Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 04, 1890, Image 1
n . w " - O-0O-0i0'O-0U(' ttWS cvO n SH t -.""' ,.';:; V'v'trv,vwivv,i --t"",-!-'- "FoPilLAR PAPER 'oPA9PERN TIMES " Vou 5 No 43 Lincoln, "Niohkaska, Satukdav, Octuiucu A, leJOO. Pwicifi Kivic CiCNTa ,i"v, zmrrM. .Mxwmr '0KrA J MSfo'NYi', &7.ttm .W-V, . i'S 4 'v,. v.r - iw j tfrafO livv;, H r'vra vv? wMrt. - - - Wf '&. ,!frs. r-, rtSWWlIi i'u IHFJl '.,r!Sii WtiiMSJf'"v:fliVSV.X1fiY,'L'lI.' flL"- ' r.-w v .vartl cBwir'A-iv.jTrinxrit' r )fsivrni 5i wvi.fl.yr; iL"rTraKi' tt TAij-::f2nVdr9wr' iifAvai-.r. i Vv y r cyi:1 ?v.!ii..:. ft .. " imihih a ran oPMffl lfe4feikb1 & Si i it Ptflfei ll???f!MIM SKffiHOS9sfeS8 ? SMl i W8CR5ssr!.7fflf.yS:.?W 5i --r ua nr, ft'SSK :t. ... .5C' - txj5P3 Jul RIS T I.-KOUND AT I..AST. By W. tt BALLOU. IllnstratDtl hy FIIR NANDO MIBANDA. lltopyrlglit. All rights resorved.l "llnppy I may not cnll thee until I lenrn that thy Ufa has been luipplly. ended." Tims soliloquized young Mr. Henry Ilcusliall us ho reclined, day dreaming, against tho cushions of hli sent in tliu for ward section of a Wagner car. Tho New York Central train was speed ing him on and on, to which fact ho was utterly oblivious. Ho had secured tho forward section to escape, observation. Ho sat with his back to tho passengers. Himself was compan ionship enough. Ho desired only to think and to dream. Ho had but n fow days since put Colum bia college, so to speak, among his stock of reminiscences, with hor highest honors In his trunk. Ho had mentally given over his father's great manufacturing interests, which In vited him to take, immediate, possession and give tho aged siro his desired retire ment, to tho devil and tho deep blue. sea. Ho loved his Ideal best, his art next, tho devil takn what was hindmost. Tho ideal was now Ids quest; art ho could achieve between times. It was of her ho dreamed -his ideal. lie stared through the dim Nyht (it the mirror. As he sat there gazing at tho end of the car, deep in the contemplation of this yet unseen but ever clearly outlined celestial ideal girl, with all tho glamour of youth, the words of the great Solon to envious Croesus would thrust themselves between bis thoughts and seize him like some grim specter, "Huppy I may not call theu until I learn that thy lifo has been ha; plly ended." "Why need what old Solon or any ono elso ever said concern mor" he mused. "What difference does it mako what peo plo say or who says Itf A fact is a fact, and a theory a theory Ono mail's theory is us good for his own purposes as another's theory. Tho fact in my case is that I am satisfied to paint, notwithstanding dad's wrath ami the business ho would thrust on me. Let dad earn tho money, or who will I deslro only to spend it. "So much for tho fact. My theory is, and I prefer it to Solon's, that to marry my ideal will bo the acmo of happiness and will insure a happy ending to my lifo. If I never find her more or less of 'my lifo will bo miserable and will cud unhappily:" The young man failed to seo that ho had exactly conformed his theory to Solon's, that ho had expressed the same theory pre cisely with variations'in form only. Youth is deluded and Ignore resemblances, those trifles which mode. Darwin immortal. Ho continued to mtiho: "As an artist my preferences run to browns. They aro my favorite colors, lo cause to mo they aro most beautiful, most quiet, most sinmro and thcleastsuggestivo of either gaudincss or gloom. My ideal unseen, unknown love Is a symphony in browns brown hair, brown eyes and a complexion tinted brown rather than white or red. "She is very small in stature, heuco sure to bo superbly perfect In form. Her little head is beautifully rounded and symmetri cal, likewise her dimpled arm and her , sweet little hands. Her little feet aro in--cased in child's boots, not larger than n child's No. 12. Sho is" Ho paused abruptly, startled, for ho saw her. Ills eye had been wandering among tho gorgeous tapestries of tho car, tho beautifully wrought woodwork, tho superb French plate glass panes in the windows, tho oil painted ceilings anil tho blue and gold woven velvets of the cushions. At last it rested on a mirror In front and above his head that slightly inclined from tho top toward him Millicicutly to oxposo tho cntlio car and