COMFORT FOR THE FEET! Life Made Easy IJY III) VINO SOME JOE TIN: I-'INKST AND More Comfortable SHOES Kvcr sold In Lincoln. To try them on U to hiy. These nool le fouiitt only nt Webster & Roger's 1 o.j 3 O Street. IMIZSS Alice Isaacs OMAHA, LATE WITH STER BROS., EW YORK LATEST NOVELTIES IN Millinery Very Lowist Prices. In the Hloro of lleyiiinn A Dclchcs, 1518-20 Earnam Street OMAHA. ON SALE TO jtJLJLi Principal' Points EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH -AT 1044 O STREET. E. B. SLOSSON, Citj Passenger Agent Leading PHOTOGRAPHER! Fine Hust Cabinets W per down. k.wiiJ.L Mtcs to students Cull nmi .eo our work, Studio, X2I4 O Street. Open from 10 a, in. to i p. m. Uundiiys, J. S. EATON, Physician and Surgeon Ollice: u6S. Eleventh St Telephone! Office 6S5. Residence 561. LINCOLN, NEH. ( ' fft'iaiit:, l'roctlcu Limited to Dlieiues of the Nervous System, Hart and Blood , HKKKHENOK3! !!0,,,i"m 'ee, Attorney Gnnoro). II011.T. I. Nnrvul. Associate Juslle. Jnuok' Nntlonnt Iliiuk Howard, aureus' National Ibtnk, Ulwrs. Ofkiobi lisa O Htreet;-UNCOI.N, NKII, r.iisrcor.N wyf Au DUTiTtrr or riusNAXiiiir, RbfirUmiiil. and Tyrenrltlitff. U Ilia bnl ana largnt Collfgu la lb Wrat. uu Sludenla In nltcmUncv lui ftr. ktulinti preMrd tor bualneu In from Hot monlni, Kpi'rlncl fnculty I'tnonal liulruclUin, Beautlul llluiualnlcalalowur, rollrm Jnunialt, and aneclmwu of jR'iwnamhlp, win tm by aiMntulii PLUUBIDOU ft IIOOSE, Uncoln, Neb. Tickets fJJ f Ss j2 gmdt$3f MEASURING OUT HKAUTY PERFECT PHYSICAL TYPES DISCOV ERED UY SCIENTIFIC METHODS. rim Dlilrlhililn r.jx lllin IMnrx In llm Aliaiilnh'l.v Arrurnln Njnlciu if Aiiltirii oiiirtrj-Tli rirt Wlmii iriulir tin. New llillo Tim I'iikIIiIk Ciiiii -v. CtoijrlKhl lijr American Press Association.! TI10 first mini known to hnvn ofllclatcd is JiiiIbii nt u Iwaulysliow was Unit old tlma tluilc unci masher Paris, sou of Priam. Knob of thu three aspirants for the prize thu hoIiIuii apple of discord olleris! tlio Ky yoiniK Trojan Ihiko bribes. .Intin'n IVIIlliir WIlHlllllllllllllll fll-ur A alii mill t.-.i.iltl.. Minerva's, mlllturt renown mill wlsdnnu I'lilis'. tlio fnlri'Kt of fKiiinlix rnr 1.1. wlfo. The prince was ut nn nuu whim "wii. MIS8 MMtdAUKT III.ANCIIR IIK8T. lltenrodiiciHl from ItiMim ll..r,il,i 1 man's looks were nil his hooks," and ho do clded in favor of thu MiiKim nf 1j..-.. m... paid the specllled price for her triumph," and Paris ran away with Helen. Tho two defeated goddesses took revenge for tho 'Injury of their slighted forms," and when tho Greeks went wlionnlnir nlmni iimui... of I'roytlm prince prohnhly felt that It "would luivo Ishjii I0 In his pocket had ho never lcen lioru." ThoymanagoalTalrs of this kind liettor In these later and moro practical days that Is, ut least Dr. I). A. Sargent, of tho Harvard university gymnasium, docs. Iluec years ago tho doctor ollcrcd cash prlxes for the iiian mid womnn, students of his system of physical culture, who could diow, at 1111 examination to ho held In tlm summer of IMH). the most nerfect em. metry of form, the candidates to ho lo twceli the iiuom nf IT nmi mi '1'l.m.. .!... ..n . .. ...... ,,v, a lltvu .null- sand persons entered tho contest. It was 0110 entirely dlirerent from that In which Paris came to grief. Tlicru wns 110 chanco lor lirlljorv or riivnrltUiti U'nin .!,. lu. closed and the tierlod of probationary ex. erclse emied eacli fair malileii and stnlwait youth was subjected to what Is known ns the iwrcontllu system, Tho tapo of the scientist regarded not