu jf ! tl.,,. l..,o .,. . ti. . s
-v .wi, mm niu um. ;uuu OIUOOUtlllHUIt) Hi
the Ion est irlcf. Kvervthluir you want.
Clit'fiipit niul lut.f 1tisli ilsYUtvtsi..t .....
,---- -,..-. ., v ..v its, fii iii-rii v a vtiii
plied from the licst eaitei u markets, mid in
dry goods especially some very attractive
novelties are offered. It will pay you to visit
Louie Meyer & Co's. store.
W. H, Morton returned Wednesday from u
trip to Minnesota.
Mrs. M. W. Witter left Wednesday for
Chicago to visit her son nml friends.
Mrs. II. P. R, Miller returned Friday from
a pleasant visit with friends In Kansas.
Mrs, C. T. Hrockway and daughter, Flor
ence, returned Tuesday from Mt. I-ouls.
Mrs. Raiioung of Cortland, Neb., Is tho
guct of Mrs. W H. Morton this week.
M i a. H. C. Pentium of 1113 C street enter
tained Miii. W. C. UuMof Omaha the latter
part of this week.
Mrs, Hannah Clmk,who )ias been suudlng
tho summer in Omaha with her daughter, re
turned last Humhiy,
C. A. Caldwell and family of Wilbur, Neb.
sHnt Wednesday with his tlstur, Mrs, J, W
Hoggs, KKSQ C street.
Tho Young People's Missionary society of
tho Plymouth church will give an oyster sup
jier ono night next week.
M. Laurence, our nelghlxir contractor, is
putting up u flio 1,000 residence on the cor
ner of C and Twelfth for Mr. White.
Tho Rev. W. II. Dada and wife of Water
vhot, Mich., went tho guests of Mr. l own
send and family for n short time Wednesday,
Mr. and Mrs Geo, Belt mo alio rejoicing
over tho advent of n little boy who nn I veil nt
their residence, Sixteenth mid 0 streets, Tues
day. T. W. Draper was sotting up cigars last
Wednesday on the strength (or rather weight)
of a three-pound boy at his residence, corner
of Fourteenth nml Mouth.
Tho annual convention of tho state society
of tho Homo for the frrlondles meets next
Wednesday and at the Christian
church, corner of K and Fouiteenth streets.
J. A. Hoyden of 1114 U. street is receiving
a pleasant from his father mid father of
Mt. Vermon, la. The old cop!e are both
over seventy-live years of ago and halo and
Mrs. Mary Hughes fi oin Unttlo Creek, Nb.,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Maggie Thubnut,
at RWi O street. The Rev. Father Dallard of
Penu, hi other of Mrs, T., is alio their guestt
this week,
Mrs. lliiscoo was called homo from Denver
Wednesday to attend the funeral of her sis
ter, Mrs. Shuttle, who died at tho Insane asy
lum. The funeral took plsce Thursday af
tornooti. A niuilcale was given by tho choir of tho
Unl venutllst church, ntslsted by other singers
of the city. Thin sday night. Refreshments
were served and an enjoyable iliuo was had
by all who participated. '
R. Murphy, one of Lincoln's well known
contractors, returned from 'Omaha W wines
day night, (where he has been looking after
and superintending the erection of n lino res
idence for Mr. Kd McCormic of .Omaha,
Au.vr Samantka.
For restoring the color, thickening the
growth, mid beautifying the hair, and for
preventing baldness, Hall's Hair Renower is
Don't Ml It.
At 'J:!t0 this nrteii.cou Mr. K. Hnllett, the
well known jeweler, will inaugurate an auc
tion mlo of his lino slock of jewelry which
will continue eveiy aftc-ruocn and evening,
sales commencing at '.'0 mid 7:30 p. m. until
fm I her notice, Mr. J. P. llurrioughs ot Chi
cago, one of the most noted auctioneers in
the couiitiy, will conduct the sale. Mr. Hur
roughs has had much experience in this lino
mid he proncunces tho Hnllett stock unusu
ally line. Anything In any department,
watches, rings, diamonds, clocks, silverware,
chains, fancy ware, etc., will be put up on
application, and everything will lie guaran
teed. Mr. Hallett ha selected his goods with
thn utmost care, and he undoubtedly has one
of tho finest assortments in the state. Such
an opportunity of buying the best goods at
auction is of very rnre occurrence, and no
lady or gentlman should fall todrop In some
time today or next week. There Is nothing
mere suitable for Christmas gifts thou some
thing nice in the jewelry line, and jou can
get just what you want nt the sale nt nominal
prices. Christmas isn't very far off, and It
pay to buy early wjien you can buy cheap.