all Its occupants In dim Image, dim becauso hiscurtain was drawn, darkening tho light from tho window at Ids side. He thought several times to change Ills position to obviate the annoyance, hut lie Il3 l5plEEirNGlDEiT Great omposit ,JloveL THE JOINT WWK OK W, H. Ballou, Ella Whoolor Wilcox, MaJ. Alfred C. Calhoun, Alan Dale, Howo & Hummol, Paulino Hall, Inspector Byrnes, John L. Sullivan, Noll Nolson, Mary Eastlako, P. T. Bamum, BUI ,N.vo. unconsciously sccmeu ip"u?r"rconoiuiouo Ing. He was leing slowly fascinated by a .shadow as yet undefined, but momentarily growing more startling, Ho stared through the dim light nt tho mirror until his eyes became accustomed to tho shadows above, and tho picture among tho other images gradually dcllnod Itself. What he saw, thnt which wound round and round him silken threads of fascina tion, might have been rollected through a dozen mirrors from .side to sldo and from end to end of tho car. Suddctdy ho turned and attempted to discover tho original among tho passe n gen. Fulling in this ho again sought tho mirror, giving himself entirely to tho study of ono dim outline. What ho saw was the hoad and bust of a young girl. It so exactly conformed to the ideal of which ho had dreamed so long that he concluded the imago must bo n concets tlou merely n psychological ghost, as it were. There was his dream face surely the symphony In browns tho brown hair, every thrca-i i-s delicate as tho dow catch ing gauze of a spider; the largo brown eyes, in which wiui the very soul of the loftiest conceivable intellect, tho highest genius cf music, perhaps the complexion slightly tinted brown, but cut by the sweetest red lips; the evidently small stat ure and perfect form, the bountifully rounded and symmetrical headland dint pled am. Ho only lacked ji glimpse of the feet to complete the spell of fascination, except of course the realization of his absorbing de sire possession. He closed his ey an in stant to more completely Imagine it alia dream. Again he looked to revel Iti tho picture, but madness it was gone. Startled, tho young mail turned in dis may, when, to his almost uncontrollable joy, the girl in nil her ideal beauty slowly approached him in tho aisle. His quick, artistic eye enccmipassed her form in a glance, completing tho picture. She had exqulslto feet incased In little I mots not larger than a child's No. 12. Tho girl hesitated, looking at him shyly, as If In doubt whether to proceed. Why, ho could not for an instant imagine, blithe afterward attributed it to tho fact that lie actually devoured her, so far as ono can dovour a girl with the eyes. Her hesitation was but momentary, then she approached n small sliver water tank in tho corner of the lobby near him. Ho was on his feet in an instant. Ho sprang to the tank, Ids tall form bonding until his eyes were on a level with her, and ho gazed at her with that eagerness and in tensity with which u starved nomad mlglit look through a window on an epicure's dinner nt Delmonico's. "Permit mo to assist you," ho said gen tly, with difficulty controlling n deslro to grasp her hand. "Thanks, you aro very kind," ventured the maiden, wondering at his eagerness and intensity of gaze. Ho placed the silver goblet under tho faucet, letting tho liquid ooze out as slowly as possible while ho continued his gaze like ono in a dream of delight. "Tho water is oversowing tho goblet," suggested tho girl with an amused smile. Tho man awoke confusedly, turned tho water off and handed to her the cup. "Couldn't you let it run over a little while)'" ho asked half impatiently. "The carpet will absorb It. I have boon looking for you so long. I" "Oh, certainly, if you wish," sho inter rupted. "Hut then I am so thirsty, you know." "And so am I," tho man said wearily "1 was never oo thirsty in my life." "Then I advise you to take a drink," re torted tho girl with a laugh, and sho ab ruptly turuvd.aud left him. "It is not for water I am craving," mur mured the wretched man, but if sho heard him she gave no sign of It. Ho watched her move down tho aisle and enter the drawing room nt tho other end of tho car. Tho reason of his inability to see her among tho passengers was now evi dent. Hut how could her imago bo reflect ed in the mirror in frout of him? His eye caught a quick