bright tuiillm or ItKNItV C. JACKM1.V. IHeproduced from llostou Heralil.) Anxious looks. It wont on rocordliiK, per. SOU bv Dcrson. uverv llim of lxn lt..w. 1. tlio list of measurements' )lelKlit Standing, silling, knee, imlilo arch sml sternum. nirth-llMd, neck, client, wnUt, hips, thighs, knees, calf, Instep, upper nrui, elbow, forearm mid wrNt Ivpih-Client nml nlxlomrn llnvullh-IIeail, neck, shoulders, vrnlit, hip, (boulder elbow and elbow tin. Alio length of foot, horizontal length and stretch or arms Tins fenmlu winner under these uxitctlng conditions was Miss .Mrnrct llluncho Best, of Meadvlllo, I'm She Is thu daiiKh tcr of Dr. David lltwt. ir...lii,it.. r t ,. Salle scmluury, nt Aiiliurnclnle, Mum., nuil iuiioh iiiccuiimKoi 11 teiiciier. She Is 33 VCItm old.lltlil liiulimnnnnnr III. Q. if. ..,.,. pupils for twelve months. Tlio doctor said recently! "MUi Is 5 feet 5 Inches In height. My tables show that KJJtf per cent, of nil v. omen are shorter than sho Is, and 17K per cent, are taller. Her weight Is 130 pounds. My tallies show thuttBtf per cent, of nil women weigh less, mid ITJi per cent, weigh more. That Is, with all other worn. Ml to juduti from, Miss Best's height and weight aro in just tho snmo proportion; In other words, symmetrical." Tho preceptor, naturally, would give no details In Inches of tho other measure ments. J,0r' u J,,ck.b0n' w.h0 Bn,ncd "J l)rh. unvreu 10 men, w. juiiu. uxupproacn.mucu ADAH ISAACS MKNKKK. nearer the standard of nerfection than MUsUest. lie Is a Howdoln college stu dent and a trained athlete. Ills height is 0 feet I Inch, and his weight 185 pounds. Wheii asked tho question, "Which Is more symmetrically developed n u class, mau or womanf" Dr. Sargint replieli "Man. Yet, notwithstanding generations ot stays and corsets, and all the Inflictions of dress, tho Average woman has a much more sym metrical form than those published carica ture that pass for fashion plates would make us believe. " There Is a remarkable fact to be noted In connection with Dr. Sargent's contest. If Mr. Jackson's proportions nre to bo no reptcd us standard for the typical Amsr- J CAPITAL CITY COURIER, lean, then thefullyilevclupeilcltleii of tlio Uiiltcil States has not his equal nn the globe in stature. Anthropometry tho measurement of mini has for soimi j ears Ix'fii the study of scientists, and otio of them, Dr. A. WVlslweli. thief physician to tho Aiistro-Ilungiirliiu hospital m t'on Miintlmiplc, who enjojed oxceptlonal ad- .iiiiiiiKi'N, iiasuiKeii measurements of ov frill hundreds of persons representing nineteen different peoples. His report gives height in millimeters. A millimeter Is .(W:i7 of 1111 Inch. .Jackson Is 73 ruches tall, or nearly l.Jto millimeters, mid hero Is the way he towers nbovu otlicr raeo types whoso stature Is set down In Dr. Welsbaeh's statlstlesi Henry 0. Jnckson, of Mrtlne . Nw entntid Maoris Knllrs of Africt , . . I.RM ..I.M7 ..I.7M ..,7-n ..I.7IM NunM'Klnn , Hcnteli.,.,, Heili-s I'iik'llli and Irlib i'iii ..l.m) iMtii's ...,,,,,,, it'nsA J'erinuns .....iitlavi """'in I.IVW I ri'lii'll ...... , jo;; 8INII1UI1 nml IWtllKt.'.