Wednesday and Saturday afternoons will be
devoted eeeclally to the ladies, and each lady
attending will bo presented with handsome
ouvenlrs In silver. Don't iiiIsh tho sale,
With His Thumb,
A hoy Is snld In linui saved the Netherlands
from liiiiiiilntlon. Multitudes hevn
saed from llic Itmiilmi of illvaso by a
liottlonf Aei's H.irsaparlllii Tins medicine
Imparls Inno to the s)stem and sticngthciis
eery organ ami nine of the Ijoil).
" I have taken a gicat deal of medicine,
hut nothing has done me so much good as.
A)cr's Harsnpiiillln. I vxpciieurpd Its bene
ficial cifecls before I had nulto IIiiMhmI ono
bottle, nml I can fieely testify that It Is. the
heit blood medicine I know of." 1 W.
Ward, sr., Woodland, Texas.
"Conrtned to an oftlce, as I am, from ono
year's end to another, with litthv or no out
door exercise, 1 flint great help In A jit's
Hnrsapai Ilia, which I hare used for several
years, and am at present using, with exert,
lent icmlts, It eimlili-t mn t keep always,
at my pMt enjoying the best of health."
II. C. ilnrucs, Mntdi'u, Mass.
rnKi-AiiKii ur
DR. J. O. AYKlt & CO., to woll, Mas.
8o!dliy!ctiil. (l,slx$5. WorthiSatxntla.
Madame A. Ruppert
World Renowned
Complexion Remedies
For Removal of all Skin Blemishes.
Sold Only by
Mrs. E. 0. Rewick, Agt.
141 1 C. Street.
Fosters 5 Hook Kid Cloves
In all colors mid black, Hpeclal sale p Ices
8TA Cents Worth $1,25.
Wo Invito the attention of tlio public to
our Immeiisu stock of Kid (Moves
Eden Musee
Week Commencing Monday
October 6th.
Note the Talent!
4 The Electric-4
Chns. The Zanobcs Nellie
Pi luce and l'rlncessorciubr.
Al Leach Brothers Byron
DEL. T3e
I'oy JuvKler.
Kcce ntrlc Comedian
3 Jones Brothers 3
The rirc.mlnlrs.
An Original I auislilm; Abturdlly
The Live Corpse
The Hallies,
SAM. J. 'bUR'J'ON.
I'M o -'ot for llie fjidles every Afternoon
excepting Friday and Suiur.lay.
! fc'rliool eiilli'n'n's Day eveiy Saturday Af
tornnon I mm t loiioVlcek,
10c Admits to All. 10c
i H
1 1
113 to ir Hotitli K ocutli St.
We wish to call your attention to our new stock of
Silks, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves
We arc offering some bargains that will convince you that
we arc selling goods nt Right Prices.
1109 0 ST.
New Goods and
New Styles
For Fall.
Don't be Tardy
The Best
Will be Picked
Fall Overcoats
and Suits !
Lots of them, Beautiful Patterns and
Elegantly Made.
First comers will pick the ripest plums
remember that, $12 to $25; hardly a
clear way to tell you, but those are about
the extremes.
m A T
You can pleasantly answer that favor
ite: "Where did you get that Hat ?"
When you've bought ours and saved an
extra dollar.
A. Hurlbut & Co.
Cor. ioth and P .Sts., Lincoln
Our customer all sjieak highly in praise of
St. Patrick's Pills. Thoy nre the best IJerry
Brothers, Carroll, Neb, For sale by A. L
Shrader, tho druggist,
A professional masseur from Battlo Creek,
Mich., sanlturlum will administer inimuiirM
treatment on recommendation of physicians.
Mrs. tl. If. L'ntlln, oillce 1-nttn block, Houtli
Eleventh street, room 0, Reference V D.
Crlm, M. D. 0-20-lt
(1. A. It. Ilouks Very Cheap.
ThpJWeM?l Printing Co. has several coplcu
of Col. Ilobt-rt II. Heat's well known history
of the Ornnd Army of the Republic In fine
bindings which it will sell nt f.'l.UO per vol
until. Original price, sold only on subscrip
tion, nt f.VOO. These books nre fully illus
trated and complete In every detail. Call
mid see them,
- -v i-fe -.