solution. Tho transom over the door of tho drawing room was open. Some mirror on tho inside re flected the images of the people to some mirror on tho outside and thence Into tho ono over his head. Hungry and dissatisfied ho seated him self again to contemplate tho picture and scheme to get acquainted. Now ho recoguized other people In tho drawing room also reflected in tho mirror. There was an old man with a sober, dis satisfied face who looked as if ho might bo ft disciple of Henry Georgo deep in contem plation of laud theories; a woman with a just theu unreadable countenance, who might lw tho ideal's instructress in music or other studies, or her governess, perhaps; lastly, tho face of a younger man, say of 35 years, that boro In it cunning, malice, suavity and other characteristics which denoted a shrewd schemer and perhaps a villainous nature. Was she traveling in security with an aged, absorbed patent and trusted friends, or was her father, If such ho bo, oblivious to the machinations of a villain, who hail an accomplice In tho supposed governess? Ho resolved to probe this mystery to tho bottom, If he hud to travel around tho earth to do it if ho had to employ detect ives, hall to squander ins wnoic tort line. Poor maul Ho little knew how much of his contemplation was to bo re.ill7.eil in his future nixistenee. Alarmed by the workings of his brain ho suddenly resolved to paint the group as they appeared tu the mirror. He raised tho curtain near him to In crease the effect of tho scene In tho mirror, but It iiuy dulled out the picture and ho drew It down. From his vallso ho took a palette, his paints and brushes and a small square "f canvas with ii heavy pasteboard back de signed for use. in. tho absenco of an easel. Ho began sketching on his ideal. It was a Joyous taHk, so much so that his whole soul liecnmu concentrated In the work, and tho lines In which he drew tho lovely face rapidly grow into a fao-slmllo of life. Of course the best he could do during the remainder of tho day was to prepare studies for more finished paintings later. Still he lingered long and lovingly on the face of his Ideal until the study, under tho intensity of his love and longing, be came not a bad picture The day gradually lengthened until ho recognized that he must turn his attention to the others of tho group or miss theiii by nightfall. They might get oil at some destination north of New York. Ho .must hu'.ten. With feverish anxiety, intensified by tho thought of her possible escape from him ho put away tho paints and took to his pencil. lly nightfall he bad sketched the group, so that all Its characters might lw recog nized by the detectives whom ho already ptirHscd putting on tlto case If ho should miss them. Mr. Jleushnll concluded that in the din dig car at dinner he should have tho pleas uro of sitting at tho table next to the group. To his utter disappointment din ner win nerved to the party In the seclu slon of the drawing room. He entered the dining car on tho last call and resorted to stimulants to urge his brain Into some suggestion for his relief. Ho returned to his section and called the conductor, having evolved no other schema "Can you tell me tho names of tho paity in the drawing room and their destina tion V ho queried anxiously. "I do not know their names," replied the ofllcial, "as the room was merely marked off to a party of four. However, I know that their destination is Now York, and that they have transfer tickets either for some steamer or railroad. In case of the latter they should bo bound southward; if abroad, their courso is but a wild con. jaituro." "Find out for mo where they aro going and I will pay you $10." "Very well, sir." Uut that was tho last ho saw of tho conductor. When darkness set in tho brilliant elec tric lights of the Wagner palace increased tho Intensity of the picture In tho mirror. At last Henshall observed hoiuo move ment in tho drawing room. The girl took a violin, ami tuned it to suit her practised little ear. Soon thero began to float through tho car the ravish ing arias of Chopin, Schumann and other masters. If she was exquisitely beautiful to him btfere, what could describe her when pouring her very soul Into muslcf It was then that tho beautiful brown eyes vindi cated his sense of tho