( ',W,tM elires iMU What nn Iconoclast science 1st In some phases of Its research It would seem to Imj sworn foe to sentimentum! romance. Now that Dr. Sargent's now stylo of beauty con test where Inexorable weights and mens- ures reign hut conio Into vogue, tlio ver dict of tho eye must lie regarded with dis trust. It will bo safe no longer for Mr. McOlnty to declare that S.1III0 Yaturs Is tlio ilnest girl in town, for Captain .links may bo expected to respond at oncei "No, lr; you aro mistaken. Her measure ments, according to tho percentile system, do not come within ten marks of thoso that record Hid superb lines of tho peerless Annlo Itooney." Ideals and hitherto recognized Mnntlnrds must also fall. know n courtly gentle man of middle ago who Is 11 bachelor to day la-causo a quarter of a century ago """ umuics .viuiiKcn reiuseii to give liiin n Till: NIOHK F RCOI'AH. nlnroonher list of husbands. Sho Is his Ideal yet. It Is his not unpleaslng custom, when tlio subject of hiindsoiiio women is under discussion, to descant upon tlio glo rious loveliness of ids lost sweetheart. He knows her hlstorv from the hour when she was born at New Orleans. In l&tt.nnd luii tlied Dolores Adlos Kuertes, to thoaiitumu day or IWW when she found sepiiltuiv In ti Paris cemetery. He can give quaint remi niscences of all the men she married Men ken the musician, lleenun tho pugilist, Newell the author mid Jlarclay tho capital ist, Tears stand in his eyes when he quotes the pnthetlu poetry sho wrote while dying, and she seems to smllo before him In all tlio oriental charm of her Insolent niagnlllcenco as he tells of her theatrical triumphs as Maeppa ut Astley's. Some day while he chants the Menken's praises there is the possibility that a believer In tho percentile system will ask! "What worn her measurements!1" Then trouble will follow, for tho old bachelor hns a short temper and a strong arm. Until tho present tho Greek typo that preserved for us in tlio sculptured works of ancient masters has been tho generally acknowledged standard of perfect physical beauty. Hermes and Niolw still gaze with tho changeless youth of ninrblo upon tho modern world, of which their makers never dreamed. Apiutreutly they uro faultless of outline and without Haw. but tho ver- THE IIERMK3 OF ritAXITKLKS. diet to bo rendered by anthropometry may dnlve them from tho throne, ami where they reigned others may be crowned in their stead. FitKD C. I)AVT0f. Work T the Vt-Bntnrluiii. The recent conclaves of vegetarians in America and England havo been of advan tage even to tho scoffers. Tho foes of nnlmal food lmvo at least demonstrated that such things as beans and peas and cauliflower may be o artistically dressed ns to cause even tlio gourmet to regard them as ends in themselves, and not merely as tho subsidiary adjuncts of a chop or steak. A London paper, commenting on tho vegetarian, says "that tho majority of Englishmen ent moro ment than is good for them n habit which Is duo not so much to tho perversity of their dispositions as to tho Incom.iotonco of their cooks." It Is n little queer, by tho way, that these Hritlsh cooks, who aro denounced at home for in competency, find easy employment and big salaries In tlio kitchens of wealthy Ameri cans who think nothing worth their use unless It is Imported. To Murry . 1'rliire, Another American young womnn is to marry a prince, Tho announcement Is made at Dresden that Miss Anna Halllngs worth Price Is engaged to wed Priuco Fred crick Wllhclm of Ardcck, a lieutenant of tho Sccoild Prusslnu Hussar regiment. Tho Prince "bf Ardock was born at Offon-bach-on-the-Maln in 1858, and is tho son of Priuco William of Hesse. The Wldoir of I'renlilinl 1' At her homo new Nashville. Tenn., the widow of President James K. Polk recent ly observed her eighty-seventh birthday. Annually she receives the members of the ftnto legislature with all the dignity and feraco that characterized her when nilstresw otthp White House. Mum, Modjesku, the well known actress, who In private life Is known as the Count ess Hoz:int.'i, has gone to Poland to visit her mother, who is 8 years of ago. She wUI not refirn to Aiucrlc uutil next year. SATURDAY, OCTOBER. 4 ,89(, LOCAL AND I'KKSONAL. V. N. Johns lini polio enst V. K. Is hnsgono toTexns. (. W. Collins Is In Kaiifas City. John Dowiler has gone to Des Jlolncs. A. Hnlter lins returned fiom Colorado. Mis. A. 'elsr has returned from llostou. I). W. Hiiencer has koiio to llnirnln. N V W. H. Heovlllo departed Monday for Og. den. State Treasurer Hill una In ti, ....... day. Mlsi Jennlo IVellgh left Monday for Chi cngo. MlssJesslo (llbsnn vlnltwl Hloux City this week. MIS SlHlo Williams left Mnmlnv for l.n. gnu, fa. Frank V. Alma departed for llnltlinoro. Monday. Miss Mmiilo Elliott left Monday for Vic toria, II. C. llev. O. K. linker vlilted Waterloo, la., this week. A. W. Itrown departed tie, Wash. Tuesday for Seat- C. 8. Polk of I'lattsmouth was in tho city this ufk. Mrs. Itolwrt Cameron hns gone to Glen Harm, Wis. MIm Hosa Topping started Tuesday for Louisville, Ky. Itov. and .Mrs. W. J, Marsh Imvegono to lilpplucott, ICas. Senator J. D.l'oimnf .VIiml unm r.iini,, visitor this week. II. C Ueorao was a iuiaiiirir for T.w An. geles, Cnl.,Tuesdny. Mrs. David WIsoandMrs. I). N. Goldhcnl visited Sioux City, Tuelny. Mlsnes Mary Carter and Josephlno Loduc havo gone to Vancouver, II. C. Mrs. A S. Tweed Is entertaining Mr. W. It. Dawson and son of Columbus, O. Mrs. M. II. Southwell and daughter, Miss Cora, left Monday for Sioux City, la. II. II Htser. Mrs. H. E. Iti.iwr nml Mr. M. E. HUser left Monday for Nyack, N. Y. Ground was broken for tho new Episcopal college Monday. The building 111 cost f 4.V 000. Georgo W. McKinuou Is entertaining Mr. nnd .Mrs. M. McKlnnon of Sheboygan Falls. Wis. James Heaton attended tlio national con vention of funernal directors In Omaha this week. .Mrs. Christian J. Parker left Monday for Thackeray, 111., where slio will reside In tho future. A. C'Cosof Denver, general wiles agent of tho Colorado Fuel company, was in tho city Thursday. Miss Lizzie FNher, who has been visiting Miss Alice Hubbard, 1ms returned to her l.o 110 In Geneva. State flunk Examiner Sanders hasreslgned hi position to connect himself with the now buik lu this city. II. J. Walsh lias resigned tho presidency of the Lincoln Gas company. Ho Is succeeded by I). E. Thompson. Miss U-lla Teoker of Chicago, w ho has been visiting Miss .Myrtle Mann, left Monday to visit relatives In Alma, Neb. 'iho Capital City Chautauqua chclo met Tuewlay evening In tlio Y. M. C. A looms to ariango for tho winter's work. An enjoyable muslcnlo was given at Ihs UnlvcHnllst church Thursday evening under tho auspices of tho church choir. Invitations to a high flvo party, to bo given I13J Misses flattie and Carrie Maud next Wendesday ovoilng, have lieen Issued. The third quarterly meeting of the Women's Christian association was held Thursday evenlmr at thu First IViwlivinrlini James E. Doyd, Judge Savage nud M. V. Gannon of Omaha, mid N. S. Harwood of Lincoln will address tho democratic, meeting at Fuuke's this evening. BUHiivjELt, III., Sept. 80. Special. Mr. Charles Calhoun of Lincoln, Neb., was mar ried to Miss Kate Parks nt 0 o'clock this evening by the Itev. Dr. Copland. State Journal, Tho Ancient OrJer of Hibernians gave a ball at Temple hall Monday evening. Over two hundred people were present and n most enjoynble time was had. A feature