artistic mid his love of their color. In the mystic spell of that entrancing music ho could seo clearly through tho per fection of her fingering, bowing, technique, llnish and grace into her very soul, which was mirrored in her eyes. Ho had listened to OloDull in times past, to Sembrich and even to Christine Nilssou when sho had chosen to seize a violin and charm her friends; but in love as ho was the music of the maiden for whom he was hungering seemed to pale tho efforts of those great artists. The very motion of tho car was in har mony with her- time. Passengers throw away their novels and listened. Tho old man in the drawing room closed his eyes as if in rapturous sleep. The villainous looking mau, ns If fascinated, thrust his face as near to hers as ho could without disturbing tho player, and his looks showed passion, longing, und a malicious intent which maddened Henshall. As suddenly as the music commenced it ceased. Tho girl arose and put away her violin so'tly nud with a caress. Evidently sho was tired and wished to seek her couch. Had the young man heard what was said within, his anxiety would have been increased to a fever heat, but ho had not that privilege, much to his later disad vantage. Soon the lights within Che drawing room went out; tho group had retired. Long in contemplation the young man sat. At lost, merely to rellovo tho porter, all the remaining passengers being In bed, ho betook himself to his couch. It vis hours lx.'foro his tired brain would rest, and it was broad daylight before ho awoke to violently spring to tho floor and dress himself. Tho car was standing in the yards of tho Grand Central depot The berths were all made u,. and the open doors of the drawing room showed that his bird had flown. He sought tho porterln a rage. "Where have they gone the people In tho drawing room?" ho almost shouted. "Don't know, sab. Don't know nothlii' 'tall about It. Train got heah at 4 o'clock dls inawnln'. Do pus.senges get tip when da pleases. 'Spec do folks got up when da pleased." Mr. Henshall sat down a moment to clear his brain. He was stunned. Most of the night ho had tossed in bed, hoping for an nc-idunt, a crash, a flre.nny thing, that ho might spring to.her rescue. Nothing of the kind had happened. In stead ho had gone to sleep llko a stone and let her escape. It was now 10 o'clock. Six hours had elapsed, sulllclent for tho party to huvo escaped by Kuropeaii steamer or to the south, or worse, perhaps to tiieir homo In tho vast city of New York, where ono Indi vidual is a mere drop in tho ocoau, n grain , ontlnuud on piik'eyl TIIK TKIKLKII. UHV. U. H. CUHT1H of tho First l'i(bteilan church made a literal and decidedly practical appli cation of tho account of Hezeklnh's cleansing of the templ'k hint (Sunday morning. Thumws uore well llllcd with SHplu ho doubtless expected tho oo n volitional sermon. Hut tho conventional ser mon didn't eon ic The Actual cleansing of the bolide of worship would have made a beautiful llftiire for the spiritual renovation of tho modern temple. Hut the minister drew a figure of a far dlireivut sort. When the people had heard the familiar story, the preacher called attention to their own tabernacle. It, to", stood in need of the treatment so eaiefully bestowed in the ancient days of Hezekliih, and money was required to-meet that need. Coutilbutloim weiu asked for mid III a few minutes tho snug sum of ?NX) was realized. Not a bad morn ing's work, ehf V Dr. 1). I-. Palue, tho Prohibition candi date for governor of Nebraska, was born In Ohio In Itol. He graduated from the Ohio Medical col lege In IH7.1, and from Hahnemann college of Phila delphia In 1877. After a brief prac tice In his native state he went west and located in Ne braska. Ho was then a poor man. Twelve years In the capital of this state have proven successful years, ,Iti (l- u pjjjk, professionally and lluaucially. During tho four years of the medical department of the state university Dr. Paino was dean of the homeopathic faculty. For several years ho was tho leader of the Y. M. O. A. forces in Lincoln. He has always ls'eu an active church worker. Business associates quote the doctor as being worth from $r,000 to 100,000, largely invested in real estate. Ho hits lectured in several western states dur ing the past live years, principally on re ligious and moral topics. He wil make n brief canvass, and will devote his speeches mainly to the advocacy of the Prohibitory amendment. What Is it that N accountable for that nervous energy so characteristic of the foolal life of this port of "the west!" Persons, who in their eastern homes, were demure and emi nently, even painfully, "proper," soon fall victims to tho prevailing Infection once thoy pitch their lenU on tho western prairies and mountain rnnges. Men who loved to Idle away their time, to spend the fleeting hours In the delightful task of doing absolutely nothing, change, perhajts, involuntarily, their manner of life when they settle down In this new empire. Women who lived only In tho seclusion of their homes on tho other hM nt . Chicago and the Inlay, enter Into the more exciting social plensuios, ns n matter of course, when they migrate to western towns and cities of greater altitude. Ther Is a gen eral air of restlessness, of peculiar activity. Feoplo feel as though thoy must do soiac fifiifcoimtnn ly. The energy which supplies that surpassh g vitality In our commercial life, acts also ipon the social life. It stirs us up. It iiiitkr us fly around, this way and that, until we Is-eomo almost ubiquitous. It infuses a new zet Into all the ple-isures and pastimes of society. If we were active in our eastern homes, weare doubly active In our new Held. We are forever going somewhere or doing Humctlihty. Isn't it largely a matter of climate Ono feels tho drowsiness of the south in the very atiiKwpheie. Tho air is (languor laden, and the gentle breezes act on a mtsoii'h seuihlli tles almost an u narcotic. The vital chords In southern men and southern women ate at tuned to the climatic and atmospheric condi tions of the locality In which they live, and southern life Is typical of southern suiik and southern breezes. So In the u,-st. In tuu icltles which me pel chw to many thousand ; ieei unovo ipo "level ot tlie sea" tho lusty en- ergy of social and conimeiclal life is Miggest- nc ui mo iuuiK'raiiire oi mu cuuml tub air Is rarer, the winds sharer, the sky seem ingly clearer. The atmosphere quivers with life with vitality and the nervous energy In men and women is kindled and fed. ImI ent ambition and dormuiil Mens aro called into lifo mid action Incomes the iiialutrlug of existence, We are lmelled by a secret force to go, to inoe. totlo. The higher tho nltltllde the LMinti-r this iihi vmw ni'ttvftv- II. i hint rated forcibly by the two cities, Omaha aim ieiiver. Thu social mmikoii thnt U iilmnt tfi riiw.t, ii 111 v ... W. ..... Is) the most brilliant lu the history of Nebras. ka's gay Capitol City. Already six danc ing clubs have ls-en orgamed mid as many I more will probably bo given life liefore the j early days of Nove-nlwr. This speaks well as I to t lie prospects for the winter's festivities, hut alas, who will furnish all the music' Lincoln l sniely lu lu-ed of orchestral music, ami a good (list class organization of that kind would prove a giaud success lieie. Lincoln , Is no longer a village or a town, but it full grown city of (50,000 Inhabitants, with all the iiietipolltnu adjuncts of any of the gieat cities ami she wants music. Metropolitan music nud the U'at is none too good for her. When Lincoln society dances it wants to I dance to the latest airs, and the most m tiitl j cully rendered music that the couiM)ser I writes. If our local miisiciaiii, desire to hold I the field this winter they must look to their laurels. Music that win tendered ono mid two years ago was good enough then, but It II must keep mi Its gait with the gult of other inipiovemeiits. .Music, full of life and mel oily, U what wo want and what Lincoln must have. Tim democracy of the stale nud tho city of Lincoln are to be conratulatod usm the ex istence of such a ioht as the Lincoln 7cr n"ii Ami yet, I am afraid, the deniiM-raey Isn't half as nppioclnllvo a It should ls. Calhoun, In airing his prohibition Ideas, mixes Just enough biMer with the sweet to makefile dose tinalatahln toagotsl many, who would otherwise Ik staunch mppoiters of his paper, Cat Is one of the brainiest men In tho slate and there is mi elevated tout) and llleinry fltiMi In Hie llnitld seldom found In weekly tapeis. Ho has mi nrtlatlo