of the evening was the dancing of the Irish jig by the Hon. John Fitzgerald nnd Mrs. Kate Martin, Mrs. E. C. ltonick lias accepted the agency for Madame Huert's complexion remedies. Mrs. Itewlck satlslled herself of the merits of theso preparations during n trial of some months, nnd she Is thoroughly convinced thnt they accomplish excellent results. She in vltes tho ladles to call nt her residence, UU G street, nny day between l nnd 10 a. in., when sho will take pleasure in explaining tlio remedies. , Additional locnl and ersoiial pago (5. Mr. John Keown. tho worth vonstinnHtpr nt Keown, Allegheny county. Pa., says: "Chamlierlaln's cough remedy sells better than any other." Tho reason of this Is bo cause it can always lw depended upon. Let nny 0110 troubled with n severe cold give it a trial and they will And that the first doso will rollevo tho lungs and make breathing easier nnd that Its continued use will free tho sys tem of all symptoms of the cold, Tho prompt ness nnd certainty of this remedy In tho lelief and cure of cold, bus won for it many sin cere friends nnd made it very iKipulnr. For sale by A.L. Shrader. Noveltlso in Wedding Cako boxes filrty different shapes nt Wessel Printing Co. All tho lutcst sheet music, now slock, at Craneer's Art Music, store, 2U south Eleventh streo. && KID GLOVES. Fosters 5 Hook Kid Coves In colors and blnck. Kpeehil sale price 87 1-2 worth SI. 25 Wo Invlle attention or the public to our Immense soek of Kid 0 loves. H. R. NISSLEY & CO. YOU WILL FIND MY LADIES' TORN SHOES KT $3,50, EXTRA VALUE AND GOOD FITTERS. ED. (St. 1129 O A t'?A Stylish Carriages and Buggies, At all Hours Day or Night. 3T Hor.cs Hoarded nnd bcM of care taken of all Stock entrusted to 113. Jgj PRICES REASONAIII.F BILgviEYER & Call and See Us. .s3sflsisSsIlv IHffliliTHE SiWItimiagggBa s iiBBBal(BijSKS b. A. M. DAVIS & SON,. Fall and Winter Carpets and Draperies, 1112 0 St Telephone 219. H. W. BROWN DRUGGSITHlBOOKSELLER The Choicest line of Perfumes. D. M. Ferry'? Finest Flower nnc1 Garden Seeds. 127 South Eleventh street. l fsgTa J lUfi flDlV l J " LlL-5- If Rv" I I ui)4r tlje f erjoijal 6upc rr? -r v uHI b open for ti rcwptloi? of guests Juij? first In eacli yer. Wsltors will flqd THE ORLERNS is first class 19 all of Its appoiotments. belM wll supply with oaj. hot and cold jjjatcr batijs. elcctrlo bells W all modern lmproumei)ts. eteam Uuodry. billiard hajls. brolly allc7. etc., ai)d positively free from annoyaijo by mosqultos. Round Trip Excursion Tickets ulll b placed 09 sal at (ft (ommeixsmtQt of tb tourljt season by t Durllto. ?cdar Ijapld s i. ffortorn rjalluay ai,d all oorjijcctiija Ihjes. at low rates, to the follow! points in loua aijd niesoti Spirit lake. lou;a; Albert ca. Uaterville. ni07CapoU5. 6. paul. lao nlnoetooV. Ublte Dar ,Ke and Duluth, TIqijcsoMj ?lcar Me, loiva; le Superior points: ycllowstone par points and points In Colorado. M'K f"f "A MIDSUMMER PARADISE," to ;cnerl J0 tassen,er fent. cdar rjaplds. Iowa, apj &$$ rjates to H. L. Leiand, Spirit laKc. Iowa. C. J. IUES. pr,jt. .94 C rt j. E. HHNNECHN. Ct) I rsl iq4 Paai. YATES STREET. Finest in the City THE NEW Palace Stables M St, opp. Masonic Temnle. CO.,. Proprietors. Telephone 435 ebraska'9 Leading Hotel. MURRAY Cor. 11th nnd Harney Hts , OMAHA, 1Z3Z33. STRICTLY FIRST-CLAS. All Modern Improvements nud Conveniences. 8ILL0WAY, Pxa-rletorr IHA HIQBY, Principal Olerk, uklnn nf 1 tTTT r ri t t -r . -v-w TVJSF- i-9 . -t. - v y - . - .- .-v m -'-" -j wnrw i. L-ELf-rH i r ..g- i -; A m a