style which, with his wide knowledge of affairs, lends a pis'iillnr Intel est to his work, Alsivo all, theie Is In his wilting a rellliemeiit gen erally lacking in his colalsueis in the news paper field In Ibis state. The cdltoi hits In tho llmtlil are worth reading. They are Invari ably fair, always learned and never uiilnter esjlug. It Is a clean, bright paper and ought to Is) very widely lead. Hinall boys and zoologically Inclined Indi viduals who go to seo the animals are not the only patrousof the elieus. The fascination which attaches to be-npiingled bareback ri ders, the perfhrmliig elephants, Mm clowns, tho dm lug gymnasts, ami the general medley of the modern clicns, doesn't always lose Its power when steiner thoughts have crowded Into the mental vision of those who In tho yeais ngoue in childhood's happy time knew na greater Joy than a eep iinldo the tent of the rolisal eomblnatloiis of world wide wonders and aggregations of sttijM-n-dous iiiigiillceiice, et cetera, The men who me only boys grown fall, louiet lines feel nil awakening of tho old youthful enthusiasm nt the sound of the steam calliope or even nt the sight of those alluring lithographs which Itanium and his ciaft so cunningly devise and they follow the crowd to the " big show," They renew their youth In tho ihiz.llng spectaeloof glittering but an cient and hardened beauties, in the resonant Cllecjof peaB lltaud lemonade vendors, In the feats of horreiiiaushlp and what-not which greet the vision and tickle tho ear under the enticing stretch of canvas. )'erliaiH some conventionally (dlgnllcd and prosy iwrson hero nml there looks about him lu a shame faced way and wishes he had sense enough to stay away; but most of ui leave our dignity outside nud get nil the enjoyment out of the fhovv we can. We like It and we don't enre who knows It. Darnnui mid Forepmigli have built up In our American civilization an Insti tution that will endure, an Institution which while confessedly trilling and of no earthly good whatever, appeals to human nature, Ir resistibly and draws . Distance does Indeed lend enchantment to n g(H)d inany things. For Inst nice Klralfy's K-ctaeuliir adjunct to the circus, when viewed fiom the opposite sldn of the tent was Impressive. And the array of "vestal vir gins" (to quote from tho advertisements), how elmmlng It looked! The costumes appealed to lie fresh and beautiful, the girls yourg, graceful and pretty. Hut things aro not al ways what they sevui, In thu grand mm ch mound tho big ring the beauties as they passed by my seat lu the front row lost their lustre. The spangles becsine dull nud the beautiful costumes weie triiiikfornicl inin tawdry mid soiled rags. The ss-ctacle' hi II llancy faded away. Tho Klralfy's evidently believe In Isauty In the nlistract; for Ihelr gins are proveinioliy plain. Hut I think I never nwv so largo n collection of worn-out, autfdllatcil. sunburned, frizzlv. Iiw I ...,.,,. ties as these " vestal virgins " of Nero. No , womier iiotue iiuriKsi. It takes time to make a success of a big en terprlse like Ciislimnn Park. Air. Aiidru uliln't make any money last year. He dldu1 emect to. He was looklnir to tin. futiic. II was willing to throw away a few dollars that another season would return with conqKjund Interest. He was dctci mined to ImlM n. ti. Park nt any cost. He sowed last year to reap iiii. jinn uie Harvest, u soinewnut ilelayei was bountiful From Mnv It tn M,. i. over IK',!!!) people passed the gates at the Paik, mida good .mary well earned ihekeli sun inio jir. AiKirus- cotrers, uushman Park has been an attiactho nlaoe of resort th,. I past season. Its natural beauties weie sup- I ineiiieiiieii ny uiony iiauii-mniie improvements j and pleasure do ices, and (hero has always Istn something to see and hear. People do appreciate a good thing, ami I am glad to say , that Ciiihinan Park is at hut niinr,.(.t,..i The Improvements at this resort have only Just liegun. Next year there will lw a mile race truck thotwlll oertep everything in this part of the country, a com sing track, etc., and no pains or exjH'li e will Imi spuied lu fitting up the grounds. There is a plcturcno story going tberoumls aliout nn enterprising newspaper man's ex perieuco lu a small town In this state. I don't vouch for Its ucciiracy; but I think It's nil right. Tho story runs something like this: "Bought a uewsiaM-r for fW "That's what I said," replied a tall, lame man, wearing a f. A H. button. "Young hiulilgeiy went out to ebrnska in ls77,aloiit tho time Hill Nye started his ooiiirriiiq in Ijiiamle, Wyo , and bought out the Lone Tnf Courier, goisl will, olllee llxtllles, plant and e rj thing for e'.U He sold the same i ipei lii two years for J.Vi'iO." " Oreat IliinucUr," i " Yes; a Judicious combination of finance I ami Journalistic instinct Kiuidgely m rived 1 lu LuiwTuo with only j'.'.'i mid put up at a i hotel where the two men, or lather lsvs, who owned the piqur. bomdid One of them was a printer the younger one. the other wasa stoekninu up on the Loup Hlver, who didn't Know an em quad fiom a tlirippeuny lath nail The price asktil for the Courier was $1,10(1. Hmldgely lookie the otllce over, said he'd tnke it, paid the boys f,'0 down, pulltd off bis cent and went to work. There was, of couise. n moitgage c n the outfit. I never saw a country pasT lu thatstato with out one, One note iioteof $700 was duo the no-t week. " Hmldgely got out a tattling good pnsr It wns a Weekly the Hist Issue showed sluns of Improvement, mid then went down mid lit-, troduced himself to the county delimiter. He- lore Helen he got (lint olllclal to piomlseto use his Inltueiiee with (lie county commission eis lu getting the tax list to publish; mid fin ally siit'fcodril lu borrowing $NX) on the promise of n good Ihiuusoii tho tax list nt. The list came to $1,100, all clear money, by the way, ami then Hmldgely got the county commlssioneis to publish the olllclal ;pris'eed lugs of their liomd something that had never been done Isiforo mid this, nt forty cents mi Inch, ho fatted up to lw worth at lent"f."0u week -nil net gain. The whole town fell dead lu lovu with Hmldgely, adver tising How cd lu, they elected him Justice of the iH'ace, sent him to the legislature, mid IsMinied Ii 1 1 ii for all there was lu sight. Well, when thniuaticamonlogu.ns I saliLHinlilL-cly sold out for $.VJo0, went west In Deiivei , mid sunk the whole lu some mining ss-eulatlou, livery woid of thlsMnry is true, mid It shows the possibilities which iirenlwais looming up hi young states foryutiug, enterprising men,1' REDFERN'S NEW CREATIONS. IHpeelnl Count Kit Correspondence.) Nkw Vciiik, Octols'i- I, IWKi, In the fall, as lu that other unsettled season, the spring, the woman who Is good to herself (and they're most all that) provides a number of wriqw to suit the many variations of temper ature, so that whether It Imi mild, bright and sunny, or giey mid chilly, her utllre may 1st In harmony with the weather, Two weeks ngo our readers had a chance to study up the long costume wrap which Is so comfortable for the promenade or the drive lu brisk, bracing days, to-day they shall see what Is the newest Hedfern Idea for the brilliant In dian summer. It Is a variation of the small, caMi-wrap which this house made so popular In the spring, only compoMsl of nioio sub stantial material, o? ana In the above sketch Itcdferu has used plush of a deep bronze-brown for the back and sleeve Kjrtlous, while the scurf front, girdled at the waist by a broad baud of gold metallic ribbon, is of terra eotta corded silk, slightly braided Just below the collar with gold braid. This collar Is of the flaring MedlcU iIiiimj and extends down upon the shoulders; the sleeves are puffed very high. The tiny toque Is of the same plush as the cus, and Its bird matches the silk lu tint. Figure two shows us AMTIW:it OK TIIK IIKpmtN KM. 1. I M'KX, but this one is of mllitmy eluth in dull, dark red. The collar and the entire iropt is over laid with straps ot wide black blald outlined with a is-arl edgoof Hue Feiloia braid. The oversleeves me laid ill tsx pleats to hung very full and are headtd by a band of black fox like mi epaulet; mid a similar band edges the bottom of the close uudcr-leoe. It will lie seen that thocllVct is that of a tlght-tltting coat with deep, M)inted front and ciihi sleeve. The toque is of the cloth to match, with loops of black velvet and a short, curled ostilcli tip of the same sable hue. Merit wins, as the marvelous success of Hood's S.MXip.u ilia shows. It possesses true medicinal merit. Sold by all diuggists.